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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Predatory was the only real word befitting the rogue ‘s expression, though perverse would have worked in a pinch. Kherem had probably expected Melissa to have enough social graces to not jump his bones in front of the other two women, and as the hand on his chest quite rapidly descended, this expectation looked increasingly incorrect. The announcer spoke up with appropriate dramatic timing, however, right before the human could hook under the lower half of Kherem’s new armour.

“There’s our cue…” she spoke, beginning to perform yet another series of quick stretches, now primarily of her legs and back. She presumably did them more out of habit than usefulness, as she spent too little time on each for it to be effective. Some of her smile still stayed despite the interruption, and she spent some time throwing glances to Kherem – perhaps even moreso once his worry faded and he got ready to fight, a look of steeled determination once again taking his face.

Melissa’s own expression was different, this time. Perhaps because of getting quite so close to Kherem, perhaps because she had a chance to make up for her previous loss – perhaps simply at the thought of combat, or the thrill of trying out her current strategy, or something else entirely… she had no idea herself, but was no less blissful for the ignorance.

The ‘Prancing Paingivers’ had one odd one out among their stoic and aggressive line – and so did The Foxy Fighters. Melissa’s idea of preparation appeared to be to hum to herself and… begin removing her leather armour? Well, she removed the torso at any rate, pulling it up over her head and briefly exposing herself to attacks while she… well, exposed herself to onlookers. Her crossbow was left attached to the discarded clothing, though she removed her halberdbefore leaving the rest to fall. The human was not, however, quite as exposed as the audience would presumably have liked; she had a rather practical bra that hid more than it revealed, opposite of Archeron’s typical fashion. Stripping though she might be, the fighter still intended to do just that – fight – and bearing everythingwas something of an obstruction to agile combat.

A smarter or more prepared woman may perhaps have removed the armour before entering the arena, but to Melissa this simply felt like the right time to disrobe.

Once her top came over her head, Melissa’s expression was, perhaps unfortunately, far from seductive. Instead, the woman possessed a leer of crazed, violent joy, her body shifting with poorly restrained energy. But, restrain it she had to; there was nothing she could do from here, and no point charging ahead without her allies – that would no doubt have her second match over just as quickly as the first. In the meantime, she could only nimbly play with her halberd, twirling it or shifting it around her body in a fairly graceful, though not quite erotic manner.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 85/90, PP = 55, EP = 37/55, Status = Scratched, Dark Armor X = 10

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 42/44, Status = Fine, +12 Resistance (from Oormi)

Lumi: HP = 0/54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Unconscious

Oormi: HP = 23/80, PP = 72, EP = 41/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength), Invisibility, Arcane Armor on Melissa, Badly Injured

Before Combat:
Lumi casts her buffs on Melissa and Kherem, Oormi also casts a buff on Melissa, and Kherem activates Dark Armor.

Round 1
Lumi 3
Kherem 8
Melissa 7
Oormi 3

Fiona 2
Isolde 11
Medea 15
Presea 10

Medea casts a spell! Nothing happens.

Isolde swoops in and attempts to Charm Kherem!
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Kherem wins!

Presea charges! The dice say that she goes after Kherem, and uses 10 points of defensive fighting and 10 points of supreme might!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 50 + 10 - 58 = 5 damage.

Kherem hurls a javelin!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 13 - 20 = 5 damage.

Melissa tries to stun the orc!
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Failure (just barely due to a roll of 3 on your part)

Oormi and Lumi both successfully cast invisibility.

Fiona opens fire!
Perception: Success.
Attacks: She has a +62 to hit when using a total of four attacks with rapid shot, and thus she hits Lumi and Oormi twice.
Damage: 6 + 1 + 28 - 3 = 32 damage per shot before armor, so Lumi takes 62 and Oormi takes 57.

We've got a fluffy tail down... We've got a fluffy tail down! I'll count that as a break in your chains.

When the time came to begin the violence, it seemed that their opponents were a bit quicker on the draw than they were. The girl in the black dress waved her staff, a burst of white light appearing from the tip, but after the burst faded nothing visible had happened.

"Cuddle time!" called the demoness from the opposing team, and her eyes lit up into literal heart shapes as she pointed at Kherem, who was even then protecting himself with living shadow conjured by his power. She started toward him, grinning, and Kherem felt the mental attack begin, as if she were trying to twist his will against his true purpose.

Before he could retaliate, however, the tiny girl hurled herself at him bodily, covering the distance in a flash as she raised her massive axe over her head. "Gonna getcha! Gonna getcha! Gonna getcha!" she shouted, and when she reached the dark-armored kitsune, she swung with all her might and momentum. The blade slammed into him with a great deal of force, and Kherem realized that it had been blunted even as some of the force somehow managed to penetrate his armor, though it wouldn't leave more than a light bruise. "Awwww, no fair!"

Kherem hurled a javelin at the orc woman, and the projectile struck her in the center of mass, but she merely growled and pulled the missile out of her armor and tossed it aside before readying her bow. After that, he drew his blades, but the presence of two of their enemies, the short girl and the demoness, likely took up the brunt of his attention.

Melissa, meanwhile, casually stripped off her chestpiece, drawing a disappointed sigh from the crowd when it turned out that she had plenty covered underneath it. The orc woman turned to Melissa as she unleashed her maddening magics, but the warrior resisted, and after a hard-fought battle Melissa felt her influence pushed back. The orc raised her bow and took aim at Melissa, but just then Oormi and Lumi vanished, and she was forced to curse and turn her attentions elsewhere; "Damn, mages!"

The orc trained her gaze upon Lumi as if she could still see her, and unleashed a pair of arrows towards the thief even as she scurried away from her companions. The projectiles struck her in the chest and in the head, but they shattered and bounced off without piercing her flesh, their tips blunted and thus only painful. The strike to the chest was powerful enough to knock the wind out of her, however, and the blow to the head knocked Lumi out flat. She reappeared on the ground, and both Melissa and Kherem felt their bonuses vanish. Oormi, meanwhile, took the two shots a little bit more stoically, as she was still standing after the second one hit, but her head and chest ached, and she was having trouble breathing.

Records For Me!
Presea: +30 Speed
Medea: Spent 14 EP, 2 EP upkeep
Isolde: Spent 6 EP
Fiona: +30 Perception, taken 5 damage, armor at 46/50 TP
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Archer, mage, warrior, succubus. Knowing was something, at least. Realizing that Melissa had powers similar to the sirens of her home was of interest as well. The knowledge was anything but cheap, though, coming at the end of one of their members being knocked unconscious and Oormi herself just narrowly avoiding the same fate. But whether it was fortune, fate, or a miscalculation by the orc, the blind kitsune resolved to use what was left of her strength to help her team toward victory.

Her path to the mage was blocked by the presence of the archer, though if she were to knock the mage out she might at least be able to hide herself from the orc. It was a big risk for the shot at taking out their supporting caster. Getting Lumi back into the fight might benefit the group, but it seemed just as likely that the orc would put knock the two women out immediately afterward. The axe-wielding warrior wasn't an option for the blind kitsune, either, her weapon probably wouldn't even cause a dent in plate. The succubus, though...

The demoness was as valuable a target as the mage. Oormi knew that she might also avoid further arrows by putting herself in the melee and making herself more difficult to target without the chance of the orc hitting one of her own teammates. It would also stop the succubus from continuing to attempt to work her magic on Kherem, which was of the highest priority since he accounted for half of the still-fresh combatants on their team along with Melissa. Without delay, the foxgirl warrior charged at the succubus, attempting to knock the demoness unconscious quickly and cleanly with three strikes using the flat of her weapon.

If Kherem doesn't KO Isolde before Oormi attacks: Lightning Strikes + Battle Dance + Defensive Fighting 20:20 (Also, try to stay on the side of the succubus opposite the orc.)

Attack: +36 = 56 [Base] - 12 [Lightning Strikes] + 12 [Battle Dance] - 20 [Dodge]
Damage: 2d6 + 27 = 33 [Base] - 6 [Lightning Strikes]
3x Attacks. 1 EP upkeep for invisibility, 4 HP upkeep for battle dance and must attack each round.

Probably Applicable Stats (invisibility, defensive fighting, battle dance): 87 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 23 Speed, 27 Resistance, 35 Stealth, 15 Perception

If Kherem KOs Isolde before Oormi attacks. Move to stand behind Kherem and then cast Natures Breath (Healing, Bolt) on Lumi.

0 EP cast, 0 casting check required.
2d4 + 6 HP healed. As I recall, this is still enough to get somebody out of unconsciousness (if it's not then I need to change this to a buff for Kherem or Oormi herself or something). Good luck, Lumi!
1 EP upkeep for invisibility.

Probably Applicable Stats (invisibility, defensive fighting, battle dance): 55 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 23 Speed, 27 Resistance, 35 Stealth, 15 Perception

Cheat Sheet

When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

(My previous post had been edited because durr hurr dunno how to abilities, but nevermind, I don’t think I even gave a value for X anyway)

Melissa’s reddiness to receive an attack while her companions instead busied themselves buffing was perhaps why no attacks found her – she was the harder target, and the off-guard mages the easier ones. She felt Lumi go down and simply by the lowering of her buff, and she saw the hit to Kherem, and admittedly became somewhat more worried about their chances, though she didn’t let it show.

Had she been more of a tactical person, Melissa may have tried to do take better stock of the battle, do something about the enemy caster and archer, or focus on the succubus, the likely more dangerous of Kherem’s enemies… instead she took a wild and wide swing at the demon whom had charged Kherem, to push her back rather than do damage. “You should pick on someone your own size!” the human announced against all reason, leering at the warrior as the whites of her eyes… turned grey? It certainly brought out the green of her pupils, but more importantly there was a noticeable energy now on the otherwise unremarkable human. She focused her sneer against the diminutive (probable)demon, her innate power manifesting. Demons, or succubi at any rate were generally perceived as having some form of unnatural ability to inhibit the will of others – the very one Kherem now resisted. More studied individuals were aware that this ability was typically initiated through eye contact. The daemonic woman, though no succubi, had also apparently manifested a variation of the skill; though where succubi briefly darkened the target’s thoughts, Melissa did things… differently. it was as if Melissa’s gaze wrapped around the oddly formidable girl’s higher reasoning, dimming and blocking it as, in the darkness provided by that eclipse, the opposing woman’s lower desires began to rebel. Anger, lust, hunger and more would surely begin to numb the back of the woman’s mind, and while her reasoning remained strangled, it would, hopefully, take all of the her ability to think just to stay as she was – or perhaps the foe would berserk, becoming predictable and easily led into the human’s pace.

Let’s try that again. Stunning Gaze, X = 2.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem let out a small scoff as he saw how utterly ineffective his Javelin had been, but he quickly found himself with other concerns as half the enemy team came his way. A smug little smile played upon his lips as he saw how ineffective the small womans attack had been upon him, despite figuring it had been a powerful blow dampened heavily thanks to his shadowy armor and Lumi's magics. "Better luck next ti-", he began to speak, directed at the short warrior, but then he felt something disappear from him, a magic boon.

Kherem shot a brief, quick look around himself, and saw Lumi fall unconscious, and Oormi stagger. Next he saw the arrows. Kherem didn't need to know more than that before every part of his body burst into action within an instant, his hands striking out with the pommels of his blades. Despite the seething fury boiling up within him, he had taken note of the enemy's blunted weaponry. The two opponents infront of him wasn't the source nor the target of this fury however, he would simply have to deal with them as quickly as possible, while his sight set upon the Orc woman, rage simmering within his amber eyes.

Action: Activate Whirling Death, Activate Rage, Use Sudden Strike, 1 Attack VS Isolde, 1 Attack VS Peresa, pommel strike to knock out/be non-lethal, successful sneak attacks ignore armor

If Peresa/Isolde is defeated: Moves in general direction towards Fiona and Medea, eyes fulla crazy

Steel Scimitar*2: 2d6+76DMG(w/ DA/Rage/WD Bonuses), +83 Hit
Javelins: 4d6+13DMG, +71 Hit, 25ft Range, 4/4 Ammo, Inflicts -4 Speed to struck victims

Whirling Death: +8 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Armor & -4HP/Turn
Rage: +10 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Grapple & +4 Armor, No Dodge, Immune to Horny/Charmed/Dominated/Stunned

Speed: 22(Base)
Dodge: N/A(Rage)
Armor: 30+8+4(Dark Armor+Whirling Death+Rage), +0(Kensai Battlerobe, still Broken, +7 if magically not)
Resistance: 25(Base), +10 VS Mental/Domination Effects
Perception: 20(Base)
Stealth: 29+10(Base+Dark Armor), -5(Sudden Strike)
Grapple: 50+30+10(Base+Dark Armor+Rage)
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 38/90, PP = 55, EP = 29/55, Status = Badly Injured, Dark Armor X = 10

Melissa: HP = 57/59, PP = 65, EP = 30/44, Status = Fine, +12 Resistance (from Oormi)

Lumi: HP = 0/54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Unconscious

Oormi: HP = 19/80, PP = 72, EP = 40/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength), Invisibility, Arcane Armor on Melissa, Badly Injured, Battle Dance

Round 2
Lumi x
Kherem 12
Melissa 9
Oormi 19

Fiona 15
Isolde 8
Medea 7
Presea 14

Oormi baps dat succubus with all of the stuff that Hafnium said!
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 27 - 1 = 30 * 3 = 90 damage total. Down she goes!

Fiona opens fire on Kherem!
Attacks: All automatically hit b/c rage.
Damage: 5 + 2 + 28 - 4 - 42 = 0 damage per shot.

Presea attacks using full 20 Supreme Might!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 8 + 7 + 50 + 20 - 42 = 43 damage on Kherem.

Kherem attacks with Sudden Strike! He also pays 4 HP upkeep for Whirling Death and 8 EP upkeep for Dark Armor.
Stealth: Kherem wins on both.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 76 = 81 * 2 = 162 - 27 + 8 = 143 damage. Per hit. >.>

Melissa uses Stunning Gaze X = 2 on Fiona for a total cost of 12 EP and 2 HP, as she breaks her spirit ceiling by 2.
Attack: Hit.
Resistance: .... Melissa rolled a 1..... Fiona rolled a 19. The dice apparently don't want Melissa to sun people.

Medea casts Eldritch Lantern!
Casting: Success.

Oormi, still invisible, was the first to strike. Advancing on Kherem even as he prepared to deal with two of their opponents at once, the demoness chanted; "Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mi-" *bonk, bonk bonk* Her calls were cut off as Oormi bashed her over the head three times using the flat of her weapon, after which she flopped onto the ground with a dazed look, her bottom up in the air and her wings still fluttering weakly and leaving Melissa's intervention as unnecessary. The orc woman cursed loudly and took aim, but Oormi shifted behind Kherem, and the archer casually targeted the shadow-armored kitsune instead. Five blunted arrows shattered uselessly against his chest, causing the crowd to cheer exuberantly as he practically ignored the barrage of missiles, causing the orc to curse again. "Damnit!" she growled, and tossed her bow aside to draw a pair of straight swords from sheaths at her belt.

The diminutive girl raised her axe again and shouted; "It's gonna hurt this time!" And she was right. Even though the axe was blunted, Kherem felt a couple of ribs crack as she slammed the weapon into the raging kitsune's chest, even through his magical armor and the red clouding his eyes the pain was enough to shake him and force him to stumble back a step. "Hah! I knew you couldn't take the full force of my-" *bonk bonk* Both of Kherem's blades slapping against the side of her head silenced his shorter opponent, and he started across the arena towards the orc and the girl in the black dress, leaving two of his opponents unconscious on the ground. Oormi was free to continue using him as cover, but the orc had dropped her bow already, and staying near him left her vulnerable to attacks from the witch.

Melissa turned her maddening gaze onto the orc, the nearest opponent now that the demon was on the ground, and let loose. The woman froze suddenly, and rage briefly spilled over her features, but with a shake of her head she dispelled Melissa's influence before it could properly take hold. "Come on then! We're not gettin any younger out here!" she called at them as the witch muttered something and raised her hand. An orb of blue light floated up from her palm and into the air, revealing an odd violet barrier surrounding her but also shedding its light onto the orc and the surrounding grounds.

Records For Me!
Presea: Unconscious
Medea: Spent 19 EP, 1 EP upkeep, Eldritch Lantern
Isolde: Spent 6 EP, Unconscious
Fiona: +30 Perception, taken 5 damage, armor at 46/50 TP
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

With the chanting demoness and the axe-wielder, the latter of whom Oormi was surprised to learn seemed a bit more mature than the former, down, all that was left was the archer and the mage. Having reduced the field to three versus two, there was no great sense of tactics required, it was time to attack. Between the remaining two, her target was easy to choose. The short kitsune, still invisible, removed herself from behind Kherem and went dashing toward the apparent mage with her faerie-gifted blade at the ready.

The feeling of pain where she had been struck by the blunted arrows was difficult to ignore, but she pressed on. If the blind fighter could take down her target quickly before succumbing to her growing exhaustion, then she might be able to help seal victory for the team.

Plan A: Move toward yon mage (Medea), attack with Lightning Thrusts, Battle Dance, and Power Jab 10:10! ALL IN (still no murdering, though, just bap her unconscious).

Attack: +56 = 56 [Base] - 12 [Lightning Strikes] + 12 [Battle Dance]
Damage: 2d6 + 37 = 33 [Base] - 6 [Lightning Strikes] + 10 [Power Jab]
3x Attacks. 1 EP upkeep for invisibility, 4 HP upkeep for battle dance and must attack each round.

Probably Applicable Stats (invisibility, power jab penalty, battle dance): 57 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 23 Speed, 27 Resistance, 35 Stealth, 15 Perception

Plan B: If she ends up actually not being in range or something happens that makes Oormi unable to attack her (i.e. Medea already being unconscious), then go ahead and move toward Medea and then get Lumi conscious with Nature's Breath (Level 1, Heal, Bolt).

0 EP cast, 0 casting check required.
2d4 + 6 HP healed. Good luck, Lumi!
1 EP upkeep for invisibility.

Probably Applicable Stats (invisibility): 55 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 23 Speed, 27 Resistance, 35 Stealth, 15 Perception

Cheat Sheet

When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem let out a pained gasp as he felt the blunted axe connect with his chest, reeling back from the force and from the pain of having ribs broken. And as painful as it was afterwards, he still went through with his assault, smashing both of his pommels into the side of the plated midgets head. "And you could not... ugh...", as much as he wanted to finish, there was no point, and talking was a harrowing experience as he quickly found out. He would have to end this quickly just so he could pass out afterwards.

Kherem wasted no time as he dashed over the midget, his red gaze and movement first settled upon the orc, but halfway there it shifted towards the mage. There was something about the Orc, much like there had been something about Kherem, up until Lumi's fall. Wether he had to force his past way of the Orc if not outright leap over her to reach the Mage, he would be on the defensive about the melee adversary, his full focus on the one in the back.

All good so far, he would lash out in a flash of gleaming steel, one swords pommel striking for the Mage to knock her out, and the other following suit if necessary afterwards, if it wasn't however, the second blade would be quickly spun into a reverse grip as he turned around, aiming to stab cleanly through the Orcs leg to immobilize her.

Actions: Defensive Fighting(-20 Attack for +20 Defensive Resistance), Activates Unrelenting Fury, Performs Sudden Strike VS Mage, x2 if one is not enough(lol), Performs Sudden Strike VS Orc afterwards if able

Steel Scimitar*2: 2d6+76DMG(w/ DA/Rage/WD Bonuses), +63 Hit
Javelins: 4d6+13DMG, +51 Hit, 25ft Range, 4/4 Ammo, Inflicts -4 Speed to struck victims

Whirling Death: +8 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Armor & -4HP/Turn
Rage: +10 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Grapple & +4 Armor, No Dodge, Immune to Horny/Charmed/Dominated/Stunned
Unrelenting Fury: Converts half of current EP into HP when reaching 0HP, and faints once rage ends

Speed: 22(Base)
Dodge: N/A(Rage)
Armor: 30+8+4(Dark Armor+Whirling Death+Rage), +0(Kensai Battlerobe, still Broken, +7 if magically not)
Resistance: 25(Base), +20 Defensive, +10 VS Mental/Domination Effects
Perception: 20(Base)
Stealth: 29+10(Base+Dark Armor), -5(Sudden Strike)
Grapple: 50+30+10(Base+Dark Armor+Rage)
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa’s gaze may have had little effect on the opposing group’s archer, but it had certainly had an effect on the caster herself! The human growled rather bestially when Kherem knocked out the attacker she had intended to fight, but apparently had enough of a mind to remember who her allies were. She did not, however, seem to have enough of a mind to ignore the orc’s challenge. Running to join battle against the opposing warrior. The strategic match of weapons was a decidedly poor one – an unweidly halberd against a pair of quick and dangerous shortswords – but strategy was far from Melissa’s forte. She would, perhaps, have one advantage; rather than stay at arms’ reach as the common tactical use of a polearm would dictate, Melissa feinted at a charge, allowing the orc to potentially dodge so she could instead jab the spear out, across the front of her opponent, spinning on her heel to put herself behind the greenskin, and grabbing just shy of the axe end of her weapon, using it as a bar to hopefully help hold the other woman in place – assuming Melissa did manage to out-power an orc.

Get into melee, dash if needed. Grapple attempt when in range.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 8/90, PP = 55, EP = 21/55, Status = Badly Injured, Dark Armor X = 10

Melissa: HP = 0/59, PP = 65, EP = 30/44, Status = Unconscious, +12 Resistance (from Oormi)

Lumi: HP = 11/54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Badly Wounded, Weakened

Oormi: HP = 19/80, PP = 72, EP = 39/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength), Invisibility, Arcane Armor on Melissa, Badly Injured, Battle Dance

Round 2
Lumi x
Kherem 6
Melissa 3
Oormi 15

Fiona 12
Isolde x
Medea 17
Presea x

Medea casts a spell on ye orc warrior!

Oormi charges forth, but runs into a barrier!
Resistance: Medea wins. Oormi's Battle Dance deactivates, and she turns to send a healing bolt at Lumi!
Casting: Success.
Healing: 4 + 1 + 6 = 11 HP restored!

Fiona activates Whirling Death (+8 attack/damage/AV, 4 damage per round), Spirited Warrior 10 EP for 10 extra Dodge and AV, and Scissor Defense (-10 Dodge, +12 AV, attack those that hit her)

Kherem activates Sudden Strike! But first he has to get through ye Force Barrier
Resistance: Failure.
Stealth for ye one attack on orc lady: Automatic Failure.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 76 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 10 = 10 damage.

Fiona double counterattacks!
Attacks: Automatic Hits.
Damage: 4 + 5 + 2 + 36 + 8 - 42 = 13 damage per hit, with 2 fire and 2 electricity.

Melissa rushes up to try and grapple ye orc, activating her counterattacks if she hits.
Attack: Hit. Ye orc has been grappled!
Fiona counterattacks: Both hit. ;_;
Damage: 5 + 5 + 1 + 36 + 8 = 55 damage per hit.

Oormi broke from her cover behind Kherem and darted forward, sprinting towards the mage and preparing to strike at the dress-clad girl, who was still standing leisurely underneath the cover of her umbrella. She got the chance to cast a spell before Oormi could close the distance, but as with the others, it had no visible effect. Strangely, when Oormi got within about ten feet of the pair, when she passed into the light cast by the girl's glowing orb, she suddenly became fully visible, though the blind girl herself didn't notice in the conventional sense. She did feel the waves through which she sensed suddenly grow far easier to read, however, and then she ran headlong into the violet barrier that had appeared around the mage when she'd conjured her light.

The barrier repulsed Oormi, causing the tiny kitsune to stumble back and away from the barrier as the orc prepared for Kherem's incoming attack. Her attack thwarted, Oormi turned back and sent a healing spell at Lumi, awakening her tame mate. The kitsune thief came back to consciousness with a terrible headache and a feeling of exhaustion, but she was up. Spotting her team mates was easy, as all of them were rushing at the orc and the black-clad mage, while the demoness and the tiny armored girl were visible lying on the ground only a few feet away from her. Rising to her feet largely unnoticed, Lumi was able to watch what came next as Kherem and Melissa closed in on the orc, who was all too happy to receive them.

Though his attacks were quick, Kherem's opponent seemed ready to receive them. The attack that he sent her way was caught on her blades, robbing it of much of its force, and in addition to her blocking, Kherem felt the attacks slowed as if by some invisible barrier. His blade scraped against her thigh, cutting lightly into the muscle but not doing any substantial damage. The pommel strike he aimed at the mage never even got close, running into the same invisible wall that Oormi had struck and bouncing back harmlessly, causing the mage to grin defiantly at him. "Can't touch this!" she said, and stuck her tongue out at Kherem and Oormi. The orc, meanwhile, pushed Kherem's curved blade up and away from her before stepping in and quickly smacking the kitsune once on each side, her blades burning and crackling with electricity respectively, and pain shot up Kherem's body as one of the blades hit him where his other opponent had broken his ribs. Kherem was momentarily stunned by the pain

Melissa intervened before she could capitalize on the stunned warrior's moment of weakness, however, forcing the orc back with her inventive use of her polearm. Her opponent seemed quite surprised by Melissa's sudden closeness, but even with the unconventional tactics, Melissa only got to the point in which she spun before the orc suddenly swung out with both weapons, striking Melissa with the flat of both swords. The first blow sent the half-daemon's head spinning to the side, a slight burn on her cheek from the heat let off by the burning blade, and the second hit zapped her enough to send her stumbling off into near-unconsciousness, leaving her head spinning and her muscles twitching all but uselessly as she drops to the ground, her weapon fallen from her hands.

Records For Me!
Presea: Unconscious
Medea: Spent 22 EP, 1 EP upkeep, Eldritch Lantern
Isolde: Spent 6 EP, Unconscious
Fiona: +20 AV from Medea's spell, Whirling Death (+8 attack/damage/AV, 4 damage per round), Scissor Defense (-10 Dodge, +12 AV, attack those that hit her), Spirited Warrior +10 bonus to AV and Dodge, taken 19 damage, spent 10 EP, armor at 46/50 TP
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As she moves away from the others, Lumi becomes aware of a pair of arrows coming towards her a fraction of second too late, before everything fades to black.

A small trickle of healing magic brings the white kitsune back to wakefulness along with the sounds of continuing battle. Forcing her to open her eyes slowly, the kitsune immediately narrows them, feigning unconsciousness as she views Oormi and Kherem in melee with the orc and the mage just as Kherem hits an invisible barrier - an all too familiar spell that the kitsune recognizes, having used it countless times, mostly in tight spots like the mage is having. Desperate situations require desperate measures.

Lumi's nails dig into the palm of her hand as she makes the gestures of a summoning spell through the haze of weakness, hoping she wouldn't pass out before being able to heal herself...

Cast Entangling Vines (Summon) [This creature gets the Tentacles Special Mutation, the Sluggish Flaw, and the Grapple Expert Talent. When this creature is summoned, it automatically attempts to grapple the nearest three creatures.] using Blood Magic for 1 HP and 1 EP. Summon them right at the mage's feet.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem let out a pained howl as the Orcs blades struck him, he was going reaching his limit, and his body already was already wracked in pain. But if there was one thing Kherem was bad at, it was to back down. Or in this case, trying to step back, outside the influences of the magics affecting him, while reaching for one of his potions. Likely necessary, he was not adverse about dropping one of his swords to do so, he did have a third blade to spare.

"I'm not the only one, hnk, that thought of such, I see...", he managed to cough up, his voice more than a little pained. If he would manage to chug his potion, he'd say more while the revitalizing fluids did their much needed work. "Too bad your blades are dull, and your arms weak. Try harder this time, do not disappoint me.", part of it was fury still lingering in his system, part of it was to try drawing the Orcs attention away from his allies.

Actions: Rage-Off, step outside of the eldritch lanterns range, If Kherem wins initiative VS Orc, likely drop a sword in order to chug healing potion(+50HP), if Kherem loses initiative VS Orc, and against all odds gets to act, shank a bitch(two normal attacks)

Steel Scimitar: 2d6+66DMG, +73 Hit

Whirling Death: +8 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Armor & -4HP/Turn

Speed: 22(Base)
Dodge: N/A(Rage)
Armor: 30+8(Dark Armor+Whirling Death), +0(Kensai Battlerobe, still Broken, +7 if magically not)
Resistance: 25(Base), +10 VS Mental/Domination Effects
Perception: 20(Base)
Stealth: 29+10(Base+Dark Armor)
Grapple: 50+30(Base+Dark Armor)
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Despite the setback of running into the mage's barrier and lantern, the blind foxgirl felt more confident than ever about her team's chances. Having managed to get Lumi conscious again without their opponents immediately noticing and her being able to set about an incantation that the less traditional magic user didn't fully understand was a great victory. Figuring out the enemy mage's current hand of tricks was simply a bonus.

She paid no heed as Kherem adjusted his target and went after the orc, although Melissa being immediately knocked unconscious by the enemy two weapon fighter was disheartening. As the orc and the tallest of the three kitsune engaged, Oormi's lips curled into a confident smile aimed at the opposing mage. Afterward she stepped back, attempting to remove herself from the range of the woman's detection spell.

Whether she remained as such was unimportant in the long run. Oormi quickly set her mind to something that she seldom used waves for: summoning. She focused her waves on the beacon offered to her by the mage's spells. O' noble... O' nature spirit, I need your assistance. Restrain this mage who might otherwise turn her spells on my comrades. The blind girl never had been certain whether mentally calling for the creature was necessary or not, but it never seemed to hurt. Regardless, once she had focused enough to infuse the area with her waves, the spirit would come forth in the form of a tangled mess of vines. The short kitsune initially only hoped that they might distract the mage long enough for Kherem to deal with the orc uninterrupted. When she realized that Lumi apparently come to the same tactic, she became hopeful that it might be the move that would finally seal the victory for the foxy fighters.

Step back and attempt to remove herself from the range of eldritch lantern. Then summon some entangling vines under Medea's feet!

20 body, 32 grapple, and they attempt to grapple the nearest three enemies the turn they're summoned. That's probably all that will really matter, though they have sluggish and tentacles too.
2 EP to summon, 10 base casting, Should have 11 (19 normally) base casting even if battle dance damage counts for the -8 penalty on damage taken so she fails on a roll of -2.

Probably Applicable Stats (invisibility): 55 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 23 Speed, 27 Resistance, 35 Stealth, 15 Perception

Cheat Sheet

When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 12/90, PP = 55, EP = 13/55, Status = Badly Injured, Dark Armor X = 10

Melissa: HP = 0/59, PP = 65, EP = 30/44, Status = Unconscious, +12 Resistance (from Oormi)

Lumi: HP = 10/54, PP = 70, EP = 41/56, Status = Badly Wounded, Bleeding (Hemophiliac), Weakened

Oormi: HP = 19/80, PP = 72, EP = 36/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength), Invisibility, Arcane Armor on Melissa, Badly Injured

Round 2
Lumi 1
Kherem 15
Melissa x
Oormi 4

Fiona 3
Isolde x
Medea 7
Presea x

Kherem drops Rage and Whirling Death, chugs a potion.

Medea does nothing.

Oormi casts a spell to summon some tentacle vines!
Casting: Success.
Attack (Vines) : Miss.

The orc steps up and tries to beat Kherem to death with the flats of her swords!
Attacks: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 4 + 6 + 36 + 8 - 38 = 23 damage per hit. Total of 46 damage.

Lumi casts a spell using blood magic, causing her to bleed for 2d4 HP per round unless she is knocked out or healed.
Attack: Hit. The vines are now grappling Medea!

Kherem's words were met by a scoff from the orc, who replied; "You're lucky this is an arena fight and not a proper battle, else you'd be dead and I'd be laughing!" She followed after him as he retreated out of the range of the magical light cast by the dark-garbed girl's floating lantern. The girl merely stuck her tongue out at Oormi as the kitsune retreated, opting to hide behind her barrier rather than actively engage the group. "Yeah, that's right, run away! Hey, Fiona, get back - eep!" the girl's shouted taunt at Oormi was spontaneously cut off as the blind kitsune summoned writhing vines within the narrow confines of her force barrier. She jumped back only to end up pressing her back against the magic wall, allowing the vines that Lumi summoned using a portion of her surrendered life essence to wrap around her ankles almost as soon as they appeared. The crowd gave a thunderous roar at the sight of the tentacles attacking the dress clad girl, and amidst her panicked struggling she said; "You people are sick!"

The orc, meanwhile, casually slammed her blades against Kherem's sides, causing his ribs to crack once more even as the healing potion he had drunk sought to repair them. "Which side was it again? The one that Presea broke for me!? I can't beat some sense into you properly without hitting you where it hurts, not while you've got that shadow armor up!" she jeered, grinning, and as she prepared for another attack, the woman added; "It's too bad you don't have the stones to take me on without your cowardly magics! If it weren't for them, you might even be a worthy opponent!" Oormi, unnoticed, had vanished upon reaching the edge of the spell's light, the point at which the waves through which she perceived the world returned to normal quite noticeable to her, and at that point she was free to act as she would. Lumi was largely unnoticed, as the orc was busy with Kherem and the mage was busy with the two sets of vines squirming under her feet.

Records For Me!
Presea: Unconscious
Medea: Spent 22 EP, 1 EP upkeep, Eldritch Lantern, Grappled by Lumi's Vines (30 Body, 42 Grapple)
Isolde: Spent 6 EP, Unconscious
Fiona: +20 AV from Medea's spell, Whirling Death (+8 attack/damage/AV, 4 damage per round), Spirited Warrior for a total of 10 (+10 damage, +5 Dodge and AV), taken 23 damage, spent 20 EP, armor at 46/50 TP

Lumi's Vines: 30 Body, 42 Grapple
Oormi's Vines: 20 Body, 32 Grapple
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem's vision was as blurry as is was red, the Orcs words struck him, but far from as harshly and painfully as her physical assault upon his already battered and broken chest and ribs. "I'm sure your friends and family would be proud of your battle prowess, hrk, finishing off a near dead, broken man, after your ally did most of the damage to him...", he tried to snarl the words out as he stumbled back and tried to recover from the Orcs attacks, but the words mostly came out as loud, pained gasps for air. He made an effort to be loud however, at least enough so that the crowd could hear it. He was not going to give up regardless of what wounds he suffered, and kept his head as high as his broken body allowed him to.

And then he struck out, he could already feel his shadowy embrace, even his consciousness, starting to slip from him, but one last strike wouldn't make things any worse than they already were. He stepped forward, kicking his leg up, hoping to unbalance both the Orc and himself by sending their legs up in the air, followed by striking with his swords pommel downwards with all his remaining might, if he could but smash the orcs kneecap, or break her leg, he'd happily pass out from the pain with a smile on his face.

Should he however not have the time to pull such a stunt off, or fail in his attempt... Well, then his fate lied with the goodwill of an obnoxious Orc woman.

Actions: Activate Rage, then Sudden Strike the Orc twice, Unarmed first and Sword second. Afterwards, Deactivate Dark Armor.

Steel Scimitar: 2d6+76DMG, +83 Hit
Unarmed: 2d4+64, +71 Hit

Whirling Death: +8 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Armor & -4HP/Turn
Rage: +10 Attack Roll/Melee Damage/Grapple, +4 Armor, No Dodge

Speed: 22(Base)
Dodge: N/A(Rage)
Armor: 30+8+4(Dark Armor+Whirling Death+Rage), +0(Kensai Battlerobe, still Broken, +7 if magically not)
Resistance: 25(Base), +10 VS Mental/Domination Effects
Perception: 20(Base)
Stealth: 29+10(Base+Dark Armor)
Grapple: 50+30+10(Base+Dark Armor+Rage)
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi barely manages not to wince as the wounds her nails caused begin bleeding, quickly creating a small pool under her hand, hopefully unnoticed by the others. Now to get myself up again. the skinny kitsune thinks, forcing herself to focus as she starts making the subtle gestures of a healing spell, moving as little as possible even as her breathing quickens and she almost starts to panic.

Healing touch, lesser for 3*(2d6+10) HP recovered.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"Bind her hands and feet! But don't do anything improper!" Oormi called out toward her own summon, ignoring the mage's protests. She immediately turned toward the exchange between Kherem and the orc. A grimace spread across her features as the orc's swords cut a pair of tie-dye strips through the air and crashed into the tall kitsune. The colors of her waves seemed to be bleeding into two mixed auras of green and grey.

The short swordsman immediately tightened her grip on her sword, preparing to go dashing toward the melee and trying to save Kherem any additional pain. The orc's taunts would end up stopping her before she even took a step. The knights and satyrs and even her mother had always much espoused the weight of honor and glory and pride in a fight. If she were to go and help Kherem then, even if she was lucky enough to strike the woman unconscious before she could do anymore damage, she might hurt both his honor and his pride. It was especially true given the vicious taunting. She wasn't entirely sure that the tall kitsune was the type to be bothered by as much but it was still a decision she was left with. Her training in the matter won out over her concern in the end, no matter how tough it was.

So, with the mage all but subdued, Oormi straightened up and watched the two like almost any other spectator in the arena, releasing her hold on her waves save the one that allowed her vision and as a result becoming visible again and allowing her boon to drop from the unconscious Melissa. She stood and viewed the two fighters as garishly depicted in her wave-sight, only breaking her concentration to briefly empower herself should Kherem be defeated. As stoically as she was able to stand, the only thing that betrayed her concern for the group's other swordsman was the foxgirl's gnawing on her bottom lip.

Oormi drops Invisibility and Arcane Armor and then buffs herself with Strength (Level 3 Body Buff) which she is using to buff body.
4 EP cost, 20 Casting, has 19 Base Casting so auto succeed, I think.

38/6 = 6 (rounded down) * 3 = +18 Body.

Also, orders dem tentacles to grapple Medea.

Probably Applicable Stats (Body buff): 64 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 27 Speed, 36 Resistance, 19 Stealth, 19 Perception

Cheat Sheet

When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 0/90, PP = 55, EP = 13/55, Status = Unconscious

Melissa: HP = 0/59, PP = 65, EP = 30/44, Status = Unconscious

Lumi: HP = 52/54, PP = 70, EP = 41/56, Status = Barely Wounded, Weakened

Oormi: HP = 19/80, PP = 72, EP = 32/60, Status = Fine, +18 Body (Strength), Badly Injured

Round 2
Lumi 16
Kherem 2
Melissa x
Oormi 11

Fiona 3
Isolde x
Medea 15
Presea x

Lumi takes bleed damage but then heals herself!
Damage: 3 + 3 = 6 damage.
Casting: Success.
Healing: 1 + 5 + 10 = 16 * 3 = 48 HP restored.
Her vines just kinda sit there cuz no orders.

Medea casts Repulse!
Casting: Failure.

Oormi drops her buffs and gives herself a Body buff!
Casting: Success.
Buff: 6 * 3 = +18 Body.
Her vines join the grapple on ye mage!

Fione goes in for the kill (not literally)
Attacks: Hits.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 2 + 36 + 8 - 42 = 9 damage per hit, total of 18.
Kherem is knocked unconscious!

Lumi, though she was bleeding and woozy, enacted a quick spell that not only sealed her wound and alleviated her headache, but also cleared up the marks of her injuries quite effectively. She still felt weak, but in time she knew that that would pass, and now she was back at nearly full strength. The mage was wrapped up in even more vines as Oormi's joined the grapple, and she clearly tried and failed to cast a spell in order to get herself out of that situation. With the opposing caster dealt with, and Oormi appearing once again and strengthening herself, that left only the largest of the kitsune' and the orc to duke it out.

Battered and exhausted, Kherem prepared a sudden attack that would hopefully seal his victory... Unfortunately, the orc proved the quicker of the two, likely courtesy of her relative freshness. She suddenly stepped up and slammed the hilts of both of her swords against the sides of Kherem's head, knocking him out cold instantly. He was held up by her sword handles for a moment before she released him, and his shadowy armor vanished, leaving the battered and bloodied warrior in only the shredded robe that he'd worn when he had entered the arena. The orc gave a snort before turning towards Oormi and blithely stating; "Just surrender. You've got tricks, but you won't beat me alone. No offense, but I'd rather not beat on someone your age."

Records For Me!
Presea: Unconscious
Medea: Spent 29 EP, 1 EP upkeep, Eldritch Lantern, Grappled by Lumi's Vines (30 Body, 42 Grapple) and Oormi's vines (20 Body, 32 Grapple)
Isolde: Spent 6 EP, Unconscious
Fiona: +20 AV from Medea's spell, Whirling Death (+8 attack/damage/AV, 4 damage per round), Spirited Warrior for a total of 10 (+10 damage, +5 Dodge and AV), taken 27 damage, spent 20 EP, armor at 46/50 TP

Lumi's Vines: 30 Body, 42 Grapple
Oormi's Vines: 20 Body, 32 Grapple
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"..." The foxgirl could only sadly watch as Kherem fell to the ground. The decision she had made not moments prior suddenly feeling wrong. She could not let it dishearten her in the moment, though. Oormi would need her full attention to fight the orcish warrior. The short swordsman motioned a short salute with her sword, aimed at nobody in particular, bringing it up to her center and then waving it downward before replying. "To surrender now would disgrace the spirit of Master Kherem's actions. I will not," she announced. "I am coming, prepare yourself."

Without further delay, the blind kitsune pushed herself into a charge at the orc. The waves she had weaved on herself gave her the strength to continue through her exhaustion for the time being. Once she had closed the gap, she took three swings at her target with the flat of her sword, attempting to keep her opponent on the defensive. She knew the truth of it, if the tall and powerful Kherem couldn't punch through the orcish woman's defenses, the much shorter girl wouldn't be capable of it. Worse, there was no way she would be able to stand in melee for long in her state. All she could do was try to avoid the orc's return swings and hope that Lumi might pull something out to defeat the dual wielder.

Lightning Strikes, Defensive Fighting 20:20, Battle Dance vs the orc! Flat of her sword, no murdering.

Also, have them entangling vines try to put Medea into a submission hold. Alternatively, if Lumi's vines go before them, have them simply fully aid Lumi's vines in doing so. (Unless Lumi's vines die or something somehow without Oormi's vines also dying)

3x Swings
Attack: +54 = 56 [Base] + 18 [Buff] + 12 [Battle Dance] - 20 [Defensive Fighting] - 12 [Lightning Strikes]
Damage: 2d6 + 36 = 33 [Base] - 6 [Lightning Strikes] + 9 [Buff]
4 HP damage from battle dance and 1 EP upkeep from +18 body.

Probably Applicable Stats (Body buff, Defensive Fighting ): 96 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 27 Speed, 36 Resistance, 19 Stealth, 19 Perception.

For round 2, use Defensive Stance along with everything else listed here. Which means she counterattacks 3 times for every miss against her and gains +10 dodge, pushing her to 106 dodge.

If the orc somehow explodes, is knocked unconscious, is otherwise rendered helpless, or decides to go for Lumi instead for some reason, then heal Kherem instead. Healing Grasp (Level 3 Nature, Heal, Touch)
20 Base Casting to cast, Oormi has 19, so fail on a -1. >.> 4 EP cost.
Heals for (2d6 + 8) * 3

Probably Applicable Stats (Body buff): 64 Dodge, 7 (TP = 25, DU = 1) armor, 27 Speed, 36 Resistance, 19 Stealth, 19 Perception

Cheat Sheet

When being attacked by powers or spells, Oormi gains +10 dodge and has +10 resistance against their effects.

Oormi takes +4 PP and EP damage.
She takes *1.5 corruption from anything that would cause her to gain corruption.
Despite having kitsune heritage, Oormi does not drain EP or absorb people unless specifically noted as she doesn't yet realize she can.

She has fertile and becomes pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Cursing silently as she sees Kherem go down, Lumi almost lets the desperation get better of herself for a moment. Yet, inspiration strikes, and the white kitsune smiles to herself for a moment before mentally commanding the vines to bind the mage and silently casting another spell on herself, causing causing her thoughts to grow clear before starting to move, hoping to beat the orc in speed by virtue of surprise. As she gets on to her knees, Lumi casts one last spell, hopefully ending the combat there and then as twin chains made from brilliant light shoot from her arms towards the orc.

Casting Inner Strength on herself. Casting DC 10, base casting 25-10=15. +24 mind for a total of 74((50*3)/6=25, rounded down to 24)
Commanding the vines to put the mage into submission hold, if that can be done silently.

Next round: Get up and cast Chains of Light. Casting DC 30, base casting 37+10-10(for weakened)=37
Chains of Light (Utility) [The character may choose a creature within line of sight of them. That creature is hit by an effect identical to the Binding Spirit Power with an effective value of X equal to 1 + Mind/8. Costs 1 EP upkeep.]