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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Her sword soon manage to cut the creature's body, causing than more green blood drench the floor, slowly feedint the grass at their feet, just then Celine manage to see a strange grow in the middle chest of the creature, ark vines surround that zone and the dark energy is even greater there than any other part of the vine creature. Her eyes cant stay focused on that as the other monster had manage to give a death blow to the tentacle creature and once again is free to attack any of the women.

Meanwhile Aisha struggle as best as she can and take a grip at a tree to avoid being taken to another place, her body continued being assaulted bellow her purple mantle, but then the slime vine creature reach her side and attack the origin of the vile tentacles.

With a last slice, Celine break the creature core and see it die and turn in just plants, giving her enough time to dodge the second creature who looks to be close to die after the fight with the tentacle creature.

Aisha cant resist more and she lost her grip when more tentacles get inside her holes, giving a lewd moan as her insides get filled with the warm meat, the thrusts increase on her, making her nearly forget where she is, her monster is also confused and cant manage to decide what to do to sattle her mistress wishes.

Celine 2 wound
Aisha close to give in
Slime dead
Tentacle creature dead
Vine Slime Monster 3/5

VM 0/5 dead
VM 3/5

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's sword cleaved through her foe, splashing the ground with its green blood, while the thing looking like it was trying to regenerate itself or something, Celine couldn't tell what exactly, but whatever it was doing was preventing her from focusing on the other remaining plant creature, which just finished off Aisha's tentacled creature which freed it up to fight again. Celine barely noticed what was happening to Aisha as she swung her sword once more and finally finished off her foe, cutting through its core and dropping it in its tracks.

Finally, Celine noticed Aisha's plight and charged straight at it, shouting at Aisha's remaining minion, directing it to cover her while she saved Aisha. "Hey cover me while I help her." Celine would jump as high into the air as she could and ram her blade into the thing holding Aisha, aiming for its most vital point she could possibly hit, hoping to force it to drop her so she could get back into the fight, and hoping to possibly take it out with one shot.

"Come on Aisha, don't quit on me now. Fight it and after we get through I'll let you have some fun with me if you want... FIGHT IT!" Celine shouted at Aisha as she attacked, hoping to bring the succubus to her senses enough to continue fighting.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The slime vine creature dont looks to understand the futa elf, until the evil humanoid creature get close them. Even when she tried to wound what is trying to take Aisha away, she cant wound it and instead she is also grappled, her sword cut some tentacles, but more join and pleasure her nude body, some tendrils start to stroke her pennis, making him get hard really fast thanks to a strange unknown abillity, her arms are grappled and her legs moved away as more tentacles press against her lower holes, nude and only having her sword, Celine cant escape of the monster grip as she is taken instead Aisha, but then the strange woman take the lead and cast an spell at the monster as she start to use it as she pleasure herself.

Humanoids cant settle my needs anymore, but once i end with him, you will take his place to pleasure me~

Aisha said as her spell looks to reduce the monster power and slowly subdue it to her, soon she start to guide the tentacles toward her leaving Celine free again with only her hard member needing for attention. Meanwhile both vune creatures fight each other, not following Celine orders but more likely to stop the feral monster of disturb her mistress.

Celine 3 wounds 3ap
Aisha close to makee the monster cum inside her
Slime dead
Tentacle creature dead
Vine Slime Monster 3/5

VM 0/5 dead
VM 2/5
??? 2? 4/5ap

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine didn't even stop to notice Aisha's minion hadn't apparently understood her as the other humanoid plant creature moved closer towards them while she charged the one holding Aisha. She was taken by complete surprise as when she cut at a few tentacles, more came out at her and grabbed her up along with Aisha. The tentacles began pleasuring her body all over, gently caressing her as more came in and began stroking her member, causing it to almost instantly get fully erect from the stimulation. She felt her legs being spread apart as her limbs were held, a few more tentacles pressing at her pussy and ass, and no matter how much she struggled she simply could not break free of them. She was starting to feel the pleasure overwhelming her senses and was about to give in to it, the creature pretty much focusing on her now instead of Aisha, though the succubus suddenly cast a spell at the thing holding her.

"I'll bet you I could... sate your needs. But we've got to get through out here first," Celine grunted in response to thee succubus, Aisha's spellcasting jogging her back to her senses.

As soon as she was dropped down Celine got back to her feet, her member fully erect and desiring some more action. She shook the lust from her mind, thinking to herself that she'd deal with it after this and that she couldn't let it get the better of her, because they had to win so they could save those still in danger out here. She immediately went after the other remaining foe that Aisha's only remaining minion was still fighting, aiding it in its fight before going back to aid Aisha after seeing that she had everything well in order with her foe.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Aisha dont answer as she was fully focused on dominate this creature. So Celine turn and attack the remain creature expecting some help of the sliny creature, however this just move away when the sword move toward the evil one, this misunderstanding was used by the monster who shoult his vines toward her. The elf cut some, but they were a lot and soon wrap her and subdue her, caressing her body and continue what the first creature started.Soon Celine is lifted at the air and impaled by the monster tendrils, as a hollow tentacle start to such her dick, moving her closer, as other drop her sword, at a feet, the monster open itself and was close to leave her in a tentacle sea, but then when she was getting tired, the other vine creature start to whip and eat the evil monster until by mistake save her. Tired she only saw how aisha was happily filling her three holes with the tentacle vines.

When she wake up, Celine saw herself grappled by many tentacles, as Aisha and the monsters move through the forest, many tendrils caress her body, until the pont than she is fully drenched in slime. Her dick is painfully hard and each part of her beg to be used by an strange reason.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine turned back to her foe after speaking, as Aisha seemed to be too focused on dominating her foe. The young futa elf swung her blade at the creature, hoping Aisha's minion would aid her in fighting the other remaining plant creature. However as she went in at the thing Aisha's minion backed off, leaving her to fight alone for some reason. She hacked and slashed at the thing, but was soon overwhelmed by its tentacles, her limbs had tentacles coiling around them as she was subdued rather swiftly. She moaned softly as the tentacles began caressing her skin, continuing what had already been done to her by the other monster.

When she felt the tentacles lift her up and then slip into her lower lips and soft pucker, Celine let out a choked cry of pleasure. When she felt the hollowed out tentacle slip over her cock and begin suckling on it though, Celine's body went completely limp. Her sword soon dropped from her fingers despite her wanting to hold onto it and continue fighting. She resigned herself to her fate as the tentacles brought her closer to the creature, opening itself up and revealing a huge mass of tentacles, of which each and every one would likely get a turn with her in some way she thought to herself.

Suddenly Celine felt herself released from the tentacles iron grips as Aisha's minion finally came back into the fight, whipping its tentacles at the thing and forcing it to let Celine go, where it then apparently ate the creature, thoguh Celine's vision faded before she got too clear a picture as to what it was doing as she glanced over to see Aisha having the time of her life with the other tentacle beast.


Sometime later, when she woke again, Celine felt herself being held by tentacles again and she could tell she was being carried. She let out a soft moan as she felt the tentacles caressing her body, drenching her in their slime which probably acted as an aphrodisiac as well. Her cock was so hard and erect it hurt, her meat throbbing... begging to find relief. "W-What happened? Where are we? W-Where's my sword?" Celine asked Aisha, glancing around to see what was going on exactly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just when she talked a slimy tentacle softly press over her lips before drench her face and hair with more warm slime than started to drol at her wet back.

good morning Miss Celine. Dont worry, i have your sword and we are following the path from where the strange creatures take our people. [color/] Aisha said without turn back to her, the woman is fully dressed and the vine slime monster walk at her side, meanwhile an aberration plant jar creature was lifting the futa elf.

At the moment, im letting them to have a time with you, so they defend you with their lives if is needed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine moaned softly as the tentacle pushed against her face and began drenching her in more of the warm slime. She half listened to Aisha as the succubus spoke, cooing softly as she was pleasured by the plant creature in the jar. "O-Okay Aisha... I doubt... that I've got much choice. Go ahead then... if it'll help us, then I won't struggle. Gods it feels so good," Celine cooed out to Aisha in between her soft moans, her face flushed pink with arousal and her member hard as rock. She continued speaking after a few moments, looking at Aisha with a lust filled look of desire, eying the succubus, "I'll bet you... could make me feel... even better though."

After speaking, Celine went limp in the grasp of the tentacles, allowing them her body to do whatever they wished to, the pleasure filling her too greatly to resist it any.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Maybe, but it has been a long time for the last time than i sattle my needs with a girl, its just not my taste~

Aisha then walk toward the walking bulb plant and caress it for a moment until the creature made a strange sound and then start to cover completely the elf body. Sorry Miss Celine but its the only way to stop your moans for show our location to any foe at our path, have fun~

Slowly the ligh started to fade around Celine as the plant surround her, leaving her with a narrow light green light as they pass bellow the trees, the storm noise is still eared but in a very whiper way as the plant cover any way than anything could pass to her. The place slowly get filled with slime at the walls as many more tentacles grow from bellow her, caressing each inch of her body and cover her with a light green transparent slime, her hands are tied over her head and her legs get spread, a special tentacle press against her mouth at the same time as her lower holes are penetrated making her moan and allow the tentacle to get inside her, from it others two very little tendrils get inside her nose making her feel a little unused at the start but then they start to help her to get "fresh air" who have a strange scent after pass through the plant, the tentacles also coil around her bressts pinching them and use them to fuck themselves alone, her feet soon serve others as also her hands.

Each inch of her body get in extasis as the tentacles thrust at her at a continuous rythm, making her moan without stop as her over sensitive skin make her reach orgasm after orgasm with the time. Slowly the place get filled with the plant slime and the loads of cum than escape of the elf body, filling her and drenching her of a strange sweet scent, after a while she pass out, but the creature continue using her as she rest.

With continuous mechanical muffed moans, she half sleep as the sunlight than pass the dark clouds inform her than she can see outside again, or more likely only her head, she can see Aisha resting bellow a tree peting the slime creature.

Hi again, sorry to disturb your fun, but is time to work. I order him to dont break your mind, so you should be fine. Anyway the path continue at a close cave with ruins, do you want to go after get recovered or we could try something new like get inside these creatures without get detected by the others... but this time you will use the slimy vine guy and i will get inside the big one. I let you decide this time , Miss Celine The sumoner say before start to take out her mantle and show her pregnant body to Celine, it was filled with erotic runes and magic symbols tainted at her delicate sexy nearly pale skin.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine barely heard Aisha as she went over to the walking plant bulb, which then began encompassing Celine's entire body, with Aisha telling her she was sorry but she had to muffle her moans or something might find them. Celine let out a whimper as the plant fully surrounded her body, leaving her trapped inside of the plant beast as its tentacles began caressing every inch of her body and the interior of the plant filled with slime. Soon, while she was being pleasured over and over by the tentacles, which a couple were now pressing into her lower holes as she lay there within, her hands bound above her head, she felt a couple of thin tendrils slide into her nose holes, allowing air in for her to breathe.

If not for the plant holding her inside of it, Celine knew the forest around them would be filled with her screams of pleasure, which she was letting out with every thrust into her body. Soon she reached the first of a great many climaxes, and with each one the plant filled with more and more slime and her seed. She lost all track of time and everything else save the pleasure as all of her senses were completely overwhelmed, her body pretty much putty in the thing's grip, and then she felt her vision fade to black.


When Celine woke, she could tell that the storm was over now a she could see the sunlight again, though other than her head the rest of her was still inside of the plant creature. Below her she could see Aisha resting, petting the slime creature from before. She listened to Aisha speak again, her senses slowly coming back to her after what had happened, giving a soft groan as she shook her head a little bit.

"Thank you for not breaking my mind. Cause I doubt the great mistress would be very pleased with that, and... Triny would have been heartbroken. But I don't mind using these guys to try and hide us until we find some of the ones we're looking for, as long as they don't try and fuck me any, because I'll need to be in my right mind for when we find some of the ones we're looking for," Celine said, letting Aisha know she was up for using her minions as a distraction basically. Once Aisha was ready they could continue on with their job of finding the lost ones.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As you wish Miss Celine, i already have their babies and you too, so they will not try to use us for a while, unless you want it of course. The woman looks around for a place to hide her purple mantle, what looks to be the only think than she have as a cloth, yet for some reason she whimper and try to use the trees to avoid as much light as possible. Then she walk toward the trap plant and hug it, licking it and caressing it with her hands and head, making really soft coos and whimpers until the creature growl and start to open again until half Celine body was free, some tentacles raise her in the air and place her on the floor, as many quantities of fluids slowly drop from her holes and body, she had a green light color in all her body who shine as a new layer of skin at the sunlight.

I wish to looks so cute as you once i leave his insides, maybe we could get inside of one of these together when we return to the castle. Please take your sword once the little one dress you for the ocasion. Aisha add before the tentacles lovely take her and place her inside the creature, pointing to where her clothes and Celine sword rest.

Just before the trap plant cover her, the vine slime creature get close Celine and open his body to let free manytentacles who slowly start to get over Celine's body and then pull her inside it. Once inside, Celine could feel the vines pressing against her body as a latex suit, her lower lips and breasts were the places where she feel more uncomfortable, but she could endure it for the moment, she tried to move and notice than she have fully control of the monster until this make her look toward the sword "thoroughts about take her sword and start to move toward a hidden path at the forest start to invade her mind, it was not so strong so she could deny them, but then the big trap plant start to move toward that place, with Aisha completely covered inside it, maybe having a lot of fun.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

At Aisha's words about them both carrying the strange creatures babies, Celine's eyes went wide, quite stunned about this development, and after a few moments she was a little angry that Aisha allowed this to be done to her without her permission. She looked down at Aisha with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face, feeling a little violated, because she wasn't asked if she minded it mainly, and the fact that she had no memory of it also made her a little upset as well. However there was nothing to be done about it now and so she exited the plant as soon as Aisha had it let her down, noticing Aisha's apparent dislike of sunlight and keeping that in mind just in case. As soon as she was down on the ground again, Celine saw the greenish tint her skin had from all of the slime on her and felt that she needed to get washed up as soon as she could, but knowing that she wouldn't be able to until they got back, as they didn't have the time for it.

"I don't feel very cute honestly, not like this. But I don't have much choice really do I. And I much prefer cuddling in a nice comfortable bed myself, so I have some measure of control and am able to dictate some of what happens at least," Celine replied to Aisha, watching the creature that just had her lifting Aisha and pulling her inside of it.

She had little choice but to allow the slime creature to pull her inside of it really as its tentacles did so, wrapping them around her body after it had her inside. It was a little uncomfortable, but she felt that she could manage for as long as need be to complete their mission. She tried to move inside of the thing and saw it move instead, giving her total control of its movements apparently. Celine was suddenly assaulted by mental images of her grabbing her sword and heading off down a strange path in the forest, and though they were powerful and all, she was able to ignore them for the most part until she saw the creature carrying Aisha heading off in the direction of the path, which made Celine think that Aisha was somehow communicating with her or something.

With that, Celine moved what could only be described as her new body suit towards her sword, which she took up in her right hand and began following Aisha, wanting to hurry up out here so she could get back and let Triny and Vanessa both know she was alright and had tried to help keep things together while Vanessa was out.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Indeed, i bet than our mistress bed should be really a great place to sleep Aisha answer as she looks to dont had an idea of why Celine looks her with that sight, she just nodded and get inside the creature without continue the talk. However once Celine was inside the monster suit, she could feel someone close her and then a sudden voice come to her mind.

Miss Celine, please try to focus completely in our mission, any distraction could make us get inside a difficult situation Aisha said direct to Celine's mind, as the group continue walking, after a time they find a snake like monster resting close a tree and some feets away they could see some ruins, Aisha big monster continue walking trying to be away of the creature who could get awake in any moment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After getting her sword and starting off in the creature, wearing it like a body suit of some sort, Celine heard Aisha's voice in her mind and almost just called out aloud in response, but caught herself in time before doing so. "Very well Aisha, I'll do my best to keep my mind in the game here. Could you hear my thoughts a few moments ago though Aisha?" Celine replied through her mind, thinking what she was wanting to say and hoping Aisha could hear her.

After a short while they came upon a creature that resembled a snake of some sort, which was sitting close to a tree and a little ways further they could see some ruins of some sort, which looked to be an ideal spot for holding captives, Celine thought. Celine followed Aisha's moves, stepping in the same places she did and trying to be as quiet as possible.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Aisha take a while to answer, as she maybe was busy at the moment, but after a while Celine feel the someone getting inside her mind again. Of course we had some minutes before reach our destination, i suppose than you want to inform me why are you angry, so in order to have a good team work, we should solve it at the small time than we have Aisha said more likely curiouse than concerned than she could had done something bad.

Aisha creature walked away of the snake just before this start to make some noises before Celine passed just when it wake up, just at the moment the creature start to hiss and look her passong preparing itself to attack her, but Celine could still just walk and bet her safety and a stealth attack if the monster snake decide to attack her, Aisha looks to dont be concerned and just let her creature continue moving

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well... I'm not so much angry, as just a little upset. Really it doesn't even matter to me honestly, I just wish you'd have asked my permission before having your minion do that to me earlier is all. I feel a little violated really, because even the great mistress asked me before just forcing me into anything. But it's over and done with now, so there isn't really anything I can do about it. But please tell me Aisha. Is there going to be any permanent changes to me and or my body because of that? Because I don't want anything like that done to me," Celine replied to Aisha through her mind link, not sounding angry any, but a little annoyed about it.


As Celine followed Aisha, she noticed the snake thing waking up, then it she watched as it hissed at her, as if about to attack, however she decided to just do the same as Aisha did and go around the thing, since she didn't seem to be concerned about anything. She would move closer to the succubus and stay close to her as they went on in, keeping ready just in case the snake or maybe something else attacked them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Understod, but practicaly you only have seeds inside you, so once the time come you will only push them out easily, not like i know exactly these kind of creatures, but most likely thats what they said than will happen, so dont worry about get affected in some way. Sorry to dont ask you, but thats why these creatures ussually give their lives to protect someone unless that one is someone like me~ Aisha stop to talk for a while, maybe thinking than the chat has ended, but maybe Celine could be answer again if she try.


The monster snake like hiss even more as Celine move away, maybe her sudden doubt and need to get close another creature make it looks like a weak opponent or just the snake have a problem with her and the vine slime, the monster tried to attack but it was really far away and just at the middle he doubt looking the big trap plant monster. The monster remain like this waiting a moment to attack as the two creatures move away, maybe he will be tired with the time or get the enough will to attack, even then it will not be a sneak attack now.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I understand your meaning Aisha, and I forgive you since nothing permanent will happen. Just in the future, at least ask me unless you don't have a choice or an opportunity to do so, that's all I ask," Celine replied once Aisha was through speaking, ending the conversation with her words.


Celine continued moving on past the snake creature, staying wary as it continued hissing at her until it struck out at her, though it missed as she and the slime creature were too far away from it for it to get them. Once past the snake creature, Celine continued following Aisha, kind of ignoring the snake thing and hoping it'd leave them alone if they left it alone. As they went further into the ruins, Celine maintained readiness, not wanting something to get the drop on them without being able to fight back quickly.

"H-Hey Aisha... can you hear me? What are we doing here exactly? Are there any of the lost ones we're looking for in here you think?" Celine said in her mind, wondering if Aisha's mind link was still going with her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The indeference against the monster snake soon make the feral creature leave them alone, once they leave this territory, they soon were close to get inside the cave when Celine tried to talk again to Aisha who take a while to answer.

mmhhhh.... oh Celine, sorry i dont expected than you could ask me something more. Look, remember the bees than i summon the first time, they collect some clues around where we fight, thats why we suppose than the kidnaped allies are here, but im not still completely sure. The woman said and then there were a deep silence as the bit trap plant door started to move again. The place was filled with insriptions and a intoxicating sex smell, the floor had some shatered armor pieces on the floor as also broken weapons, they were too old and rusty to belong to the persons taken away or this place could cause than the metals get damaged really quickly

Soon they meet an intersection, there where three tunnels, one have a meat like color and the place was warm, yet the cum smell is very high there, this one goes downside; a second have some turn off old torches going to the left and finally a last one have a dark light at the end of it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine glance back over her shoulder to see the snake creature leaving them alone, apparently ignoring them now that they were gone, then they started getting into the cave proper now. Celine listened to Aisha, who apparently heard her talking over their mental connection thankfully. "Of course Aisha, I didn't think you would have brought us in here without a reason. But I figured you somehow knew there was some of the ones we're looking for in here," Celine replied through the mental link, keeping ready to fight.

The cavern Celine saw had several broken weapons and armors, leaving Celine to think that some of the soldiers of Vanessa's were trapped in here being raped like crazy. She could also smell the intoxicating smell of sex, which only redoubled the thought in her that some of Vanessa's soldiers and servants were being raped in here. She followed Aisha a bit further until they came to a crossroads with three tunnels leading in different directions.

Celine pondered which way to go as she looked from one to the other, and she finally decided to give Aisha her opinion on which way to take. "Aisha... can you hear me? I think we should go down the meaty tunnel, it smells the most like sex, which is probably where any captives would be while they're broken in through constant rape. Unless you have any ideas as to where they might be that is, in which case I'll follow your lead," Celine said to Aisha through the mental link, wondering what the succubus had in mind.