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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Y'already know where ah'm goin'," states Ian. He leans forward, elbows propped on the table, lips pressed to laced fingers.

"And I'm probably better off with you," comes from Sho. "Not to say I don't want to help with Nirti, but given where she is, I'll be better off in the potentially Wraith-infested city."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

(Apologies again for slow response. Very sorry. @_@ )

"Well, I'll hold to what I said earlier I think, in that I believe our efforts would be better suited to assisting with the raid against Nirrti." Ellisia replies. "Also as I explained to Shoni, our current ship and personnel is only an expeditionary force for this briefing, and may or may not be sufficient. However we have been granted a level six farcasting by Etherian command so as to request any additional reinforcements, personnel or equipment the mission requires. This farcast can deliver to any given co-ordinates in the galaxy, but will require to be requested some time in advance, depending upon the scale of the requested reinforcements."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded to both Sho and Ian, but took a moment to consider Elissia's words.

"It may be best to put in a request now then and give them the coordinates of the planet Nirrti is hiding out on. If my intended destination were within this galaxy then I might be inclined to ask for a ship or two as well, however based off what you have told me, I doubt your people could readily reach the Pegasus Galaxy in short order."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, the farcasting can potentially reach any distance, but yes, the time and energy it requires transport something is multiplied by the distance it has to deliver to, and the mass or energy of the payload to be transported. Transporting entire vessels requires the full capacity of the primary construct we use for this, which between other tasks, is also responsible for watching for incoming threats. So, understandably the use of it's time is rationed." Ellisia replies to Siphon. "I can give my people the co-ordinates at any time, but will need to know what needs to be requested, if anything, before there's any real reason to do so. Which depends on the nature of this raid and the plan."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded.

"I'm guessing the power needs increase directly proportionate to what is being sent and how far, similar to how the Stargates work. Makes sense. As for needs ..."

He trailed off as he considered this.

"It really depends on how many people and ships we have. We want enough to launch an attack on a fortified position and blockade her from escaping, yet at the same time we don't want to give her too much advance warning. How long would it take if a request needed to be made to actually follow through with it?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ellisia nods in affirmation to Siphons comparison to the stargates, then speaking to answer his Query. "For a vessel equivalent to the Solace Class that we arrived in, it would require roughly two hours to send. As well as some notification in advance to ensure a farcasting window is available when needed. I could put an immediate request in at any time, but in that case there is no guarantee how soon the system will be free to use. It would typically range between 1 to 8 hours though, depending on when it finishes it's current task and if there are any other priority tasks are queued at the time. For smaller craft the farcasting time would be less. There are also lesser farcasting systems capable of sending smaller payloads such as personnel or equipment, which we wouldn't have to make special request to use, but they can only lock onto and deliver directly to an Etherian vessel so are a little less versatile." She explains, trying to think of anything else relevant that should be covered.

"Currently there are just the six of us, but our ship is self maintaining and needs only the one pilot, so unless we need a larger ground crew or specialists of some form, then we are at full strength. We've prepared a file detailing the general capabilities of our vessel to help with co-operation. We can have access given to to any trusted personnel that should see it."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded thoughtfully to Elissia.

"Unlikely then there would be time for your people to send anyone in the heat of battle then. I'll leave you to coordinate with Talok on the system specs as I unfortunately will not be able to join on this mission."

He bowed his head politely to her and the other Etherians and then added, "if you will excuse me, I must get my team geared up to go through the gate. With any luck we get there first, otherwise ... well, it could get rather ugly fast."

((Needing replies from Copper and Bartnum to start the Atlantis portion of this, Squid you're golden to run on your own here lol.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"And nothing's uglier than the Wraith. No offense, Talok," Sho says with a bit of a grin. "All right, if we're getting ready to move out, I'll need my gear. Just tell me where we're meeting and when and I'll be there." If there's nothing else, she'll push out of her seat and head out, pausing long enough to rub Ian on the shoulder as she works her way around the table to the door, presumably to go get ready.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"We'll be joining you on the Atlantis trip. Wraith or not, it might be a nice break from our usual activities here... plus my arms are being twisted a little. We'll see you at the gate."

Corax stands, bows and excuses himself, accompanied by his entourage.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok just shook his head in amusement as Sho left.

Siphon glanced at Corax with an amused expression.

"Twisted huh? As if I don't know who might be responsible for that one."

Nevertheless they were off and gone, leaving Talok to continue.

"Alright, for those remaining here, we've prepared a bit of a projection as to the plan, based upon the information we had at the time of Nirrti's whereabouts."

Said projection started, detailing first an area of space near a planet. From the intel, it appeared several Hatak, Gou'ald vessels, patrolled and protected the planet from would be investigators. At this point Talok added in "Most likely we will need to disable or destroy these ships before making our run at the planet. We'll need to act quickly before they can warn Nirrti of our approach. Once the ships are disabled we will attempt to dial and block the Stargate of the planet to ensure she can only get out by cutting through us. Once on the surface we will head for the only known facility there, breaching it and dealing with whatever resistance there is. We don't expect very much considering Nirrti's army isn't very large, however due to the small nature of our own force, we'll need to be careful not to let any of her guards circle behind us. Now, does anyone have anything they would like to ask or add in?"

A short time later, Siphon stood in the gate room, waiting for Sho and Corax to arrive. Once they did they could get going, and though this was something he had been looking forward to for quite some time, it was tempered by the fact he had hoped to share this with Daina. That would never happen now it seemed, which made this a bittersweet moment for him.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"What's the plan for the ships, then?" They were, perhaps, the biggest concern outside of Nirti herself. "Have we got enough vessels of our own ta hit 'em all at once or are we gonna be jumpin' ship ta ship?" This was definitely going to take precision, there was no doubt about that. Best to know what they were doing before jumping in feet first.

Sho arrived a short while after Siphon had been waiting, changed into something a little more suitable for running around an Ancient city than she had been during the meeting. She dumped a bag at their feet, one she tended to use for personal gear, and present at her hip was the zat she usually carried when they were expecting trouble and her abilities were a wild card. Slid over her shoulders like a cloak was her signature coat, though it had been replaced by a newer version over the years, something a little more durable and capable of protection. As Siphon stands there, he feels a pair of arms wrap around one of his. "She's still with you in spirit, remember that," she tells him softly. "I know it's not the same, but she'll see."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded slightly, though Sho could tell he was still uptight. However, it wasn't just the bit about Daina that was bothering him, for that would not make his muscles tense.

His entire upper body was tense, like a stalking animal prepared to pounce upon it's prey, something she wasn't likely accustomed to seeing from him. She took note that strapped to his side was his favored energy blaster, a device she had seen many times in action. It went without saying that when he said it was set to kill, that meant nothing was going to be left of the area hit on said target. Right now, from practice of looking at his weapon's glow, she could tell it was already set to kill. Clearly, he wasn't taking things lightly with the prospect of them running into wraith.

She also took note that set carefully on the floor near him was a special metal box. It would only take a moment of listening to the quiet around them for her to detect a faint, but audible hum of energy coming from said box.

Talok paused to go over in his mind what he knew they had.

"We expect to have my ship, Elissia's, several allied Gou'ald ships and three Alveran ships. We're uncertain if Thor will make it given he's investigating a distress signal, so we can't count on him. Also as a wildcard are the Ingrali, they have been very silent as of late. If our intel is correct, we should have enough ships and firepower to overwhelm even thirty Hatak should the need arise. Fortunately, most of our ships can multi-target at once so we should be fine. The biggest concern is making sure Nirrti doesn't have a vessel capable of leaving the planet, a landed Hatak or Alkesh. That and blocking the planet's Stargate."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

After the psuedo-hug, she draws back, a contrast to him in that she looks rather relaxed at the notion of stepping headlong into danger. Then again, those that knew her well enough also knew that would likely change as soon as they were through the stargate.

"What'cha got in the box, Santy-Claws?" she asks him with a bit of a grin.

Ian inclines his head after the Wraith speaks. "Then Ah'm guessin' that while the ships are distractin' her fleet, we'll be on the planet already, lookin' fer base camp?" He arches a brow. "That'n what do we know about the planet? Any hazah'ds ta speak of? Besides Nirti?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon shook his head in amusement before he answered her.

"Bringing a Z.P.M with us. If we're right and the power levels are virtually dead, we're going to need it. Call it insurance if you will, I don't want to be walking into this without having something that can power a shield and have it turn out we need it badly."

Talok nodded.

"Correct. We plan to breach and beam down as soon as we drop out of hyper-space, just before the ships engage in combat. As for the planet, all indications are it's similar enough to Earth not to pose a problem. Although, if heat bothers you dress lightly given that the daytime temperature near Nirrti's facility can get to around a hundred thirty."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Figured as much. I'm just surprised you managed to get one, but then again, this is a little high on the priority list."

Ian whistled softly. "Yeah, little more toasty than Ah'm used to, but Ah'll make due. The big question is whether or not it's a dry heat." He chuckles, not really expecting the Wraith, or other assembled 'aliens,' to get the "Earth" humor. If there is confusion, he just waves it off, his grin enough of an indication that it's not really important. "Desert fight. Got it. Watah. Sunscreen. Zat. Anythin' else?" The last item seemed just tacked on out of habit. While Ian carried weapons, he used them in combat only as a last resort, preferring to use his powers to distract, disarm, or disable anyone they might be fighting.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ellisia bows her head back at Siphon in farewell as he leaves the briefing room, "My hopes for a successful endeavour to all of you." before turning her attention back to the newly displayed projection.

"Well, based on the intel thus far, our vessel should be sufficient. The Aurora is ill suited to fast pursuit however, so unless I request for additional forces, such tasks will rely on the rest of the missions fleet. " She says, stopping to study the projection again. "Hmm. What do we know about the planet and facility's anti air or orbital defences? The Aurora's hanger currently holds a dozen 'Slyph' light fighter craft and one Golem unit. The Slyph fighters lack in any significant explosive punch, but are highly precise and may be suitable for surface air support. As automatons they can be considered expendable assets for this mission. The Golem unit is a powerful combat walker, and would provide considerable firepower and support on the surface, but only if we have suitable means to get it to the field, since we won't be able to beam it down within the time constraints. It is capable of unassisted orbital drop, but that would depend upon the anti air threat."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian chuckles a little as Ellisia describes the Golem's method of reaching the surface of the planet. "In'trestin' visual. Might just be a good distraction. Let her think she's under attack while we slip in the back door, so ta speak. Then again, if she thinks it's a real threat, she might bolt fer the gate faster than ya can blink."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok nodded at Ian.

"Which is why we intend to block the gate the second we arrive in orbit. My ship has had a new gate installed that takes precedence over the planetbound gates of this galaxy. If she tries to dial out, her gate won't activate at all. You can thank Siphon for that idea, he's the one that designed the macro system the newer models work on. As for your questions Elissia, the compound at one time may have had major anti-air defenses. Most likely drone weapons given the fact it's clearly Ancient in design. However our intel shows that these systems are either completely offline due to lack of power, or completely out of drones. Either way, unless Nirrti has a Z.P.M, those defenses aren't coming back online anytime soon. There is a shield though that prevents beaming in, that appears to be powered by a smaller source, most likely something Nirrti brought with her and figured out how to work in with the shield. Therefore, we can't beam directly into the facility, but we can beam down a quarter mile from it and get there on foot. However, you are forgetting one thing. Our own beaming technology doesn't have the constraints yours does. If the units were tagged with a transceiver, I could beam them directly to the surface the moment they were launched for orbital descent."

Siphon half chuckled, and half snorted.

"What makes you think I didn't build this one from scratch or take it from my ship?"

This time he winked and laughed.

"Yeah, would have brought more with us but one will be enough for what we need. This essentially is a race, so the lighter we are, the better. If it seems we can't secure the base and the rebel wraith are going to over run it though ..."

He paused, looking at her.

"We've designated a dial out gate in the galaxy that is close enough to Alverus to be a quick pit stop. In the event we have to bail out, I will remotely trigger the Z.P.M to shut down it's safety protocols. We can't allow these wraith to gain access to Ancient technology, and if we must ... As much as I don't want to, if we must destroy this facility it will be done. I've done the calculations, and once this Z.P.M overloads, it will vaporize most of the ocean and a good chunk of the nearby continent. Nothing of the facility will be left. Though as I said, that is a measure of absolute last resort. Now, where the hell is Corax?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Isn't that in'trestin'?" Ian remarks again at Talok's explanation of the new style of gate. "Best make certain we keep that lil' secret to ourselves, hey? Then again, if we're havin' issues, we'll know one possible solution."

"Because you always keep spare parts for those things just lying around," she teases back, giving him a nudge in the arm. "Getting dragged around by his wife last I saw." She doesn't address the 'last ditch' situation, obviously not wanting to think about it, trying to keep herself focused that they were possibly heading into enemy territory.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"That should provide us with a substantial advantage then, if these air defences are indeed offline. And being able to beam in the golem directly will make breaking through the exterior defences far simpler. I'll transfer the specs over so you can ensure that the technology is compatible, and inform the pilot of any arrangements required." Ellisia replies, taking a small data stick from within her cloak and inserting it into one of the briefing tables ports.

"Hmm. How many other personnel will be deploying to the surface with us?"

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[Some of the mentioned spec stuff. It probably wouldn't look quite like this with the random backgrounds and fancy bits, but neh. It won't make much sense to anyone, but at least contains size comparisons and gives you something to visualise. Same stuff as posted in character thread.]

Solace Class:

Size comparison of the Solace Class and the USS Enterprise super carrier. Measured to be in scale. :
(The Enterprise is one of the largest present day aircraft carriers in service today, at roughly 360 meters in length.)

Sinnve's Golem "Ophlankia", (Human silhouette pictured for scale is a six foot male)

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