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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The Ingrali shook his head.

"No rush particularly, let her wake when she is ready. As for the sector, we've had several ships run through it cloaked at various points of time and not seen anything that can be construed as life of any form. We know that quite some time ago a plague washed through this galaxy and the Ancients were forced to re-seed life in a human form. It's possible these colonists fell victim to the plague and were wiped out, though we've not discovered any ruins either. However given that some of the planets are ... hostile conditions to say the least, no one has actually bothered to check some of them to see if ruins might exist. Perhaps it would be worth checking into at some point."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

“Fair enough, though it is a sizable sector. I would not be surprised if you‘ve found nothing so far simply because the systems colonized tend to have hazards to spaceships, and most broadcasts don‘t survive past the Oort clouds. For example, i know of three space stations built orbiting a neutron star. The remnants of the system itself are hazardous enough for a fighter‘class ship to navigate, and thee star exhibits massive waves of dangerous radiation.“

“But, i digress. Give us a few hours, in that time i should be able to finish the business with Peltas, or Ariana would be rested enough for mee to wake her, in which case we can leave with you.“
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Arriving via transporter beam into the med-bay, Mirelle blinks for a moment, shaking off the daze of the transporter travel. "Oh my. Not done that before." She comments quietly to herself, before turning to meet whatever staff came to greet her. "Hello. My name's Mirelle Notha. I was sent down here to see the Nox patient." she would explain, following them where ever she was led.

It happened to be the first time Mirelle had ever been aboard any non Etherian vessel, and on her way to see Lyra, she couldn't help but gaze about and note how different things felt.

Arriving at Lyra's stasis unit, she would step up beside it, and take a look. Initially she just looks with her eyes, gazing over Lyra with an appraising expression, and at one point stopping to close her eyes and take a slow breath. Then she nods and frowns very slightly, holding up a metallic object she had been carrying a bit like a small vaguely circular suit case. The object then floats up out of her hands a small distance, and opens up at seams along it's surface, dividing into three parts as it unfurls. An orb being released from the centre and floating to hover above Lyra, whilst the other two remaining parts expand outwards and begin orbiting the orb like two segments of a ring.

Mirelle raises her hands as a soft glowing light shines from the device, and numerous holographic style displays appear in the air between her and Lyra. Looking over the displays and making the occasional sweeping hand gesture, Mirelle seems to see as much as she expected and turns to the other doctors with a gentle look of concern.

"I thought as much. This stasis unit is not sufficient. Her affliction goes deeper than the mind. It's not something I can easily explain, but I have to ask that you trust us with her care for now. My portable equipment can only slow the symptoms, but the type of medical stasis we use aboard the Al-Sora will be able to suppress this." She says to them.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Once more the Ingrali nodded.

"Contact me when you are ready then, I will be waiting. Draven out."

Mirelle was led to the stasis unit by a young man named Henry, whom she would immediately recognize as either a Tokra or Gou'ald when he spoke, thanks to the voice. He mostly stayed out of her way, allowing her to do what she needed, nodding as she mentioned about their stasis.

"I figured as much, I've already had preparations made to transfer her directly into one of your devices. However, there is something I believe you should see."

He showed her a device, pulling up what appeared to be some kind of brain scan.

"This scan was taken six months ago when she was here, as part of a test in determining how advanced a typical Nox brain is."

He showed her a second one next to the first, which showed a similar, but somewhat warped pattern that was clearly Lyra's, but outlines of a pattern that shouldn't have been there.

"This is the one we took right after Talok brought her here. I believe what you are looking at is the presence of a second, invading mind battling with her own. If I am correct, her condition will continue to get worse over time, and we may be looking at needing to undertake measures not normally considered."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Of course. Alberik answered simply, watching the connection drop before beginning a new one a fraction of a second later, back to Peltas.

By the time the AI measured that Ariana had slept long enough, there was still work to be done at the station, unfortunately. Once he discovered that, he called for a break with the Peltas techs on the job, striding from the command post to knock on the door to the woman's bedroom.

Ariana jolted awake from the sudden sound, confused. "Uh, yeah?"

"We've been invited by a race called the Ingrali to investigate one of the ships belonging to the Klarnell. It appears to be devoid of life, and it's route suggest it's come from the Sirius sector." The AI explained through the door.

That made the psionic perk up somewhat. "Any idea what it was doing back there? Fill me in. Can we take the ship yet?" She asked, saying the last as she opened the door, striding out into the hallway.

"Peltas still needs this ship here, though I suspect they'll be finished by the time we return. There's no solid evidence on what the Klarnell were doing yet, but I'm told that recent passes through the sector have given no hints that life has lived there for many years longer than our own records indicate."

"Hogwash. Chances are they just ran into Nomads and got overwhelmed, though how the ship managed to leave unpiloted is strange. Any signs of battle damage?"

"I didn't ask." Alberik responded, the pair reaching the command center a moment later. "I'll patch you in, they've been waiting a while to get moving." "How long?" "Not overly, nothing to worry about."

"Great." Ariana responded, waiting for the connection to be made with the ingrali before speaking again. "Greetings. This is Ariana, sorry for the wait. I understand we'll be hitching a ride with you to an abandoned Klarnell ship? Do you have room in your bay to take my fighter ship along with, by chance?"
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

What greeted Ariana was a being that seemed made of mist, and if not for the glowing red eyes she might think the screen was broken.

"It is quite alright. I do have room for you, in bay two, which I will light for you and open. When you are ready pilot yourselves close enough for the cargo beams to bring you in. I've gathered some more information you may be interested in, both regarding the ship and the sector of space you say you came from. One of our ships just passed through the sector, and detected low energy levels coming from a planet near by. When they investigated, they found this."

An image showing the remains of what may have been countless ships of human design appeared, a debris field at least several kilometers wide, probably multiple ships. When the Ingrali spoke again, he seemed worried.

"I've ordered the ship out of there and they left. It isn't equipped for a true battle and besides that, I personally checked that sector for other reasons a week ago, and went by that same planet. When I checked a week ago, there was no debris field there at all. However, based on the lack of energy readings in the field, this is a very old debris field. I cannot explain how this field didn't exist a week ago, but is clearly much older than that. If those ships had a power source similar to what I detect from your own smaller ship, then there ought to be some kind of reading if it were a new thing."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Mhmm." Mirelle ponders for a second, but not hesitating long before replying with a sense of urgency. "The changes observed in that scan will have occurred during the time it took to get her into this stasis unit. However a person exists in more ways than this stasis unit can influence. Putting the body and mind to sleep likely won't be enough." She says recalling her unusual medical drone into it's suitcase like form. "Our captain has created an opening for you to beam her aboard our vessel now, so please go ahead. Once she is in more stable stasis and not degrading, we will have the time to figure out suitable treatment. My people are fortunately highly knowledgeable in these kinds of rare ailments. The stations staff is welcomed aboard to see the patient still, of course."

Whilst Henry wouldn't know her to see the change, Mirelle's soft and nursing nature became rather more business like when a serious case was presented to her.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

For his part, the Tokra nodded to the three other orderlies, and the stasis unit was transported via a similar white light like the Asgard used. Finally he turned back to Mirelle.

"Were she a Jaffa, it would be possible to remove a symbiote and have her undergo a specific procedure to help her recover. However, in this case I believe her only option may be to have one or more other minds enter her own to help combat the invasive force. It is something I am ... loathe to suggest, mostly because of our own belief system, however it may be her only chance to survive. I am willing to do so myself if it will save her life."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Simple enough." She said with a nod, referring to the bay. The images of the ship graveyard made her frown though, leaning in closer. Alberik was already pulling up a second workstation, distributing the pieces and reconstructing the ships they came from.

"Bretonia and Rheinland ships mostly, Corsairs, Gaians, Bundschuh as well." He stated in a no-nonsense tone.

"Two sectors, military and competing criminal factions. Makes no sense." Ariana agreed. "No idea how it just appeared, either. Those designs are all from my time, there should be updates by now. We're on our way, let's find out what all this is about." She finished, giving the shapeless mist a nod before Alberik closed the channel, heading off towards her ship. "Thoughts?"

"Only one. And you aren't going to enjoy it." The AI responded in a somber tone.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. But why would they just stop doing whatever they had been up to there? Maybe they're still all dead, and the power source for their gadget just ran out. would explain why there's only older models there..."

The conversation petered out after that, the pair reaching the ship and powering up silently, each knowing what needed to be done. Soon enough, the smaller ship was back in space, Ari piloting it towards the Ingrali ship until it's own docking protocols took over.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Mirelle holds up her hand in a "just-a-second" kind of gesture to Henry, as a small blueish hologram like circular display appears in front of Mirelle just slightly to her side, "Yolona, ple... yes, I know. Please fetch Vern and help him to transfer the patient. I'll be back shortly." she speaks into the tiny apparition. Henry wasn't at the best angle to see clearly, but if he leaned a little he'd get a simple glimpse of a white medical room of sorts, and a young women nodding and dashing off.

Turning back to Henry, Mirelle continues, "Yes, I think I've came to the same conclusion. It is fortunate then however, that such procedures are actually fairly common among my people. We call it Dive Therapy. Less often for things as serious as this, although there have still been many cases, especially in our history. My captain, Ayla, happens to be a well respected and experienced 'Dive' practitioner. It's considered a specific medical discipline for us." Mirelle says, seeming relatively optimistic at being able to say this. "Though, if you don't mind me asking, in which way specifically is your culture or beliefs opposed to such an act?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"It stems largely from the old war with the Gou'ald. The Tokra believe that intentionally entering another persons mind is no different than unwillingly taking them as a host. To most of us, we view it as merely another method of potentially subverting the host mind and taking it over. I personally understand this isn't always the case, but old ways die hard with a species as old as we are. If your intention is to do this now, I would request that I enter with your captain. We know little about the Klarnell, but a Nox mind is very powerful. It may be beneficial to her to have not one, but three minds to help bring her back and defeat this Klarnell. You ... are aware of what we are aren't you?"

It wasn't long before Ariana was docked with the Ingrali ship, and shortly after Draven came to meet her.

"Welcome aboard the Deadly Mist. We'll set a course as soon as I fill you in on the latest developments. While you were piloting here, I got word back on analysis of the Klarnell ship's hull. We detected residual energy traces on it, and one of those is consistent with the energy weapons output of a Shalvar class Asgard Battleship. We think based on what we've heard, that this ship may have been at the Asgard planet during the attack on them. Now we have two choices, we can check that ship first, or head to your home sector first. Your choice."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"The Klarnell ship is probably more important at the moment. I have to ask, though. The ship that found the wreckage, did you lose contact with it at any point?" Ari asked, sounding concerned.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Draven shook his head.

"We've been in constant communication with both ships ever since they entered the systems. Ships don't just magically appear for no reason, and we've seen certain races attempt to use derelicts as a staging platform for an ambush. Are you expecting trouble there?"
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ariana frowned, hesitating. "I'm not sure. Before I left the place, definitely. After so long, it shouldn't be a problem anymore. Old paranoia, we'll call it. Let's head to the Klarnell ship first, then."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Very well, follow me to the bridge and we'll get going."

((Will make a post in the Milky Way thread in a bit.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((I never expected Mirelle to say this much. Starting to regret the colour a little. ^-^;
For easier reading you can always hit quote, and change the colour I guess.))

"Ah I see." Mirelle says holding her hand lightly to her chin. "I can certainly understand that. I can at least reassure to then, that as part of this process it would be impossible to truly dominate the other participants mind. All participants are unconscious during the dive, and can't influence the other person after breaking the link. Additionally the subject of the dive is always essentially the one in control. You might say that it's a more like a case of... say... a host and their guests, than a host and their master." The woman says, her tone becoming more gentle again.

"And, that may, be possible. Certainly it is possible for multiple people to participate. Too many, and it can cause the receiving mind to become defensive and reject them, but a sensible modest number can often help to open alternative pathways. And yes, I am aware of Tokra symbiosis, although only the very basics, I must admit. I am, uncertain, of whether exactly it would effect the normal dive process or not, but it should be perfectly safe and easy to test. Our vessel the Al-Sora has the facilities for up to four people to dive at once, although in your case, I suppose we would still have one more spare place. The additional people selected for these kinds of situations are normally close friends of the patient, those with a certain relation to them, or a suitable personality trait. It is quite unfortunate that we are at a lack of fellow Nox to join her."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

He nodded.

"The only ones close enough would be Siphon and Aya from what I understand, and both are presently attempting to find out if the Nox even still exist. All indications from Talok's report were that the Klarnell attacked them as well. Unfortunately, I do not believe we have time to wait for them to return. Her condition was getting worse despite stasis, which tells me whatever is going on in there, she's either losing or not putting up any resistance at all. From these readings, I believe the Klarnell force in her mind may be attempting to over-write her own, and take control of her body. We cannot allow that to happen, and I believe Lyra would rather perish than allow a hostile creature to use her body and powers as a weapon."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Some time later ....

((Not sure where things with that dive would be, we totally forgot this one Squid, haha.))

The jumpers made their return to the station, and some time after Siphon made his initial report, Talok and his ship would arrive. With things situated out and Aya helping out with the other Nox, Siphon finally had some free time to check in with Ian.

"Sorry that took so long, now, what's going on?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well," Ian begins, scratching the back of his head, "Alana, y'know, the Ascended that was hangin' around at Atlantis? Before she took off ta do her job, she pointed Nessa 'back ta the place things began' in ordah ta find out what's goin' on. With the Kla'nell. Thought she might'a meant Nirti's turf, but Nessa's thinkin' we need ta nose around on Cassie's planet. There are some similarities."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded, and Ian might get the impression that Siphon more than just remembered the name from the slight smile on his face. Perhaps he'd actually known her at some point? His smile changed to a frown as he thought about what Ian said.

"So you think the Klarnell had something to do with everyone dying on her planet? Hmm, I suppose that is possible, but that begs the question ... why didn't they take Cassie then? Why leave her not only alive, but not take her prisoner? For that matter, male and female were dead on that planet, it doesn't add up. It'd be worth going back though, to see if we missed anything. Now that we actually know what to look for, we can see if we may have missed anything that might have gone unnoticed when we first found her. As for Nirrti's planet, we definitely have to go back there at some point. I don't like the idea of a bunch of wraith no one knows anything about just chilling out there. Cassie's old world first then?"
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