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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The girls took a moment to re-equip themselves, both with weapons and clothes. The blonde lady was dressed quite in quite unassuming clothes, not all that different from the common folk that one could see around the city during daytime. Lui was a little more appropriate to her ethnic background, using baggy pants and a bright blue silk jacket/shirt. Even with their unpleasant experience, the two ladies did not want to go against the protocol, quite ready to make a report themselves.

While she was clearly thinking of Yomi's condition, Adelle was corrected as to who they should be going to, despite not really knowing that the busty girl had met the person in question before the other day. "Should go to the bar, we have a good healer there, far better than Sister Rachaela. Maybe move as a big group, unless you want to go there faster since you have those bikes."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that everyone was ready to go and decided to go on back to the bar instead, even despite the girls they'd rescued condition, Adelle nodded and agreed to head on back there first. "I hadn't forgotten about the lady back at the bar, I just figured since Rachaela was probably a little closer and all we could stop off there. Doesn't really matter though I guess as long as everyone can travel alright, and I suppose we ought to stick together just in case, a group might be an easier target, but strength in numbers," Adelle said, not forgetting about the lady back at the bar from before.

"You gonna be alright to walk Yomi?" Adelle asked Yomi as they set off back to the bar, with Adelle taking off the brake on her bike and pushing it as they went, which would save her gas some at least she figured.

If they passed the gun store on the way, Adelle would tell the others to keep on going and she'd meet them back at the bar, that she was going to restock on some ammo after that tough fight. Though if they didn't pass the gun store she wouldn't bother until she was on her way home instead. When they got back to the bar, unless Adelle stopped off at the gun store, she would fix the brake and knock the kickstand out before following the others in.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The route they took would not go past the gun store, as that place was off to the east some distance. Yomi did not want to slow them down, and actually had an alternative method of going around. Rather than walking with her feet, she kind of knucklewalked with her fists as her arms were longer than the body below her shoulders. This took all the pressure off from her feet, saving her a bunch of pains as using her feet in that condition was probably a nasty ordeal. While it made people look at her more than they already did with those huge arms, the method served the group well enough as they reached the bar after some time spent walking and pushing bikes along.

At the bar, the others scrambled pretty fast, Yomi and Lacrimosa going to the counter to have Elise come out for healing while the rest of the girls went to Samson. For all the more or less freaky people that were running about the place, there still appeared to be a fair share of interest towards Yomi as the regulars eyed her from their tables, apparently quite intrigued by the tiny girl with massive arms of metal.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they set off, Adelle saw that Yomi had another method of travel that prevented her legs from being used any, which kept her from any pain that came from walking on them. Unfortunately though they didn't pass by the gun store, so Adelle figured that she'd go there afterwards to restock on ammo, even though she had plenty left of her regular ammunition she needed her specialized ammo for taking on armored enemies and whatnot. "Well here we are, time to get us some stiff drinks after all that, I'll meet you all inside, just gonna set my brake up on my bike here," Adelle said, moving over to do as she said with her bike and making sure it was all locked down and everything before heading on in.

Once inside she saw Lacri and Yomi speaking with Elise to get them both healed up, while the others went over to Samson. Ordering herself a drink of scotch, Adelle headed for Samson's table too to wait for it to be delivered by way of one of the waitresses so she could listen in on what all was being said, and to collect her pay if any.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The barman was beginning to catch up on Adelle's drinking habits, and the words between them were basically confirming if she wanted her usual. At the table, Shiulin and the girls were both giving their respective views about what had happened, nothing that Adelle had not heard or seen about already at that point. The whole event appeared to be giving Samson some consideration towards making at least the minimal checks on people before accepting their requests just like that, as this case had not been the sole one of it's kind in the past year or so. Just as the drink came in, Samson's attention shifted to Adelle and Lacrimosa as well, who had just joined them. Even if the job had been kind of a rescue mission for the hunters themselves, it was not going to end up with them not getting paid for their efforts to help the guild. The pay was a good day's pay like usually, certainly a good enough sum to enable the busty girl to grab some new ammo for herself to replace the spent ones and still leave some for other purposes.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes sir the usual, thank you. This is just the perfect drink to relax with," Adelle replied to the barman when asked if she wanted her usual.

Once she had ordered her drink and had paid the bartender for it, Adelle headed for Samson's table, taking a seat next to the blonde girl as she awaited it to arrive. She listened to all that was being said, finding out that this was only one of a few times this had happened in the last year or so. Once he was done talking to Shulin and the other two that they'd rescued, he turned to her and Lacri when she got over there, where Adelle sat up a bit straighter in her seat. She nodded to him as he handed her and Lacri their pay for the job, thanking him in the process.

"Thank Samson, and girls do be careful next time. Also... I hope if I'm ever in the same position that you all will come to my aid too. But now that everything is over and done with, I'm gonna finish my drink and head on home for the day, get some rest... unless there's anything interesting happening around here that is," Adelle said, shaking Samson's hand as she took her pay from him and pocketed it and stating what she was going to do now. She looked around at the clock to check the time and if it was past 3:00 to 3:30 pm now then she'd head on back home, but possibly with a passenger. "You need a lift back home hon? I don't mind giving you a lift on my way," Adelle would ask the blonde headed girl if it was past 3:00 to 3:30 pm or so.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The time was some minutes past 5 pm, just about the dinnertime mark to everyone with a standard day schedule. As the clock was already that far into the day, Adelle would be heading home. The girl took up on the offer to get back to her own home, hopping onto the bike so the two of them could take off. Her homes was not all that far from the location of Adelle's own place, a thing that would enable the two to meet up and communicate in case there was some need for it. After giving a thanks, the blonde removed herself from the bike and headed in to get some much-needed rest. With that part of the trip taken care of, Adelle could make her way back home, or somewhere else if she desired it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After finding out the time, Adelle figured it was high time she get on back and as it happened the blonde haired girl's home wasn't too far away from her new place, so she told her to get her stuff and come on. Bidding farewell to Samson and the others after finishing her drink, Adelle asked Lacri if she minded letting Yomi crash at her place for the night so she wouldn't have to hunt for a place to sleep with it so late already. If Lacri declined though, Adelle would offer to return and pick Yomi up once she'd taken the other girl home first to give her a place to stay at for the night.

"Isabella might be able to help you out with those arms some if you like. She's another friend of ours. Me or Lacri can take you over to see her tomorrow since it's so late right now and all," Adelle told Yomi before heading out to take the blonde girl home, thinking that Isabella may be able to help her out with her large cybernetic arms or at least might be able to direct her to someone that could.

Once on board her bike, Adelle drove the blonde haired girl home, figuring it best to take her on now in case she had to come back for Yomi, if Lacri didn't want her staying at her place or anything. Adelle drove quickly but carefully on to her passenger's place of residence, waving to her as she climbed off. "Hey... if you know where Kozlov used to live, I'm renting his place right now, just over that way. You ever need me just give a shout and I'll see what I can do to help, we girls gotta stick together," Adelle said to her companion as she waved and then pointed in the direction of her place from there before gripping her handlebars and preparing to drive off. "Oh by the way, I don't think I ever caught your name miss. Not that I'm demanding it or anything of course, just curious is all. Who knows we might end up working together sometime in the future," Adelle added before heading off, curious since she'd introduced herself and hadn't gotten the girl's name in return.

If Lacri did allow Yomi to stay with her for the night, Adelle would head on home for the evening, figuring she could restock her ammo tomorrow since it was getting later and all, as she didn't want to get caught out in the city at night, even on her bike. Once home, she'd park her bike and lock down the house, feeling extremely tense and the need to relax after an early dinner, which she'd figure out once she got home. However if Lacri was against Yomi staying with her then Adelle would head back to pick the big armed girl up and take her home with her, letting her sleep there at her place for the night before taking her to see Isabella, who with any luck might be able to help her out some.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Lacrimosa had nothing against housing Yomi within her quarters for a day, showing that she had the parts about generosity right, even if she appeared to be otherwise quite an unusual nun. "Hmm, yes... I do remember that she has some cybernetics person within her sphere of useful people..." she also confirmed the things about Isabella and her having someone who could help with the unusual issue that was bothering Yomi.

The two motorcycling girls did their trip afterwards, the blonde introducing herself as Lovisa, somehow having forgotten to mention it before. She appeared to take note of what the location for where Adelle was living in, so maybe they would indeed end up with some other co-operation later. Somehow, the name and the girl's looks indicated that she could be geographically connected to Kozlov, maybe originating from the neighboring countries or somesuch. Once the two had parted, Adelle was free to head home and have her relaxing times.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully Lacri was alright with Yomi staying with her that night, meaning Adelle didn't have to make another trip back to pick the girl up before going home. "Aye, I remember that too Lacri, so we can take her over to see her tomorrow, she might even be able to help her get some smaller cybernetic arms, ones around the normal arm size and stuff I mean," Adelle said before leaving with the other girl while Shiulin likely prepared to take Lui on to her place soon afterwards.


After dropping Lovisa as she introduced herself off, Adelle waved and said what she did before heading on homeward, feeling the need to relax that night. When she got home she'd park her bike and go on in after locking up behind herself, making sure all the doors and windows were locked up tight before going in and looking about the place to see where her cat friend was at, if he was even there still.

"Hey bud, what'cha think about some chicken tonight?" Adelle would ask her cat friend as she went on to the kitchen, getting some chicken out to fry up and a skillet to do it in after battering it up some, since that wouldn't take so long as baking it or anything.

While the chicken was frying in the skillet, Adelle baked a couple of larger potatoes in the oven and chopped up some other vegetables to make a salad with to accompany the other bits, slicing a couple of pieces of bread off as well. When dinner was done and cooling off a bit so they could eat, Adelle went and took her gear off and put in her bedroom and then she washed her face off and wiped herself off a bit before heading back and getting her food and a soda from the fridge, bringing her plate to the living room to watch the television while she ate to see what all was on there at the moment.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While there might have been some doubts towards him, Buddy had not gone anywhere during the day, maintaining the same position that he had been lazing on the entire time. Adelle could hear the TV being on as she headed upstairs to enter the living area from the garage, finding the cat friend still looking at the strangest of channels for someone to look at, let alone a nonhuman creature, the infomercials. The varied overpriced and most likely scam products appeared to interest the little guy, and he had claimed another beer from the fridge during the day as well, the can sitting there on the couch table. It was good, considering he was there alone and could have chugged all of the beer that was in the fridge, but was obviously thinking about the owner of the house too and not doing so. The selection of food did not appear to bother him too much, the nature of the food being of little importance as long as it was actually edible, tasted good and was nutritious being the things that he looked for most likely. Even then, he did little towards the actual preparation, being satisfied with looking at Adelle from the top of the backrest while she did all the cooking.

The two changed places once food was actually ready, Buddy leaving his perch to eat in the kitchen while Adelle flopped onto the couch to enjoy her dinner and watch some television. Going from a few different channels, the busty girl could see infomercials, music videos, a documentary of some sea creatures that might or might not exist at this point in time, some old-age soaps and finally the news. The news did not appear to have anything dramatic, it looked like the local areas had gone through the day without anything super-serious happening. The fight between her group and the slavers had not managed to reach anyone, as there was no mention of anything remotely resembling that encounter in the news.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding Buddy lazing about still, Adelle raised an eyebrow when she noticed another can of her beer gone. "Hmm... guess I'll have to get more tomorrow. Not that I mind much, since you are keeping an eye on the place for me and all. And you thinking of getting some of those items from those commercials?" Adelle said to Buddy as she came in, chuckling a bit as she noticed what he'd been watching on the television while she was out and about.

While she got the food cooking she noticed him watching her from the back of the couch which he'd claimed as his perch for the time being. Once dinner was ready and she'd changed and everything, then gotten her plate, she plopped back on the couch to watch the TV while she ate to give her something to do. After flipping through the channels and seeing most of what she had to watch and checking the news a bit, Adelle decided on the documentary of the sea creatures, though she'd switch to the music videos if said show went off before she finished eating.

After she finished dinner, Adelle would sit back and relax for a few minutes and watch TV some more while her food settled, then once it had she'd do the cleanup of dishes and put them away before looking to Buddy. "Alright Buddy, I'm heading down to the cellar to check on my little pets some and feed them the scraps before I take myself a bath, keep an eye on things up here while I do," Adelle said to her cat friend as she collected the scraps of their dinner that wasn't put up as leftovers into the fridge. "Damn, I still gotta set up that fence down there too," she muttered as she went to the bedroom with the stuff, taking off all but her shirt and panties and putting it into the dirty clothes to be washed later.

Grabbing her kukri along the way just in case she needed it for anything, Adelle headed for the cellar, turning the lights on as she climbed down the ladder and looked around to see where her little pets were all at. She idly wondered what they were doing as she looked around, and she also wondered just how big they'd grow... well she was kind of sure how large the roper pods would get, but the little squid things she wasn't sure about. She really probably ought to take one of the roper pods before it got too big and drop it back into the sewers where they came from she figured, or give it to someone that might want it for some purpose. She probably should do that with both of them now that she thought about it, since once they grew she wouldn't be able to get them out of there most likely, but that was something to deal with tomorrow.

"Hey there fellas, hope you're doing fine, and I brought you some delicious food," Adelle called out into the cellar as she climbed down, going over and kneeling next to the little roper pod things she'd collected and feeding them some of the scraps before doing the same for the little squid things... unless she ended up being groped by one or more tentacles from any or all of the critters down there. In that case she'd merely giggle a bit and would let them continue, feeling tense after a long day, and after a few days of not having anything at all after Buddy interrupted her the other night before she could really get down to business, she felt quite tense and stressed so some groping didn't bother her any.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

If he somehow could, which was unlikely, there was no way to tell that Buddy was going to make any moves towards his strange interests on the TV items. If anything, it would take a special kind of company for just the communication, unless the cat actually knew how to talk or at least write in a human language. The documentary was long enough to allow Adelle the time to eat and look at the life and times of sea creatures such as as sharks and sea turtles. She could even see an octopus in there, being a masterful user of disguise and sliding about on the sea floor virtually unseen.

After doing a little more of the chores, Adelle headed out to the garage floor in order to visit her other, more rowdy pets that had to be secured in the basement. The materials for the cage where still there, untouched from the previous time that the busty girl had seen them. Just like before, the smaller pod was paying little interest, flicking it's tentacle at the offered food bits and pulling them into what passed as a mouth for the thing. The squid creatures were hanging out in the ceiling again, but they too came down once there was sight of food. Somehow, they too had little will to be causing trouble, but they did appear to be sticking closer to Adelle than before after their food had been given. The small pod had increased in size somewhat, another few layers of whatever the stuff was that it was made of having formed around the thing. It was still only the size of a small melon, so there was little to be concerned about with that one.

What was to be concerned about was the second pod, the bigger brother of the two. That one quickly gobbled up everything it was offered just like the previous one, but it appeared to have some designs for Adelle too as the rapidly working tentacle came back for her as soon as all the food went down. It reached around the back of her head and pulled her towards itself, the top opening wide to reveal the slimy insides. Unless she would do something, the busty girl would end up with her face deep in that slimy, drool-ridden hole. Maybe it was good that she had decided to bathe later.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Noticing the little squid things on the ceiling, Adelle merely smiled, figuring that they were about to drop down on her, but they amazingly didn't do so and instead came down to munch on the offered food along with the two roper pods, one of which was a bit larger than the other. Thinking of what all she had to do the next day as she fed her strange pets, Adelle idly wondered where she could take the roper pods to put them back into the wild as it were. She was shaken from her deep thought she was in as she petted one of the squid things when the larger of the two roper pods looped one of its tentacles around behind her head and began pulling her towards it, the busty girl already nearly halfway down before actually realizing what was going on.

"What the... what are you trying to do now hmm?" Adelle asked, pulling back a bit, unsure of what it was planning exactly by drawing her head down into the hole the tentacles came out from, and unsure if she'd even be able to breathe within the thing. "Now I don't know what you want my face in there for, so I'm a bit wary of that little guy. But you all can feel me up with those tentacles all you want if you like and I won't complain... hell I could use some relaxation come to think of it. But... if you're gonna be doing those things, let me at least take my clothes off first," she went on to say aloud, slipping her shirt off if she could pull away from the thing enough to do so before sliding her panties down and off.

If the thing still insisted on pulling her down though after she'd undressed, then Adelle would hesitantly allow it to, though with her hands on the sides of it just in case she needed to pull it off quickly if it turned out she couldn't breathe inside it. However if she could breathe inside the thing without difficulty, and it didn't seem to have any hostile intent, then Adelle would simply relax and let the thing do its work, reaching out to gently stroke the squid things with one hand while her other hand reached down between her legs and got busy rubbing her soft folds to get them nice and moist for some relaxing fun.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There appeared to be little interest in the pod's part when it came to small details like getting clothes off or being able to breathe as it did not listen to Adelle for too long, keeping her from getting herself naked as she was pulled down into the mouth of the thing. The sides that had opened up to get her face in there closed up again once she was in place, keeping her from pulling her head away as there still was only one long and thick tentacle on the pod to do things, and keeping her down was certainly not what it was meaning to do with that. The insides were humid, dark and slimy, but the busty girl could see some amount of light coming in there from gaps in areas around her head. The mouthparts had not completely airsealed her in, thankfully. While there really was only one big tentacle in this pod, there was some wriggling going on that indicated that there was indeed more developing inside as a few tiny, almost stringy ones wiped about Adelle's face, leaving tiny drops of slime here and there. Two of them went to work, tucking at the corners of her mouth to get it open as the main tentacle lined itself up in preparation for entry. It was not for long as the assistant tentacles did their job, and the wiggling limb was inside the busty girl's mouth before she could think about it too much. The mouth rape was not all that bad at first, but the simple creature was not one for gentle approaches, going from average fellatio to hardcore deepthroat in a relatively quick moment.

As soon as Adelle had her head trapped in the pod, the little squid critters jumped her as well, sensing opportunity to strike in the immature roper's move against their household mistress. The pair jumped onto the busty girl's arms, slipping up her limbs and making way under her shirt to reach their target. Each creature claimed a boobie for itself, their mouthparts finding nipples to clamp onto in short order, even if there was a fair amount of size to look in. The previous flexibility and stretchiness of their tentacles became apparent once more as the creatures coiled some of them around the massive mounds to apply squeeze while others reached further down and around her back to grab Adelle's wrists, each securing the one arm that was on the other side before reeling it in. This particular move left the blue-haired young lady in a rather compromised position as she was bent over and trapped in a pod with her arms pinned behind her back. Thankfully the doors were closed and locked so no random people could walk in on her getting molested by her pets.

Having secured their household mistress in a mostly secure position, the monster team started to work on her. The squidlings were clearly the more pleasing part of the operation at this point, each of them greedily sucking and squeezing on Adelle's melons to feed themselves more, not simply content with the food she had provided. They were after her milk, and she was nothing but good in providing that as lactation had not been something that she was lacking in. As the pair fed themselves, the other party too was busy at work, the ongoing mouth rape not letting up too much as the pod continued to slide the thick main tentacle into the busty girl's forcefully opened mouth, pushing itself uncomfortably deep each time it did. Somehow, it appeared that the thing was probably making slow progress, each separate thrust appearing to make itself a tiny bit further in than the last. A few more tiny tentacles joined the game as well, poking around the girl's ears with their slimy tips, not with any intention of trying to damage her hearing as they did not go too deep in there. Compared to the rough deepthroating, they were a weird and ticklish experience that was comparatively pleasant, though nothing much compared to the pleasures that the squids were causing with their work. If there was any reason for Adelle to try and resist, the only thing she could really do at that moment was to try and maneuver somehow with her feet to free herself from the pod and move away.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As luck had it, Adelle was unable to slip her clothing off before she was pulled down into the roper pod's gaping maw, where she thankfully could breathe rather easily for the most part. Allowing her mouth to be pulled open, Adelle knew what was coming as the larger tentacle that pulled her down thrust into her mouth. It could have been much better, but it wasn't the worst possible thing she figured, though she would have preferred it be less rough in its thrusts, which showed its immaturity.

After a few seconds inside of the roper pod's maw, Adelle felt the little squid things pounce on her as well, quickly slipping up her arms and under her shirt, where she let out a soft muffled moan as her nipples were latched onto by their mouths. Once the squid things coiled their tentacles around her breasts and began squeezing them to entice her milk to began squirting out of her large mammaries as they suckled on her nipples, Adelle relaxed further in their grasp, allowing them to bind her arms as they drained her breasts of as much milk as they wanted. Moaning as her breasts were squeezed and milked, Adelle could feel a wet spot forming on her panties as she relaxed her throat as best she could, feeling that larger tentacle making its way deeper into her throat with each thrust. In an effort to bring it to a quick end so it pulled out of her throat some or all the way, Adelle began using her tongue and rubbing it up and down as much of the length buried in her throat as possible, however if it began trying to do too deep and began to outright choke her then she'd bite down a bit in warning to it to not go so hard and deep on her. If that didn't work then Adelle would begin gagging and coughing in an attempt to alert the little squidlings to her plight and hope that they would help take action and try to get through to the roper pod to ease up since it seemed to be young and all and didn't know how to do this properly.

"F-Fuck me sideways... I really need something in my horny little pussy... something to fuck me silly. Hell I hated that she raped me... but damn it I really wouldn't mind if that Adria came up behind me right now and fucked me raw with that big dick she had... I'm too damn horny to care," Adelle said to herself in her head, idly daydreaming of her rapist Adria plowing her pussy while her pet's teased her breasts and fucked her mouth.

Gods if only her hands were free she could at least masturbate while this was all going on, Adelle thought to herself after she began daydreaming. So in an attempt to give her the ability to pleasure herself a bit more, Adelle moaned as she tried to free her left arm so that she could slide her hand down into her panties, hoping that her squidlings would get the idea and let her give herself some relief. Because despite the fact that her breasts were very sensitive and felt great being teased like this, Adelle knew that it likely wouldn't be enough for her to achieve a blissful orgasm... or more. Regardless of if she was able or allowed rather to slide her hand down into her panties to play with herself though, they would be thoroughly soaked at this point, the damp spot on them very visible to anyone or anything that could see them, making it obvious that she was very aroused and wouldn't likely say no to anything that pulled them down and began plundering her depths.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she might have wanted to change the situation, there just was no adjusting as the creatures were not ones to make any compromises. The squidlings in particular seemed adamant in asserting themselves over Adelle, the attempts to move her arms ending up with them pulling her arms upwards even more to cause pain as the limits of her joints were tested. This was going to be done on their terms now, and she would not have a say on the matter unless she wanted to get hurt. The pod was not as domineering, though it too had the situation under control quite handily. While the efforts that she put forward appeared to be helping the cause along, the thing did not make it any easier for the busty girl as it raped her deeper inside. After some further invasive pokes inside, the tentacle pulled out, not only to give Adelle a moment to catch her breath but also to relieve itself. And considering the amount of space inside the pod, the ejaculation ended up on the girl's face, making quite a mess as there was a lot of it coming out. Once it had given Adelle a messy facial, the tentacle continued to try and take itself even deeper inside her than it had gone before as the tiny tentacles still held her open for violation.

As the rape in progress went on, Adelle could make out some sounds coming from the direction of the door. Initially she could have been concerned about it, but the faint steps she could hear were eventually accompanied by a familiar chirpy chuckle, which she could identify belonging to Buddy, who had made the same sound towards her a few times before. The cat being was quick to make it towards her, the sound of several different items of unknown nature dropping onto the stone floor being audible before Adelle felt a finger poke her right in the wet spot, along with another chuckle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's pets didn't want to let her maneuver around it seemed unfortunately, leaving her sopping wet pussy completely unattended. When the squidlings yanked her arms up to prevent her from getting free, Adelle let a groan of pain out to let the squidlings know that they were hurting her, which she hoped would tell them to ease up at least a bit on her and she wouldn't struggle anymore. In the meantime Adelle had relaxed her throat enough to keep from choking on the tentacle delving deeper and deeper down it, and Adelle was worried that soon enough it would eventually make its way all the way through her and out her ass if it kept going as it was. Thankfully though her tongue licking around the length within seemed to be bringing the roper pod along nicely and soon enough it pulled out of her throat and spurted its seed all over her face inside of the pod.

"Oh fuck... yes... drench me. A-And come on one of you fuck me please, my pussy's so horny right now and I... mmphm," Adelle panted when the tentacle pulled out of her mouth, all but begging them to fuck her pussy before her voice was muffled again.

As the tentacle buried itself even deeper than before, Adelle again relaxed her throat and allowed it to go deeper, so long as it didn't start going roughly and choking her, in which case she'd bite down to let it know to ease up. While they were having their way with her, Adelle faintly heard something come down the ladder and walking towards her, which worried her a bit, as she didn't want Rachaela or any of them to see her in this predicament. Then the realization hit her that it could be a burglar and she began wriggling herself around a little bit in an effort to get free before she heard Buddy chuckling... or what passed for it at least. When she heard this Adelle stopped wiggling around and relaxed again now that she knew it was something friendly... or at least something she figured was friendly.

"Oh what's he doing? S-Sounds like he's getting something out and setting it down. Well surely he's just worried about me and... h-holy shit that feels good," Adelle was saying to herself in her head as she heard Buddy making his way over to her and she heard things being dropped to the floor. As soon as she felt Buddy's finger pressing into the wet spot of her panties, Adelle let out a muffled moan followed by a pleasant sigh, the thought in her mind that at least now she would get some relief at least dominating any worries about getting loose as she wriggled her butt back and forth enticingly at Buddy.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Most likely seeing the butt wiggle as an invitation, which it undoubtedly was, Buddy made his move. Giving that ass a slap that was far more powerful than the size of him suggested as the opening to what was about to happen next, the cat thing slipped down Adelle's panties just as quick, thankfully not ripping them and just leaving them there around the girl's knees. After another chuckle-type sound, the busty girl got herself some satisfaction as something was inserted into her eager pussy, the coolness of the inserted tool suggesting that it was one of her many looted dildos and not Buddy's own. The earlier sounds were now starting to make sense, quite certainly being a whole bunch of the toys that had been brought along. Maybe he too had been expecting something like this, and was now capitalizing on the opportunity. Clicking the inserted dildo on, Buddy took some time and observed the scene he was witnessing for a while as the toy happily vibrated away. It went on for a minute or two, which then proceeded into another dildo being shoved into Adelle, leaving her with a double penetration in one hole. It was certainly a lot more to take than one, and Buddy made it harder for her as he grabbed the toys, set the other onto vibrate as well and started to work her with the double toys, not doing the logical thing of pushing one and withdrawing the other but going with both at the same time. All of this time, the other two parties had been doing their thing as well, which was not making this any easier for the blue-haired girl.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she felt the slap across her ass, Adelle gave a muffled eek and arched her back a little bit before wiggling her butt some more in anticipation for something more. As her panties were slipped down to her knees, Adelle wiggled again, her folds soaked with her juices and almost begging for something to fuck her, anything, it didn't matter what. "Oh yes... finally... finally gonna get some... relief. Come on Buddy, fuck me good and hard," Adelle muttered in her mind, her mind a little hazy from the amount of lust built up in her.

As soon as her lower lips parted and allowed entry to what felt like a dildo, Adelle's hips began working and squeezed down around the intruding object, instinctively milking at it even though she was fairly sure it was a dildo and would have no result. While she sat there on her knees, both breasts being sucked on and drained of her breast milk while a tentacle burrowed its way down her throat and likely all the way into her stomach now, Adelle gave a sudden jerk when she felt the vibrations of the dildo start as she let out a muffled squeal.

After a couple of minutes of letting the dildo buzzing away inside of her, Adelle felt her pussy spread open even further as a second dildo was shoved inside of her, where she gave a slight squeal of pain at being split open so much in hopes of getting Buddy to ease up a bit. As soon the second dildo was soon turned on as well and she felt Buddy beginning to thrust them both in and out of her, Adelle tried to relax so that the increased girth wouldn't hurt so much and whined to try and get Buddy to relent somewhat and take one out, because while she wanted something inside of her she didn't want quite that much.

"Oh damn Buddy... p-please take one of them out... t-too much inside me. I wanted something in there yeah, but I don't want to be stretched so much I'm not tight anymore," Adelle said in her head, though the pleasure was taking over as she began to let out muffled moans of pleasure along with a few small ones of pain when the dildos were thrust in hard at any time.