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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa tried to recover the talk after the small intromision made without intention by Celine. Very well, lets return to ours business, it should be clear now than we want to avoid as much possible a fight with these humans. A suitable peace will bring us a lot of posibilities to many different areas...

Celine could see Vanessa starting again to place the small figures than represents some part of her army inside the area where is the castle.
Also her armor was in a corner close a pair of papers and books opened for maybe Vanessa in her time looking for more information of the area.

Celine tried to wear all her armor but she have some problems placing her hard member in place, there was astrange little red mark on her chest what should be result of what Prisca has made but she couldnt see her well. At the end she needed to let her dick free but she could use something to hide it before sit close Vanessa.

The General Jezebel will be the one in charge of defend the castle in case of an invasion, some of ours troops will remain here too.

To meet our possible ally, i will just take some of my own personal guards. Ours forces will be in this place, far away of any possible sudden attack by the nekos or the dark creatures. Our scout and intel forces will be ready to find any attack and the group of stealth will prepare to take down any monster or other force hidden on the forest.

Vanessa then smiled and placed her arm aroun Celine's back rubing her softly. We expect some attempts for the nekos to attack the humans and dark creatures after what happened to some of her high ranked ladies or mates of the Alpha.

In case of the humans try something we will try our best to avoid direct contact with their full force, the dark creatures are skilled in find our weakness and also take a kind of mind control on many of ours races, even in smaller number they could have an advantage in close combat. The best would be use range attacks far away from them.

This si only in case of the worse case scenario. That named goddess will mostly accept ours demands, as my personal servant will aid us to talk with them. Celine is a great warrior and skilled in many ways. Many of these humans already had treat her as a friend and has seen theirs lands to know what they will look at an alliance.

Celine now got the chance to talk as Vanessa nod and let her some minutes as the whole group looks to dont have too mcuh problems. Maybe the dark armored guys could not see her value but the ones than had meet her suppose than she have chances to do her work.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"S-Sorry about the interruption," Celine apologized as she found her armor and began getting it back on, letting everyone get back to the task at hand while she redressed and her armor got fixed back onto her with her new symbiote that now resided within her.

She was glad to hear that Vanessa wished to try and keep the peace between them and the humans in the mountain, hearing her say as such made her heart flutter a bit in fact. After finding her armor, Celine took a seat next to Vanessa after she fixed her panties around to allow her poor dick to be comfortable at least. So she used her skirt that Vanessa had given her and put it on over her armor so at the very least it would hide it mostly from view, if she could find the skirt that is in her belongings, though if she couldn't then she would look for an empty table in the room and pull the table cloth off of it and wrap that around her like a small skirt, tying it up and around to block her penis from view.

When Vanessa placed her hand on Celine's back, her heart skipped a beat again at her touch as she listened to what all was going on, taking in the situation. "I... I'm not that great of a warrior really. But I do think that we can negotiate with both sides to prevent a large conflict between our three peoples. The humans in the mountain and their goddess as she proclaimed herself seemed to be mostly trustworthy when they told me that they were willing to talk and stuff. But they are very isolated in that mountain and it's the only home they have, so of course they'd fight in any way they had to in order to defend it. So long as we don't go in there with hostile intent I think we can negotiate a treaty with them that'd help both sides in the long run. The neko's however... well I've only met one of their leaders once, and the two neko's that went into the mountain with me yesterday or the day before, they're still in there with the humans, but if the humans are willing to free them then the two of them can speak with their people to help keep a conflict from happening," Celine said when she had the chance to do so, glancing around the room and looking at the map closely to see if they had a point listed on there for where the neko's were at or their forces. "Now I'd say that the sooner we speak with the humans and their goddess the better, as it'll get things moving along faster and all. But we want to be careful obviously. So I think setting the guard up in a zoned defensive pattern around the mistress to be the best option, layering it with several lines of these zones for the guards to be in, trusting that if any foes get through the first line that the second or third lines would handle that threat so the first line doesn't have to turn and risk being attacked from behind. That's just... my thoughts on the defense of the great mistress here," Celine went on to say, giving a suggestion on the defensive patterns of the guards for Vanessa while they're out.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Dressing herself behind the main room at Vanessa's office zone or work area. Celine manage to find her skirt and so she could more easily cover what is the result of the succubi's hideout.

The talk went right and smooth, the persons around were hearing at Vanessa... maybe that fox girl was more focused on play in silence with some pieces of the map but her ears were placed to Vanessa's area.

When Celine talked and give her opinion all have different reactions. There has been some events in the mountain after you leave.

Ours troops found a huge beast leaving the cave with two girls in his back, after a thorough research we get to the conclusion than these were the two nekos who were at the group than the Great Mistress allow you to bring.
The General guy said with his ussual calm tone.

Its mostly one of them than persuade the alpha to eradicate the dark creatures as also expel the humans of these lands. The nekos already are thinking twice to face this people so if an alliance is made maybe they could decline the idea to attack them. Jezebel add, mostly trying to remain calmed in front of the great mistress.

Celine could notice an area close where she come out to meet Triny than they expect to see the nekos come out, but also some yellow marks reflect anothers possibles areas close the mountains where they could appear.

If we get the alliance all will get solved, but just in case we must be ready to the worst possibility who would be have these dark creatures close the named goddess and target us, Celine. That is why ours guards will need to have defense against theirs mind control and strange effects on ours soldiers.

Vanessa end and almost all was said, The wolf warrior lady maybe needed to say something but maybe it was just words for the great mistress.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Ah... I see. Well that complicates things for sure. Maybe we can talk to them and persuade them not to attack, but... I dunno, they seem to hate the humans altogether, whether they're the ones that did things to their people or not. Fucking prejudices always cause problems with everyone," Celine said after the two generals had finished speaking.

When Vanessa spoke up again, Celine glanced over at her and brushed a strand of her hair that was hanging down in front of her face. "Well... as for what they're capable of in terms of mental powers... well it's hard to explain really, but... the dark creatures each have a single human that they're linked to mentally. I don't know how well their link is really, but they seemed to be able to feel when their counterpart was in danger, and when they were hurt. This is just speculation on my part, but I'd wager that they have full psionic powers as well of some sort, if they're as strong as I believe them to be at least. But I'd have to talk to them about that and they might not be willing to speak on the matter until more shows of trust can be given. But I do know this much about them, the dark creatures fight to protect the humans in there from most anything that would harm them, be it demons, monsters, or what have you, they'll fight to the death if need be, and they are extremely resilient too, making them difficult to kill even when you can wound them," Celine told everyone in there, giving her thoughts on the matter and telling what little she herself knew of the dark creatures in the mountain. "The dark creatures though, from what I know of them seem to be fairly peaceful for the most part as long as no one is trying to harm the humans, though some are obviously different than others and don't like outsiders one bit. One of the main ones I met though, she seemed to be willing to trust me after I explained who and what I was to them and showed them that I wasn't a human. I told them what we wanted and that we didn't want to destroy them and wanted peace between our peoples, to better protect both sides. And in exchange for releasing all of our people that are imprisoned in there and to simply trade for other things that they may have that we don't, well we could give them some food and things like that, because they don't seem to have a whole lot of food from what I saw, just enough to get by it looked like to me. It's all women in there though for the humans, while some of them are futanari like myself... only human instead of elven," Celine went on to say, giving as much of a rundown on the small city in the mountain from her recollection of the place.

Once she had finished talking about that, Celine glanced over at the wolf warrior girl, whom she was assuming was the leader of the wolf girls in here, waiting to see if she had anything to add to all that'd been said on the matter of the possible war if their luck didn't hold up. If the wolf girl had nothing to add or anything, and nobody else had anything to say, Celine would turn to Vanessa and give her a serious look. "Great mistress, where do you want me during all this? I might not be the greatest of warriors, but I do want to help with all my might," Celine would ask Vanessa, assuming nobody else had anything they wanted to add for a few moments.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The persons on the room let Celine said all what she have in mind, not many were truly interested, but show all the respect than they could close the great mistress... until the elf ended.

The creatures raised at that mountain and the dark creatures look to had development a diverse quantity of skills than affect at ours troops, we lost many of ours soldiers inside that cave in just a pair of days. The General guy said to give credits to the words than Celine has given.

The wolf girl then asked to take the word and so she does, trying to remain serious in front of her goddess. The nekos arent the only ones having something against the humans, most all the beast races had been hunted and turned into pets for them, but thanks to the Great Mistress we found a way to survive and forget that atrocity.

Indeed, this incident is just turning alive old retaliation and placing us in a difficult position to get this alliance. The demoness said as she looks slighty close Celine's thighs.

Vanessa then turn to her lovely servant and hidden elf mate, to point at an area what was the center of all the map. Here, you will be talking with them in my name and be also my personal bodyguard, yet if all goes as planned we will dont need to fight any so dont worry.

It was a pleasant meeting for all, im sure. But now we must leave and prepare all.
the orders for every soldier has been decided before Celine has come, the guards than the great mistress has choiced must all be ready to protect her with her life, as also the gargoyle girls and wolf girls who each of them have important jobs in this meeting. Jezebel will remain as the one in charge of defend the palace and Cutey will stay too to defend the babies.

The male general has given to his forces time to get restored and would support in case of be needed, the demons also have some private orders than Celine havent heard yet and the troll should also have an army ready to fight as also the monster lover breeder sucubi in charge of the monsters at the dungeon, these maybe will be in the front line or hidden to risk theirs lifes if all get terrible bad.

Soon Celine and Vanessa prepares to leave, some fox girls servants were taking care of clean and place all in order, there havent been drinks or food in the meeting what the general's secretary succubi looks to hate as also the fox girl yawning and looking still at the maps and figures.

Do you want to do something before leave? We could walk or see ours childrens before leave. I would ask you what make you come so late, but for that sweet scent than i smell you were meeting many playful succubi. Said Vanessa with a mischievous smile. Also what means that P inside the red hearts over your chest and below your cute member? Is the initial of a lucky girl? Vanessa ask as she point between the elven chest giving a soft smile and holding her hand to leave the place. Celine soon understand than she was talking about the small marks than Prisca has leave on her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Maybe, but the humans in the mountain aren't cruel and there's too few of them to fight a sustained conflict even with the dark creatures aiding them, they're more just fighting for survival than anything. Now I'm not saying that taking our soldiers from here is right, but all can be resolved peacefully if we put forth the effort to try and lose all of the old prejudices that the races have. In my homeland there is virtually no racism or prejudice against the different races. Because we threw it all away centuries ago when the wars for freedom began, so surely we can teach everyone to do the same here, because if it can be done once I know it can again," Celine said after the male general was through talking and after she'd asked Vanessa where she wanted her in all this. "The first thing I'll talk to them about though is the release of all our people, you can be assured of that and I won't take no for an answer on the matter, but hopefully it won't come to all that," she added with a hopeful look in her eyes and on her face.

With that, Celine would follow Vanessa when she left out after she'd finished talking, noting the kitsune girls all about doing maid work about the palace. "Hmm... o-oh this? Yeah I um... met an elder succubus... well several of them actually, but these two of yours, they led me to their private sanctuary where they all hang out. There was this one succubus called Prisca... she just... wow it was like with you my love, love at first sight. She's the one that put the symbols on me, I guess to mark me as her's and to try and make you and Triny jealous, because I told her about you both and how much I love you and Triny," Celine whispered back to Vanessa as they left, her hand giving a gentle loving squeeze of Vanessa's as she followed her wherever she wanted her to go. "And I wouldn't mind going and seeing the children no, we probably should before we go I think just in case," she added as an afterthought as she held onto Vanessa's hand and kissed her on the cheek after a few moments when they were outside again and she'd collected her gear from the guards and placed her swords all back in the proper spots.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

There werent too much looks of interest to Celine and her talk of peace and freedom among all the races, yet the demons and over all that demoness turn with interest when she said her homeland. The persons at the hall tried to pass all unnoticied, but Celine could notice that strange newborn interest at the eyes of these four ones after her words of her land. Out of that moment all went normaly and so Celine holding her lover hand went to see triny and the babies. So, Prisca has you said? Well, she would not see me jealouse at all, if she love you then we will not have any problem. Now Celine, i said you to take care of what you said to the others, your people must stay out of ours problems as much as possible, as soon as they get to our continent their inocent blood will start to fall. Vanessa said after heard about Prisca and also after receive the elven kiss.

They soon reached the segurity room but Celine weapons werent there, Vanessa said than she has send them to get some maintenance and they should be at theirs chambers right now. As they walk to meet the others Vanessa sight and release her hand to hug her right her and feel her strong body. Celine, please mantain yourself out of problems, everything than i had tried has been to protect you and your race, i know than they are strong but their blood must not fall on our land to pay ours sins. The only way to solve all is make all accept that peace without any force from the outside.

Vanessa has said this a pair of times but this time, she was slighty begging to Celine to dont say more of her people, yet it was the elf who should decide it. After this they soon reach the royal chambers where the little laydy have still her guard defending the place, mostly of wolf girls fans and succubi lovers.

Triny was at the door close to get inside with Faith, the human should had went to see how was Hope and also eat something, maybe she was fighting against it but her body and mind were getting used to these daily tasks and her royal slave status. Her ponders get dissipated as soon Celine get close and see her slighty surprised of her red spots and hard member than was now close to get a small rest of her constant arousal state.

Celine, im glad to see you, some guards given us yours swords and i place them close the bed, has you eaten something? Triny get close with Faith sleeping and sucking some milk as ussual, soon reaching her side to kiss the elven before the three get inside the chambers.

There are still some issues than must be solved, so i must depart soon, when you get ready please report yourself with Jezebel at the main gate and she will prepare all for you. Vanessa then prepare herself to make a last look to Grace, moving to her baby gorgous cradle.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I understand what you're saying Vanessa, but peace never comes without a price. My people have paid that price to ensure our own freedom, and they... we would gladly do so again in order to ensure freedom for everyone else as well. Besides they're technically already here on your continent, just not in true force and merely for exploration at the moment," Celine assured Vanessa as she kissed her on the cheek to take away her worries, and she'd noticed the curious stares about her people and homeland from the ones that gave said stares at her when she spoke of those things. "Sometimes you need to ask for outside help though Vanessa, but if they do manage to track me to here I'll have to speak to them. And... I'll have to lie to them to ensure they don't try to march soldiers in here recklessly to rescue me and any innocent people that they perceive to be enslaved. Why do you not wish for me to speak of my people anymore though? Please, tell me the whole truth without hiding anything from me, if only this one time," she went on to say giving Vanessa's hand another gentle squeeze.

Once she'd gotten her answer from Vanessa, Celine followed her on back to their bedroom after finding that the security room didn't have her weapons any longer and that Vanessa had sent them off to be repaired and sharpened and whatnot to make them usable again with no worries of breaking them. When they arrived, Celine found Triny just returning, likely from either lunch or seeing Hope, or both more likely than only one of those. "Hey sweetie, I'm glad to see you too. And thank you for taking care of that for me love. I really appreciate it," Celine told Triny quietly with a smile on her face as she leaned in to kiss her on the lips, and then she kissed Faith on her little head as she rested and softly suckled on Triny's breasts for milk.

Heading on inside, Celine decided to relax for a couple of minutes ate Vanessa informed her when she was ready to report to Jezebel for assignment, at which she nodded to Vanessa and kissed her on the lips too before giving Grace a little kiss on her head. "I love you too little one, always, just the same as I do Hope and Faith, and all of the children I'll have throughout my life... I love you all," Celine whispered quietly to Grace as she kissed her little cheek and went back into the bedroom proper with Triny to be with her for a few minutes.

"Hah, I don't want to go, but I have to. I'm the only one who's spoken with them all on peaceful terms, so I'm the only one here that they'd respect and or trust enough to deal with," Celine sighed to Triny, laying back with her head on Triny's lap just under where she held Faith, smiling up at Triny.

She'd chat with Triny for a few short minutes, taking that opportunity to calm her loins down some before heading on out again with her weaponry in hand as she kissed Triny on the lips, a hand sliding up one of Triny's hips as their lips met. After strapping on her sword belt and fixing her swords onto her, with her original sword and the other shorter sword on either hip, while the other sword the large fang like one, it was fixed on her back with the hilt over her shoulder to whip over and around in a hurry if need be.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The Great Mistress remain silent for a moment, more interested in continue feeling the love from her servant elven than to continue this talk, maybe pondering if she should place such weight on Celine. It was not until Celine asked than she feels the need to talk more after her apologize. My love, why will you need to Lie? Just say them the truth about why are you here, after all you are free and soon if this goes right all will respect you. We dont need their help in this, that is all. Info leak will cause just more battles and deaths, the same will be with them at this continent... Vanessa remain quiet for a moment not sure what more say to make Celine just believe in her words and dont talk more of that continent.

Both continents are fine, both have theirs issues. Dear, i cant just let both meet each other more or ours cultures will make our people fight. Vanessa turn around slighty with just her eyes to notice if it was safe continue. Even if the people of your continent were to us like humans or gods against helpless ants, they will lost a 75% of their whole population and im talking of all the races not just elvens when these fights end, also this loss will slowly make the elvens dissapear again with the time as also others races fade after some ages, leaving just humans, succubi and demons ruling these lands over the small remains of the survive races...

That is the bitter reality Celine and why i will remain without chance in my choice. Just believe in us a little more, we dont need them.


Triny and Vanessa loved that warm touch from Celine before this get to meet Grace before what will come, the baby angel was alone with Vanessa, as Cutei was at a next room maybe planning what she will do in case of an invasion, mostly she will make her small personal army join as she increase her number with any prisoner, but nobody know what she could do against the dark creatures or the cave monsters specialized in fight non humans.

Grace was very interested in get out her cradle before Celine get close and she smiled and giggle as she rise up her hands to get lifted. It was choice of the elven do it or not but once she leave Vanessa will remain at Grace's room, maybe to pass some time with her daughters when Cutey come out.

Soon Celine return to where Triny has went, mostly as ussual she was trying to read something as she feed her glutony baby, it should be thanks to Vanessa changes on both so maybe Faith needed to feed more ussually as she was growing faster, maybe it only has passed less of a week to notice anything. Triny's book was placed aside soon when suddenly Celine get over her lap, the human nude maybe, has been taking care of her body, the lust on the place was maybe making her smell more sweet, also she looks more healty and her body looks also more seductive than when they had meet, maybe was that small change to turn her into a breeder to save her babies and her life what was changing her or the food of such high quality yet strange ingredients.

I know, but we could try to find a way to let them stay with us more time. Maybe if all this goes right this place would change and we could travel together or live in that town, there are a lot of things than we could learn from this people and...

We could have a huge warm family in that town, i could be a teacher there and earn our life in that way there or be an explorer...

The humans here are just focused on nasty things, is strange to be the only one of my race able to read or walk around, dont forget the people in that cursed room, it could be hard but we must save them.
Triny then let her worries stop to affect Celine with more things in her head, maybe the eelf needed to rest and enjoy this time to have her inerself in peace before the meeting.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I mean I'd have to lie about how I came to be here to them so they wouldn't worry love. I was captured if you'll remember, so I wouldn't want to worry them about that sort of thing by saying as much to them. It could cause problems is what I mean though, because I'm a noble and all back home. And like I said love, they'll have to meet one day anyway, and I won't live forever, that's why I'm saying that it might be best to do it sooner rather than later. My people are strong though if a bit misguided at times and overzealous about some things. I think that you would be surprised at how much they might be able to help Vanessa," Celine replied to Vanessa but didn't press the issue any more than that at first, but then she glanced over before they reached the bedroom and stared at Vanessa a little before speaking again. "Say... why would all these bad things happen to my people love? And why haven't they already happened to me if it would to everyone else? You haven't really told me a whole lot about that honestly, and I think I deserve to know as much about it as you can tell me really, considering that my own life and those of my children are possibly at risk, as well as the lives of my people that are exploring this continent even as we speak," Celine then asked Vanessa about the reasons behind this sickness or whatever that might eradicate most of the males and hermaphrodites of her race.


Seeing Grace holding her hands up to be picked up as she approached, Celine smiled warmly at her and giggled slightly. Gods, Grace was so precious, Celine thought to herself. Celine lifted Grace up out of her crib and hugged her and kissed her little cheek before holding her up in the air and carrying her around the room a little as her little wings stretched out, giving her the feel that she was flying around and hoping that she loved every second of it. She played with Grace for a few short minutes before setting her back down into the crib next to Vanessa, leaning down and kissing her on top of her little head before heading back to Triny and Faith.

"Aye, it would probably be better for her and Hope to grow up around others their own age, but I wouldn't want them to not know Grace too, so maybe we could bring them over here often to visit and stuff. Plus you teaching there might be beneficial to both sides now that I think of it. Because you could teach them that not all of the people here are bad and all that, and that both sides could learn a lot from each other," Celine replied as she lay next to Triny, rolling over onto her side so she could look at her and Faith, the latter of whom she reached over and gently caressed her little elven ears, smiling happily at her beautiful baby. "And... I mostly agree with you on saving those people Triny, but they are addicted to sex for the most part from what I've been able to tell. I'll speak with Vanessa about it some more, but for now I don't want to worry about anything right now, I just want to be with you and Faith okay. So let's not worry about those things for now. Besides, maybe you could teach everyone here how to read and write and that would improve the living conditions around here for the humans," she added before leaning over to kiss Triny on the lips as she snuggled up to her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanesa and Celine soon stop at their path to theirs chambers and this time Vanessa decided to let the curiouse lover get some of what she was asking, it maybe was the best before the meeting.

I dont wanted to bother you with that terrible illiness, not after had solved some of the problems like this meeting and the attack at our castle. The dark haired woman sigh and placed her hands on Celine's shoulders with a worried look. Dear, this sickness dont have too much symptoms who get it just continue their life slowly forgeting any worried until die in peace, men in some days, weeks, maybe months and persons like you can reach some few years. A baby futa will get maybe fifteen with luck but that is the limit than any person infected could live.

Vanessa would wait some seconds to give some time to Celine to understand it and then proceed still with some sadness in her eyes. We tried to save the elvens from here many ages ago, making the futa reproduce in young ages but the sadness in theirs hearts increased every time than theirs loved ones die and who dont fall in peace from this sickness soon do it for depression.We found the way to save ours males demons and i passed hundred of years trying to find a cure, but i couldnt and not even divine magic could stop this... any humanoid male than is not a human or demon would not have a chance to survive no matter if is an elven, a fey, an angel or even a beasthumanoid.

But, i save you and yours daughters will be fine, each of them. It is hard but i can cure futas and as more young i can have more chances to suceess, i just need to place some of myself in the futa progenitor and all her childrens will survive and resist this terrible curse has long as im alive all of you will be safe... this is mostly why i dont wanted to say anything after end the meeting, its a huge charge we cant die... or my powers will fade in all.

Celine could understand why she tried to hide this, now than she know Vanessa was not sure if Celine will act the same in the frontline or if would be possible for both of them even get out of this castle to remain all of them at alive.

I cant save all your people on these lands Celine, all the males will die in few months unless i froze them with a spell, about the futas, maybe i could save five per year, is hard to share part of myself... if someone return to your lands with each breath the curse will get expanded... even you cant go back before we eliminate this eternal curse... we are close to do it, just give me some time.

This talk was so hard for Vanessa, all the deaths, every sacrifice and friends lost at her firsts ages, maybe she could stop talking of this in any moment.


Vanessa remain watching to Celine play with Grace, maybe to calm her mind after the long talk from before, that past shouldnt be active now in these important hours. grace loved to be lifted and the love show by her papa, she giggled and hugs back before Celine raise her up making her whimper and try to return to her chest using her small ahnds and tail to wrap up but thanks to the smile on the elven and the air moving her wings she notice how good this feel and let her wings react to the breeze, her dark wings started to slowly move as instintively she plane and with curiosity see above, moving her cute shap tail to touch the ceiling just some moments until return her look to Celine and giggle, the elven could notice the small push of the angel baby wings trying to get close her, but soon Grace start to yawn.

Once placed at her crib the baby angel placed more attention at her wings, softly munching them and whimper by the strange feeling than she receive by licking them.

Leaving grace with Vanessa, soon Celine returned with Triny and both talked a while more. Celine touched her elven baby who just mumbled a little and made a cute sound as her ear was touched, Triny giggled for this and smiled before answer back. I guess is the best, i can resist to return here from time to time, it must not be so hard after pass some days here... than feels as if were months really. She daydreamed a little and continue slighty noding. I will try my best, maybe the girls in that terrible place would love to know something more than just get babies. I will need a guard or two to protect me, because maybe someone could try something and i cant defend myself without a weapon.

Celine can you stay at my side as i rest on the bed, just hug me for a minute ... you can do as you wish with me, but a long hug will be enough.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"But Vanessa, I want to know, I need to know. I trust you, but this is something that can and very probably will happen to all of my people on day apparently. If there's the possibility that me knowing everything about this could help then I must know love. Like I said before, you never know, I or my people might be able to figure out a way to help us out, even by just knowing about this curse, or disease, or whatever it is. Because ships come and go every season or so between my home continent and this one. So if we don't find something soon then they'll find out the hard way love, and... then I would be partially responsible for the deaths of most of my race and the collapse of my entire homeland," Celine said to Vanessa once she was done speaking, refraining from talking any until Vanessa was done speaking herself. "Some of the explorers have family back home like myself, so they will be wanting to go home when they return from the expeditions and stuff that we've been on. Besides, it's not fair that everyone here knows about this and I don't, yet you're asking me to place my trust in you when you have barely told me anything about you Vanessa, I mean... I don't even know what you are exactly, if you're a human, a demon, or something else altogether. Just look at it from my perspective okay love, I just... hope you can understand my need to know about this now, and my need to know as much as I can about everything here," she added, pressing the need to know everything about this illness.


"Aw sweetie, don't bite them okay, it'll hurt. Now get you some rest okay and when mommy and I get back we'll play some more okay," Celine whispered to Grace after placing her back into the crib where she saw her nibbling on the tips of her wings, with Celine gently pulling her feathery wingtips out of her child's mouth. Celine would kiss Vanessa too before heading on back to Triny and Faith for a bit.

"Oh Triny my love, don't worry about someone trying something to you. While you wear this golden collar, nobody but Vanessa can do anything to you, and she wouldn't do anything like that to you I don't think. I trust that she wouldn't do so anyway. But I'd make sure you had guards if you went to teach them, and I'll also talk to Vanessa about you doing so too so that you'd have something to do while you're here and all," Celine told Triny reassuringly as she hugged her close with Faith in one arm and Triny in the other. "And of course I'll stay for a bit with you love. But I'll have to go on when they call for me okay. But, I think I've got enough time to make love to you if you wish for me to Triny, if that's what you want of course. I'd love to, because I love you completely and utterly, though I'll have to take Faith to her crib so we don't bother her or anything. And... hmhm, when Hope comes out of the tank tomorrow or the next day, at least I believe Vanessa said she'd be able to come out by then at least, then we can have her and faith both sit with Grace so they can all play together," she went on to say to Triny, giggling a bit about the babies all playing together.

If she wanted to have a bit of fun before Celine needed to go, then the futanari elf would take Faith to her crib, kiss her on the cheek, then lay her down before heading back to Triny. She would then passionately make love to her beloved Triny, her thrusts gentle and loving and she'd take her like a maiden, for that was one of her favorite positions with Triny. She would refrain from finishing inside though, as she didn't want to get her pregnant again just yet and wanted her to not simply be a breeder for her, else she might end up like some of the poor girls in the breeding chambers. When she was done, Celine would lay there with Triny for a few minutes before getting up and cleaning herself off a bit and slipping her armor back on, once she was sure Triny was asleep.

"Cutey... will you please watch Faith as well as Grace for me? I would greatly appreciate it if you would," Celine would ask Cutey after she'd gotten ready to leave once her time with Triny was done, assuming Triny wanted it. If Triny didn't want to have any sex then Celine would merely hold her close while she laid there and dozed off with Faith still in there with them, as Celine wouldn't have needed to take her to her crib.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine, please calm down. Vanessa add at the end with a sudden deep kiss to stop the elf and her reaction to know about the curse, at the same time she slap the elven rear so it made her heart dont rush more to get a solution than dont exist. We are doing the best to stop this to get to your land, but i cant act if you dont say me all too, if i would had know before than there were so much explorers i would had moved more forces to look for them some days before of when i do it. Vanessa return to hold the shoulders of her servant and continue. We are in middle of a critical moment now my love, please believe me we can control this curse now but if we look for help at your land all will turn into caoz, this curse has been active for thousand of years and all the races were looking for the cure but there is not one. Vanessa finally started to show some feelings, her face so calm and focused in her tasks as also full on wisdom give pass to some sadness as never Celine has seen in someone at her life, her eyes tried to still hold all that pain before her breath were the enough to continue and stop Celine of dont trust completely on her

I said you before than i dont know exactly what race i am, also than my mother was a human and was used in the experiments than the dark lords tried to survive this curse and so i may be the remain of all these countless women used as rat labs and theirs babies, you dont know how is live like this Celine, just saying it make me feel all that blood in my hands but if is what you need to believe in me completely and dont show doubts at my acts again then i can endure this.

Believe at my words Celine, in my whole life i tried all to stop this curse, everything. Almost all the angels give theirs lives to stop this gods punishment, but they only managed to seal it here. So after all these deaths, demons saved and sacrifices i get the cure finaly to a kind good heart, you Celine. If i dont said you this before was because we needed to focus to survive.
Vanessa stop there and cleaned her face before anyone could see her, it was clear than she was tired and so sad to continue, her hand reached the one than Celine has been using to hold her and then hug her for a while, this time there was not any attempt to made a sexual attempt to increase the pleasure in any of them.


Just as Celine stop Grace of weakly baby bite her own wings, the divine baby made some cute blowing raspberry sounds as she then made some baby sounds and take her heart shape poit to suck at it and roll softly as she lay on the bed looking to Celine as if asking if it was right do this with her tail. Maybe Grace needs some toys when she is alone, the celestial baby looks to get bored and worried when nobody is close to hug and kiss, maybe angels are filled with love and dont share it made them get sad and filled with energy than they must use in others activities, it was hard to know really as Grace was the only angel baby and there was not any of her race to ask now with the last of them fighting to dont fall in sex madness.


I know... but its just to feel safe, i dont want to count just on this to defend myself. Triny said about the golden collar. Please say her than i want some freedom too for Faith and Hope, they must have someone too to protect them when we come here.

The two soon focused in a more important topic, the human just almost melt at Celine when she hug her and then rubs her face softly at herbody as the elven said some more. I...had in mind just rest a moment like a family, but i cant understand why i wish so baddly to have you again after you hug me, your scent is just... I cant believe how much my body ract now, please dont think bad about me. Celine could see how wet Triny is now between her legs by just that hug, then she notice even Faith having a soft red blush too... it must be something different of the changes made in both Celine and Triny by Vanessa, something new at these hours.

I love you in the same way Celine and... yes please, make me yours again, i will be fine with just some minutes. Triny soon giggle too and nods by the idea. It will be so cute, the three maybe will share a great love and protect each other, just im a little worried for Hope she is so small so i will stay close just in case.

Said this Triny let Celine take Faith to sleep apart and then returned with Triny who waited for her in need and act a little sensual yet it was truth than she tried hard but some training from an expert could help her to improve.

The moment was so charming and passionate dont caring than it dont lasted too much, both showing the love than they share as theirs bodies slowly but in complete passion start to fill theirs needs for the other. Triny slowly was earning some skills at bed, it was hard for Celine to dont cum inside her, as Triny's legs wanted to wrap her and push her deep inside, as she mantain a long deep kiss than Celine needed to break to cum out and over Triny who whimper softly by the fluid over her, the elven needed to repeat this again and Triny endurance was high yet not enough to cum faster and a time more than Celine, after all that sex with the succubi Celine still have the endurance to go on a little more before they end rsting together.

Thanks Celine... i want to have our next children when we left this place and she dont born as a slave's children, even if is Vanessa our owner... just the next time do it in... well dont cum outside but neither to get me pregnant. Triny may be trying to hide the word but she hopes than Celine understand than she have all the freedom to fill her rear or mouth the next times than dont want her to impregnate her.

They then rested in a lover like hug in the bed, the whole event has been too much for Triny so she slowly fall sleep at her lover's arms.

Cutey was talking with Vanessa now, it looks to be in part an intense moment but then the great mistress leave when Celine was still resting with Triny so when she ask to Cutey she was maybe slighty upset.

Uhm, sure i cant leave this place anyway...

Celine was leaving when she could heard thanks to her elven ears some pair of words given by the lady

"take care"
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Seeing how sad Vanessa was getting made Celine equally as sad, and she couldn't help but notice that Vanessa was surely hurting inside by her words, but she didn't truly mean anything bad by it, she merely wanted to know all she could about this disease or whatever it was since her entire race was at risk now apparently. Accepting Vanessa's kiss, Celine returned it with equal fervor and slipped her tongue inside Vanessa's mouth to wrestle her tongue a bit.

"I... I'm sorry love, but you can't blame me for saying what I did. I mean I've never had to deal with this sort of thing before... ever. And the last time my people faced a plague such as this seems to be was centuries ago, not long after we won our freedom from the old demon lords. And the reason why I hadn't said more about my fellow explorers was because I didn't know about this disease or whatever it is, and the fact that I was captured and stuff and was still unsure if you all could be trusted to not turn us into something we don't want. And... well... some of the girls that were with us before we all split up were virgins, and I couldn't allow them to lose their virginity before they wanted to and were ready," Celine replied after Vanessa was done talking and while they hugged one another, tears starting to form in Celine's eyes now as one slid down her cheek. "Please though Vanessa, when we're done today, we need to sit down and talk okay... about this disease or whatever it is and about each other. It would do a lot to ease my worries about this, and... though I hate to say it, I can tell you which directions my fellow explorers went when we split up a week or so before I came this way and was captured by your... people I guess is what they were, it's all a bit hazy in my mind honestly," she added to Vanessa in a serious but kind tone as they hugged one another close, with Celine not caring who saw her being so intimate with Vanessa.


"Oh sweetie, I wish I had brought some of my toys from home for you and your sisters to play with, I'm a noble you see, so I had lots and lots of toys... whatever I wanted really. But my daddy also made sure I wasn't selfish and everything like that. You'd love those toys I'm sure, and I had this little doll of my grandmother that my mom made for me. If I ever get to go home again... assuming it isn't wiped out by this cursed disease that is, then I'll get my old toys and bring them here for you, Faith, and Hope, and any other sisters you'll all have to play with obviously. But you can do that with your tail sweetie pie, I just don't want you to mess up your cute little wings is all, because feathers are delicate you know," Celine said where Grace and Vanessa both could hear her, even though only the latter of those two could understand her words.

She reached down into the crib one more time and tickled Grace's little belly while she suckled on the tip of her tail, giggling as she did and leaned down once more to kiss her lovely little baby. "Oh I love you so much Grace. You and your sisters all. You girls and your mothers are my everything," Celine said just loud enough so that Vanessa could hear her as she looked down at Grace in her crib.


"I know sweetie, and I've already dealt with that actually. The succubi here around the palace will help see to it that they're well taken care of and protected, and that you are as well. And we'll always have a safe place to go just in case. That's one of the things I was doing earlier, I was in the succubi sanctuary that's connected to several parts of the world, talking to the elder succubi there. One of them kind of... heh, she kind of struck that love at first sight feeling in me, just like you did, and Vanessa. She was one of the elder succubi from that place and around where she lives she's trying to get rid of slavery altogether so that all are treated as equals, and from what I gathered from her and the other elder succubi she's doing a very good job of it so far. Her name is Prisca, and... that's where these marks came from on me, if you can still see them that is, she's absolutely gorgeous, just as gorgeous as you and Vanessa really. And the three of you are the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on Triny, I truly mean that," Celine told Triny while they lay there hugging each other, with Celine leaning in and kissing her on the lips. "Hmhm, and how could I think badly of you for wanting me Triny? You, the children, Vanessa, and now Prisca too I suppose I should say, you're all my everything now. I've never cared so much about anyone before to be honest, well short of my family and friends obviously, but I care more about you than even them now," she added with a smile before she made passionate love to Triny

Triny was so passionate in return that Celine had to really work to hold herself back to keep from cumming inside of Triny. When she felt herself give out quite quickly, Celine pulled out and spurted her seed all over Triny's belly with a lewd moan before she wiped her seed off of her length. After that she slid back inside her beloved and knocked away at Triny's tight wet folds that gripped her perfectly as she went. Triny almost prevented her pulling out by wrapping her legs around her waist, but Celine didn't mind, and simply pulled herself out a tiny bit early both times she reached her peak.


"You do know though that Vanessa has said we can leave anytime we wish actually don't you? She told me so the other day in fact, but that she advised against it until a guard could be given to escort us to wherever we wanted to go, and since they're all on duty at the moment and since there could be some fighting, they can't be spared at this time. Hope and Faith aren't slaves either, I already talked to Vanessa about that too, and she told me that they are considered guests of her's and as such they can't be touched by anyone in here unless they give their leave, and until such time as they come of age that decision is ours, as in mine and yours. And I promise, next time I'll cum inside for you to warm you up real good, and I'll even talk to Vanessa about getting you some sort of birth control potions so I can cum inside all I want without getting you pregnant. Unless you want to get pregnant again that is Triny, in which case I'll make sure I pump you so full of my seed it's sure to take and give us another beautiful baby girl like me, hmhm," Celine told Triny before her beloved began falling asleep in her arms, where Celine let her go since she seemed to be so tired.

After making sure she was asleep and resting a bit herself, Celine went to ask Cutey about keeping an eye on Faith and Triny along with Grace for her while they were gone. When she started leaving, Celine stopped and turned around to look back at Cutey. "Oh? Why can't you leave Cutey? And what were you and Vanessa talking about before I came in?" Celine asked Cutey as she turned back for now and went back over to sit next to Cutey, putting an arm around the girl's shoulder for a moment as she tried to socialize with Cutey, whom she hadn't had much interaction with since coming here, and she seemed to be at least somewhat concerned about Celine or she wouldn't have said what she did, so Celine thought that she should at least return the favor and ask why she couldn't leave and stuff.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa let her lover continue talking and showing her love, she just returned the hug. I know Celine and i forget you, its not your fault and you are so young.

It must had been hard to heard about this old danger and it must be still hard to trust me... But please believe in my words, i love you Celine and its wise to dont say anything about your people in public... However, im at your side and you will always have my support so you shouldnt fear or doubt about me...

There arent secrets for you, you have free access to my castle, there are books close to turn in dust with all the information of thousands of years ago, hidden for all my soldiers but you can read them at my chambers... But what i only hold in secret is just painful events of my firsts ages and a lot of things from the past than i want to just forget.

Vanessa then just nod about the last words of the elven about talk later. Oh sure we will do that in part, in that small talk than i write in your schedule. Im glad than you also will open completely, maybe we should bring Triny and Prisca~ It was uncertain if Vanessa was just thinking in talk at that event.


As expected Grace just muffed babbled as she suck an softly bites her tail, she still dont have the strenght to hurt herself and wouldnt do it many times anyway if it dont feels so good, fortunately she can now control a little more her tail than could cut things as a bed like paper. The baby angel soon stop her munch time to giggle and enjoy her Papa tickles at her belly.

I dont think than Grace will love to share Cutey's toys and my other daughter take the rest of them and the plushes, so is a shame but we dont have any toy than she could like. Maybe we should put toys in the list than we will use at the meeting, humans babies should have some safe ones for her. Vanessa said before she and Celine kiss each other and the elf turn her attention to Triny.


... She do...what? Triny suddenly awaken fully of her arousal state after heard all the story. But... other!? And that plant girl Myrthe...? Its... fine, i guess... elf culture must be... like that... but how many wifes can an elven have? It may sound than Triny was amazed by how now Celine have other lover at the same level than she and Vanessa... heard this not only made her a little jealouse but mostly she started to be curiouse about elvens culture. Can i ask some questions? Like how is the max than you has know of wives an elf have?

After let free a little her surprise and anthropologist side she calm again. And just shaked softly her head with the last question. It just... your smell and then i cant stop to think in have you, it havent happened before than i feel ashamed for it... Thanks for look for a way to save and protect our family, maybe one of these days i could know these named elder succubi.


Once the sex ended both relaxed and cuddle, Triny was tired after the ordeal, the constant sex of this place and all what had happened to her were maybe making her get more endurance and skills in the bed but she still have a lot to learn from Vanessa and the many succubi. Do she said that? Uhm, even then this is not a safe place for them, we need to take care of watch them and teach than there are more important things than sex...

Triny then get even closer and kissed Celine some times before hug her. We have already two babies, so we are close to be like a married couple... and humans still some of them have many babies outside the cities... It will be a blessing have more babies with you Celine and i love to feel you happy when you cum inside, when that not happens even when you do it for love me... i feel like there is something wrong with me as its my duty as your wife. Use potions like that would be fine if they dont hurt our future childrens, just let me give all of me to you always. The fully red face on Triny show how embarrased was said all this but soon she hug Celine for a while and remain close her until fall sleep.


Triny remain completely sleep as Celine get out the bed, she must pass almost the whole day taking care of Faith and looking how Hope is so she must be really tired after all that sex. Vanessa has leaved and Cutey was close to do something else after the brief talk with Celine but then the elven return and amazed Cutey was unable to get away, she just let this continue and soon sit with Celine, but the demon girl soon touched ner nose and turn away a moment before calm and answer to Celine. We were just talking and she give me some orders... But i hate them... I just want to fight too... My orders are just help to defend... always that is boring and my soldiers are inmortals, why risking to lost troops at the battlefront? Cutey said slighty mad, her work sound bored but helpful in part if it manage to happen. Sometimes turning to see the hand than Celine placed in her shoulder.

Cutey frown again and touched her nose, then made a whimper and sigh...

So... Are you sure than you are now ready to go there? I cant borrow you some troops this time... dunno why i cant... try to escape is all goes wrong and i will beat them
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Listening to Vanessa speak further, Celine smiled softly at her before leaning in to kiss her once more. "Thank you love, and yeah if we can get Prisca here I think it'd be good to have her join us, but she's needed in her lands from what she told me. So she might not be able to come and speak any," Celine replied quietly as they hugged each other more. "Now let's go and see the children, they deserve to at least see us at some parts of the day after all," she added to Vanessa before taking her hand and walking on back to their bedroom, not caring anymore that anyone might see them doing so.


"Yeah, I know how to sew and stuff, so maybe I can make her a little doll of you, or me... or both maybe. But I'll see about procuring some toys for her and the others when I talk to the people from within the mountain," Celine assured Vanessa as she played with Grace some more before heading on back to Triny and Faith.

"It's actually not uncommon for my people to have harems, whether they're men, women, or futanari. But not everyone does that obviously, and those that do are usually only the wealthy. Though sometimes the not so wealthy do it too for whatever their reasons might be. And the most wives that any one man or futanari has had in the past is somewhere around a couple of dozen or so I think. And the other elder succubi told me their names. One of them is Branwen, she has blue skin, another is Sayuri, she's a neko succubus that was quite... fun but not as much as you, Vanessa, and Prisca. Then where was Hajel who took a vow of silence for some reason, but I've vowed to make her break that vow screaming my name in ecstasy. That's all of the elder succubi I met there earlier, but I'd wager that there's more of them, and possibly even some higher succubi, like ascended succubi or something on the third floor of that place," Celine told Triny, telling her of the elder succubi she met and their names.


"Oh I know that sweetie, I'll teach them personally how to fight, and survival training, while you teach them their numbers and letters since I know you're smarter than I am. And don't worry about that sweetie, you're beautiful and I love you because you're so kind and caring with things like that. How about this, next time I'll finish inside and fill you so full that you're sure to get pregnant with my baby again. That way Hope, Faith, and Grace will all have another little sister to play with," Celine said as they lay there recovering from their magnificent sex, with Celine holding her beloved Triny close until she fell asleep.


"Oh Cutey, she just doesn't want to risk you getting hurt is mostly what it is I'm sure. And she wouldn't ask you to stay behind to protect your sister over there if she didn't trust you now would she? Being asked to remain behind and guard the home isn't a bad thing. I learned that a long time ago. It means that a great deal of trust is being placed on you, and it's a big responsibility to make sure we've got a home to come back to when we're done and coming back. And... I trust you too because Vanessa does, that's why I asked you to help take care of Faith and Hope too while I'm gone... and, I love you too and I'd hate to see you get hurt by trying to fight on the front lines," Celine said reassuringly to Cutey, trying to make her not feel as bad about staying behind and guarding the base/home. She then hugged Cutey in a motherly way and kissed her on the top of her head before getting up. "Alright then, I need to be going before she sends someone after me. Take care of everything with Jezebel while we're gone okay Cutey," she added as she released her and went on out to meet up with Vanessa to head out to the meeting.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sew? Oh yes, i almost forgot that word. We must first get something to get the raw material. We have blacksmiths with soft sew skills and my dresses are from others cities, all our fabric objects come from trading or using magic at raw materials. Vanessa said, finally trying to say something to Celine after be trying to calm herself after the difficult moment of remember some part of her past. I can suppose than a Cutey doll will be more loved, so when we get the needed you should make one of her too, just dont make her doll smaller than the ones of us... she could hate too than her doll looks grow up or love it, its hard to find it out these days.


Triny get stunned in astonishment, by Celine people's harem. Well... i know than you could easily break that record in this castle... but you dont need to do it... i mean you could have enough with us. Triny said hugging her lover and slowly kissing her neck and softly rubbing her dick mostly to make her feel good as they talk. So from all of them only Prisca earn your heart? I suppose than the elves have even more lovers than wives then. If you think than i should meet them then. Vanessa could take me there one of these days, meet an elder succubi or ascended succubi sound rare and looks like they are yours friends, i guess.


The talk continue and the sex too until Celine and Triny were close to just cuddle some moments more until Triny couldnt endure the dream more at the warm futa's body cuddling at her. That would be so useful, to say the truth im mostly a field researcher focused in ruins of pasts civilizations and culture story... of humans of course, but i lack of the skill and strength to learn survival skills or fight without a gun. It looks like ours talents could combine for them.

Triny was already daydreaming but then Celine answer to her requests to be used correctly made her shine and be warm at her heart. She will be so cute as her sisters... im so happy Celine, thanks.

It may be hard, but let me serve you each time as your wife, we will have as many babies as you want Celine and we will love each of them completely. Triny said as she kissed the elven and rubs her chest and manlike member, to please her more but not to make her want to fuck her again, her body just wanted to rest at Celine's side until soon she fall tired and completely happy after their talk.


Protect her is my duty as her big sister, i dont needed an order to do it. Cutey interrupt softly frowning yet blushing by all the kind words to her- She tried to remain as always she has been acting, not showing too much happiness when Celine talked more, it was like she was maybe thinking when Celine hug her and made her squeak softly, her face get a small blue tone before she needed to breath as she endure the smell than looks to disturb her. I have a good memory Celine, say me the truth... Why you are like this with me now? Say me the reason, is because Vanessa love me, as you said? The young girl look at her, with curiosity and slighty affected by that hug, Celine has been direct with her more of a tiem, the elven suppose. Saying than she love her because Vanessa love her and trust her because her mother do it, Cutei has said than she remember all so her words should still be in her mind.

Remember than you must go with Jezebel first to get your position in the fight, maybe even a creature to ride to the battlefield, take care Celine. She finally said after their talk ended.

The place was calm around teh chambers, there were some succubi waving to her, maybe some had been there at the talk and orgy, Triny remain sleep and the babies werent doing too much noise, Grace would get bored soon so Cutey will have just some moments to prepare all her soldiers to guard the castle. Qamra was not in any place, Celine havent heard of her after the incident, the many troops were moving and placing in theirs positions and Vanessa was maybe in the most safe place at the army.

After look a while she found the General Lady giving loud orders with her ussual perfect vocabulary and manners than could castrate any viril male.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Heh, if you like I can teach some of the girls around here how to sew for you, so that they know how to do it themselves and you won't have to get the dresses themselves and can have them tailored here yourselves, and I'll make one of you, myself, Cutey, and Triny," Celine told Vanessa with a smirk.


"Hmhm of course I could break that record here. There's plenty of beautiful girls around here that'd love to have some fun with me I'm sure. And yeah Prisca was the only one that was love at first sight like with you and Vanessa sweetie, but there were plenty of them that I'd love to have some fun with. And I wouldn't say no if any of the other elder succubi wanted to be my lovers like you three," Celine told Triny with a grin. "And I can take you there in a few days time when everything has settled down some more. I actually went there to secure a safe haven for you and the babies that was away from harm," she added to Triny as she hugged her close.


As they lay there while they recovered after finishing up, Celine listened to Triny speak some more and simply lay there smiling at her. "So you were an archeologist then? There's a few of them back in my homeland, one of my aunts is one in fact. She enjoys studying the old ruins of our past. You'd get along real well with her I think. And of course all of our children will be beautiful girls, and any of them that are futanari like me will be the talk of the palace here, and all of the succubi will just adore them to no end and will dote on them all the time, which I think is great honestly," Celine cooed in Triny's ear as they lay there with one another, kissing her on the cheek after a few moments. "But while I may want lots of children Triny, I'm not going to push you and tire you out to have a large family like that though okay. So I don't want you talking about how you want to have children one after another like that okay sweetie. I'd rather you be healthy and safe than sick or pregnant again and again Triny, remember that my love, you mean more to me than another round of sex, or something like that okay," she added to Triny before she fell asleep and Celine got up.


"Hmhm, I wasn't ordering you to do it Cutey I was merely asking you to. And yes that's one reason, because I love Vanessa, but that's not the only reason Cutey. Another reason I'm acting the way I am now is because I've gotten to know you more and more since I first came here, and I've come to love you as one of my own Cutey, and I would protect you as my own child just as I would Grace, Faith, or Hope. You're Vanessa's daughter right? That means since I love her so much and want to marry her, that you're technically my stepdaughter, and my people believe that if you love someone so much and wish to be with them like that, and if they have children, then you should love their children like your own," Celine told Cutey as she sat there holding her, smiling warmly at her as she hugged her close before kissing her on the cheek again. "So you can always tell me anything that troubles you, and you can call me papa if you want to, and you can always rely on me to help you with whatever you need sweetie," she added as she gave Cutey another motherly hug before she nodded and went on after Cutey mentioned the need to go see Jezebel to find out where she needed to go.

As Celine left Cutey there with the children, she noticed some succubi around that'd been at the meeting she had earlier with the elder succubi waving at her, which she returned the wave to them and gave them a wink or two and a shimmy of her butt at them all after getting her armor back in place. "Ladies... I have a favor to ask of you all if you'd be so kind," Celine told the succubi as she passed them by, stopping to speak to them. "If by chance something happens and the palace here is breached. Will you girls please take Triny, Cutey, and my children to the succubus sanctuary for me, and protect them? I have another child in the infirmary here who is in an incubator of sorts because she was born premature, but I have faith that Branwen and the other elder succubi have magics powerful enough to care for her, which I would greatly appreciate and would gladly repay every single succubus for with a night with me," Celine went on to say to the succubi there before heading on.

As she went on, she recalled Qamra and the fact that she hadn't noticed her around lately. She hoped that the poor wolf girl was alright and hadn't gotten into any trouble. Either way, she hadn't the time to go looking for her right now and went on to find Jezebel, whom she found barking orders around at people to get them all into defensive positions, which Celine hoped wouldn't be needed. "General, where do you need me? And how quickly do you need me there?" Celine asked Jezebel as soon as she saw an opening to do so.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thanks my love, i will find out later who could enjoy it, is a shame than we dont have driders right now at our army or service. I could also use some of my powers as i sometimes do to modify them. The great mistress said still resting close in a seat, as Angie play with Grace before leave.


Triny whimpered softly as Celine talk more about all the girls at the castle and the chance of get more wives. Oh sure, but take your taking to choice them Celine, its still hard for me dealing with Vanessa, we love you and all but we havent too much time to talk, but i will try to get along her more and with yours others lovers. Celine then remember the talk with Branwen about dont talk about other succubi in front of who she is loving now, maybe Triny or any other girl would feel the same.


Once the sex happened Triny was finally close to sleep yet the talk continue and she just hug her mate to rub her back and grople her rear a little more, feeling Celine's dick between her thighs. Yes an archeologist...yawn.

I will be glad to meet your aunt, mostly to share experiences and talk about ours cultures... I dont want to be just another round sex... or just a common lover... i want to just help you as best as i can and be your wife.
Triny said with her eyes heavily pressing her to sleep and so she do it almost when she ended to talk and cuddle at Celine.


Cutey let the elf answer her needed question, she was not intersted in the start but soon Celine notice a soft smile in her mostly in the part where she said why she has changed her way to act with her out of Vanessa's point of view. She let the elven hug her and some teardrops started to form at Cutey's eyes as the elven get even closer. Then when she said than she could say her anything the young lady dont wated time to say it.

Now than you said it...Papa, you have an intense succubi's reek on you, but Vanessa said than i must not say you so you dont take a bath, there must be a reason for that. Cutey said covering her nose between what she said to celine.

You can go now without worries, i will try to protect all of yours daughters and that human too, just remember to dont hug me more until take a deep bath


The time to leave come and soon Celine leave her loved ones, there was not time to take a bath and she could smell the sweet scent on her, it was like the mix of flowers and others pleasant scents mixed in delight synchrony.

.Oh Celine. Sure darling we are here for that A green haired one said, she have a well made succubi, but not so perfect as Prisca's body. The girls were wearing one a dress, and the others mostly an even smaller underwear, it looks like they were passing the time fucking around with some stressed soldiers before come here. We will have all under control but the big ones have a vow of just defend and never attack unless is needed. So mostly we will take all the kids to a safe area as the battle go on and the castle is in danger.


When Celine get close the army getting ready to defend and the other to march to the meeting, she needed to give to jezebel some minutes to prepare all, at the end all get ready and just some soft of a few of soldiers was the cost. The sobbing soldiers soon noticed the scent at the place and with some patpats of theirs brothers in arms get ready to fight as they just turn to see from where that arousing smell come.

Dammit, sure go just at the front gate and then you will see a bunch of cavalier units, if you dont get one then try to meet the Great mistress maybe she could allow you to get inside her carriage. Jezebel looks to also have something against Celine's new perfume but all the others were more focused on her and if she werent dressed maybe even a succubi or two would jump at her now. So Celine could take a horse for her or go at the carriage if she have luck.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Alright Triny, you don't have to worry about that, you're my wife... if you want to be that is. I'll talk to Vanessa about us having a ceremony and everything when we get the free time to do so, and yours will be first no matter what okay. You're my first wife, because you got pregnant first with my children Triny, remember that. No matter how many lovers I get, and who they are, I'll always love you no matter what," Celine told Triny with a loving look in her eyes as she began thrusting away.


"Aw sweetie, you could never be just another round of sex to me. I love you with all my heart. We elves are capable of a lot of love when we put our minds to it, and we're a free people is why we generally have many lovers. Now get some rest my love, so that Faith will have her mother to play with when you both wake back up," Celine told Triny just before she conked out from exhaustion.


"Heh... I suppose I do since I was in that sanctuary they have and all and was speaking to the elder succubi. So that's probably why I've got their scent on me and all. I don't know why Vanessa would tell you that though, because she knows I'm just going to take a bath soon. But... maybe there's a reason she didn't want me to bathe beforehand, maybe it'll help to make the ones we're talking to a bit more pliable and all, at least I hope so anyway," Celine said to Cutey with a smirk as she chuckled a bit. "Also, if worse comes to worse, find some of the succubi and tell them to take you, Triny, and Grace, Faith, and Hope to their sanctuary, I trust that your magics are strong enough to keep Hope alive until she won't need that incubator anymore Cutey, and I love you. Stay safe okay and don't push yourself," she added to Cutey in a loving motherly tone before kissing her on the cheek one more time before leaving, giving her a wink as she went out the door.


"Okay ladies, thank you so much. If worse comes to worse take Cutey with you too, I don't want her to get hurt either and she's still young," Celine added to the succubi before moving on.


"Okay thanks, and... sorry about the scent, I didn't notice it until just a few minutes ago myself honestly. I'll head on, but... I think it might have calmed a few of them down a bit from the looks of it," Celine replied to Jezebel before heading on out to the front gates to try and catch them before they left, hoping to grab a horse for herself, but taking the carriage if not without any squabbling over it, as she didn't mind being with Vanessa.