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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Let me know if I get anything wrong or miss something. I hadn't been reading up fully whilst absent. Also worth noting that Ayla and Henry might also have a small insight into the Klarnel now, depending on what might have played out or been revealed during the dive.))

"Yes, I was about to mention that."
Ayla replies with a slight sigh, having to give the unfortunate news now. "The Nox hidden city came under attack whilst you were off world with us. The city is intact, but has been evacuated. The majority of your people were found unconscious under uncertain circumstances, and are taking refuge here on the Peltas Station for now." She informs, with a certain look of empathy for Lyra and her people's situation.

"If you believe you do know anything of value to helping us understand the Klarnel, then that is naturally of crucial importance. Who would this person at Atlantis be?"

- - - - -

"Affirmitive Sivok. Chief Officer Olrenn Serrs speaking. Henry is currently... hrmm... Has just concluded the Dive procedure he was participating in actually. We can patch you through to him if you wish. Alternatively we will simply pass your message on and have him report to the gate." Olrenn replies plainly.

Ellisia shifts her arms crossed stance to one side at hearing the rest of the news. "Nirrti may still be alive?" She speaks openly, audible enough for the coms to pick it up reasonably. Sighing in frustration. "We weren't comprehensive enough in our initial mission it would seem. And Anubis too? Things keep going from bad to worse."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

She could hear tension in Sivok's voice as he replied, "That actually isn't true Elissia. Siphon found evidence that Nirrti was experimenting with Asgard cloning technology. We believe she may have cloned her symbiote, and could have already, or is planning to take another host that we wouldn't recognize. As far as Anubis goes, I did some research on him. Cronus had him assassinated five hundred years ago over some dispute, though there was always the belief he made it to Kheb before dying. I fear this isn't a case of him somehow surviving the assassination, though you may laugh at my horrible suspicion. Before I go further with that, there is something else you should know. The Tollan have requested assistance very suddenly, something to do with having been attacked by a Wraith ship that, interestingly enough, fired on them using modified Ori technology. The transmission cut off mid way, and we haven't heard from them since. Talok was wondering if you might be willing to travel there with him. As far as Henry goes, passing the message on now would be good, time may be of the essence."

Lyra was silent a moment before she replied to Ayla.

"He is someone Siphon once knew, and he only goes by the name of Sarnael. As for what I may know of the Klarnell ... I believe inadvertently my own people may have had a hand in their race existing. Many centuries ago, someone we thought was Sarnael approached us asking for help in curing a disease. At the time, we had a more outward reach into the galaxy, and for such a matter, we were happy to try and help. It required some DNA samples that were supposed to be immune to the disease, a way to possibly create an anti-body. However, after today's encounter, I believe those samples may have been used to bio-engineer an entire race of beings, the Klarnell. They are too similar in some areas of their brain development to have evolved like that naturally from what I was able to see of them. I believe they are at least part Nox, which is most disturbing, and I also believe after seeing some of those images early on, that the man who came to us was not Sarnael, but rather a twin or someone with a device to disguise themselves."

((Nope, you didn't miss anything, and likely they would have gleaned some insight, but not to everything as they sort of came in mid-possession if you will.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"So if I understand correctly, you're saying Nirrti may have cloned herself, and in an incredibly unorthodox manner, "staged" her own death?" Ellisia replies. "That could certainly make things... awkward. I don't even know what to think about Anubis." She sighs.

Olrenn answers the next part. "The Al-Sora is cleared to depart on any mission the Alliance deems appropriate. We are willing and able. Although excuse me for speaking personally, but is our time not best spent focusing on the Klarnel? Given the rare experience our team has had with them?" The officer replies. Ellisia commenting in response before Sivok could answer. "Using our time against the Klarnel is half the problem we have with fighting with them. At present we're regrettably lacking any leads to go on. Vern is pursuing investigations into designing a probe to fire into one of the anomalies, but beyond that... I'm not sure what options we have."

Olrenn murmurs to himself in thought, but has no additional comments to offer, and allows Sivok to respond.

- - - - -

Ayla listens to Lyra thoughtfully and replies, "It sounds like we need to find and speak to this person immediately then. If he can shed any clues at all, it's vital we know them. If the samples did go to someone else, and the real Sarnael never received them, then we have two questions to start with right there. Who actually got them, and what happened to Sarnael at the time that the switch was never discovered."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sivok partially nodded.

"Normally it would, however we have reason to now believe that the rebel wraith, or a small splinter of them that survived a botched attempt to force them to become like the other wraith may have caused some of them to turn against both human and wraith alike. We've been getting disturbing reports of planets that claim to have been attacked by wraith ships, able to drive back the small force, but not before a canister was blown up in the atmosphere of their planet. In each case, within twenty four Earth hours, people have been getting sick, and so far approximately half of those who become infected eventually die. There's a possibility these wraith attacks could be delivering a bio-weapon of some kind. As far as the Klarnell, I may have some good news there Elissia. We received a brief transmission from the Ingrali, they have managed to find and secure a drifting Klarnell ship that appears to have been present for the battle that wiped out the Asgard. Apparently, there was, or may still be a group of Klarnell who oppose the others and want a peaceful solution. They left a virus on the ship, which essentially delivered it to us. There is reason to believe that we may be able to glean some true insight to the anomalies, their nature and how to at least garner the same amount of control the Klarnell have in due time. Personally, I believe these recent battles may be directly related to the sudden emergence of this as yet unknown wraith group. I think the Klarnell may be using this as a chance to make moves now, however the major problem lies in that if we allow a bio-weapon to run rampant through the galaxy, we only weaken what resistance we can muster against this newest threat. For now at least, it appears the Ancients themselves are interferring with the Klarnell in this galaxy, but how long that will last is up for debate."

Lyra nodded to Ayla, though it was Henry who spoke.

"I must agree, as does Kla-Tahl. I can take her to Atlantis personally, we both would like the opportunity to investigate things further now that the threat of both wraith and Re'tu invasion of the city has passed."

((Kla-Tahl is his symbiote's name. Ayla would know that as would anyone who participated in the dive.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"We've secured an intact Klarnel ship? That certainly is good news. Perhaps now we won't be fighting entirely in the dark at least. As for the maurading Wraith faction, we will investigate and do what we can then." Ellisia responds. "We'll have to converse with Ayla first of course, and make sure we're all on the same page. But otherwise we are ready to make a move."

((This has started to get a little tricky to keep track of, so unless there's anything else specific that needs saying, I'm thinking we could probably have the characters aboard the Al-Sora meet up and fill each other in "off screen" and then be heading out on their decided destinations?

Also what exactly was Sivok intending with them going after those mystery Wraith? Depending on the size of an individual hive, the Al-Sora alone may or may not be up to fighting one. It's a very powerful vessel for it's size, but only classed as a light carrier. Currently has barely anything in it's hangar also.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Understood, and good luck. My ship is heading out soon to help the Vorians with an issue regarding a rival faction of their race, but if we are needed we should be able to come assist you relatively quick, should you need us."

With that, he ended the communication.

((Yeah, go for it, time to really move stuff along.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

After a brief meeting of the relevant personnel aboard the Al-Sora, everyone would have been updated on events and each others current plans. The crew would say their farewells to Lyra and Henry, and prepare for their next destination. Ayla back in her pilots chamber and Ellisia in the command room with Olrenn. Ayla opens a channel to Talok, who they were expecting to accompany to the discussed Tollan world.

"We stand ready to accompany you to investigate the Wraith disturbance upon the Tollan, Talok. What is our planned course of action upon arrival?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"We will enter orbit and then contact them immediately via secure channels. From there it depends, we may be limited in what we can do if they have been afflicted with the same bio-weapon as the other planets. Beyond that, it's tough to say, and we definitely need to keep an eye out for those wraith to return."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Very well. We have the co-ordinates and are ready to disengage the station and move to jump on your mark." Ayla replies simply. Unless there was any more to learn or prepare before they left, the crew was all set to go.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Understood, making hyper-space jump now. See you there."

((Changing threads, probably making a new one since this won't be the only time we go there!))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Affirmative" Ayla replies, proceeding to take a calm deep breath and close her eyes as she takes control of the Al-Sora. The sleek vessel decoupling from the station and drifting serenely away without any engine flare or spectacle, and pursuing a course away from the station. Picking up speed, the front of the ship begins to glow slightly in a clean pure white energy, followed by the ship seemingly disappearing into it nose first. Like a cross section that shoots towards the back of the ship, with only white glow visible where the slice crossed the ship. And with a tiny clean flash, the Al-Sora was gone without any trace it had been there.

(Rodger. Switching thread.)
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian and Vanessa stepped through back to Peltas, and into a mad house.

Everyone seemed to be moving about quickly, supplies being moved between areas, and medical equipment out in the open where it didn't seem to belong. Blinking slightly, Vanessa whispered to Ian, "What the hell did we miss, a war? I really hope there isn't another one."

A moment later, Siphon backed through the wormhole, coming back to the station himself, watching until the wormhole shut off before turning around.

"The fuck is going on here?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian takes quick stock of what's sitting in the gate room. "Either this is the biggest and best we got fer triage or they're shippin' out ta lend a hand somewhere. Let's find Julia. Sooner we report in, sooner Ah'm out of the wet clothes and inta a bottle of ibu."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon stood for a moment before replying.

"Go get changed first Ian, Julia will kill us all if we drop all over that brand new clean room of hers. We'll meet back outside her office, alright?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Point taken. She's like mah mothah, just aftah moppin' the kitchen." Rolling his head side-to-side, he starts making his way through the station to his quarters. "Meet ya there in a bit, then."

(And unless something's waiting to jump Ian *in* his quarters, feel free to bring them to the meeting spot.)
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

A short time later, Ian would spot Siphon and Vanessa outside Julia's office, talking about something.

Vanessa had changed as well, into something akin to a tank top and shorts, while Siphon was dressed in some kind of outfit Ian had never seen before. It looked like a cross between a military suit, and some sort of combat attire.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, somebody's expectin' trouble," is his greeting as he walks up. He still has his away bag slung over his shoulder and looks to have cleaned up a little bit prior to joining the two of them again. "And somebody else is lookin' ta get her vaycay goin' as soon as possible." He flashes Vanessa a grin.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon chuckled.

"Well, this was all I had clean at the moment, and I'm afraid it's just going to be the two of you on that vacation after we brief Julia. From what I've been told by a few people, the Tollan were attacked, and in addition, Jacobs hasn't checked in from Atlantis yet. I may be making a trip back to Atlantis shortly."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Chahmin'." He frowns. "Well, Ah'm willin' ta head ta Atlantis, if that's where we'd best be needed. Then again, if we're not needed, Ah'm all for catchin' forty."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon shrugged.

"Up to you, they probably got busy handling random stuff over there and forgot to dial in, happens sometimes. Still, I'll be heading out to check if we haven't heard from them by then."

A few moments later Julia brought them into her office.

"Alright, how did things go back on Mirton? Did you answer any of your questions, or our collective ones?"
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