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Drunk...or still drunk...


Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
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Mods, I'm sorry. Delete this if you will. But I was just wondering how many of us booze hounds are around here...

I'm drunk right now, and I try to contribute to the site as much as I can...I'm typically just to shy to post random posts.

Being drunk lets me come out of my shell...I LOVE HENTAI!!!

Hopefully, this might be a thread for others like me...
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I'm not drunk right now..... But I have been for the last three days. Day 1 was vodka, day 2 was tequila and some horrible mix of whiskeys, and day 3 was tequila and vodka mixed together in a drink that I dubbed the Protestant Whore.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I do enjoy drinking, though I can't enjoy beer for some reason. And by "Can't enjoy" I mean "Become projectily ill at the taste of". But I love whiskey, rum, good vodka, and mixed drinks.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I may have to wait and give a better contribution tonight. After all... it is a national Holiday out here in the wonderful land of beer.

I like drinking good beer. I can't drink bud or PBR or Miller or any of that other piss. I'm partial to dark beer, stouts when I can get them dark lagers when I can't. I'll drink the hard stuff too, but only if it's tasty.

Before my ex-roommate got me into drinking beer I could shoot everclear no problem. I kinda miss those days. It was a neat trick.


"That's just water!" -grab, shoot, coughchoke- "Heeee..... Nope. Everclear, ohgod."

Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I enjoy sake, Jack Daniels, Lambanog, vodka and dark beer...

But Captain Morgan's Private Stock Spiced Rum is my poison of choice. Generally I mix it with Coke, but sometimes I have it neat or on the rocks.

I intend to be quite inebriated by noon this Friday.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I like being drunk. It's one of the only times when I can actually say what's on my mind, seeing as the alcohol makes me not care about whether I piss someone off or not
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I don't really drink. It's mostly because I haven't found a drink that actually is enjoyable to do so.
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Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I don't really drink, but it's mostly because I haven't found a drink that actually is enjoyable to do so.

One: Try everything once. wines, beers, liquors. You never know.
Two: Try different brands. Quality can definitely be an issue. I have had vodka that tasted slightly of alcoholic flavor and was otherwise undetectable. I have also had vodka that tastes like nail polish smells.
Three: Try mixed drinks. Especially fruity, "girly" drinks. If you find one you like find out what's in it. Work from there.

Or just accept your sober life style, and be the best designated driver ever. Whatevs.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

Bailey's Irish Whiskey. Fucking delicious.

Most of my friends that drink alcohol think I'm weird when I tell them I don't drink just to get drunk. Hell, I try to avoid getting drunk. Buzzed, sure, but being drunk just sucks.
If I'm going to drink liquor, I prefer it to taste good. Sure, I could drink straight Vodka or straight Gin, but I prefer them mixed, like a Screwball, or Lime-Twisted Gin.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

I. Like. Big. Beers and I cannot - ah fuck it.
But yeah it's true. First three years at university consisted of basically nothing else than drinking. I don't really get hangovers, runs in the family. However nowadays, I seldom find the time to, and I think drinking alone is pathetic. I'ma have a few this weekend and even as it shames me to admit it, it's gonna be the first time since new year's eve ...
Although @Chibi, I remember having had a good beer in NY, I think it was called Backs or Bocks or something - I may have been drunk at the time.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

Something I've found to taste quite fancy is taking strawberry rum(Parrot Bay specifically, for me) and making a 1:3 rum:cola ratio Rum & Coke with it.
Or just accept your sober life style, and be the best designated driver ever. Whatevs.
Being DD can be fun, from what I've heard. At least being sober around me is quite humorous, as I've heard.
Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

Being DD can be fun, from what I've heard. At least being sober around me is quite humorous, as I've heard.

Yeah DD CAN be entertaining at times, especially if you have 3 drunk Asian college girls talking to each other in a drunken hybrid slur of Korean and Japanese with your half passed out best friend in your passenger seat trying to sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" then yeah it can be fun

Dun like bear it scent make me feel weird

yeah if you're close enough to a bear to smell it I think that would make anyone feel weird
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Re: Drunk...or still drunk...

Oops, had a bit too much this time. Was at a house party yesterday, and misjudged my consumption a bit. Fun was had, and nothing bad happened at the party, but it really hit me this morning. About 9 hours later and I've only just more or less recovered. I blame a most of it on not having as full a meal as I normally have before parties, and that one last drink someone made me just before we left. Some kind of green absinthe (??%), Wray & Nephews over-proofed rum (63%), and Stones Ginger (14%), nearly filling a half pint coke glass.


Bad. :x

I'm normally very good at gauging my drinking and avoiding going too far, but I've got to make a note in future not to just accept a drink because someone poured it for me. They actually tried to stop me drinking it half way through, but I apparently politely insisted on finishing it. Really really wish I hadn't now, but oh well. At least the consequences were polite enough to wait until today and didn't spoil the party itself.

On a more fun note, wearing cat ears and a tail to the party proved to be lots of fun. Chicks dig cat ears. I was getting my tail grabbed at all evening. Also my scheming friend telling the tragic tale of how I'd never been kissed before, quickly resulted in three girls stepping up to change that, one after the other within the minute. So um... yay! :D

My stomach still aches like hell though, so I think I'll see if some mashed potato will fix that.