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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

"Sorry, honey. But I'd rather get paid for fighting, and I doubt you're of mind to pay me afterwards."

Her fists still raised, Melissa nevertheless gives an appologetic wince, light shrug, and a tilt of the head in addmission of the truth of the statment. Not that she had the money to be paying anyone for anything, anyway...

"ENOUGH! We are not to fight out on the streets, even less so when we have barely met and introduced each other!"

"Fair enough~! Better not to tire ourselves before the arena, huh?" She conceeded, getting into step behind Kherem. She made a thoughtful hum at his explanation on his species, though whether she was actually thinking anything was another matter.

Upon reaching the registration, the rougish warrior closed her eyes and addopted a thoughtful look for a moment. Rather than weighing up options, though, Melissa mainly just waited for her gut to settle on an option. In the end, her response came with a shrug. "I'm fine with any of them. Group pot's got the best prize, we could split it -" she grinned lightly "- an even sixty-thirty-thirty. Sure wouldn't mind a free-for-all, though..."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

Kherem gave Lumi a questioning, confused look as she commented on him, supposedly, being alright with being called a dog. He frowned a little, but let it slide. He nodded at Melissa regarding saving their strength. "Yes, that is a wise decision.", the words were spoken as if the Kitsune had been a little surprised to hear Melissa put such thought behind her actions.

Kherem listened to the orc, ears twitching a little, and they did even more so at hearing Melissas thoughts of 'even splitting', her sense of humor lost on him. "An even split would be forty-forty-forty. I have just recovered from my own arena fight yesterday, but I could certainly make use of more Denarii.", Kherem looked down to Lumi, giving her a curious look. "I am however, at your disposal Lady Lumi, should you desire someone watching your back in the arena.", he smiled slightly. "Kin of kin should look after each other, should they not? The decision is yours."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

The blonde kitsune frowns as she hears the prices, and her frown deepens as she listens to Melissa and Kherem.

"As much as I'd like to test myself against you, the group fight does seem more profitable, especially if you're settling for 30 denarii, Melissa."

Lumi turns to face the orc.

"It is settled, then. We shall fight as a team."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

“Forty-forty-forty it is!” Mel announced, loudly and hastily as the foxgirl twisted her words. “We can always have a free-for-all of our own, later.” The playful woman made to sign them up, and if not interrupted, used the team name ‘Melissa’s puppies’. Whether the jesting name was intended for the innuendo or the jab, though, was something not immediately apparent.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

Kherem looked quite pleased, as Lumi decided for them to fight as a team. As Melissa stepped forward however, she found her shoulder grabbed, and promptly pulled away from the orc before she could sign them up. "We are fighting with Lumi, Melissa. She's the one that will sign us up.", his words adamant, much like his hold of her. Although it would soften the moment she resigned from attempting to mess with things, or once Lumi had signed them up.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

Lumi raises an eyebrow at Kherem, but steps forward to sign them up, her ears twitching as she ponders suitable name before settling for "Foxy Fighters." After all, she wasn't too keen to have everyone know her name.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

At the hand on her shoulder suddenly pulling her backwards, Melissa almost reacted in the same manner as she had with the other Kitsune, Kherem able to feel her muscles shift in preparation to either punch him in the gut, or grab him by the waist for a throw - but the human hadn't forgotten his earlier reaction to her vigorous spirit, and she only turned her head and raised an eyebrow. "Awww..." Melissa pouted, but otherwise accepted Kherem's decision. "And I had such a good name in mind, too..."

Upon hearing the name that would instead define their group, Melissa blinked. "...Well, I don't see how it applies to Kherem, but it's not bad." she commented, wearing enough of a smile that no-one could mistake the joke for stupidity. Well, alright, maybe the boy...

Once directed to where they should wait, and potentially given a choice of equipment (should the arena staff somehow make the clumsy mistake of finding the trio under-dressed), Melissa said goodbye to the orc - who she promptly decided to name, regardless of any name he gave in the interim. "Thanks, Drew!"

As might be expected, Kherem's odd stalker was noticeably tense before the fight, after she finished going through much the same stretches she had while walking. Somewhat unexpectedly, however, it didn't seem to all be eager anticipation at the oncoming battle. For all her earlier boisterousness, something had Melissa ever-so-slightly on edge.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, and Hentaispider)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 60, Status = Fine

The orc glared at Melissa for a moment as she gave him a name thought up at random, one that was most definitely not written on the nametag hanging onto his shirt or sitting on the plaque on his desk, both of which read, "Marty." Clearing his throat, he indignantly said, "Look lass, I haven't come halfway across the world to sit behind this booth, letting people sign up to fight and die in a demon arena so that people can come up with random names for me!" He glowered at her some more for a moment before adding, "You're fine as is, just remember: nothing that might end up hurting the crowd. The queen's personal retinue is watching this fight, and if they think one of you put her in danger, they'll probably just kill you all and ask questions later. We don't want none of that! Way too much paperwork."

After Lumi had signed them up and each of them had given their name or their mark, the orc glanced at the sheet for a moment before loudly calling, "Hold on a moment!" Once he had their attention, he said in a somewhat more quiet tone, "You'll need a fourth! This melee requires at least four fighters." He glanced around for a moment, "How about her?" he said while pointing at a tiny girl wearing a blindfold, possessed of racial features familiar to both Kherem and Lumi and with a sword similar to those Kherem favored hanging from her waist, who had just entered.

Oormi, though blind, could tell that it was she who was being talked about when a loud, authoritative voice called out as she felt several people suddenly paying attention to her. "Come here girl, and make your mark! You'll be fighting with this lot," he gestured towards Kherem, Lumi, and Melissa as if she wasn't obviously blind. After that, they would only have a brief moment in which to introduce themselves before the doors ahead rumbled open and a tall man with a fairly bored and very nasal sounding voice called out, "NEXT TEAM, STEP UP!" The orc promptly shouted, "That's you four! The Foxy Fighters! Go on then!"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

“Sure, sure, Steve.” Melissa said, waving the orc off with the look of a born antagoniser. Though, did her already pale pallor just get a little whiter as he mentioned that the queen’s retinue would be observing?

“How about her?”

“Her, huh? Well, I suppose she’s close enough to fitting the theme…” the human remarked, sizing up the newest dog in the scrapyard with the same strikingly blatant appraisal Lumi had gotten. She backed off after a moment, at least – instead turning her gaze to Kherem. “...she must be a miniature of the breed.”

Taking initiative into her own hands, Melissa hopped toward the blindfolded woman a step. “Well, girl, I’ve never seen a person fight with a blindfold on – but I suppose you haven’t either*Snerk*-sorry.” The human…oid woman rubbed at an insistent grin as if she could wipe it away, but it proved resilient. “Welcome to my ragtag crew; I’m Melissa, the giant kid’s Kherem, the broody one’s Lumi.” She swung a friendly arm around the slip of a creature’s shoulder. “You a newbie? Here’s my tips: don’t get killed, and don’t get us killed, got it, good!”
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem couldn't help but look a little resigned at the... Well, less-then-dignified name Lumi gave the group, however fitting as it may or may not be, but he wouldn't voice a complaint. Not about Lumi anyways. He returned Melissa's curious look with a stern stare. "Not today, Melissa, some other time perhaps.". And yet again, Kherem proved oblivious of Melissa's suggestive comments, then again, he wasn't looking at her face to see that smile of hers.

As for Melissa riling the orc up by obviously not using his real name, he gave the man an apologetic look. "Melissa, she... She's a little 'special' in her ways, please, do not mind her... eccentric behavior.", Kherem's ears did perk up a little at the mention of a Queen would supposedly look over the battle, the kitsune steeled himself, clenching his fists. There was anticipation and excitement in his eyes. He was very much looking forward to this fight.

As the orc called out however, and explained that they lacked a fourth participant for the battle, Kherem looked confused at first, but as his eyes followed where the orc was pointing, only for them to widen a bit in surprise at the sight of another of his kin. The tall kitsune's lips formed into an overjoyed smile, which was then promptly shattered as Melissa strode forward to the newcomer, and began cracking her jokes...

Something was boiling up within Kherem, which culminated at the end of Melissa's "welcoming". His voice sharp, a little louder then friendly conversation, with barely restrained fury. "MELISSA!", he bellowed, making it quite clear who his anger was directed towards. "That is not how you greet someone, that is not how you get to know someone, and it is CERTAINLY NOT how you make friends!", the large kitsune strode forward, growling with bared teeth at the smaller human girl. "Will there ever be an end to your seemingly ceaselessly insulting behavior towards those around you?! Heres a tip for you: Keep that mouth of yours shut, and do not get either us or yourself killed in the arena!"

Fuming, Kherem would bluntly point towards wherever the group was supposed to head towards to get ready for their fight, as if sending Melissa off. Following that, his attention turned to the new kitsune, he was still angry at Melissa, but tried to surpress it in hopes of making a somewhat better first impression to Oormi. "I... I must apologize for Melissa's behavior, I am Kherem, as she said. We... Me, Lumi and Melissa that is, are in need of a fourth participant for a group battle in the arena. Would you honor us with your assistance?"

Kherem sighed, scratching his head and behind his ears with a hand, and if Oormi agreed to join them, he'd hold his hand out, a friendly offer, albeit one he hadn't quite thought fully through. Wether Oormi accepted the gesture or not, he'd then head towards where they needed to be, and get ready for the fight ahead. And to cool himself down a bit.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Oormi would feel Melissa flinch against her, the outburst from Kherem catching her off guard, if nothing else. She looked at him with a combination of confusion, surprise, and the fear that came from any animal subjected to loud noises. The surprise and fear faded, but the confusion remained, tainted with disappointment, though quite what it was directed at was indeterminable. Oddly, Melissa managed to smile again, though it was a sad, shaky one. With a noise that was either a sigh, or a rather sad and breathy laugh, Melissa shrugged, concurrently releasing the kitsune from her arms in order to do so. “You sound like my sister.” The human advised him, obvious annoyance in her voice. After the pause, however, the woman recovered enough to smile and add, “But less of a pansy.”

The group already being in their preparation area, and already being prepared, the human warrior simply got into position in front of the door that would soon open to the middle of the arena, her discomfort having hardly been helped by the scolding.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The induction of the newest member of 'The Foxy Fighters' happened in such a whirl of excitement that even she herself couldn't find the time to respond to all of it—nor agree to any of it, for that matter. City life seemed hard, everything moved so rapidly. But she did need denarii to pay back those debts and having a team would surely be beneficial. Beyond a bit of indignation in in the form of a frown and a swishing tail at the joke made at her expense, Oormi's first intentional response came when given the opportunity to step free of Melissa's embrace.

She stepped away from the humanoid's grasp. With her new-found freedom, she focused intently on the power that granted her a roundabout way of seeing her new teammates. In her mind the foxgirl warrior could visualize otherwise invisible beams of color expanding from her very core and colliding with her surroundings, illuminating what would otherwise be her darkness in an array of unnatural coloration; or what she called her waves. At the time, the blind kitsune wasn't pouring enough energy into focusing to see everything, there were still patches of nothingness, but most were given shape.

The blind girl managed to distinguish her new team through the tie-dye mess in the form of three mostly-colored blurs and turned to regard the trio. Believing the best method of continuing to move past the reprimand and the joke that had caused it was simply to ignore that either had happened, Oormi introduced herself before accepting or declining the tall swordsman's proposition. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Melissa, Master Kherem, and Miss Lumi." she offered with a curtsy directed at the group in general. "I am Oormi."

"The honor will be mine, I'm sure," the shorter kitsune politely accepted, reaching out to grasp at, in her vision, a multicolored hand which was attached by a band of shadows to an even more garish upper arm. "I hope not to slow you down. I was trained by my mother and by the faeries of a nearby grove in swordsmanship and this isn't the first time I've fought with live steel, but I've never fought with such stakes and seriousness before. Rest assured, though, I will take Miss Melissa's advice to heart," she concluded with a small smile. Afterward, she allowed herself to be guided as far as Kherem intended—within reason, of course.

Note for Tassadar: She's carrying over that Lesser Strength buff, which grants her +12 Perception and costs 2 EP with no upkeep.

Alsoalso, in case things move way too fast, I want to have her cast Wind Armor (4 EP, 20 Casting Check, against her 12 spirit ceiling and 19 Base Casting) before the fight proper starts if she would reasonably have time.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi's head spun to catch up with her ears as the fourth member of their team was announced, her gaze soon spotting the blind kitsune. "Wait what?"

Ears twitching, the white-haired kitsune watches as Melissa and Kherem perform another verbal skirmish, her face portraying annoyance, but her body tensing in nervousness as the former thief is thrown into yet another surprising situation. Words of a spell already pour into her mind, but she banishes them with a shiver, focusing her attention to the other kitsune woman. The orange-haired young - she looks young to Lumi, at least - kitsune is even shorter than she was, though there couldn't be much difference in their weight.

As the other kitsune - Oormi, she called herself - introduces herself, Lumi nods in answer. "I'd like to say the pleasure is mine, Miss Oormi, but with these two around... Like Kherem already said, I'm called Lumi. I do hope we'll have a chance to get to know each other better, later on."
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The human warrior made a face as if she’d tasted something foul at Oormi’s greeting. “I haven’t been ‘Miss Melissa’ since I was half your size and on my dad’s knee. It’s just Melissa, or Mel, I respond to both.”

“Good kid.“ she agreed with a pleased look, when the littliest kitsune expressed an intention to follow her advice. Lumi’s comment got Melissa’s eyebrow raised in her direction, though. She didn’t comment on it, but the implication wasn’t something she expected the first of the female foxes to make. Of course, the innuendo was likely entirely unintended, but the fighter didn't know the kitsune well enough to recognise that.

She looked to want to say something more, given the way her gaze fidgeted on and off of their sudden ally, but so soon after being chastised, apparently knew well enough to bite her tongue.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem, at seeing Melissa's reaction to his outburst, looked as if he hadn't quite expected such meek behavior from the human, there was even a tinge of regret to be found in his eyes, but for now he wouldn't change his stance regarding her unacceptable behavior. Instead, his focus would be placed on Oormi, and he smiled at the smallest kitsunes politeness, and as she reached out for his hand, he in turn would reach for hers, holding gently but not without firmness. He would be there to lead the supposedly blind kitsune if it was needed, but the choice was hers when it was time to let go. Kherem listened intently to Oormis story, still smiling by the end of it. "A pleasure meeting you, Lady Oormi. Swordsmanship taught by fey and a loving mother? I envy you, and I'm sure you won't slow us down.", and with that, Kherem began to walk with Oormi in tow, setting a slow pace that was easy to keep up with, perhaps a little too easy, as Kherem might very well be a little too gentle with Oormi.

The tall kitsune gave Lumi an odd look, looking ever so slightly hurt, but very accepting, of her words regarding his and Melissas behavior. And regarding Melissa... Kherem was not one to feel angry or frustrated for long, but if there was something he had trouble coping with, it was regret. Once the group had arrived in the given area to wait on the arena fight to begin, Kherem would soften his hold of Oormis hand, giving her the choice of holding on or letting go. In either case, Kherem would next walk up to Melissa, a little from the side and behind if the human was facing away. Regardless, he would move a hand up to place on her shoulder, eyes firmly fixated on hers, or trying to if she would look away at being approached by the one that had just recently lashed out at her. "I apologize for my outburst, Lady Melissa.", he sighed, a regretful, heavy sound. "It was wrong of me to lash out at you like that. While I still do not agree with your behavior, I can not agree with how I reacted to it either."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

When Kherem put his hand on the young-woman’s shoulder, she flinched in the exact same way she had with Lumi and Kherem previously, quickly spinning on her foot and her arm muscles tensing as if to throw a punch, though she didn’t actually do so, instead looking slightly uneasy as she saw who had touched her, this soon after being berated by the man. She began to smile as he apologised, however. Had the Kitsune known her longer, he would perhaps have been able to recognise the smile as one of trouble, but this soon after meeting the brash woman, the odd breed of humanoid didn’t recognise the girl’s intent until it was too late to stop her. Already in arms-reach from the foxboy’s own grab, Melissa simply stood on the tips of her toes, putting her arms against his body at the same time to steady herself, and kissed him. There wasn’t much that she could get away with in a single moment of surprise, so the act wasn’t some drawn-out, passionate tongue-involved affair, but it was certainly more than a peck, the group’s only male feeling the softness of another’s lips dragging to a close across his own. …Then she stood back down. “…I’m no more a lady than I am a miss, Kherem.” She replied with a grin, ignoring his reaction for at least long enough to say as much, grinning a fool’s grin. Yes… I wasn’t wrong. He is, without doubt, going to be fun to be around...!
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem took quick note of Melissas movement as he placed his hand on her shoulder, his body tensing as if bracing for impact, but he made no attempts at evasion. Perhaps he would've been willing to take a blow, as punishment for his poor behavior earlier. There was no punch coming his way, and he certainly didn't have time to react before Melissas assault upon his lips happened. His eyes widened with confusion and bewilderment. As if paralyzed by shock, Kherem did nothing until Melissa finally pulled away, and then Kherem took a quick step back, a hand rising to cover his mouth, as if to guard himself from further kiss-attacks. His cheeks a few hues darker now. He remained tense, unable to relax in such strange company, eyes fixated on Melissa as if wanting to prevent further surprises. The tall kitsune had no more words to say to the strange human, too busy trying to make out what had just happened.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The shortest kitsune let most of the rest of the conversation go by without verbal input. The blind girl still felt like a bit of an outsider to the, perhaps slightly dysfunctional, group, and new to it if nothing else. Oormi couldn't know that the three had formed not long before her arrival. After all, at least two of them already fought like a couple twenty years married.

She did, however, don a soft smile as Lumi gave her polite response, completely overlooking the inherent capability for innuendo in her words, and retained that expression as Melissa corrected and complimented her, offering an apologetic nod at the woman's wish not to be referred to with an honorific.

The only action after the reprisal capable of drawing any displeasure from the foxgirl swordsman was the gentle nature of Kherem toward her. There was no anger to Oormi; her fellow kitsune couldn't know how it made her feel to meet with another who treated her as a fragile piece of glass—an act that she attributed to her impairment, regardless of whether or not it was the taller man's actual reason. Her slight smile became a slight frown as she softly pulled her hand away when the opportunity arose, but she said nothing about it.

The girl wasn't displeased for long, anyway, as Kherem made to apologize to Melissa. It was a nice enough moment to make her forget her perceived babying at the hands of the furred warrior. The blind girl turned toward the two, watching intently using her waves. She couldn't make out the kiss with her odd vision, how far it had or hadn't gone, but she could see their proximity, leading her to truly smile. Perhaps they were a couple, she thought, if not married. Oormi's politeness was briefly forgotten as she asked them directly; "Are you two lovers, Mi- Melissa and Master Kherem? That's so romantic." She heaved a wistful sigh, continuing before giving anyone a chance to clarify the situation. "Going into battle, fighting back to back with the person you love and trust. It's truly something to be envied."
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi doesn't really want to interfere with what's going on with Mel and Kherem, but her eyes widen when Melissa kisses the tall kitsune.

The white kitsune's expression softens into a smile. Maybe they'll be better company if they keep each other occupied. Then she sees Kherem's expression as Mel pulls away, and grins inwardly. When she sees Kherem's hand raise to block further kisses and his blush, the vixen's sides start shaking as she tried to keep from laughing. Oormi's comments are the last straw, and Lumi bends over laughing hysterically.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa didn’t really react to Kherem’s befuddlement, though she seemed to share some of Lumi’s humour towards the matter, especially once Oormi pitched in her own thoughts. Never one to miss the opportunity to sow hilarious confusion, the human, rather than correct the youngest kitsune, gently laid a hand on Kherem’s chest. “Shall we go into battle, lover…?” she teased, her tone and face suddenly soft in a way that the male, or any of the rest of the group, had seen her before. It didn’t last long, though; the kitsune’s embarrassment was far too powerful a force piled against her ability to keep a straight face, and she quickly returned to the same tormentuous leer she had previously possessed.