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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just when Celine tried to take him out, the dark mage tried a last deadly spell against her, however the doll at his back change the route of his body with the help of the side effects of the slime, even then the second doll had to push her slighty to save her from the impact, the deadly ray pass through the poor Cutie's slave, making her a hole in her right side of her chest, as also it nearly make her lost an arm. Unable to defend himself, the sword impact make him pass out.

With the mage out of combat, Celine is abble now to see the battle and it was not a good sight, nearly all the dolls were just a head with a torso, as the soldiers kick them and stomp over them waiting them to make escape a cry or groan of the poor sex dolls, in change the midless slaves moaned and even squirm lewdly with each hit from them. Cutie looks to be really pissed by how her servants are damaged and only was not there thanks to Sakura who tried her best to stop her, trying to beg to her to dont go there and instead get ready to leave if it was needed.

Celine have to face 7 soldiers with only 2 wounded but still functional normal dolls, her two clones and the two who were with her facing the mage.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

(I thought there were only 5 soldiers? You said 5 the other day and the mage.)

When Celine moved at the mage to try and finish him, he tried to cast another spell at her. However this time the doll holding him did something and threw off his aim slightly, though the other doll still had to push Celine out of the way so it wouldn't hit her and the deadly beam of dark magic pierced straight through the poor slave doll and left a hole in her chest. Celine managed to get close enough to clunk the mage on the head after that, knocking him out cold as he fell to the ground. As soon as he was down she saw the battle with the soldiers didn't seem to be going too well for the dolls.

She immediately rushed at the nearest soldier to cut him down before moving on to the next. Gesturing to the powerful doll that had held the mage long enough for her to knock out and her two look alike dolls to aid her with taking out the remaining demon soldiers, while having all of the remaining dolls get together to cover each other and do all the damage they could. She ordered the two look alikes to cover her and the other more powerful doll while she and it took care of the soldiers one by one. Hopefully this would draw the soldiers attention off of Cutie and Sakura, giving the demon girl enough breathing room to blast some of her magic at the demon soldiers, and if they were lucky enough then Vanessa and her own soldiers would get there soon enough to aid them as well.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With the evil mage defeated, Celine and the dolls join forces to defeat one by one the demon soldiers. The blonde elf was the first to strike, giving a direct slash to the closer evil warrior, her sword transpass his armor, making him roar in pain and then she dodge his sword to give a counter attack. Wounded, he receive the attacks from a clone doll and the powered doll give a last attack with her slime sword.

The soldiers notice how one of them has fall on the floor and decide to payback, their weapons soon caused some serious damages on the remaining dolls and even one of the clones result damaged. Cutie cant for the moment help them, as she is taken to a safe place by Sakura, but at least the soldiers are focused on Celine and the dolls.

[a soldier is uncouncious. The normal dolls are close to be defeated.

No sign of Vanessa and their soldiers]
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine moved in at the nearest soldier along with the empowered doll and one of her clones, with Celine striking first and easily cutting through his armor with a slash and when he attempted to strike back, Celine easily managed to dodge him. A moment after he tried to strike Celine, the empowered doll and the clone doll both slashed him with their own weapons, taking him down.

Celine saw that the rest of the soldiers noticed one of their own had fallen in battle and took out their anger on the remaining dolls, nearly taking them out of the battle completely. Celine knew that they apparently couldn't feel pain, but they still were on her side and so she couldn't allow them to be taken out altogether. So she gestured to the empowered doll, the other one that helped her take out the mage, and the two clones to try and help the remaining dolls before they were destroyed completely, ordering them to take on the soldiers one on one where they could, while Celine would take on all of the ones left over after the dolls all chose their own opponents.

"Come on Vanessa, hurry up and get here, I don't know how much longer we can manage this unless we get lucky somehow," Celine thought to herself, praying for Vanessa to get there with help, or at the very least for Cutie to come back and cast some more magic now that the soldiers were all focused on her and the dolls again. She also hoped that the empowered doll was as powerful as she hoped and thought it was, because apparently it was stronger than her, of course it may have just been getting lucky.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine pray looks to not work for the moment as there is not any sign than show her than Vanessa could be getting close to aid them. However Celine and the mindless sex dolls continue fighting as best as they can. The dolls follow the elf orders without doubt ad tried their best to protect the nearly incapacitate slaves, even then Celine had to face two soldiers alone as the others four dolls protect the wounded from the others demons. The two soldiers rush against Celine who cut a side of one of them as she dodge his weapons who manage to pass at only an inch from her top cloth. Her eyes cant take too much time to turn to see the others duels, but it looks like the overpowered doll manage to not only hit her opponent, but in some way that mindless creature was enjoining doing it, her great speed make her dodge the demon sword, as she rush behind it with not human faster moves and then graple him using her limbs than looks to be able to do a rotation of 360 grades, the soldier try to get free trying to hurt her, but she create a better grapple on her, she giggle and moan as her fluids start to cover him, caressing her body at him, as astrange effect on him start to happen, making than a buldge get at his pants and her armor start to get disolved, the doll dick fondle her member between his legs, getting hard and ready to sattle her needs.

The others battles were more normal and each of the others three dolls manage to avoid any damage and slash a part of the demons soldier armors. Even Cutie calm herself enough and start to cast an spell on the doll wounded by the mage, many purple tentacles start to sprout from the doll wounds, all filled with slime and ready to do their best on the closer demon soldier.

[Dont metagame] : P
Celine 6/6
OP doll 5/5
C1 doll: 4/4
C2 doll: 3/4
Tentacle doll 2/4
nearly broken doll 1/4

All demons have 1 damage except the one against the OP doll and one who is fighting Celine

Weird how ended the hp of Celine team this turn o_O?
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

(I don't see how I was metagaming honestly, just coming up with a sound plan with what information you gave me to work with. Anything else was just Celine's thoughts. :confused:)

It didn't seem like Celine's prayers for help from Vanessa was going to happen as of yet, so Celine and her doll forces would have to handle things themselves for now it seemed. She watched as the dolls followed her orders and went off to fight their respective targets, while she was facing two of the soldiers herself. It wasn't that bad of odds really, and Celine slashed one of the soldiers sides as he and his partner got closer to her, managing to dodge both of their retaliating attacks that followed.

When she got a free moment, Celine stole a quick glance over to see the empowered doll striking her opponent and it seemed as if she were enjoying it like a sadist or something as she dodged his retaliatory attack and slipped behind and grabbed him. She didn't see what followed that as she turned back to continue her own fight, but she did hear that doll giggling and moaning.

As Celine spun and ducked to evade the soldiers sword strikes against her, she noticed the other dolls seeming to have fairly good luck as they all managed to dodge their opponents and get a hit on them. Celine didn't really see Cutie calm herself down and start casting spells again, as she was too busy. Celine decided to try and continue attacking the soldier she'd just wounded and take him out first before going for the other one.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Looking than they could beat them, Evelen just relax and do her best to kill her foes, her weapon go through the demon flesh and cause a deep wound on the creature chest, the soldier roar and nearly fall to at side, yet he dont give up and instead he maintain her weapon inside him as he manage to wound her and let her open for a second wound from his partner. Celine top just fall on the floor made turned in just a useless blue rag, as her lower cloth hang by only a string at her waist, showing part of her meat rod to the world, as her body have two fine wounds, the unwounded demon smile and maybe even have a dark fate waiting for Celine if she lost.

The over powered doll just continue doing what she want with the poor soldier who shoot unknown words in rage before he give a loud groan, as the doll ended to melt his clothes and fill his rear hole with her wide manlike member, her moans and giggles were filled with lust filling the forest with a dark and chaotic atmosphere. The others dolls manage to wound nearly all the demons, but the clones receive a payback from them, the two blonde lewd dolls just mona without show any pain sign. Meanwhile the nearly beaten doll with tentacles getting out of her wounds wrap the creature and whip him, destroying part of his armor and clothes.

Celine 4/6
OP doll 5/5
C1 doll: 3/4
C2 doll: 2/4
Tentacle doll 2/4
nearly broken doll 1/4

One Celine demon have 4 damages and is close to pass out, the other is still unahrmed. three demons have 2 wounds, the OP doll opponent is close to be ... well is getting raped, a demon have a wound.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine relaxed her mind as the fight dragged on, not letting herself get so worked up about what all happened.She swung her sword at the already wounded soldier who nearly fell over and Celine didn't figure it would take too much more to finish him off now. However he and his partner were both able to strike Celine with their own swords, wounding Celine and causing her top to fall to the floor while her lower cloth was barely hanging onto her and showing her member somewhat. Upon seeing Celine's meat rod, the demon soldier smiled at her for some reason as Celine narrowed her eyes at him and then turned to finish the wounded soldier off completely by ramming her sword through his chest.

She noticed out of the corner of her eye that the empowered doll just continued playing with the soldier she had a hold of, giggling as she began raping him. The rest of the dolls all made a hit on their foes thankfully, though the two clone dolls were struck after making their own hits, but they didn't cry out in pain at all and merely let out a soft moan. The doll with the tentacles coming out of it wrapped around the demon soldier it was fighting and whipped its tentacles across him, taking out his armor and clothing somewhat. It looked to Celine like the fight was nearly even now, and possibly even turning in their favor.

"Hey! Hurry up with him and keep fighting dammit, just finish him and play later," Celine shouted at the empowered doll, trying to get it to hurry up and continue fighting so the rest of them didn't get taken out.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With a final twist of her sword, Celine manage to kill one of her foes, however the remaining soldier give her a strong punch on her head and then make her fall on the floor, the soldier hands were getting close her weapon, maybe trying to take it away so he could have a good time with her.

The empowered doll looks to had heard the elf words and just increase her speed, making the soldier groan and struggle, but soon his moves get slower and moaned before be unable to even make a sound, as the lewd sex doll fill him with her huge seed loads. She then get up and turn around trying to choice her new target, she notice how the most weak of the dolls, have problems to resist the soldier attacks, her last hand was close to fall appart and even when she has not feelings, it was close like if she was trying to get away of him. The oters doll dont have a great round against the soldiers, both teams were in a tie with only two dolls hurting the demons and a clone getting close to be defeated.

Celine 3/6 -1 all rolls pinned
OP doll 5/5
C1 doll: 3/4
C2 doll: 1/4
Tentacle doll 2/4
nearly broken doll 1/4

A soldier dead, other completely raped and slime stunned, two demons have 3 wounds, two have 2 and the last only have one
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine managed to finish off the wounded soldier with a twist of her sword, taking him out and evening the odds for her. As soon as he was down though the other soldier punched her in the head where she fell to the ground. He was trying to grab her sword to keep her from using it on him as well, but she wasn't about to let him and tightened her grip on the hilt of it.

While she struggled with the soldier, she barely stole a glance over to see the empowered doll finish up with its grappled foe and move to help the weakest of the rest of the dolls that looked like it was about to fall apart. The other dolls didn't seem to have had a good round this time as the soldiers hacked at them, nearly taking one of the Celine clones down in the process. At seeing that, she tried to bring her knee up into the soldier's balls to knock him off of her so she could take him out too.

"G-Get off of me, you ugly fucking bastard. I'm not going to let you take me," Celine growled at her foe while struggling to break free by kneeing him in the nuts. If that didn't work, Celine hoped that Cutie helped her, or that one of the dolls finished off their opponents to come to her aid.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine struggle as best as she can to take this monster out of her using a direct hit on his family jewels, but she just hit herself with the demon armor and receiving a hard hit on her belly by trying it, the hard punch take her breat out the enough to be at the soldier mercy, who take away her weapon throwing it some feet away of them and then shred her lower clothes before secure her with a firm grip, she was now facedown with her arms secured and feeling the monster dick pressing against her two holes, vile words from the humanoid reach her ears but she cant understand the forbidden language than he spoke, soon the pain invade her when the wide member get inside her thivk rear hole, raping her without mercy in middle of the battlefield.

The dolls werent having better luck as one of the Celine dolls receive a potent slash than make her lost her armed arm, as the other very wounded clone still try to endure the continue attacks of his foe. The tentacle doll only can manage the grapple on her opponent who is close to escape, just then the last demon send a final attack to the more weak dolll slave, but his sword is reflected by the overpowered doll who instantly pin him at the floor, her hands secure the soldier arms and Celine can only see how Sakura and Cutie are nearly fighting between themselves to decide if they must run or go to help them.

Celine 2/6 -2 all rolls pinned -2 to attack rolls (unharmed)
OP doll 5/5
C1 doll: 1/4 -2 attack rolls (unharmed)
C2 doll: 1/4
Tentacle doll 2/4
nearly broken doll 1/4

Only a demon receive damage this time
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's knee to the demon soldier's groin didn't pan out as much as she'd hoped, as he still had his armor on which blocked most of the blow. She then took a punch to the stomach that knocked the wind out of her long enough for the soldier to grab her sword and toss it a few feet away from her, where he then ripped her lower garments off. Before she could recover from the blow to her stomach, she'd been flipped over facedown with her butt facing the sky and her arms secured behind her and she felt his cock rubbing against her lower holes. She felt revulsion in her mind at the feeling and squealed out mostly in pain when the thick member pressed into her rear end, raping her in the middle of the battle, her own member instinctively hardening up itself despite the pain in her butt right now.

The dolls she noticed as she glanced around weren't having much better luck it seemed as her two clones were both nearly down, one of them just having lost an arm. The tentacled doll managed to maintain its hold on the soldier it had, while the greatly weakened doll was about to be destroyed when the overpowered doll stopped the solider attacking her, then pinned the soldier down to the ground under her where she secured his arms. Celine noticed Cutie and Sakura were both torn between wanting to come to their aid, or going for help.

She hoped that they came to help her, while at the same time hoping they didn't because she didn't want them to get hurt any, which would be her fault for going through with this attack in the first place. Her only real hope was that Vanessa or Lina came to her aid, or that Cutie had a big spell to throw out and help her.

"Dammit... I can't let myself lose here. I have to break free and fight, I have to kill these bastards for trying to hurt mistress Vanessa," Celine thought to herself.

Moments later she glanced around and saw her clothing laying on the ground where it had been yanked off of her, the clothing that Vanessa had given her so Celine didn't have to feel so embarrassed any longer about being naked like she had been before receiving the beautiful garments. Seeing Vanessa's beautiful gift to her laying on the ground discarded like trash infuriated Celine to the point that her inner rage took over completely.

"Y-You bastard... I'm going to fucking kill you for damaging the mistress's gift to me," Celine growled at the soldier. Then with all the strength she had in her body, she raised her feet up and pushed him with all the force she could away, where she would then roll over and grab her sword and attempt to run him through with it, all reason for leaving survivors other than the mage to interrogate later gone.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With all her rage Celine tried to kick the evil soldier, but soon she feel the impotence of dont have a chance to defend herself, her body soon betray her making her get wet and aroused by this rough rape. The soldier increase the speed of his throusts increased maybe thanks to her futile attempts to escape, as the floor start to receive her little blood drops. She was forced to see her army fall in pieces, turning in just lewd furnitude unable to defend themselves of the demons.

The Celine dolls fight as hard as they can at their actual condition, but with just some attacks they lost the rest of their limbs, their luscious torsos remain at the floor, moaning hard as the soldiers stomp on their erogenous places, the demons laugh and look to the young lady and Sakura, Celine just can see Cutie pulling Sakura away for a moment before Sakura make her fall by mistake at the floor and then get close not really sure what to do, scared but with the need to defend her mistress, she get ready to fight or call the soldier attention the enough to give to Celine a chance to escape.

Finally the two soldiers kick the two Celine clones close the elf, this make the soldier over her make a grind before push her over the two helpless dolls bodies, her dick was close the mouth of one and some inchs of the lower holes of the other doll from time to time she could feel how the dick from this futadoll get harder bellow her curvaceous slim elf body, soon the dolls were moaning and licking Celine's sexual parts, Celine head get pressed between the doll massive breasts, with both having her face and appearance turned into a lewd copy of herself turned this into a weird experience, the elf could understand the message than these monsters were giving her, for them she was not more than these helpless sex dolls.Celine could feel her silky skin get drenched with the doll slime, turning her more aroused with each thrust as her body fondle the dolls making them free more of the cursed substance, her painfully hard meat rod soon fell the way to reach the doll lower lips, easily getting between them and feeling them strangely thigh and warm like a normal living being, meanwhile the other doll start to lick and lap her moistened elf cunt and dick base, slowly her body start to get on fire by all the aprhodisiac and rough sex, her mouth get closed trying to dont moan to try to lie to them and even herself than this was not feeling good. Her breasts get fully erect and her body feel weird and more weak, the first signs of the doll slime were starting to happen when her full front side get completely drenched in the cursed slime, the pain was turning into pleasure, lust clouds start to fill her mins with images of continuous rape, even the doll cock at a side of her face was starting to call her, maybe if she dont escape she will turn into another sex mindless doll before her mistress come to save her.

Even with her eyes gazed with fury and the increased arousal than they were giving her, she manage to get free and take her weapon only to receive another hit from the demon to make her pay for a potent hit in his lower parts, she was nearly out of breath, her eyes only notice how the OP doll has placed herself between her mistress and the soldiers, the others two dolls were fighting the battle of their lives, both exausted and broken but still at their feet, another soldier fall uncouncious, as other was getting pummeled by the strongest sex servant, just then the birds fly away of the trees, the woods turned into a silent place as even the bugs start to fly away or die in their attempt, the clouds cover the Sun rays and even the demons turned around scared of what is getting close, however the raper demon is only focused on Celine, ready to make her summit.

Celine 1/6
OP doll 5/5
C1 doll: 0/4
C2 doll: 0/4
Tentacle doll 1/4
nearly broken doll 1/4

Only 4 soldiers remain, all have damage, Celine is facing one with 3 damages, the others have 2,3 and 4 wounds.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine glanced around as she tried to kick the soldier, her attempt to push him away failing unfortunately. When she looked around she saw the two copies of herself getting knocked away as the soldier raping her started going faster, causing little drops of blood to fall to the ground. Celine heard the demons laughing as she noticed Cutie pulling Sakura away, only for the little demon to fall down as Sakura broke away, looking like she wanted to come help her, but not knowing what to do.

Celine saw her two copies land near her, which prompted the soldier holding her to push her over to them. She was laid down on top of them with her own slowly stiffening member close to one doll's mouth, and the others pussy, while her own head was pressed between one of their breasts. She noticed the dick of one of them getting hard against her body under her, where it pressed against her belly. She knew that to the soldiers she was nothing more or better than the sex dolls as she felt the dolls slime getting all over her, arousing her something awful.

Before she could stop it from happening, she felt her painfully hard member slid between the lower lips of one of the dolls, while the other started licking her now sopping wet little cunny and the base of her cock, sometimes prodding and rubbing across her little nub that was quickly engorging with blood. Her body was burning with arousal at this point as the slime coated her whole front side and despite not wanting to let her pleasure get the better of her, Celine tried her best to keep from moaning by closing her mouth so she a moan of lust didn't betray her, telling herself that this did not feel good in the least bit. The pain in her butt was starting to turn to pleasure at least, that was the only consolation to Celine as she struggled to get free.

Finally, with fury and a good bit of lust in her eyes and rage in her heart, she managed to push free from the soldier and grab her weapon, only to have the wind knocked out of her again by the soldier as she fell to one knee, bracing herself with her sword so she didn't fall over because of how exhausted she was. She noticed the other two dolls still fighting as bravely as they could, while the empowered doll stood between Cutie and Sakura, and the soldiers. She noticed another soldier fall to the ground as the battle continued while the empowered doll pummeled on another one. Then suddenly the forest went quiet around them and the birds flew out of the trees, the clouds covered the sun and blocking any light from the clearing they were in, scaring the demon soldiers save the one facing Celine. It was so quiet there because even the bugs stopped chirping around them as Celine tried to get back up to her feet, legs wobbling terribly.

I-I'm not going... to let you win... I'm not your play thing... and I'm damn sure not going to let you touch me like that again you ugly fucking thing... this body is only for those I love and you'll pay for dirtying it like you did,” Celine panted and growled at the demon soldier trying to stare her down, looking back at him with such a revolting and evil look herself that it probably would have scared most people.

Depending on whatever it was about to happen, Celine was going to keep fighting on, because she wasn't going to give up and just let herself be raped again by someone so sickening that tried to hurt Vanessa. She fully planned on killing this demon soldier very horribly at the very least before she herself was taken down, hoping that when she moved in and tried to fake him out with a slash to his midsection only to bring it around across his jugular that it scared the other soldiers enough into surrendering against her might.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's brave words cause a wide opening in the demon guard, the furious futa elf swing her sword in a perfect motion and take the demon off guard, soon a large dark blood river start to split out of the soldier throat drenching the floor with his corrupted blood. Celine tried to turn to see the face of the others soldiers but the sudden atmosphere change has make then get confused the enough to give the dolls a chance to reduce their number. The two weak dolls fall on the fight not before wound and fill the soldiers with the slime, the empowered doll has defeated othe demon with her potent blows and poisoned sex juices, only a soldier remain now and soon he drop his sword and said some words in an strange language, it has been a very large battle but finally Celine has manage to win this fight with the help of all these broken sex slaves than now remain moaning on the floor with their minds broken so they cant feel any pain, but even then the blonde elf suppose than they were asking for help.


order Cutie to the empowered doll before get close, at the instant the servant grapple the remaining soldier and fast as the wind Sakura hug her mistress crying of happiness and cuddling her head on her chest. Mistress....Mistress

Are you fine? I was so scared and tried to help but...

The pink bunnygirl blushed and look to the elf eyes, her face easily show her shame for being unable to decide what to do when her Mistress was on danger. Meanwhile Cutie dont stop to looks worried, but even then she was fully red and pissed by what these men done to her servants, her large fine tail whip to the demon face making a fine wound on his cheek with her heart shape point.

Bastards... she ends to mutter before start to collect the pieces of her dolls trying to figure which part belongs to each one. Dont kill them, as they had surrender we must show a little of pitty to them said with a little malice tone. At the distance some thunder start to break the silence, each time getting more louder.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine launched herself towards the demon soldier after noticing the opening, swinging her sword in her fury at the demon soldier and bringing her blade across his throat. His blood spilled out from the wound on his throat, drenching the ground around him in his corrupted blood. The other dolls managed to wound the other soldiers enough and fill them with their slime as they fell, while the empowered doll took the other demon out with a powerful blow. There was only one soldier left now and he dropped his sword and said something that Celine didn't understand as it wasn't a language she spoke.

Celine saw that they had managed to win the battle somehow as she fell to her knees from exhaustion, barely catching herself again with her sword which she used to hold herself up. She noticed the broken dolls were all moaning on the ground, but there wasn't much she could do to help them at the moment, as she herself was in need of rest and a bit of help just as they were. Her butt was very sore and she wasn't sure if it was still bleeding or not, but she assumed it was.

When Sakura rushed over and hugged her, crying out to her as she did, Celine hugged her back, and just listened to her speak. When Sakura looked up at her with a blush, Celine saw she looked ashamed for not being able to help when Celine was in danger and being hurt right in front of her. "It's okay Sakura dear, I think I'll be just fine after a little rest. And don't worry yourself overly much okay, I know you tried to help, but you aren't a fighter, so I don't hold it against you," Celine said to the poor bunny girl, hugging her tightly to her chest.

Celine watched Cutie smack the remaining conscious soldier across the cheek with her tail, leaving a small imprint of the tip of her tail there. Then she watched her head off and start collecting the pieces of her dolls to put them back together Celine assumed. Celine stayed where she was for the time being, in much need of rest, but she did pull away from Sakura and decided to give her an order, "Hey Sakura, see if we've got any rope and tie up all of the soldiers that are still alive okay. I don't think I can move for now and we need to make sure they can't escape or attack us again while we wait for the mistress and the others to arrive."
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sakura sigh softly in relief as her mistress press her against her nearly perfect size breasts drenched in the strange slime, not caring at all what could happen to her and only enjoing the moment before she is pushed softly away. The blonde girl whimper softly and her inocent sight turn to her mistress face, at the instant the nude elf have all the monstergirl attention.

As you wish Mistress. said Sakura nodding and making a bow before start to look everywhere for what her mistress has order her, a hard task to find as they were in middle of the forest maybe a mile from the next road. The pink naked bunny girl move as fast as she can, but even then it take a while before she could find something than could be used for what her mistress need. Meanwhile Cutie tried her best to heal her dolls the enough to make them able to move and help them, the dolls looks like they would not resist a battle, but their lewd expresion continue like not caring anything at all.

More louder noises come from everywhere and even the demon soldier was thinking than this was too much for a thunder storm. Sakura return with a strange rope with runes than she found close where they were and also some vines than she manage to cute from some trees, they looks to be able to endure a human normal strengh, but who know if they could resist the streng of these soldiers, just then Cutie end to cure in part the half of her slaves, she whines and mumble to herself until she decide to turn to Celine and say in a slighty loud but not so angry voice. After what happened in this fight i had decide than their lives are in my hands now for a while. Said the little girl before she get up and walk toward the first soldier who was defeated by the over powered doll, Celine can see how she whisper something to the half healed dolls before start to cast a spell over the demon.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed Sakura's sigh of relief when she hugged the bunny girl to her and just smiled as she held her. When Celine gently pushed her away and asked told her what to do, Sakura bowed her head and went off to look for whatever she could use to do what Celine asked of her. Celine knew it would be hard to find some rope or something they could use as such, but they needed to tie their prisoners up before any of them woke up, so while Celine rested her weary muscles the bunny girl searched high and low for what Celine had asked her to find. Cutie spent that time healing her dolls as best she could so they could at least move again to help so they could leave.

Celine kept hearing the loud thundering noise and thought it a little strong for a mere thunderstorm, but when Sakura returned after a few minutes, Celine's attention was taken away from that as she took some of the rope and started to tie the soldiers that were still alive up while Sakura did the rest.

"Alright Sakura, good work. I'll think of some way to reward you when we get back okay," Celine told Sakura when she returned, giving her some praise to make her feel good.

When Cutie spoke again, Celine stopped for a moment to listen, but once she was done Celine continued tying their prisoners up to take them back. She didn't know what Cutie was doing when she went over to the fallen soldier, but then again she wasn't sure she wanted to know, however she worked up the courage to ask after she finished tying up their living prisoners.

"Well that's fine with me, do what you want with the soldiers but the mage is mine. He tried to hurt the mistress, so she should get to decide what's done with him, once we get back of course. What are you going to do to them though if I might ask?" Celine said, then asked what she was going to do with them.

"And what's causing that weird sound?" Celine would suddenly ask once Cutie had replied to her earlier question.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

[color="magenta] T..thanks Mistress

but... [/color] The bunnygirl said blushed and nearly jumping by the surprise to heard about a reward when she looks to dont wait anything for her work, she just bow a pair of times as her blushed sight stay looking to her mistress before try to help her to tie the soldiers.

Celine answers werent welcome from the littlegirl who just frown and shake her head with a possible angry tone, not lowering herself to start a discuss with just a servant.

Cutie continue doing her job for a while making a little stop when decide to answer Celine question to her. [color="darkorchid"] Do you really want to know? Like i said they will be mine for a while, they are just so ugly for my taste, so i will just solve that [/color] Her malice tone could give additional cluess to Celine about the future of them.

Uhm... a big thunderstorm? answer Cutie not really interested in place her attention in something more than make these soldiers pay for what they had do to her servants. However she was the only one who cant feel than something was not right about the strange loud sounds, not a single water drop has fallen from the sky and the winds were really close to take down the smaller trees, the concious demon start to shout to them in the unknown idiom, as he try to get free in vain completely scared of what could be causing this.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine couldn't help but giggle when Sakura blushed so red and bowed a couple of times to her for telling her she'd give her a reward. "Maybe I should give her rewards often just to see what she'd do," Celine thought to herself as Sakura started helping her tie up the soldiers as best they could.

Celine saw that Cutie didn't seem to like what she'd said about her taking the mage to Vanessa, but Celine was adamant about it and didn't want to let anyone but Vanessa deal with him for his disrespect, and so they could get some answers.

"It honestly doesn't matter to me what you're planning on doing, and I don't really need to know I suppose. But the reason I said what I did about the mage is because we need some answers for a bunch of questions, and we need him sane enough to give those answers," Celine replied when Cutie asked if Celine really wanted to know what she was going to do.

As to her reply about the thundering sound they kept hearing, Celine noticed that Cutie didn't seem to care all that much about it, but she saw that the soldier was downright terrified of whatever it was, and he seemed to know what it was. Celine knew they didn't sound right for a simple thunderstorm, and no rain had fallen yet, while the wind had picked up quite a bit to the point it was nearly taking down the trees.

"Cutie I'm not trying to be mean, but I think he knows what's causing this... whatever it is that's going on here. Can you understand him? If so ask him what it is quick. Because I don't think this is a simple thunderstorm. I've got a bad feeling that something big and bad is about to happen, I think we need to leave now. If you can understand him, tell him that if he wants to live then he can help carry any of the dolls that can't walk on their own or some of his comrades and follow us, or stay here with whatever it is that's coming. I'm not ordering, I'm suggesting for our own good, to get the hell out of here now, we've done what we needed to so let's go, I'll carry the mage, so have any of your dolls that can to carry some of the soldiers and come on," Celine said to Cutie, getting up and grabbing the mage. Then she turned to Sakura and said, "Sweetie I... no we need your help again. Do you think you can help carry some of the dolls, or one of the soldiers? If not then just stay in the middle of the group, because I don't want you getting hurt. But if something happens I want you to run as fast as you can back to the great mistress okay, and tell her what's happened,"

Assuming Cutie didn't throw a temper tantrum or anything, Celine would hoist the mage up onto her shoulder, and any of the dolls or other soldiers she could manage without overloading herself too much, then they would move as quickly as they could back towards Vanessa's palace before whatever was happening got worse. Maybe it was just Celine being paranoid and this was just a very strong storm or a monsoon or something, but something was just nagging at her in the back of her mind that whatever this was would likely attempt to, or would easily be able to kill them if they didn't leave now. If Celine had to though, she would attempt to slap some sense into Cutie and tell her to be mature here and leave before she got them all killed. She could only hope that it didn't come to that, and that they could get back safely, because she wasn't sure if she could handle another fight with how weakened her body was after that last one.

I'm getting rather scared as to whatever it is causing the storm. I don't want spoilers or anything, but I do hope that it's nothing that can kill any of them, or force them to sacrifice anyone. I'm actually thinking for some reason that it's Cutie's big sister or the angels coming down to get Sophia or something like that.
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