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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Oh... so men were called fathers and papa! Blanche answer amazed. I only remember than the monsters of this cave have some of fault of the death of every male at ours land a long of time ago, even before my great great great grandmother had born, so i never has seen really a man in my whole life, but some of us had faced some of others races. Blanche answer as if this were a common tale among her townpeople than she dont really has tried to understand. Anyway many of us are blessed, so we dont need them to breed and i dunno what different is to have one at the bed, it must be really bad compared with Lizzy. The sudden talk was turning on the blondie so maybe they should stop for now.


The goddess heard peacefully all what Celine said, all the time moans and many lightings move across the room until reach the woman at the throne, until the part about release the captives, this made the woman focus her gaze on the elven. Take you out will be easy and also help you to dont be attacked by ours forces, however how can i trust at your word? for what it looks you ussually do what you think is correct and just expect than an apologize will be enough if you choice wrong. This also make me wonder if your beloved one deserve my trust too.

The goddess, touch her forehead again and groan softly before say in a more normal voice ...Celine... Lina is here, alive and used as a sacrifice...

Suddenly the moans get intense and the woman take a time to recover after the impacts than she looks to enjoy before continue. I can release that girl, she is not so strong as the others so it will be the best for her. However all the others will remain here until they arent more needed, this will just take less than a month, after that time they will return to theirs lands if the peace between us get realized. You dnt have nothing to fear, as the sacrifice only require some of their supernatural energy.

The woman remain waiting for something and then a littlemore calmed said. Do you have any idea of how earn my trust? I must learn all of your beloved land before accept anything, maybe they are unworthy.

Just then Blanche who has been unsure to interrupt come closer as she kneel completely and place herself completely at the floor looking t the floor as she spoke. I know than my opinion could not be vaid, but Celine has doit what she could to be accepted, please Goddess, use me in any way to help to solve this, i will accept it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Aye, men are fathers or papas, whichever you wish to say. I prefer the term papa for myself though is all really. But we can talk more about it later if you'd like, when we have more time and whatnot... hopefully when this fighting here is done and after we make peace between my beloved and your goddess's people and an alliance is realized," Celine said, effectively ending the conversation about men unless Blanche had anything more to say on the matter that is.


When Blanche spoke up in her defense after the goddess finished speaking, the young elf glanced over at Blanche and smiled, thinking it very kind of Blanche to do such a thing. "Thank you Blanche, but this is my trial, not yours. I must earn your goddess's trust and respect with my words and deeds, and I wouldn't have you put yourself in harms way for me or even do something that I can do myself, or should do myself. I'm so glad though that you're willing to help me with this... thank you," Celine said to Blanche gently and in a kind voice, placing a hand gently on her shoulder and helping her back to her feet, not willing to let Blanche do something that might end up getting her hurt or worse made a sacrifice herself or something of the sort. With that, Celine then looked back up to the goddess, trying to pick her words to make them the right ones that the goddess here would hear and heed.

"I know that a simple apology isn't enough, but I'm trying my best with the knowledge and experience that I have, anything more is not possible. I truly regret hurting your guardians the other day, truly I do, and my heart weeps for the one you say I pretty much crippled. And I'm sure that the very same guardian would like nothing more than to kill me or do the same to me, hell you probably want to do that to me yourself. But I come to help make peace between us all if I can, I am willing to give much for peace, save my own life, the lives of my children, and the lives of my loved ones. because there is always a better way than taking someone's life for petty revenge or something similar I believe. I've learned that since coming here," Celine said to the goddess, feeling bad about hurting the guardian from before, but knowing that there was little she could truly do other than say she was sorry for doing such a thing and vow to never hurt another guardian in such a way again. When the goddess spoke again in a lower more sane sounding voice, Celine's eyes went wide at the mention of Lina being used as a sacrifice, especially when she was told after the goddess went back to her booming voice about what they were being used for.

"And what are the sacrifices being used for exactly? What are you doing to them? This supernatural power you're taking from them... what is it doing to them? If it is hurting them in any way, or changing them in any way from their original selves then it isn't worth whatever you need it for, because that is no different than the slavery and cruelty that you and your people, as well as my own people detest. You asked how you could trust me, I ask the same question to you then miss. How can I trust you if whatever you're doing to these sacrifices is hurting or changing them in any way whatsoever? Even holding them here against their will is wrong regardless of how you look at it in my opinion. And what happens to them once you release them? Will they regain their supernatural energies that you're taking from them, or will they remain weak and powerless for the rest of their lives? If so then that is not right or fair. Is it?" Celine said to the goddess, feeling that what she was doing to them was unfair as it was against their will. "I am willing to trust you, make no mistake about that, and I can convince my beloved to trust you as well, but that trust must be mutual, and you must be willing to compromise for peace just as she will if we are ever to attain true and lasting peace and harmony with one another. Now I don't know the ways of this part of the world very well, but I know enough to know that the ways of my people and homeland are better than the slavery that is allowed to continue here... hell most anything is better than that. But if everyone is suspecting each other of treachery then it will never end. It's up to powerful beings such as yourself to ensure that it ends and to take the first steps to do so, but that it ends justly for all parties," Celine went on to say, her noble air and voice coming up as she felt the sudden need to speak like this... to try and convince this goddess to see things her way, or at least to see things from other peoples points of view, because the way that she was speaking to Celine made the young elf believe her to be quite unwilling to budge on anything that didn't benefit her, and when she lowered her voice somewhat before going back to her powerful booming voice it also made her feel like something was wrong with the goddess before her, but she just couldn't quite place it. Maybe she just needed to push a bit more and tell of her homeland some and how even some demons rebelled with them against the demon lords and whatnot that had enslaved them, but she would wait for that until after she got some answers if she could.

"I would also like to know why your voice changed like it did a few moments ago when you told me Lina was a sacrifice here, and you did it earlier too when you first began to speak to me. And please, don't speak of my people and say they might be unworthy when you don't know us. We are a very honorable people for the most part, and kind, strong, and just... but we are still mortals and make mistakes, but we accept those mistakes and live with them, to be better and not make them again," Celine said, her voice raising slightly when she was speaking in defense of her people. "I will tell you more of my people and my homeland if you wish it, but I would like to have my questions answered in return, if you're willing," Celine added, fully willing to talk about her homeland and their fight for freedom.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Blanche concerned by dont be of help now just tried to nod smiling as Celine helped her to get up. But i promised to Lizzy to help you as much as i could to obtain peace between our people. Are you sure than you want to pass this alone ?

Once answered, Blanche would mostly try to remain at a side without interrupt again unless Celine want her help. Once the elven stop talking the goddess shake her head. mostly annoyed by the answer back. I already told you than even the most sinners will not receive death from my hands and cripp you will not restore the guardian.So, as you has said than you would do anything to obtain peace between us and you feel remorse by yours acts agains us, what are you willing to do in order to succeed to obtain the peace?

Would you say me all the sins of your beloved? Will you take the place of the guardian who cripped in that fight and do its job? There are many ways to pay for your mistakes than just apologize. About the unwhorty, i was referring to the one of your beloved, how could i judge the elf race out of your action and words?

The moans and lightings on the place increase in unison. Of course than i can answer all your questions, i dont see why to hide them. You just said than as the powerful being than im ishould help to solve all, undoubtedly i will do it but for that these sacrifices must continue, then maybe they will need help to return to their normal state but we can solve that later once this important ritual end and this body get used to my entity. I guess than this has answer all your questions, Celine

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Again, thank you Blanche. If you truly wish to help me then... well I won't stop you okay. I'm glad you're willing to help me," Celine said softly to Blanche as the goddess spoke up again, turning to look up at her.

"I already said I'm willing to do a lot, but no I can't take that guardian's place, for it wouldn't be proper for me to do it when I'm not of these lands, and I don't know the ways of your people... and I can't move my children to here just so I can and I'm not willing to leave them or force them to move here with me just to do that. Plus I know that I would probably screw it up and probably anger some of your people or guardians if my past actions haven't already. And yes if I knew all of my beloved's sins, I might be able to tell them to you, but I don't know them all. I only know that while she does keep slaves herself, she does not mistreat them, and she has sworn to me to release them all when the time is right and it wouldn't cause more harm than good, and my heart tells me that she is true to her word. I'll also admit that yes there are demons that serve her... hell she may be one herself for all I know, but I trust her... and I know that not all demons are pure evil and seek to enslave all mortals," Celine said to the goddess, thinking of her homeland and a few of the demons that lived there and the ones that fought with them during the great war hundreds of years ago, but she would get to that after this, because right now these sacrifices needed to stop before it did something to these poor girls that was irreversible.

"No, this is a part of trust great one, you must trust that I can get them to back down while stopping the sacrifices. This isn't something that we can solve later, it needs solving now. They have lives too, lives that you are risking destroying just for power with which to fight... that isn't worth the risk and you know it... everyone knows or should know that. Because what if they never recover and they are left weak and frail for the rest of their lives, which would undoubtedly be greatly shortened? Huh? What will you tell their families and friends then? Sorry I sucked all of the energy and life from them to ensure that I was strong myself. I don't think people are going to like you very much for that, possibly even some of your own people would look down upon you for it, and you may not be able to easily make peace with other people when they find out about it either. I'm sure that you wouldn't like it if my goddess was doing the same to your people and guardians and that you would do everything you could to free them. So no, I won't accept that, they all go free... now, then I go and and speak to my beloved and talk to her and make her see the values of an alliance and mutual cooperation between your two peoples. I'll admit that certain sacrifices may need to be made... but not when it comes to lives like that, that was one thing my people never did when we fought for our freedom... sacrifice lives, whether it was necessary or not, and I won't do so now," Celine went on to tell the goddess in a stern and loud voice, refusing to budge on freeing the sacrifices now, because it was wrong to keep them like this against their will with the possibility of what may happen to them. "If you aren't willing to concede some things for peace... such as this great one... then you may as well strike me down now, because I'm not budging on this... I'll never budge on this. Lives are too precious to risk and play with like that. You should know this better than most considering who and what you are," Celine added before looking around the room some as the moans increased again, feeling that if she didn't hurry then something may happen to them that couldn't be undone.

"You asked me what I'm willing to do in order to attain peace. What are you willing to do? Or maybe I should say... what are you willing to let go for peace? I know that there are some things that can't be let go or be done... but this... those poor people in there... you can release them all if you want, because you don't need them and what you're doing to them for peace to be attained. And I also fear that if you don't release them, then one day my people in my homeland will find out about what you've done to people just to attain power here, that they'll march upon you and that they won't stop until they destroy you, and I would like to prevent that if I can," Celine went on to say, fearing what the future consequences might be if this wasn't stopped now, because her people detested this very thing, performing sacrifices like this for one to attain power, no matter who it was. Animal sacrifices were one thing, but human, elven and the like as sacrifices were another one altogether.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Blanche nods and said than she would do what she could, however the firm elven words dont looks to have affected the goddess as expected, it even looks than she was waiting them together with Celine's reaction It had taken me a long of time to come here, Celine. Do you know how much effort take to come to this world and put yourself on a correct vessel? It take me enough time to decide myself to do this, know what could happen and put this place in order, if someone take this life after do my work it will be fine for me. Said touching her chest where her heart could be, not interested in lose her life at hands of the people of the other continent.

All this talk about release the prisioners will dont bring us to where you are expecting Celine, as also your hope than the slaves of that possible demoness will accept a normal life once they get free. At the other hand these girls will be at conditions to get recovered after some time and treatment.

Suddenly Celine notice a very small noise coming from the hidden passage at her back.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"But you're still doing to them the very thing you're trying to stop elsewhere great one, which is wrong any way you look at it. And they won't need to recover and risk never being able to if you release them now. I mean for heavens sake, you're acting like a child that doesn't know any better. If you weren't prepared to come here without having to take the energy and life from other people, then you shouldn't have come down from wherever you lived before in the first place. And we'll never know if anyone will accept to try and live a normal life after being freed if all everyone wants to do is fight and not even make an effort to try. Can you with one hundred percent certainty know that these girls will recover completely? If not then it isn't worth the risk," Celine said, now with tears in her eyes at this stupid supposed deity, the thought in her head now that she was no true goddess, else she wouldn't be doing this no matter how weak she was, or at the very least she wouldn't be doing it against anyone's will. "My own goddess told me to speak with you when I prayed to her some time ago, and told me that she knew you, but she wouldn't tell me any more than that really, that I needed to speak with you myself and come to my own decisions about things. She also told me to save everyone that I could and that is what I am trying to do... but you are making it extremely difficult for me to do so and trust you when you haven't given any assurance whatsoever that those poor girls that you're draining the life and energy from will recover completely, meaning I cannot and will not accept them remaining as your sacrifices," Celine added, making her decision that she would free these captives no matter what, because they didn't deserve whatever was being done to them.

"And furthermore, I happen to know some demons that live in my homeland of Eldana, and there were some that fought alongside my people when we rebelled against the great demon lords for our freedom, and they aren't evil themselves as far as I know, and a couple of them are very good friends of mine," Celine began saying after taking a breath, noticing the small noise coming from the passageway behind her and wondering what it was, but she didn't look back just yet. "Even though some people do hold slaves around these parts, they can't all be evil vile people, they merely do it because it's been that way all their lives and it's how they were raised, and I believe that we can change their minds if we try. It was like that in my homeland when we rebelled against the demon lords that had enslaved us, not everyone that held slaves was against us. Some were with us, seeing it as inevitable that we would rebel and that our cause was just. Some were with us because even though they kept slaves, they never mistreated them in any way and felt that the cruelty shouldn't continue, so they willingly freed their slaves and fought alongside them," Celine added about her homeland's past.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

They will be fine, however this will dont change your mind and talking about your beloved one has only reinforced the idea than give up now will only place these lands under her hands when i leave. I also cant trust this to you and your people as the casualties will only grow, for most honorable as all of you could act this will be taken as an invasion for most all of the persons living at this continent when your "crusade" to clean these lands of slavery start.

The goddess spoke and remain at her throne maybe waiting for something. Blanche was unsure what to do now, all this was just ending in an endless discussion.

Before you decide to act, just remember this, the persons living here arent the ones at your utopia, each of them has born in a harsh world and mostly all will see for themselves before the others. This dont mean than there arent still good ones, but expect them to find them everywhere. Now go ahead and choice what will you do

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"You say that they'll be fine, but you don't give me any proof that they will be. I want proof that they will be before I leave and allow you to keep them here like this. And my people wouldn't go on a crusade against your people and all of the people on this continent, not at all, they would merely get rid of you because of the sacrifices that you refuse to give up. You see, my people have our ways just as your people have theirs, and while we do respect other peoples ways... there are some things we can't abide, such as sacrifices in the form of people to any god or goddess, regardless of what the sacrifice entails, because there were thousands of our people sacrificed to the demon lords of old, their throats slit and their blood drained dry," Celine said in response, starting to get angry now that this goddess wasn't listening to her in any sense of the word and was merely wasting time. She was having the sudden urge to grab this small girl, throw her over her lap, and spank her like she apparently had never been done, because she was acting like an arrogant child. "I fought practically through hell until Blanche and her guardian found me, I lost a good friend along the way and I don't know what happened to her... I was raped practically senseless... and I lost my family's precious holy enchanted heirloom blade that was used to slay many demons in our rebellion in those tunnels outside, and now I am so close to finding one of the two people I came in here looking for while on my way to this town here, where I was supposed to learn more about these people and hopefully find a way to bring peace between them and my beloved's people. And you're going to deny me rescuing my friend Lina... I think not," Celine added in a bitter tone, thinking back to all she'd gone through to get where she was now.

"I'm glad that I'm not as blind and narrow minded as you are when it comes to things. I'm willing to look at things from another point of view, I'm willing to compromise to a point. But you great one... you aren't. You basically said that I only see things the way I want to see them, yet you are doing the exact same thing. And this pointless arguing is getting us no closer to an agreement that benefits everyone. You know what I want, the freedom of the people that you're draining the very life from for all I know, and I want it now. Because one of my friends is one of your sacrifices and I'm not leaving here without her because I swore an oath to bring her back and I'm not breaking that oath and bringing dishonor to myself and my family even for you great one. Hell for all I know you're lying to me about what you're doing to them and that they'll be okay afterwards, so I'm sorry if you find me lacking trust in your words, but you haven't given me much reason to do so. Your people have been telling me since I entered this town that you are a great and benevolent goddess, and kind and caring. Yet I'm not seeing it at all. The only thing I'm seeing is practically the exact opposite. If you really are benevolent, kind, caring, and everything else that your people have told me... then fucking act like it," Celine went on to say, the anger starting to rise in her a bit to where her knuckles were white she was clenching her fists so hard, the young elf knowing that if she didn't do something now that she may not have another chance to do anything to get Lina and these other poor girls out of those rooms.

Celine began walking over to the nearest one of the rooms unless stopped, where she would place a hand on the door knob or handle, whichever it was. "Now I'm going to start opening these doors and getting those girls out of there, unless you'd like to do so yourself that is. Because my heart and mind both tell me that this is the right thing to do. I'm going to open these until I find Lina, and even then I believe that I'll open every one of them and take these girls out when I go to my beloved's home and speak to her about meeting with you. And make no mistake, I'll be speaking to her the same as I am you, because while I do love her... things need to change here, and since you don't seem to want to be the first to do it... I will. Because nothing will ever change if you don't at least try," Celine would then say as she went reached out for the door and started to open it, unless she was stopped that is, because her mind was made up at this point, and she was through arguing her point when it was like arguing with a deaf person.

"Oh my goddess... if you can hear me, then please tell me now if I should do this or not. She will not listen to my words no matter how hard I try, and I fear that these girls she is draining energy from will die if I don't stop her, or that they'll never recover and be left weak and frail for what little life they might have left. You said to save everyone that I can, and I'm trying. If you have any advice then please give it to me," Celine called out through the void of her mind to her own goddess, looking for advice if possible, though she doubted she would get an answer at this point or that her own goddess would abandon her, thinking her choice was the wrong one or something, but she couldn't help her thoughts on this matter. She was always told to follow her heart, that it would never lead her wrong. If her goddess did answer her however and told her to stop what she was doing, then she would stop before opening the door she was at.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I also said you from the start than you could take Lina with you. About what i said than could happen, look it as a possible prophecy and not just what i suppose will happen. However, i dunno why they could hunt me if nothing permanent will happen to these prisioners, anyway they can try as much as they want to get rid of me. Be the way, dont blame me for your choice to come here and what will happen soon. The woman said smiling softly dont even looking as the elven get closer to the doors, even making her smile wide when she heard about Celine future talk with Vanessa.

The swordswoman get closer the first door and then tried to look for an answer before try to open the door, there looks to dont be any and just when her alm get closer a tentagle pull her quickly away.


The move was so fast than she get back and take with her not only the person who has stop her but also Blanche, leaving the three at the floor, fortunately for Celine she was up the two so she was the less damaged by the impact.

I... guess than... im getting used to the pain... Said a very known voice, yet with some more feeling than before.

The doors have a lot of power passing through, if i havent stop you... sorry for dont had help you later, but i cant fight against Cassandra, i...i mean this girl save her and were close friends until they get lost in middle of the escape. I remembered most all what happened at her life some hours ago. Slimy said as she gets up and then helps both to do the same. The girl looks to be fine, out of any pregnancy and even cum, she then move her arm to her back and from there she holds Celine's sword, returning the tendrils than she was using to protect and stay it there.

I dunno if is broken because it dont works so well a time ago, mostly i found you thanks to some easy track's sweet scent.

You take a lot of time to save her Silvana, i was close to doubt about what should happen, even then i never expected than you could be fine after all these years... oh i see... Im so sorry Silvy The powerful tone stop suddenly and the goddess right eye start to left fall teardrops, mostly the remain of her face remain without change.

Yes im... still alive,well she is part of me and i guess than from now on i will use her name to honour her sacrifice... even now she dont let me fight you in any way, but i cant let you hurt Celine too.

The Goddess which vessel has been called Cassandra, get up her throne and played softly with her long dark hair as she slowly got down. Dont worry Silvanna, this could end soon... So, Celine. You have now your so called "holy sword" and i suppose than you havent yet lost anything really, let me give you another chance to decide what to do, but let me remember you than i will not allow you take any of the prisioners out of Lina For what it looks the Goddess was ready to intercep the elf if she tried again to attack the door dont even paying too much attention to her guard and just focused on block the road.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Because they won't understand the reasons that you're doing this, whatever they might be. They'll only see you as cruel for keeping these people here against their will, and I see it as wrong to do so as well. I don't care if you need their power, it's wrong to imprison people to drain their energy just so you can regain your own power. I've heard what some of your people have been saying about throwing some of the poor girls that aren't human here out into these tunnels for the monsters to have just because they dislike them. How do I know you wouldn't do the same thing to them for the same reasons. It isn't right any way you look at it and it needs to stop," Celine said before she began to reach for the door.

Just as she began to pull the door open, she was tackled by tentacles and knocked down by them. She was however back on her feet in an instant, ready to fight, but when she saw who it was that knocked her down she dropped the blades she had and threw her arms around the girl... it was Slimy. "Oh gods Slimy... I thought we'd lost you out there. I'm so glad you're alright sweetie," Celine said to Slimy as she hugged her. Then when Slimy produced her holy blade, Celine's legs nearly gave out, for she doubted that she'd ever see it again period. "You've had it this whole time Slimy... I didn't think I'd ever see it again, thank you. Oh thank you so much," Celine added as she took her blade back, hugging it to her and then hugging Slimy again and kissing her on the cheek in thanks.

Celine took a few moments to look Slimy over and see if she was alright as the girl spoke back and forth with this very demanding goddess. Celine heard everything that was said between them and when she saw the tear falling from her eye, she felt bad for her, because there was nothing she could do to have saved the girl that Slimy was now inside of... yet another life she failed to save. When she was asked what she would decide when the two were done speaking, with Celine finding out the name of the girl the goddess was inhabiting, or the name of the goddess herself maybe, Celine looked troubled and very unsure of what to do now and everyone in the room would see that. She couldn't leave the people here without absolute certainty that they would be alright and would fully recover, that wasn't something she would budge on period. Hanging her head slightly for a moment, she looked back up at the goddess and Slimy... no Silvanna now or Silvy, she needed to remember that.

"I... I can't leave those people here without absolute certainty from you that they'll fully recover, but I don't want to fight. My honor and my heart both demand though that I don't leave them behind without every assurance that they will fully recover and everything... I hope that you can understand that and can forgive me. I need you to swear it to me right now though, and to also swear that you will willingly accept any punishment that I deem proper for anything that happens to them and will give reparations to them for it as well... or their families if they don't survive for some reason... because it'll be on your head and I'll hold you personally responsible for it if they don't fully recover or if something bad happens to them during this process. Because even a goddess isn't above right and wrong, and every fiber of my being tells me that you doing this is wrong, and I also want progress reports on their well being until you're done and while they recover, from an outside observer of course just to be sure I'm not being lied to. A-And I want you to allow them to rest at night when they need it and to feed them as well, because going constantly is bad for their health too and if they aren't fed then that would count be mistreatment that I won't allow, and I'd also say that they would deserve some compensation after you're through as well, for this is very strenuous on them," Celine said with a shaky voice, pointing her sword at the goddess while it was still in its sheath, her hand shaking slightly with both anger and sadness and tears in her own eyes. "Will you agree to all that at least If I don't demand freedom for any save Lina? Because regardless you're still doing this against their will and that is still wrong, and no matter how pleasurable it is I'm still sure that they don't want to be there. But if you'll agree to those demands, then I won't try and free them... unless I feel that you are mistreating them or I find out that they are being hurt in any way from those reports I'd be getting," Celine added almost desperately, her sword still pointing at goddess and still shaking slightly, a couple of tears falling down her cheeks.

"So should I call you Silvy now or Silvanna? Or stick with Slimy? I don't mind which. And what should I call you oh great one?" Celine asked Slimy/Silvanna, wondering which to call her now, then she asked the goddess. "And my sword only reacts to a family member's touch or someone of my family's blood rather, as far as I know at least," Celine added, drawing her family's blade out from its sheath and looking at it, checking it over to see if it was still in one piece and if it still worked like it was supposed to.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course, i dont see why dont agreed with all that, i only need them to stay here for a whole month. The goddess spoke, a little impressed by how Celine has talked, thing than her whole others attempts havent landed. Slimy has been smiling from when Celine see her until the plant monster focus on talk with the goddess, her feelings went going slowly down after see how Celine has needed to talk to get connected with the owner of this place. However then the elven turn to Silvy what make the girl try to hide her feelings incrusted at her by her host. Its up to you Celine, after all in this moment im both of them and i dunno if i should change that before her last days memories start to invade me.

I have a lot of names, you could call me Cassandra as that was the name of the vessel than im using now. About Silvanna, maybe it would be better if you wait until her name and story get saved in yours memories and then let her rest in peace. Cassandra said when she was close to go back to her throne as the whole topic has ending. Its...possible to ask something more? Slimy said affected by the feelings of the girl's body and how Celine is now.

We should also move and stop that battle bellow before more lives get lost forever. Blanche remember to all, still confused by how this new human could let free some tentacles as some of the Guardias could do. The holy weapon was not reacting too much to Celine, but could be mostly for her alterer heart.

Go ahead, but please dont take too much time. Cassandra said back accepting to turn back to them again and heard slimy request.

Its there still a way to save Cassandra? Simy said trying to calm her new feelings.

Yes, there are still some ways to save her, of course than i would need a new vessel, it would had been difficult find one, but fortunately Cassandra come here pregnant and one of these little beings could easily suit me. The last choice to save her would be let some part of my power on her child and that would need a material sacrifice from one of you. Her look turn to Celine at the last part and then she decide to go to rest as the girls act and decide what to do now.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine stood there and listened to the goddess speaking back to her, she was curious to see her sword not reacting properly. Maybe it was because she hadn't held it in so long or something, she'd have to find out soon or else it would only be just another sword, and she couldn't have that. If the enchantment had been lost on the blade her family would never let her hear the end of it when she returned home one day... if she did that is, which she of course hoped she'd be able to do one day with her children, however many she had at that time, and with any and or all of her lovers she had at that time as well. "Oh my goddess... what has happened to my blade? Please don't tell me it is broken," Celine asked into the void of her mind as she prayed her sword wasn't damaged in any way.

"No Slimy... it's up to you. Silvanna is within you, it wouldn't be right if I were the one to choose for you. But I know that you'll make the choice that is best," Celine told Slimy about which name to choose, feeling it proper that Slimy be the one to choose which one she wanted, then she turned to Blanche when she spoke up.

"Aye Blanche, we should head on down soon to help I guess, because if it is my beloved's forces attacking, then I'll need to speak with them to stop them, and thankfully Slimy... well Silvy if you'd prefer, thankfully she brought my sword and sheath, because it has a message from my beloved to her forces and I can use it to get them to stop fighting," Celine said to Blanche when she suggested hurrying up to head on back down.

When Slimy asked her question to the goddess, Celine suddenly turned towards the goddess, narrowing her eyes at her at the name Cassandra, the thought dawning on her that this was where Cassie had gone. She couldn't be sure, but anything was possible at this point she figured, and if it was Cassie then that was one more thing to add onto her list of demands.

"Wait a minute... Cassie... my friend Cassie. Have you taken her body? Is this why you couldn't or wouldn't tell me where she was at earlier when I asked? My friend Cassie was pregnant when she was lost, pregnant with baby nekos," Celine asked in a demanding yet kind of fearful and slightly angry tone, her knuckles white as she gripped her blade. "If you are in my friend Cassie's body then that's another thing to add onto my list, for you to get out of her and leave her completely the way you found her, because I swore that I would find her and protect her," Celine added as she gripped her blade, trying to keep herself from getting too angry and not thinking straight, though it was tough doing so to be honest, especially when she was possibly being tricked this whole time.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I think than Silvy would be the best choice. Blanche said with a giggle after see than this was getting calmed to start to talk about something more than just the disscusion.

Well, it sound a little as how has been named from the start so i could get used to it. Silvy add softly nodding before the sudden possible realization come to Celine. Unfortunately there was not the message than Celine has gotten from Vanessa, maybe it has been destroyed or lost after the battle in the underwater.


Each of the women around her turn to the elf. Cassie? I remember than it was the name of one of the ones than we were looking for.

True, but her name is a little different.

From the time than Cassandra has born she was identified as a possible vessel for me for this people. Cassandra said shruging softly. Even if she were the person than you are looking we are so compatible than i will need some help to dont hurt her.

Please Celine calm down, is not so hard to find a pregnant woman on our land, we can end this talk later, lets first find out how to end the fight bellow first, Lizzy could get wounded or worse...

I dunno why but i can feel something strange happening with the guards of the town... they arent feeling pain and they are alive... Cassandra interrupt Blanche, before return to the talk tahn looks to continue a little more. Our time to talk this is ending Celine, i dont know if Cassandra is the girl than you are looking for, she and Silvanna were the best prospects some years ago, but many things happened and i can only feel than the ones inside me are growing with a possibility to be a vessel too. Even if you are against the idea, i will stay here for a long month. There are some ways to save her faster but i dont feel than i could talk of that now in your actual state
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Aye, Silvy works just as good as the other I think, so if you want to use that then that's just fine with me," Celine told Slimy/Silvy, shrugging her shoulders at the mention of changing her name to Silvy.

As she searched for the message that she'd tied tightly to the sheath, Celine found that she'd lost it somewhere along the way, likely in the water or something of the sort. "Dammit... why can nothing every go my fucking way," Celine muttered quietly under her breath at not finding the message Vanessa had given her, meaning that she'd have to have lady Vanquish with her in order to convince Vanessa's soldiers most likely.

"Yes Slimy... Silvy sorry. That'll take a bit of getting used to. But anyway, yeah Cassie and Lina were the ones we were looking for as a side mission I guess you could say," Celine told Silvy, nodding her head at her when she mentioned Cassie being one of the ones they were looking for.

Celine then turned to the goddess and looked at her closely. "Well, you don't really look like my friend Cassie, but the name is the same. How long has that Cassandra been here for? If she was born here and has always lived here, then that means... well I believe that would mean she isn't my friend that I'm looking for, but... then again Cassie never told me where her hometown was at, so I can't be sure exactly," Celine said aloud as she looked closely at Cassandra, which the girl didn't look like Cassie, she was shorter, had different hair, and her facial features looked different. "I apologize for that, but the names are very similar, so I hope you'll forgive my confusion and can understand it. I expect Lina to be released by the time I leave to go to my beloved's home so that she may return with me, or rest until she can do so, and to be treated properly and with respect," Celine added before looking back to Blanche and Silvy, nodding at the two of them.

Celine then knelt and picked up the other two swords she'd dropped and sheathed them as well, thinking to keep them for now just in case she needed an extra one. "Let's go then, I have to stop this fighting if it is my beloved's people, then we can make peace with each other," Celine said to Blanche and Silvy. She swung her own blade over her back and fixed the sheath there so that she could swing it out over her shoulder to fight, while leaving the other two around her waist on either side of it, where she then gestured to Blanche to lead them out. "Lead on Blanche, and let's hurry. Are you okay enough to go and maybe fight with us Silvy?" Celine told the girl, letting her lead them onwards as she turned to Silvy and asked if she were okay enough to go and fight if need be.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Cassandra born at this place as also Silvy and who knows maybe part of me too. Silvy said as Celine check more the goddess who really was not interested and just let her check her more.

Ehm, our Goddess has just come with us some days ago, that is mostly why much of my people is more active than before. Blanche just add.

Indeed, they offer me this body and i accept, but i know a little about Cassandra and Silvanna from some years ago. The Goddess said crossing her arms and sighing softly.

I dunno how to say this, but both tried to escape from here, because both were most than friends and Silvanna wanted to protect her best friend, but without a guardian they werent well protected against the creatures living at the tunnels, even then Silvanna make all what she could to make Cassandra escape succesfully, that was the last time than they see each other at the cave before now... i dunno from when that happened, as the time just dissapear from her mind at the place where she get captured Slimy said wwith cold words with afflicted feelings at her core.

Celine could only notice than both the Goddess and Cassie were owners of a long beautifull black hair, there was not any other mark than both have and theirs ages were different, if only she werent so younger and skilled she could understand than the appearances were easy to change.

Of course, you can take your friend when you want, she should be resting at the moment. Cassandra said most focused in something else before the girls leave.


Sure, let me guide our gold team to where that battle is, it must be easy. Blanche said cheerfully and in good mod.

Gold team?

Yes, we are all blonde, yet our comb and hair tone could be different

My apologize but this is not hair. Slimy add taking some of her hair. These are mostly tendrils or vines from my old body adapted to looks and act as what all call hair, i can move them a little but they are still weak and in development. Slimy ended making them shiver and move less than an inch.

Ehm...ok... but is blonde...so...

mostly light brown but yes this color could be named blonde

Its fine for me, all of us are blonde and Gold Team is a good name than can work.

I suppose.

The cheerful Blanche frown softly as this little fun talk wasnt making too much changes on Slimy normal calm tone.

Well... i can try to stop my people, but what will you do Celine? if this is the army of your beloved than come to save you then they can be stoped right? The talk continue as they move, passing through idden passages, the whole place was empty and they dont have the time to see the art work in every corner. However the fight looks to be in an intense moment and they could heard it even some floors up them. The magic impacts and roars coming at any time and then they were surprised by four monsters than were running away of the fight. a slime, two humanoid tentacle monsters and a big mass of tentacles with a big eye... floating with the others at full speed. They were going direct to them and there was not too much time before they get together.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well my friend Cassie only went missing... day before yesterday I believe, or yesterday, I'm not entirely sure on my days anymore at the moment to be honest. So surely Cassandra here isn't her, and... that's really sad Silvy," Celine said, eying Cassandra here... or the goddess, whichever she was supposed to be... gods this was really starting to give her one helluva headache to say the least.

"Thank you, please take good care of her for me until I return for her. Now to handle this pointless fighting and get them to stop it," Celine said to Cassandra/goddess as the trio went on out of the temple chamber, Celine now completely calmed down again and ready to do this, for the sake of not only her new family, but for all of the families involved in this affair. They were all counting on her to bring peace... she couldn't let them down now.

After they made their way out of the temple, Celine listened to the banter between Silvy and Blanche, giggling at Blanche's dubbing them gold team. "We'll just go with gold team Blanche, all of our hair is blonde enough or gold enough to use the name, and giving us a team name signifies trust between the three of us. And that is the best thing that can happen, because it means it's a step in the right direction, even if it is just a baby step towards peace and harmony, it is a step all the same," Celine told Blanche to try and cheer her up after she asked Celine what she'd try and do if it was Vanessa's soldiers attacking, taking a few moments to think over what her options in that case would be. "Well... if my beloved's soldiers are there... then I will do whatever I can to stop them, surely some there would listen to me. I'd say the majority of them know me by sight even though I'm not wearing my collar signifying me as her personal... consort would be the best term even if most would call me her slave, because not only does it sound better than slave, but it's also more fitting considering what I mean to her and vice versa... and also being that means nobody else can touch me without risking her wrath. She is a good person though and her heart is in the right place even if she doesn't seem like it, I can feel that when I'm with her and I know she loves me in return, I can feel that too when I'm with her. I know that if I can speak with her though that we'll be able to end this once and for all and both your peoples can have peace with each other... that is my wish at least, for it will be a start for peace in this part of the world and a start to the ending of slavery," Celine went on to say to Blanche, giving a determined nod of her head in the process and showing a serious and equally determined look in her eyes that she meant every word about doing everything in her power to bring peace.

"One other thing though that I'm thinking about to help us out with being able to get through to them Blanche, if it's my beloved's soldiers that is. We may need to get lady Vanquish, the mage girl you all collared when you found me. She is one of her servants and can speak on our behalf, but she'd need her collar removed so she can actually regain her power enough to move," Celine said to Blanche after a minute more of thinking it over, deciding that if they needed lady Vanquish for this that they could just go and get her if talking to the soldiers herself didn't work out for them.

As they pressed onwards, with Celine taking the center of the trio and keeping a hand on one of the swords on her hips to get ready to whip one of them out in a hurry if need be. The fighting was very intense above them, so intense that they could hear the sounds of it through the very walls of the temple and cavern on their way through, as the place was virtually deserted and there was no noise save that of their breathing. Suddenly they noticed four monsters coming towards them, two of which seemed humanoid monsters with tentacles that kind of reminded her of Aisha's servants like Slimy/Silvy was or used to be, she wasn't sure if she would still be under Aisha's control or not now.

"Um... Silvy, Can you tell if those are any of the great mistress's monster servants of her mages? If so then could you speak with them and find out why they're running. Though it looks like hiding out will be the best course of action here," Celine quickly asked Silvy, already moving off of the main path to hide from the monsters unless Silvy could talk to them and get them to stop and speak with her, then take them to Vanessa's soldiers should they be their servants or whatever Aisha's monster companions were to her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I cant certainly say when our Goddess take this girl named Cassandra, but im sure than ours leaders should know. Blanche said without an idea of how much time has passed between the Goddess at this place and Cassie disappearance.

I lost the track of time too, maybe we had meet each other even in three or four days ago, Celine. Silvy add before the girls started to move away of this place.


Celine's slave gem collar always has been with her, the collar however has been disguised too when she had an human form, looking to be just a common slavery leather collar. Well, i had other at mind but was really complicate and we could had think in a better one, but as you like it then Gold team will be. Blanche giggle and tried to hug them at a frienship way, what make Silvy just frown and look to her as Celine said more about her and Vanessa.

And you can freely touch anyone than you want? If you can then it sound as a good position at how to live, of course than here you can ask to anyone to have a great time together, but i have been only with Lizzy for mostly all my life.
The blonde human said after nod of how focused the elven is for freedom, she dont manage to resist and playfully rubs the elven hair at the start.

Ehm, i suppose than we could go for her once we find where is Lizzy, im so worried for her with all this conmotion happening here. Said this the trio went more closer and then they notice the creatures getting close them.

Silvy look a moment and decide to take the others to a hidden place. They looks to be scared and just running away of the battle, even then once the others were hidden she went to stop the four. Silvy let free her tentacles and stop them the enought to try to get some info what could be dangerous for her to do alone, however the creatures dont tried to do anything to her and just let her alone after some minutes.

Any good news? Blanche said once all was safe.

Yes, they can feel these places move again, for what i remember that woman named Vanquish said something of the place moving and make her lost the others.

Oh that. Yes tjat is a magic defense system to protect the temple, this turn the ruins into a nearly endless laberinth, but only react with demons and owners of dark powers.

This could be troublesome, should we wait?

I dunno that would be safe, but once it end the troops will be dispersed everywhere.

Once all said the girls could take a pt in front of them closed by a door than could make themm reach floor bellow them where the battles are happening.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well we can find out about that later I guess, would be for the best most likely anyway, and at least putting it off for now means we can focus on the task at hand, and hopefully bring peace for everyone around here," Celine replied to Blanche and Silvy as they went onwards.


"Well I mean if you'd rather go with something else then that's fine Blanche, but gold team seems alright to me," Celine said about their team name before smiling at Blanche. "And I basically get the best treatment there out of all of her slaves, and she won't let anyone else touch me if I don't want them to, but I would prefer it if I wasn't her slave per se. I've spoken with her about it several times and told her that my people detest slavery altogether, but I do have to agree with her that it takes time for things such as that to change. Though I feel that it is already beginning to change, and that all it will take is one more push from us and our efforts to do so," Celine went on to say, giggling softly at Blanche's playfully rubbing her hair, making her ears twitch some at her touch.

"Don't worry too much about Lizzy hon, she's strong and capable apparently if you've been together this long, I'm sure she's fine," Celine said to Blanche to ease her worries about Lizzy just as the monsters came into view farther down the tunnel, where Celine and Blanche hid while Silvy spoke with them.

Once Silvy was done talking to them, Celine and Blanche came out of hiding and over to her, where she told them what the four had been running from. When Blanche and Silvy both finished talking about the tunnels changing, Celine looked thoughtful about it, thinking that there had to be a way around that that they could exploit in order to get down there quickly. "Just get us down there by the quickest but safest way you know of Blanche, because I'd say we'll need our strength just in case it comes to a fight if it isn't my beloved's soldiers attacking, because those didn't look like any of her's that I know of at least, unless those were the servants of some of her mages that is," Celine told Blanche, willing to follow her lead in order to get to where the fighting was taking place.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I know than she must be fine, but i have some strange feeling than something out of place is happening to some of my people, it must be just my imagination. Blanche answer looking to be a little worried

I dont know all about Aisha, but she looks to be the only one able to control us in that way and these creatures looks to be of these zones. Maybe she is here but that could be a low posibility Silvy add to end the monster group conversation. The creatures looks to dont have a objetive and just taken a dark path at a side avoiding the temple.

Dont worry Celine, i remember nearly all the passages than Lizzy has said me so i dont get lost here, there must be one close here. The human said trying to make all rely on her yet she looks to be a little confused. She walk faster and tried to take her team across the passages, stairs, narrow passages and dark dangerous zones. The places were slowly more damp and some zones have some moss as also symbols of what could be tips for the travelers of this land, but only Celine looks to dont understand all this encripted messages.

With the battle sound stoped suddenly, Blanche move faster. The magic is close to work, we must hurry to reach the battleffield or a safe place. The group looks to had surrounded the battlefield and soon they pass across a last passage to notice mark of impacts, blood and broken armors as also remains of bodies turned into ashes.

The group get closer to see this better with sadness at their faces. It was not sure at the start from which side these remains are, until Celine notice a gauntle at the floor close an axe, the dark blood from it has stoped for a while and she could see a dark grey skin bellow the armor piece.

Looks like one of the demon soldiers, this smell like them. Silvy add as she them moves to take other remain and taste it. Making Blanche feel revulsion. It could be one of your friends... do you know, right?

After had given a bite and place the remain on the floor Silvy shaked her head. Its a monster remain, i was just trying to find out more about what happened here, looks like some magic users ended this fight but some soldiers lost their lives, We dont have more time t lost here.

Blanche looks to be more relieved, all these creatures looks to be cave monsters and foreings of her lands, but Celine with difficulty could remember some of the emblems of the armor remains as Vanessa's army ones.

The demons looks to had go to that path. Slimy add pointing to a passage going even more bellow.

A look-out should be close here, but is not at that direction, i could try to go there before the magic start. Blanche said turning to another place than goes toward some upstair a little away of the battlezone hidden nearly for some rocks. But we dont have too much time, should we split and go to both sides or choice one first?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well I've seen enough to know that if you're having a bad feeling about something of that sort, then it's a good guess to say that something may very well be wrong. But whatever is happening, we'll fix it for the sake of everyone," Celine told Blanche, patting her on the shoulder in the process. Celine was a bit amazed though that Aisha was the only one in Vanessa's employ that could control monsters like that, as she'd figured there would be at least a dozen or so like that.

As she followed Blanche along, Celine remained mostly quiet, merely listening to them as they walked. When they came to the area that showed the symbols written with the moss, she was a bit stumped as to what they said, so she decided to ask Blanche if she knew. "Say Blanche, what do these symbols say exactly?" Celine asked as they went by, wondering if it was a message warning travelers not to come this way or something.

Celine wouldn't stop following Blanche while she got her answer about the symbols however and would merely follow her along. After the sounds of battle ended they hurried along to the last passageway, where Celine looked around at the carnage of battle with a saddened expression on her face. Then while Blanche and Silvy were talking to each other about the battleground around them, Celine noticed a bit of armor laying about and got a closer look at it, where she saw an emblem that she'd seen on some of Vanessa's soldiers suits of armor. The sight of this made Celine's heart skip a beat almost, as it told her who was fighting with Blanche's people, which would likely make this much more difficult now that they had apparently killed some of her soldiers.

"I... I don't like splitting up, but I think it would be best to do so Blanche, you get some of your people and I'll get some of my beloved's and we'll have them meet under a white flag of truce to speak. Silvy here can help me to persuade them to speak with your people, but it's up to you and Lizzy to persuade your people okay Blanche," Celine said to Blanche before looking to Silvy and nodding. "Come on Silvy, we should hurry if we're to catch up to them before they leave or get trapped or something. Blanche see what you can do about stopping the magic in these tunnels for a little while until we can get all of this sorted out okay," Celine added, first to Silvy and then to Blanche as she prepared to head down further, drawing her holy sword from over her shoulder from its sheath and heading on down with Silvy when she was ready.