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Re: Wolfenstahl

It's actually available now.
(please take a look on the blog)
I just did some careful testing myself and I found a new minor bug I just fixed right away.

Well... I'm really tired right now.
So for once... it's going to be a really short post of mine.

Enjoy the game! ^^
I'll just take a rest for today.
Re: Wolfenstahl

The additional content is very good. But now I'm stuck just past the 2nd save point. I don't know how to keep going.... damn fog....
Re: Wolfenstahl

Yay, being pessimist worked! XD

Quick impressions:

The new animations are great, and the 60 fps mode gives the game a lot more agility, definetly worth the effort. I'll keep playing to see what's new scenariowise.
Re: Wolfenstahl

The additional content is very good. But now I'm stuck just past the 2nd save point. I don't know how to keep going.... damn fog....

You have to go back to the room with 3 "potions" to pick up a yellow one. That will let you walk through the fog.

On another subject, has anyone gotten the 5th and 6th game-over images? I've managed to find 1-4, and 7-9.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Ah, thanks for the tip. And to answer your question, try drinking one of the wrong potions.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Hmm do you have to do something specific to be able to drink the potions ? I've tried a lot of different keys on the keyboard but nothing seems to be working
Re: Wolfenstahl

Trigger the short scene in the fog, then go back to the potion room.
Re: Wolfenstahl

You have to go back to the room with 3 "potions" to pick up a yellow one. That will let you walk through the fog.

On another subject, has anyone gotten the 5th and 6th game-over images? I've managed to find 1-4, and 7-9.

4th? Where did you find the 4th? Thats the only one I couldn't find.

And if you still need the 5-6 look at the spoiler...

Drinking the blue potion will grant both of the images.
Re: Wolfenstahl

This game looks promising with the addition of 60 fps. The news cgs are goods :D ! You will probably need to add new attacks or super attack to the hero.
Re: Wolfenstahl

I'd switch the sprint and jump keys around. There's not much point in having a sprint button anymore anyway, since the double tapping works fine. It'd be better to have the three primary keys close together.

Also, it'd be nice if you kept your momentum when you jump while running. Not that it effects much at the moment, but it's just something you tend to expect to happen.

I'd also look into making the platforming between levels a bit more seamless. The way to go between levels isn't really all that obvious, I think it would be better if you could just jump on or off even if you weren't by the edge when you started the jump, if that makes any sense.

Oh, and I'm sure you're aware of this, but the footstep sounds don't match her running animation, at the moment.
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Re: Wolfenstahl

I'd switch the sprint and jump keys around. There's not much point in having a sprint button anymore anyway, since the double tapping works fine. It'd be better to have the three primary keys close together.

I have to admit that I use the running button ^^"

Anyway : I've get the yellow potion but the blue ? I've tried everything : lose one time with each creatures (actually, there's only two ennemies for now, so that wasn't really difficult :D), go everywhere but I still can't take the blue (and/or the red ?) one.

And, maybe that I'm really not good but i can't get anymore the third CGO ^^" (I had it on the first demo but i don't remember what I need to have this one ><)
Re: Wolfenstahl

I can't seem to past through the large room with 3 Paperheads the 'normal' way (the long room after the one with 3 potions) because they keep respawning indefinitely. I think I killed like... 20 of them, but they just kept popping up. Are they supposed to do that? I managed to get past the room by losing on purpose and waking up in the jail room after that, but it was kind of a pain to go back and get the yellow potion (I had to travel past a few extra rooms so I wouldn't get another gameover when I 'lose' on purpose again).
Re: Wolfenstahl

4th? Where did you find the 4th? Thats the only one I couldn't find.

At the locked door that leads to the green slime sewer sections, continue right past the door instead. Keep going until you find the empty room.

I have to admit that I use the running button ^^"

Anyway : I've get the yellow potion but the blue ? I've tried everything : lose one time with each creatures (actually, there's only two ennemies for now, so that wasn't really difficult :D), go everywhere but I still can't take the blue (and/or the red ?) one.

And, maybe that I'm really not good but i can't get anymore the third CGO ^^" (I had it on the first demo but i don't remember what I need to have this one ><)

You can only pick up 1 potion. So if you have the yellow one, you have to start a new game and get back to the fog. Then backtrack to the potion room to select a new one for the first time.

The second and third CGS are unlocked by losing to the regular paperheads and ending up in the respawn room. Losing without escaping and losing right after escaping, though I think some of the CG conditions are actually mixed up.
Re: Wolfenstahl

Wait..the game is finished?!?
But it says demo in his blog...?
I'm confused.
Re: Wolfenstahl

This game has a date to be completed? Both make a good game after several months.
Re: Wolfenstahl

So far everythings fine and all..
But jumping between platforms is relly frustrating..
Found a bug too...I get stuck in between the two platforms which I cant get out nor can I exit..I can only "jump" either top or bottom which is again, frustrating!

Might I suggest going up and down by walking on ramps instead of jumping??
Also a menu button..PLZ
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Re: Wolfenstahl

why can i not reach the blog ? :confused:
some guy please upload the game to mediafire .:eek:
Re: Wolfenstahl

As I can see some of the questions have already been resolved.
And uhm... several CG-Scenes are "random".

Which means, losing to the same enemy "twice" or more often might show you different scenes.
(we want to do at least 2-3 scenes per enemy, but some will have some more)

Like on the tentacle monster, it can also happen that a different "location" gives you a different scene.
(the green fog CG scene only appears in the green fog, while the regular tentacle H-scene appears everywhere else)

You will probably need to add new attacks or super attack to the hero.

Well... we already set a time limit, and we already decided on what should be in this "small game".
Actually we are 2 weeks behind schedule.
And we are running out of budged...
So I'm afraid this is not going to happen.

In case noone noticed it yet.
Did someone realize that Verdani can "kick back" the grenades?
Though we are not sure yet, if it should damage the enemies then...
I guess it would make the game pretty easy, if you could damage them with their own grenades.

So only kicking them back should be fine for the time being.

Oh, and I'm sure you're aware of this, but the footstep sounds don't match her running animation, at the moment.

Yup, I'll gonna fix this along with all the other sound stuff that has to come.
(there are still lots of sounds missing in the game)
Unfortunately noone on the team is good with SFX or music.
(well, except for the voice acting part, where I have several people doing it)
But sooner or later I'll take care of it.
I have to, after all.

I'd switch the sprint and jump keys around. There's not much point in having a sprint button anymore anyway, since the double tapping works fine. It'd be better to have the three primary keys close together.

Also, it'd be nice if you kept your momentum when you jump while running. Not that it effects much at the moment, but it's just something you tend to expect to happen.

I'd also look into making the platforming between levels a bit more seamless. The way to go between levels isn't really all that obvious, I think it would be better if you could just jump on or off even if you weren't by the edge when you started the jump, if that makes any sense.

I left the V key for running ingame, because some people tend to use it.
(myself included)
Since on some keyboards there's an issue when holding down V and 2 directional buttons, I decided to leave running on the V-Key.
(the B-Key somehow has those issues)
So people with this issue can still run diagonally.

The other 2 points you mentioned are on purpose the way they are.

I intended jumping to be between walking and running.
Though I thought about implementing a further jump when running... I didn't implement it because the player could get away too fast, while being invincible against most attacks.
(jup... jumping makes the character invincible against several attacks, which is intended as a defensive measure)
So this is kinda a balancing issue.

The platforming between the levels is the way it is, because some people tend to fall down a level unintentionally.
So I decided to make it so that you have to press the directional key again.

It also has to do something with this bug:

So far everythings fine and all..
But jumping between platforms is relly frustrating..
Found a bug too...I get stuck in between the two platforms which I cant get out nor can I exit..I can only "jump" either top or bottom which is again, frustrating!

Might I suggest going up and down by walking on ramps instead of jumping??
Also a menu button..PLZ

As I mentioned somewhere on the blog.
I somehow can't fix it...
Fortunately this bug doesn't occur too often.
But whatever I tried, it still seems to happen sometimes.

A menu button is a pretty good idea.
Or a button to restart the current area, when stuck.

At least I'll be able to get away from the annoying "platform level edges whatever" system, once Stage 1 is done...
(The last third of Stage 1 will be free of those platform thingies...)

I can't seem to past through the large room with 3 Paperheads the 'normal' way (the long room after the one with 3 potions) because they keep respawning indefinitely. I think I killed like... 20 of them, but they just kept popping up. Are they supposed to do that? I managed to get past the room by losing on purpose and waking up in the jail room after that, but it was kind of a pain to go back and get the yellow potion (I had to travel past a few extra rooms so I wouldn't get another gameover when I 'lose' on purpose again).

There are about 20 Paperheads in this room... unless you "cleared out" some other rooms first.
Which means... killing several groups of Paperheads in other rooms, makes the game easier later on.

I'll still have to implement some indicator for fights you "have to" fight.
And for rooms you can "clear".
So the player has some orientation for this.

Wait..the game is finished?!?
But it says demo in his blog...?
I'm confused.

The game is still in dev.
Though the "core part" is done, and it's working.
It just about adding more and more content, until it's done.

This game has a date to be completed? Both make a good game after several months.

We originally planned to finish this game at the end of july.
As a "small project" to learn the first steps in game dev.
So our upcoming projects will be more refined.

Well... since we are behind schedul we pushed our time limit to mid/end of august.
Actually we have to be done by the time, because noone of us has a job...
And... well... I'll cover the details in some blog post soon.
(but we are under... yeah... high pressure, and it's guranteed that we will finish this project, since it's kinda do or die...)

I'll also have to write some official "patch notes" or something like that.
But I'll do that on the blog later this day.
(if I still have time for doing this)

There were really a lot of changes...

Maybe people realized that they are not bound to a room when "escaping".
It's because I decided to let the player simply escape, and run away.
But in case you lose all HP before killing a certain amount of enemies... it's instant game over.

This should prevent the player from running through levels.
And it should encourage killing enemies once in a while.
I'm well aware that some people just might kill some easy enemies, then proceed with the game.
But well... I'm not stopping people from playing the game the way they want to.
I just wanted to give more freedom to the player, while still maintaining some "risk" when losing all HP.

I really learned a whole lot about game design, gameplay etc. so far...
And I know that the next game will be completely different from this one.
I'm not saying that I'm not satisfied with my work.
I love the game as it is.
It's just that I think, if I settle my focus more on gameplay, less on "grab-hentai".
Then the game will be more fun.

The grabs slow down the game a lot.
And the next game should be really fast paced.
So you'll rarely see any grabs...
But... I'll talk more about this when the time comes.

I just wanted to let people know, that I learned my lessons.
And I think I know what's important for future games.
(maybe I don't know it 100%ly yet... but at least I learned stuff)
