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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa was enduring the pain, maybe she will be fine soon after her body get recovered of what was happening. However she looks very amazed by what just happened Celine, when do you learn to use that kind of power? The mistress said as she try to sit on the tree remain.

However the succubus was very exhausted to get up, she has received a lot of damage but nothing dangerous and maybe a little of rest could be enough.
She then tried to just nod as she smile trying in vain to move for a while until after a time she manage to sit in that place, maybe i could protect her a little, im sure than i can still send two or three spells. Leaving her Celine move to say some last words to try to go to them but the mistress just shake her head. Stay here! You dot need to do this, its very dangerous for you to go alone and they will be ready for any attempt of us to pursue them, please just stay at my side. Vanessa said really worried for the elf, as this time the demon warriors will not be focused in someone else to allow the swordswoman to lay a finger on them without a payback.

Then Vanessa just sigh and try to answer her slave. I dont really know what happened, it was a strange light coming from your sword, but if you dont know what is this, then you dont have a chance to fight them, demons arent easy harmed by common weapons, doubt than your sword have something special, so it must be something more. Vanessa remain quiet maybe thinking if she should answer to the last question, maybe to protect Celine for a future harm or just to make time and she lost the chance to find them, she just tried to take Celine hand and try to have a firm grip on her, in her weak state this will be easily removed by the elf, but even then Vanessa was trying to do it.

The elf was not sure if the others will reach at time or she will be forced to remain here and protect her mistress of hidden foes, her choice to leave must be taken again now than she know than Vanessa was against the idea to let her go against them and also the lack of protecttion than Vanessa will have if she leave.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine looked to the door as the three soldiers carrying the mantled man left, but after hearing Vanessa's words and pleas to not leave her, Celine couldn't leave her side, she just couldn't bring herself to do so.

"Don't worry mistress, I won't leave your side, I'll stay right here and protect you," Celine replied to Vanessa when she grabbed her hand, kneeling down and kissing her on the lips after seeing how worried Vanessa was.

"So what do you think it is mistress? Do I have some sort of magical talent maybe?" Celine asked, looking curiously at Vanessa while they waited for help to arrive.

While Vanessa spoke, Celine would gently pull her hand away, telling her that she promised that she'd stay there, then she went to check the succubus girl's wounds and see how badly hurt she was. While checking her wounds, Celine told them both about the wolf girl and that as soon as help got there she was going to check on her and get her to an infirmary of some sort, then asked Vanessa where she needed to take her.

"Once Lina and the others get here we can go after them mistress. If you want us to do so that is," Celine told Vanessa after a couple of minutes while they waited, with Celine staying on guard as she sat next to Vanessa and held her hand again to help her ease the pain, telling her beloved mistress that she couldn't leave her there without protection.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

More relieved once Celine decide to stay with her, the Mistress just return the kiss and press Celine against her to make her feel her pregnant belly, Thanks to stay, we need you here. the mistress said in an attempt to make Celine dont focus in the revenge It looks something more than a natural talent, as it appear just in the right moment to save us, i suppose than this is the first time than this happen. But dont worry, with the time im sure than you can control that magic power

The mistress looks to be relieve once she heard than her servant was alive and accept to go with Celine to see her, the succubus was the most worried for her partner and she also decide to join them.

I have soldiers for that Celine, but if you really want to go then stay out of the first line and just support them if needed, also bring Lina with you. Vanessa said more calmed and relaxed what make the pain subdue, the help come after some minutes, but the young demongirl was not there, neither Sakura but at least Lina and some of her sisters were there. Some run worried for the mistress as others tried to stop the conmotion and see what happened.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'll stay as long as you need or want me to mistress. But I would like to know what they were after. For now though just tell me if it was what I think it was about? Was it about Sophia?" Celine asked Vanessa, ending in a whisper.

Celine gently caressed Vanessa's belly when she hugged her, then leaned down to kiss Vanessa's belly after hugging her. They waited patiently for help to arrive and after a few minutes, Lina and some of her sisters did get there, though she didn't see Sakura with them, which worried her a bit.

"It's about time Lina, I was beginning to worry you girls wouldn't get here in time," Celine said to the young gargoyle girl. "Can you get the mistress to a safe place Lina? I think she's gone into labor, but I'm not sure. The two of us need to go check on someone else that was hurt. And where is Sakura? Is she okay Lina?" Celine then said quickly, gesturing at the succubus girl and meaning the wolf girl was the one that was hurt. She'd wait for her to answer before turning to Vanessa again.

"We can go after them once we get everyone to the infirmary mistress, if that's okay with you of course. And I'll stay here if you want me to, but we can talk more when we get back okay," Celine whispered to Vanessa before her and the succubus girl left.

Once Lina assured her they had everything in hand and that it was okay for them to go, Celine would kiss Vanessa again and after making sure she was okay with them going on back to the kitchens, they'd leave and head to check on the wolf girl. They would run as quickly as they could and when they got there, Celine would rush over to check on the wolf girl, who she hoped was still alive and okay. After making sure she was still alive, Celine would lift her up and carry her to the infirmary where Vanessa was hopefully being taken to., where she could check on her as well
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Before all reach, Vanessa was not able to maintain on secret what was obvious, she just nod when Sophia name was said, there was not need for something else and the mistress was having a great time resting at Celine side.

Lina and her sisters were not the only ones there, lesser creatures, halfhumans armed and many others things were running to catch the traitors or helping in many others problems, like take woundeds to the infirmary or see what they can do to have a better clue of what happened. At least Lina tried to follow Celine orders. Dunno if she is close to give birth, but all this could had affected her. Soon the wounded girls were taken to the infirmary, Even when they were fine and without need for any threadment. Celine also dont need to look for the wolfgirl as Linda said than someone has taken her to heal, about Sakura, she looks to be still very busy calling for help.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine simply nodded her head when Vanessa confirmed her suspicions about them being there for Sophia and said nothing more on the matter for now, deciding to wait until later to do so in a safer area.


Celine saw many other creatures there other than Lina and her sisters, all of which were doing what they could to help and aid in securing the area. "Okay Lina, thank you. I wasn't sure if she had gone into labor or not because she did fall to the ground a few minutes ago while the fighting was going on. I hope nothing happened to the baby," Celine said, looking a little worried actually about the unborn child Vanessa was carrying.

After that Celine and the succubus were about to hurry off to the kitchens, telling Lina where they were heading. She stopped them however by saying that someone had already gotten the wolf girl and taken her to the infirmary, so they didn't leave and simply waited to take Vanessa on down to the infirmary if she wanted or rather needed to go, Celine would encourage her to do so for the baby's sake. Then she would turn to Lina.

"Lina, do you mind going and finding Sakura and then taking her to where Triny and Cassie are right now, and then telling them all that me and the mistress are both alright. And also that as soon as we make certain that the baby is alright and after we all get a bite to eat, that we'll take Triny down to see Hope," Celine said to Lina, asking if she minded going and doing those things for her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Lina frown a little worried by the mistress, but she just shake her head a little before answer. She is really strong and she know when she will ready to have her child and when this could be in danger, so dont worry too much of that and just stay at her side, maybe she used too much magic and just fall tired of all that sudden combat.

Celine then start to ask many things what make Lina just nod, sometimes smiling by how Celine was all stressed trying to have all fine. Sure, i will do all these things, but it could take me sometime, what will you do meanwhile? Said Lina getting ready to leave.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'll go with the mistress and make sure she's alright for now, just tell them all that I'll be there shortly with the mistress and then we can get something to eat and go see Hope," Celine replied to Lina's question.

Once Lina had departed, Celine would unless stopped by the other guards, lift Vanessa in her strong arms and carry her to the infirmary herself, kind of trying to show off for Vanessa in front of the other guards.

"Mistress, I hope you don't mind me carrying you, but you shouldn't walk around when your that exhausted," Celine said to Vanessa, kissing her on the cheek in an affectionate way as she lifted her up.

Once to the infirmary, she would gently set Vanessa down into a bed to rest for a little while, unless she would rather go back to her room instead,in which case she'd take her there to rest, which would give them the chance to talk at least.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Understand, please stay with our mistress, miss Celine, Lina said as some guards get closer to her and her sisters, maybe to prepare them to hunt them from the sky as they get closer, of course than Lina will not join and instead she went to inform and see where is Sakura, who she only know from sometimes when they cross their paths, this night and when the girl come to inform them. Celine was close to be stoped by some guards, but Vanessa allow her to get closer and in front of all the elf warrior lift her pregnant but sexy body with her arms and take her to the infirmary, the mistress giggle as the nude futagirl kiss her and take her out of the garden, she could get used to let Celine carry her in her strong but femenine arms to everywhere. She was loving the walk until Vanessa decide to poke her in a playfull way in her chest to call the elf attention. You are so lovely Celine, but im not so bad, so why dont you take me to my room instead? i would call from some cow girls to take a little drink, but they are so busy taking care of the newborn, maybe i should look for something more to drink. Said Vanessa as they were close to rech her restroom with a wink to Celine

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine nodded at Lina when she said to please stay with Vanessa, telling her of course, that she didn't intend on leaving her side. Celine watched some of Lina's sisters preparing to go hunt down the intruders from before, while Lina went to find Sakura and do what she asked her to. She noticed that some of the guards were about to stop her when she came over to Vanessa, but a quick word from Vanessa allowed her through.

Once Celine had gently lifted Vanessa in her arms and left the garden, likely with a few of the guards following them closely, she began heading towards the infirmary with Vanessa, willing to carry her beloved in her strong arms to wherever she wanted her to. When Vanessa poked her in the chest, Celine giggled ticklishly a little, but didn't even come close to dropping Vanessa as she glanced down to see what she wanted.

"Alright then mistress, if you'd rather go there instead. I would prefer to take you to the infirmary though, but you don't really look hurt. We should let the cow girls feed the newborns and Hope, I don't want to deprive the babies of what they need to live. And what would you like to drink mistress? I will do what I can to provide you with what you desire," Celine replied to Vanessa, diverting towards the bedroom instead of the infirmary and returning Vanessa's wink with one of her own.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I will tell you when we get there. The mistress said with a wink as she put her arms around the naked elf, who looks to dont have problems carring her all the while. Once they reach the room, there were her two friends waiting her and the food, both looks to dont know what has happened and just make their best to look for Faith needs. Triny still lay on the bed, hungry but dont showing it as she looks to already wake up when the door opened.

Cassie have faith in her arms, resting in a seat close the bed, she soon turn to the persons coming and give a little smile as she turn to see if the kitchen girls were with them. Is she fine? where is the food? the black haired girl said as she get up and let space to Celine to put the girl on the bed.

Will she give birth now too? why dont you take her to the breeding roon, im sure than the creatures there will be pleased to help her. Triny said a little jealouse

The mistress grind and pull Celine until be able to kiss her mouth for a while and then slowly retreat with a smile to see to the others. Nah, i still have a time before this littleone come out and i preffer my bed to eat my meal at this moment.~ The mistress said as she look to Celine's manlike member and sit on the bed, do you still have some of that delicious cream on you, Celine? The mistress add to make her understand better.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine nodded her head when Vanessa told her she'd tell her what she wished to drink when they got there, smiling back at Vanessa when she winked at her and put her arms around her. When they made it back to the bedroom, Celine saw Cassie and Triny sitting on the bed waiting patiently for them to get back with the food, and it seemed that they had no idea what had just happened outside.

Hey girls, sorry about the food, we'll have someone bring some as soon as we can, and the mistress here is okay,” Celine said after Cassie said what she did about the food and if Vanessa was okay, then as Triny spoke, she glanced over as she carried Vanessa to the bed and saw Triny had a somewhat jealous look on her face.

No sweetie, she isn't going to have the baby just yet. And there was an attack on the mistress here a few minutes ago is why it took us so long to get back. But I dealt with it for now so don't worry,” Celine replied when Triny asked if Vanessa was going to have the baby just yet or not, then after Vanessa pulled her head down and kissed her, Celine set her down on the bed where she eyed Celine's member and asked her what she did, with Celine answering her with a shy blush, “Y-Yes mistress, I do if you need it. Is that all you'd like to d-drink?

After she answered her, Celine would reply with a "Yes mistress,” if she told her yes that's what she wanted, but before actually doing it, she would turn to Triny. “Does it bother you though Triny? That I got another woman than you pregnant I mean? I-I'm really s-sorry if it does, a-and I hope you can please forgive me,” Celine asked Triny, giving an ashamed look and hanging her head slightly and stuttering at the end of what she said.

If Triny answered her kindly and told her no she had no problem with it then she would kiss her and then she'd kiss their baby Faith, then she'd get to work with whatever Vanessa wanted her to do while they waited for some food to be brought.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Both girls looks to be fine with wait a little more to eat, they suppsoe than maybe they could just rest a little as the time pass, An attack? Are both fine, right? Said Cassie as she look at Celine and Vanessa, maybe looking for wounds than she could heal, but fortunatelly it was not needed.

Its hard to believe than even she is safe in this place, but at least both are fine said Trini as she look how the mistress looks to the mistress tempt her friend. Vanessa looks to be enjoyning the moment and slowly turn her sight toward Celine's lower body. Sorry Celine, but our little child need all the nutrients than we can give her, so i must drink as much as i can. Fortunatelly even when she looks to not be happy to see her lover having some fun with another girl, Triny nod and give a little smile. Dont, worry Celine, im fine. Said before turn to Faith.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yeah we're fine Cassie, don't worry about us. I didn't even get a scratch on me, and the most the mistress got was falling down on her butt," Celine told Cassie when she started checking them for wounds, letting her know it was not needed.

"T-Thanks sweetie, I'm glad it doesn't make you mad. I was really scared it would and that you wouldn't love me anymore. I... I just love you so much, especially now," Celine said to Triny, wiping the tears that were starting to form away and kissing her, then she leaned down and kissed Faith on her little head.

Celine then moved over to Vanessa and kissed her and told her to do what she needed to, and that she would move around or do whatever she needed her to do. Before they started however, Celine asked Cassie if she wanted to have any fun before they got started and before they got some food. If she didn't then once Vanessa was done and everything, Celine would kiss her again.

"I have to ask you mistress. What did you mean drinking as much as you can for the nutrients? Surely my... you know, my seed isn't that healthy or anything to drink. Is it?" Celine would ask Vanessa, wondering what exactly she was to need to drink her cum for the nutrients. Then a thought suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks and she just blurted it out with a blush, "A-Are you a succubus mistress? Because even if you are it doesn't matter to me, I've learned from my parents and from old stories and stuff that succubi can be good people too. And no matter what I still love you."

Whether or not that was the case, Celine didn't care, she still loved Vanessa either way. After they had rested as much as they wanted to, Celine would ask Vanessa about getting some real food for them, so they could then go see Hope.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Even when Celine said than both are fine, Cassie take her time to look them and then just smile a little when she heard what happened to the mistress in that fight. The two humans looks to be just glad than Celine was not hurt by that fight, even that looks to reduce the jeaolouse from Trini and just accept her lover feelings as both focus a moment in each other and their daughter. Dont worry Celine, i still love you, it just than i was raised in a monogamous family... but im trying to accept all this. Triny said with a smile, maybe nervious than this could be odd for the elf, who looks to accept all and is maybe very free opened to sex.

After a moment, Cassie decide to dont join them at the start but then she just give Faith to her mother and get closer, still waiting to see what the two girls will do before decide to join them.

Celine doubts about if she is a succubus make Vanessa grind before receive the elf kiss. Of course than your warm seeds are nutritive after the spell than i place on you. Vanessa hands start to caress the elf ample breasts, slowly going down. "giggle" No... im not a succubus and we already know than you love them after use some of my servants the last night. The mistress get closer to her, just before reach the blonde elf neither she look at her and kiss her again before add. Besides, i want to feel you close me after all what happened, but... i cant put our child in danger. Vanessa said and then start to stroke the blonde girl dick with her soft hands, still dressed she let Celine to remove her clothes as she do her best making her get harder, soon Celine can feel her member getting hard as a now nude Vanessa kiss her and went slowly down the elf body kissing the elf skin with her soft lips until reach the manlike member, one of her hands slide down Celines wet lower lips, slowly moving them in a rythm than cause the elf moan happily as the other continue on the meat rod helping her mouth to start to milk it. The moves get faster and soon Celine cum, the huge warm cum load in part get out of her mouth, but she endure nearly all pass through her throat, Celine can see her try to make her cum again, just then Cassie decide to join and slowly move on the bed to avoid disturb the little baby and then kiss the futagirl, is a luck than the bed is huge enough to have the three pleasure each other without bother Triny or Faith. With the two girls making her cum, soon Celine have many orgasms and she lay resting on the bed for some minutes to recover herself.

More relaxed now, Vanessa acept than Celine go to look for food, it will dont take her too much time. Then she notice than Sakura has dont return with them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I understand Triny, and I won't rush you or anything, because I love you so much, and I know that it'll take you some time to get used to it," Celine replied to her beloved Triny as she hugged her.

When Vanessa replied to her, Celine got a confused look on her face. "Well if you aren't a succubus. Then what are you exactly? I'm really at a loss honestly. And I understand and agree mistress, I want to be close to you too, but we must be careful for the baby's sake," Celine replied to Vanessa.

Regardless of Vanessa's reply to Celine's question, Celine simply leaned back as Vanessa's hands glided along her length to get her ready. After a minute or so Celine took her clothes off to keep them from getting dirty from their fun and gave a sweet little coo each time Vanessa's lips touched her body. When Vanessa slid her hand down to rub her lower lips, Celine let out a passionate moan of pleasure when she felt Vanessa's fingers stroking both her manhood and her womanhood at the same time.

Celine felt Vanessa increase her speed with her ministrations and eventually she was brought to a swift and powerful climax and spurted all of her seed out and into Vanessa's waiting mouth, where she gulped down every drop she could. Celine moaned out loud as her climax hit, letting all three in there know she enjoyed herself greatly, then she gave a passionate squeal when Vanessa began working her straight towards another orgasm before even letting her catch her breath.

When Cassie moved over to kiss and grope her breasts, Celine lasted only another minute or so at most before cumming again, letting out a moan of pleasure as she exploded into Vanessa's mouth again. Once they were done with her, Celine laid back on the bed to recover for a few minutes, and when she got back up to for her and Cassie to go and find them something to eat she noticed that Sakura hadn't returned yet.

"Mistress, can you help us find Sakura please? I'm worried about her and I sent Lina to find her, but she hasn't gotten back yet with her like I figured she would have. If it isn't too much trouble for you of course mistress. I just... well I think it would be better if you were with me, unless your servants now know that I'm trustworthy and stuff of course and wouldn't maybe attack me or anything. Then we can bring some food back for all of us on our way back," Celine said to Vanessa, voicing her fears about Sakura not being back and about traveling alone in this place.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa take a moment to decide to answer the elf, she frown and them just shrug her shoulders a little. The true is than even i dont know now exactly what im now, but at the start i was an half human, sorry but i just want to avoid to know who is my father. Vanessa tried to hide more info for the moment, she should really want to forget any problem and focus on Celine until she can calm herself the enough to prepare her revenge against who prepare that attempt against her.

Once Celine earn a moment to recover herself after the great moment between her two lovers and her, she gladly can see than her Mistress accept to go with her, she dress herself again without be able to hide her heavy pregnant belly, the birth could maybe start in some hours, but even then she just dont looks to be worried to give birth in middle of a corridor. Its not so probable than they try to hurt you my dear Celine, but maybe some of them could try to do something more than stop you to get information about what happened today.

The three start to walk for a while, Celine words could not stop the mistress to go with them, the mistress give some options about what they could do to find the lost bunnygirl, maybe she is calmed as Sakura has been always a clumsy inocent bunnygirl who always get caught by naughty demons and half humans than rape her for even days.The mistress decide than they could go to ask for more help, but this could take time and Sakura could get in danger, so maybe they could also look for her without waste the time for look for help.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Oh... I understand mistress, I won't pry anymore about it until you're ready to tell me. But you were born half human, so I already know that your other half was lover, making you half human half lover,” Celine said to Vanessa, trying to flatter her a bit because she loved her so much, and because she wanted her to calm down and relax after what all had happened. Celine laid back against Cassie who was still behind her and rested for a couple of minutes before getting on up, feeling quite blissful after the fun they just had and feeling her love for all three of her lovers deepen even more than it already was.

Once Celine had recovered enough, she got up and cleaned herself up a bit, then got her clothes back on. After redressing and after helping Vanessa redress, she helped Vanessa to her feet and offered her arm to her, wanting to escort her like a lover would. After Vanessa made her decision about that, Celine looked back at Triny. “Sweetie, do you want to come with us? If so then let me help you up. I'll hold Faith for you. Besides it may be better for all of us to go together anyway, that way we can go see Hope after we eat,” Celine asked Triny, then if she did want to come with them, Celine would take Faith from her and hold her with one arm, while helping Triny up with the other arm so she could walk with them.

Oh, well I wouldn't mind talking to them any as long as they didn't try to hurt me, then I might fight back. But as long as you're with us we'll be just fine mistress,” Celine told Vanessa as they headed on out the door.

While they walked, Celine listened to Vanessa's suggestions about finding Sakura and thinking it best not to split up, especially if Triny came with them, but she was still very worried about her new little handmaid that Vanessa had given her and felt that she had to make sure she was okay.

How about you girls go ahead and try to find her while I go and try to find Lina or someone to help us locate her. That way we can do both at the same time. Unless you don't think it would be wise mistress,” Celine said to Vanessa about finding Sakura. If Vanessa agreed with that plan, then Celine would head in the general direction of Lina's barracks since that was pretty much where she'd told Sakura to go to find help earlier, figuring on starting her search there, she also told Vanessa where she was going in case they found Sakura before she did.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa laugh softly thanks to Celine words, it looks like after their moment together and the elf kind worse, she looks better and more lively than before, something really good for the child inside her. They rested without problems as Faith sleep a little after had drink her mother milk for a while, she really looks to have some months and her cute face is just as beautifull as a little angel thanks to her elfic heritage, even when her ears are not so large, she easily could pass as a human baby.

Once awake, the Mistress allow her lover help to dress herself and guide her to the door, something really usefull as she start to walk slowly by her pregnant belly, but she dont looks to be worried and Celine could bet than she have a huge experience in breeding topics. Triny was slighty half sleep but soon awake with a nod to the idea to go with them, maybe to interrupt any attempt than the mistress could have with the "father" of her child. Thanks Celine, i will preffer to go with you and the others, as im starving and i could be unable to feed or beloved daughter. Triny then lend Faith to Celine, the young baby was so healty and just whine a little once she get away of her mother udders, at least Faith remain peacefully sleeping at her other mother arm.

Vanessa looks to dont agreed with Celine's plan, maybe because she want to stay at her side or just dont want than her favorite elf get in problems again. It sound like it could work, but maybe something unexpected could happen and you will be only able to ask for help to Lina and her sisters, the others maybe could dont accept to help you, as they could be very busy looking for the demons who attack me. But is true than we have more chances to find your bunnygirl faster in that way.

Maybe we should stay together. Add Trinny before Cassie shake her head. Im with Celine, Sakura must need help and we will be fine if we decide to wait in the dinningroom or a more safe place

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine helped Vanessa dress and then helped Triny up, the latter being while holding Faith in one arm. After taking Faith from Triny, Celine heard her eldest child let out a little whine or two when she pulled her away from her mother and Celine thought she was going to wake up, but before she could Celine leaned down and placed a kiss on her little forehead and shushed her back to sleep. Celine looked at Faith with a distant look in her eyes and took in all of her features, simply caught up in the moment of holding her child in her own arms that she almost forgot to hand her back to Triny for them to go.

After listening to Vanessa's and Triny's suggestions, then after hearing Cassie agree with her own idea about her going to Lina's barracks to start her search, Celine mulled it over while they walked and decided that her plan was the better of the two. “I understand what you're saying mistress and that you don't want anything to happen to me, but I actually already sent Lina to find Sakura before me and you left the courtyard where I fought those bastards that attacked you, so it'd probably be good to head there and see if she found her or not. If it's the latter of those two then maybe Lina's captain would be there or someone she knows that can tell me where she went. Surely none of your other servants would attack me after knowing I saved your life. You're welcome to accompany me though if you like mistress, Cassie, Triny, both of you as well,” Celine said in response, making her decision to go to Lina's barracks and begin her search for Sakura.

Celine actually did want Vanessa, Triny, and Cassie to come with her, but she just didn't want Triny to get into any trouble and Faith with them. She would tell Vanessa that also and her reason for wanting to go alone to search while Vanessa stayed with Triny and Cassie and looked elsewhere if Vanessa decided she wanted to simply order Celine not to go without her, which Celine would feel honor bound to obey.