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Fluffy Tails (Hafnium)

Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"This isn't the first time someone came in me, Kherem. I didn't ask the nurses 'cause I already know how it works..." Melissa answered, sounding considerably less frightened than she had before. The time the foxman had spent speaking to Oormi gave her a chance to compose herself. Being less scared didn't prevent her from becoming more confused, though. "...You're angry that I banged you at all, even though it felt good?" she asked, incredulous toward the possibility.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Smokefish: Kherem wasn't overly happy about Oormi's decision to split the money up before heading off, as that meant more time before he could resume his 'conversation' with Melissa. But he would let her do as much, before turning his attention back to the small woman before him. Her words made him growl lowly, and again clench his fists. "I am angry that you raped me, Melissa. It doesn't matter how good or not it felt.", he snarled quietly before resuming. "Do you think your behavior is excuseable, just because you made my body satisfied?", there was a clear tone of disgust to his words, it was likely clear such a feeble excuse wasn't anywhere near acceptable to the tall swordsman.

Host24: Melissa had been taken by surprise initally, finding Kherem angry when she had expected him to be happy. But after getting over that unexpected reaction, the human's mind began to react to his anoyance in a different manner. Kherem was quite clearly angry - angry, but not murderous. 'Spoling for a fight', a creature might say... something that Melissa picked up on as easily as breathing. While the rather simple woman didn't exactly understand what his problem was, she knew that talking about it more wasn't going to help things.

"You're angry- ...no. Enough, I'm not going to understand this way." the human said, with a shake of her head. "Explain with your fists!" she instead demanded, though given that she was the one to begin the fight, she was also the one to throw the first punch. Granted, the punch was neither skillful nor particularly threatening, striking for the Kitsune's chest; and, while she wasn't holding much back, the strike probably wouldn't do much to a creature of Kherem's phisque.

Smokefish: Melissa's words were truer than one could imagine in the male Kitsunes ears; it really felt like he was talking to a wall of bricks, his words not getting through to her. And then her next choice of words puzzled him somewhat, until he saw her movement. He didn't even try to evade the blow; grimacing slightly as he was struck and made a half-step back to keep his balance, and to prepare for a follow-up. "IF VIOLENCE IS ALL YOU LISTEN TO, THEN GLADLY!" He roared the words out as he clenched his right fist firmly, then he stepped forth and swung his fist with full force into Melissa's face. If this was truly all the woman before him would understand, then so be it!

Melissa: 34/59
Kherem: 75/90

Melissa Attacks, rolls 1d20(11)+44 VS Kherem's Dodge(45), rolls 2d4(1,3) for (11+4)=15 Damage.
Kherem activates Rage and Attacks, rolls 1d20(9)+60 VS Melissa's Dodge(37), rolls 2d4(2,2) for (26+4-5)=25 Damage.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Oormi would find Lumi not-too-far from the booth, slowly wandering towards it. As the blind girl offers her her share of the winning, Lumi quickly makes the coins disappear into a pouch somewhere in her shirt. "Thank you. Wait, you mean Melissa and Kherem... But I thought... Ugh, nevermind. Do you mind if I come with you? Other than picking up a couple things, I don't really have anything to do today, and if Melissa and Kherem are fighting, I don't think trying to find them would be a good idea before they have had a chance to cool off."
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"If you'd like," Oormi consented to the other foxgirl accompanying her. "This is a strange, new place for me, so there's probably safety in numbers and I would be grateful for your company." The blind girl fidgeted with her robes as she spoke, trying to straighten them out a bit before stepping back out into the city. "And I know. I can't figure out if the two are lovers or not. They certainly act the part, but Melissa suggested they weren't, but then I guess something happened after the fight, and now they're fighting," she obliviously suggested.

"Well, they're adults anyway and I'm sure they can handle it maturely. I've probably pried too much already anyway," she added once she had finished fussing with her clothes. Afterward the blind foxgirl quietly manipulated her waves in order to form a magical trail back to the alraune who had sent her to the arena in the first place. "Shall we?" Oormi asked of Lumi after her preparations were in place and, barring any intervention from her new traveling companion, would begin to follow the trail almost immediately.

Casting Find to figure out where ye original alraune nurse who treated her is. Costs 4 EP, Casting DC 20, and her base casting is 19 so she'd have to roll less a negative 1 to fail it.

(Level 3 Arcane, Utility) [Similar to Locate, only this spell goes around and through objects, effectively leading the caster along the shortest path to their target. If a path seems too dangerous, the caster can instead choose to redirect the path, and the spell will try to find another one if it is available.]

According to the original thread, the nurse wasn't in the arena proper at the time and was instead at another clinic, so I'm guessing this will lead the duo out into whatever it was you had planned upon the group leaving the arena and as such interrupt dat personal business. Just in case this should all come up, though, Oormi's personal planning was as such:

See Nurse, repay her 15 denarii. Ask her for directions to the next two places.
Find Eve's Garden, buy a fancy bouquet for ye fallen knight's next of kin or whatever (budget for this is somewhere around 5 denarii)
Find Madame Rosmerta's and go clothes shoppinggg (Budget for this depends on what's left).

If Lumi has anything she's interested in taking care of while Oormi's around (e.g. probably not drug deals) then Oormi will happily accompany her to them all after the nurse or whenever they're close to wherever Lumi might need to stop.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) Find

~~~~Oormi and Lumi~~~~​

Casting her magics and following their guide, Oormi and Lumi headed out of the arena only for the orcish doorman to wave at them and shout; "Oi! Hold up a minute! You two are part of The Foxy Fighters, right? There's some stuff here for you!" He held out a stack of letters, apparently left for them. Two were addressed to the entire team as a whole, two were addressed to Kherem, two to Oormi (both in brail) and one each to Melissa and Lumi.

The orc didn't bother them after that, allowing them to go their own way, and Oormi's magic would lead them comfortably to the clinic where she had awoken. Her spell pointed her (and Lumi if the thief opted to remain with her) to the very alraune nurse that she had woken up to. "Oh, hello again dear!" she said, greeting Oormi with a cheerful smile and a wave, "Come to settle accounts have you? I heard you did well in the arena! A lot of people were talking about it!"

~~~~Kherem and Melissa~~~~​

The two started slugging at each other in the arena pit, causing a not insignificant ruckus, and before they could even start throwing their next set of punches a quartet of guardsmen were on their way to the cubby in which they were brawling. "Oi! You there! Save it for the ring, there's no fighting allowed down here!" one of them said, and then as they closed in to form a loose semicircle around Kherem and Melissa, another said; "Aren't you two teammates anyway?" A third guardsman said; "Calm yourselves, or you'll be spending a night in the cells downtown. And don't think about just taking it out into the streets either, or you'll get the same!"
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

As great as his frustration with Melissa was, and how happily he could've kept their barely started fistfight going, the interruption by the guards made the tall swordsman pause. His left fist, clenched and raised for a second strike, unclenched as he lowered it back down and stepped away from Melissa. A slow and reluctant step, but he respected the laws more than he yearned to punch the troublesome woman before him. Even if she decided to take the moment of resignation and punch him during it, he'd bear it and stumble away from her with a quiet growl at most. He wasn't happy with this outcome, but he was accepting of it. Perhaps it was for the better anyways, before things got too much out of hand. His ears twitched slightly in agitation at the comment about him and Melissa being teammates, and he looked towards the person who said it, anger still in his eyes, but not aimed towards the guard. "We were, but I am not sure anymore.", the words were harsh, and he truly wasn't certain how much more he wanted to have to do with Melissa after this, but he wasn't likely to get rid of her just yet, unfortunately.

With a disgruntled grumbling, Kherem turned as if about to leave. His head turned and his eyes fixated on Melissa as he spoke. "Let's go, and get your potion.", he had wanted to stress the point about seeking out a nurse for magical checkup, but he couldn't be bothered anymore. Whether the guards would let them go or not, he'd speak up to them. "I'll keep my fists down, then. I have more important things to take care of than being locked up because of her.", while Kherem would hold onto the money for the time being, he would count up Melissa's share of it when needed. His mood still fouled by her actions, but that wouldn't prevent him from holding up his end of what had been agreed to about the prize money. If allowed out of the booth, he would head towards the shop, while looking around for Oormi and Lumi; he had things he had hoped to talk about, but it would seem he had been too late to catch them before they went off on their own path.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"Really?" She asked of the orc as he made to hand off the stack of letters, surprised that anything would be waiting for her. Not that she could even pretend not to be excited by the prospect when she realized that it wasn't all some roundabout joke. In fact, she was so happy about it that she quickly snagged the entire stack and began to intently study the letters... only to suddenly dejectedly hang her head and shoulders as she announced; "I can only make out who the ones in braille are addressed to."

The blind foxgirl stashed the two addressed to her into her robes and then offered Lumi the rest, assuming the thief had chosen to accompany her. "Maybe you should handle these. Or if you'd prefer not to then maybe the gentleman wouldn't mind hanging onto any not addressed to us for a little while longer until Kherem and Melissa pass by?" If, for whatever reason, Lumi had split off from the kitsune duelist, she would instead simply request that the orc hang onto them since she couldn't reliably deliver the ones in regular writing to their intended recipients. Either way, the reminder of her limitations deflated Oormi enough that she completely forgot to read the ones addressed to her and ended up making her way to the clinic she had originally awoken in.

But once she arrived at that clinic, the alraune nurse's greeting ended up quickly mending the blind girl's damaged ego. "Really?" She reiterated with the same level of enthusiasm she had shown the orcish doorman. After the letters and the alraune's comment, Oormi's pride and a childish sense of happiness were very much running her mind, as it barely even registered to her that one of the reasons they might be talking about the fights was exactly the opposite of the sort of thing she wanted to become famous for. Her tail began to wag excitedly as she began to blurt out her reply. "Yeah, I did really well! I joined in the team tournament and we won! It was so cool! I got to fight a group of demon knights and a group of actual, honest adventurers!" Now that the fighting was over it was hard not to take great pride in what she'd accomplished. Sparring was one thing, but she'd actually fought a knight on par with the woman who'd trained her in a real battle and she'd won! And then there was Fiona and Medea and Isolde and Presea who were really adventurers like her parents and she had matched well against them too! She carefully skipped over the fight with the fallen angel, not really wanting to relive that one.

"I even got one of the adventurers to agree to a rematch for next week! I'm so excited!" She gave out a low squeal of joy as she imagined a climactic showdown against Fiona in the arena. Even if her eyes weren't visible, her expression very much matched her enthusiasm. "I got some letters, too! Oh, hey, I never even read them..." The realization calmed her down enough to pull one of the letters at random from her robe and glance over it. Ironically enough her wavesight allowed her to identify the braille without touching the letter due to the nature of the raised dots on the paper, whereas she couldn't make out non-magical ink because it didn't leave a significant enough profile for her waves to differentiate the letters. Between her excitement and her curiosity she managed to completely forget why she had sought the nurse out as she read.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) Find

~~~~Oormi and Lumi~~~~​

(Will do a quick response for Spider when he gets around to this, since Lumi is mostly passive in this particular endeavor unless she actively opts to do anything and Oormi did a bunch of stuff.)

The orc, having discharged his duty, promptly got up and put up a sign saying; "Attendant Off Duty, Come Back Tomorrow" after which he packed up everything else and wandered off, leaving Lumi to do as she liked with the rest of the letters addressed to them and their team mates. Though, before then, Oormi would notice that one of the letters was in fact written in magical ink, allowing her to read a letter addressed to Kherem from someone named "The Esteemed Lady Ansazria."

When they arrived at the clinic, Oormi and Lumi would find the alraune a captive audience to Oormi's recitation of her deeds in the arena, seemingly excited at the prospect of the fox girl's prowess in battle. "Amazing!" the plant woman replied excitedly, "Have you scheduled the rematch yet? I want to get tickets!" The reminder of the letters and the subsequent withdrawal of one from her pack had the alraune looking on curiously.

The letter was from someone named "Sir Reginald Percival Alvarien the 3rd," and said;

To, the blind warrior kitsune, Oormi

It was my distinct pleasure to view some of your matches in the arena this day, Tuesday of the Fourth of Alveira. Unfortunately business called me away before your final bout began, but I heard of your victory and hastily scrabbled down this letter in a manner that I had hoped you would be able to read. Observing your combat style, so raw and filled with brilliant talent and yet, unrefined, has led me to consider you for a task most important to me. Though many in Acheron, particularly among the fighters in the Arena, are quite capable combatants, you I believe are perfectly suited for the task that I have in mind.

If you are interested in learning more about my offer, feel free to stop by my estate some time within the next week, preferably during afternoon or evening hours. The address is enclosed, and I am sure one of your associates or a local guide will be able to guide you here with ease. You need merely show this letter to one of my servants, and they should bring you straight to me. Refreshments would be offered at my home, and I would be happy to negotiate a suitable reward for your services with you if you choose to accept my offer.

Sir Reginald Percival Alvarien the Third

~~~~Kherem and Melissa~~~~​

Kherem would indeed be allowed to leave the booth, without issue after he'd agreed that he and Melissa would no longer pursue violence. Oormi and Lumi were nowhere to be found, but the shop was still open for the moment, though it looked about ready to close up now that the arena itself was closing down for the night. He would have to get his potion quickly if he wanted it.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

The nurse's enthusiastic reaction to Oormi's own enthusiasm only made the latter that much more excited. If it were to continue any further, the two would be in danger of creating some perpetual enthusiasm generator that would feed the blind foxgirl's pride and ego to dangerous levels. Luckily, to some extent it was defused as she recalled the letters and made to read one. She still diverted her attention from the paper enough to answer though, and some of her giddiness still managed to boil over into her voice. "I don't have an exact date yet, but she suggested that we have our rematch during some duels being held later this week. I guess they have some sort of special rules? Not sure what they are, but I'm going to train really hard for the fight! I'll let you know the date as soon as I know exactly what it is," she promised earnestly.

"Hm, Sir Reginald Percival Alvarien the Third," she murmured after she had read the letter before folding it and stashing it away again. She'd have to look into that, if only to feed her curiosity. "Oh," she started again, suddenly remembering why she had come to the clinic in the first place. She pulled the bag of coins from her person and retrieved fifteen denarii from it before handing them over to the alraune. "That should settle my account! And, um, I was wondering if you happened to know where Eve's Garden and Madame Rosmerta's are from here?"

To Do:

Eve's Garden
Madame Rosmerta's.
Probably bump into Kherem and Melissa somewhere along the way so they can receive their letters. (Also dat magical ink. Letter's totally going to somehow chloroform him I bet.)

Also I would've normally waited for Spider to get in a reply but I was p. excited to get this reply out so I went ahead and did it while the excitement was still there.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem’s fist found his attacker in no real position to get out of the way, and while she managed to avoid taking it at the worst possible angle, the kitsune’s punch still hurt all the same. The fury in his eyes and in the blow was enough of an answer for the human, but that didn’t mean she’d stop after taking one punch – even one as strong as the one she had received, sharply aching underneath the adrenaline. Taking a second hit like that would probably prevent her from fighting back, though, so the human grabbed Kherem’s arms, hoping to keep him from continuing to strike, despite the fact that he was probably stronger than her. At any rate, they found themselves surrounded before either one gained a good position in the grapple, and when they were asked to desist, the human grumbled, “Spoilsports…”

Still, she had already gotten her answer, and Kherem seemed to intend to stop fighting, so she allowed him to answer the interlopers, tagging along as he left. She was rather tenderly feeling the extent of the blow a few steps later, and after a moment of rubbing, broke the silence with the fuming kitsune; "...Nice punch." Though she didn't exactly sound remorseful, Melissa spoke with not half the fevered energy she seemed to usually possess.
"I get it, now. I did something pretty terrible, jumping you when you couldn't fight back."
Well, it might be a bit of a stretch to say that she 'got it'. The moderately human warrior still had no appreciation of why a capable and horny pretty-much-anything would refuse sex - or, even less, would be upset about having it... but that wasn't something that Melissa needed to understand. The fury on Kherem's face as he held nothing back, attacking with intent and force quite capable of wounding... this wasn't some half-assed, verbal-whining-only annoyance because she stole some of his portion of a meal, or poked him in the nose, or tickled him until his sides hurt. Apparently, being taken against his will violated Kherem in more than just the physical, dick-into-pussy sense of the term. So, she stopped, looking the dogman in the eye (or calling him to catch her gaze with a straightforward "Oi! Look!" if he didn't oblige her).
"I shouldn't have done it. And, now that I know, I won't do it again." she spoke, unflinchingly staring down the taller humanoid, sure in her intentions.

She continued to stare for a few seconds longer, if the kitsune didn't break contact or say anything of importance. Finally, if she felt that her point had gotten through and Kherem didn't open any questions of his own, Melissa's mood turned on a dime, instantly back to a happy grin. "Well, let's go!" came her words, following moments after her legs had again begun moving her further out of the arena commons.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Following Oormi cheerfully, Lumi takes the letters addressed to the team, thanking the orc. As Oormi starts chatting with the nurse, she opens the letter addressed to her, scanning it briefly before putting it back into the envelope.

"Oh, I know where those are, don't worry." Lumi puts in as she hears Oormi asking about their next stop.

Assuming Oormi would follow, Lumi starts leading the blind kitsune out of the clinic, taking a "short cut" through a side street where she finds a run-down tavern. "This won't take long." the white-haired kitsune says, heading inside to speak with the bartender.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Perhaps it was fortunate that they had been made to stop fighting when they had. Melissa's attempt to try and grapple him had earned her naught but a warning snarl and a mean glare as things were. As he next headed for the Arena's shop, he would walk with paced steps and with nary a word escaping his scowling lips. Melissa's attempted compliment, or whatever one might call it, fell on deaf ears. Her attempts to apologize did only halfly so. The swordsman would, without turning around or otherwise looking her way, answer raptly. "Should've thought of it before, not after, you decided to punch me ontop of the first ill deed done to me, Melissa.". Once at the counter, Kherem would start counting up Melissa's share of the prize money. He also wouldn't look her way, like moments before, when he spoke to her. "This is your share of it, now buy that potion of yours and be done with it.". Impatience, an eagerness to get elsewhere, would be evident in the male Kitsunes sour tone. And yet he wasn't dismissing Melissa's pressence entirely. He didn't count up the money and then promptly turn to leave. Rather, he waited for the transaction to be finished before heading towards the arena exit. Once outside, he would have a look around himself, idly scratching his chin in a ponderous way while contemplating where to go next in the demon city.

Him not leaving her behind when he had the chance couldn't possibly bite him in his furred arse later on, surely?
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"Oh, okay," the kitsune replied with a look toward Lumi. The blind girl didn't question the woman's assertion, after all it wasn't like she had ever asked the other foxgirl how long she had been in Acheron. She turned back toward the nurse before departing, however. "Well, thanks anyway, and thank you again for the healing. I promise I'll send you a message about the rematch soon!" After offering her thanks and her promise, Oormi would then proceed to follow the stealthy mage out of the clinic unless the alraune had any other business that still needed to be addressed.

The shortcut left the blind kitsune paranoid, although it wasn't directed at her teammate, and she ended up shifting her purse of denarii into a safer spot inside her robes. She kept full faith in Lumi and followed her all the way to the run-down tavern. When the thief suggested that it wouldn't be long, she asked; "So should I just wait out here, or...?" Unless the other woman responded negatively about her entering, the wave-wielder would follow her into the tavern, though she would take a place in a corner far away from the bartender. If Lumi did request that she not enter then Oormi would willingly wait outside. Regardless of where she waited, she would remove her second letter and read it as the other kitsune attended to her own business.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

..."Oi! Look!" she demanded, and yet the kitsune refused to play ball. Melissa had gone to the trouble of understanding how important Kherem's not-rape fetish was to him... and the kitsune was refusing to even let her apologise for her mistake. He was snubbing her... and the half-daemon did not take well to being snubbed. Her annoyance sizzled up immediately, like metal struck by lightning... and the human was hardly one to hide her feelings. If the guards hadn't been around, Kherem would have at least had to dodge an attack from behind. "I needed to fight you to know it!" she replied, when the foxman berated her for hitting him, her voice tens with her own fury. If she couldn't strike physically, Melissa was sure as hell going to find some other way to do so - and had no qualms about using the self-same tactics that had made her so grumpy in the first place.

...And thus, Kherem’s carefully counted coins would fail to be lifted from the hand he offered. If that didn’t cause him to act first, after a few moments Melissa would announce her intent, petulantly. “Nooope. I won’t be getting that potion after all.” Two could play the spite game, and it was hard to be better at it than Melissa…
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem had at first scowled at Melissa's statement, that she needed a fight to get it into her head that she had done wrong, but the angered tone to the womans voice was not to be ignored. He had been angry with her, he had almost shouted furiously at her for what she had done to him to make her understand that it was not acceptable. And here she were, being angry at him now. As Kherem finished counting up the coin on the counter he would breathe deeply before turning around. A vicious cycle of anger wasn't anything the Kitsune wanted to endure or uphold. As Kherem looked down upon Melissa his ears would flatten back against his head.

"I... Shouldn't have dismissed your apology like that, I'm sorry... Your voice tells me I did you wrong. I just... I can't understand how you think.", his voice carried a tone of regret, and that of a child fearing to be scolded for reasons he didn't fully understand. "Just... buy your potion, so we can be done and away from here... please?", and with that sentence his voice turned pleading. Almost desperate. The thought of Melissa deciding to not buy the potion at all was scaring him more than any of the opponents he had faced on the arena grounds.
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) Find

~~~~Oormi and Lumi~~~~​

After the alraune nurse dismissed Oormi, glad to have her bill paid and requiring nothing further from the blind kitsune, the duo proceeded to go off to a bar. The bartender of the Sunken Garden, a gruff with golden horns and veins of black running across the brown fur of his chest, would turn to Lumi upon being approached and say; "What can I do for you, milady?"

(What happens with Oormi depends on whether she gets left outside or not.)
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

"Come in," Lumi curtly replies to Oormi as she heads in. Seeing the bartender, the white kitsune hesitates. You'd think he'd have mentioned that the contact was a gruff. Oh well, here goes nothing. Deciding that there was nothing to be done about it, she heads to talk with the bartender. "Hello. A friend of mine told me that you're good with jokes. Do you have any fresh punchlines?"
Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Melissa silently listened to the Kitsune, her body oddly not betraying her emotions for once. When he was done, she took hold of the money he was still offering… but held her hand against his, not yet taking it. Now that she actually had Kherem's attention, the human could complete her own apology.
"I shouldn't have mounted you without getting your permission. And, now that I know not to, I won't do it again." she spoke, unflinchingly staring down the taller humanoid, sure in her intentions.

If the Kitsune appeared to give no objections to her apology, Melissa’s mood would improve, her usual cocky smile half-returning. “Alright, then, I've got a potion to get.” Melissa announced, finally taking her share of the money and ordering from what might well be the same shopkeep she earlier robbed; "One morning-after potion, to go!"
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

Kherem: HP = 75/90, PP = 55, EP = 55, Status = Fine

Melissa: HP = 34/59, PP = 65, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Lumi: HP = 54, PP = 70, EP = 56, Status = Fine

Oormi: HP = 80, PP = 72, EP = 54/60, Status = Fine, +12 Perception (Lesser Strength) Find

~~~~Oormi and Lumi~~~~​

(Also, forgot Lumi's letter in my last post!)

To whom it may concern;
The incident in the store was not missed, and your adaptability in times of stress was noted by our associate. You have gained our attention with your impressive prowess. If you would care to meet to discuss prospective business arrangements, come to the "Leaky Liferaft" on the docks and ask for Rufus.
-A friend

Oormi was left to her own devices after Lumi brought her into the seedy Acheron bar, and though the blind kitsune couldn't see it, she was attracting a lot of attention from the other demons present in the bar. Pulling out the other letter, she was left alone at least long enough to read it;

Dearest Oormi~
I have heard that you got into some trouble in Acheron! I hope that this letter finds you well despite whatever perils you may have faced, and remember that your courage will see you through whatever troubles you may meet on the journey to find yourself. We still haven't told your parents about you leaving, so you shouldn't have to worry about be taking off of your pilgrimage! Everything has been quiet here, and just remember that you can return here if you need to. We'll be keeping a close eye in case you get into too much trouble, but for now, you seem to be doing well enough.

I hope that you enjoy yourself and make many friends!

Lumi, in the meantime, went up to the bar and spoke to the gruff bartender. Shifting into cant to disguise their meanings, the gruff replied; "Got more finesse than old Betty eh? Well, you want a good punchline, you'll need to give up some tin. Twice thah price of dinner." The listed price of dinner was five denarii, meaning she'd have to cough up ten coin to buy herself a set of lockpicks.

~~~~Melissa and Kherem~~~~​

The store watcher smirked at Melissa and casually pulled out a potion bottle and pointed out the price, saying; "Here yah go! Make sure that yah enjoy the time you'll have to not worry about it after~" It was all hers once Melissa had handed over the twenty denarii, a potion to ensure that she wouldn't be carrying Kherem's child this time around.
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Re: This is a Great Plan (Smokefish, Host, Hentaispider, and Hafnium)

After taking a look at the prices, Lumi frowns at the price asked, but pulls out a pouch from inside her shirt and counts ten coins to the bar. After toying with the coins for a moment, she pushes them over, raising an eyebrow at the bartender. "Fair enough, I suppose. I hope they make for good jokes."