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ranger Test Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This is my character sheet.

There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Without me, my character sheet is useless.

Without my character sheet, I am useless.

Name: Revalli
Class: Witch
Race: High Elf
Sex: Female

Body: 10
Mind: 4 + 44 + 12 = 60
Spirit: 4 + 6 + 4 = 14

Hit Points (HP): 47
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 72
Spirit Energy (EP): 69
Speed: 10
Dodge: 42
Armor: 0 (7)
Resistance: 30
Perception: 24
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 10

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

2x Exceptional (+8 stat points)
Focus in Nature
Focus in Water
Focus in Fire
Conjurer (+1 to spell level of summons)
Concentration (+8 Casting)
Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP)

*Open Soul (+4 EP damage)
Sensitive (+4 PP damage)
Fetish: Supernatural Partners

Mutations: 3/12
Whip Tongue
Soft Skin
Foul Aura

Base Casting: 38
Favored Elements: Fire, Water, Nature
Magic Feats:
Empower Spell
Conjurer's Trick
Druidic Secrets
Blood Magic

Spirit Ceiling: 14

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
50 denarii

Revalli was born to an exiled family of elves who lived in the snowy forests of Northern Crolia, and was raised to follow in their increasingly perverse traditions. Though unable to do so herself, Revalli's mother often summoned demons to teach her the magical arts, and she grew increasingly comfortable around them as she grew to adulthood. Though her parents both favored the darker aspects of magic, Revalli herself preferred more elemental magics. Though she hasn't followed in their footsteps, her parents didn't begrudge her her choice.

With their home nestled into a small hidden valley surrounded by wilderness, they were largely left to their own devices. That all changed with the invasion and the war with the orcs. A small patrol of hunters attacked their home, and her father quickly learned of the worldwide invasion from some of the contacts that he maintained outside of their family. Her parents told her and the rest of their extended family about it, but it was agreed that no action would be taken, and they fell out of contact once more. A few months later, a group of orcs stumbled upon their secluded mansion, and they learned of the orc's invasion shortly thereafter.

That was enough to push some of them to action, and Revalli was one such. Leaving her home, she set out to see what could be done to help her estranged people.

The OOC section:
Lets do some stuff!

I'll put up a backstory later
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Re: ranger Test Thread

It was raining and not a soft warm rain of spring nor the hot heavy rain of summer this rain unfortunately was the nasty whipping cold rain typical of Northern Crolia in the fall. Normally this wouldn't have posed a problem for the young elf but her recent crusade to help her people left her at lest for now with out a stable roof over her head and her most recent shelter in the form of a abandoned barn had just collapsed on itself leaving her where she was now.

Thankfully it wasn't one of the rare thunderstorms that cropped up every few years and while the heavy rain and wind made it difficult to see very far she could still make out the old road she had been following. Knowing that farmers rarely lived in the middle of no where she could hazard a guess that a settlement should be relatively close. She could make her way following the road or see if there was any shelter near at hand either way Revalli had a choice to make and soon What little light made it through the rainstorm was fading fast and no one wants to be lost and exposed to the elements for long in Crolia.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Max 69/69 Condition: Cold, Wet, Annoyed?
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli glared up at the sky in great annoyance as the weather continued to beat down upon her. She'd damn near had a heart attack when the roof of the barn had collapsed, and had spent the last hour on the road cursing whoever had built the shoddily constructed thing and the accursed weather that had caused it in intervals. She idly regretted leaving home, not for the first time, but didn't even consider returning at this stage. She'd already come too far for that. She also considered pausing long enough to perform the ritual to control the weather, that would get her out of the storm at least, but decided against it. Such powers weren't to be used lightly, that much her parents had made abundantly clear in her training, and she understood why altering the local weather might be harmful well enough to avoid risking it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Having few other options, Revalli pulled her soaked robes tightly about herself and pressed onwards, moving as quickly as she could while still remaining reasonably alert. She'd like to find some sort of shelter, even if it was just another barn or somesuch, and moving along the main road seemed like the best way to accomplish that. There had to be something....
Re: ranger Test Thread

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: Max 69/69 Condition:
Perception: 27 vs 20 Success Revalli has noticed the fire
Perception: 39 vs 30 Success Revalli has heard something to her right
Rain and mud rain and mud seemed to be the only thing in the world as Revalli continued down the old road. Her foul mood only worsening as strong gusts of wind and rain caused her to shiver with cold. Even preoccupied as she was with the rain and cold Revalli kept an unfailing watch of her surroundings and was soon rewarded with catching a glimpse of firelight through a group of trees at a bend in the road. She couldn't help but feel a slight smile form at the thought of a warm fire. However a new thought came mind what could stay burning in this weather? Pausing for a moment at lest Revalli's sensitive ears picked up a groan off to the side of the road. Looking off to the right where the sound originated proved futile as the road seemed to drop off into some irrigation ditch preventing her from seeing the source of the noise.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli started toward the fire almost reflexively upon sighting it, but she kept herself just alert enough to hear the groan from nearby. She stopped in her tracks instantly and gazed around, but couldn't see the source of the groan from the road. Still, there was no way that such a sound could bode well for anyone, and Revalli hadn't come this far from home without being cautious. Fortunately, her skill at magic gave her plenty of options in that regard.

Focusing for a moment, Revalli worked a simple spell that would allow her to move through the brush as silently as a hunting cat. Taking a moment to glance into the irrigation ditch that bordered the side of the road, Revalli searched for a way over it in her surroundings so that she could ascertain the source of the groan. She remained as quiet and hidden as she possibly could, which was no small amount considering the skill with it that her magic granted her.

Cast Nature's Lore, level 3 Buff spell from the Nature element.
Mind/6 = 10, +1 = 11 * 3 = 33, rounds down to 32. Buffing Stealth, then sneaking about in the bushes. Costs 4 EP plus 1 EP upkeep every round.

Sneak about in the bushes in search of the source of dat groan.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Casting Check 46 vs 20 Success!
Stealth 57 vs 23 Success!
Perception 28 vs 25 Success!

Revalli heeded her intuition and cast her spell letting the essence of Crolian snow panther flood her senses. Brief instinctual thoughts of hunting came unbidden to her mind but quickly faded as Revalli made her way into the reeds growing out of the irrigation ditch. Finding a small foot bridge proved to be a boon and saved the already soaked mage from a dousing in the standing water at the bottom as well as a relatively clear view of the ditch. Free of the concealing reeds at the crest of the ditch Revalli soon found she was not alone. About twenty corpses lined the banks of the ditch. Several of which looked to be waring heavy armor. Undoubtedly the noise she had heard had come from this grisly scene which meant that at lest one of these poor souls was still alive. However telling which one would mean getting closer or some other trick to spot the survivor.


Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 65/69 Condition:
Nature's Lore Revalli: +32 stealth -1 ep per round
Re: ranger Test Thread

As she turned to look into the ditch and saw the line of corpses on the bottom of it, Revalli recoiled in horror and very nearly tumbled off of the bridge. The elven sorceress only hesitated for a moment before she managed to recover from her horror and went to the end of the bridge, carefully climbing down into the ditch and ignoring the bloody water on the bottom. She had to help whoever had made that groan, as that meant that they were still alive, but finding them among the bodies would be difficult and could take more time than the wounded person had. There was nothing else that she could do, however, and searched each of the bodies quickly in turn, hoping she found the survivor before he could expire from his wounds. As she searched, Revalli attempted to discern who these men were, as well as their race.

If she finds anyone alive, cast Way of Nature on them. That's a level 4 Nature spell, trying to heal them obviously.
Re: ranger Test Thread

As Revalli made her way into the ditch she couldn't help but get mud and unfortunately some gore on her cloths during the decent. Reaching the bottom she began her search. The first few bodies she came across where obviously dead and appeared to be orcs from their ragged attire and armor. The dead orcs had large gaping wounds caused by some sort of large slashing weapon. The next few bodies she came across seemed to be a mix of human peasants and orc warriors all dispatched with similar wounds. The first heavily armored figure she came across was human. This man seemed to be waring a very ornate suit of plate and she wondered why it hadn't been stripped from his corpse. As she rolled the poor man over the answer to her question became clear. The breastplate of the armor had been caved in with a mighty blow crushing the young man's lungs which had probably been a very painful and slow death from asphyxiation. Deciding that he was not the one she moved on. Stepping over the lifeless corpse and around another orc warrior and his severed head. After passing some more dead peasants she soon came upon another heavily armored figure. This poor soul was laying on his side with a large spear through his chest and out his back. Stopping a moment to let her stomach settle she surveyed her surroundings. Having almost reached the end of the bodies she was beginning to have doubts that any of these men where even alive.

Looking at this sad sight it wasn't hard to guess what may have transpired. Revalli could surmise that an orc raiding party had ambushed this farming village and this band of Crollian Knights and soldiers had intervened. Doubting the Knights would dispose of their dead in such a manner she had a good assumption on who had won the day. Kneeling down to the young knight who was before her she tried to come up with something to say. Just as her hand touched the young knights arm he groaned again and rolled over looking right at her.

Nearly jumping out of her skin she couldn't help gasp in surprise. As luck would have it she had found the survivor. Though giving his state survivor would be a very optimistic statement. The young knight was wearing officer colors and bronze platemail. He had a very handsome face (well for a human anyway) and his blonde hair and pale skin where smeared in blood and mud. His blue eyes stared into Revallis own as he tried to speak. "Orcs took the villagers n..n...north" the young man was forced to stop as a coughing fit brought up fresh blood from his lungs to bubble out his mouth. Though wet and labored he was still breathing and continued to speak. "Y....y...y.yo....you must stop them" The young dying knight grabbed at her arm in desperation before another coughing fit forced him to stop. Not moving any longer but still struggling to breath the young knight closed his eyes waiting for the end. Revalli had a choice the young knight was still alive and she could try to heal him but he might not survive anyway. Plus she could lose track of the orcs during the attempt. Or she could leave the knight to die and chase after the orcs immediately if she so chose.

*note: Let me know if she wants to loot the bodies
Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 64/69
Buffs: 1/3
Nature's Lore Revalli: +32 stealth -1 ep per round
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli didn't mind overly getting dirty overly much, even if some of it was the blood of the dead that now practically surrounded her. Several of the dead were orcs, she found, but others were apparently human peasants and a few were knights bearing distinctly Crolian crests. Her parents had an extensive library, and she recognized the detailing of their marks even if she couldn't quite place a name to them. Thankfully they hadn't been gone long enough to start smelling, but such thoughts were quickly dashed from her thoughts as she found the survivor among them.

The young man awoke and began to speak in a panicked voice as she came upon him, and she brushed some of his blond hair out of his face and soothingly said, "Shhh... It's okay! I'll take care of them, but first I need to take care of you!" Orcs had taken a group of villagers. Though she was hardly the most experienced woman, Revalli had heard enough stories about the beastmen's slaving practices to keep her up at night sometimes. Whatever fate awaited them couldn't possibly be good, but at the same time, she couldn't simply leave this man to die like this.

Seeing him close his eyes and feeling the pressure on her arm lessening, Revalli barked sharply in a manner that would hopefully grab the man's attention, "Don't you dare close your eyes! Look at me!" If he didn't open his eyes Revalli slapped him in the face, but when he did she look at her again she said, "Don't you close your eyes again! I'm going to get you out of here!" With that, Revalli prepared a powerful spell and promptly kissed the knight lightly on the lips, pushing a fairly complex bit of healing magic into his body in an effort to stave off his impending death. The magic didn't actually need to be administered through the mouth of course, but she had always felt that such efforts were more effective when the recipient had something that their body was happy to receive. And, well.... The fact that he wasn't particularly bad looking helped her feel comfortable with that course of action.

Assuming he didn't drop dead immediately from that, Revalli began pouring more potent healing magic into his battered body, praying all the while that she hadn't arrived too late.

Revalli drops her buff and casts Regeneration on the knight, a level 4 Nature Spell.
Regeneration (Utility) [The target of this spell, who must be a creature whom the caster touches, heals 10 HP per round. This spell lasts for 10 rounds, or until the subject reaches full HP and stays that way for 1 round. The effects of this spell are not multiplied by its level.]

Then she starts casting Way of Nature (a level 4 bolt healing spell) on him until he stabilizes or he dies. If he dies, she'll search the bodies for loot. If he doesn't die, she'll drag him out of the ditch and *then* search the bodies for loot.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Casting check: Success! no contest.
??? perception vs Revalli stealth 18 vs 10 success
Revalli perception vs ??? stealth success!

Revalli gave a sharp but short yell which caused the mans eyes to flutter open briefly before losing focus and begin to close. Sensing she was losing him again Revalli gave the man a sobering slap to his face. The knights head shook from the impact but had the desired effect of forcing the knights eyes open again. "Don't you close your eyes again! I'm going to get you out of here!" Bending down to meet the knights lips with her own she felt her spell release leaving a pleasurable tingle on her lips as they parted. Feeling moister on her lips Revalli licked it away without realizing what it was. The strong coppery taste of blood assailed her taste buds and was soon followed by fast and frenzied blur of images from the young mans life. It happened so fast she couldn't hold onto much of what she saw except the young knights name.

Confident that her spell would keep the knight with her for a little while longer Revalli attempted to haul him out of the ditch but his dead weight and heavy armor made it near impossible for the young elf to even budge him. Looking over the bronze plate a sense of irony filled her. The armor had been meant to keep him alive was making him too heavy to move thus endangering his life and the spear itself which had caused the injury was actually preventing the knight from bleeding out. Acting quickly Revalli dropped a minor healing spell into the knight and pulled the spear out causing the young knight to scream in agony before fading back into unconsciousness. With the spear removed it was a simple matter to remove the armor and pull the young knight out his impromptu grave. Checking him over once they had left the ditch Revalli was pleased to see the regenerative spell had done its work and the spear wound had sealed itself. Slightly exhausted Revalli took a moment to regain her energy when she heard a distant growl from behind her.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 58/69
Hp: Wounded Pp: Max Ep: Max Condition: Unconscious
Active spells:
Regeneration Knight +10 hp per round 9/10 rounds left
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Re: ranger Test Thread

The process of getting the knight out of the ditch was harder than Revalli had originally thought, but after a short while he was pulled up onto the road. She'd left his armor down there, but Revalli suspected that he might not mind that too much under the circumstances. Exhausted and filthy, she settled onto the ground beside him to watch the man as the storm worsened, but she wasn't given long to rest before she heard a growl from behind her. Without even thinking about it she spun around, a spell already on her lips as she conjured some help from the ether.

Revalli casts Spirit of the Bear, summoning a bear. Rawr.
Spirit of the Bear (Summon) [This creature gets the Exceptional, Hard Hitter and 2x the Pain Resistant Talents.]

That's a 4th level Nature spell that conjures a bear. Rawr.
After including Conjurer, her focus in nature Talent, and her Druidic Secrets feat, the thing should have the following stats:

Body = 10 + 2 + 4 = 16 * 5 = 80 + 8 = 88
AV = 5 + 18 = 13
Natural Attack Damage = 29 + 8 = 37

88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37

She's putting it between herself and the sound of the growl, if such can be easily discerned.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Casting check Success! 62 vs 30

Revalli thankfully quick of thought as well as action completed her spell as she spun around to face this new danger. The bright green flash that had accompanied her spirit bear briefly illuminated a small area around her reveling 6 sets of yellow eyes spaced roughly in a semi circle. Wolves! They must have smelled the corpse in the ditch and came for an easy meal. Thankfully her bear was keeping them at bay its own growls and vocalizations drowning out the other beasts. For several uneasy moments the wolves maintained their circle as if weighing the decision to attack or flee. Revalli's own heart beat fast as the stand off continued neither side budging. If the wolves where hungry enough they would attack. She could wait for them to act or do so herself.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 58/69
Hp:injured Pp: Max Ep: Max Condition: Unconscious
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and angry
Active spells:
Regeneration Knight +10 hp per round 9/10 rounds left
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli scowls darkly at the sight of the wolves moving in to feast upon the dead. Still, she wasn't one to argue with the creatures over some corpses left in a ditch, not when there was a living man that she had to save. They were clearly hungry, but unless the beasts were highly corrupted it was likely that they would leave her alone in favor of those already dead.

Backing slowly away from the hungry beasts, Revalli does her best to maintain a watch on them and keeps her bear moving with her. She lifts the wounded knight as best she can while maintaining her vigil, ready to cast a spell to summon vines that would bind the beasts if they attacked.

88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37

If the wolves attack, summon some vines.
48 Body, 60 Grapple, 24 Dodge, 3 AV, 24 Resistance, 22 Perception/Stealth, 14 Speed, Tentacles

This spell in particular, a level 2 nature spell
Entangling Vines (Summon) [This creature gets the Tentacles Special Mutation, the Sluggish Flaw, and the Grapple Expert Talent. When this creature is summoned, it automatically attempts to grapple the nearest three creatures.]
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli's intuition served her well. No sooner had she began her slow retreat the outlying wolves dashed for the ditch attempting to get as much meat in them before the pack-leader restored order. A little shutter came to Revalli's body as her own imagination was helped by the sounds coming from the ditch but that was the nature of the beast and at lest she would be free to tend to the knight. Her burden the young knight captain was starting to groan in discomfort and would soon be awake. Doubting the young man would take hearing his former soldiers being eaten well Revalli moved as fast as she could away from the ditch. Feeling confident that no other living people where present to threaten her the bonfire in the distance seemed like a good choice. Other than that she could try to find another building to shelter in until the young knight awoke.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 58/69
Hp:Hurt Pp: Max Ep: Max Condition: Unconscious
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and angry
Active spells:
Regeneration Knight +10 hp per round 8/10 rounds left
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli tried her hardest to ignore the sounds that the pack of wolves were making as they tore into their meal, and was thankful that she couldn't see into the ditch from here. A part of her was annoyed that she hadn't been able to search the bodies, but she wasn't about to go down there now and quickly counted it as a loss and moved on. The only obvious place to go was the fire she'd spotted, but knowing that orcs were in the area led Revalli to be cautious lest she stumbled into an ambush. Casting a quick but simple spell in order to protect herself, Revalli then lifted the wounded man onto the bear spirit she'd summoned and then approached the campfire slowly and in as nonthreatening a manner as was possible. She was glad that the rain washed the blood off of her, and made sure to keep herself a good ways ahead of her summon. She ordered it to stop a short ways away from the source of the light, trying to see who had made the fire before they saw her but not holding much hope for that particular outcome.

Maintain presence of bear. Cast Power of Chaos, Level 2 Entropy Buff, to increase Dodge by 20 for 2 EP. Equip wounded guy to bear. Approach fire, first by herself and calling over yon bear medivac if things look safe.
88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli perception vs ??? stealth: 29 vs 22 Success!
??? perception vs Revalli stealth: 23 vs 10 Success!

Revalli cautiously approached the bonfire keeping an wary eye open for any nasty orc ambushes. Proceeding around the bend she soon found herself in front of a large structure that was completely a blaze. A brief inspection of the burning building inclined Revalli to figure it was a type of church or even small rural abbey. This building alone was probably the reason any Crolian knights where even stationed here.

The blazing building cast its light on the rest of the darkened structures nearby. Many of the buildings had windows and doors broken down or busted in more than likely a sign of the orc raiders. Still cautious Revalli continued her watch and soon caught a glimpse of fire reflected by steel. Her eyes quickly darted up and met another pair straight on. Reading a spell she was quickly silenced by a soft feminine voice. "Hold stranger I mean you no harm." The owner of the voice stepped from the shadows her long blade lowered in a nonthreatening manner. From what Revalli could see the young woman was dressed in elven plate with a longsword and large round shield. She had dark colored hair either brown or black and she wore a bloody bandage over one of her purple eyes. Her features appeared to be a mix of human and elven. "Please stranger tell me are you the reinforcements we asked for? and do you have any spare food the children I have been guarding have had little to eat for most of it was taken by the orcs."

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 56/69
Hp: Max Pp: Max Ep: Max Condition: Unconscious
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and equipped with knight
Active spells:
Regeneration Knight +10 hp per round 7/10 rounds left
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37
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Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli's face fell as she realized what the bonfire was. The orcs had done this no doubt. Was there nothing that the foul beastmen would not destroy? She was momentarily distracted by her dark thoughts toward the group that had done this, and thus very nearly unleashed a spell in surprise at the steel-clad figure that had suddenly appeared. She stopped herself from causing the woman any harm and sized her up, noting her elven armor and violet eyes (or eye depending on what was underneath that bandage) with equal interest, and wandered about her parentage as she recognized both human and elven features about her.

Revalli's voice was tight with anger and bitterness when she replied to the woman's questions, "No, I'm not. I was just passing through the area when I found a group of dead in a ditch, with one man still alive but gravely wounded!" She waved the bear forward and indicated the knight that lay across its back, her magic still working to heal his grave wounds. "I am sorry, but I don't have much food myself! I don't know how long I can stay, but I can at least try to summon something to catch a deer or two for you and heal any wounded. The ones that did this must pay!"

She paused before she could start on an angry tirade and released her mounting hatred of this particular group of orcs with a sigh. "How badly are you hurt? And what about the children? Do you have any place safe to stay? Why did they set fire to the chapel?" Revalli asked each question quickly, letting the woman answer all of them at once rather than giving her time to reply to each in turn. As the woman replied, she busied herself by casting a spell to make good on her word, summoning up a hunting cat and sending it off to go hunting with only her thoughts.

(Use the 3rd level Spirit of the Cat spell from Nature. I dun feel like calcing stats for it since it's probably not really necessary, but you can if you want to!)
Re: ranger Test Thread

Casting check auto success

Young woman sheathed her bloodied sword as she slowly approached the spirit bear caution evident in each step. As the young half-human (not sure how Revalli's feels about them or what she would call them) soldier/knight got closer the fire light glinted of shiny auburn hair. Kneeling down to inspect the wounded man she did her best to answer Revalli's questions. “The orcs” she almost spat the word “burned the chapel to mock our weak gods” The young woman took a deep breath to calm herself. “I was defending the chapel keeping the children safe when I caught the leading edge of an orc axe. The blood flowing into my eyes blinded me so I sealed the doors till I could regain my sight. The orcs however where not that patient and started tossing lit torches into the building attempting to smoke us out. Fortunately one of the former priests dug an escape tunnel long ago and I was able to get the children to safety.” Pausing a moment to catch her breath the young woman turns her head to meet Revalli's eyes. Exhaustion was evident on her youthful features. “They must have left us for dead. The children are fine and I have them hidden in the inn.” A sharp gasp from the young woman startled Revalli a moment before she was surrounded in a quick steely embrace. “You saved him, You saved him.” Was all the young woman could say for a moment. “My brother is alive because of you!” Stunned as the awkward and sudden embrace continued Revalli was left to her own devices while her hunting cat prowled for food.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 52/69
Hp: Fine Pp: Max Ep: Max Condition: Unconscious
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and angry
Active spells:
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge -1 ep upkeep
Regeneration Knight +10 hp per round 7/10 rounds left
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37

*Note sorry I missed the buff from before made corrections no upkeep cost for this round my bad
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Re: ranger Test Thread

"You don't have to worry about him," Revalli quickly said in a reassuring voice as the woman hesitated to approach the bear, "He's a summoned creature, completely under my control. We haven't the time to mis-" Revalli was interrupted by the auburn haired half elf's gasp, and let out a similar sound in surprise when she was wrapped in a hug by the woman. "He's... Not... Out... Of... The.... Woods.... Yet!" Revalli said sputteringly as she tried to draw in breath from within the woman's tight embrace.

When she had been released from the hug, Revalli glanced at the still burning church for a moment and scowled. Turning back to the woman who's brother she had apparently saved, Revalli said, "Take me to the children, I'll leave him with you and go deal with the men that did this. I just want to make sure that they're all okay before I leave. I'll be able to check on you through the eyes of the panther, but you still ought to lay low for a while, at least until I get back."

Power of Chaos is a 2nd level spell, so it shouldn't cost any EP for upkeep.

Revalli personally doesn't mind at all that this person has mixed heritage. Mainstream elven culture, on the other hand, would frown down, if not on this person then on her elven parent. The same cannot be said of night elves, who have interbred with humans for centuries now and more or less gotten over it.
Re: ranger Test Thread

The young woman quickly let go of Revalli the flush of embarrassment as clear as day on her face. Adopting a more professional tone she addressed Revalli. "Ah yes my apologies the Inn is this way its set off the road a ways and the Orcs had already ransacked it before I got the children there it should be safe." Leading Revalli down what appeared to be the main road. Other than the sound of rain and their footsteps their journey down the road remained silent unless Revalli wanted to say something.

Stealing glances at the injured knight the young woman carefully guided them to a small path with a weather beaten sign proudly proclaiming this way to the Aleloft. Once inside a large gaggle of children came running up to the young woman. Numerous small voices cried for attention,"Vara! Vara! are they gone? Im scared? Whos that?" Vara for her part did her best to answer and comfort the children but with so many of the little ones around she would be hard pressed to do anything at all."

Revalli examined the structure that housed the children. A small fire was lit in the hearth providing some warmth and all the lower windows had been boarded up or covered with thick cloth blotting out any light that escaped. The Inn seemed to have about twenty of so children of various ages scatter about the main hall. Many where wrapped in blankets while others held tightly to each other. All the children looked to be healthy if a little hungry.

Hp: Max 47/47 Pp: Max 72/72 Ep: High 52/69
Hp: 88/88 Max Pp: N/A Ep: N/A Condition: Warm fuzzy and hungry
Active spells:
Power of Chaos +20 Dodge
no upkeep for level 2 spells bad ranger bad!
Regeneration Knight +10 hp per round 6/10 rounds left
Spirit of the Bear: 88 Body, 44 Dodge, 13 AV, 30 Perception/Stealth/Speed, 44 Resistance
Natural Attack: (+88) 2d12 + 37