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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The swordswoman girl kick the sword away once this touch the floor, the others two dont move and just look each other as the elven say all what she need.

There must be a way to take them to our town, i mean she looks to have good points and Lizzy looks to trust at her too. The blonde girl said looking to be touched by the elven words.

We cant sacrifice our people for just a bunch of humanoid creatures and a simple-hearted traveler. Also, we cant help them to escape or they could return with a countless army. Im sorry girl but we also have friends and we cant put them on risk The brunette girl say ready to leave.

Well, what about if we blind them and seal them. In that way they will not know where is our town and they would be unable to hurt our peole, if they do something bad we have a huge army so they cant really damage us or even escape. The blonde girl said trying to defend the monstergirl team.

Nonsenses as always, you are so soft heart, why do you choiced this job? The swordswoman was doing her best to dont allow any help and the dark creature roar some times after and before they talked.

It was Lizzy's idea, not mine. Hearing this put the brunette to think a second time about the posibility. If we have full control of them then maybe we could do it, but i dunno if this traveler would accept it.

The choice was placed on Celine, she just wonder why they still dont are able to see the succubus resting over the stone at full display.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I... I accept your proposal then, but please, they shouldn't be kept sealed up after we're there so much, else they'd just be your slaves and... and not in much better condition than out here if you ask me. They should at least retain their ability to move and think for themselves once we're there and not held prisoner, it's all I ask in return for bringing us all there," Celine replied, accepting their deal, and wondering just why they couldn't see the succubus as she wearily got to her feet and went over to her.

As she got to the succubus girl, she reached over and gently shook her to try and wake her up. Though if she didn't wake up then Celine would pull her up to a sitting position and do her best to support her as she followed the trio of newcomers who she hoped would help with the nekos and lady Vanquish, who she doubted would be very happy about the sealing collar or whatever they would do to seal her. Celine was also glad that the dark creature seemed to agree with her, at least she thought it was agreeing with her anyway. "Look... I know you don't want to endanger your people, and honestly I don't want to either, but... I have nothing but my honor and what strength I now have to give other than my friendship with them and my family, who are thankfully not in here with us right now. Gods I hope my babies are alright," Celine said as she hefted the succubus up onto her back, hoping her weary body would hold out at least until they got to wherever this town of theirs was at, or maybe she'd get lucky and once she touched the succubus they could see her as well and could help carry her or something. "I'm sorry for asking so much of you, but asking me to abandon my friends would hurt me more than my own death. Please though, lead the way, we can talk more about it later. Just don't expect us to be able to move too fast for now okay, especially them since you're blindfolding them and all, but also because if I'm this weary then they'll be even more so," Celine added, apologizing for being so adamant about just wanting to protect her friends and helping them out as she gestured at them when saying not to expect them to move too quickly for now while they were so weakened after what they'd just gone through and all, hoping they would understand.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I already told you than we cant let them with theirs powers walking around our sacred land, we are doing a huge sacrifice leaving them get inside, as their kind never has touched ours lands. Do you understand the panic than they will cause if the townspeople see them walking freely without restrictions?. The brunette answer making all the preparations for the trip.

Sorry stranger, we cant help you more. Anyway i dont see why you are so worried for them, they will have all what they need in theirs rooms until we found the way to get them out the caves without cause future difficulties to our land

Ok, lets stop talking and lets get out of here. Say to Lizzy to make them follow us, we cant carry them all the way or we could be in danger. The brunete get up and throw the remain weapons than the nekos have to the lake, meanwhile the blonde girl huge Lizzy and whisper her something between kisses and licks at the monster neck what made the creature growl softly as it moves the tail and softly caress the woman body, then the dark creature eyes grow and the collars on the three monstergirls shine making them groan softly and struggle for a second before they opened theirs eyes. Hi girls, follow us and dont try anything weird please, we are helping all of you. they looks to be weak and gasp by the pain as they get up giving a soft yes to the girls, there was not any question so maybe they had heard all. Theirs eyes were empty and follow the group without make any noise.

Dont worry, Lizzy will free them once we reach our town. The blonde girl inform as she blind the girls with some rags at a bag than she have resting at the passage from where they had come.

When Celine went to take the succubus, this remain sleeping and dont awake even when the elf tried hard, the whole group look at them confused but just continue moving. With the girl at her back she walked a little long with only the latern light iluminating the road, ussually feeling the licks at her cum covered neck, as the girl looks to be having a good dream where she licks and suck maybe an ice cream or maybe the member of a male as she is a succubus, something than Celine cant decide without any proof.

Your babies? I guess than you arent so young as i expected. How many do you have? And why are you here? is your duty to stay with them all the time than you can, i hope than you dont regret to had leave them to come here in the future, the kids grow so fast these days. And dont worry, we dont need to move quickly now

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As the two replied to her that they couldn't and wouldn't allow the girls their freedom once in this town of theirs, Celine looked very saddened by their words and a little let down, but nodded her head once to them as a sign of compliance, despite the fact that it was all but signing them over to be slaves. "Fine... since it doesn't look like I can persuade you otherwise. But you promise that once they can be safely sent out of here and on their way to their respective homes and families then they'll be released and freed?" Celine asked hesitantly as the one girl threw the weapons into the water, wasting them instead of keeping them and using them for their own defense, which had the added effect of breaking her heart all over again over her own family's blade she'd lost... gods how ashamed they would be of her when or rather if she ever got home.

She watched on as she started getting the succubus up as Lizzy as the girls called the dark creature appeared to have some form of magical connection with the collars that her friends were now wearing and forced them to get up despite any pain or discomfort they were going through. It angered her to see this kind of thing happening, as it was one of the things her people despised more than anything, total mind control that is. These dark creatures seemed to have these human women and the gods only knew how many others under their influence or thralldom from the looks of it, or that's the vibe that Celine was picking up at least. Perhaps they would have to kill these creatures in order to free the women, but that would only be tearing them from one master to serve another she figured and wouldn't solve anything really in the end, only put them in a little safer of a place because Vanessa did take fairly good care of her slaves all things considered really. But slavery was still bad in Celine's eyes in any form, and she needed to get Vanessa and her people to see and understand this, but that would be almost impossible since there were demons there and that they didn't really care for the most part as long as they got their way. The only way she saw of ending the slavery back at the palace or anywhere else in this part of the world was to prove her strength to Vanessa and Vanessa's followers and that her way of thinking and doing things was the right and better way, but without her sword she felt that was impossible now too.

"Dammit why am I so weak? I shouldn't have lost to those fucking monsters. Gods who am I kidding, I couldn't protect my friends here from what's happening to them now, or even hold onto a sword before. How could I manage anything? Maybe Vanessa was right, maybe I shouldn't try to be strong and should just do as she seemed to want me to do, keep my mouth shut and be her bed slave," Celine silently cursed herself for not being stronger as she hung her head some while carrying the succubus, who the trio still couldn't seem to see for some reason.

With a heavy heart she followed them onwards toward their town, while the succubus who was still out of it seemed to at least be having a good dream from the looks of it. "At least you're okay for the most part sweetie, go ahead and kiss my neck all you want," Celine thought to herself about the succubus as they walked, where she heard the girl that was more willing to help speak to her. "Hmm... oh yeah I am fairly young all things considered, but I've got children outside. And I've got three, all very young really. Gods I hope I have the chance to see them all again soon, and I am already kind of regretting leaving them to be honest. But despite my duty to be with my children, I couldn't in good conscience leave my friends down here to suffer and die and probably never see them again because I didn't want to leave my children or come down here any at all. I can't change how I was raised to believe," Celine went on to say, aloud this time as she walked and wondering if they intended on trying to keep her here against her will and have these dark creatures enthrall her too like she figured these girls had been.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Yes, they will get free to do as they wish once we decide than is safe for our people, maybe it will only take some time maybe days who know but anyway we will treat them nicely. The blonde say, placing her hand on the dark creature rear as she walk at her side, the monster put its long arm at her side and press her at it as they prepare to leave.


Wow three little ones? well multiple births arent so rare at these days, but you should stay with them the first years, a baby needs her mother to survive even when you have someone to see for them.

How can you be so blind? your duty with yours childs must be bigger than anything else even your honor or conscience. Really some times these thoughtless new mothers are so... well lets just hope than you dont regreet it at the future.

If you were alone we could bring you back in an hour out the cave, but as you want to stay with your friends then if we get lucky all would be out in some days, lets hope than nothing bad happens at your town meanwhile.

Said this the trip continue for a good time, for what it looks they could be making circles and changing of intersections to make Celine be able to know from where they had come and it looks like it worked, of course than the three monster girls groan and whimper softly all the time, leaving a cum trial as they walk and suddenly Lizzy stop and sit on the floor, nearly at the instant the three girls fall completely exhausted at the place. They gasp for air and cuddle together to feed of the fluids on theirs bodies. We werent expecting to find anyone, so we dont bring any food or water with us, we are just patrooling the zone, i guess than Lizzy's idea to use that monster fluid as food is the best choice, once they get better we will continue walking. The blonde girl said as she sit and cuddle close the dark entity.

Its not use, the creatures inside them are using their energy to grow, we should use the guardian powers to increase their pleasure and trade it for all the pain at theirs bodies, they can rest at the town once we reach the place. The swordswoman add, for what it looks the minds of the three girls could be more affected or theirs bodies would break if all goes wrong.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you, I can't really ask for more than that I guess. I didn't expect that much to be honest, and... when it comes time for them to leave, I'd like to leave with them so I can go home to my family," Celine replied, bowing her head slightly in thanks to the blonde haired girl, wondering when they might be able to leave, at which point she would probably inform Vanessa that these creatures were using collars to control people. In fact she hadn't even bothered to check now that she thought of it. She glanced over at the two girls with the creature to see if they were wearing collars too, just in case. "And they have other capable women that can feed them and care for them while I'm gone, I wasn't totally stupid to leave my children like that without somebody to take care of them for me, and I didn't expect to be in here for more than a day or two at most myself to be honest. So please don't call me blind okay, where I come from we value friendship almost as much as family. Besides, nobody else would come to help my friends, so if I wanted them found I had to do it myself," Celine added, not in an unpolite tone or anything, and hell even most of her words were not too far off from the truth really, as she wasn't outright lying at the moment, because nobody would come out to find them like she would.

As they went onwards, Celine listened to the two talking back and forth, but when they stopped to rest, she watched all three of them fall over with the dark creature Lizzy, where she gently sat down too with the succubus on her back. When the swordswoman suggested that they press on and force the girls to go, disregarding the tax it would be on their bodies, Celine went to their defense in an instant when she saw the state they were already in and almost knowing what it would probably do to them to force their exhausted bodies to go further. "Look, they're severely weakened, they can't help but be tired, I'm tired to. But if you do that it could break their minds or really hurt their bodies somehow, maybe turn them into nothing but crazed nymphos if you overload them on pleasure like that. I'll help to carry them if I have to, but I'd rather not destroy their minds, bodies, or souls when I'm trying to save them please," Celine said in a calm and polite voice to the swordswoman as she wearily got back to her feet with the succubus on her back and went over to the others and knelt near them so when they left she could pulled lady Vanquish up and help her along with one arm around her while the other held the succubus up on her back. "You said that you were patrolling right. So your town can't be too much farther. Can it?" Celine added, wondering if their town was really so far away and they were just stalling for some reason to maybe make her decide to leave her companions or something, and if it was so far away why they were patrolling so far out from the place, it made no sense.

As soon as they were ready to move out again, Celine would pull lady Vanquish up and have her lean on her, while she carried the succubus on her back, even going so far as to let Mikoto lean on her other side as well, which would probably be pushing her body to its limits most likely, but she wouldn't abandon them, she refused to abandon them, especially not when she still had a deal with Mikoto and Shika to help them find their leader. Then there was still Slimy who was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she'd gotten away and went back to tell Vanessa what had happened or something... hopefully.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Giving a moment to look them, Celine notice than only the blonde girl have a collar at her neck, mostly a slave type one similar of the one than the three monstergirls are wearing now. No matter how many girls are at you town, you are their mother. I dunno if you know anything about this place before come inside, but you put in danger your own live without really think twice about your childs, that is why i call you blind. Just imagine the worse case scenario of your girls grow up and try to get inside to save you just to find the same fate.

This talk will not bring us to any place, as both have good points. Im sure than this girl trust and loves a lot the girls at her town than she let them protect her childs as she know than they will love and rise them as better as possible. On the other side, yes it was a little feckless get inside this cave whit all the possible risks and your responsabilities as mother, but anyway you dont expected all what happened to you for save your two friends.


The elven words werent well welcome from the swordgirl who looks to just dont see the point on waste more time. Im just inform you than they will not get better resting or just drinking a little, we should just continue or they could soon not be able to move. The blonde girl frown and anyway let all rest before get close the bunch of girls and aid them to get up taking care of help the two girls to continue. Well, im not armed so i will help them too before this girl get passed out by putting all this effort for carry them in her actual state.

Yes we are patrolling and we must do our best to dont let a trial than the monsters could follow easily to our town. If i think is the best choice we will be walking all the day. The blondy whimper in answer. But it hurt to walk too much, ours feet will be a ruin at the night, lets just go to the town now. The two girls looks to be really close to have a little long talk but at the end they just walked at a straight path. Fine, lets return, even when we could still explore for hours at ours tunnels, i guess than after leave them i will take another group and even get out our lands to collect more fruits from the forest.

After a long time maybe half an hour they reach to see two dark creaturs at an intersection, Lizzy start to growl and the two of the distance do the same for a while, the whole cave rumble by the noise until they stop just when they were close them, leaving them get inside, even Lizzy turn back to check than they dont try anything to the prisioners, as also the blonde girl looks to be ready to protect all the girls with her body if needed.

Inside they could see some rooms with pairs having some fun, others with groups talking about some topics and even a pair of girls having sex in a path with one of them havig a manlike member piercing the other girl.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I did too think about my children, and it was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make to leave them and come in here, but Cassie is their godmother and that is the main reason I came to find her. And yes miss, I do trust that their caretakers would never let them follow me into this place no matter how strong or old they were. I admit it might be a little reckless, but I can't explain it any better than I already have," Celine said as they rested for the time being, though she wouldn't speak any more about this as it was only serving to anger her at this swordswoman... whom she looked closely at the sword she had, curious as to what kind of sword it was and if it was cursed or magical any at all.

Celine saw the two seeming to prepare to argue about heading straight to the town, the swordswoman appearing to be the leader of their group from the looks of it to Celine, which was bad she thought, as that meant she could decide to just leave them if she so wished. She didn't really care if the bitchy girl liked what she said or not either really, nor if she even liked her, because it seemed that she was just that, a bitch that didn't care what others thought. She was glad that they seemed to agree that they should bring them all there first however and didn't complain any more about not heading straight there, as she didn't want to listen to the bitchy girl's mouth any more than she had to now, as it was greatly annoying her. If she still had her sword then she'd teach her some damn respect and manners, Celine thought to herself.

As they neared the town that the two seemed to be taking her to after about half an hour or so, she saw a couple of more of the dark creatures standing guard. As they get closer she heard Lizzy growling at the two in the distance, who growled back, making the whole cavern rumble around them, where she wanted to clamp her ears shut, but couldn't as she was holding lady Vanquish up as well as the succubus on her back, who's name she still didn't know as she hadn't woken up yet. Celine walked on behind the others and watched as the blonde girl and even the dark creature Lizzy kindly stopped and waited for them, making sure the other dark creatures didn't try anything on them, which made her begin to rethink her original assessment of these dark creatures to that maybe not all of them were evil and or cruel and maybe some of them were even kind or possibly even good.

Following them inside, Celine aided lady Vanquish while carrying the succubus until they were to a place she could help them gently down to rest for a while. As they went through she saw several girls chatting back and forth with each other, while some were having fun in different ways in other rooms, and one couple of girls were just having sex right there in the middle of the halls, one of which was a futanari like she was and the other was enjoying every thrust of the other's hips, neither with a care in the world about anyone seeing them apparently. Gods she needed to find out if she could summon her own while staying in human form sometime when she was by herself in here, so that she could at least maybe explain to the blonde girl a little better about her children perhaps, and tell her that the collar she wore kept it hidden until she wanted it to be known, so that monsters couldn't overwhelm her so quickly.

"Thank you miss. What's your name if you don't mind me asking? And... thank you too Lizzy, for protecting us I mean. You have my thanks. You can call me Celine," Celine would tell the blonde haired girl when they were at a room where she could set the others down to rest, bowing her head wearily to both of them after the swordswoman was gone from there.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Lizzy roar softly and the blonde girl giggle as she sit close a desk and take a leather bag from there. Lizzy say than it was a pleasure Celine. You can call me Blanche, im Lizzy wife or twin soul, i dunno how your people could say it. The girl opened the bag as she talk from it she tke a skirt and small top than nearly could not hide her ample breasts, she make a deep sigh of reliefe once from the bag she placed some sandals to confort her tired feet.

The group were in one of the vacant rooms made of stone and some ruins from past civilizations. Hmm... Celine, its a rare name here, but im sure to had heard about someone called like that in a meeting, oh well nevermind, i dunno if you are pregnant by the creatures at the cave, im so sorry for that, we should put a cautiong sign at the entrance cave on of these days. The girl them take a pendant and open it to see what is inside for a moment before close it. I will leave Lizzy release a little yours friends's senses so they can heard and maybe talk later, please do it little by little Lizzy. The girl said turning to the dark creature and a continue soft growl come for her.

The three monster girls hold theirs heads and closed theirs eyes, groaning softly and fallen softly at the floor. Where are we? Vanquish said in a weak tone, still not able to even lift her head from the floor, meanwhile the two nekos looks really tired to even open theirs eyes and only remain gasping for breath.

Well, let me explain all once again. All of you were really lucky than Lizzy found your group, what were their names? the girl mutters taking a moment before Lizzy roar turning to her weakly. Oh yes, thanks Lizzy. Mikoto, Vanquish and Shita will be here and Lizzy will stay at guard of them until we find out how to free all of you, meanwhile Celine can come to our town to let her rest inside and get some food for all, i dunno the last part as i must talk with the others guards about this before they allow Celine to get inside our town, but as she is a human there would not be any problem.

Why we are so tired and i cant do anything? Vanquish say trying really to use her powers to levitate part of her body to see more than just the nekos and the floor.

Oh dont worry about that, the three will be fine enough to walk around here, but i must let you understand than you cant get out these rooms or you could get into troubles, at the left is a little storage used to store some water of the cave to wash ourselves after ours missions, please use it a little to clean yourself once you get recovered. A little room is at the right with some hammocks than all can use to sleep, please dont bite our helping hands, just rest peacefully here and get recovered of the birth .

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once inside and able to sit down and rest, Celine's line of thinking shifted back to her original mission of why she came in here in the first place, well other than to find Cassie and Lina of course... it'd been to try and find out what she could about these people and dark creatures, and this was her chance to do so. She looked around the room and saw that it appeared to that they were in the ruins of an old civilization of some sort, possibly ancient humans or something like that.

"Thank you, I really don't know what would have happened to us if you hadn't come along... though I dare say I don't want to know. You're a really kind person Blanche, and... Lizzy seems to be quite kind as well, despite... well no offense, but at first glance I hope you can forgive me for thinking you're a monster that just wants to take and have your way with me like those creatures did back there. Honestly... I'm still a little scared of Lizzy and her people despite her helping us back there, because... well mainly because I don't have my sword and I just feel so... defenseless without it," Celine said to Blanche when she introduced herself back to Celine, where after a bit of talking Celine noticed that she seemed to have heard of her escapade in here before, which she didn't know if Lizzy here knew who she was or not, but she could only hope that she didn't, because if she did know who she was and could see through the magic that Vanessa's collar gave her then she was obviously much kinder than she thought because she obviously trusted her from the way Blanche talked, or she was lying and waiting to strike when Celine least expected it or something. However something told her that she had greatly misjudged these creatures in her first encounter, and she was very glad that she hadn't killed any of them, else if they did know it was her she probably would have been killed by Lizzy here or something. "No please go ahead Blanche, you mentioned another Celine in a meeting of some sort. Did she... you know, cause any problems for you all? Or was it something else like just a misunderstanding or something like that?" Celine went on to say, trying to sound interested to hear about somebody else with the same name.

She just listened as Blanche talked to Lizzy and asked her to release the girls slowly from the mind control or whatever she had over them at the moment. "Can I ask you both something and you won't get mad at me?" Celine asked as Lizzy got ready to release her friends from she supposed was enthrallment, waiting to see if they minded her question before even asking. "Is... well are you using a form of enthrallment on them with those collars? Because... well Mikoto and Shika there don't really have any more powers than humans do from what I've been able to tell since I met them, save their senses of hearing and smell maybe, but I'd say that's more just a racial trait than an actual power really, and they aren't really any stronger physically than a human either as far as I've been able to tell. But I suppose that it isn't up to you two really, so I wouldn't want you to get yourselves into trouble on my account. But if it is enthrallment, are you giving them their freewill back at least?" Celine then asked the two, helping her companions to the floor as best she could after sitting the succubus down in the corner nearest to lady Vanquish, who still apparently couldn't be seen by anyone and still didn't look to be waking up anytime soon.

Celine sat down too for the time being while Blanche explained the situation to lady Vanquish who woke up enough to open her eyes, though that was all she could manage from the looks of it. She waited until Blanche was through talking and explaining everything to the girls before speaking any herself to lady Vanquish, leaning in to whisper it and making it look like she was just kissing her on the cheek, which she did do of course as she hugged her, pulling lady Vanquish's face around enough so she could see Celine's face. "I don't know where Slimy is at, I can only hope she managed to get away from those things since she wasn't with us, and... I lost my sword too, thank you for helping me this far," Celine said aloud to lady Vanquish where she then winked at her to get her attention to listen as she hugged her, looking glad that she seemed to be alright for the most part so Blanche and Lizzy could see her doing so. "I'm glad you're okay, we're in their hidden town in the caves. Just play along okay with what I say as much as possible okay, and let Mikoto and Shika know too when they wake up. Also none of these people seem to be able to see that succubus for some reason, and she's laying right behind you in the corner. If she wakes up explain as best you can to her where we are and to be quiet okay... and I think they've sealed your magic for the moment, but I'll talk more later when we get the chance to alone, for now just rest and recover okay," Celine quickly whispered in the barest of voices to lady Vanquish so nobody else heard but her while she hugged her close, informing her where they were, and what to do, and that she would talk more later when she could come back to do so.

"Okay, just rest for now okay miss Vanquish, I'll come back to check on you all when I can okay, I promise," Celine said aloud to lady Vanquish as she pulled away from the hug and looked back to Blanche and Lizzy with a smile. "Thank you again you two for bringing them with us. I suppose we can go on for now so that I may see your town... if that's okay I mean," Celine then said to them, bowing her head once more to them in thanks and even going over to the two and and kissing Blanche on her cheek, and then kissing Lizzy on the cheek as a show of thanks... or what she thought was Lizzy's cheek anyway.

With that, Celine would follow Blanche into town, looking curiously around her as they went onwards, taking in the sights of her surroundings along the way. "So Blanche... could you tell me more about your people here? Like how you all came to be in here instead of on the surface and whatnot I mean. And um... well... how come Lizzy and her people are here too with you all, and what they are exactly? If you don't mind me asking that is," Celine asked in a polite voice as they walked, really just trying to make conversation with Blanche so as not to be bored with only the sights around her to keep her occupied, as the wonder from the sights would wear off quickly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thanks but im sure than you would had do the same to us. Ehm, you should not fear Lizzy or any other guardian, as they had secrifice a lot to be able protect us and even when a traveler like you find them scary, the truth is than they are so kind and would risk theirs life in order to mantain us safe of the real monsters. Blanche smiled and cuddle at Lizzy rubbing her hands on the humanoid dark figure. Soon Celine asked for more info about the named Celine so Blanche take a moment to remember what she has heard. Hm, i dunno exactly, but yes i remember to heard than she caused a lot of problems and hurt some of us, but i dont have any feeling against her, im glad than nobody lost their life in that incident, unfortunately we lost many monsters so we could not use them in many of our daily works, anyway we can always hunt more. The girl said with a giggle and sit at her seat leaving to Celine to talk with her friends as much as she need.

Soon the disguised elven ask something to them what they gladdy accept to answer. Sure go ahead and dont worry, just say what you need to know. Blance let her continue before answer playing a little with her blonde hair. enthrallment? is a little more complicate than that but anyway, we had fought their race a pair of times, dont worry, they will get better soon and we already free theirs minds but they are so tired to awake at this moment, im thinking than maybe Lizzy will need to help them to wash themselves and place them at a bed, maybe in some hours they will give birth to any creature than they have inside.

Soon Celine get close Vanquish and this manage to turn to see her as she spoke. Dont worry for her, she is strong enough to find us later and is really a huge lost what happened to your sword, im sorry for what happened there, please forgive me. Vanquish weakly said, still seriously affected by the power placed at her by Lizzy and the collar at her, she looks to understand what is happening here so she remain there in order to recover herself enough to try later to at least rest at the floor in a more confortable stance, Celine could see her blush continually, squirm softly and leak theirs fluids from her lower holes, for what it looks this spell made them stay in a continuous horny state.

Blanche and Lizzy leave her kiss them, the blonde girl giggle as Lizzy made a soft sound as a purr, her skin feel strange and cold for what Celine notice, the many eyes of the creature turned to her for a moment before this nod. Are you fine to go out? well, i guess than if you insist we can go and let you know our town and maybe buy you some clothes and food for you friends.

Said this Blanche get up of her seat and give a passionate long kiss to Lizzy be fore take Celine with her, leaving the creature to stay close the three monstergirls.

Both girls walked a while through the passages and doors, the whole place looks to be had modified to endure hordes of monsters, there were at least two thousand dark creatures many resting at a side of a girl with a collar like the one than Blanche have, others were even having a private time with a girl, but ussually Celince could see the humans talking about many topics between them, even eating or jocking. Theirs hair colors were just normal ones and some of them were wearing clothes or even armors made of strange materials and even when there was ussually full armors the ussual were skimpy ones, the age of the women were from 16 to 35, the older ones looks to be really experienced and have even some scars to prove it.

Celine soon tried to ask to Blanche some things about her people. I would love to answer all your questions, but im not the type of person who caress about story and cultures, i just born here and meet Lizzy nearly after born we were always so close and well i fall in love a lot time before turn into her twin soul. About Lizzy and the others they are a precious gift given from our goddess a long time ago even before my mother born. Lizzy sacrifice her family, past and all what she was in order to be our guardian, sometimes she is a little down by remembering the past and im sure than im her only support, even when the whole town show their gratitud to her every day. Blanche words were interrupted once they reach a beautiful stone door defended by at least twenty girls and dark cratures, all focused theirs sights on the cum covered Celine, mostly for her skin color, soon one of them get close and check her as also one of the dark creatures.

All is fine, she is just a traveler and i save her with my team, my guardian already allowed her to come inside our town. Blanche said smiling and leaving the two check her guess as much as needed before the two accept to let them continue.

The door get opened and after a pair of minutes they start to g upstairs with some stone made stairs until they reach the real start of the town. An half subterrain huge town, filled with many old houses than were the house of many women, as they walk through the town, Celine could see crops at the distance, as also a beautiful lake, there was a comercial zone, but she never manage to see any money between trades, a fifth part of the population were dark creatures, these were always taking care of all the women, playing with the kids and working the fields and others places to get resources with them. Over all, Celine notice the lack of any men and the use of clothes were optional, the childs quantity was not so big, maybe Celine only could see twenty of them at the street.

Ok, lets decide where to go now, is starting to fall the night, so maybe we should buy all first, but then we could go later to look around. Blanche said as she wave again to a group of young girls giggling, for what it looks it was strange even for this town see a cum covered nude girl in the middle of the street, but it was just part of the charm than Celine have to offer to the townpeople, many whisper between them who was this new girl and why her skin color was a little different. Others bow theirs heads to her and the few childs get close smiling and asking why she have that skin color and about how much Celine must love her guardian to let it have so much fun with her. For what it looks the childs were so opened to the sex in these lands, it was easily to understand as the dark creatures and futa girls were free to have as much fun as they want in any place of the city. Far at the north Celine could see some old ruins, also at the south close where she had come inside the town she has noticed some more stairs going up, there was also the lake, the comercial zone, a small place filled with strange trees, the fields, a small cave at the east and maybe more things than she could find if she explore more.

The whole area looks to be illuminated by some light coming from the celing, maybe little sunrays than manage to get through the cave or any other light source.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well, if you say so, then I'll trust you Blanche, and you too Lizzy. I mean I owe you my life, so I feel that I must trust you," Celine replied to Blanche's telling her not to be afraid of Lizzy and her people, when Blanche then told her what she'd heard about this other Celine, she then looked thoughtful for a moment, as if thinking for a moment. "Hmm... well if she's anything like me or anyone else that's been lost in here for a while, then I think I can understand why she may have attacked you all, especially if she saw some of your people Lizzy, no offense intended of course. I mean I now know that you're kind and all now myself, but if I saw you before you found me like that earlier and was really scared or something like that, or saw several of you before just a while ago, then... I probably would have attacked you all first myself and asked questions later, considering everything else in this place has done so to me since I came into here just about, so like I said I don't think I could blame her for that as I may very well have done the same thing in my haste to defend myself or my friends. I'm sure that it was just a misunderstanding though if nobody lost their lives in the end, because if I can see the good in you all then surely she could," Celine went on to say, about the other Celine, not letting on that she knew her, and telling Blanche what she thought about the encounter from what she'd told her so far.

"It's okay there's nothing to forgive. I should have been stronger, fought better. But your lives are more important than my sword, even if it was a family heirloom. Just rest for now though okay," Celine whispered back to lady Vanquish, who seemed to understand the situation, though she would see that Celine was very sad at the loss of her family's blade and just felt incomplete without it, but was sincere in her words that they were more important.

"That would be good Blanche, and yeah I feel alright enough to head out... but I have no money to pay for food or clothing, so... yeah. Guess I'll be going naked for now at least... and probably hungry too, because the only things I had to trade with were those weapons, which you threw in the water back there," Celine replied when Blanche asked if she was fine to leave and go into the town, feeling a little down that she had literally nothing to trade with for at least a little food for the others.

"Oh... so you were born in this place? Wow, that's so strange, I wouldn't have expected anyone to be able to live in here with all of the monsters around. So where are we exactly? Deep in the mountains or what?" Celine asked curiously as they made their way towards the beautiful stone doorway that was heavily guarded by the looks of it.

When Blanche spoke on her behalf to them all, Celine bowed her head slightly to them all and awaited them to do their inspection, not moving until they let her really, where after that she followed Blanche inside and through the doors. Moving up the steps afterwards and into the town proper now, Celine saw many people moving about, and many houses, fields with crops growing in them in the distance, a big beautiful lake... hell everything in this place pointed towards a nice, peaceful, and pleasant place to live all things considered. Which was what worried Celine, she thought that it was just too good to be true, that something had to be wrong with the entire picture. But so far she found nothing of the sort to indicate it was bad in any way whatsoever. The whole place seemed to be lit up as well from the sun shining through some large holes in the ceiling of the cavern, the majority of which were probably shining down on the fields here to help grow the crops she saw.

She also saw many dark creatures around, hundreds of them... thousands, as well as even more humans all the way through the outer caverns as well up to here. It was amazing that they were able to have enough food to feed them all, but Celine imagined that some magic must be at play to help that out most likely. When she saw the few children running around playing and whatnot, Celine just suddenly felt that this place couldn't be all that bad if there were children running around here, playing and whatnot, and she wondered if there were more elsewhere around this place. "Okay, um... well I still don't have anything to trade or buy anything with though unfortunately Blanche. So unless you know somebody that'll help me out then I'm kind of out of luck here I think," Celine said to Blanche as she followed her through town, noticing a group of young women giggling at her, and when the children came over and asked her why her skin color was different than theirs, Celine giggled a little at their question and smiled down at them. "Hmhm, well I can't tell you all just right now, but maybe soon I'll be able to okay little ones, and maybe we can play after I've gotten myself cleaned up a little too and eaten something. And I wasn't with a guardian exactly, but one of them rescued me and my friends just earlier, so I'm really new here," Celine said cheerfully to the children, giggling as she wearily knelt down to one knee and smiling at them so they could see her at eye level.

She then winked at them before getting back to her feet, stumbling slightly from how tired she was, but catching herself before falling down in front of everyone thankfully. Looking to Blanche, Celine nodded to her and told her to lead on please so she could get some clothing, some food, and a place to clean herself up some so she wasn't so drenched in dried cum any longer, assuming she could pay for it all somehow that is. Looking around some more Celine could see some old ruins further to the north end of the town, and to the south where they'd come in from she saw another set of steps leading upwards, possibly to another level of the town or something else altogether, while to the east was a small cave that was probably a backdoor into the place, or it led down to the dungeon area she'd entered the previous time here or something of the sort. She would really have to explore this place when she wasn't so weary and everything later, and she knew that she needed to gain these peoples trust, starting with Blanche and Lizzy of course since she'd already met them and knew them somewhat. Celine thought that if she could gain Blanche's and Lizzy's trust, then maybe she could reveal who she really was to them, and tell Lizzy that she would do what she could to repay them for what had happened at her previous meeting with them, and beg forgiveness of them and let them know that she wasn't a monster girl herself or anything like that, and maybe, just maybe she could show them that not all monster girls were evil and wanted only to take their women here.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Well like i said, even if it was or not a misunderstanding im just glad than all decide to dont kill each other. Blanche said kindy, leaving to Celine to stay with her friends as much as she want. Vanquish just nodded, yet hthe elven could feel how she still looks to blame herself even when her usual face try to hide it.

Sorry, i was not the one throwing them and nobody would buy you some unknown swords, ussually our swords are better and dont have any risk of being affected by any unknown spell or charm. The talk ended and soon both girls leave the place.

The talk looks to continue as they walk a little more. Of course than i born here and is a really safe place, at my town. We are surrounded by mountains a place filled with underground rivers and chambers than were builded by old civilizations. The talk get stoped for a while as the elven get checked and what dont take so much time. Once inside Celine take a time to check the place.

Blanche take a moment to find out what to do now in order to get clothes and food. Hmm... there are some women who likes to do some useful things with the creatures remains of ours hunts, the dry liquid at your body and the seeds inside you could let them help you. I could also try to find a charitative soul to aid us, but it could take time and basically all are busy on theirs daily work The blonde girl take a time to Celine to decide and then they could continue walking as they found some young women and the childs playing around.

The kids remain hearing her, they had soft dresses made of skin and vegetal fabrics. You should get a guardian for you and your friends, miss.

We will love to play with you missy, we could start now. Another girl said really happy to play with the strange tanned new woman, each of the little girls looks to want to pass more time with the new woman of the town and Celine could notice how two dark creatures were close of the childs maybe looking every moment than they are fine, as also accept to play with them when they wanted.

Sorry my little ladies, but our guest is a little tired after had walked all the way to our town, lets give her some time to rest and eat a little before any game. Blanche said in a motherly tone as she aid Celine to dont fall and them take her to walk a little more until soon they reach what looks to be a old house made of rocks placed one above other and some fabrics, even then the house was really huge, ebough for ten people could live there without any problem.

Hi, is anyone at home? Blanche call at the entrance and then a beautiful mature woman open the mantle than was used as door. Welcome, in what can i help you my young one? The well endowed body of this human could show her huge family and perpetual work, as she dont show any sign of extraweight than could reduce her beauty, she is wearing a grey dress, with some bones and shinny gems, her brunnete hair is at a common comb and Celine could smell some food already made to be tasted in any moment.

Well, we are looking for some clothes an food, my friend have some monster fluids on her and also inside than you could use in exchange. Blanche said and then turn to Celine if she wanted to make the deal.

I see, these days had been filled with many incidents at the caves with some strange humanoid creatures and our resources had been reduced by all of these attacks, unfortunately i dont have too much to offer, mostly some of my leftovers and an old dress than it could fit really well on you once i clean you from all that mess.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Yeah that is good that nobody died, I agree with you on that. I'm sure she was just scared is all and made the wrong decision, but regretted it afterwards most likely," Celine said to Blanche on the matter of the other Celine, done talking about it for now unless Blanche wished to say anything more on the subject.

"Well if I still had my old sword... well it was a magical sword that my mother and father gave me, so I couldn't very well trade a family heirloom like that or anything, but I wouldn't have minded helping out with fighting or anything in exchange for you all helping us, because my sword had holy magic enchanted into it to make it stronger. And I'm not too bad a fighter really... we just kind of got swamped by those monsters out there in the wrong place. We'd been trying to make our way through the water area, and they just kind of mobbed us before we could get away, the last thing I remember was starting to lose my grip on my sword before I fainted from lack of air. I... suppose that I could be thankful that the monsters didn't just let me drown or anything like that, but losing my family's sword like that... gods that really hurt, a lot. That sword was the only memento from my home that I had when I left... to lose that, gods I just don't feel whole without it, and I can't really fight as good now that it's gone," Celine said as they approached the beautiful doors and entered the town proper.

"Well I wouldn't mind helping out do a few chores or something to earn our keep if necessary, and if anyone can actually use this stuff all over me, and the eggs or seed or whatever they impregnated me with, then sure I don't mind giving it up. I mean it isn't like I wanted to be pregnant with their seed in the first place or anything really," Celine said on the matter of getting herself and the others some food and clothing, fully willing to help however she could in exchange for it. "I think I'll need to rest a while first though if that's okay, unless it's something that could be done fairly quickly and I could wash off whatever is left that they didn't take afterwards, then get some food and clothes for myself and the others," Celine added to Blanche.

After the encounter with the children and after Blanche told them to let Celine wash off and rest some first before coming to play, Celine just smiled at them, thanking Blanche for helping to catch her as she stumbled a bit. Once they arrived at the huge rock house and Blanche knocked on the door, Celine wondered just what they were doing here when the mature, yet quite beautiful woman answered the door for them, or rather opened the mantle being used as the door anyway for what good it probably did. She could smell food already either being cooked or already done cooking inside, which made her mouth water a bit, but she didn't just storm in and eat everything in sight and bowed her head respectfully as a guest should when Blanche explained the situation to the woman. When Blanche looked to her to see if she wanted to make the deal with the woman, Celine thought about it for a moment before looking to the woman.

"Um, miss... the clothing isn't quite as important I suppose as the food, but I have friends I'm trying to trade something for food as well, there are four of us in all. I... I'll even give them my portion if you can't spare enough for us all so that they'll at least have something to eat to help them recover quicker, because they're really weak after Blanche and her guardian found us earlier in the caves," Celine said to the woman as she bowed her head to her, agreeing to the exchange if she could provide enough food for her, Mikoto, Shika, and lady Vanquish... or at least the three of them... she'd worry about getting the succubus something to eat once she had awakened. "Would what I have in and on me be enough for that much at least? I... don't really have anything else to trade at the moment," Celine added as she looked back up at the woman


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Blanche dont add more about the topic about the other Celine, in some way they should focus on what is in front of them and after this they focused on talk about the town and similar topics. Sound like a huge lost, i had heard than some of ours soldiers got really strong weapons from our goddess, but ussually is ours guardians the ones who hunt the creatures at the cave, so i dunno if they could aid you and how much strong these weapons are. Also, you should be so thankful about these monsters not just for dont kill you, ussually the underwater creatures have many ways to maintain theirs victims alive as they rape them for a long time underwater, sometimes the unfortunate victims give birth for a long time until they finally are released in a safe place if the monster have pity or get tired of her, of course than as they were many maybe they. The blonde girl inform as they reach the town.


Once close the woman who could give them something for the seeds inside and out Celine, the disguised elven explain her needs and after heard her, the mature woman think for a moment, as her eyes inspect the young woman cum covered body. I cant say at this moment if what you have would be enough for the trade, but dont fear young one, i will spare as much food as i could exchange so your friends dont pass more hungry. Said this, the woman invite both to pass at her home, the place have fabrics coming from plants, as also some pairs of skin and a hammock to rest in another room, the entrance hall have some tools to make potions, as also some storages to place all, mostly all what the woman have are vessels to store some unknowns products and potions, she take an empty one and them bring s tub where ask Celine to get inside.

It could be a little uncomfortable, over all at the end. Said this as she used a plate and what looks like a dull rake, slowly taking what Celine have at her body without cause any pain, yet the soft rubs caused her to turn hard her nipples, as the dry cum get cleaned from that place, it take maybe half an hour to clean her whole body, however there were some microscopicremains than were unable to be taken by the experienced woman, who leave the lower holes at the end. The mature woman get up and leave the house for a moment, asking to both to stay there until she comeback. She return with a metal iron bar with restrains at both sides. I will need to place your legs opened here for the next time, in that way this will be easy for you, little one. Once said this, even Blanche decide to aid the woman to tie Celine's legs on them, making her have her legs wide open to have a complete free access to her insides. Of course than Celine could still stop this for continue.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well I didn't mean I liked them or anything for not killing me silly, but I'm just thankful that they seemed to think I was worth keeping alive for the time being, else I'd have probably never met you I think, and we may have come to a much worse place to lose at possibly. So I believe it all worked out in the end," Celine told Blanche with a bit of a giggle, gently and playfully punching her shoulder as they walked in, not hard enough to hurt or even to jar her any, more of just a pat, just with her fist.


"Okay, I can't really ask more than you have to offer, so I'll take what I can get. Please, just tell me what I've got to do and I'll do it, regardless of how uncomfortable it is," Celine replied as she followed the woman inside with Blanche and followed her directions to get into the tub, doing all she asked her to do in the process.

She sat there in the tub and allowed the woman to wash her body off of every little speck she could get of the dried cum on her. When she was done washing Celine's body, Celine thanked her and replied okay that she'd stay there while she left the place. When she returned, Celine saw she had a strange metal bar that had a couple of straps at either end of it, presumably to hold her legs down as the straps went around her ankles. "A-Alright miss, I just hope this doesn't hurt too much. It won't will it? I mean I'm willing to do this even if it hurts, to get these things out of me as much as to give payment for the food and all, I'm just really tired myself so I didn't want to faint on you or anything," Celine said to the woman when she came back with the bar and began strapping the straps of it around her ankles, not stopping them or struggling to get free, as she doubted these women would hurt her outright, as they hadn't done so just yet really.

"Hey Blanche, would you mind talking to me while you're getting everything ready, just to kind of ease the tension and all? If it's possible to talk while this is going on too that would be good also, so it'd take my mind off of it all while those things are being removed," Celine asked Blanche, looking to the other woman as she mentioned talking whilst the eggs or whatever she was pregnant with was removed to see if she'd be able to do that. If she could do so, then Celine would nod and look back to Blanche. "So uh Blanche, what exactly does it mean to wear that collar? How close does it make you and Lizzy? I'm curious because most of the other people I've seen with collars are slaves of some sort, myself kind of included to a degree really, but mine is really only for show to keep certain things from hurting me in the place I'm staying at," Celine would ask Blanche, only if she was able to talk during the collection of the eggs in her womb.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The woman take Celine words and in no time she has tied the tanned woman's legs completely spread so the woman could have free access to her two lower holes. Blanche has been all the time at her side, mostly trying to give support to Celine as all this happen. Of course, go ahead and ask me what you need, if is fine with you as the cleaning go on. The blonde said and soon Celine noticed something cold going deep inside her honeyhole. The strange object fill her inside with an strange substance, what make Celine turn down a little to see the woman remove an empty vial and place it at a side. Soon the woman focused in her dirty hole, using a strange translucid substance to coax her entrance.

Even if is for protect you, that turn you at some kind of slave from the place from you come from? That is terrible Celine, the girls called Lina and Cassie are slaves too? Dont worry, you are completely free here and you can remove that ugly slave collar in any moment without get worried about it. Blanche said really worried for Celine. For what it looks she also hate any sign of slavery. Meanwhile the woman continue working, cleaning and slowly opening Celine,s back hole.

Well, this is not a slave collar and i place it myself, as also many others when we decided to be the lovers of ours guardians. You could say than it turn me into Lizzy's wife. Even a long time before be her mate, i loved Lizzy a lot, even more time before i understand than she would be one of the chosen ones to protect us. Blanche said completely in a bliss, as she softly rubs her collar, mostly all the time than she spoke of it. This collar make me feel her close me in every moment, is like we were a single being.

Just then Celine notice than something was placed to make her rear hole be permanently opened, as also it gets dilatated. The liquid at her pussy and womb started to react, turning her aroused once again and some moves from her body were making her feel really umcomfortable. More and more her rear was opened until a fist could nearly fit inside it, the substances placed at her made this get aroused and this get mixed with the pain. The woman get up and goes to find something at her closet, as the two lowers holes remain fully opened, thanks to a ring and some forcepts. The mature woman return with a strange jar from where it come out a small tentacle creature who was placed at her rear, slowly going deep inside, eating all what she have at her bowels. Meanwhile her pussy was starting to jerk without control, the torture continue for a while, maybe a whole half hour and then Celine could not stop herself of bid up as she moan in pain as also pleasure.

Please endure it, it will end soon. The woman said trying to calm Celine who fells as she were giving birth from both holes. The pleasure increased and soon she squirm in her peak, then in a moment little eggs started to get out her neithers, filling the tub where she was resting as also slowly the tentacle creature get out her ass. The event continue for a time until completely she get empty, the woman still do her best to clean her still fully opened two entrance.

With the tub having the eggs from her womb and the little creature placing more eggs out its body to store them with the others, Ceñine remain at the tub for a while as her two holes slowly return to their usual state. I was not expecting all this, so i think than you could take the dress as also par of my remain food. Thanks The woman said as she store all what she got and then clean herself before place all the food than she wanted to give to Celine at a leather bag and then give the dress so she could wear it when she want . The dress was not so different from the one than Blanche was wearing, maybe longer and the skirt was not so skimpy, the tone was softly more dark too.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she was sitting there, with her legs now strapped down, Celine talked with Blanche, who thankfully talked with her a bit. When the object slid into her pussy, Celine gasped and clenched Blanche's hand. "Oh no, I'm... well kind of a slave I guess you could say, but only for appearances more than anything really Blanche, plus my children are back there, so I must go back there anyway in any case even when I don't truly want to, and my lovers are both back where I was at too. Lina and Cassie aren't slaves themselves though, Lina is a guard and Cassie was a friend that was with me. I kind of want my collar here though, because it was a gift from one of my lovers, she gave it to me to protect me... it's kind of precious to me," Celine said to Blanche as she sat there, gripping her hand gently as the other woman began stretching her soft pucker open.

As soon as the other woman had gotten her rear open enough and pushed whatever it was into there, Celine whimpered a little and squeezed Blanche's hand. As the woman left and returned with a jar, Celine was panting a bit, the pain mixing with pleasure a bit which was dulling the pain somewhat thankfully. As soon as the tentacle creature was pulled out of the jar, Celine felt a sinking feeling in her chest as it was placed on her, where it delved deep into her bowels, sucking out everything that was in there, eggs and all apparently, though she didn't really care as long as it got through with whatever it was doing quickly, because it hurt a bit and the pain was starting to overpower the pleasure somewhat, making it hurt worse.

"I... I'll try to miss... but it really hurts a lot... I'm sure I'd be screaming in agony though if the pleasure wasn't there too. Gods it feels like I'm giving birth," Celine replied when the older woman told her to try and endure the pain as she held her hand, though Celine had tears of pain in her eyes and both the older woman and Blanche would easily see them, but Celine endured as best she could, trying not to cry out in pain any.

Not long after speaking, Celine felt the pleasure increase again thankfully, as it drowned out the pain for a couple of minutes as she peaked and reached climax, the eggs beginning to slowly pop one by one out of her womb and bowels as the tentacled creature slid out of her bum, pulling the eggs from there with it. When it was all done, Celine felt as if she'd lost a lot of weight and at least the pain had stopped now, she idly thought to herself. She sat there and waited until both of her holes had returned to their normal tightness from before, with Celine still panting a bit by the time she was able to stand back up.

"A-Alright miss, thank you... I couldn't ask for more kindness than you've shown me," Celine panted to the woman who went and got the food and even a dress for her troubles. Celine in the meantime scrubbed herself off some more as her body relaxed after the pain and pleasure she'd just gone through, where after she'd washed herself back off again she got out of the water, drying herself off quickly, but taking it slow for her genitals and her poor asshole so as not to make them hurt and ache more so than they were.

Once she was done completely, Celine did indeed take the dress and put it on before taking the food and bowing deeply to the woman in thanks, where she took the leather satchel and went back towards where the others were with it, following Blanche back out if she wanted to come with her. "Boy when she said some discomfort I didn't think she meant the pain of childbirth honestly Blanche... but I guess it all worked out in the end, because I got enough food for all of us thankfully and my friends won't have to go hungry and neither will I... at least for tonight that is," Celine said as they went on back to where the others were resting still and waiting for them to return, though she wouldn't wake them up just yet and would let them sleep for as long as they needed if they were asleep when she arrived, keeping the food in a safe place so they'd have something to eat when they woke back up. "Also Blanche... do you think that there are any other people that'd be willing to trade with my friends for food and clothing for them too? Or at least some food so they don't starve until I can come up with a better way for food for them and myself I mean," Celine added to Blanche as they walked, with Celine clutching the satchel of food close to her so nothing grabbed it from her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Im sorry, so is like ours collars in some way, but anyway it sound than you dont love that place, so even when i dont have the power to talk for our people, your lovers and babies should be welcome to live here in peace. Blanche answer holding the soft tanned girl's hand, completely clueless maybe of the difficulties than bring all here would cause.

The woman was very focused and only nod to Celine as her work continue, all the time Blanche was there trying to make all easy for Celine who passed for a long painful time. Once ended and with the bag full of food, Celine get some thanks too from the woman who looks to have a way to get profits with her eggs and monster cum.

The two soon return to where the others are, taking a time to talk at the road. Well, i heard from some girls at the front lines than you can get used to all that and with the time it feels really pleasant. I doubt than your friends will get more food in this way, the true is than all these battles are affecting ours resources, if all this continue, more girls will decide to accept to risk their sanity in order to breed more monsters to feed of them and we will need to hunt more at the caves too, to get more meat and parts to build many useful things. Maybe you could get a work mining or helping us to get more resources, but i dunno if they will let you fight with us. The human said concerned than this is one of the most difficult moments than her town is passing.

Once they reach the door, the noise of an agressive talk reach the elven's ears. Looks like three girls were mostly the main of this discussion. As she get closer she could heard them talk about how terrible the invasors are.

We should beat them soon before they reach the shrine goddess, these filthy creatures arent worthy to even lay a single finger there.

Our Goddess must not join this battle, even when with a single move could crush them all easily. She has given us enough weapons to defend ourselves, is our time to avenge ours ancestors.

I heard than some of them are already here as prisioners...

Really? well we could just throw them to the hole, so we can get more food for our people.

True, but the high ranks are still deciding what to do with them, there are some than just think in leave them free at the surface.

I cant believe than our army have these soft heart people, for me i would put them all to make usual works at the town.

Ehm... they should have theirs reason for join our army, all of us are free to do what they want.

The talk sudden stop when the doors opened and Blanche was noticed by all. She wave and they wave in return, it was unknown if Blanche has reached to heard all this, for what it looks she just dont care at all and looks to be friendly with this woman group like she act with any other people at the town. Once they had returned, the girls were cleaned and hugging each other at a hammock, the side effects of the mind control looks to be even high than before even when it looks like they are counciest of what is happening. Mikoto wasgetting hugged against her will from the others two girls, the silver neko looks hungryly how Lizzy stroke her long dark member at a corner, her hands caress her breasts and neithers as she see the dark creature pleasuring herself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I guess you could say that in a way it is similar to your collar there, it... was a gift from one of my lovers like I said and has magical properties from what she told me, though what kinds of magic I don't know honestly," Celine said to Blanche about the collar.


"Ick, I doubt I could ever get used to pain like that, even if I can tolerate it to a degree. I don't like pain and I don't like to see others in pain, but I won't balk at fighting for those I love or are dear to me. And I probably couldn't fight quite as good without my sword my parents gave me anyway... (sighs sadly)... maybe I could find it on my way out or something if and when my friends and I leave here. You know... now that I think about it, I haven't even asked you yet Blanche. Do you know if my friends Cassie and Lina are around here by chance? Cassie is a human like I said, and Lina is... well not exactly human... a gargoyle girl I believe is what she is, but I'm positive that she's got human blood in her to some degree at least. She'd be out here in this area wouldn't she? If she's here I mean," Celine said as she and Blanche walked onwards, getting closer to the room she'd left her companions in.

As they neared the room, Celine heard a few girls talking amongst each other, not even bothering to whisper it seemed in their heated discussion about what to do. When she heard the two of them talking about wanting to put their prisoners to work or throwing them into the hole so they could get more food for their people, Celine almost went straight at them with her fist right in the two girls faces, telling them that they should be ashamed of themselves, that what goddess would want them to be that cruel to anybody and expect divine protection. But Celine caught herself for now, figuring that now wasn't the time to fight, especially when she apparently had the trust of these people somewhat at this point.

Celine simply didn't look at them much as she and Blanche passed by them, figuring that she may begin to argue which would likely end with her punching the two right in their mouths, but Blanche knew them it seemed, or she was just that friendly to everyone. When they entered the room, Celine saw Lizzy pleasuring herself in the corner, stroking her member for some reason, though she didn't really mind to be honest, but it seemed to be making Mikoto quite horny from the looks of it as she was pressed between both Shika and lady Vanquish. "Thank you Blanche, for all of the help. And... I may have another way that I could help you and your people to get food, but it would involve me leaving here and for you to trust me. And now I know that it isn't easy to trust somebody in this part of the world, but I think that I could manage it. And who were those girls back there talking about exactly that were getting closer to this goddess of yours?" Celine said to Blanche as she went over to the hammock the girls were all laying on resting still, asking about the ones attacking and thinking it likely to be Vanessa's people doing so because of her, which made her feel even worse, especially now that she didn't have Vanessa's note any longer with her sword with which to show them in order to get them to back down.

"Goddammit why is nothing going my way? It's like everything is going exactly the way I don't need it to go dammit. I want to help these people, but I can't abandon Triny and Vanessa out there either. Gods please help me, I beg of you," Celine said in her head, all but screaming it in the void of her mind to whatever god or goddess would hear her plea.