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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Then i will go with you~. The Mistress said smiling and hanging on Celine's free arm if she still is carring Faith. Of course than Triny frown softly and get at Celine other side. If we will go all together then we should not lost the time, that poor girl could be in problems. Cassie just sigh and suppose than ask for help to the gargoyles girls is the best than they can do.

The walk take a time, as Faith would wake up if they go faster, but with the time they reach the place where Lina and her family live, the place at the moment is empty, except for two of her young sisters who were training close combat battle, fighting or having just harsh sex. No matter what was they were on the floor, in what looks like a sumission hold or a strong hug, their nude bodies were pressing each other and they turn to the three girls.

its the mistress!!!

go away quickly!

You are over my tail!

ouh... ouh my wing, look where you rest your body!

After a while they kneel down giving soft shy smiles and making a huge bow to the mistress, they turn to each other for a moment and one of them with brown hair in a ponytail turn to the other who have short red bright hair who was close to be dark Vermillion said

wait why i... hrm... fine

In what could we serve you Mistress

no-no-no, say Beloved or something like that, before say mistress. whisper the other

The red hair girl frown and was close to jump over her, but she know than she cant do it for the moment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Did Cassie and Triny both come with them? From the way it's wrote it sounds like one of them didn't follow them.

When Vanessa told Celine sure she'd go with her, Celine smiled at her and held an arm out for her to hold onto for her to escort her. Then when Triny said what she did and took her other arm, though a little looser as Celine was still carrying Faith, Celine's heart soared at the attention she was getting from the two, and she couldn't help but giggle softly at how jealous Triny was getting, and she actually expected Vanessa to act a little jealous in return later. They had to walk a little slower so that they didn't wake Faith up, but eventually they made their way to where Lina lived in Vanessa's palace.

When they went inside they saw it was all empty save for two of Lina's younger sisters that looked like they were either training or having a strange kind of sex. When the two saw Vanessa and the others come in they scrambled to bow to her, while Celine couldn't help but start giggling at the two after they whispered to each other.

Celine would wait to see if Vanessa was going to say something to the two and if she didn't then Celine would speak up instead, saying, “Hello there, do you two know if a bunnygirl named Sakura came through here to get help earlier when the mistress was attacked? I also asked Lina if she'd look for her for me, but I haven't seen her since she went to look for Sakura and I'm worried about both of them. If you two could help us find them both I'd really appreciate it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The mistress just stay having some fun as she see the little show in front of them, happy to see something new after all these years having to see the same bow and manners.

Mistress will be fine for now, but the next time i want to heard some words from both, a bow contest could cheer up this place a little. Anyway lets pass to something more urgent. The mistress said as she was close to talk about the actual problem, but Celine looks to be ready to talk and that could be more entertaining than say it herself.


The two girls heard the elf, they notice thhn she is dressed even when she is ussing a personal slave collar, making them wonder what kind of relashionship have with their mistress, the elf words take them by sorprise too and they turn each other before one answer.

Our sister Lina went to look to her after heard than she was close where the little mistress ussually play with her living dolls.

Little Mistress is very creepy, why a bunnygirl could try to go close her? The other add, looking herself very curiouse.

Shhh... The first interrupt maybe because say that infront of the mistress was something than their older sisters have as a tabu

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After Vanessa spoke, Celine said what she intended on saying to the two gargoyle girls, and after she spoke she noticed the two staring at her as if they were wondering why or how she'd gotten them in the first place when she was just a personal servant or slave to Vanessa from the collar she had on her neck.

"What, she's around there? Come on then we've got to hurry," Celine said aloud, leaving Vanessa to tell the two to come with them or not and as soon as they were ready they went as quickly as they could to where the two mentioned. Along the way she would ask Vanessa what that was all about with what those two were saying and the way they said it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Celine leave the room, Vanessa just let the tw gargoyles on the room, she suppose than bring two amateurs warrioirs will only make the things worst, after all if something happen she and Celine must also protect Triny and her daughter. Both humans follow their lover, even when Cassie is the faster as Triny still is tired from the birth and the food lack. The four walk as faster as they can thanks than Celine still have Faith at her hands, sooon Vanessa had to lead the group because she is the one who know where is the devil girl's playroom.

After a while Celine reach to see the creepy place, more like was the basement room where they found Cassie the last time. There were some lifeless slut luscious dolls in lewd stances, in bondage and torture devices. Just in middle of the room a grey cum covered wingedgirl is chained, her whole body is fully covered in that slime from the last time, her body looks really more naughty than before, milk and cum continually leak from her massive breasts and manlike member.

...M-mistress... The figure said as Vanessa get close her and start to unchain her

Sigh... what happened here? where is she? Said the mistress dont looking pissed and more likely wndering why the little girl decide to nearly turn one of her loyal soldiers into a naughty doll.

No...im fine, please stop them...

Lina said trying to stay sane

i was unable to stop them... Sakura went with her... she want... hahhh... revenge from them.

After frown and touch her forehead, Vanessa turn to Litzy and the others to decide what she should said. It looks like that bunnygirl inform her of all and the two leave this palace, maybe that girl decide to do all this by herself even when she is maybe not so strong to fight them. Unfortunattely Lina must be healed, so i must stay here a littlelonger, inform the two gargoyles than i need some soldiers.

Litzy then notice than many cum footprints were at the other side corridor, so maybe the devil girl take some of her mindless dolls with her as her personal army, so now Litzy must choice between ask for help or follow these clues and find them before they get far away from the palace.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hurried on to where the two gargoyle girls said Sakura went, moving quickly but gently as she was still carrying Faith in her arms. When they all got there, she handed Faith over to Cassie while she went inside, where she saw all of the lewd looking dolls in many different devices. She noticed Lina in the middle of the room hanging from the ceiling by chains and immediately rushed over to her and helped Vanessa unchain her and gently lower her to the floor to rest.

Hey Lina, don't worry we're here. we'll take care of everything okay, just get some rest,” Celine said, tears forming in her eyes at what had happened to Lina, which seemed to be the same thing as what that damn little demon girl was trying to do to Cassie.

When Vanessa told her she needed to stay there and heal Lina before they could go, and to go and get the two gargoyle girls from a couple of minutes before, she told her okay and started out, but just as she took three steps towards the door she noticed the footprints on the floor.

Mistress, look at this,” Celine called out to Vanessa, pointing at the footprints when Vanessa looked. A moment after Vanessa looked, Celine would speak again, sounding more than a little angry as she spoke, though it was mostly because she was worried about Sakura and now Lina that she was angry, “Should I follow these mistress? If so then Cassie you go get those two gargoyle girls from before and have them come here, while I go after them Sakura. We'll kill to birds with one stone this way and even if that little bitch leaves, I might at least be able to bring Sakura back. I don't care about that little demon bitch, or what she does as long a Sakura is okay. All she seems to be is a little brat that doesn't think before she acts, and makes people hurt and suffer for her own amusement. No this time she's not just going to get a spanking from me, this time I'm going to beat some sense into her if that's what it takes.

Celine hoped that Vanessa would agree to her plan, but after taking a moment and catching her breath she'd calm down and do what Vanessa wanted her to do. So if Vanessa ordered or asked her to go get the other two then she would do that as quickly as she could and bring them back to help Lina.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Cassie dont wasted the time to heard what Vanessa had to say and just run to look for help. Triny looks to be a little affected by how Celine express herself in front of her daughter, at this moment there were not problem but once she grow up and her mind turn into a sponge, then they must be careful when they try to say strong words.

Lina tried to talk more, but Vanessa stop her and she just turn to Celine. You can follow them Celine, but try to control your feelings and be carefull outside, dont try to do something over your capacity.

With just these words, the Mistress let her go alone, having faith than Celine will do the right once the moment come.

Alone and only armed with her sword, Celine follow the slighty cum covered path, at full speed she pass through many corridors until she reach a hidden passage than take her outside the palace, it take her a while but then she was once again in front of the forest and at a side of the mountains, thanks to her elf eyes and insticts she manage to follow the nearly invisible footprints until get deep inside the woods.

Her ears notice some muffed moans and some little groans from a little girl, taking care to dont be seen she get closer and then she find them. Sakura was in a clear looking everywhere, as the little girl was ridding one of her dolls who was at her fours, her massive breasts and meat rod were pressing the floor as the poor slave crawl more like a snail than a horse or dog. Others armered naked dolls were as guards, looking for something or anyone. Celine for the moment is far away to notice more, but it looks like the girls will soon decide where they must go now.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched as Cassie hurried on out to get the two gargoyle girls from before while Triny looked a little worried by Celine's sudden outburst, Celine noticed this and after she handed Faith over to Triny, she hugged her and told her she was sorry for saying what she did, that she was just worried for Sakura was all, and that she'd be more careful in the future for the babies sakes.

After Vanessa told her to go ahead but be careful, Celine nodded and told her that she wouldn't do anything she didn't think she could manage and nothing too rash either, and rushed out the door, following the trail. She followed the trail outside and towards the forest, she noticed the footprints were leading deep into the woods and she continued following them until she heard soft muffled moaning and the soft groans that sounded like they came from a little girl. She could make out Sakura in the clearing ahead along with the little demon girl riding on one of her dolls, while some of her other dolls were acting as guards around her, looking for what Celine assumed was the ones that attacked the palace. Celine headed over towards them to get their attention.

Hey! Hey... wait up,” Celine called out to them, waving her hands so they see it was her as she flagged them down.

Once Celine was close enough to speak without shouting, she slowed to a walk until she got over to Sakura and the demon girl. “Hey you two... what are you doing leaving like that without telling anyone. The mistress is really worried about you two you know, she sent me to find you and bring you back. And Sakura I told you to go back to the bedroom with Triny after you got help, you really scared me too,” Celine said, giving Sakura a worried look to let her know she'd truly scared her by leaving like she did.

And you, why did you do that to Lina huh? Why did you hurt her?” Celine then said to the demon girl with a bit of an angry look on her face, though she didn't speak in a mean way, just a way that would let her know she was just trying to understand why she did what she did.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Both girls start to cold sweat when they heard a female voice behind them, the dolls turn and get ready to fight the unknown person until the two girls manage to talk.

M..mistress said Sakura in a cute shy stutter way, scared and ashamed without know what to say.

What are you doing here? Are you alone?
The little devil girl ask looking everywhere and giving a deep sigh once Celine talk to them.

What? This is like my courtyard...
The little girl stop and turn to Sakura who was starting to cry by how she has made her mistress get worried giving soft sorry.

Stop making her feel bad! she just inform me of all and she also said than you were pissed too for what happened an hour ago.[/color] The little girl get interrupted with Celine angry words and she just frown looking to other side pissed by how this servant dont leave to bother them.

Lina? Is that the name of that annoying gargoyle girl? Do you think than i have the time to hurt the servant of someone else?[/color] The girl turn to her with her fists closed and her tail raised, fortunately her dressed have a hole for her spade member, she nearly shout and in a more strong voice said

[color="darkorchid] We dont have time for this.
Im fine by being guilty of everything, blame me for all if you preffer it. You can even think than i order this attack, take Sakura against her will and hit that girl named Lina until leave her in the floor drenched in her own blood!

Why nobody cant see than if we dont stop them, more attacks against this castle will happen? Thats why we come to look for them, we must show our power to all these losers. Now return to the castle or come with us, Sakura racial skills are needed now, so you cant take her with you, unless you want to take all your lovers from that castle before a even huge invasion happen![/color]
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine saw Sakura start crying from what she'd said and felt bad for saying it and went over and hugged her, patting her back gently to let her know she was sorry.

I'm sorry Sakura, but you really worried me. I'm not mad at you, but I really wish you had of told me what was going on before just running off by yourself like this. What if something happened to you and I wasn't there to help you?” Celine said to Sakura in a softer more soothing manner, hoping to get her to stop crying with her words as she calmed down now that she'd found them both.

Okay look I didn't mean to make her feel bad, and yes I'm very pissed about the attack earlier. Yes Lina is the gargoyle girl, but she isn't annoying and she was very hurt when we found her. If you didn't do that to her though, then who did? And no I don't think you did it or I'm sure I'd already be dead most likely. But you should have at least told someone where you went and why,” Celine replied to most of what the demon girl said, then she sighed and looked around at all of the demon girl's own servants and whatnot, then looked back to her with a determined look.

Of course I'm going with you though, because I want to make those bastards pay myself for trying to hurt the mistress and the others. However I can't just let you take one of my own handmaids without telling me first. Can you at least send your weakest servant back or something though to inform the mistress where we're at, where we're going, and why we're going? So she doesn't worry so much, because she was really worried about you just as much as Sakura, and I was too,” Celine said to the demon girl in a calm yet obviously dangerous voice, one that the little demon girl would easily be able to tell she meant that she was going with them to find the bastards that tried to hurt Vanessa.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sakura's body just stop to shiver when the blonde elf hug her and calm the shy servant with her kind words. Im so sorry Mistress, it will not happen again Sakura just said in a weak little voice as she cuddle herself on her mistress

The little girl closed her eyes and press her teeth expecting a different reaction from the elf slave, yet she just frown after heard her answer.

Even Celine notice a soft blush on the girl when she talk about Vanessa feelings Really? She and even you?...

I... i dont see why, as im not a young demon or an helpless girl
Said the girl trying to hide her feelings with her usual Pride tone.

Just give me a second.

sigh... i suppose than i will need to change my clothes after end this.
The devilgirl place her hands on the girl who she was using as horse and a purple aura start to appear from her hands, at the instant the doll arched her back and cum intensely as some letters appear at her back, these vanished and the doll get up to start walking toward the castle, with a little more smaller dick and pair of breasts.

Done, now we will look in a secret place at this forest, my slaves spot some years ago a hidden place than connect this land with a path very used for these demons.

The girl continue walking until Sakura stop and point toward a zone with not so much trees.

There at the distance the dark wizard try to cure his wound as 5 full armored demon warriors look around.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

It's okay Sakura, don't worry about it anymore okay. I was just worried about you is all and I wanted you to be safe,” Celine told Sakura, stroking the bunny girl's hair and gently tickling her bunny ears as she hugged her.

Well of course we were worried about you, because you ran off without telling anyone, and Lina was left in your room so badly hurt. Why shouldn't we be worried?” Celine said back to the demon girl when she spoke in her usual prideful tone about Celine saying Vanessa was worried about her.

Once the demon girl was ready to continue onward after sending her servant back to the castle, Celine would look down at her curiously for a moment. “Well then let's go. By the way what should I call you? If you don't mind my asking that is,” Celine said as they started walking again.

After a while they saw Sakura stop just ahead of them, pointing at a small clearing up ahead of them a bit. Celine saw the wizard man that she'd wounded in the fighting trying to heal his wound while his guards kept watch around him. “That's the wizard guy I wounded earlier before he could hurt the mistress, he thought he was going to do something and my sword just cut right into his back like he was nothing. I'm ready whenever you are, cause now that the mistress isn't here to talk me out of it I want to get rid of these bastards for threatening her life and that of my unborn child the mistress is carrying. Maybe if we get rid of these guys then any of their allies will be too scared to try anything else ever again,” Celine said to her two companions while looking down at the clearing where their targets were holding up.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

ow~ It was not my intention to make you get worried... Mistress... The bunny girl said between some coos and giggles, blushing and cuddling at Celine body, the touch on her ears were really making feel really good and soon she stop to cry and look sad.

It was really a lovely view, but the devil girl was a little at a hurry at the moment to make her see this with good eyes. However her hurry melt away by Celine words, she just turn down and shake her head.

Ok... we should end this quickly if you dont want to make that woman get more worried

After dont be able to answer Celine's question, the group decide to restart the search of the dark mage's army. With the time the elf turn to the little girl and ask her name what was a sorprise for the devil girl.

Why should i...? Some cultures think than know the name of someone give you the chance to curse them... Of course than i dont think than this is true, but for the moment you can call me... uhm Lady or hmm a random name like Raquel, Rebecca or something like that. Said in a little bored tone.

Once they find the army group the little girl just nod and take Sakura arm to place her close her. We will stay hidden, as you and my servants fight them, i will help as best as i can so dont worry, just try to defeat the mage first. The girl said ready to hide herself in a safe place affar of the battle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Well... I'll just call you Cutie for now until you trust me enough to tell me your name, because you are cute. Is that okay?” Celine said to the little demon girl as she continued patting Sakura's head for a moment, deciding that she was now going to call the demon girl Cutie, unless she had anything to say about it that is, in which case Celine would just call her lady.

When they found their enemies, Celine saw the demon girl grab Sakura's arm and pull her away, saying that the two of them would stay hidden while Celine and her other servants attacked them.

Very well then, before we attack though. What kind of magics can you use by the way? It'd be a little helpful if you could maybe empower me in some way, or attack from afar with magic to support us. Regardless though stay safe you two,” Celine said to the demon girl as she started to lead Sakura away to hide.

Once the demon girl had answered her, Celine would take the demon girl's servants and lead them in to surround their enemies so they couldn't escape from them. Once they had them sufficiently surrounded, Celine would give the signal for them to attack and then they'd charge down to engage their foes, with Celine and as many of the demon girl's servants as she could get to hit the mage that had threatened Vanessa earlier. As soon as Celine had closed the distance to him, she'd attempt to finish what she started with him before he had the chance to heal himself. If she was able to finish him off quickly enough, she'd try to force the others into surrendering to them to take back for Vanessa to deal with, but if they wouldn't surrender she had no qualms about killing them.

How many servants did the demon girl send with me? If it was more than there are enemies, then have at least one to each enemy and the rest go with Celine to hit the mage and kill his ass quickly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The calmed pridefull expresion on the girl changed into a frown than show her surprise and maybe dislike against the name. She then just turn and mumble a little, Cutie?...Lady... Celine could heard between mumbles and then the girl just shake her head and turn to other side making a loud sigh. Ehm..."cough" fine call me Cutie but only if you name me Lady first... The devilgirl remain looking to other side as her tail move slicing some brushes as they walk, her tone have a slighty shy tone and she looks to be more cheerful and distracted than before turning slighty a pair of times to Celine before look to other side trying to look to be angry, something hard to believe with her soft blushed cheeks and tail moves.


Getting ready to start the stealth asault, the girl just shake her head and said in a soft tone to dont be heard by the demons. I has not tried that kind of buff spells on others creatures than arent my servants, you could die or fall uncouncious... so just fight and i will do my best to help. The girl said trying to just close the topic and hide in a safe close place before the battle start. Celine just then remember than Vanessa said her than the demon girl cant control her powers and the pain of her spells were too much to endure it unless the slime turn you into a doll, as also she is more strong in her territory, not like her young sister than can do all this easily and without problems.

The dolls and Celine were exactly the same number than their foes, but this could be a really hard battle if they dont reduce their number soon.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched the demon girl give a surprised frown when she suggested calling her Cutie, but she couldn't tell if this was from dislike or what though. After Cutie as she'd decided to call her spoke, Celine saw that she looked to be blushing a bit and kept glancing over her shoulder at her trying to look angry but Celine saw that it was hard for her to manage that since she was blushing slightly while her tail swished back and forth.


Once Cutie told her that she couldn't do any kinds of augmenting magics on her, Celine just nodded her head and replied with an okay to her as she got ready. She watched as Cutie went off with Sakura in tow to hide in a safe place to watch the battle progress.

"Be careful and run back to the mistress if things go badly for us okay," Celine told the two of them in a whisper before they ran off.

Celine saw she'd have enough of the dolls to equal the number of enemy soldiers there were so she got them together to make a swift charge down at their enemies where Celine would have two of the dolls support her and take out the mage as fast as possible while the rest held off the other enemies while they dealt with the greatest threat. If they managed to kill the wounded mage off quickly enough, then if they were able to, Celine would turn and attempt to force the rest into surrendering. If that did not work, then she didn't mind having to kill them as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sakura wave and even when she looks to be worried for Celine she nod and give a small smile, both girls hide and look the others move as stealthy as they can against their foes, luckily the air hide the lust scent coming from the luscious sex dolls, their lifeless sights focused on the elf and follow her orders without any doubt or fear.

Celine and two of the dolls were the first to attack a nearly of guard mage, he manage to evde the attacks rolling away, yet two of the attacks reach him, Celine could notice than she was the only one able to hurt him this time. The mage soon order his warriors to attack the three, but suddenly the others lewd slaves block them, giving to Celine the time to fight the mage. One of the two dolls shiver and get surrounded by a purple aura, her weapon start to leak a strange substance and she move faster than before, Celine dont have too much time to see this, but she suppose than the little girl was trying to help her in this battle.

The others dolls were having problems to contain the demon warriors, their attacks werent making the same damage as them and soon some of the poor dolls were close to lost a limb or they already have a wide open wound on their body, even then they still continue fighting and even a few lucky manage to cause serious wonds to them, the fight between both bands looks to be so close than if Celine dont beat the mage soon, all the dolls and demons will be in a really pityful state or dead.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After Sakura and Cutie were in their hiding place, Celine and the lust dolls stealthily made their way into position to attack. The lust dolls she saw followed her orders without any fear or backtalk, which was in a way good, as it would give them an edge over the soldiers. When they made their charge down and attacked, Celine and two of the dolls went after the mage, with only Celine managing to really do any damage to him as he evaded the dolls.

After they attacked, the mage ordered his soldiers to attack the three of them, which made Celine prepare to turn and face them when the dolls jumped in front of her to block for her to give her time to deal with the mage. which she turned back to do. Celine noticed the purplish aura surround her that sped her up as her weapon started emitting a strange substance from it. She could only assume at the moment that this was Cutie's doing to try and help Celine as much as she could. She quickly glanced around to see the rest of the dolls having a bit of trouble with the soldiers and most were sporting a few serious wounds, and Celine knew that she had to end this right now.

So with that she moved in quickly at the mage again to try and finish him off, going straight at him until she got close, where she would then roll under any blow he would attempt on her to get behind him to stab him so her blade came out through his chest, preferably where his heart was so she could kill him. But she didn't really care where it hit him as long as it killed him in the process.

This is for trying to hurt my mistress earlier you fucking bastard. Nobody tries to hurt her with me around, so prepare to die,” Celine would growl at the demon mage as she made her next move.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The mage shoot a potent spell against Celine as he use one of his hands to cover his bleeding wound, but it miss thanks to the fast move of the elf, she then try to hurt him but she is far of him enough to give him time to evade her deadly sword. The duel looks to be a tie, but then the doll with Cutie's spell jump move at his back and wound him with her sword, as she hug him to restrain him the enough to fill him with more slime, even with the clothes on him the mage cant escape from the cursed slime effect and slowly start to have problems to move.

Many dolls start to lost some of the limbs as the dark soldiers cute them with a malicious grind, the mindless dolls cant defend themselves of the skilled attacks of their foes, but then Cutie manage to focus again, this time changing two of the less damage dolls into creepy lewd Celine clones, they looks to be as fast as the original elf and even when one of the demon soldiers spot the two hidden girls, the two Celine dolls are ready to stop him or anyone who try to get close the two helpless girls.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine came at the mage he blasted a spell towards her as he clenched his wound with one hand. Celine was fast enough to evade it however as she moved in closer to attack, however the mage just managed to evade Celine's attack too, bringing that round of their bout to a draw. Just when Celine thought that she wasn't going to be able to hurt the mage, the doll that Cutie cast her spell on jumped in and slashed his back with her sword, then grabbed hold of him, her slime seeping into his wounds.

She saw the dolls looked to be in dire straits as the soldiers cut at them as they tried to continue fighting. Cutie focused her magic again and cast a spell on two of her less damaged dolls that changed them into duplicates of Celine, kind of like the one she fought when they first found Cassie after Celine got captured. They were moving as fast as Celine was thankfully, which would go a long way to evening the odds in their favor. Celine noticed one of the demon soldiers had noticed Cutie's and Sakura's hiding spot, but the two new Celine clones stepped in to block him and any of the others.

Celine tried to use this opportunity to finish off the enemy mage, moving in while he was grabbed by the other doll to free her up to go and help fight some as well. She swung her sword with all her might at the demon mage, bringing her hilt down on his head to knock him out where she could deal with him afterward. If she managed to knock him out, then she and the doll holding him would move over to start dealing with the soldiers.