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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The very same." Mariela confirmed Adelle's wonderings.

"No, he did not. You girls managed to catch her on a surprise situation, but Kozlov fought against her on solid ground, no overhangs. Or maybe he didn't just have the same luck as you did on this point of view. Not that I consider getting cut up like a fish lucky, but the fact that you managed to get something from her." the older man told Adelle, pausing a bit before talking about the floating city. "That saucer up there? I'm not sure. I've never met anyone who could tell me about it, and there has been no real way for anyone down here to investigate the place. I believe there is one structure at the middle of the city that houses an orbital elevator to go there, but the place is so tightly and dangerously guarded that there's no way for anyone to do it. A few people have tried to break in, but have always been shot to pieces. Some have also tried to climb there via the massive cables that connect to the place, but none of them have returned since then. There might be some individuals here who have come from there, but not any that I've met."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hmm, I thought he was, just making sure is all,” Adelle said to Mariela, nodding her head.

Adelle sat there sipping her drink while Samson spoke, liking the calming burn of the alcohol as it passed her lips and fell into her stomach. When Samson finally finished his explanation, Adelle downed the last of her drink in one big gulp and set the glass down, waving to one of the waitresses for another.

So if nobody can get up there, then there's every possibility that our little thief is from there. Hmm... maybe if we can get her surrounded and have a couple of people that can keep up with her in a fight or something, we could either capture her and get some answers, or we could just get the best tracker to tail her and see just where she goes after stealing peoples marks for whatever reasons she has. But that's for another day I'd say. Mari here suggested taking this thing to a man that might be able to help tell us more. What did you call him? Raizan I believe it was. I guess that's where we'll be heading after we leave here,” Adelle said, turning her attention to Mariela as she spoke of Mariela's suggestion earlier about taking the knife to who Adelle could only suspect was a blacksmith of some sort. After Mariela replied to her question

Once Adelle got her second drink, she'd down it rather quickly so they could hurry up and leave, as she was quite tired and in need of rest. However she didn't mind staying long enough to give the others time to talk before they headed on out, with Adelle asking Mariela and the others if they were going to head to this Raizen man before heading on home.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Unless you can find that group yourself, I imagine it will be hard to do. I won't arrange for that, since I just assign jobs." Samson told Adelle, not wanting to take part himself. "Yeah, the weaponsmith Raizan. Despite being a man of more traditional tastes, he knows about these things, even the more high-tech tools of trade. I'm sure he will be more of a help than old me."

A bit more time passed as the girl group spent their time at the bar, Mariela feling somewhat uneasy in her current clothing, but she managed through nonetheless. Since it appeared that Raizan was the type to close shop earlier than average and the evening was late, they weren't going to see him today. But perhaps against Adelle's expectations, Mariela was not going to take her in today. "I'll have to see if that no-good servant has developed any skill since yesterday. But I'm sure any of the other sisters is willing to take you for the night, we can meet up at Raizan's or here tomorrow." the blade sister told her, sounding pretty honest about her intentions. After a quick word from the others, it looked like the blue-haired girl could take a pick and go with any of the other three, since neither of them had anything to say against it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Oh I understand, I wouldn't dream of asking you to do all that, it's just a little personal grudge I have against that little thieving girl, I gotta know how I can maybe pay her back for cutting us all up and trying to steal our mark. And don't cut yourself short Samson, you've really helped me out a lot since I got here, which I greatly appreciate by the way,“ Adelle replied to Samson.

While they talked back and forth with Samson, Adelle noticed Mariela looked a bit uneasy with the state of her clothes, though she wasn't letting herself get too worked up over it and managed to stay calm about it. Adelle didn't really care one way or the other about Raizen's shop being closed already, and she honestly wasn't really have expecting it to be this late in any case. When Mariela told her that she wouldn't be taking her in tonight, it rather threw her or a loop to say the least.

Oh... well can I at least get my stuff I left there please?” Adelle asked Mariela.

Hey uh... Lacri. Do you mind taking a poor little old homeless gal like me in and giving me a place to sleep for the night?” Adelle asked the nun girl. It didn't really matter to her who she bunked up with for the night as long as she got a place to some sleep, so she was okay with whichever of the girls felt like taking her in. But she was feeling for some reason that she just had to go with Lacri and make certain she was okay after what all had happened to her earlier down in the tunnels, because she just wouldn't be able to live with herself if Lacri was hurt worse than they all had originally thought and her special healing hadn't healed all of her internal injuries properly or something. Plus she thought that this would maybe give her a way to repay her for all the help she gave them during all the fights.

After that was decided and everything, Adelle and Lacrimosa would follow Mariela back to her place so Adelle could grab her things before bidding Mariela farewell. Then she'd follow Lacri to her place for the night.

Even though Adelle knows Lacri has that special healing and all, she's still worried that it maybe didn't work. That's the only way I could really justify her going with Lacri over any of the others.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course, if you need them that badly. It's only one night though, you are welcome again tomorrow." Mariela told Adelle, letting her pick up the stuffs as they went. For her part, Lacri seemed a bit weirded out that someone wanted to rest at her place, but didn't seem to mind too much. "I-if you want... I have nothing against it." the nun sister replied to the question, taking Adelle in for the night at her request. "I think... Sister Isabella might have been a better choice... but you are welcome..."

After finishing their business at the bar, the trio departed while Isabella and Rachaela went to their respective homes. It was not a long distance to Mariela's home, especially since Adelle had been there already. Getting the stuff was remarkably quick, and soon they were advancing towards Lacrimosa's home, but not before the blade girl leaned in to whisper some final words before they went. "I've not seen what Sister Lacrimosa's home and personal life is, so you are getting in before me. Remember what I told you earlier and don't get too shocked if there is something shocking happening there. She apparently has some practises that might unnerve a normal person. That's what Rachaela told me." she told them before wishing the pair a good night.

About a ten-minute walk later, the pair of girls arrived to a small building that looked like a chapel from the outside. Without using any keys, Lacrimosa went through the double doors, another pair right behind them. Then, a small church room waited for them. It was an altered thing, what few seats that had been there were now away, leaving the main room almost empty of furniture. There was a small altar in front of a stained glass window though, and on the walls hung racks of nasty-looking tools. These things were clearly used to torture people, and given the earlier events, it might not be too hard to guess who was on the receiving end. Tongs, whips, spiked straps, drills, blades... the array was impressively terrifying. But despite the visible heavy use, the tools and the surrounding spaces of the room were surgically clean, no stains of any kind visible on the white surfaces. On the left side, another door went to additional areas of the home.

Before Lacrimosa could really speak up further, the doors opened and a handsome, yet somewhat feminine-featured man with long black hair entered from what appeared to be the kitchen and living room. He wore a monastic robe, keeping in style with the nun sister, but it did not stop there since he was almost as white-skinned as she. Even taller than Lacri herself, he approached them, the air almost rippling with calm politeness. "Good evening, Lady Lacrimosa, Miss Guest. You should have told me that there will be visitors, my Lady. I would have made preparations so our guest would be better while she visits." he greeted them, immidiately setting upon Adelle's belongings to relieve her some weight. "Adelle, this is Zacharias... He is my sworn servant..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I only mention going by your place and getting my things because all of my clothes are in my extra pack which I left at your place Mari, and I kind of need a bath after earlier," Adelle replied to Mariela, shrugging her shoulders.

"Really, you don't mind? Thanks," Adelle said to Lacri when she told her she didn't mind putting her up for the night.

When they left the bar, Adelle waved bye to Isabella and Rachaela, telling Isabella if she didn't mind putting her up the next night then they could chat about guns and stuff until they got tired. Adelle, Lacri, and Mariela headed on out to Mariela's place and once there Adelle grabbed all of her things together rather quickly and was ready to go in just a couple of minutes.

"I'm sure I can handle any of her... fetishes or whatnot as long as she doesn't try anything on me that I wouldn't want. My main reasoning in going with her for the night though is because she got hurt so badly down there in those tunnels. I know you all said she'd be just fine and all, but it's just something I have to make certain of and see for myself, because my parents always taught me to take care of my friends and they'd take care of me. You understand don't you?" Adelle whispered back to Mariela before she followed Lacrimosa back out.

Once they had left, Adelle and Lacri made their way to Lacri's home. It took them about ten minutes or so but they eventually came to what looked like a small church like building, with Adelle following Lacrimosa in when the nun girl just walked up and opened the large double doors. Inside the place, Adelle saw that it had been rearranged a bit from a normal church as she took in all the features of the place. She saw all of the different tools and things hanging on the walls, and despite seeing them, Adelle wasn't all that frightened to be honest.

As Adelle was admiring Lacri's home, the doors on the left side of the room opened and a quite handsome man walked in, she saw he wore the same kind of clothing that Lacri did and was as pale skinned as she was too, and he was even taller as well. When he came over to Adelle to relieve her of her pack, she graciously accepted and handed him her pack.

"Hello there Zacharias, I'm Adelle Ashlyng, but you can just call me Adelle. Also my pack isn't that heavy but thank you very much, you're such a gentleman. The first true gentleman I've met since I came to this place, and Lacri is such a kind person to let me stay here, I'm glad I've been able to make such kind friends since coming here," Adelle said to Lacri's servant upon the nun girl introducing them.

"Hey uh Lacri... could you maybe direct me to the bathroom? I kind of need a bath, but I don't mind waiting for you if you wanted to take one first. Or we could bathe together if you like, with one of those you wash my back and I wash yours deals," Adelle said to her nun friend after finishing the introductions with Lacri's man servant. She'd worry about food later, because being clean needed to come first, as she wasn't That hungry at the moment.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Lady Lacrimosa's friends are my friends. No amount of politeness is enough for them." Zacharias replied, leading them to the living room/kitchen combination where he had arrived from earlier.

Now that they were in the living room, Lacrimosa began to casually strip onto her undies while Zacharias went to another of the three other rooms that could be seen on each wall, coming back with a robe in tow. In the minute or so that the half-undressed state persisted, Adelle could see quite clearly that there was nothing wrong with the quiet girl's form, the cybernetics managing their job quite easily. She could also make out that Lacrimosa was quite a different deal from Mariela, being so much taller and better endowed, though occasional bio-cables being visible from under her skin took some of the beauty away. Still, not as much as Adelle herself. The dress that Lacri wore went along with him as they exchanged the garments, a more traditional look coming to her as the robe was the usual one that nuns wore. Now, the sister really did look like a nun instead of a habit-wearing gothic lolita. The room they had gotten into was modestly furnished, having a four-person dining table near the kitchen, and some other relaxing chairs. The same absolutely cleanliness that was applied to the small chapel room persisted here as well.

When asked for the bath, Lacri pointed towards the door on the left side. "There... You can go if you want right now... I have to pray and repent now... But if you want to come with me... You have to wait for me to finish... Zacharias... Bring me some bracers and straps..." she told Adelle before switching attention to the servant, who seemed to be quick on the draw, producing the items from a nearby table. "Again with this set-up? If that is what you wish, Lady." he replied, offering them to the nun. The bracers were almost as long as her forearm and had sharp-looking spikes on the insides, while the straps were basically leather belts with spike studs. It seemed that Lacri was going to put these things on before praying.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Well that's good to hear sir, thank you very much for the kindness and for being such a gentleman to me, I really appreciate it just so you know,” Adelle replied to Zacharias, handing him her pack as he led them back through the doors where he came from.

When they got to the living room, Adelle watched Lacrimosa just casually strip her clothing off down to her underwear while her servant Zacharias went to one of the adjoining rooms for a minute or so. While he was gone, Adelle got a pretty good look at Lacrimosa's body and saw that she seemed to be okay and didn't have any persistent wounds that didn't heal from down in the tunnels, she thought Lacrimosa's body was actually still quite beautiful despite being able to see some of the cybernetics under her skin, and she had larger breasts than Mariela too, though her own breasts were bigger still than Lacrimosa's.

When Lacri's man servant came back, he was bearing a black nun like robe which she took and put on, making her look much more like a nun now. After taking in the sights of the room they were now in, Adelle noticed that it had the same clean look as the others, and it made her think that maybe Lacrimosa was one of those neat freaks or something. But she put it out of her mind when Lacrimosa answered her about the bath.

Oh, why do you have to repent? You didn't commit any sins from what I saw Lacri. Honestly though I'm not much one for praying and such, but I don't mind praying with you, as long as it doesn't take very long. I mean maybe I should pay my respects and stuff though and say a few prayers every now and then considering I've managed to keep my virginity as long as I have in this town,” Adelle replied to her quiet nun friend, shrugging her shoulders when Lacrimosa suggested praying with her. When she noticed what she was having Zacharias get, Adelle kind of got a bit scared, thinking maybe if she went to pray with Lacri, then she might try and make her wear the same things.

Uh... Lacri, if I went to pray with you. Would I have to wear that stuff too?” Adelle asked hesitantly, staring at the slightly frightening things with a slightly apprehensive look. If it seemed that it would take more than about half an hour for Lacri's praying, and if she intended on Adelle wearing the same things, then Adelle would go ahead take her bath now.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You don't have to pray if you are that way inclined... You don't necessarily even have to wait for me in the chapel... You can have a rest here if you want..." Lacrimosa replied as she took a strap from Zacharias, rolling it around her thigh and pulling it firmly to make the thing secure. The spikes on it dug into the girl's flesh, a small amount of blood began to make it's way down her leg. Another one went similarly into her other leg. "I am sinful. Everyone is. I need to repent." she pretty bluntly carried on the discussion after securing the initial devices onto her body. Then, it was the bracer's turn. Pulling up her sleeves, the nun girl set her arm into one of them, the whole thing looking like an average arm armor bit at that point. But Adelle had seen the other half, which had some five long, sharp spikes in it. Without hesitation, Lacri clamped the bracer shut, this time crying out a bit as the spikes pierced through her forearm. Like before, the other too was set up on her other arm. When both were secured and firmly in place, it appeared that the nun girl was finally ready. "No, I wouldn't want to push my own things onto others. To each their own. I usually pray until I feel confident that it is enough." she finished, bleeding from both arms and legs. It looked like it was up to Adelle what she wanted to do, though Lacrimosa's prayer time seemed to be uncertain.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched what Lacri was doing as she listened to her say she didn't have to pray if she didn't want to. Surely Lacri wasn't about to do what she looked to be about to do, Adelle though to herself as she contemplated her response. When she saw Lacri take the strap from her man servant and pull it around her thigh, where she then pulled it hard to secure it into place, digging the spikes into her leg where Adelle saw a few little streams of blood trickling down. Upon seeing this, Adelle's stomach churned a little, but she held strong and finally found her voice again to respond.

"Well uh... I'm not sinful, and I doubt you are. I mean you helped me and the rest of us out so much down in those tunnels, there's no reason to hurt yourself just because you think you believe yourself to be sinful and in need of repenting," Adelle said to Lacri, looking a little incredulously at her for a moment before continuing, "Besides, I don't think the big guy upstairs wants someone that devoted to him to hurt themselves like that, because I'm quite certain there's other means of repenting than hurting yourself in such a manner... like giving me a place to stay for the night for example," Adelle said to Lacrimosa, not really sure what else to say as the nun secured the other strap on her opposite leg and then grabbed the bracers.

When Lacrimosa attached both of the bracers to her arms Adelle flinched, and when she heard Lacri cry out in pain she almost just ran over to her and bonked her on the head and tried to remove the vile contraptions that caused the pain to her friend. Adelle secretly wondered if there was some way she could get Lacri to change and maybe not do this kind of slightly sickening thing.

"T-Thanks Lacri, I think I'd probably die if you did that to me, because I don't like pain. I uh... I think I'll just go ahead and take my bath now if that's okay. Where's your towels at? So I don't gotta bother you in the middle of that," Adelle said to Lacri, rubbing her eyes as she turned away and headed towards the bathroom, trying to put what Lacri was doing from her mind. Adelle had a lot more she'd wanted to say to her friend, but kept her mouth shut for now, as Lacri had been nice enough to give her a place to stay for the night, and it would be poor manners to say something that might hurt her feelings, or piss her off, no matter how much you wanted to say something to them for doing what you would consider stupid.

So with that Adelle went on to take herself a bath and get the dirt, grime, and blood cleaned from her body, giving a thank you to Lacri if she told her where to get her towels, but if she didn't tell her then Adelle was quite sure she could manage to find some herself. Whether it was a bath or shower didn't matter to Adelle as long as she got clean. After she got through getting cleaned up, Adelle would wrap a towel around her hair for it to dry while she looked at what all Lacri had in her bathroom as she toweled herself dry.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No... we all are sinful... we are..." Lacri replied once more, clearly not having any other possibilities in mind. As she turned away to head towards the chapel room for her needed atonement, Zacharias took over the situation for her. "Towel? I'll bring one right away." he told Adelle, retreating into one of the other rooms briefly, soon coming back with yet another flawlessly clean article of everyday items. She didn't even have to ask about it, the servant remaining firmly aware of the ongoing situation and providing as needed. Unless Adelle asked for anything else, the man would let her have her bath in peace.

There was indeed a bathtub there to be used, unnaturally clean like the rest of the house had been up to this point. It was also big enough to comfortably house two people, though Adelle got to use it by herself. As the busty girl got out, she could safely make the observation that the bathroom was pretty ordinary with the usual things one could find in one, even if it was owned by a somewhat alarming person. The cleanliness persisted everywhere, making the place a bit brighter than usual.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Lacri hon, you aren't sinful. You're a very good and kind person, I just don't know why you can't see that too. I'm no saint or anything myself and I know that, but I wouldn't want to be. And if we're all sinful Lacri, then I doubt we'd all still be here, right,” Adelle told Lacri as Zacharias brought her the towels promised and handed them to her, pity in her voice as she wondered why Lacri thought everyone was sinful. She'd talk with her about it more later, after her bath.

Thank you sir Zacharias, I think I'll be fine for now. I just wish Lacri didn't... (sigh)... I just wish she didn't hurt herself like that. There's no reason for her to do that,” Adelle said to Zacharias as she took the towels from him and headed on into the bathroom.

After she stepped out of the bathtub, Adelle saw there wasn't anything special about the bathroom save how clean it was, which for some reason it surprised her a little bit because of how clean it was. After getting dried off, Adelle looked around for powders and stuff, hoping that Lacrimosa wouldn't mind if she used any of her toiletries. Once Adelle was done in the bathroom she'd come on out to see if Lacrimosa was done with what she thought was a silly way of praying and repenting.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After using whatever she desired, Adelle made her way out and back to the living room/kitchen area. It did seem like Lacrimosa was finished with her prayers, for she was back in the room as well, working on the straps and getting them off. At first, one might have thought getting the things off would be a relief, but that was not the case with the nun sister and her regenerative body. The spikes had already healed into her flesh during the prayer time, and getting them off now was going to break the wounds open again. But like before, she didn't hesitate at all in removing them, soon bleeding from both her forearms and thighs. "Did you... enjoy your bath?" the girl asked from Adelle, completely ignoring her own bleeding. "Go and have something to eat if you want... there's food in the fridge... I still have something to do..."

Having said that, Lacrimosa went into what was most likely the bedroom, Zacharias following soon after. In his hands, there was a nasty whip thing made from leather, made far more menacing with the addition of small metal scales in the leather. "I'd really recommend you try and not pay attention too much. I don't like to do this, but Lady Lacrimosa's wishes come over my own mind. If it becomes too unbearable, use these." the man told her in a quiet voice, quickly slipping her a pair of earplugs before following after the nun and closing the door.

If Adelle went to the fridge, she would find a few different kinds of fruit and canned foods, along with a large bowl of some kind of rice dish. On the drink side, there was a bottle of wine along with several water bottles.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle powdered her important areas with some of Lacri's powders, then used some baby oil to get her skin all silky and smooth, then she brushed her long blue hair out and slipped her bedclothes on. Once she was done in the bathroom she made her way back into the living room area and saw Lacri undoing the straps, which she thought would have been good, but as Lacri pulled them out Adelle saw that her skin had regenerated around the spikes so when she yanked the things off it only served to rip the wounds back open. The sight of this caused Adelle's stomach to churn and she had to fight to keep from vomiting as she put a hand over her mouth while Lacri spoke, as if there were no pain to speak of from her wounds.

Yeah it was a nice bath, and I hope you don't mind, but I used some powder and baby oil I found in there if that's okay. And uh... thanks Lacri, but I kind of just lost my appetite honestly. And what more could you possibly have to atone for? You didn't really do anything that warranted atonement from what I saw,” Adelle replied to Lacri, trying to not sound harsh and keeping her tone friendly and look about her.

Honestly Zacharias, I believe your lady is going to end up killing herself for a thrill or whatever she gets out of that... forgive me for saying sick stuff. How anyone can stand to do what she does is beyond me, but she's still my friend so I'll try and not say or do anything to hurt her feelings. But I'm going to do everything I can to get her to see reason and change from doing that stuff if I can. Also thanks for these, I'm going to need them or I may throw up,” Adelle whispered back to Zacharias when he finished speaking and passed her the earplugs, feeling that she could trust him a little to maybe help her change Lacri from... whatever the hell it was she would be called, Adelle wasn't sure if just masochist was enough or not.

When Zacharias had left and followed Lacri into the bedroom she'd gone into, Adelle slipped her earplugs in and went on into the kitchen to look around for some food, though she was still feeling a little queasy after seeing Lacri a couple of minutes before so she wasn't certain if she should try and eat anything just yet. She decided to check and see what all Lacri had in the way of food and drink and walked over to the fridge and opened it up. After seeing what all was in there, Adelle decided to get the rice dish out and the bottle of wine, setting the rice on the table and taking a large drink of the wine to help settle her stomach. After putting the wine back up, she grabbed the rice dish up and sniffed it to make sure it was still good, then if she needed to cook it she'd find something to cook it in and try to find something else to cook with it while it was cooking, looking in particular for some chicken or beef to fry or grill up and put into it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the rice food, it was most likely made earlier in the day, though it had a strong smell of spices. And there already was chicken in it, so there was not much that Adelle needed to do for herself in order to get it ready, basically only needing to heat it up. But if she wanted to add something further, there were a few possibilities in the cans.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After looking a little closer at the rice bowl, Adelle found that there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it thankfully as she was quite hungry, though it did smell like it was quite spicy. But something she did find was that it already had chicken in it, so after giving a little chuckle she took it over to heat it up with a smile on her face, but stopped short and decided to try and find some curry to go with it. However if she could find none then she'd just eat it as is after heating it up.

Once the food was ready, Adelle would grab one of the cold water bottles from the fridge and eat, leaving a portion of the food for the other two if there was enough to do so. Once she was done eating, unless Lacrimosa came in there, then she would clean her dishes before going look around the place, avoiding the bedroom for now as she knew what was going on in there... or at least she had a pretty good idea what was going on.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The pot was large, so there would be plenty left over for the other two. Once Adelle had heated the thing up to a nice and hot temperature, she sat down to eat with a water bottle alongside the food.

But after a few bites into the iniatially pleasant food, something that resembled a miniature volcanic explosion happened in Adelle's mouth. A steady increase of heat started to burn her mouth, and it just went on and on. Despite this, she was determined to get the meal finished, since there was no point in wasting it. Going through fire and brimstone, the busty girl somehow managed to get through it, banishing her need to eat for the day. She could only wonder how standard a meal this was for the pair that were just doing things in the other room. While she couldn't hear much with the earplugs, an occasional noise did reach her even with them on.

A little after the hellish food had been finished, a naked Lacrimosa crawled out from the room, dragging herself towards the bathroom. She was totally torn open, scores of wounds leaving behind a trail of blood on the floor. Zacharias followed shortly after, bringing the tool of agony along with him. Adelle could even see tiny bits of Lacrimosa's skin on the thing. While it might have been seriously harmful to an average human, the nun girl would likely be just fine in a matter of minutes.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle took the first few bites of her food it was okay, but after a minute or two she felt it nearly set her on fire, but she managed to get the first few bites down. She managed to get through her meal as she didn't want to waste the food, because she remembered when she was little how hard times could get and her family never wasted anything whatsoever. Every now and then Adelle would hear some sounds through her earplugs, but they were muffled and she couldn't make out exactly what they were, though she had a pretty good idea as to what was causing them.

A short while after Adelle had finished the hot ass food, she saw Lacrimosa crawling through the room naked, with lash marks and cuts all over her body as she trailed blood across the floor towards the bathroom. The sight of Lacri like that caused Adelle's stomach to rumble and she started to get up to move and help her, but when Zacharias came out with the tool in hand Adelle's stomach could hold it down no longer and she ran over to the nearest garbage can as she felt her food coming back up.

After she was through vomiting, Adelle splashed some cold water on her face and went to the bathroom to help Lacri as much as she could, because her mind and heart were telling her to help her friend. Though she was quite shaky as she walked to the bathroom and she looked a bit pale as well, taking her earplugs out along the way to help Lacri get cleaned up.

L-Lacri... I'm sorry about this, but I have to say something,” Adelle said as she entered the bathroom behind Lacri, looking quite queasy as she went over to Lacri and did whatever she needed to help her got cleaned up, doing her best to keep herself from vomiting again. Adelle continued while she helped Lacri, speaking in a slightly sad voice, “Why Lacri? Why do you do this to yourself? You aren't a bad person, so I just don't see why you do this to yourself. Nobody should hurt themselves like this for any reason, least of all to repent for something. It just makes me sad to see you hurt yourself, because you're such a beautiful person on the inside and out.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Adelle emptied herself via the mouth, Zacharias went towards the remaining room with the whip still in his hands. He made no move towards the girl, probably seeing it best to not disturb her throwing up. Beyond the remaining door, there seemed to be something like a janitor's room, where the servant washed up the tool before coming back with cleaning equipment to swab up the blood trail when Adelle went to have a talk with Lacrimosa.

In the bathroom, Lacrimosa was setting herself a cleaning bath when Adelle came in. By the time that the tub was up to a bath level with the water, the nun girl was already relieved from her wounds, the terrible gashes gone like they had never been there. She then got into the bath, letting Adelle have a scrub since she apparently wanted to help. For all the words that she was being said, the nun girl didn't feel like talking back too much. "It's just... I need to feel something..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed Zacharias coming back from the other room with cleaning tools to clean the floor with where Lacri's blood had gotten, but for the moment she was more focused on Lacri. Before the bath had even filled with water Adelle saw that Lacri's wounds had sealed up as if they'd never existed in the first place. Adelle undressed again and got into the bath as she spoke to Lacrimosa and started gently washing her back so as not to hurt her any more than she already had been. Lacri's only reply to Adelle's words touched her rather deeply, prompting her to hug Lacri from behind while they sat in the bathtub.

"You've just got to feel something? I don't understand. Why does it have to be pain? Why can't it be pleasure? Or... or the touch of someone holding you like this? Or even just the feeling that someone will be there for you. Just anything but pain. I just... I don't like to see people hurt like that, especially when it's my friend and I know they're such a good person, it hurts me to see good people hurt for no good reason, because I just don't see how anyone can enjoy pain like that or let it happen to them willingly when they don't have to. If it were to protect someone you cared about I can understand willingly going through that kind of pain, but... I don't know, I'm just being stupid I guess for not understanding your side of this Lacri," Adelle said to Lacri, hugging her from behind in a friendly manner as if letting her know that someone was there for her while tears filled her eyes as she wondered why Lacri enjoyed pain like she did.

Adelle would help Lacri finish washing up in the bath, then help her dry off after they got done, then she would brush her teeth to wash the taste of vomit out of her mouth after drying off. Once they were done in the bathroom, Adelle started to feel a little hungry again and would see if Lacri minded feeding her a second time.
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