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Re: Wolfenstahl

I just uploaded some more pictures from the animations.
And a new lineart from a CG scene.
Everything works out pretty well.

Currently we're going to polish and complete Verdanis regular attacks.
After that the backgrounds, then some stuff regarding the regular Paperheads.
I guess the beta-demo that comes out at the end of may won't have the Sewer Stage completed.
(only about 80% done or something along those lines)
(the first boss will also be missing)
But at least it will be playable, and enjoyable, with everything important implemented.
Hentai animations and CG scenes will be implemented, and the whole "core" of the game will be up and running.

After all the Grab-System already fully works as planned.
(currently just connected to the tentacle monster, but this thing was the hardest piece of enemy to programm, since all it's attacks can connect at once, it's the only one that can do that)
The continue system also works as planned.

It's just about adding content (new graphics, new enemies, etc. etc.) and polishing some stuff.
And of course all the testing and tweaking.

After releasing the beta-demo Version our plan is to finish the first stage.
Then we'll just have to add the missing enemy types, and the backgrounds for the other 2 stages.
As well as the last 2 bosses.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Wow..that was quicker than I thought...
Anyway take ur time, fix everything, no rush..
Re: Wolfenstahl

Looks great! Looking forward to the end of may :D
Re: Wolfenstahl

I hope the demo will bring good surprises. News of Wolfenstahl are motivating.
Re: Wolfenstahl

This game is certainly looking promising!

I'm definitively looking foward to the demo: Across the blog and posts here, there's tons of mentions of the "revolutionary" grab system, but never an actual description of it beside very general terms. That makes me very curious to see it in action, to say the least! :)
Re: Wolfenstahl

This game is certainly looking promising!

I'm definitively looking foward to the demo: Across the blog and posts here, there's tons of mentions of the "revolutionary" grab system, but never an actual description of it beside very general terms. That makes me very curious to see it in action, to say the least! :)

Actually, they have quite a bit of detail about it .

Spoilered quote:

Projekt Wolfenstahls Grab-System:

Every time I played a similar H-game I was annoyed by button smashing.
Or by simple hitting the left & right buttons as fast as possible in order to get free.
In most of these games, it was either pretty easy to break free, or it was nearly impossible.
Sometimes the heroines HP was nearly full, but you couldn't get the "break free bar" full due to various reasons.
So you had to sit and watch, knowing you couldn't break free.
If you're annoyed by such stuff just like I am, then you might like what we came up with.

I won't share all the details yet.
Overall it avoids mindless button smashing in order to break free.
(there is a wide variety of things you can do, but you don't have to)
Yet you don't have to miss the H-animation.
It also makes it possible to "lose" if you make several mistakes if being grabbed by a weaker enemy, even though your HP where full.
On the other hand it's possible to "win" a struggle if your HP are nearly zero, if you just react accordingly.
The system even gives us the chance, to build in random actions of enemies.

For instance, instead of having grab-animations starting at grab-level 1, then going to level 2 and finally ending with level 3, we tought about leaving this "level of grab" thing behind.
Once an enemy grabs the heroine, he will do random stuff.
He could forcibly kiss her, or play in a different way with her.
Then, while forcibly kissing her, he could do something else on top of that.
We don't plan on implementing limitless stuff here.
But 2-4 different "random" actions per enemy should be enough.

Of course "this" is not everything this system contains.
The enemies can do random stuff, but the heroine can counter those actions!
In general the heroine has 3 measures against/while being grabbed.

trying to break free of the grab
countering attacks (kiss, breast grab, etc.) by the enemy
killing/damaging the enemy while he grabs her
resisting against the increase of pleasure and HP loss

In fact the heroine has to keep a close look at what the enemy that's grabing her is going to do to her.
So reacting correctly to different actions is crucial.
And yes, the Grab-System actually is a secondary fighting system that's being activated when the enemy grabs the heroine.

Just being "grabbed" won't lower the HP of the heroine at all.
But the actions that could happen after the grab has been initiated are the important factor.

The system is already fully implemented and working as planned.
Screenshots and a tutorial to how it works out will be coming soon.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Hmm, It all looks great so far. Any plans to add in clothing damage or "after-sex" effects? (makeup smears, stains like in demon-girl etc)
Re: Wolfenstahl

Unfortunately there won't be any clothing damage in this one.
(we haven't implemented any "after sex effects" either)
Because she actually has no way to regain her clothes, and that would be a bit inconvenient, especially when you'll lose all clothes at the beginning of a stage.

But when we do the "Wolfenstahl" game with Ferania and Shiwa, there should be clothing destruction, and a relatively simple way to regain clothing.

No "after sex effects" here either, this has various reasons:
First of all, I think it's odd that the character leaves the fluids on her body.
And on top of that, it would need additional sprites, animations etc.
After you've seen the demo-version at the end of mai, you might understand where we put the focus at.
(we already had a lot of work with the sprites we did and I think, it would be too much to handle, to implement "after sex effects")

We will also reduce the resolution/size of the sprites for the Wolfenstahl game.
I think about half the size should be fine, and working on the sprites will be much easier and faster.
(for the Paperhead game, the sprites are so large that you can see details like makeup on her face etc., if you look closely)

We kinda have to reduce the sprite size for the Wolfenstahl game, because we add a whole bunch of enemies, and the characters will have lots of special moves etc.
So doing too large sprites, would look nice, but it would be too time consuming.
And of course the characters and enemies can't take up too much space on the screen, since that one will be a platformer.
That means it's important to see enough of the level/stage, especially if you have to jump across pits, or from platform to platform.

But the sprites should still be good enough to see details in the sex-animations.
So I guess this is fine.
(Though this topic shouldn't be of very importance right now, I just wanted to mention it.)

Re: Wolfenstahl

And of course the characters and enemies can't take up too much space on the screen, since that one will be a platformer.
That means it's important to see enough of the level/stage, especially if you have to jump across pits, or from platform to platform.

That's definitively an important point that a lot of people don't realize. The bigger your sprites are, the smaller your field of vision is. If your sprites are huge, then you can't really have multiple enemies or see past the next platform. It's not a concern for 1-1 fighter games or beat-them-up ala Final Fight (three enemies max and no platforming), but it certainly is for platformers or shooters. It's why games like Mario and Contra always kept relatively small sprites even though they obviously had the artistic ability to make bigger sprites. Too small sprites can be detrimental to the game's visual looks though, so getting the best size certainly isn't an easy matter...

Regarding the grab system explanation linked, it's exactly what I meant by "vague general terms". There's going to be variations and you'll have to react appropriately, but it's not stated how. End of may is comming soon though, so barring delay's my curiosity should get sated soon :)
Re: Wolfenstahl

Ah, that's what you meant.
Yes, I'll upload an tutorial for the Grab-System before the demo-release.

It's not that complicated.
At least when you know which buttons to press, and when to press them.
But I'll better cover this in the tutorial.
Otherwise it would be a bit confusing.
Re: Wolfenstahl

New blog post up, it's coming pretty soon!

"We've had to endure much you and i but within the week, there will be old men, running the world!"
Re: Wolfenstahl

For everyone who didn't read the blogpost I did yesterday yet.
I scheduled the beta-demo release for thuesday or wednesday.
Upcoming week of course.
I might upload some screens regarding the Grab-System beforehand.
But if I fail (because of no time left) at that, I'll include it at least in the ingame tutorial section.

Re: Wolfenstahl

and i thought that post was gonna be "the beta demo is out now, go grab it"
Dammnnnnn i was so wrong... o well, keep up the good work. Looking forward to it.
Re: Wolfenstahl

and i thought that post was gonna be "the beta demo is out now, go grab it"
Dammnnnnn i was so wrong... o well, keep up the good work. Looking forward to it.

Same :)

No worries about the slight delay. First impressions are important, so having a relatively polished demo is good idea: It's only a demo so no one expect it to be perfect, but a very buggy and lackluster demo is the best way to scare away people's interest.

For the whole grab system guide, as long as it's obvious or there's an in-game explanation it's fine if it's not ready for the demo. It might still be a good idea to have it by the game's release though since it would be a good 'marketting' piece!

30 to 40 CG scenes for release? I keep thinking that you guys are too overambitious, but... Things certainly seems to be moving all pretty well and I'm looking foward to be proven wrong :)
Re: Wolfenstahl

Just to prevent confusion Oo
The 30-40 CGs are for the "final" product at the end of july, not the demo now.
(don't know if you meant that, I just thought I point that out, so noone understands this wrong)

We are doing this many CGs because we always aimed at that.
Furthermore the "core" people of Projekt Wolfenstahl (our main artist and myself), are artists for several years now.
So we are used to draw a lot of stuff.

And yup, I really have to do the Grab-System guide.
The system itself is pretty easy to understand, it's just that it's something new which needs some explanation to prevent frustration.

Otherwise it would feel like one of those games, where you have to figure out the controls, while being thrown into a firefight... I already played several such games (commercial games) and I don't feel like doing the same to people that play my games.
It's one thing, if a player doesn't read the manual, or wants to figure out himself/herself.
But it's not fair, if the game doesn't give you the chance to read about the controls, or to test them beforehand.
And if that ends up getting a game over several times, before you're able to get started, it's really no fun at all.
Or at least that's what I think.

Good part is:
The difficulty system I implemented effects regular fighting, as well as the Grab-System.
But I guess I should explain this in the official tutorial.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Oh snap! Demo next week. Gonna have to keep an eye out for it
Re: Wolfenstahl

Just to prevent confusion Oo
The 30-40 CGs are for the "final" product at the end of july, not the demo now.
(don't know if you meant that, I just thought I point that out, so noone understands this wrong)

Yeah, I did mean at the game release, not demo release: Sorry for not having been clearer! Good thing you corrected me: I definitively didn't want people to start expecting 30 CGs in the demo and be all disapointed because of what I said :)

A big thumbs up on your vision regarding teaching people all to play. I agree that all too often game creators just throw the players into the fire without any available documentation. Usually, the creators will think "It's so easy!" without considering that they've been spending months working on that concept and that while it might be obvious to them, it's not necessarily for anyone else.

About the difficulty... It's usually a good thing to make difficulty affect across the board (instead of just tweaking enemy hp), although I've seen a few rare cases where it can make the game worse. For example, I'm okay at fighting-platformer games but I'm absolutely horrible at button mashing. So I've seen a few games where I would have been able to beat the actual game on Very Hard, except for a few forced button-mashing sequences that I just couldn't go through... Which forced me to play the game on Normal, which meant that the it was too easy to be enjoyable. From the sound of it your grab system is better than "mash keys to escape" though so I suppose I shouldn't be worried :)
Re: Wolfenstahl

Can anybody else not read the blog? The background shows up but nothing else.
Re: Wolfenstahl

It's coming up fine for me