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RPG [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1 RE094517 RJ094517


Demon Girl
Aug 19, 2010
Reputation score
For any Crooked Navel or corruption fan or people in general of which this may strike a fancy.

This game appears to be similar to your typical text and cg, but has some battle elements in which you select squares and assign them actions. You will play as a woman (and others later) who is corrupted at the start of the game.

Size: ~30 Mb​
Install Instructions: Once you have extracted the contents of the compressed folder, navigate to where you see the file ダークプリンセスDL・.LZH. Do not run setup but rather extract the contents of the LZH file, run SRPGEXEC.exe, and you will be ready to play. Note: You will need 7-zip. You can get it from here:
More images:

Links last checked on May 01, 2012

For those who aren't in the US and not subject to ip blocks:

Credits for links go to:

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Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Doesn't work.. Computer can't use moonspeak installer...

*gives up instantly*
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Same problem. I get it to install with some errors and then I can't start the game.

Some more info/help would be good, OP. Game seems to be fairly old.

Running on Japanese Unicode and able to play basically any RPG maker game ect.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Working fine for me. What did you guys install? I just extracted "ダークプリンセスDL版" (dark princess download) into the same folder and ran "SRPGEXEC". I didnt need to use the set up at all.

Game info below spoilered for those who want to figure things out themselves.

You play as the corrupted ones in a fire emblem esque battle system.
Battle menu buttons

Left click- Select character > click a responding square to move > click a responding square to attack.
Right click- Character info
Right click after movement (when given attack squares) or if no enemies around- open battle menu
(option 1) End
(option 2) Attack
(option 3) スキル (skill) [Miri has a heal]
(Option 4) equip
(Option 5) アイテム (item)

(1st option) end turn. はい (Yes) or いいえ (no)
(2nd option) map
(3rd option) セーブ (save)
(4th option) ロード (load)
(5th option) ゲーム~~ (game end)

Playable characters I obtained: 5
Characters perhaps possible: 9? (blue princess, blue spearwoman, thief, and other valkyrie)

Glitches found
Graphic coloring may occasionally mess up (pixelate/invert). Use windows button or alt+tab to leave and reenter the game to fix it.

Why am I being extra helpful?
Its fire emblem esque combat ovo
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Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Yeah everything should already be in a folder called "ダークプリンセスDL版". Don't run the setup.

I really enjoyed this one... it was just too damn short. Cant wait to see more of this.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Developer's site (from Dlsite):
It didnt display well for me. Not sure if it will for others. This game was just released Tuesday so Episode 2 will probably be a ways off.

late game question
Can you make the thief playable if you don't kill the guy with her? Once she showed up I put a defense formation around her and took out the guy. Then nothing else happened concerning her.
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Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Does the game have a quick skip button? Mouse clicking past the long dialogue scene is pretty sucky.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Can you make the thief playable?

Yes, and you can still kill the guy. The trick is to let her make it to the altar where that priestess is being corrupted. That's it. She gets corrupted on her own once she gets up there and you can use her.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Mmmmmh tentacles, that's just scrumptious.
Oh it was enhanced, a year ago it was only a demo and
hard to get to work cause it was an pc95 file.

I am a little bit stuck i think...
I beat the lvl with the priestess and advanced to the menue.

But i cant advance from there, i cant do anything there...

EDIT: nvm it is the end of the game for now
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Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

This game is absolutely wonderful, this seems to be their first game. I'm sure they'll have a wonderful library of hentai games in the future. Hentai Fire Emblem FTW.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Seeing (c) 1998 so... safe to assume no more continuation of this game? Cuz if so that's makin me sad, such a good game.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

That's just credits.

SRPG maker is an old tool for creating tactical RPG's (actually it is a pretty nice tool if you want to make your own TBS, considering how RPG maker does not have native support for TBS).

At the bottom it says apr 2012.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

God this is such a great game. I can't believe I missed out on it for so long.

Does anyone knows any other works by the group or person who did this game?
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

God this is such a great game. I can't believe I missed out on it for so long.

Does anyone knows any other works by the group or person who did this game?

None, this is their first work on a game, everything else before's been CG set or manga, though they're all the same basic plot (girl get corrupted)
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Great game, as everyone else says, wish it was longer.

Of all the games I'd like to see extended and translated into English, this has just risen to number 1 on the list.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

So you're supposed to let the thief past you when previous ones you defeated and the point of that level is to defend... sigh

Was anyone able to see if the paladin/knight one is defeatable? I couldn't get to her to even attempt a strike. Almost did.
Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

I just realized if you kill one of the key enemies (the ones with a face) with the girl that's related to them, their weapon gets stronger.

Oh well.

As a general rule, only the girls should be fighting. The rest of the pawns that the demon king sends you are just sandbags that are meant to lure enemies away, since the AI is simple and just goes for the weakest person.

Was anyone able to see if the paladin/knight one is defeatable? I couldn't get to her to even attempt a strike. Almost did.

If you look through the data files there is no demon version of her so presumably no (I'm assuming you're talking about the girl that appears in the 2nd stage with the knights and then appears in the 3rd stage again with the knights)
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Re: [Crooked Navel] Dark Princess Episode 1

Different question: is it possible to corrupt the big-breasted angel? I assumed that if I beat her with the first one (flat chest who goes through breast expansion as part of her corruption) it'd happen, but no dice.