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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the battle going on, the advantage appeared to be firmly on the girl's side. Adelle's shots at Kali went a little less better than last time, though she still managed to disable an arm. But some of that glory was taken away as Lacrimosa followed up on the attack, swerving around the female slaver to come down on her multitude of limbs with an uppercut claw strike that cut through all of the remaining arms on the left side, leaving only the main arm that was attached to the body as all the mechanical limbs clattered down onto the ground in a shower of metal and sparks. While the impact of that one powerful blow would certainly have an effect on Kali, she still whipped at the nun some more with the remaining whip and almost caught her with the handcuffs.

Shiulin had finished her reload, which was a good thing as she took aim at the oncoming Raksha and fired all the bolts at once again, hitting him in the chest with all three and tripping his charge as the impact tackled him over backwards. While Adelle's shots missed because of this, it had still bough the girls more time as far as having to fight the tigerman was concerned.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Taking another couple of shots at Kali's arms, Adelle disabled one of them thankfully, but not the second she aimed at. Lacri though outdid her and gave Kali an uppercut which took out all the remaining extra arms on her left side. Shiulin she noticed put all 3 bolts after reloading right into Raksha's chest, which unfortunately made her incendiary bullets a total waste unfortunately. After he fell, Adelle aimed carefully at him with her Colt and tried to put 2 of her incendiary rounds into him wherever she could, then with her other gun she'd take a shot at the handcuffs that Kali had to try and shoot them out of her robotic hands so that she couldn't handcuff any of them.

If her shots all connected and she hadn't killed Raksha, Adelle would shout at them again. "You want to surrender now? We can keep this up, or you can surrender and release our hunters," Adelle asked curiously, one gun aimed at either of them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

A few more shots were let loose as the rather one-sided bout continued, Adelle shooting some more while Shiulin reloaded again to prepare herself for the possible continuation of the charge that Raksha tried to perform. But it did not appear that he would do it again, one incendiary hitting him and setting the tigerman on fire as he hopped back to his feet. Seeing that the fight was a lost cause, he turned away from the scene instead, but not before leaving the girls a goodbye present as he bashed the door of the container. The impact was strong enough to break the locking system, and the tentacle creatures would be out soon enough. Having done that, he took a leap over the railing, most likely making the drop safely even with his injuries thanks to his big cat skills.

The combat between Lacrimosa and Kali went in a similar unbalanced fashion, a few more arms falling to the nun's claws before the female slaver threw the game. Ejecting the last two of her harness-arms at the nun in rocket punch fashion to distract her, she too turned and vaulted over the railing, most likely having the ability to take the fall with her cyberlimbs. And if she did not, the girls would find her on the street level. But before that, they would need to worry about the tentacle creatures that had broken out from the container by then, and were already eyeing Lacrimosa as a potential mating buddy.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing her rounds at Raksha, Adelle managed to hit him with one of her two shots, the bullet catching him on fire as he jumped up and made his escape, seeing as how he was losing badly now and was heavily wounded obviously, considering he was on fire and all. As he went for the side of the building and jumped off the edge though, Adelle watched as he slammed into the door of the large container. Knowing that the tentacle creatures would be out of there soon enough, Adelle watched as Lacri and Kali continued their fight, with Lacri seeming to take out most of the rest of Kali's extra arms, though the slaver woman had one last trick up her sleeve and fired the remaining arms at Lacri, which bought her the time to jump over the railing too.

"Damn them, not gonna get away that easily," Adelle growled, running over to the railing where they'd jumped off the edge, where she aimed her Colt carefully for a moment before firing her last two incendiary rounds at the nearest of the two which was likely Kali, aiming at her legs, knowing the shot was going to be a long one, but figuring that she ought to try and stop at least one of them.

Hit or miss, Adelle would reload the Colt and turn around to help deal with the tentacle creatures once her gun was reloaded, firing at them with her smaller gun to hold them off if they started coming for her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Running over to the railing at Lacrimosa's side, Adelle went to take her last shots at the fleeing Kali, who had actually landed safely from the three-story drop and was now getting out of sight. While the shot would have landed perfectly, another trick prevented the busty girl from ending the slaver's run as the portion of her leg that was about to get shot actually moved out of the way in a few small parts, somehow not even bothering her movement as they detached and came back again. It appeared that she had some sort of magnetic force system keeping her legs together, and Adelle had wasted her ammo as she had not known of it.

By the time she was looking back towards the current situation, Adelle found that there had been some developments. The tentacle creatures, being a pair of humanoid shapes made from writhing masses of their namesake, had moved about and one of them had engaged with Lacrimosa. The two were not all that far from the busty girl, maybe fifteen feet or so, and the nun was getting overwhelmed with the sheer amount of coiling, grasping tentacles that were grappling her. The other one had shifted away to go for Shiulin instead, the triple bolts sticking out from the creature telling that she had already made another great shot and wounded it. How badly, it was hard to tell, considering the creatures had bodies that shifted in and out quite a lot.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rushing over to Lacri's side, as Kali was obviously the leader of this outfit and was likely the better one of the two to take down, Adelle aimed quickly and took her shots, only to have them wasted as Kali's legs detached and reattached somehow. "Damn... bitch got away," Adelle growled at Kali getting away.

Looking back quickly, she saw Lacri being overwhelmed by a tentacled creature that had taken humanoid shape, while Shiulin was facing off with another one. Adelle quickly took stock of who needed her help more and decided that Lacri did, as she was a melee fighter and was more at risk of being grabbed by her foe. Reloading her guns quickly, Adelle made a split second decision and aimed her guns at both creatures and fired.

"Hey there big guys, come and get this sweet piece of ass... you know you want me," Adelle called out to the creatures, getting their attention and turning around to wiggle her ass at them and give it a little slap before stepping back towards the stairs leading down. "I'll keep these things busy, find our girls and make sure they're alright. You can come help me after you find them or not, I'll keep them on the floor under us for now until you get done. Our girls and their safety are the top priority here," Adelle added to Lacri and Shiulin, and Yomi if she was still there, backing towards the stairs some more.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's shots had mixed success, one hitting and releasing Lacrimosa while the other just flat-out missed, only hitting a window on a building next to the one they were in. Thankfully, there appeared to be no-one there as it was most likely another abandoned building. The one shot that connected did little to help Lacri though as she was almost immediately reclaimed by the creature she was facing against as the thing caught her mid-strike. It was clearly wanting have some fun with the nun, the tentacles finding their way into strategic spots in her uniform and going in without asking for permission.

The gap between Shiulin and the other monster was closed fast enough, these tentacles being both large and fast for that size, a thing that was not usually the case. Before the taskmaster could raise her bow again, she too was getting grappled, though the molesting did not start just yet.

Even though she was attractive by most standards, Adelle did not appear to possess enough skill at taunting to distract these creatures from their current partners. Maybe they were not into girls with leather jackets and such, or maybe they just wanted to keep their current grabs as they were already in their grasp.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing her shots having little effect to draw the attention of the two creatures off of Lacri and Shiulin and seeing her companions both snatched up in their tentacles, with Lacri being molested by them, Adelle switched up to her swords, looking around for Yomi in the process.

"Yomi, if you're there get out here and help dammit, Kali and Raksha are gone and its just these creatures. Get Shiulin free, I'll get Lacri," Adelle called for Yomi, who might have flown the coop on them, she wasn't sure as she hadn't seen her in a while now, since the fighting started.

Even if she had left them, Adelle drew her swords anyway, slid her coat off and set it down near the container and went after the one holding Lacri, slashing at it until she cut Lacri loose, where she'd draw it towards the one holding Shiulin to do the same and draw their attention to her to give the other two time to either hit them both from behind or search for their missing huntresses. Assuming she got the creatures attention, Adelle would again attempt to draw them over to the steps, leading them down into the building proper to give her a bit of an edge as they were big and would have trouble moving quickly. If she couldn't draw their attention even after that, Adelle would climb up onto the back of the one holding Lacri and start hacking away at it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The attack towards the tentacled humanoid proved to be of little use to Adelle, she too getting caught in the tangle as it swatted at her in a frenzy and eventually grappled the busty girl, unleashing a host of wildly squirming, clinging tentacles at her and pulling her close by the arms and boobs. It was a silly situation, two girls being held up by one monster that was about the size of one of them. Shiulin appeared to fare a little better, kicking herself off from the grasp of the monster and quickly moving to the side, adjusting position to get herself a view of the battlefield to make a decision what to do now.

Before she could make anything of it, the one that had been grappling her flew away from near the door accompanied by the sound of metal hitting flesh at high speed. Even more, it was followed by a trail of steam, which came from the creature itself. It hit the ground near the other one, which kinda ignored Yomi emerging from the stairwell, not really acknowledging the fact that it was against four different targets now. The joy of molesting two girls at once was getting to it, apparently. It would turn out to be a dangerous mistake, not made any easier as Yomi had powered up, now having her previously pitch black arms glow orange and smoke a whole lot. Somehow, she had made the massive arms heat up internally, and now they showed off the heat of a furnace-born fire within.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Slashing at the creature, Adelle found it was little use as it was either just too strong, or there was just too many smaller tentacles writhing together to cause much damage really. In the end, Adelle felt herself scooped up by tentacles as well, the things managing to coil around her limbs. When she felt it reeling her in pretty much by her arms and breasts, Adelle's body couldn't help but instinctively react by her nipples perking up thanks to her breasts being grabbed too.

Struggling to get free, Adelle pulled as hard as she could as Shiulin managed to break free of the one holding her thankfully, so at least one of them was making headway against these things. Yomi however did appear to have still been there and smashed the one that'd been holding Shiulin and flung it clear across the roof over next to the one holding her and Lacri. Seeing Yomi charging up again and about to come at the one holding her and Lacri, Adelle figured she'd do best to keep it distracted and started kicking at it.

"That all you got big guy?" Adelle asked the creature, kicking at its head and hoping that Yomi didn't end up hitting her and or Lacri.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The kick failed to make any impact before Adelle's feet were snared up too, preventing her from moving as the creature gave a lashing on the titties with a few tentacles before the massive rescue fist interfered with the molestation in a rather strong way. Using her left, Yomi swung down with a colossal downward hammer fist, practically turning the mass of tentacles into paste as the body crumpled down under the weight of the red-hot metal. The roof almost followed suit, the concrete cracking in a wide area as the impact hit it. Thankfully, the grip of the tentacles was not determined enough to pull the pair down along with it as that would have ended with both of them getting burned severely. Instead, they just toppled away onto their backs, remaining there as the little life left in the monster evaporated. While it was a relief, there was something bad about roasting tentacles and how they smelled like, which made the situation a little less comforting.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle expected, her legs were soon entangled too by the creature, where she couldn't suppress a soft groan as it smacked her breasts a few times before Yomi splattered the thing and it dropped them, nearly cracking through the roof and into the building below. Thankfully the roof held and they only ended up falling back onto their butts as the creature died, where Adelle looked around, trying to ignore the smell of the burning tentacles.

"Ick... that smell is horrible, but better that I guess than the smell of sex all up here," Adelle said as she raised up and got to her feet, grabbing her things and slipping her coat back on before looking back over to the container. "Come on, Yomi where are our girls? They in the container here? If so can you open it please," Adelle asked Yomi as she collected her things, looking to the cybernetic armed girl and gesturing at the container.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once the wriggling had ceased completely, Yomi lifted her fist off from the mass that she had crushed, only leaving a pile of blackened meat and ash behind. "Yes, they should be. The time of their departure was to be tonight, or so I heard." the girl told them, waiting a little to let her hands cool down from the heat release before doing anything to the container. Once she was in the clear again, Yomi pried the tip of one finger into the space near the hinges of the door and bent it up to open a hole, then pushed her finger in deeper just to bend the door again with more force to remove the entire thing. And just as she had stated, there was indeed a pair of girls to be found there, quite tied up in their underwear and all tight because the side of the container they had been forced into was just barely big enough to house them both. One of them was Shiulin's friend if her ethnicity was to be believed, while the other was your garden variety white girl with a blonde ponytail. They were young, undoubtedly, and the inexperience almost shined from them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Watching Yomi heading over to the container and pry it open after the heated metal arm cooled down, Adelle remained at the ready just in case they'd been lied to and the container had a bunch of those tentacle creatures inside. As soon as the container was open and Adelle looked inside, she saw the girls, both tied up tightly in their panties. Putting her weapons away, Adelle moved over to drew her new kukri out, which she used to cut their ropes, where she then called for Lacri to help her get them out of there.

"Hang on girls, we're here to get you out of this fucking place. Sorry slaving bastards, least they could have done was given you a bigger area to be in," Adelle said to them, pulling the nearer of the two out first and letting Lacri finish getting her out, where she then climbed in a bit to get the other of the pair.

Once they had them out of their holding pen as it were, Adelle would take her coat back off and wrap it around them both as best she could to at least give them some modesty, or if they were unconscious she'd lay it over them both. "Shiulin, this your friend here?" Adelle asked the female taskmaster of the hunters, gesturing at the only one of the pair that could be her.

After she answered, Adelle would look over at Yomi for a moment before speaking again. "Hey Yomi, do you know of any other girls that they might have anywhere around the city? Or who they sold the girls they took too?" Adelle asked Yomi while they tended to the girls.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even though she had her claws still, Lacrimosa could be of help if she was careful and avoided positioning her weapons in ways that they could be harmful to the two rescue targets. There was no real need to ask Shiulin about her friend as the two were talking in Chinese as soon as Lui was out from the container and free from the bindings. Even then, the conversation was a somewhat emotionless and appeared to be very formal. Maybe it was something between the two, who knew.

For all the time she had spent with Kali, Yomi had apparently been only a minor part of their operation, if her information was of any indication. "In the time I was with them, we only did business around this building and a few others nearby, each of them having a somewhat similar set-up to this place here. These two girls were the current ones we had to sell, no others in the other places at the moment. The sales I am not sure about, they always contacted someone on the phone and arranged for a night-time pick-up. There was supposed to be one for them tonight, but now that you've driven them off, that will be called off as soon as possible. They do not want to risk anyone catching the transporters, since that might give away vital information about the operation. But what I do know is that there is a special place somewhere out there in the wasteland that is a haven for all of their kind. It is a really nasty place that no-one has tried to shut down yet, as it is not that well known and is practically a heavily armed fortress."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing Shiulin and the other girl talking told Adelle all she needed to know that she was the Shiulin's friend. Glancing over at Yomi as she tended to any hurts on the girls, Adelle listened to what all the girl had to say. "Hmm I see. Well do you by chance know of any other girls that they had planned on targeting then? And do you maybe know where those two went? Would make things easier if we can capture them, sooner rather than later," Adelle then asked Yomi when she was finished, looking back down to the blonde girl and helping her to stretch herself out before helping her to get back up. "You alright hon?" Adelle asked the girl after wrapping her coat around her, or both of them if she could.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The plan was to sell them first, then think of the next victims and where to get them from, they are not hasty people. As for where they'd head now, I could almost wager that they are fleeing the city as fast as possible to get the heat they expect away from them. Possibly they'll take refuge in Saint Falls, the slaver fortress I mentioned, as they know how to get there. In all honesty, I don't think you'll be seeing them soon, they are experts when it comes to getaways." Yomi shared what she could before taking a seat on the same chair that Raksha had been sitting in just a few minutes ago. Clearly, she had a lot to think about, now that she was most likely her own person.

On the matter of the other rescued girl, she appeared to be doing relatively well, considering the circumstances. "Yes... I'm alright, if a little rattled still... not the best 24 hours of my life, these."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well shoot, looks like we won't be catching them easily then I guess. For now though we got our girls freed, so that's something at least. I don't think we'll be able to ride all the way back on our bikes with all six of us though. We'll need to look more into this place you mentioned though for sure," Adelle said, glancing back to the blonde girl.

"Well just take a couple of minutes to rest alright, I can give you a ride to wherever your place is so you can get some clothes at least. Shiulin seems to have her friend there all in order now from the looks of it. I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle told the blonde girl, introducing herself to the girl. "So what happened exactly? Did the guy that hired you two lure you into their clutches or what? And do you by chance know where they put all of your gear?" Adelle asked, moving around to check the other side of the container again just to make sure it was cleared of all the creatures and whatnot, and she also looked around for the girls gear too after checking the container.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The blonde took a seat upon Adelle's suggestion, occupying the same table as Yomi on the other side of it. There appeared to be nothing between them, but the girl was still somewhat wary around the one-time slave near her. That did not stop her from speaking up though. "That is kinda how it went down, yes. He took us here, and there was an ambush waiting. Those two tentacled things and the woman in co-operation, and he too joined in once the battle started properly. Did not take long for us to get overwhelmed, I'm sure you can imagine." she confirmed what Adelle pretty much knew at that point. She had no real knowledge about the gear, but the girls had seen their clothes earlier, and the gear was quite easily found in a locker that was near the container. There was nothing really left in the container itself besides some tentacle slime puddles, which were most likely not all that useful a discovery.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Figures, well looks like he won't be trying anything else from now on most likely, at least not with the hunters anyway because we know his face, and soon enough the police will too so everyone will be on the lookout for them," Adelle told her with a nod after hearing the whole story. "We did manage to kill those creatures at least, and wounded those other two pretty good, so that's some consolation I guess," she added before looking about for their gear, finding it in a nearby locker where she got it and their clothes out for them both, handing both of them their respective clothes and the rest after asking who's owned what.

"Well there's nothing else to do here I guess than head on back and report to Samson. Though... I don't think we'll all fit on the bikes unfortunately. So... a couple of us will have to walk and I'm not leaving my bike here unattended if I can help it. Too bad we don't both have a side car for the bikes," Adelle said, looking about at the others and suggesting they head on back since there was little else to do here now that the slavers were gone. "Hey Lacri, you mind walking with Yomi back to the bar? You could stop along the way at Rachaela's and see if she minds healing her legs up from where we... well you know, shot her," Adelle then asked Lacri, since it was doubtful they could fit 3 on each bike without them risking a wreck.

"I don't mind giving you a ride back to your place if you'd rather go there instead of the bar miss, and I can meet up with everyone else afterward," Adelle then said to the blonde girl, offering to give her a ride back to her place unless she'd rather go to the bar instead, in which case she'd take her there.