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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The approach was getting dangerously close, pushing Isabella's nerve just over the edge to make her fire at the possible assaulter. This caused a reaction from her, a barely visible flash deflecting the shot harmlessly to the nearby wall. The same happened as Adelle fired her shot, the low-flying bullet ricocheting off from something to the hangar below. Having dealt with the shots, the girl moved onwards in an insane dash of speed, giving Mariela barely enough time to catch the incoming blade that was brough to her with her own. While she did manage to parry, the blade that struck against hers had sunk into the katana she carried, halfway through the metal and dangerously close to cutting right through and into the girl's body. Lacrimosa wasn't going to stand by and have that happen, aiming her fist at the assaulter who was still pushing against Mari. Still, it seemed like the girl was in on the side attack, turning in place and making the nun sister hit her fist into the blade of her sword. The impossibly sharp blade didn't give in, instead causing Lacri's fist to sink in and cut her hand in half for a good two inches. Even the blow was not enough to push the attacker away, who proceeded to push her own blade through Mariela's and cut her across the chest, cutting a decent hole into her dress in the process.

Having dealt with two opponents in a flash, the mysterious assaulter proceeded to push the injured Mariela down to the floor behind her with a casual wipe of the arm, then carried on with the elimination process by kicking Lacrimosa over the railing and onto a train car below, where she proceeded to crash through the roof. The straight blade vanished back into it's sheath, the girl assumed her previous defensive form and was now making way towards the remaining three girls.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Okay really? So I'm fighting a soul reaper now that can flash step, great. How the hell am I supposed to fight that?

When Adelle and Isabella both took their shots and saw their bullets deflected, Adelle knew that they weren't dealing with a normal person. Adelle watched as Mariela and Lacrimosa both had a quick round with the girl, who dispatched the two as if they were nothing but a nuisance, with Mariela being knocked down after her sword was sliced through like butter and destroyed, and with Lacrimosa being cut pretty badly and thrown over the railing.

Once Mariela and Lacrimosa were down, the girl continued towards them and Adelle knew she, Isabella, and Rachaela probably couldn't fight close combat with a sword fighter. She suddenly got an idea though and saw the girl seemed to be after the body of the guy they just took down, which she wasn't about to let this bitch take that easily, so she took the remaining grenade off the back of her belt where she had it and held it up in front of her so the girl could see it.

Okay lady back the fuck off right now or even if you take me down then his body goes with me. Even if you can dodge bullets it won't do you much good if you can't get him right. So why don't you take your thieving ass and get the fuck out of here or nobody gets him and the bounty on his head. Your choice missy. Why don't you do your own bounty hunting instead of trying to steal other peoples marks,” Adelle said to the girl, pulling the pin on the grenade she'd just pulled out and giving the girl a very serious and a little bit of a crazy look that would let her know she would do what she said. She let it go just yet to start the fuse, though all it would take was a flick of her fingers and the fuse would start, and she was prepared to do that because if she couldn't have him then she damn sure wasn't about to let someone who hurt her friends take him in and get the bounty instead.

If it didn't work then Adelle would glance at Isabella and Rachaela and nod, then unload on the girl and try and either hurt or kill this little thieving bitch that was too lazy to do her own bounty hunting.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While the other two girls were not likely liking the current hijinks that Adelle was pulling at their ridiculously powerful opponent, they didn't try to pull anything by themselves or stop the busty girl. The mysterious attacker observed the situation for a while, actually lowering her sheathed blade and turning away from them. But, she did not back away, instead doing another crazy dash right next to Adelle. The blade wasn't drawn this time, instead used for a blunt strike right to the gunner's hand, the painful slam sending the grenade flying from her hand and over the railing. Only scant inches separated the flying explosive and hole where Lacrimosa had fallen through, most likely saving the nun sister's life since the previous cut and the fall wouldn't probably be enough to kill her. The grenade bounced to the hangar floor, harmlessly exploding and only sending a few tools flying, along with a few wandering rodents.

Having dealt with the grenade, the girl proceded to cut Adelle across the thighs, taking her to the floor. With the blade now pointed at her, the girl spoke up again. "Take your friends and go." she aimed the words at Rachaela and Isabella. The remaining two decided that they were not going to win this, taking the mercy and picking up the downed Adelle and Mariela before making their way down from the catwalks. On the hangar floor, Rachaela began to apply healing to the two girls, while Isabella looked at the unpredictable girl up on the catwalk. "That psycho is... doing something to our bounty man. Looks like she's digging around his head with a knife..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

I didn't think you'd give me an unbeatable enemy. But I am pretty stubborn, so let's see if this works.

Adelle thought the girl was going to back off after her threat, but she unfortunately did not and only sheathed her sword to use it to bat her grenade away and out of her hand and over the railing, only missing where Lacrimosa fell through by mere inches. The girl then sliced at Adelle's thighs which brought her to the floor with a cry of pain as her blood began flowing out of her. The girl then pointed her blade at Adelle after she hit the floor and told Isabella and Rachaela to take them and leave, which the two did.

After taking Adelle and Mariela down the catwalks to the floor, Rachaela began applying her healing magics to them both while Adelle tried to hold back tears of pain. When she heard Isabella say what the girl was doing Adelle raised up and looked up at the catwalks where she was.

I don't give a damn what she's doing, she's not going to take this from us... I'm poor dammit and I need the pay from this just to be able to get food... it's not fair dammit, she's nothing but a fucking thief that takes what other people worked hard for,” Adelle through clenched teeth, tears of anger now dripping down her cheeks as she slammed her fist into the floor. A moment later she looked at the ends of the catwalk and then to Isabella.

Izzy, you think you can hit the things holding that catwalk up from here? We'll take the whole damn thing down with the fucking thieving bitch and maybe get our mark too,” Adelle said, now just angry and wanting revenge for this slight against them as she aimed her gun up at the bolts holding the catwalk up the girl was on from the floor where she was still sitting from where they set her down.

If it was possible for her and Isabella to hit them and they did manage to do so and cause the whole thing to fall with her, Adelle would call up to the girl just before it fell, saying, “Hey thief girl... fuck you for stealing what we worked hard and earned!
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't get up yet, it takes a few minutes. And calm down, that won't help your cause any." Rachaela kept Adelle down as she sought to get up, really doing it for her good. Still, it didn't prevent her from looking into the higher areas of the big hall, where the girl still was doing whatever it was. When asked, Isabella nodded. "Well, I'm not the gunner in this little sisterhood for no reason. One overhang support is cake for my aim." she replied, deciding to get along with the busty girl's idea. Getting out her bigger blaster, she took aim along with Adelle, both firing at the same time.

While there was little warning to the sudden collapse, the pair didn't manage to get their target totally by surprise. The mysterious attacker hopped off the tipping walkway before it dropped downwards, grabbing onto a safety railing over that one. The body still plummeted down to the girl's area, enabling them access to it if they wanted. For the attacker, she had apparently decided to stop caring, or gotten what she had been looking for. There was no pursuit, instead she simply worked her way towards the area where the man had fought Adelle's group, using her hands to travel across the security railing. Soon, there was no sign of the ambusher, who vanished into the darkness of the cubicle area.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Y-you're right Rachaela, calm down Adelle, just calm down. Remember what mom always told you, your temper will get you into trouble one day," Adelle replied to Rachaela as she stopped trying to stand back up and let the magic wielding girl push her back down to sit where Adelle then lightly slapped her own cheek a couple of times. Though she still aided Isabella shoot the catwalk supports when the gunner girl took aim with her.

The catwalk supports were struck by their bullets but before falling along with the catwalks, the girl up on them somehow managed to jump and grab the security rails where she then shimmied her way to the cubicle area where they'd fought the guy and vanished inside. The man's body had fallen down to where the girls now were on the hangar floor.

"Well looks like we get our payday after all girls. I can't believe that worked honestly. Now let's find Lacri and make sure she's okay, cause she took one helluva fall, and then let's get the hell out of here before she finds a way down," Adelle said to the others, though she wouldn't get up herself unless Rachaela allowed her to this time.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure, you two can fetch her. I need to apply some further healing here, this is much more serious than the shallow cuts you received." Rachaela told Adelle, letting her and Isabella go and see what had happened while she further healed Mariela. The blade sister had suffered a much harsher blow than the busty girl, the wound on her reaching to the bone.

In the long-abandoned subway car, the gunner pair found Lacrimosa quite easily. It was probably not what they expected, for the nun sister was not layed out on the ground, but instead remained in mid-air, suspended by a swathe of diffirent cables. She was unconscious as one would expect from such an impact, but the gash on her hand had almost completely healed already, a testament to her potent regenerative abilities.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Alright then Rachaela, we'll go get her... if we can find her that is, I mean jeez she fell through a mountain of junk. You going to be okay Mari?” Adelle said as she got back to her feet, worrying about Mariela when she got up and started dusting herself off.

Adelle followed Isabella over to the subway car that Lacrimosa fell into and amazingly enough they found her relatively easy, she was hanging from several cables and still unconscious which was what they had expected. But at least her hand had healed thanks to her amazing healing abilities. As soon as they spotted her Adelle looked over at Isabella and nodded, then headed over to Lacri to see if she was alright and to help her down from where she was hanging.

Let's get her down and wake her up... actually no, let's wake her up first. I hate to say this, but she probably weighs a lot if she's got cybernetics in her body, so it'd probably be hard for us to lift her,” Adelle said to Isabella when they found her and started over to help her.

Once they had roused Lacrimosa up, Adelle would gently brush her hair out of her eyes, asking her, “You alright Lacri? You took one hell of a spill over the edge up there. Come on let's get you down, carefully.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'll manage..." Mariela replied before the two left for Lacrimosa.

In the train car, it took them a few minutes to rouse the nun sister from her unconscious state, but she did return to them eventually. "Not all that terrible... somewhat dizzy still... think I hit my head on the roof..." she replied, avoiding use of her cut hand as the two spent some time carefully removing the cables one at a time until Lacri managed to slip herself off from their grip. Now back on her own feet, she decided to take a sit on the train seat and gather her senses.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After Adelle and Isabella managed to rouse Lacrimosa from her near coma and found that she was relatively okay, they began helping her down from the cables one by one until they got her down to the floor. After they got her down she started to move over to one of the train seats to gather her thoughts and rest for a minute or two before heading on back out, with Adelle helping her into the seat so she didn't maybe hurt herself any further than she already was, and once she was in the seat Adelle would check her over to make certain she was healing like she did before when the pipe hit her.

If she looked to be okay then she would head on back out to the other two while telling Isabella to stay with her for a minute while she went to let the others know Lacrimosa was alive and okay. “Hey she's okay, or at least she seemed to be. She was wrapped up in a bunch of cables when we found her, which probably saved her life I think, because without them catching her she probably would have slammed right into that hard ass floor,” Adelle would tell Rachaela and Mariela when she got back out to them.

Once they had been informed, Adelle would go over to check and see if their mark was identifiable and drag him over to where they all were to take him on out once they were well enough to leave.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No need to worry about me..." Lacrimosa assured Adelle as she looked over her, giving the nun sister her needed recovery time.

Back at the healing place, Mariela was already up, now looking much less proper with her cut dress. There was a decent gash going across the front, revealing some skin underneath but nothing really bothersome. Still, it looked as if the destruction of her fancy costume was bothering the blade wielder. Rachaela said that she would take a look at Lacrimosa once the latter got there, letting Adelle proceed with her plans.

On the other side of the train, the body of their quarry still layed on the ground. It was identifiable enough once some of the blood was cleaned away from the face, leftovers from whatever the mystery girl had been doing. The top of his head was missing, the brains quite visible. Something in there had interested the girl, and she had gone over them with a knife. The instrument itself was close by, a high-tech piece that didn't have a proper, visible blade. In stead, there was a blade-shaped steel wire, and a warning about a cutting laser near a button on the handle.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Alright then if you say so Lacri, I'll head on out and let them know we found you,” Adelle told the nun, as she got up to leave.

Adelle saw that Mariela was thankfully on her feet already, though her dress had the large gash in it and Adelle thought that it probably wouldn't be salvageable unless Mariela knew someone really good at fixing clothing. She saw that it was bothering her a bit and decided that she would talk to her about it once she got done with dragging their mark back over there so they wouldn't lose him again. On the way over to the opposite side of the train where his body fell, she called into the train and told Isabella and Lacrimosa that Rachaela was ready to heal Lacri when she got out there.

Once she got to where the body was, Adelle found that thankfully he was identifiable, though he probably needed to be washed off a little first from the amount of blood he had on him and all, plus it might be a good idea to cover the top of his head a little bit so they didn't have to see his brains constantly. She saw the instrument that the girl used to cut into his brain laying close by and reached down to grab it up, where she then saw that it was some high-tech laser knife or something and she decided to pocket it for now and show the others later, for now she needed to get the body back over to them.

Once she managed to drag his hefty body back, Adelle would head over to the others and show them the knife used in cutting his head open. “This is what that little thief was using to cut his head open. Do any of you know what it is exactly? I'm assuming it's some sort of knife or surgical instrument. Someone who collects that stuff would probably pay quite a bit for something that high-tech I think, but it looks like it'd be pretty handy to have,” Adelle told them, pulling the thing out of her pocket to let them look at it.

While they were all looking it over, Adelle would get closer to Mariela so she could talk to her about what was bothering her. “Hey... you alright? I can tell that something is bothering you. Is it about your dress? Or something else entirely?” Adelle asked her friend... no Mariela was pretty much her best friend in this town.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she got to back to the girls, Rachaela was already looking at Lacrimosa's reaction time, giving her a fake attack from behind. It was easily catched by the nun's forearm, confirming that she was indeed back in full physical and mental control again, the dizzyness now gone. There was no need to look over her physical wounds, the only ones she had now healed completely, only a few blood splotches remaining on the girl's dress sleeves and skin. The knife got interest from all of them, probably it was something they had not seen before. "This thing is pretty snazzy." Isabella remarked as she handled it, pushing the button and activating the short blade's laser. A stream of light began to shine on the outer edges of the implement, creating the cutting edge in barely a second. "We'll have to show it to Raizan. He will be the one to know about this." Mariela said as she too handled the thing before giving it over to Lacri and Rachaela to look at.

"What's bothering me...?" Mariela asked in a somewhat unbelieving manner before she broke into a flailing fit, somewhat uncharacteristic of her usual self. "My dress is a ruin! This will be hard, if not impossible to repair! Plus I have to walk across town like this! It's embarassing! And this!" she broke off from the dress bit and lifted up her katana, which was now broken to about one-fourth of it's original lenght. "This is going to cost me lots to get repaired! Raizan is such a money vacuum!" she carried on with the outburst, most likely referring to a blacksmith or weapon person of some kind.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once Adelle had gotten the body back over to where the girls all were and she noticed Lacrimosa was back on her feet thankfully and seemed to be alright now thankfully. When she produced the knife to the girls and showed it to them, they all seemed genuinely very interested in it Adelle saw. Adelle heard Mariela mention someone called Raizen, but decided not to ask who Raizen was just yet, figuring they would tell her eventually. While the others all looked at the thing, Adelle went ahead and asked Mariela what was wrong and when she did, Mariela's subsequent outburst quite scared her to say the least.

Mari, I-I'm really sorry about your dress and sword, it's kind of my fault I guess, if only I hadn't missed that little thief back there then you wouldn't have gotten hurt and your stuff messed up. H-Here wear this until we get back to your place so you can change, I'm used to people ogling me anyway,” Adelle said to Mariela, hanging her head slightly as she took off her new coat and offered it to Mariela to cover herself with so she didn't have to feel so embarrassed about anyone seeing

Once the others had finished looking at the high-tech knife, Adelle would place it back in her pocket where she'd had it and when they were all ready to leave, they would get the body and start heading back to the surface.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Nah, it's quite alright. I'll manage..." Mariela replied as the coat was offered to her, declining to offer and opting to go in her slit-holed dress for the rest of the day. "It's not like I'm naked or anything... just a bit of underwear..."

It didn't take long for the other three girls to have their fill about the high-tech knife that they were looking over. "We'll have to test out the capacity of this thing... how good it cuts and what it actually can cut. Seems to have done quite a number on him, at least." Mariela expressed her thoughts about the knife after taking a look at the carved man. Still, they didn't shy away from carrying him, Adelle and Lacrimosa picking the corpse up on the account of them being the largest two of the five. It was a much longer walk this time around, what with a large man in her arms, but soon Adelle and her group were back on the surface.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Are you sure Mari? I really don't mind," Adelle said to Mariela when she declined the coat, still holding it out for another minute or so, and if Mariela still declined it then Adelle would slip it back on. However if she did go ahead and take it, then Adelle would get it back when they got back to her place, or wherever she felt comfortable giving it back at.

Once they were done looking at the high-tech knife, they handed it back to Adelle who placed back in her shorts pocket where she'd had it. After Mariela spoke, Adelle agreed that they should test it, but that it would have to be later when they got back to safety first.

After they were rested up and everything, Adelle helped Lacrimosa pick up the body, being the second largest of the five girls, and helped her carry it back to the surface. It took them quite a while to make their way back up, but soon enough they emerged back on the surface, walking up the steps whence they came in from.

"Ahhh finally, I was starting to get tired of that dreary tunnel we were in. I could really use a drink after this," Adelle said as they came upon the surface once again.

As soon as they got up and caught their breath, they'd take the body back to where they needed to so they could have him identified and get paid. After that Adelle supposed that they would head back and talk to Samson to let him know it was a job well done, provided he was still at the tavern where they left him at.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After their return to the surface, it was all the same as before, when Adelle and Mariela had gotten back from the previous task in the other side of the city. The trip to the police station, getting payed, going back to the Watering Hole. The bar was still the same as before, with the usual increase of customers at evening. Samson too was were he always seemed to be on, just finishing dealing with another potential bounty hunter when the girl made their way in.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(I couldn't remember whether Samson was the one that paid them or if they got paid at the police station. So I'm assuming it was at the station for now.)

They did much the same as Mariela and Adelle did the last time when they took the last guy to the police station. Once they had gotten all of their pay and had gotten it all divided up amongst them each other, they headed on back to the Watering Hole to talk with Samson. When they arrived, Adelle saw he was talking to someone at his table, likely another bounty hunter. She glanced over at Mariela and nodded to her before they headed on over to inform him of the job completion, but only after she ordered a drink to either take over there or one to be brought over to her.

Hey there Samson, we're finally back. We already got the guy and took his body over to the station and turned it in, we ended up having to kill him unfortunately. I've got something to tell you though, when we found the guy there was this girl down there. She was about as tall as Mari here, and she had one of those real tight body suits and a sword disguised like a cane. She tried to steal our kill and damn near killed me, Mari, and Lacri all three, then she used this thing to cut something out of the guy's head, I'm not sure what,” Adelle said, explaining what happened when they found their mark, then once she'd finished doing that if Mariela wanted to add anything else Adelle would let her speak before telling the rest of what happened on the way down, the running into the slimes and stuff, then the frogs.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm. Sounds like yet another remarkably big adventure there. Really sucks that I can't really tell who it might have been that attacked you, though that is not the first of similar encounters. This same person was likely the one who attacked Destroyer Kozlov several weeks ago when he was on a hunt. Good 'ole Koz is one of my best men and armed like a tank, but still got to resist pretty hard to drive the attacker away from his kill. She did manage to gouge out an arm from them and leave with it though." Samson told Adelle as she brought the subject up, taking a look at the knife as well. "And this, it's a totally new type of technology for me. Not even the military types have lasers. And I think Kozlov too saw something like this when he encountered the girl."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Kozlov? Wasn't he the one that killed those guys yesterday before we could get them Mari?” Adelle asked her companion when Samson finished telling them about their unfortunate encounter pretty much happening to the big guy they met the day before.

She waited for Mariela to reply while Samson looked at the high-tech knife for a minute. When Samson finally spoke again and told them he'd never seen anything like it before, Adelle kind of felt a slight fear about it for some reason.

Did Kozlov by any chance get something of her's as well Samson? And do you think she might have come from the place way up in the sky I saw when I first got here? That... I guess it's called the overcity or something, I'm not sure,” Adelle replied to Samson, hoping to maybe get some more information about it.