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Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"B-but, I dun wanna leeave..." she replied, her voice taking on a vague hint of a whine. "I like being a guard. I get to stop people from doing bad things, and help people that need it, and stuff..." She poked her pointer fingers together as she spoke, still seemingly a bit anxious. If Elise was right, though, she didn't really have anything to worry about, though, did she?

Before Elise and her pair of verdant beauties made it a few steps from the table, though, the man who had done most of the talking called out again.

"Uh... hey, wait a moment! Since you seem ta be low on cash at the moment, there was this other job we heard about goin' around-"

"Al, you're gonna suggest she pick that gig up? You serious?" piped up the Amazonian woman.

"She can decide if she can handle it or not, Kim" he muttered back, before continuing. "This other job, from some consul or somethin'. Said they were havin' trouble with spiders, on one of the roads to one of the villages. You should look that up, maybe, if you need the coin, eh? And uh.. well, your two friends there don't look like they got weapons, so if I'm right in assumin' you're the only one that can fight, you might be able to find another merc who ain't in a company like we are to go with ya - split the reward or somethin', yeah?"

'Kim' looked unsatisfied, however, speaking up once the man apparently named "Al" had finished. "Look, girl, the jungle ain't no place to fool around in - we've been on our fair share a' jobs, but about a quarter of us are Badarians that don't know nothin' 'bout the jungle, and half of the rest of us know that, even when you do know the jungle, ya still ain't safe from it. Just... fair warnin'."

"There was also somethin' 'bout some crazy old man goin' around the refugees, sayin' somethin' about 'needing something done'. Dunno if it's actually a job or how he even intends to pay if it is, but it probably does beat goin' off into the jungle."

Aleth looked a little sad when Elise asked her to show her the way to the temple. "That's outside the Army Quarter," looking a little regretful as she said it. "It's pretty easy to find, though. I'll go ask the Cap!"

They made for Aleth's gate, again - the other half-demon explaining how to get to the temple, just in case - describing it as 'a place where people went to 'focus their minds and do away with worldly distractions or some junk'. Jivi and Roxanne insisted on continuing to cling to the girl's arms - and again, Elise wasn't sure which of the two it was, but found herself with a tentacle wrapping itself around her waist. At one point, Roxanne unwrapped one arm to run her hand alone Elise's tail, stopping briefly at it's end to rub at it's tip. Both plantgirls cooed and hmmed as they strolled on - and evidently, the display of affection seemed to distract Aleth just a little, who started to blush and stutter just a little.

Eventually, they got back to the gate - the sun somewhat higher in the sky, though not yet at it's noon peak - but they were greeted at it's front by some kind of disturbance. It looked like the Captain was arguing with someone that was completely covered in a hooded robe. They looked... slim. With the jungle's humidity and heat, it wasn't too surprising the robe looked rather damp... but something seemed to be thrashing underneath it.

"Look, I'm sorry, Kavi, but I've got specific orders not to let you in! Those theories you keep bringin' ta Cyne never pan out!"

"But the noticeboard said anyone with information could go and speak with him!"

"With information, Kav, not cr... uh..."

"What were you gonna say, 'crazy made up nonsense?' This isn't Xen Chi's Postulate, I extrapolated these hypotheses from data I've been gathering, just like Cyne has! And we all know I'm in their heads better than he is!"

"I don't even know what you just-"

The stranger gasped. "That's it, isn't it? You won't let me in because of my condition!"

"What? No, that's not it..."

"That's Kavi," Elise's guide informed her. "She comes around sometimes. She's, like... a mage? But, she like, can't cast spells... sooo... I'm not sure what you call that... anyway, um, I think she said she was from Celesis one time. That's like, a really big magey city. Or it used to be, anyway, before the invasion."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

When Elise and her two alraune companions turned to leave the table the mercs were all at, the merc captain called out to them and Elise stopped and turned around to listen to what he was saying. When he was through telling her about the other job he'd heard about and the amazonian woman said what she did to Elise, the young half demon looked over at the woman named Kim.

Thank you sir, for telling me about the other jobs. I only hope I've got the time to check into them and do them before it's too late for my parents. And miss Kim, I admit that I don't know much about the jungle, but tell me. What would you do in my position? I haven't got a lot of options if I'm going to find my parents in time. Thank you sir Al for the information you've given me,” Elise said to first Al, then Kim as she departed and paid her tab before they left, deciding to think about the two possible jobs she could take on and do as quickly as she could for some money with which to pay someone to help her find her parents.

Alright Aleth, I'll follow you,” Elise said in a depressed tone as her fellow half demon led her back to the army quarter of the city so she could talk with her captain.

Along the way, Elise felt Jivi and Roxanne continue to cling to her arms as one of the two of them wrapped a tentacle around her waist and gently squeezed, she wasn't sure which it was doing this, but she appreciated the kind gesture anyway and pulled the two alraune close with her arms. She cooed cutely and fidgeted around a little when Roxanne ran her hand along Elise's sensitive tail, and when she tickled the tip of it Elise's legs went a little weak as she let out a soft moan of pleasure, which would let the two alraune know her tail was a sensitive spot on her that they could take advantage of later in bed.

After a short while they made their way back to the gate, with Elise's spirits being slightly improved by her two alraune companions. When they arrived back at the gate it looked like Aleth's captain was in the middle of a debate/argument with someone in a hooded robe, whoever it was in the robe Elise could tell was a slim figure, but she noticed the robe was rather damp and it looked as if there was something moving around under it. Elise wondered what it was for a moment as they got closer, and came to the conclusion that it was likely a tail of some sort.

Elise and her companions watched and listened to the argument continue between the two up ahead, with Elise thinking to herself that maybe Kavi here if she was hearing her name right, could help her out. When Aleth explained who the girl was, Elise glanced over at her fellow half demon.

So she's from Celesis, and a mage that can't cast spells to boot, and from the looks of her she isn't fully human or whatnot. I can see something under her robes swishing around. I'm assuming its a tail of some sort. Can I ask though, why doesn't your captain seem to like her, or think her information is worth anything?” Elise said to Aleth, wondering exactly why this Kavi wasn't being taken seriously, because it kind of reminded her of herself in a way.

After Aleth answered her, Elise would just nod and wait for the captain and Kavi to finish speaking with each other, and assuming Kavi wasn't allowed through, then Elise would go over to the woman. “Um... excuse me miss. Kavi wasn't it? What sort of information do you have exactly? I'm trying to get whatever info I can manage about the invaders so I can find my parents, they were taken by the invaders I believe... or at least the last I saw of them both they were about to be surrounded by them, so I'm assuming they were taken by them,” Elise would say to the strange girl.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Take care and good luck to ya, miss," the barman said in farewell as Elise and her little group left.

Upon being asked why the Captain seemed to dislike her and wouldn't let her in, Aleth thought for a minute. "'Doesn't like her?' What makes you say that? But ummm... he told us not to let her in anymore, because someone inside said not to. I didn't really ask why, but she used to come like every week to talk to Cyne!"

Approaching the robed woman (with her two alraune still wrapped around her), Elise started to flush. Perhaps the jungle heat was getting to her? As she got nearer to the strange mage, though, she felt it run through her body in a quite pleasant way, and was suddenly much more aware of Jivi and Roxanne's proximity than she had been.

"Your parents? Oh, you poor thing," Kavi said, when Elise explained her interested in her work. "Well, ah... how shall I put it... you see, if I look at all the places they've been sighted, applying some of the theorems from Ysria and Sorgin..."

What next came out of her mouth was more or less gibberish to Elise and quite likely everyone else that was there, the strange robed woman citing many different calculations, estimations, predictions and assumptions she'd never heard of before. At the end of her one-sided explanation, however, she finally became coherent again: "...And so, I think - assuming all the data I've used is accurate, of course, which frankly, isn't likely - I can extrapolate about thirty or so likely locations at which their raiding-ship-creature hides itself, based on distances, locations and and times between the areas that have been hit! I wanted to compare notes with Cyne - he's the-"

"She knows who Cyne is, Kav, no need to explain," the captain interrupted, possibly afraid of another, several-minute digression into one unintelligible thing or another.

She glared at him for an instant. "I wanted to compare notes with him, to check my information, but it seems, even if I do have the secret to where the invaders are hiding, the army doesn't want to hear it," she said, accusingly.

"That's not how it is, Kav, and you know it. You come so often to interrupt the man, and none of your work's brought him any good leads yet!"

"Don't patronize me, you lout!" she shot back angrily. "You and I both know that's just a line!" She poked him in his breastplate, exposing her hand to the sun - it was a greyish color, and covered in a viscous looking slime.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Well the reason I say it Aleth is because he doesn't seem to happy to see her at all, so with that kind of look on his face the only explanation I can think of would be he doesn't like her all that much,” Elise replied to Aleth as she started over towards Kavi.

As they got nearer to the mage woman, Elise felt pleasant flush on her face and she was suddenly aware of Jivi and Roxanne much more than she'd been earlier. She was to the point now that she could feel her length beginning to harden up slightly under her trousers and she almost doubled over to keep it from showing, but managed to catch herself before she did thankfully as it would have been a little embarrassing to have done.

After she'd explained her situation to Kavi a bit, she listened to Kavi's reply and was lost when she pretty much spoke gibberish for the next couple of minutes. While Kavi went trailing off into her long explanation about whatever it was, Elise could feel the blood beginning to flow into her length as it hardened up quite a bit now and began straining against her clothing. When Kavi's words finally became intelligible again, Elise shook her head a little to wake herself up, and after the exchange of words between Kavi and Aleth's captain she looked back to Kavi.

So Kavi... could you maybe help me figure out where my parents are exactly? Or maybe the thing that attacked my village? It was the village of Tristan just across the border into Badaria. I've... (sigh)... I've been trying to find people all day that could help me, but it's either nobody can or nobody is willing to. Even after I find out where they're at I've then gotta find someone willing to go with me and help me rescue them, and any others from my village that were taken,” Elise said to the strange looking mage woman, not really caring what she looked like or what she was as long as she could help her, and with a quite desperate look on her face as she spoke.

I'm guessing that Kavi the mage has pheromones what with the way you wrote that.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"...You're actually interested?" Kavi asked, sounding a little bewildered. "My work is usually dismissed, especially when they hear thirty points, or about who... a-ahh, nevermind. T-Tristan, it was, you said?"

On the spot, the robed woman picked up a little wooden briefcase she had set down - probably to free a hand to gesticulate frustratedly while trying to get past the gate captain. A section of it seemed to just... fall off, but instead, it unfolded and then snapped into place, and suddenly Elise was staring at a little desk, Kavi pulling out a few more fold-out pieces from the briefcase to give herself more workspace, essentially ready to start working. The Captain almost protested her doing her weird... math... whatever-it-wases right there in the road, but decided against it - after all, they were off to one side, anyway.

After being grilled for information on the how, when, and other assorted information on her home village's attack for a solid half-hour, Kavi gave a thoughtful 'hmm', and then turned and looked up at the young half-demon woman. "I think I can plot another point with this... I'll have to do some more calculations, check my wind charts... it'll take awhile. Come see me 'round dusk, Elise - you can find me at the Lyceum's dormitories." The strange woman gave Elise directions on how to find her, writing them down on a scrap piece of paper before handing it to her.

Thirty minutes in relatively close conditions with the strange woman had been a bit rough - being just near enough to speak with her had kept her at half-mast the entire time. The proximity of her two intimate acquaintences certainly didn't help - for one, they seemed to be feeling the same thing Elise was, if the giggling or wandering and increasingly bold tentacles coiling around her were anything to go by. After packing up her briefcase, she hesitated a moment before quickly leaning in and giving Elise a brief hug - a wave of lust accompanying it. She then scampered off, presumably to work on her maps.

Once she was gone, Aleth poked her fellow half-demon in the shoulder, to get her attention, smiling cheerfully. "Cap says I can take you to the temple too! Oh, and before I forget - here!"

Aleth also presented her with a little address scribbled onto some spare scrap paper - with markedly less refined handwriting than the one she'd also just gotten.

"That's my house. You don't have a place in the city, right? Sooo, maybe you could come over tonight? We can have dinner and I can introduce you to my parents and stuff! Anyway, c'mon - I can show you some really neat stuff on the way!"


Darn it! The appendage in Elise's trousers were giving her a bit of a problem. It took her a while to notice, but Kavi's hug had left her feeling a little wet where she'd touched - which had grown slowly into a tingly warmth, which had in turn flowed slowly towards her groin, leaving her flushed and just a tiny bit aroused.

While Elise's tour guide was distracted with expounding the virtues of a candy shop they'd passed that made "the best chocolate almonds ever!", she suddenly felt another one of the alraune's viny tentacles snake into her trousers and wrap itself lightly around her cock's base.

Around one shoulder, Jivi giggled, while Roxanne whispered quietly into her ear. "Should we stop to help you with this, Elise?" "Maybe Aleth would even like to join in? We saw her looking at you a couple times earlier, Eliiise~"

Maybe she could hide in one of the alleys between the buildings? They'd passed a park on the here, as well - if nothing else, it had an abundance of shrubbery and space to hide in... though, it looked like had been full of squatters. Of course, if she had the patience, they could simply go and find a proper, private place...

Or Elise could simply refuse. Her cock would calm down eventually. Probably. Who knew, maybe the mercenaries would like that sneaky little imprint in her trousers when she went to mea- errr, meet them?

Also, :3

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Well yeah I'm really interested, especially if it helps me find my parents. I don't really know all that much about what you've said so far, but I'm willing to learn, and yeah I'm from the village of Tristan, just across the border inside Badaria," Elise said to Kavi, watching as the robed woman picked up her briefcase and popped it out into a small portable desk, it looked quite handy to Elise and she was rather impressed honestly.

Elise watched as the mage woman pulled out a few more things to add to what she already had there. When she saw the guard captain looking as if he were about to stop Kavi doing all of this, she thought to herself that if he said something, then she was going to tell him to butt out, that this was the best lead she had so far all day, but she saw that he seemed to have decided not to bother with it. After she explained to Kavi all she needed to know and whatnot, Elise looked up at the mage woman after she stopped and spoke again.

"O-Of course, I'll meet you there at dusk. Do you... think you can find where they may have been taken then?" Elise replied, taking the slip of paper and folding it over and stuffing it in her pocket after looking at it and showing it to Jivi and Roxanne as well, just in case she somehow lost it.

Elise finally remembered that being so close to Kavi here seemed to all but force her member to attention, and finally noticed that her cock was quite stiff, though not fully erect yet thankfully, as that would just have been embarrassing to say the least. She also noticed that Jivi and Roxanne looked to have been rather affected by Kavi's presence, and she knew this by the way they were acting as their tentacles coiled around her more and more than they already were. Elise then watched Kavi pack her stuff back up, and after she had Elise saw her hesitate for a moment or two before she pulled Elise into a quick hug, which caused Elise to give a little lust filled gasp as she returned it. Elise had to almost fight with herself to keep from just grabbing a big handful of Kavi's butt and pulling her into a kiss, where she would likely then have pulled her off somewhere so they could have some fun. But thankfully Elise was able to catch herself before she did such a thing.

"B-Bye K-Kavi... and t-thanks again," Elise called out to the mage woman as she scurried off.

"Y-Yeah Aleth... oh... t-thank you Aleth. I really a-appreciate all your help today. I just wanted you to know that okay. And we stayed at an inn last night, but if it isn't too much trouble then sure, I'd love to meet your parents. And please, show me all you want, it'll help take my mind off of things," Elise said to her fellow halfdemon, taking the slip of paper she handed her and looking at it and then showing to Jivi and Roxanne, in case they and Aleth had to part ways for some reason, then that way they would all know where to go so they could find Aleth.

While she followed Aleth on to the temple, Elise felt a bit flushed from something, and she thought that something was Kavi... or at least whatever that slimy substance was on her body, she wasn't sure. While Aleth was telling her about some kind of candy at a candy shop they'd passed, with Elise telling the half demon, "Yeah Aleth that sounds great." as she felt one of Jivi's... or one of Roxanne's tentacles slip down into her pants, she wasn't sure which, but she was sure that it felt great as that tentacle coiled rather tightly around her half hard member. At their words about Aleth and finding a place to have some fun with them, and possibly Aleth as well, Elise thought it over quickly as she looked around at a place they might be able to use to hide real quick and do this.

"I... I don't know about helping me with this just yet you two, I mean I'm kind of in a hurry and all. And do you really think she was looking at me in that way earlier you two?" Elise asked her two alraune companions in a whisper, so Aleth didn't hear her.

She thought about it quickly and after they answered her, she decided that she couldn't hold it back, that she needed some sort of release to relax her body, mind, and soul. Because all of the stress and everything about losing her parents, her home, and everyone she ever knew was finally getting to her a lot. She knew that she couldn't afford to waste time all that much, but if she was going to meet with someone that could help her find and rescue her parents, then she needed to be able to speak to them without her judgement being impaired for fear of being taken advantage of or something. She didn't want to endanger her new friendship with Aleth and all that, but she was quite horny and in need of it at the moment, so she decided that she'd like to try and find them all a bit of a private place to... have some fun in. Because she may impress these mercs at the temple with a small bulge in her pants, but then again she may insult them or something with that.

She tapped both of her alraune companions and whispered to them to try and find them a good and private place that she, Jivi, and Roxanne, and Aleth if she wished to and have the fun that Elise felt she needed to have a clear and open mind with which to make a deal with or something. If however there was no places between there and the temple that they could find that were private, then Elise would simply try and ignore the tent in her pants until after they met with the mercs at the temple.

Just wondering, you do remember that Elise has pheromones don't you?


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"I think I can find an approximation of where the creature that took them may be," the strange mage clarified, before scurrying off to do her wizardly things.

"GREAT!" Aleth positively screamed when Elise accepted, squealing and literally jumping for joy until she seemed to remember she was supposed to look official and serious in her guard uniform. A few of the other guards there shook their heads, while a few of the people going in or coming out stared at the bouncing, giggly guard.

"...Ahem! HMMM. Yes, yes, well um... let's, let's be on our way, citizen," she said after she'd caught herself, trying to sound authoritative after her little bout of silliness.

"Oooh, yes!" "When you were talking to that lady with the fancy table, I just know she was staring at your butt. She looked away when she saw me look, teehee~"

Both of them let out a tiny little giggle and licked their lips when their half-demon lover decided that, yes, a good fuck at this particular moment was a capital idea, Jivi pulled away from the trio, skipping off into the park, tapping their guide on the shoulder and calling back "Just one mo-ment~♥" as she hopped off. A few of the vines coiling around her body unwound themselves, but the vines around her dick didn't - and, in fact, it began to slooowly slide itself up and down Elise's shaft. Guess that particular mystery was solved.

Meanwhile, their friendly guard looked back and forth between the two still with her and Roxanne, looking confused. "Eh?" Roxanne beckoned for her to lean in closer with a finger, and whispered their intentions - and that they wanted her involved in them - into her ear. "Wh-"

"Whaaaaat!?!?" she shouted, her face blushing a furious crimson. She looked around in a panic, looking rather like some kind of nefarious conspirator or some such, realizing how loud she had just been. She couldn't have been much louder than when she'd screamed with joy that her new friend would be over for dinner...

...But it seemed the lack of background noise made it seem all the more deafening. Thankfully, the street seemed to be empty - Aleth having taken them down a side-street in an effort to get to the temple quicker and/or show Aleth some of the attractions around the city. "B-b-b-but I can't! I-I'm on d-d-duty!" she said, looking a panicky.

"Ooh, it'll be fi- oh! Roxie's found a place! Let's go!" The slimmer of the alraunes tugged the pair of them along, without further discussion.

It didn't take them long to spot Roxanne, the park tiny as it was. She was standing next to a tree, which in turn was surrounded by bushes. "Tadaaa!"

This was their super secret romantic rendezvous spot?

The curvy alraune knelt down, and started crawling into the bushes... and as she did, they started to part, leaving behind a tunnel of branches and foliage. A peek around saw the place more or less deserted, and the group - including Aleth, despite her protests - followed in after her. Once they'd emerged next to the tree, a tiny little chamber widened up around them, while the tunnel closed behind them - their own little semi-sanctuary, amongst the city. Enough light streamed in through the leaves to let them see, though at the same time, it would undoubtedly keep them safe from the eyes outside - though perhaps not the ears, if anyone were to get close enough.

Curvy Roxanne leaned against the tree, and patted her lap - offering her cushiony self as seat for their favorite half-demon. At the same time, she put one of the tips of her tentacles in her mouth, getting it dripping wet. Her sister pushed Elise into Roxanne's lap - after depriving her of her trousers, of course - and straddled her, hovering her moist lips over Elise's thick rod - kissing it's tip with her lower pair of lips. "Mmmhmhmhm... you said we have to hurry, right? Should we do it quick?" "Are you sure we shouldn't just... take, our, time? ♥" Roxanne asked, breathing her words into Elise's ear, before kissing her neck just below her lobe, slowly starting her way down towards her collar. Suddenly, Elise felt Roxanne's lubricated tentacle rubbing itself up and down her slit's entrance. Jivi plunged herself down, her already-slick insides clamping around Elise's pole all the way down, until the plantgirl was sitting in her lap. "Aaahn♥! Nnn... So, what'll it be, Elise?" she asked, leaning in, looking deep into Elise's eyes, her lips not even an inch away from the half-demon's own... and she started to grind her hips, massaging Elise's cock with her tight flower. Roxanne was beginning to press her tentacle inwards, too...

Both of the alraune ignored Elise's new friend, who had elected to sit with her legs folded under her and hands firmly pressing into her lap - simply watching. "Eeehehehehe... i-it would l-look... look weird i-i-if I was just standing a-around outs-side, right?" she asked, shakily. She could have easily found someplace else to wait outside... but she hadn't, had she? And she looked spellbound by the raunchy tryst about to happen - her eyes practically glazing over when Jivi slid down Elise's cock, particularly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Alright miss Kavi, thank you... thank you so much, and we'll meet you at dusk,” Elise called out to Kavi as she scurried off.

When Elise told Aleth that sure she didn't mind coming to her house if her and her parents didn't mind putting them up for the night or anything, Aleth squealed like a little girl, which in turn made Elise jump with fright at the sudden squeal. She quickly recovered herself however and smiled over at her fellow half demon, saying to her friend in a friendly voice, “Aleth honey it's okay, you don't have to act or sound so prim and proper around me, as long as I can understand you, then talk however you want alright. You don't have to be so embarrassed or anything around me.

Was she really? Well in that case let's try and persuade her to have some fun with us too then, it's the least we can do to repay her considering she's wanting us stay with her and all,” Elise whispered to Jivi and Roxanne when they whispered back to her, the flush on her face very noticeable now. But at the very least now she'd found out that it was Roxanne that was teasing her shaft and causing her to coo cutely, as Jivi couldn't be doing it while walking over to whisper to Aleth.

When Aleth let out her near deafening scream, Elise nearly burst out laughing because of the panic Aleth looked to be in, though she was slightly concerned that someone might think that she, Jivi, and Roxanne were trying to mug Aleth or something considering they were all on the relatively empty side street like they were. She was rather glad when she turned to see Roxanne had done exactly as Jivi had said and found them a place where they could get a little privacy and such. Elise was already panting as she let Jivi lead her and Aleth over to where Roxanne was waiting for them, her heart thumping hard in her chest, and they hadn't even started doing anything yet.

When they got over to where Roxanne was waiting for them all at, Elise nearly just threw herself onto her three companions, though she managed to catch herself before she did so. She was rather amazed when the bushes parted like they did for the two alraune, but figured because they were plantgirls themselves and all that they would have some power over other plants. She followed them in with Aleth right behind her the whole way in, likely looking at her shapely rear as it shook with every movement. Once inside their little sanctuary of bushes, Elise saw that they were completely surrounded on all sides by the bushes and would likely not be seen by anyone... though she knew of course that it wouldn't prevent any of the sounds of their lovemaking that would likely happen during this little tryst.

When she saw Roxanne sitting there and licking one of her tentacles to prepare it for their lovemaking as she patted her lap for Elise to sit in it, Elise couldn't help but lick her own lips in anticipation for what they were about to do, her heart now pounding even harder in her chest now than it was outside of their little hideaway and her cheeks rosy red from the blush all over them. Elise was in fact so horny at this point that she had no complaints at all as Jivi pulled her trousers down and off of her as her now fully erect member finally popped free of its prison, a drop of her precum already beading at the tip, nor did she even try to prevent herself from falling over when she was pushed into Roxanne's lap by Jivi, who then straddled her. When Jivi teased her already twitching member, Elise let out a soft whimpering moan as she wrapped her arms around the small of Jivi's back to hold her close to her, wanting to feel the warmth of her body against her own, unable to think clearly about anything save the lovely women she was now with and having sex with said women.

I... I don't know if we should... take too long... I mean the longer we take, the longer my parents will be in that god awful place. Of course... we couldn't go to save them without knowing where they were... so we'd have to wait for Kavi to talk to us later and all. But I... want you girls so bad... and I want to take our time with this so I'm relaxed... for when we meet these new mercs to maybe go with us...” Elise whimpered to her alraune companions as Jivi and Roxanne continued teasing her, trailing off with her words as she contemplated what to do through the lust filling her mind more and more with every second that passed.

When Roxanne began kissing her neck and rubbing her tentacle she'd lubed up with her saliva earlier up and down Elise's slit, which made Elise quiver and coo with delight. Jivi meanwhile plunged herself down and impaled herself upon Elise's cock, which forced Elise to let out a quite loud and lewd moan of pleasure, so if anyone was near them they likely heard it. She could feel Jivi's warmth as the alraune sat in her lap, only an inch away from her lips as she stared into her eyes while speaking again. Elise hesitated only a few moments as she stared back into Jivi's eyes as the alraune began gently rocking her hips and squeezing Elise's member, while Roxanne's tentacle began pressing its way inside of Elise, forcing another lewd moan from Elise's lips. “Y-Yes take your time... oh gods please just make me feel good. J-Just no seedlings this time around for me okay.. i-if you two can help it... i-if not then don't worry about it,” Elise gasped out to the two alraune that were sandwiching her between them both, pushing her head forward to catch Jivi's lips with her own in a wet and passionate kiss.

Elise knew that she wouldn't last long against the two alraune, because she hadn't as yet been able to hold out long in bed with them, but she didn't care about that. All Elise knew at this point was that she wanted to... no she had to cum, and soon, because she could already feel it beginning to boil inside her body in preparation to launch out and into Jivi while she rode her while her cock twitched and throbbed madly inside of Jivi's tight warm body. Elise slowly spread her legs a bit wider to give not only the two alraune ample room to do as they pleased, but also to give Aleth a good view of the show, so as to both impress her and to entice her into joining them.

I-It'd be... even m-more weird I think... if you came all the way in here Aleth... and didn't join us for a little relaxation. I'll have... plenty left in me after Jivi gets done,” Elise told her fellow half demon as Aleth ogled the scene in front of her with what looked to Elise to be a mixed look of curiosity and lust on her face. Elise was already half lust addled and wanting to try and get Aleth to join them for some fun, as Elise's body and mind were both desiring Aleth's lovely body and she couldn't exactly figure out why yet, though she was thinking it had something to do with her being half succubus and already full of lust as it was and all, which was making her desire all those near her.

If Aleth was indeed persuaded to join them, then Elise would gesture her over to them where she'd pull her into a kiss, then let their instincts guide them the rest of the way, though she was more than willing to just let her three companions have their way with her to their hearts content and do all they wished to her.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

Aleth shook her head violently, when she was invited once more to make Elise's little carnal romp into a foursome. She refused to hard, in fact, that she dislodged her helmet, which spun until it's opening revealed not her face, but a pointy, elven ear. Rather than re-set it, Aleth instead took it off, revealing an mussed and untidy bun of vibrant red hair - obviously so-tied to keep it out of the way while Aleth was working. "I'm... I'm on duty! It... wouldn't be proper..." she continued to protest - though, it was obviously getting harder and harder for her to keep to her chastity. Already intensified by Elise's and her two alraune lover's flagrant display of raw sexual lust, Elise's pheromones were even more effective in the closed quarters of their little veiled sanctuary. "M-m... maybe once I'm done for the day...?" She obviously took her job as a guard very seriously.

In spite of her refusals, however, Aleth continued to devour up the sight of the three girls going at it. Jivi moaned into Elise's mouth as she ground herself on the half-demon's steely, twitching cock. "'Just make you feel good', huh?" the trim plantgirl half-moaned out, once they'd broken apart for breath. "We can definitely do tha~at ♥" her sister continued, licking Elise's neck from behind, before gently nibbling on her ear.

Jivi leaned forward, pressing her palms into Elise's sumptuous breasts, tweaking the half-demon's nipples as she dove her lips even deeper into their kiss and sandwiched Elise even tighter between the two plantgirls. Shifting her feet, the thinner of the alraune began pistoning herself on Elise's thick cock, the snug rocking of the plantgirl's velvet pussy now replaced with long, powerful thrusts, as her lover slowly rose herself almost completely off Elise's nearly foot-long cock, before slamming all the way back down, hip-to-hip again - and after every few of these, the plantgirl quickly followed up with several quick, short thrusts. The alraune was enjoying her ride immensely, moaning even more as she hilted Elise's girlcock over and over again.

Then, suddenly, Elise felt something wriggle in to join her in Jivi's vice-like cunt - a relatively thin tentacle, that nonetheless made the walls surrounding Elise's dick all the tighter. The athletic alraune gasped in response, the sudden double-penetration causing her eyes to snap open while her pussy seized around Elise. The tentacle pressed against her, rubbing along her length as it thrust in and out... meanwhile, Roxanne's other tentacle shifted to better grind against her clit as it plundered her feminine flower, grinding against her sensitive inside button as well as it reached deep inside her.

Once the second tentacle was nice and slick, it slid itself out, and lined up with Elise's pucker, working itself firmly against her rear until it popped in. Roxanne started to twist and wiggle it in Elise's ass, stimulating her second hole like no cock could.

The half-demoness could feel her orgasm building... and, no doubt about it, she was going to cum hard. At the same time, both the two sisters were breathing hard as well, and were tensing up, on the verge of bliss themselves. "I'm about to cum, Elise..." "Me... me too..." "Let's all come together..."

The two sisters suddenly picked up the pace, hurtling the trio towards their sweet, sweet release. Just as they started to topple over the brink of orgasm, Jivi leaned in to lock lips and entwine tongues as they came once more - however, it looked as if Roxanne suddenly remembered Elise's request. "A-ah- haah...! Elise, I'm..."

That was all Roxanne managed, before she pulled her writing appendage out of Elise's swollen honey pot. If Elise wanted to, she could reach down and keep it in her... but if not, Roxanne would break up Elise and Jivi's kiss, shoving her phallic tentacle in-between their lips, and then snake it into Elise's mouth, unsatisfied with simply staining the ground with her blue alraune spunk.

Aleth continued to stare, hungrily - mouth agape as she watched lustfully, hands straight-armed and shoving into her lap.

You can write out the orgasmy bit, of course. :V

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at Aleth's reaction to her invitation to join them, watching as her helmet spun around before she simply took it off completely so as not to worry about it. Elise wondered why Aleth seemed to be so... adamant about not joining them, thinking that maybe she was still a virgin. She decided that she would ask once she was through and had been relieved of some of her pent up stress. Elise knew that her own pheromones had to be affecting Aleth some what, because her parents told her when she was a bit younger that her pheromones would affect anyone she was near no matter who they were. Elise also saw that despite saying no that it wouldn't be proper and such to join them, she didn't seem to worry too much about playing with herself any while watching them.

When Jivi and Roxanne both began teasing Elise again after Aleth answered her, she couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure as Jivi rubbed herself again Elise's member, while Roxanne was licking and nibbling on her neck and ears from behind her. "Y-Yes... make me feel good... please... AHHH," Elise whined out to the two alraune as the teased her, letting out a louder moan than she already had when Jivi tweaked her nipples, a moan loud enough maybe to carry out into the surrounding area of the city.

Elise didn't even try to stop Jivi as the lithe alraune began bouncing up and down, happily impaling herself upon Elise's length, merely wrapping her arms around the small of Jivi's back to hold on while she was pleasured. She saw that Jivi seemed to be greatly enjoying herself while they went at it, and knowing that her lover was enjoying herself so much only made Elise's pleasure that much greater. Suddenly, while Jivi was riding her, Elise felt something push in to join her while her raging member plunged in and out of Jivi, and when she looked down she saw it was a thin tentacle that had joined her cock inside of Jivi's tight pussy, making it an even tighter fit as the tentacle rubbed against her sensitive throbbing member.

After that she felt Roxanne take another tentacle which began plunging into her pussy. As soon as Roxanne sent her tentacle at Elise's butt, Elise let out a soft moan when she felt it prodding at her rear. When it pressed into her, she let out a quite loud and lewd squeal of pleasure, likely letting someone on the outside of their little hideaway know that someone was around having sex, though Elise wasn't all that worried about that to be honest, because she didn't really mind if anyone watched her having sex, or heard her for that matter... though she wasn't actually an exhibitionist or anything.

Elise felt the intruding appendage squirming around in her asshole and pretty much melted in Roxanne's and Jivi's arms, her muscles going totally limp from the pleasure. As she felt her sweet release about to hit, Elise heard her two lovers both say they were about to as well as they panted up a storm. When Elise's climax finally did hit, she barely even noticed when Roxanne pulled her tentacle out of her pussy, staining the ground with her own cum as Elise released her own massive load into Jivi's waiting pussy, filling her with everything she had as she let out a muffled cry of pleasure into Jivi's mouth while they passionately kissed one another, their tongues wrestling with each other for dominance in their mouths.

After a minute or so of recovery from her orgasm, Elise felt Roxanne pull her and Jivi apart while they kissed, where she then shoved her tentacle into Elise's mouth while she stared over at Aleth while her fellow half demon was playing with herself, her eyes glazed over from the pleasure as she licked the remaining spunk off of Roxanne's tentacle and lightly suckled on it. After a minute or so of suckling on her tentacle, Elise attempted to pull Roxanne's tentacle out of her mouth so she could speak.

"Oh gods girls... t-that was great. But Roxanne... are you wanting more? And what about you Aleth? I've still got plenty left... unless you girls would... like to wait until later that is, because we should be hurrying on as soon as we can, but I can go a little more if you want," Elise said in between panting softly, her member still buried inside of Jivi as she asked the more athletic alraune and her fellow half demon if they wanted more than she'd already given. She was more than up for some more fun unless the girls all wanted more, though she was wanting to hurry up with this so that they could get going soon, so that she could maybe find some support to go with them to find and rescue her parents.

Hope this is good enough for you. Also if you want to, go ahead and have Roxanne take a turn with Elise, and then Aleth if she wishes to as well, because Elise isn't going to struggle or anything to stop them. But if you wanna get the story rolling on, then don't bother, because it ain't just about the sex, even though it is fun to write out.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

The pair both giggled, and Jivi leaned in again to continue what her sister had interrupted - licking at bit of alraune spunk overflown from her mouth before diving back in again. "Of course, Elise! We'd always want more of you~♥"

While they kissed, Elise's two verdant lovers exchanged odd looks and nods - it seemed like they were talking, sort of, though nary a word was spoken between the two. All too quickly, Jivi pulled away, giving Elise one last hump before slowly standing as well as their cramped sanctuary would allow, giving a low moan as she let inch after inch of Elise's throbbing, monster cock withdraw from it's sticky, velvet sheath. After a delectable and drawn-out withdrawal, the half-demon's sensitive head slid out from her lover's slit, followed by a rivulet of Elise's pearly-white jism.

Roxanne started to massage Elise's ample tits. "Mmmm... Do I get to get filled up too, Elise~?" the curvaceous alraune whispered into the half-demon's ear, as a tentacle wrapped itself around her steely member, much like it had not-so-long ago out on Glassmoor's street. "Or... maybe you want to be filled up some more?" More of the horny plantgirl's vines started creeping over Elise... and once again, she felt them prodding at her lower holes, while one slithered it's way up her body and through the cleft of her breasts, another hovering at her lips. "Hmm...? ♥"

Before she could decide, however, the a shift and a shifting and a clanking caught Elise's attention. "Nn..."

"I... I, I shouldn't... but, it's so stiff, it h-hurts..."

Aleth's hands were wrestling with her belt. It looked like the pheromones and raunchy sex had finally gotten to h- wait, why was she tenting? As soon as she got her buckle off, her trousers sprung open, and out popped a pulsing, veiny cock - thick, but not nearly as long as Elise's. It jumped with each of Aleth's heartbeats, and looked solid as iron - had she been trying to hold it down this whole time?

She started to rub herself up and down frantically, but it didn't look like it was enough. "I... Elise... please... can I...?"

She wasn't masturbating - just shoving her hands into her lap. , except uh, she technically wasn't begging you to fuck her. >.>
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

I... I know you do girls... I know you do,” Elise panted out after Jivi broke their kiss, then when Jivi began lifting off of her, she moaned out as each one of her eleven inches exited Jivi's body and gazed at Jivi's pussy once all of her length was out while watching her seed leaking out of it.

Y-Yeah Roxanne, y-you get to get filled too... if that's what you want. I don't care what we do exactly, just don't get me pregnant again okay,” Elise said to Roxanne, cooing cutely as her breasts were massaged by the athletic alraune. Then just as Roxanne was prodding at her lower holes and hovering a tentacle at her lips, Elise was about to just lower herself down onto them and grab the other one with her lips, but as she was about to do so she heard a clanking noise coming from beside them.

Elise turned to see Aleth muttering to herself as she wrestled her belt off, and while she was doing that, Elise saw Aleth's pants tenting up some and wondered for only a moment before it dawned upon her that Aleth was also a futanari, so Elise wasn't really all that surprised when Aleth finally got her pants down. Elise saw that Aleth's member was hard as rock, and that it wasn't quite as long as her own but if she had to guess it was easily as thick at least, she also noted that it was throbbing and twitching along with Aleth's heartbeat. As soon as it was out in the open, she saw Aleth begin stroking her length, though it didn't seem as if that were enough for the poor half demon.

When Aleth asked if she could join them, Elise glanced over to Jivi and Roxanne for a moment, looking a little intrigued by Aleth's sudden turn around. She wasn't sure how Aleth wanted it, or if she even cared exactly, but Elise still felt pretty horny herself, despite saying a minute or two before that she wanted to hurry up and get done what they needed to do. So she liked the idea of Aleth joining them.

Well you two, can she join us? And if so then how should we help her relieve her stress?” Elise asked her alraune companions with a lusty look on her face, licking her lips as she eyed Aleth's body.

Elise then had a sudden idea and beckoned Aleth over to them with her finger, saying, “Ah wait, I have a great idea so that I can please both of you at the same time,” As soon as Aleth came over, Elise would gently pull Roxanne down and tell her to lay on her back, where she would then line herself up with Roxanne's moist folds and thrust inside, hilting herself on her first thrust. Then, as she lay there twitching inside of Roxanne, Elise would look back over her shoulder at Aleth and gesture to her to come on over. Once Aleth came over again, Elise would reach back and grab Aleth's fully erect member and pull it up to her own pussy. “There you go Aleth... do whatever you want to me until you feel better, just don't finish inside okay, I can't afford to end up pregnant right now with a child that'd take months to give birth to, because I've gotta save my parents,” Elise would tell her fellow half demon, pulling Aleth down and kissing her full on the lips before placing one hand on Aleth's shapely butt and forcing her to thrust inside.

I wasn't sure if Aleth was masturbating or not, but Elise assumed that she was because she didn't know Aleth was a futanari. So it all worked out in the end I think. I would have wrote more on the smexing scene, but didn't know if you'd have wanted me to or not so I didn't. I'll just fill in Elise's dialogue after you update next time.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Aww... no seedlings, okay~" Roxanne repeated, with just the barest twinge of disappointment to the plantgirl's voice.

Both the green sisters nodded and giggled, when Elise asked to let Aleth join them. "About time," Jivi remarked, giving the guardswoman a mock-reproachful look.

For all the pleasures she was about to experience, however, Aleth still seemed quite reluctant, mumbling weak protests despite asking to join them in their debauchery - though she nonetheless started over to take Elise's rump when she was summoned. The curvy alraune continued to recline against the tree when Elise called for her to lie down, spreading her legs to let her lover in. Elise pulled no punches, plunging in deep on her first stroke - setting Roxanne to shuddering, her eyes glazing over and her back arching as she took the demoness in her, wrapping her arms, legs, and vine-tentacles all around the part-demon for a few seconds, withdrawing as she came down from her high.

When Aleth found her steely cock's helmet kissing into the folds of Elise's wet flower, she started to look a little panicky. "N-no, I s-shouldn't, it's..."

Once her lips met her fellow half-demonesses' however, she stopped - and not entirely because her mouth was now being invaded by Elise's tongue. The lavender-skinned demoness let her eyes drift closed as she leaned into Elise's ministrations... only for them to snap back open, as Elise pulled her new companion into her own gripping pussy. It practically danced inside her, jumping and twitching, and she feared that, if she went to quickly, Aleth might explode inside her already. The guard's face was frozen open, as if she were in shock - gasping soundlessly as she tried to deal with how good it must have felt.

"Oh gods!" she cried, once she had regained her voice. "W-w-wait... I.. it's too sensitive!"

"Mmm~mm... but, if it's sensitive, then it feels good, right~?" Jivi asked, sauntering over as she flicked her honeypot's sensitive bean - smeared all over and white with Elise's cum, evidently scooped up and rubbed in. "Here, let me help ♥"

the athletic alraune's tentacles shot out, wrapping themselves around Aleth's hips, and started pushing and pulling her inside and out, the throbbing veins and her big cockhead's ridge stimulating Elise's inner walls just as well as they stimulated Aleth's member. "N-n--aaaaAHH!!" screamed Glassmoor's native demoness, and just as the Badarian girl felt an even more violent throb shudder through the phallus, Jivi pulled it out - just in time for it to blast a huge glob string of cum directly into the little sanctuary's roof. Several more, equally potent blasts drove through the cock, until finally, Aleth came down from her orgasm.

A vine wrapped around her victim's cock, and realigned it with Elise's cunt once more. "Huhuhu... see? And it's even more sensitive now!" "Wa- sto...!"

The The vines coiled around her hips again, driving her into Elise, and consequently, slamming her into Roxanne. While the last time had barely lasted a few pumps, this time, Aleth was pummeling into Elise's hole for several minutes - only a few of which were alraune-assisted. Once she'd gotten the demon girl into the swing of things, Jivi unraveled herself from her - tending to her own holes, filling herself up with her own vines. Aleth started to pulse like she was about to cum again, and pulled out, pressing the cheeks of Elise's ass together and massaging herself in the slit formed thusly until she came again - the first rope hitting the once-conservative guard right in her face, the rest splattering onto Elise's back.

As she knelt, panting, recovering from her second orgasm, Aleth asked one question, while Jivi looked pleased with herself as she violated all three of her holes with her own vines.

"Hah... haah... Anything... I want... to you... you... hah... you said...?"

Aleth eventually recovered enough to lean forward and wrap her arms around Elise's waist, giving short, rapid thrusts into Elise's pussy. The slap slap slap of her pelvis into Elise's own made pulling far out and stabbing deep back in of the curvy alraune girl underneath her a little difficult, but she would manage. Between the two of them, Elise could feel another orgasm about to rock through her once more. Like her sister, Roxanne saw fit to play with herself - several of her own viney tentacles squirming into her rear, while others rubbed, pulled, and played with her with the squishy orbs on her chest. Once more, the building sensations that heralded bliss seemed to approach them all in unison, as the four's breathing got shallower and more harried in a rough concurrence. When it was time, Aleth would pull out at Elise's command - finishing herself once more between her ass.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Oh Roxanne, it isn't that I don't like to, it's just that it takes up so much time for them to come out. I promise I'll let you later okay, but let's just get done what we need to before then okay," Elise said to her more athletic alraune companion, gently caressing her cheek.

Elise saw Aleth was still a bit reluctant to join them, despite all but begging Elise to let her relieve her stress. She giggled at her fellow half demon came over to her after she beckoned her over, thinking Aleth funny for saying she one thing, and doing a completely different thing. As soon as Roxanne got into position for her, Elise rammed her already lubed up cock into her as deeply as she could go, moaning out lewdly in the process. Elise felt Roxanne shudder under her, and saw her eyes glazing over as if she'd just had an orgasm and wondered if Roxanne had indeed climaxed from the first thrust.

"Oh Aleth, don't be silly. You're already there and ready to go, so you might as well get some relief too," Elise told her fellow half demon, giggling a little and smiling at how panicked Aleth looked about her cock head being so close to Elise's pussy.

With that, Elise pulled Aleth into the kiss she planned on giving her. She watched Aleth's eyes drift closed while they kissed and Elise's tongue invaded wrestled with Aleth's. When Elise placed her hand on Aleth's perfect ass and pulled the half demon into her where she immediately began squeezing, she couldn't suppress a moan of pleasure, the feel of Aleth's twitching and throbbing cock inside of her so wonderful as she began rocking her hips back and forth, alternating forcing Aleth to thrust inside of her, then rocking her hips forward again to plunge her own cock deep into Roxanne again. She knew if she went to fast, then poor Aleth might not be able to handle it and would pop right there on the spot, and she didn't want that to happen, because she may not be able to get Aleth out in time before she exploded, so Elise slowed down just a little.

"Jivi's right Aleth, that means it feels really good. The more sensitive you are, the better it'll feel," Elise cooed to Aleth as Jivi wrapped her tentacles around Aleth and began forcing her to thrust in and out of Elise's tight little cunny.

That went on for a short while, Elise's tight pussy squeezing and milking Aleth's for all its worth, with Elise getting an equal amount of pleasure from her fellow half demon. Soon enough, Elise felt Aleth's member throb greatly, much more so than it already was. This told Elise that Aleth's climax was washing over her and she only had seconds before her fellow half demon filled her full of her seed. It seemed though that Elise needn't worry about anything though, because Jivi was on top of things and slid her out of Elise just in time, with Aleth's seed flying into the air and smacking into the ceiling of their little hideaway, followed by several more that landed elsewhere.

Elise looked back over her shoulder as she watched Aleth being kind of tortured by Jivi, who wrapped one of her tentacles around Aleth's length and guided her back up to Elise's waiting cunt. When she heard Aleth's protests, Elise couldn't help but smile, thinking her cute. When Aleth was slammed forwards into her, Elise gasped and let out a loud moan right after, unable to hold it in. She was glad that Aleth lasted for more than only a few short thrusts this time around, and even more glad when she saw that after the first few, Aleth's thrusting was under her own power. Elie was squealing in pleasure as she was finally starting to near her own sweet release once more, Aleth's thrusting from behind really starting to help her there.

After a few short minutes of thrusting along with Aleth, Elise felt Aleth's member twitch and throb again before her fellow half demon pulled out and, then began rubbing her throbbing cock between Elise's perfectly rounded ass cheeks before exploding again in orgasm, moaning out as she did. Elise looked back over her shoulder again to see Aleth's first spurt splatter her in the face, while the rest fell onto Elise's back. Elise could feel Aleth's warm seed oozing down her sides after it landed on her back, liking the warmth of it on her skin. While Aleth unloaded herself, Elise finished herself off for the first time since Aleth joined in, filling Roxanne to the brim with her own seed as she let loose a cry of pleasure, her own cock throbbing greatly as she pumped spurt after spurt of her thick cream into the athletic alraune.

"Y-Yeah Aleth... anything you want, save for what I mentioned. Why? Is there something special you'd like to do with me? I'm up for it since we've got the time to kill," Elise panted to Aleth while recovering from her own orgasm as she glanced over her shoulder at her fellow half demon who looked a little winded after that one.

When Aleth finally recovered enough to start back up again, Elise felt Aleth's arms wrap around her waist as she thrust into her, the short fast thrusts of Aleth keeping Elise to pull back to give a good deep thrust to Roxanne. Elise felt herself fast approaching yet another climax after only a couple of minutes, wondering if this one would be the end of their little orgy for now so they could pick it up later that night maybe. She also felt Aleth throbbing like mad again, signaling that she was about to pop, and Elise could also see that Jivi who was playing with herself was about to pop as well, while her own thrusting into Roxanne was drawing her ever nearer also.

Finally, when Elise could hold back no longer and when she didn't think Aleth could either, she would tell Aleth to pull out. Once Aleth had done as asked, Elise would stop her from wasting her seed on her ass and guide her fellow half demon away from her ass. She would then pull Aleth's cock up to her mouth where she would take it down her throat to the hilt then start bobbing her head up and down over Aleth's meaty cock, never once stopping her thrusting into Roxanne in the process. She would continue until they all reached their mutual climaxes, gulping down all Aleth had to offer her, her own eyes glazed over from the pleasure coursing through her veins.

Once she had finished herself, Roxanne, and Aleth all off, Elise would swallow down all Aleth had to offer her, licking her lips and giving Aleth's member one last lick before pulling herself out of Roxanne. "Oh wow girls... you're all so much fun. I'd love nothing more than to just lay in here all day with you, but unfortunately we can't. We've gotta hurry up and move on so I can talk to those mercs at the temple," Elise said to everyone, letting them know she was done for now and wanting to hurry on with what all they needed to do to get ready in case Kavi was able to tell them the relative direction her parents were, or had possibly been taken to rather.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Orgies, man.


Since I am a derp and fucked up those names that one time, let's hold up and get things sorted out. Jivi (not Roxy as I thought) is the squishy curvy one, and she speaks in Olive. Elise sat on her lap when the whole thing started, and is now furiously plowing her fields.

Roxanne, not Jivi, as I thought, is the athletic trim one, and speaks in Dark Green. She mounted and rode Elise, fucked about with Aleth, and then fapped off on the side.

Twins, man. So confusing.

As the foursome's carnal tryst approached it's end, the velvet glove around her cock slowly squeezing around her tighter and quicker as Elise brought Jivi closer and closer to her orgasm. As her inside's twitching intensified, so too did her moans - until, after Elise found a particularly sensitive spot, the curvaceous alraune arched her back and wrapped her legs, arms, and tentacles all around Elise - clinging to her in her need to cum, dragging the half-demon's head down to share a kiss, groans of pleasure following the plantgirl's tongue and escaping into Elise's mouth.

She could feel the same happening to her - the usually-ditzy Aleth's eagar and animalistic rutting bringing her ever closer to the edge as her new lover's cock pounded into her sensitive flower. Surprisingly, despite having already cum three times, the guardswoman's veiny cock was as unyieldingly hard and spastically jumpy as it had been when she'd first it free. It gave plenty of warning that she was about to cum, but rather than give Elise's toned backside another sticky coating, she allowed Elise to guide her twitching cock to her mouth - breaking Jivi's kiss, which was met with a sad whine that was quickly cut off with another moan. The brief seconds of non-stimulation let her cool down enough to enjoy a few more moments of Elise's skillful ministrations to her member. If Elise's eye's were glazed over, then Aleth's was practically blinded, so driven she was by her lust - so much so, that she didn't even notice what was happening as Elise guided her around, only reacting when her rod was devoured by the hungry daughter of a succubus, pleasurable surprise sending her back ramrod-straight, a gasp and soft but uncontrollable cries escaping her before she brought her hand up and bit down on her knuckles - muffling the sounds of her enjoyment only somewhat.

As she swallowed up her friend's meat again and again, Elise couldn't help but feel a little regretful of having other half-demon pull out. She felt felt so... empty, down there, right now. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait for long - toned Roxanne immediately seizing the sudden vacancy and lunging at Elise's hips, burying her face in Elise's pussy. While it wasn't a dick, the alraune's ministrations were far from unsatisfactory - far from it, in fact. Her moans and sighs as she pummeled her own holes with her tentacles sent hot clouds of breath to roll over Elise's swollen lips. She spent some time raining soft kisses on the half-demon's slit, before switching to run her tongue against her folds and lap at her sopping inner walls. While her mouth attended the slit, her hands attended her button - circling it, teasing her with the barest stimulation - until, just as Elise could bear it no more, she would feel the finger tickle her little nub, sending electric pleasure through her before the cycle started again. With her other hand, Roxy circled Elise's sphincter - light, just as teasing touches against her rear hole accelerating her orgasm's coming.

At last, they all came in unison once more - Roxanne's face flooding with the fluids of a woman's orgasm, while her sister flooded with the fluids of a male's. Wrapped so tightly up by Jivi, who was moaning so much she would have certainly been noticed were the streets not deserted, she couldn't have pulled out even if she wanted to. Sticky, salty cum gushed into Elise's mouth - the first jet hitting so hard, it almost hurt. Aleth's thick jism spewed out in huge ropes - and, as hard as she tried to swallow down all of her spunk, was a flood, as well - a thick, drippy line escaping through the tight seal of her lips and running down her chin and neck, stopping on her chest. Elise's every muscle seized and her mind went blank as she came - the pleasures of her three lovers fucking her as best she could overwhelming her for a moment. As she floated in the pleasure-soaked haze of her intense afterglow, she couldn't help but think... this was nice. It would be so nice to just stay like this - feel like this, forever.

As her mind gradually reasserted itself, however, she realized that the dick still in her mouth was starting to harden again. Jivi was encouraging the half-demon's already hardening cock back to full-mast by grinding her hips against Elise, and Roxanne had already started eating her out again. These girls would have her here all day, if they could, and, sadly, she had business to attend to.

Giving Aleth one last lick that made the girl shiver, she reminded them of business. Both the alraune gave her sad whines and weak protests in favor of 'just one more time', but eventually (and reluctantly) pulled themselves away from Elise, cleaning themselves and her up with leaves from the bushes that made up the sanctuary. Aleth was just as reluctant - through her own mental haze of pleasure, she forced herself to agree through gritted teeth - but there was no doubt that she wanted to continue. A lot.


"AaaAAaAaaaAaAa why did I do that?!" Aleth lamented as the group approached what appeared to be the temple. It was more of a pagoda, really - huge, and made of stone. It had a stone wall surrounding it, but it was more akin to a building's wall, or a fence, for privacy - compared to the city walls, it was hardly anything. Moreover, Aleth could have seriously just pointed at the thing and told Elise "that's it, right there".

"Doing that on duty, even with a girlfriend or something is totally dereliction of duty!" Aleth said. A few people stared at the noisy guard, railing about how she'd just done something uncouth. "Non-vigilance is the first step towards misconduct! Pretty soon I'll look shady and be running rackets, taking bribes and doing gold dust aaAAAaaAaAAaaA!"

People were really starting to stare, now.

The group shoved open the big wooden gate into the temple. From the door, a path split the yard in two - on the right, was a bunch of sand, apparently raked into careful patterns, a few large rocks jutting up out of the flat, neat patterns. On the left was a tiny garden - a small reflecting pond with fish swimming around, and carefully trimmed trees standing around the water. Thirteen people were just... sitting, here, silent and almost totally still, eyes closed. All of them in quite fancy looking purple and gold silk robes. Each of them looked to have a scabbard, which looked to be curved and quite large, yet still wielded with one hand, judging from their shapes. They were also all night elves as well. Among the group, two stood out. One was a woman, with violet skin and white hair, that went all the way down her back - Elise wasn't sure what it was that made her noteworthy, but the woman stood out nevertheless. The second had the same hair and skin. Her hair was shorter and tied into two tails, and - if Elise looked - she would find the girl fidgeting, slightly, unlike her motionless companions.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Yeah Roxanne is the one she's fucking like crazy at the moment, Jivi is the one she just got through doing before she started having fun with Aleth as well. Everything seems right unless me and you are both derps. You had them backwards in this update too, but don't worry about it.

Elise's bringing Aleth's cock to her mouth seemed to cool her off for a few moments, allowing her to hold out for another little while until they all managed to reach orgasm again with each other, ending with Elise shooting her load deeply into Roxanne, her pussy juices squirting out into Jivi's mouth, and Aleth pumping her own load into Elise's mouth, which the young half succubus greedily gulped down. When she had pulled Aleth out of her tight cunny though, she wished she hadn't at the same time, wanting to feel her new lover paint her insides with her warm sticky spunk as much as she wanted, but her want to not get pregnant won out thankfully in that small battle of wills.

While Elise's mind floated in bliss, she was barely able to come back in time after speaking to stop Jivi and Roxanne, as well as Aleth really, from starting back up. She giggled naughtily at Aleth's reaction to the last lick she gave, smiling up at her fellow half demon as she licked the remainder of Aleth's seed from around her mouth and wiping her face with her hand and licking what was there, her action likely amusing or arousing her companions again.

"Oh girls, don't worry. We'll fuck each other silly tonight when we go to bed, we'll fuck until we can't even move anymore," Elise assured her three needy companions, liking that they all wanted to have so much fun with her, letting them know that she wanted to do so as well, but only when they'd finished what all they needed to do that day.


After cleaning up and leaving their sanctuary in the middle of the city, Elise and company moved on towards the temple, with Elise assuring them all again that she intended on finishing what they started that night. After they arrived at the temple grounds and Elise took in the sight of the place, she heard Aleth ranting on about what they'd done, appearing to be regretting their sexual tryst, which she obviously enjoyed. Elise's smile about Aleth's ranting grew wider and wider the more she spoke and went on, until she couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing at her fellow half demon.

"Oh Aleth, you're really taking this to extremes. Nobody would even know we did anything unless you tell them right. Because you're our guide at the moment and are showing us around town and all," Elise told Aleth, trying to calm her down before they went into the temple.

When they made their way into the temple proper, Elise saw the interior of the place and after taking in all the features she saw the thirteen people sitting in the garden area to the left of the path. She immediately assumed that they were the ones she was looking for and started towards them, noticing they were all night elves, and that one of them seemed to be fidgeting around for some reason or another, and there was another that stood out among the group that she couldn't quite place why she stood out to her. Maybe she was the leader of the group, Elise thought to herself as she closed the distance to them all.

"Um... excuse me. Are you all the mercenary troop that is staying here at the temple by chance? I was told by someone about a merc troop here that may be for hire," Elise asked the night elf group, directing her words mainly at the one that stood out to her the most other than the fidgety one.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"That's not the poooiiiinttt!" Aleth cried, when Elise tried to reassure her that no one would ever know. Even when they entered the temple grounds, she continued to hold her head, freaking out - though, at the very least, she had taken to doing so silently, save for an occasional groan, now.

The woman answered Elise's question, though she neither opened her eyes, nor so much as budged in her seat. Elise could hardly even tell if she was breathing or not...

"That is us," she replied. "We are the Soaring Swords of Ironrose, humble practitioners of the art of the blade in the styles taught by the monastery of Ironrose. Our hearts belong to it, but our arms may be bought - we have little need of the money ourselves, but it will be used to pay for the needs of Ironrose and the refugees sheltered there."

The other Sword's chests could be seen to rise and fall like any other's might, and while they seemed somewhat disturbed by Elise's appearance - minor things, like scratching itches, shifting their weight, or coughing, which they'd not seemed to indulge in while Elise looked in on them - none of them opened their eyes to see who they were speaking with... except for the fidgety girl, who'd opened one eye to look at Elise and her friends. Upon noticing that she'd been noticed peeking at them, she gave Elise a little smile and fluttered her fingers at her in a 'hello'.

"Please continue your meditation, Chao," the woman Elise expected to be the group's leader said, her eyes not once opening. The pigtailed-girl gave her a tiny annoyed look, before closing her eyes again, breathing in and then out.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Oh good god Aleth. Let me ask you this. Do you not like me? Didn't you like what we did together at all? If so then don't worry about it okay," Elise said to Aleth as she put her hand on Aleth's back in a comforting manner, trying to soothe her after she'd told her what she said earlier wasn't the point.


Elise watched the night elf woman she spoke to sit completely still as she answered her, thinking her a little rude when she didn't even bother opening her eyes at all while speaking. She glanced around at the other Soaring Swords as she named them and saw that all of them were acting in the same manner as the one she was speaking to, save one of them, the fidgety girl she'd noticed when coming up to them all. Elise waved back at the fidgety girl when she waved at her, thinking that she must be different somehow, though she didn't know why exactly. She wanted to say something back to the woman in defense of the night elf girl waving at her, but she held her tongue, as it wouldn't do to insult them before even trying to get their services or anything.

"Um... well I haven't a lot of money exactly... but I really need the best fighters I can find to help me find and rescue my parents from the aliens. I can't ask my village for help because the aliens destroyed it and took everyone else from there and... I'm the only one left. I have someone tracking the aliens that attacked my village as we speak and she should be able to give us a general direction in which to go by sundown. Please... what would it take to procure your services to aid me in finding my parents?" Elise said to the woman, getting down on her knees and bowing her head slightly, tears forming in her eyes some as she spoke, while she hoped beyond hope that these people could help her some.

Are these night elves all female by any chance? Just wondering is all.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

The group's more or less evenly split male/female, give or take a couple. Elves being the androgynously pretty gits that they are, a good couple of 'em are pretty hard to tell.

Aleth seemed to calm down a little bit when Elise posed her questions - sorta. She took on a thoughtful expression, leaving Elise to deal with the supposed mercenaries.

As she related her tale to the group, Elise thought she saw the unmoving night elf shudder just a teeny bit... though whether it was just her imagination or not was hard to say. More readily noticeable was that a few of the other mercenaries had opened their eyes to look at the goings-on, including the pig-tailed girl again - getting on her knees and crying seemed to get some of their attention.

After an uncomfortable stretch of silence, the supposed leader opened her mouth again.

"Our normal fee is two-hundred denarii - fifteen denars for each of our blades. However, as swordsmen of the jungle, whose peoples have been displaced and preyed upon by the adversary you would have us cross swords with... I would be... willing, to cut the cost to one-hundred and thirty."

When revealed that was still a cost Elise could not afford to pay them, the meditating swordswoman then replied, "Then I will forfeit half of my personal fee only, and reduce it to one-hundred and twenty five. I will not volunteer the souls of my brethren to be imperiled for less."

"I... I will forfeit half, as well, swordsister!" came one voice. "I will as well." "I-I, too!"

Shortly, nearly the entire squad had offered to work for even less - only one among them not offering to do so - and, perhaps surprisingly, it appeared to be the fidgety pig-tailed girl. "So be it. The Soaring Swords offer their service for seventy denarii." The leader-apparent declared. A little figuring told her they'd be working for about five denarii each - barely enough to cover room and food at the inn Elise had stayed at.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Alright, thanks. I was merely wondering is all.

As Elise spilled her heart out to these mercs, she was rather hopeless and thought this may make them a lot less eager to help her out. She was a bit amazed when she noticed the majority of the mercs seemed to have opened their eyes as they listened to her sad tale, apparently having gotten their attention enough to pique their interest at least. She hoped they didn't think badly of her for trying to acquire their aid by crying some, but she had little else she could really do in all honesty.

She waited for what seemed like hours for who she thought was the leader to answer her. When she stated their normal fee at two hundred denarii, Elise's heart sank, however she saw a little hope when she pretty much halved that price down to a hundred and thirty, telling her since it'd be the aliens which they'd be fighting and since said aliens had been the cause of them losing their own home that she would lower their asking price.

"Well I still couldn't afford that much even if I wanted to, my papa had most of our money on her when her and mom were taken," Elise replied to her, listening as the supposed leader said she'd forfeit her own personal fee and lower it to one twenty five but that she wouldn't do the same to the rest herself, which was still quite out of Elise's price range. But then she heard several more of the Soaring Swords tell they would forfeit their own fees as well, in the end lowering their total to seventy denarii for her to pay.

"I... thank you, I only have thirty five which I can pay you and still have enough to live on myself. But I promise you though that I can get the rest by the time we leave, unless you'd be willing to simply split any loot with me fifty fifty as part of the payment instead, I feel really bad asking you to forfeit so much of your pay when asking so much of you. I swear to you though, that I'll pay you more when I get the chance until I've paid you at least the one hundred and thirty," Elise said, looking back up at the merc company with tears in her eyes, looking so thankful she was about to just burst into sobs of joy and throw herself at the leader elf and hug her, though she didn't do such a thing, scared she would offend them and they'd tell her they wouldn't help her after all. She continued after a few moments, saying, "If it comes right down to it, after we rescued my parents. I'd be willing to even work for you until I worked my debt off, or pay in other ways if need be. To get my parents back, and as many of my village as possible, I'd be willing to do most anything. If I must pay with my body, with my own fighting skills, with anything, I'm willing to do it. Whatever else you'd wish for me to do extra as part of my payment, simply tell me and I'll see what I can do, but if its too extreme of course I wouldn't be willing to do it."

Once Elise was through speaking, giving what promises of payment she could, and even giving them alternative means of payment from her as well, she waited for an answer from them, bowing her head again in respect. If they didn't agree to any of her offers, even about the loot, she would be forced to ask someone to help her come up with the money with which to pay them and be in debt to them instead. Maybe Aleth could loan her the money, she thought to herself as she waited their reply. Or maybe she could see if Jivi and Roxanne would be able to somehow help her pay for it.
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