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Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Well I'm at it again and trying this.

A very long time ago Bartnum and I tried to run a Sci-Fi Splinter RP that was loosely based upon the old Super Boarding School one. We started this up to run a more Sci-Fi based theme after lengthy discussions about the topic. Well, as some may remember, it fell apart mostly due to my having great chunks of time where I couldn't update at the time, and real life getting in the way for some others. After so long, I've decided I'd like to start it up again, with some changes.

First off, while I will allow some old characters from the SBS back in, this RP is meant to be a standalone. You do not have to have played in SBS or the previous version of this RP, nor does your character have to be a direct port from SBS. As my sheet later will depict, you can have sci-fi elements to your character, mutant properties, or in many cases with my own, both.

Events are similar to the old version of this, except for a few changes. For the previous players who knew of this, events regarding Aya have not happened yet, nor did the events of Siphon and Sho getting together ever happen. However most everything else has remained the same.

Players coming into the RP have two options.

1: They are an existing partner in the alliance spanning three galaxies now, and freely can move about where they please, deciding where they wish to go.

2: I will accept new entries to the RP, and where need be I can create 'unique' entry points. However when you make your sheet, I must know if you are an wishing to be an existing ally, or a new entry.

I know of a few people at least who should be coming in, which is more than enough to get things started. However, for the record I need you all to post in this interest thread so I can begin counting.

Once I have reached a total of 4 people in (which we should already be at by now if everyone who said they were in does in fact join), I will place up sample character sheets and make a dedicated thread for those.

In terms of races, I'm allowing pretty much any race that can be considered good guys in here. Ship size can be pretty much anything you want, just nothing like a death star please. Also, I am locking out creations for Ancients, Alverans and Asgard. Any other race from Stargate would work, or you can create your own/import one from another Sci-Fi series.

At this stage, until there are enough interest posts to kick this into character creation phase, I ask that you do not try to post any information about a possible character just yet. However, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I will do what I can to assist.

So here it goes, who's interested in this and would like to run?
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

I'll try it out. Sci-fi can be fun, even if I'm not knowledgeable on Stargate or SBS.
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

This looks fun. I might play.
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

I'm also interested ^-^
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

I'm back in, of course. Be interesting to see how the changes I've made to my characters/lore since the last time will play out.
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

*Wanders in, takes a seat* count me in!
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

Many things to ponder. Interested.
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

This now has it's own sub-forum under the name "Sci-Fi Multiverse."

I will post information up tomorrow, we very definitely have enough people to begin Phase 2.
Re: Sci-Fi/Mutant type RP

Count Sho and Ian in again. Look forward to seeing what we can do this time around.