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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The foxgirl puffed up even more at the opportunity to proclaim her heritage. She took some pride in being the daughter of two accomplished adventurers, to the point where she would initially almost scramble to respond. "My mother and father are..." The wind left her sails as the realization of why she had set out from the sanctuary felt like it smacked her dead in the face. She wanted to be known as a talented swordsman in her own right, not given a chance because of the deeds of who she had been born to. Never did she want to be known simply as one among the offspring of her parents, or, gods forbid, left in a footnote as someone who showed promise for her birthright but was never able to accomplish it due to her blindness, she wanted to be known as an accomplished adventurer who just happened to be the daughter of her particular mother and father.

"My mother is a human swordsman who was knighted for her services to the fey," she continued, her pride deflated a bit. "She married my father, a kitsune." Oormi also seized on the opportunity to pry for details about Presea. "It sounds like you might be more familiar with the faeries than I am. I'm only familiar with what life is like in the sanctuary I grew up in, and could not begin to judge the fighting styles of the different courts. If you don't mind my asking, where are you from?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As Kherem gets back to his feet, Lumi, her ears twitching, refuses to take his hand instead opting to push herself up, quickly brushing her back free of dirt, real or imagined, only to pause briefly as Kherem's whispered words reach her ears. As she continues cleaning her back, her lips curve in a secret smile, though she doesn't acknowledge the secret words otherwise.

Only then paying attention to Melissa again, Lumi simply nods, not trusting herself to speak right now as her lips curve even more and she stifles a giggle, turning to follow Melissa.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

Fiona and Medea both simultaneously rolled their eyes as Oormi asked Presea about her origins, and the tiny woman looked at the kitsune with glee. "Where am I from?" she asked, smirking, "Why, I'm from Spring of course! I was a paige in queen Leanan's court. I've fought in the knightly games before, and I placed quite highly before being bested by Winter's First Knight."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Upon managing to make some distance for herself and Lumi, Melissa checked around, trying to ensure that nobody could listen in. If they had managed to gain some privacy, Melissa became considerably more serious. She had been at least a little nervous, and to a small extent she hadn’t been entirely able to repress that; now it was quite visible. With a sigh, she relayed her findings. It’s just one woman – an angel. But with black wings, and there were tentacles coming out of her… I didn’t risk it. I can’t think of any way we could give it to her – I can’t get close to her, I’d start shaking… she just feels bad, and scares me. I can’t think of any way to get our plan to work…” having shakily relayed her information, the human finally stopped her half-panicked torrent of words. “…Any ideas how we could put this in our favour?”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The blind foxgirl couldn't actually make out the details of the other group's expressions after her inquiry, but it didn't take being able to see to detect Presea's pride. "I'm even more honored to have had the chance to face you today then. I'm disappointed that I didn't get the chance to melee with you, though I'm not sure if such a chance would have left me able to face Lady Fiona at all, let alone for as long as I did," she politely offered. To be honest, she wasn't entirely sure what the significance of either was, as her formal education on faerie etiquette and practices had ended not long after she was stricken with blindness. But sometimes it wasn't necessary to fully appreciate a person's accomplishment to know when to offer obeisance. "I don't believe I've properly introduced myself. My name is Oormi," she introduced herself with a curtsy directed toward the group in general. After allowing the other woman a chance to do the same, she added; "I'm on something like the pilgrimage, though for personal reasons. I don't wish to hold you for too much longer, but will you be attending the duels?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem, his mind trying to work out what exactly had been transpiring, wasn't entirely aware of where he put one feet ahead of the other. He was aware of his surroundings, more so than usual, but anything that wasn't in his way or calling out to him would be completely ignored. With slow and steadfast steps, he made his way to where the Foxy Fighters had last spent their break, on the alcove, where they had shared food and drink... If nothing stopped him that is.

And if that spot was already occupied, his senses wouldn't quite process that part unless someone asked why he was there, or he were a few feet from the nearest seat, if the alcove or seat was occupied that is. If it wasn't, he'd slowly ease himself down and close his eyes, a look of peace and tranquility showing, as he finally found some comfort and peace.

Of course, he wouldn't fall asleep or anything of the sort, knowing full well somewhere in the back of his mind that he might have to step into the arena once again soon enough.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

"Hah, it's no worries! There's always the next match. And I'm Presea! Fiona's the greenskin, Isolde's the one drooling over there on the floor," which the succubus was doing as she stared at Oormi's tail, "...And the grumpy one in black is Medea!" The Prancing Paingivers each gave some form of acknowledgement to the blind kitsune, Medea offering a magical salute that she easily detected, while Isolde simply gave a fuzzy nod and continued to stare, and Fiona gave a tilt of her head. "You mean the stuff going on for the rest of the week? I might pop in once or twice, not sure when though. If Fiona's around, there's a good bet that I'll be too."

Kherem, in the meantime, went unmolested as he traversed the arena common room, and arrived at their cubby to find it empty. As he meditated, however, the kitsune would find his thoughts clouded by a dark presence that seemed to hang over him. There was something nearby, something that seemed to draw him towards it, but he knew without even thinking of it that to accept that invitation would be to seal his own death. The oppressive sensation distracted him, but it wouldn't be impossible for him to tune it out if he really tried to.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem found solace in having arrived without trouble to his former seat, but that would not last for long before darker things loomed at the edges of his mind. One of his ears twitched a bit, and he closed his eyes; whatever it was were of little concern to him, his sole interests lied in the battle ahead, a battle he was despite all things looking forward to. He had no intentions of swaying away from that path. Be it victory or defeat, he would enter the arena with a focused mind and readied body, and give it his all, that was his only desire presently.

Then again, there was still Lumi's ta-... Kherem shook his head, growling quietly as he dispelled such thoughts, and then resumed his meditation.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi shivers slightly as Melissa mentions their opponent being an angel, letting her eyes widen as the half-human continues her description. "A fallen angel," Lumi whispers incredulously. "I've heard stories about such beings. This is bad news. I don't even know if your poison would work, or if we'd need something stronger to affect it at all. Maybe we should... I don't know. At least you can coat your weapons with the poison. And we should probably warn Oormi and Kherem."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"Then I will hope for a chance to meet you in in a match," she offered with a nod of her own. The idea excited her. She could see where she matched up against a fey knight in single combat! Sure she had faced one before, but never with live steel. And it would give her a chance to see how far she had come in her goal to match her parents' legacy. Determining how she measured up to her parents was hard, given that it had always been difficult to pry specific details of their tales out of them, but by transitive relations if her mother had been knighted and Oormi herself defeated a knight in a real match... It had to count for something, right? A chance to duel Fiona and Presea. She couldn't wait!

The foxgirl very carefully hid her enthusiasm as she continued, though she couldn't fully hide her smile or the giddiness in her tone as she continued. "It's been an honor to speak with you four, but I believe I should go search for Kherem now. Um, is she going to be okay?" The blind kitsune asked with a subtle motion of her head toward the drooling Isolde. But after they had answered, unless she received an answer that required her to remain, she would leave afterward in search of the tall swordsman, with extra pep in her walk for the results of the conversation.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

“Yeah. I got the same feeling.” Melissa agreed, expecting that the poison made for a human would probably have no effect on a celestial constitution. “The only way we’re going to get out of this one alive is with a plan between the four of us… or by forfeiting, but we’re just a step away from victory. Let’s at least see if the four of us can come up with some way to win this between us.”

With Lumi’s acceptance, Melissa would find her way back to the group they had previously defeated, just in time to find Oormi leaving it. Kherem’s whereabouts were the first question on her lips, but finding that the kitsune didn’t know her fellow’s whereabouts, Melissa explained the situation to half of the group that was still out of the loop. “Even without Kherem, I suppose it’s better you know now… we saw our next opponent. It’s one winged woman – Lumi says a fallen angel, with retractable tentacles coming out of her everywhere. She gave me a very bad feeling… not just because of her strength at getting this far. I think if she wins it will be the last fight any of us have.” Though they hadn’t known her long, this was definitely the first time either of the Kitsune had seen Melissa scared – she was even trembling slightly. “If we want to win this, we’re going to need to have a plan… but I really can’t think of one.”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The blind kitsune stopped mid-step when Melissa and Lumi caught her. She would spin around and answer the question about Kherem's whereabouts, noting that she was in the middle of searching for him herself. Afterward, she simply listened. Although she couldn't help but notice that the two had apparently been quite active between invisibility spells and just happening to find the team's next opponent, she decided not to question them about what they had been doing just yet given the importance of their news. Her willingness to put aside her questions was reinforced when the apparently-human woman began to exhibit signs of fear. Oormi couldn't spot the motions of Melissa's trembling with how little power she had dedicated to her wavesight, but she didn't necessarily need to given her normally carefree teammate's choice of words. Her hand went to her chin as she considered the news and the polearm wielder's reaction.

"I don't know that much about the angels," she admitted. "But from what I do know, a fallen angel will almost certainly make for a more difficult opponent than any we've faced today." Which, she didn't say it out loud, intrigued her despite Melissa's dire proclamation. Oormi may have understood that the polearm-wielder was afraid, but without having felt the terrifying presence herself couldn't understand that Melissa was very rightfully so. To her the chance to face Presea and Fiona in single combat was going to be great, and she couldn't help imagining the kind of praise she might receive if she was part of a group that overcame a fallen angel. In the end, the short foxgirl did quickly dismiss the thoughts from her head, realizing that after only a few hours in the arena she was already becoming an undisciplined glory hound.

Letting her hand drop from her chin, she continued. "Did you happen to spot her teammates? Without knowing them, we can only plan so much. Although if we don't find Master Kherem in order to share these plans, they may not do us any good at all."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"I don't know if this is in our favour or against it, but yes… and no. She didn't have any, not when she left the arena after her match. Which means that we don't have to worry about them - but that she didn't need them to get this far anyway." Melissa's tone told of her blanched face. The human was aware that she was giving out enough information for the more moral member of their group to grow suspicious, but she couldn't feel any other way of dealing with the situation and coming out victorious. She would absolutely need the young fox-warriors’ help to have any hope of winning the match. Still, if Oormi or Kherem couldn't think of something, there was always the option of forfeiting...

The issue of locating Kherem was a welcome distraction from the other problems currently plauging Melissa, and she immediately offered the first solution she could think of. "He'll probably be back where we were waiting after the other battles." She certainly wouldn't have any problem with heading there to look for the odd berserker.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 42/56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength)

"Then I will hope for a chance to meet you in in a match," she offered with a nod of her own. The idea excited her. She could see where she matched up against a fey knight in single combat! Sure she had faced one before, but never with live steel. And it would give her a chance to see how far she had come in her goal to match her parents' legacy. Determining how she measured up to her parents was hard, given that it had always been difficult to pry specific details of their tales out of them, but by transitive relations if her mother had been knighted and Oormi herself defeated a knight in a real match... It had to count for something, right? A chance to duel Fiona and Presea. She couldn't wait!

The foxgirl very carefully hid her enthusiasm as she continued, though she couldn't fully hide her smile or the giddiness in her tone as she continued. "It's been an honor to speak with you four, but I believe I should go search for Kherem now. Um, is she going to be okay?" The blind kitsune asked with a subtle motion of her head toward the drooling Isolde. But after they had answered, unless she received an answer that required her to remain, she would leave afterward in search of the tall swordsman, with extra pep in her walk for the results of the conversation.

"Alright, see yah!" Presea said, and Fiona nodded, "Good luck in the finals Oormi! I'll look forward to our next match!" The orc glanced at the drooling Isolde at Oormi's indication and said; "Yeah she'll be fine, don't worry about her! She does this sometimes!" Isolde tilted her head while staring at Oormi's tail and muttered; "Sooooo..... Flufffffffyyyyyyy..... Soft!"

With their goodbyes effectively said, Oormi departed from the Prancing Paingivers, who themselves departed for the third place melee, and found her other team mates easily enough. When they went looking for Kherem, they found him exactly where Melissa had expected him to be, his eyes still closed as he mediated after pushing off the dark presence that had momentarily distracted him.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Oormi nodded at the polearm wielder's wisdom on the matter, and would walk alongside the other two on their path back to the table they had sat at before their prior match. She felt the dark presence as they spotted the tall swordsman and approached, but pushed it to the back of her mind. Though most of her lessons in survival and combat had come from her mother, her father had taught her long ago that the ominous air hanging over her wasn't the sort of thing to approach or investigate despite any innate desire to do so, it was something to be wary of and to remain on guard about while waiting for it to pass or distancing herself from it. Since the latter wasn't really an option without dragging the other three away, she hailed Kherem and took a seat at the table.

"Master Kherem! I had wondered where you had left to. The short foxgirl chose not to press the matter of his stroking her tail and doing whatever he had done to Lumi before he ran off until after the match. Their next fight was pressing enough, in her opinion, for the time being. "Lady Melissa happened across our next opponent. She's a fallen angel, it seems, and without a team. We wanted to discuss strategy. Since she's apparently a single opponent, it's my opinion that between Lumi and I, we could empower one among us enough to stand toe to toe with her while the rest of us provide additional support," she noted, hoping that cutting straight to business would avoid some potential awkwardness.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi follows Oormi and Melissa quietly, unsure of what they should do. When Oormi comes up with a strategy, Lumi shrugs her shoulders. "Sounds fine to me. I don't know much about tactics."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Seeing Kherem vulnerably sitting there with his eyes closed riled Melissa’s desire to screw with him, but not so much so that she could ignore the pressing matter of the angel they would have to fight. Instead, she tossed out a simple “Hey, Kherem.”
Besides, there was a feeling itching inside the skin at the back of her neck, one she really didn’t like – as if that fallen angel was looking over her shoulder. She turned her head back to look behind her a couple of times, just to be sure. “This… doesn’t seem like the best place to be talking about this. Could we… go somewhere else?”

If they did agree to head somewhere less ominous, or otherwise, Melissa would continue once seated.
“Well, I can’t say it feels like the best option, but it could work…” Melissa conceded, not looking entirely happy with the prospect of risking everything on one person. “Kherem would be the best person for that role.”
Melissa wasn’t the kind of person for thoughtfulness, but that’s the expression that crossed her face while the group planned. “Dog-piling… isn’t going to work here, I don’t think. Normally it would help keep her pinned and make her easy to hit, but with the tentacles I saw, it seems a bad idea.” It took the human a moment to come up with another suggestion.
“…Instead of making one of us stronger, could you make her weaker? If she’s weak enough I should be able to affect her with my crossbow’s mage-poison or with my power, but I won’t be able to do much while she’s strong. ”
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As soon as Oormi called out for him, the tall Kitsunes ears flicked up alertedly, and he turned his head and opened his eyes to see his companions join him. A sheepish smile formed on his lips moments prior to answering the calls. "Oh, sorry if I worried you, I just... I needed a moment of silence for myself, to gather my thoughts.", his words carried a faint tone of embarassment to them. He felt no pride in his choice to retreat, potentially worrying his friends, but now there were more important matters to discuss. Combat strategy. Melissa's request to change location was met with a raised brow, but he merely shrugged, as if letting someone else make that decision. He was after all quite comfortable as he were.

Regardless of whether or not Lumi or Oormi called for a change of place, Kherem would rise his right hand to scratch thoughtfully under his chin as Oormi explained the situation. "A fallen angel...?", his words slow and ponderous, he had heard of them of course, but had yet to face one in battle. Oormi's choice of tactic though, made Kherem grimace slightly, an overall look of uncertainty befalling him. He would however, let Lumi and Melissa say their piece before commenting, although the latters vote of confidence made him look at her quizzically. "While I appreciate your trust in my prowess, Melissa, I share your wariness in sending one person to fight, whether me or otherwise."

Kherem looked to Oormi, then to Lumi, and grimaced slightly as he reminisced of their last battle. "There is one flaw in such a plan, as I experienced in our previous fight. As soon as Lumi fell, I felt her boon dissipate from me. Even if I, or someone else for that matter, recieved enough boons to stand face to face with our adversary, if those that have given such boons fall, the boons will fade.", Kherem scratched under his chin again, letting out a quiet 'hrm' as he thought. "Lumi, you wouldn't perhaps know of that spell the magess we faced used to shield herself? The barrier she cast? Perhaps that...", Kherem's words ebbed into silence, and he slowly shook his head. "I am uncertain. I am of course willing to face our foe head-on, but I do not want to see the plan crumble because the enemy chose to ignore me, and target you all instead. Melissa's idea of weakening the fallen angel might work, but... I have no magic to aid with such endeavors. I have little to bring beyond my swordsmanship.", Kherem's words once more dwindled into silence, but this time it had been with a tone of regret rather than thoughtfulness. He only had his swords to aid the others with, and that fact didn't please him at all.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Lumi shrugs. "I do know the spell, but I'm not very strong in that regard, and it would be quite flimsy defence against such a powerful being. Weakening her... I do believe I can do that. If she doesn't attack me straight away, at least."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"I have difficulty aiming my spells due to my method of vision," Oormi admitted in reply to Melissa's suggested revision, after acceding to her suggestion to change locations. "I don't think I can be of much aid in that regard, but I am confident in my ability to defend myself for a prolonged period should our opponent attempt to remove me from the fight. I can place my focus in keeping her from attacking Lady Lumi, as well."