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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's not that simple... all of my senses... besides vision and hearing... are greatly diminished... most likely because of these cybernetics... It's... hard to get anything out from anything besides the most extreme of sensations... I'm not sure if I can... even see colors in a year or two... there are times when I lose my color vision for a few minutes..." Lacrimosa said after another period of quiet when the two bathed, Adelle somehow managing to stomach the idea of being in a tub that was stained in the other girl's blood and water. "As for sinfulness... well... you'll see..." After she had said those things, Lacri made no further effort to elaborate herself.

The two split up temporarily after the cleaning and drying up, but soon met at the kitchen again when both were done with their respective things. The nun girl had gotten herself another robe, this one completely white. It didn't seem to matter if Adelle wanted to eat again, having a free pick at whatever she might have want from the food supply. As for herself, Lacrimosa took out a portion of the obscenely spicy rice stuff that Adelle had eaten before.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh I'm really sorry Lacri, I wasn't understanding your side of it, that's really sad. So only your hearing and vision are still good? I suppose that explains why the food was so spicy earlier, not that it was that bad honestly, just a bit spicy. I'm so sorry Lacri, I hope you can forgive me, but I still don't think you're sinful Lacri," Adelle said to Lacri, still hugging her gently from behind and not caring about Lacri's blood getting mixed in with the water a little bit.

They split up upon exiting the bath and when Adelle got through drying off and brushing her teeth and stuff, she met back up with Lacri in the kitchen after redressing herself. She noticed Lacri was wearing a white robe this time, and was getting some of the heavily spiced rice out to eat. Adelle it seemed could get something else to eat if she liked and decided to see if she could find something a bit less spicy this time around, she wasn't very picky about what it was so she'd take the first none spicy food she found. She would chat with Lacrimosa while they ate if the nun wanted to, letting her choose what to talk about.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The first reasonably good pick that Adelle could see among the cans of food was a large-ish can of pork and beans, so that would likely be her eatings for the occasion. All things considered, it was a good evening meal to have, considering there were less pleasant possibilities in there as well. When she had finished preparing, the two of them ate together for a while, Zacharias eventually joining as well. He too ate the rice thingy, not even breaking a sweat over the superheat dish. Maybe the servant man was a type who liked those kinds of dishes. While she remained silent for a good enough time, Lacrimosa eventually broke out into a voiced pondering. "Maybe I... Should have brought the Hammerfist with me... Might have had easier times today..." she said, stopping briefly to look at a strange, bulky gauntlet device that was surrounded by parts on a side table. If Adelle's estimation was anywhere close, it looked like the thing incorporated parts from a jackhammer, along with some steam or pneumatic engines.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle rummaged around through the canned foods Lacri had inside her fridge and chose a can of pork and beans, which was nothing she hadn't eaten before so it didn't bother her really at all. When she was finished heating it up her and Lacri ate together and Zacharias came through after a few minutes and joined them as well. While he and Lacri both ate the spicy rice, Adelle noticed that neither of them seemed to be affected by the spiciness of it at all, which made Adelle think that maybe they liked the stuff or were simply used to it.

After a little while, Lacri spoke while looking at a some sort of gauntlet that was sitting to the side on a small table. It looked to Adelle kind of like a jackhammer built into a gauntlet in a way. "I don't know if it really would have helped against that thief that tried to take our mark honestly Lacri, because she was awful fast. I mean she was fast enough to deflect mine and Izzy's bullets and stuff, so I don't know," Adelle said, wondering if it would have made the difference between winning and losing as she finished up the remains of her food.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finishing her meal after the ponderings, Lacrimosa went to the side table, picking the weapon up and slipping it into her hand. Dim light woke up on the thing, steam releasing from gaps in the metal as she stretched the fingers of the gauntlet. Hmm... Maybe... But if I had this with me when she blocked my strike... I would have likely been able to break her sword... And avoided injury... This thing has enough power to break through most armor plates... And shatter concrete and such... the nun girl spoke out, testing out the weight and how it affected her swing with a few straights against the air. The weapon reached a little past the halfway of her forearm, so it was a good defensive implement in melee as well. At the end of the last swing, a thick metal spike shot out from upper portion of the thing, adding some further range to the attack. It was most likely this feature that did the serious damage when the mechanical fist was used.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched Lacri go over to the table the strange weapon was sitting on after they finished eating where she slipped it onto her hand. She watched the thing power up and steam whooshed out through the gaps in the metal when she stretched her hand out. Adelle listened While Lacri spoke and was testing the weight of the gauntlet weapon, she thought about what Lacri had just said for a moment and watched the nun girl take a few punches into the air.

"Well if it could have done that, then I'm pretty sure we could've beaten her Lacri. I don't think she would have been able to do much without her sword," Adelle said, rethinking her original thought of it probably wouldn't have helped them in the fight earlier.

It looked like it would give her great defensive abilities as well, which would have been great back there, and then she saw the thick metal spike shoot out from it and jumped a little when it did. She thought that would have skewered that little thief and couldn't help but smile at that thought.

"That would have been great to have Lacri, now that I see what all it can do," Adelle said to Lacri, looking closely at the weapon the nun had.

Once Adelle was done looking at the gauntlet weapon, unless Lacri was wanting to talk more, then Adelle was ready to get some sleep and would ask Lacri where she could sleep for the night.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'll have to take this with me next time..." Lacri finished her ponderings about the weapon, pulling back a switch that caused the spike to retreat back to the upper portion of the weapon, ready to come out once it was required. When she took off the gauntlet, the thing powered down, the lights on it fading away to nothing as it assumed a dormant stage of activation.

When all of them finished eating, Zacharias took it upon himself to clean up after them while Lacri moved towards the bedroom. When she had made her way there, Adelle found that it was nothing like Mariela's luxurious bedroom. A few random mattresses were piled near one wall, along with needed pillows and blankets. On one wall near the window, there was a steel X-frame with lockable cuffs. Most likely, the nun girl had strapped herself to the thing during the earlier lashing session. Still, Zacharias had managed to clean it up before they got there, so there were no signs of the abuse visible. "Make yourself a bed... but first... take a look..." Lacrimosa spoke up, walking in front of a mirror. It was surprising to see that her reflection was not consistent with what Adelle had seen throughout the day and in front of her right now. Instead of the usual form, the nun girl in the mirror was an ashen-skinned being with curled horns and slightly glowing green eyes. "I told you... I am sinful..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah you will, if that little thief comes back again then you'll be able to stop her with this thing," Adelle said to Lacri when she took the gauntlet off and set it down back onto the table she'd gotten it from.

After they had all gotten through eating Adelle saw Zacharias start cleaning up all of the dishes and was about to offer to help when she remembered that he was Lacri's man servant and probably did this sort of thing all the time by himself anyway, and might not want her to help considering she was a guest, so she followed Lacri on into her room. It was quite different from Mariela's own luxurious bedroom she saw, but that didn't bother her at all, as she had expected the girls homes to not all be the same.

She noticed several mattresses with pillows and blankets to go with them sitting near one wall and figured she was supposed to get one of those to use it for sleeping. Near the window she noticed the steel contraption with the cuffs and somehow she knew that Lacri had strapped herself into it earlier during her lashing earlier, she was a bit amazed at how clean Zacharias had managed to make it before they came in there. When Lacri told her to make herself a bed Adelle started over towards the mattresses against the wall, but only took three steps when she told her to take a look first.

Adelle turned to look at what Lacrimosa wanted her to look at and saw the nun walk over to a mirror and step in front of it. When she saw Lacri's reflection in the mirror and heard Lacri say she told her she was sinful, Adelle almost burst out laughing, thinking she was trying to prank her. But she stopped herself from laughing and stepped in front of the mirror herself to see if she had a different reflection than what she'd seen the last time. If she did, then she'd look a bit closer at the mirror to see if it was a joke mirror of some sort.

If it isn't a joke mirror, then this is what Adelle will say and do:
If the mirror did not change Adelle's reflection at all, then Adelle would gently hug Lacrimosa close and kiss her on either cheek. "Lacri, just because you look like that doesn't mean you're sinful sweetie. Would you have helped all of us as much as you have if you were that sinful? I think not," Adelle would say to the nun girl, trying to console her some.

If it is a joke mirror, then this is what Adelle will say and do:
"Oh Lacri, where did you get this mirror? It's a joke mirror, that's not what you really look like at all, you're beautiful on the inside and out," Adelle would tell her friend, hugging her. Then Adelle would smile and gesture at her own eyes and continue, "Trust what I can see right now with these sweetie, which is a beautiful person that thinks to poorly of herself when she shouldn't, because she's a much better person than she thinks she is."

(I wasn't sure if you meant for me to think it was a joke mirror or not, but I did. So use whichever of those is appropriate for if Adelle finds out whether or not it's a joke mirror.)
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When the busty girl herself went to view herself on the mirror, there was no change in her reflection. She looked like she did normally, but Lacrimosa's mirror self and real self looked very different still. "They say the mirror shows one's true self... Every mirror I look into... Shows me like this..." the nun girl said as Adelle sought to ease her mind. "And while I didn't show anything today... Since I try to avoid using them... There is Hell-borne power within me..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hell-borne power huh... well I know that you're still a good person Lacri, no matter what kind of power is inside you and no matter what you look like, you're still a beautiful person I think. You control that power because it's a part of you Lacri, not the other way around," Adelle said to her friend, hoping that would make Lacri not think so badly of herself.

Adelle would continue talking with Lacri if the nun wanted to talk more, but whenever she was ready for bed then Adelle was too, and would get one of the mattresses and fix it up to sleep on whenever Lacri was through talking.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe I will... someday be free of this..." Lacrimosa mumbled as she moved away from the mirror and began to prepare for the upcoming night. She got herself a mattress and a pillow, but no blanket of any sort. Setting the most basic possible bed to the floor, she settled down on the thing, folding her hand over her chest as if praying during sleep. Adelle was likely doing the same, though she could easily get a blanket if she so wanted.

In the morning, when Adelle woke up, she found that Lacri and her makeshift bed were gone already. Sounds of activity could be heard from the main room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I hope so Lacri, if only so you don't think so badly of yourself anymore. I just don't want to see you hurt anymore, because you don't deserve it" Adelle said as she went and got herself one of the mattresses after Lacri got her own.

Adelle also noticed that Lacri didn't get a blanket, but didn't say anything about it and figured that was just how she slept and she didn't want to disrupt her sleeping habits as well after trying to make her see reason with what she said earlier. After Adelle grabbed herself a blanket to cover up with and fixed it onto her bed, she undressed to her panties and tanktop she normally slept in and climbed under the blanket to get some much needed rest after placing her gun under her pillow with the safety on. "Goodnight Lacri," Adelle said to her friend before closing her eyes, sleep taking her almost instantly from how tired she was.


The next morning, Adelle woke with a slight start and looked around the room to see Lacri and her bed were both gone. She was hearing something from the main room though and figured that she was in there doing something. Adelle raised up, stretched and got out of bed, slipping her gun out from under the pillows just in case. She crept towards the door and peeked out of it and if nothing dangerous seemed to be out there, she would head back over to her pack and get another set of clothes out to wear, then go to do all of her morning business like brush her teeth, pee, brush her hair out nicely and things like that.

Once all that was done, she would see if anything was being cooked for breakfast.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sounds coming over from the next room were not threatening or dangerous ones, so Adelle was free to set herself up for the day. Once she did make it to the main room, she found Zacharias at the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the three of them. Lacrimosa was nowhere to be seen, but it was probably not hard to figure out where she would be this early in the morning. "Good morning, Miss Adelle. Lady Lacrimosa is in the chapel, offering her morning prayers to the Lord, in case you are wondering. Sit down and have some breakfast, if that is what you want." the robed man told her, flipping out a few strips of bacon onto the plate near the stove. It was a surprisingly accurate maneuver, all three bits plopping neatly onto a small pile already there. The thin meat strips were hardly the only thing though, there were other food articles already waiting at the table as well. It was things one would expect at a breakfast, eggs, orange juice, some bread and other similar bits of food and drink.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle saw that there were no threats in the next room and holstered her gun before placing it back on her bed, then she got her clothes on and did all of her business before heading to the kitchen. In the kitchen she saw Zacharias preparing breakfast, and the smell of it made her stomach growl as she entered the room. She didn't see Lacrimosa in the room and figured she was in the chapel praying or something. Then Zacharias confirmed her suspicions about where Lacri was when he spoke up after noticing her come in.

"Thanks Zach, I'm sure she would rather be left alone during her morning prayers anyway. It is okay to just call you Zach isn't it?" Adelle graciously thanked Lacri's man servant as she took her seat and got a plate, getting a bit of bacon, eggs, toast, and a small bit whatever else was there, though she'd leave enough for the other two to have plenty to eat themselves, topping off her breakfast off with a glass of the orange juice to drink.

"Hey can I ask you something about Lacri? How long has she been like this, and why? It's almost like she's trying to kill herself, and it's just painful to see someone so beautiful look down upon themselves so much because of such silly things. She's a much better person than she thinks she is, I just wish she could see it too," Adelle asked Zacharias while she bit into a piece of bacon.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, if you want to call me that, it shall be so. It is entirely appropriate, so I do not mind." Zacharias replied, sitting on the other side of the table as he finished preparing everything for the morning meal. Even at the table, this man seemed flawless, for his table manners and eating habits were a graceful thing to follow. While he seemed like a saint of some sort, there was a bit of hint of devilish nature in his looks. When asked about his relationship with the nun girl, he was not one to hesitate. "She has always been like this, for these two years I have been her most devoted servant. In all honesty, this behaviour is most disheartening, but I am not one to deny her in any way. As for explanations about why, I'm sure she already told you. I don't think I can tell anymore than she can, since we don't talk too much."

Just after Zacharias managed to finish his explanation, Lacrimosa stepped into the room, quietly taking a seat and starting to eat with them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched Zacharias walk over to the table to sit and said a little thanks to him when he said he didn't mind her calling him Zach. Her eyes followed his graceful movements a little jealously, wishing that she could be so graceful herself. She was glad that he didn't seem to get mad about her asking about Lacri as well, and even more glad when he spoke up about Lacri to answer Adelle's questions. She was about to reply again herself when Lacri stepped into the room and Adelle changed direction right as she opened her mouth towards Lacri.

Hey Lacri, come on over and have some breakfast with us. Zach here can cook up a mean breakfast, I mean this is some of the best food I've ever eaten honestly, well other than my mother's of course. There's nothing like some good old home cooking,” Adelle said to Lacri as she came into the room.

She decided to keep her mouth shut for now since Lacri was here, thinking maybe she could talk a little more with Zacharias later on the matter, or maybe she could talk to Rachaela about Lacri later when she saw her again. Either way she wouldn't disrupt their breakfast and sat back to enjoy the food, thanking Zacharias and Lacrimosa both for feeding her.

Once they were done eating, Adelle would ask Lacri what she planned on doing for that day, then she would plan her own next move.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no need to urge Lacrimosa, for she was fast on the draw, eating pretty modestly despite the fast approach towards the table. Her morning meal was barely half of what Adelle ate, but it didn't seem to matter to the nun girl. Eventually they managed to end the breakfast time, which was then transferred into a dressing time, the dishes waiting a bit more until Zacharias was free from his duties of setting his Lady up for the day. When the dress-up process went on, Lacri told what she knew of them doing today. "We... were supposed to go see Raizan... so we agreed to gather at the marketplace... and go when everybody is there... I think you can... leave your stuff here until there is more certainty about where you will sleep next night..." she told the busty girl, the fancy dress eventually finding itself properly on her body. Now, Sister Lacrimosa was once again ready to gather with her sisters.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As soon as she came into the room, Lacri came straight over to the table, apparently not needing Adelle insistence to come eat. Adelle saw Lacri had only about half of what she herself had on her own plate, and she wondered if that would be enough for the nun. After they finished eating, Adelle saw Lacri seemed to have gotten enough to eat and figured she just ate smaller portions than she did.

After they got through eating, Lacri went off to get dressed for the day, with Adelle following her off to grab her stuff to get ready. She had earlier decided on a pair of dark bluejeans and a short dark blue shirt that showed her navel. Once she got her coat on, grabbed a pair of socks, fixed her gun holster around her right thigh, then slipped her boots on, Adelle was ready to leave whenever Lacri was.

"Yeah I had almost forgotten about going over to Raizan's place and finding out about that knife. And thanks for letting me leave my stuff here Lacri, I feel a lot better leaving my things with someone I consider a friend," Adelle told Lacri, waiting for her to finish getting dressed.

As soon as Lacri was ready, then Adelle would grab the laser knife from her pack where she'd placed it for safe keeping the night before, and slipped it into the pocket of her leather trench coat before telling Lacri they could leave whenever she was ready.

"I was thinking about getting some more clothes, cause this is the last of my own before going back to what I wore when me and Mari went down into the tunnels by ourselves a couple of days ago, and I also need to get some more bullets I think. If we get there before the others, do you mind helping me look for some clothes that'll fit me good Lacri? It'll probably take me a while to find shirts and tops that'll fit me good... because of these huge things," Adelle told Lacri and asked her if she minded helping, holding up her massive mammaries and letting them fall back down again, where they bounced and jiggled around for a moment or two before going still, the sight of her action enough to make any man drool if they saw it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I don't shop myself that much... but I don't have any problems with you doing it... the others might not want it until after we have seen Raizan... but if we are there before them... then sure..." Lacrimosa replied, soon leading them out and towards the marketplace, where the gathering was supposed to happen. And pretty much as the nun girl had said, the other three were indeed there, already waiting for them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well it's only if the others aren't already there, but thanks Lacri," Adelle replied as they walked out.

Adelle followed Lacrimosa down the streets to the marketplace where they were supposed to all meet up to head over to Raizan's place. As soon as they arrived Adelle saw the other three were already there waiting for them, so she just told Lacri she didn't mind waiting until they got done meeting with Raizan to do her shopping.

"Alrighty then girls, which way to Raizan's place?" Adelle asked the girls, as she didn't know who the man even was, let alone how to get to his shop.

Adelle would simply follow their lead until they arrived where they were heading and explain to this Raizan when they met him how they came across the thing and see what all information they could get out of it that was useful.