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The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Upon Nessa's interruption, Gale turned to the larger girl. Though she had a blank expression, it was clear Gale was furious due to her arm holding her weapon shaking awfully. Alora braced herself next to Nessa, expecting an attack from Gale, before the sahuagin rose from the man she was on top of, and faced Nessa, planting the butt of her weapon firmly into the sand, staring at her as she drew on the sand. "The bounty belongs to those who've earned it," she wrote, "This one, to me and to you, but not to her, who is weak."

With that, Gale turned, and departed towards the ocean, leaping into the deeper waters, and vanishing from sight. Watching her, Pearl let out a flustered sigh. "I'm sorry if I'm not useful..." she said in reply, even though Gale wasn't there. "I just... I don't think she should have been so rough. He didn't do anything to earn that kind of treatment." she stated passionately, before making her way over to the sailor, and hovering her hand over his body as a warm light was emitted from her palm, bringing the man peace as she healed his stress. But even as he was healed, he only continued to lay there, breathing soundly with his eyes closed.

"Hey!" Coral's voice came from behind Nessa as the charybdis pulled on one of her tentacles. "Mine is unconscious. What should I do with him?" she asked, pointing at the man she was 'sucking in' a moment ago, who was face down in the sand. "And where's a safe place so I can lay my eggs?" she inquired. And when she did, her question seemed to earn the attention of Alora, who grinned wide at Coral. Seeing her grin, Coral immediately rose her fist at Alora. "Don't eat my eggs!" she exclaimed.

Alora simply rose her fin to hide her grin. "Perish the thought~" she giggled.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa's eyes traveled from Gale's stoic visage down to the words she began to scrawl in the sand, as they said more than the sahaugin's expression ever could, at least from what she was aware of. She sighed, not showing as much frustration as she did sympathy. It was easy to tell where Gale came from, but if she were to have any hope of maintaining the cohesiveness of the group, the scylla would have to consider the viewpoint of both sides, and so she did. "Believe me Gale, I understand your sentiment, but that difference in physical strength alone doesn't make Pearl any less of a contributor to our cause. If it weren't for her, we may not have attracted the attention of the ship in the first place, and all of us would be sitting here without a single man to release our sexual frustrations upon. While your strength is truly admirable, it takes all of us to--wait!" She moved to snatch at the blank-faced mamono, who was a little too quick in this case and dove right into the ocean. Nessa would have to find her later, however, as the others immediately sought her attention even after the sahaugin made her departure.

Looking to Pearl, she shook her head slowly, mirroring the mermaid's frustration. "No, it is not your place to apologize in this case. My only regret is that we were not able to capture a man for each of us. We will have to expand our influence at one point, for sure, as I don't expect everyone to be able to share." Nessa placed a hand on Pearl's shoulder momentarily, then made an attempt to lighten her heavy expression. "After all, if I had it my way, I'd have one for each arm, fufu..."

Afterwards, she looked down to the young, honorable man, who was still drained from Gale's rough albeit passionate treatment. As Pearl used her potent healing magic on him, she smirked and exhaled sharply. "Mm... someone admires you yet. I only hope you can come to appreciate this devotion for what it is," she said in a lamenting tone to the presumably unconscious youth. She wasn't given a great amount of time to ponder the dynamic between the bandana-wearing sailor and his admirer, though, given that Coral had also made a request of the scylla's attention by tugging at one of her tentacles. She perked up, as if someone had groped her, showing just how sensitive that appendage was, and spun around swiftly. "...Yes?!" There was a tiny trace of annoyance in her tone, but she calmed down somewhat after seeing the charybdis' cute face.

"Ah... hmm." She grimaced, then slowly made her way to the downed man to check if he was still alive, lowering herself next to him. "Pearl, could you also heal this man? I'll make sure he survives afterwards." To think that she would be caring for humans like this; it was rather ironic, if Nessa were to think about it. But she needed them, at least for now, if the idea of the nearby reef thriving again was to become a reality. "As for your eggs... I'm sure you can bury them over there." She pointed to a nearby cave, one that was above ground but near the beach at high tide. "I will be spending the night there with the men, to ensure they don't go running about on land, and thus will also keep a watchful eye on those as well. Anyone who wishes to split the shift with me is most welcome," said the scylla, idly petting Alora as she spoke.
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Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Coral rose her hand, "I can bring the men to the cave and use my bubbles to take bad air out and clean air in!" she announced. "That way, it'll be easier to keep them!" she offered.

Meanwhile, upon Nessa's words to the man, she found a response from the presumably honorable young man. "... I respect that we must be punished, but I cannot appreciate being taken from my previous life to live a restricted one under you." he said flatly. "I'm not that kind of man."

Pearl, listening to the man she doted upon speak, stared at him for a moment, before glancing to Nessa, and nodding, going to heal the other man who Coral sucked dry. She passed by Alora, who was curious about the man below her. "If it's pity your after, I'm afraid there's only one of us who will oblige," she responded with a tone just as flat as his. Though, after a moment, she smiled. "You would be better off not saying a word, boy. Otherwise, that eight legged beauty may decide she wants to take you after all, instead of being considerate for her friends. If you show any signs of struggle... She may just..." She giggled, "... Pounce."

As she held her hands over the broken man's body, Pearl glanced up at Nessa with a meek expression. "... If you would prefer him after all.. I guess there are other fish in the sea for me," she said, laughing nervously.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Coral's helpful suggestion, despite her somewhat overenthusiastic nature on the matter--though who could blame her?--was greatly appreciated by Nessa, who let her know with a firm nod and an approving smirk.

However, that expression soon faded when the bandana-wearing sailor made his objection, and the beautiful blonde met his words with a frown. If she were to consider his point of view, she wouldn't actually find anything outright appalling or offensive about his statement. But she wasn't. The most important lens to Nessa right now was her own, and to think that this lowly human wouldn't be quite as willing to simply bow down to her in such a fashion, even with her apparent superiority over him, was somehow... irking, in its own way. Who was he to determine the extent of his penance?! Had Pearl not been nearby, she'd be quick to strangle the man until compliance, of at least give him a similar course of treatment as his cohort in a lesson of pain. Nessa's frame visibly shook. She found herself far more irritated than she expected--but why?

The scylla had never met someone quite as honorable and headstrong as this deckhand, so a resistant reaction was to be expected. However, she was still slightly high off of the feeling of making the last man just give in, accepting his fate as nothing more than a mamono-slave. She knew; deep within, she felt her true urge--to break the bandana-wearing sailor. The mental image of him renouncing his words, taking back whatever free will he had, and presenting it to her on a silver platter with a deep bow... it not only made her visibly blush, but it caused her nipples to harden. Nessa was literally turned on by the notion, even feeling the heat down below, merely by the thought of crushing this one's will. After all, the harder they fight, the more satisfying it is to defeat them, right?

Alora's suggestion only confirmed her want, but when Pearl turned to her, she felt a tinge of pity. That being said, it wasn't nearly enough to overpower the tidal urge that had now completely overcome Nessa, whose cheeks were beet red. Part anger, part lust, she would show him--that was all she cared about right now. "No, Pearl... you may have him. He suits you best, after all. But I will borrow him, just for tonight, to erase any notion he may have remaining of him leaving us." She turned her eyes to him, giving the man an eerily cold look, and released the others in her grasp to grapple with the youth, employing three of her tentacles to do so. "I was worried about the possibility of one of you attempting to escape during the night, but now that I have an idea who is most likely to try such a thing, I will make sure that it doesn't happen," she said firmly. With that, she turned her eyes to the cave's entrance, before looking at the others. "I'd prefer some privacy while I train him, at least for a little while." If there were no objections or suggestions made, she'd drag him along towards the cave.
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Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Everyone gave Nessa a nod or wave of approval, and no one objected. Not even the man himself, who went quiet as he was wrapped in Nessa's tentacles, closing his eyes as he did before, taking on an almost meditative expression. But, Alora did have one thing to add. "Nessa... Be true to yourself, and your feelings." she said simply, giving the squid a smile, before waving her on to go have some fun.

Pearl nodded. "Yeah, you're really great, like a natural leader. You don't need to act cool, I'll believed in you." Pearl sad with a soft smile at Nessa.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"My feelings..." Nessa echoed softly before huffing with an amused smile, her eyes closing momentarily. She couldn't help but consider the nereid's words deeply, as something within her resounded upon hearing them. But she wasn't sure exactly what it was just yet, and wouldn't dare to in front of her little 'crew' at the risk of exposing anything she might perceive as a weakness.

However, interestingly enough, Pearl seemed to read right through the proud scylla--indeed, she wouldn't have wanted to look weak in front of the lot, especially with Gale having left the way she did. Hearing the mermaid's expression of faith brought a deep feeling of relief to Nessa, and her smile exhibited quite a bit more sincerity after she took it all in. "T-Thanks, Pearl..."

With that, she proceeded to drag her prey towards the waiting cave, meant for just the two of them, his arms and legs entangled in half of her tendrils. The bandana-wearing youth would find that his captor's 'walking' pace was steadily increasing, her heartbeat quickening as she dragged him along the sandy beach to their destination. Given his strangely serene state, she was visibly more nervous than he was at this point, especially after remembering the Alora's parting words. Feelings? What did she feel about him? She had just met him. But in the short time that she knew him, she saw the kinds of morals he possessed, drastically differing from those of his peers; it was the first impression he had made upon her and Pearl, after all.

When they finally entered the secluded den, Nessa laid her man down flat on his back, one tentacle wrapped tightly around each of his wrists and ankles to prevent escape. Here, now that the two of them were alone and she could be honest with him, and more importantly herself, she looked upon his face, taking in his features. Yes, indeed, he was honorable. Where the other men either panicked, fought with defiance, or immediately gave in, their intentions completely self-serving and pathetically concerned for nothing more than their own survival, his was... well, it was different. Here was a human, unlike the others, who cared for something more than just himself. Anyone would have panicked in a situation like this, especially after being told such misleading stories about the nature of mamono from childhood. But here he was, not overflowing with lust and yet not utterly fear-stricken. But Nessa's heart was still in denial. Maybe he hadn't been threatened enough? Maybe if she only pushed him a little harder, put the fear of death into him like she could so easily do to many others, then he would break and be a pathetic little human, shedding the disguise that brought about so much hope and ultimately proving her right.

Here, her expectations and her inherent wishes had taken separate paths. She expected him, as much as anyone, to just be another one of them. If she had invested in the hope he brought her, only to find that it was all a lie, the disappointment would have been devastating--so why not prepare herself for it? Deep inside, she wished for him to be exactly the kind of man he showed himself to be, but the beautiful monstergirl was still apprehensive about it all. What if he simply wasn't pushed enough? She had to test him. After all, anything too good to be true was probably just that, just like the big fish Nessa was 'meant' to have. Too many times was it spoiled right when she started to believe that it could be for her. Why should this time be any different? Suddenly, she found herself frustrated, strong feeling that she would vent upon this man.

Though a tinge of it was real, she had to test him, push his limits. Harsh slaps came across his face from her free tentacles, one, then the other. Similarly to the one before him, she squeezed his neck, arms and legs painfully, getting an idea for his pain threshold, and even going so far as to wrap one tendril around his shaft and balls, tenderly at first, but her harshness growing steadily apparent. Needless to say, it was incredibly uncomfortable, practically a stress position in its own way with his limbs being wrung like that, and as she went on, she began to speak.

"Tell me. Why are you so different from the rest?! Do you have some kind of agenda?! Is it not in your very nature to place your own kind before others, no matter what the cost?! Why are there hundreds of... of them, and only one of you?! Why?!" She growled, her tone laced with desperation and a severe need to know. If the sailor were to look closely, he would find tears welling up in her eyes, though she was too proud to squeeze them shut and let them flow. "W...Why couldn't you have fallen into my arms sooner..." Hanging her head, Nessa sighed deeply.

Yes, in a way, she did want to break him, to make him comply. It was practically an instinct for her at this point. But if she were to be honest with her feelings, like Alora advised her to, she would find that more importantly, she did want him to obey. So that a gem of a man like him wouldn't leave her all alone to deal with the hordes of other sailors who were nothing but rubbish.

After seeing his face, with the youth clearly struggling to stay composed despite the obvious degree of pain wracking his body, she would finally loosen her grip, setting herself down between his legs. What determination and endurance, she thought to herself. Nothing like the man she was just playing with. Just as she expected, he truly was different... a diamond in the rough truer than any other. "I am Nessa, by the way. Tell me your name--it's important for me to know, after all."

She even considered duplicating the treatment that she gave to the other man, as the thought of this much more handsome one giving her such pleasure was seriously starting to turn the young scylla on. At this point, her instinctive need to make him hers was overwhelming. Not just the way she felt for him, but the need to keep him for her own. Suddenly, the thought of surrendering him to Pearl began to look less and less appealing...

Soon enough, she couldn't take it much longer, her tentacles slithering all about his body and coating it in miniature kisses from her constantly active suckers. One even sought to wriggle its way into his mouth, but upon encountering the resistance that was this man's trademark, she'd turn a slightly disappointed look into a sultry smile. "Mm... fine. If you won't comply, then I have a way of making you do so. I don't -have- to break you with pain... I can do pleasure, too," she said charmingly before lowering her head even closer to his cock, upon which several of her slimy, wet tentacles slithered about, and inspecting it.

Before she had even considered using any of her upper body to make contact with him, her more monstrous appendages were fluffing the youth the entire time, making and keeping him erect against his will. One was coiled around his manhood, spiraling upwards, moving up and down like a spring until it reached the tip, of which it would tickle occasionally in random intervals. The other two employed their powerful suckers to massage and gently tug at each of his balls, as if stimulating them to get moving; after all, they would be needing to produce very soon, as far as she was concerned. The tentacle toying with his shaft finally released him, leaving him pre-lubricated with her natural slime.

"I don't just do this for everyone, you know. Not even your shipmate got to lay a single finger upon my upper body--it's really sensitive. But you, if you allow me to keep you, would be given permission to have this..." Nessa offered. Finally, she grasped it with her human hand, gently stroking it up and down to keep him as hard as she liked. Her skin was smooth and soft to the touch, moreso than any woman that the youth might have known, and he quickly discovered exactly why she was so reserved about that portion of her body. It felt amazing, and even a handjob from the blonde mistress was like a special kind of heaven for the deckhand.

"Your body doesn't lie, at least... It wants me too, doesn't it? Do you not find me beautiful, even as a so-called monster?" Her eyes locked onto his, and she gave him a haunting smile, slipping her lengthy tongue out of her mouth and circling the rim of his fleshy helmet. She teased him like this for a few seconds, then planted a kiss at the tip for him to see. "You wouldn't bite me, would you? Not like that other man... besides, I can bite, too, fufu..." With that, she parted her lips and wrapped them around his member, engulfing his most sensitive organ in the warmth of her mouth. "Mmmmm~"

All she needed was a slight gasp, a sigh, or any opening of his mouth from the bliss of her ministrations to get her squirming tentacle in between the sailor's lips. With how eager her purple appendage was in exploring him, as if it were her own tongue, the young man might find it a bit much, but no doubt made considerably easier by the raw pleasure provided by her steady bobbing motions upon his cock. Her lips were drawn into a tight 'O' around his girth, raising and dropping onto it, with or without his permission. All the while, the recipient's limbs were bound so tightly, thanks to her prodigious strength, that he could do little to move. Completely exposed and helpless as he was, he was given only a few solid choices--whether to please her in return, or not to. If he bit down onto her tentacle, he could guess as much in terms of what would happen to him, considering his manhood was lodged deep in her mouth. Still, she wasn't showing any signs of doing such a thing, at least not right now, as she kissed the base of his cock with each full descent.

Even his orgasms were left under Nessa's control, as whenever she could sense that he was nearing the final moment, or even get close to it, she would stop and release his rod with an audible 'pop', exposing it to the cool air of the grotto they lay in. "Nnn, not so fast, now... I know you already spent some on Gale, so I'll need every last drop you have left for something else," she said teasingly.
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Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Just as Nessa expected. The man continued to try and endure her painful strangling and squeezing until he was red in the face, when he started to give violent tugs on her tentacles, and of course finding it useless. The only creature that could possibly match her powerful grip would likely be a minotaurus. This he knew, but when things were getting bad, he had no other choice. When she did let up her powerful squeeze though, he relaxed, panting as he tried desperately to regain his composure. "I am who I am..." he wheezed, responding to her questions of what sort of agenda he might have. "And I am Bosh. If you think me one of a kind, you are mistaken. You've only met men driven by greed to your land, there are many innocent people who just want nothing to do with any such thing as conflict." He told her, but when her tentacles followed at any point, his lips closed shut, and he stopped talking, turning his head to try and deny her.

His resistance met, Bosh let out a muffled start as Nessa went about attacking his manhood. Now that he was under complete attack, not even violent anymore, Nessa felt him begin to squirm as her tentacles placed their kisses, and twirled around his body, and cock. His legs were trying to move to try and block or shield access to his manhood, but to no avail as Nessa was obviously too strong. His lips trembled as they remained shut during her initial advance, though when she made her announcement, and began touching him with her soft hand, she felt her tentacle slip into his mouth a little before he ripped his head away quickly. His desperate squirming increased, all of his body stroking and tugging on her tentacles pleasurably. And her own heart added into it, Nessa felt something inside of herself throbbing, and longing for Bosh, building up off of her affection. Most importantly, with every bit of pleasure she gave him, she could almost feel her soul communicating with his, digging into his existence to convince him to know love and devotion to her.

As she licked the tip of his manhood, he looked down, and began shaking his head with a desperate look. His calm demeanor was gone, and he seemed in a panic. But without regards, she sank her lips down, and Bosh leaned back, eyes wide as he gasped in pure reaction to the lovely hell that was her mouth. His mouth opened for the gasp, her tentacle slipped right in. His silence was replaced with muffled moans from her own mouth around his length, while his tongue squirmed out, pushing on her tentacle, weakly trying to push it out while his lips parted for her limb to enter.

It took a few moments, but his struggling ceased, and his eyes were closed in defeat. She felt him willingly taking in her tentacle, and his squirming reduced to that of reactions to her pleasure. By the point he accepted the the tentacle, he had already tasted enough of it. Now he perhaps not willingly, but without rejection, sucked on her tentacle, moaning as Nessa felt his body begging for even more, that important establishment set.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Oh? Then why, of all the men on your ship, do only you possess enough will to think against harming our kind, while the others appear to think little of it? Don't play yourself down... I know what I have in my grasp, and I'm not about to let you go so easily. You can fabricate as many stories and excuses as you like, but it won't change anything. You'll stay with us, and you'll learn to enjoy it, one way or another."

After she had released his cock from between her lips, giving the youth some time to calm down from what would have otherwise been the beginnings of a tremendous orgasm, she gazed into his eyes with a most predatory look, smirking as he took her tentacle into his own mouth, soon taking it one step further and teasing him with languid, sensual moans that would give Bosh the impression that he was doing quite an amazing job of pleasing her. There was undeniable truth in this, as when he gave in completely and submitted to her powerful will, a wave of euphoria combed over Nessa's entire frame, sending tingles up and down her spine. Nothing quite got her off like the feeling of someone's will caving in beneath her touch, and such a response nearly made her cum right then and there. With more urgency, she plunged her tentacle in and out of the sailor's mouth faster and faster still, her suckers hungrily clinging to the man's tongue and intertwining with it much like a kiss of her own. "Oooh, nnnhahh... ah! If I could, I'd have cum in your mouth already... and you'd take it all down, wouldn't you?" she cooed, her normally icy expression blushing visibly and clearly growing more aroused thanks to his willing ministrations. "Deep down into your throat? Hahh... nnn~!" The scylla could hardly conrol herself at this point, shoving her slick appendage deeper in towards Bosh's throat, causing him to gag. If he were to set eyes upon her expression, though, he'd quickly find that the busty blonde was more than pleased, a triumphant grin taking over her features with a defined blush to accompany them.

"Speaking of which..." Nessa trailed off, suddenly overcome with the urge to make him look even more pathetic. She slowly withdrew her tentacle from his mouth, allowing him to relax his throat muscles a little for once, and petting his cheek with its tip afterwards. Momentarily releasing her hold upon his ankles and wrists, but keeping her body weight on his frame to pin him properly, she then crawled up onto his face, her eight limbs constantly writhing and shifting to 'walk' the way any other octopus would on land. This provided Bosh with a most curious sensation of the scylla's tiny, hungry little suckers kissing his scrotum, shaft, stomach and chest as she made her way towards his face. The tip of his cock incidentally brushed past her pussy lips as she creeped over and past his pelvic region, finally reaching her destination as she sat upon his head. To Bosh, all he could see was a practically neverending mass of suckers, gentle as they were in caressing his face, scalp, neck and collarbone. One of her tendrils had slithered back down to constrict his manhood, squeezing it softly and curling around it, to and fro, to keep him nice and hard. As the mass of tentacles gradually parted, Bosh would catch sight of the blonde's beautiful pussy, a tight little thing from the looks of it, and already glistening with her own secretions. But the mistress wouldn't be satisfied with him just staring at it. "You know... I don't let just anybody near this place. So treat it well, and I'll be sure to return the favor, hmm~?"

Lowering the pink crevice fully onto the young man's lips, Nessa released a sultry moan as she sunk herself down, giving him little choice but to kiss, lick, suck, do anything to get her even wetter and thus prepare her cunny for the inevitable penetration that was to come.

Unable to help herself, Nessa desperately clutched at the sailor's head as he pleased her, taking whatever pleasure he would willingly dole out to her waiting slit with his tongue and lips. "Mm, don't be shy about licking it, now... a-ah! Yes... b-besides, the more you do that, the better it'll feel when you're deep inside of me. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Come, earn it," she said between gasps and burdened breaths. Strategically, she rotated herself around 180 degrees, so that she was facing the man's rigid member, figuring that she could give him more of an incentive to service her by returning the favor in a controlled manner. Cupping her impressive tits in her hands, she trapped Bosh's meaty rod in between the sizable mounds, providing a nice, snug fit for him with her bosom. With the seaman's sensitive shaft firmly lodged in her soft cleavage, Nessa began to shift herself up and down, treating him to another stretch of bliss induced by the jiggling, squeezing breasts cuddling his cock tightly. The more zeal he put into it, the more she would care to please him--after all, the dominant scylla often wanted to have hers first. As she continued, Bosh could feel the warmth of her globes lightly slapping up and down upon his lips, a tiny patting sound to accompany her newfound pace, that of forcefully pounding the artificial crevice made from her cleavage down onto his manhood, sinking it all the way down to the base. Her tongue would dart out to tease the very tip of his member, adding emphasis to the already overwhelming experience. However, she was careful not to let him blow his load just yet.

Even with the fevered attention she paid to his rod, this was far from the only part of her that was moving. The scylla began to roll her hips at an even, steady pace, kissing her labia to Bosh's mouth whether he cooperated or not, almost smothering him with her moist womanhood, which continued to dribble her juices onto his tongue. With her already worked up as it was, it was only a matter of several more minutes before her movements grew noticeably hurried in nature, hinting that she was about to reach orgasm. "Oh, Bosh... I... I-I'm getting close... don't, don't you dare stop! If you do, I'll kill you... eeyuh..." As if to make good on her word, she quickly coiled a tentacle around the poor sailor's neck, letting him know that she could bring his journey to a close on a single whim should he fail to deliver. Exactly how serious Nessa was being in this case was difficult for him to read, but with the threat of death upon him, it would serve the young man quite well to simply keep lapping away at her juicy little flower.

"Oh... Ohh, I'm there... I'm there! Ah! Ahn! Nnn!" she cried out, shuddering and spasming, squirting her cum all over the deckhand's face and leaving it considerably wetter. Her other tentacles hugged his upper body firmly, grasping his head and leaving it in a cradle of warmth as she desperately sought to brace herself from the tides of pleasure. After she finished, she slowly released him, allowing Bosh to take in several sharp breaths of air and recover for a few precious seconds.

"*hahh* Oooh... now clean me," she commanded, letting him handle the cleanup of her messy and now swollen lower lips, keeping them pushed against him until she felt that he had done a thorough enough job. Bosh would feel the plethora of tiny suckers soothingly groping at his skin the entire time, traveling from his neck and collarbone down to his chest in a rhythmic wave, stopping and paying special attention to his nipples to toy with him further. "Now you've gotten me all worked up... what are you going to do about this?" asked Nessa teasingly as she worked her way back down along his torso, her tentacles walking her along and taking her towards Bosh's lower body little by little. She spun back around so that she was facing him, and finally stopped once she was at his hips, essentially straddling him and leaving the sailor's lower body cloaked by her lower half. He could feel his cock sliding back and forth between the scylla's puffy, slick lips, but she wouldn't let him in, not just yet.

"Appease your new wife and queen. She won't be satisfied until you give her additional tribute," she commanded, leaning forward and pushing her bosom into his face. Her perky breasts were impressive, to say the least, bearing pink nubs that looked to be almost painfully erect and in utmost need of attention. Any substantial attempt he made to please them, sensitive as they were, would be met with a few subdued moans from the blonde beauty. "Ahn, yes! That's a good human... I suppose it's time for your reward, isn't it?" She planted a few kisses upon his chin and neck before returning to a more upright position, rocking herself back and forth to tease him further, as he was only inches away from plunging headfirst into Nessa's blissful depths. "Are you ready to claim your responsibility as a man, one as honorable as yourself? Monster or not, you simply cannot leave a woman like me in need... Surely you want me, don't you? At least your body is honest."

Three of her tendrils slipped underneath to tend to Bosh's crotch, one curling around the base of Bosh's throbbing girth, the other almost painfully fondling his balls, and the other, wriggling its way into his rear entry. "Answer me, please," commanded the scylla in a sharper tone. "Tell me you want me, more than anything." She could have done practically anything she wanted with the helpless mariner at this point, but as nothing quite inspired Nessa like a verbal submission to her will; she wanted to hear it directly out of his mouth. The very tip of the appendage now buried in Bosh's ass deliberately began to tickle at one of his inner walls, brushing firmly against his prostate gland and nearly bringing him to a premature climax. "Say it! Or your seed will all go to waste before you get a chance to even be one with me."

Should he give her the answer she wanted, Nessa would stop and allow him to calm down a bit, having denied him orgasm several times now and in the process, frustrating the poor seaman. "Mm, that's more like it," said the scylla soothingly, taking this opportunity to burn his expression into her memories. Planting a hand on his chest, several of her tendrils squirmed forward to lovingly caress and frame his face, pushing any stray bangs aside and removing his bandana, if it was still on at this point. Pinned down by the powerful mamono, he could do little now other than welcome her somewhat slippery embrace.

After about half a minute, she moved on, getting to the long-awaited event, and shifted herself just enough to align the tip of his fleshy rod with her sopping entrance. Slowly, she lowered herself onto Bosh, pushing the tip of his manhood in between her womanly folds and engulfing his girth completely. "Oh! Ah, Bosh... you're--nnh!" She was incredibly tight, and Bosh's cock met some initial resistance upon entering. Nessa grimaced slightly after fully pushing it down to the hilt, but managed to straighten her expression with a relieved sigh, regaining that confident look after she withstood the initial shock of her virginity being taken. "Mmm... Ooh! You've just laid claim to my maidenhood," she cooed, swallowing hard and biting her lower lip afterwards. "You're my first... now would you be able to simply leave me after knowing you did that?"

With that, she began to move, her tentacles gripping his sack and plunging in and out of the youth's rear entrance as she rode him, treating the man to a potent mixture of slight discomfort and pure ecstasy. It might have taken Bosh a while to get used to her slick appendage pumping his ass so vigorously, but this was eventually offset by her rhythmic movements, the constant squeezing of his impressive girth by her inner walls, and the mesmerizing view of her breasts bouncing up and down. Her velvety interior hugged the sailor's manhood tightly, giving him an even more pleasurable experience as she began to gyrate her hips at the end of each full descent. "You like that? Fufufu..." Nessa leaned forward to grip tightly at his shoulders, her face now taking on the look of someone truly enjoying it. She began to pant, letting her jugs swing back and forth, occasionally slapping him right in the face with them, the volume of her moans growing louder and louder still. "Oh... ohh! B-Bosh... aah, nn... mmm!" To see her normally icy visage, flushed and completely lost in the feeling of their lovemaking, was a rare sight reserved specifically for Bosh.

As if that wasn't enough, Nessa began to speed up, finding herself wanting him more and more, yearning for him to go inside deeper and deeper still, even as the very tip of his cock kissed the entrance to her womb with practically every other thrust. "Ooh! Hahn... c-can you feel that part of me? You won't last long, will you... I can feel it. But if you let go now, you could very well make me bear your children. That means you have to stay with me--are you fine with that?" At this rate, she was practically jerking him off with her pussy, squeezing him from base to helmet, preparing to draw out as much of his gooey gift as possible. But she wasn't about to allow the man to achieve sweet bliss -that- easily, as the tapered tip of one of her tentacles had slithered around the base of his cock, squeezing on it firmly enough to block the release of his semen if he were to ejaculate. As his inner fluids built up, surging from his aching balls to his prostate and rushing towards the sailor's pulsing manhood, Nessa kept the clamp on the floodgates strictly closed, taking a moment to look into his eyes as she spoke.

"I'll let you cum inside me as much as you want, so long as you promise to take responsibility... and to never leave me. Pledge your devotion to your Queen! Just say yes... hurry!" she moaned, the echoes of the wet slapping sounds produced by their union reaching throughout the cave's boundaries.

At that point, it didn't even matter anymore. Nessa herself was so close to cumming herself, that in a moment of weakness, she released the stranglehold she previously had around his cock, letting the impending flood of his milky seed to come spilling deep into her lower canal, her cervix hungrily sucking up what it could of his more forceful spurts. "Ah... ah, ah, AH! Oooh, i-it's so warm... more, don't stop, more!" No matter how tired her partner was, the scylla proved relentless in quenching her pussy's deep-seated thirst for his semen, using her appendages to bounce up and down on him further. "Yes, like that... ohgod, you're making me c-cu... I'm c-cummi... NNNGH!" Feeling his spunk sloshing about within her pushed the horny scylla over the edge, and she quickly reached her own climax, puckering her lips and turning her gaze upwards in an expression of pure bliss. Throwing her head back, she began to spasm and contract around Bosh's girth, her tentacles quivering around his balls, massaging them furiously as if to coax them to work even harder. Similarly, the writhing tentacle buried deep in his anus began to rub vigorously at his prostate, urging him to cum as much as he can. Towards the latter portion of her amazing orgasm, she began to roll her hips deeply, as if to stir about the massive doses of baby batter he let loose inside of her cunny, as well as the amount that made it into her womb. All the while, her hard-working tentacles stuck to their duties, with one kneading and squeezing his balls while the other rubbed at his strained gland to get him to go as much as he humanly could.

"Wow... look at you, letting out so much inside of me. You must really want to get me pregnant, hmm~? I never thought you liked me that much, ufufu..." After he apparently released all that he could, Nessa finally set herself down onto him with one last thrust, sighing deeply and winking at him. "Mmm, well, that was enjoyable." Carefully, she lifted herself up off of him, making sure not to spill any of his precious contribution by plugging herself with one of her own tentacles. "Ooh," she moaned, her brow furrowing in disappointment as just a bit escaped from between her swollen labia and dripped down onto Bosh's partially-erect cock.

Pulling herself down and away, and giving the sailor some room to relax a little by slipping her other arms away from his balls and rear pucker, she began to please herself a little more by pumping herself with her own fleshy appendage. Biting her lower lip, she tried desperately with the use of the purple tendril to force more of Bosh's cum, stored deep inside of her, further into her womb, employing the tentacle like a plunger of sorts. "Aahnn... I can feel your hot stuff sloshing around deep inside of me..." Licking her lips, Nessa gave Bosh the most predatory of looks, keeping herself plugged up while leaning forward once more and taking his cock into her mouth, cleaning it of every last trace of his semen. "Now get hard for me again. I'm far from done with you. Mmmph..."

She began to suck him off in earnest, her tongue tickling the sensitive underside of the deckhand's manhood, keeping him immersed in a special zone of pleasure until he found the strength to get erect for her. "Mm, mmf, rrmmph..." Nessa was thoroughly fixated on him at this point, unable to let go of his rod until it stood up for her just the way she wanted. After he was fully hard again, she finally released him, planting a kiss at its tip for him to see, then reclined onto her back, using her tentacles to pull him towards her and spreading her two front appendages to reveal that lovely cunny once again. Gently, she unplugged herself, and just a tiny bit of his semen leaked out. "I guess most of it made it in... time for you to give me a second filling, ufufu. This is how we mamono do it--you'll always need more than just one load to satisfy me, at the very least. I'll take more of what you can give than any human woman you'll ever know, and I'll never, ever tire of another round, should you desire one. So show me your devotion."

"Take me, Bosh... show me what you can do of your own strength!" Her tendrils wrapped around his waist snugly, drawing him further inwards until his cock lined up with her sopping cunt again. At the same time, Nessa reached forward with her arms, wrapping them around the sailor's neck, and she gave him a meaningful look, her lips parted ever so slightly. "Fuck me until you can no longer move anymore. And when you're tired, I'll be on top. Now that you've agreed to be mine, you can cum inside whenever you feel the urge--I'll only be disappointed if you hold back on me... now hurry. Give it to me!" With that, she pulled him into her, inviting the young man's length into her slick crevice once again, and forced his head into her bosom, encouraging him to start moving his hips to demonstrate his newfound need to please her. Her pussy, despite being warmed quite a bit from Bosh's previous loads, remained as alluring and wonderful inside as ever, giving him every reason to explore it to his heart's content and hopefully flood it with as much of his potent sperm-filled liquid as possible.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

When her tentacle pulled out from his mouth, he coughed, spitting out a mixture of his own saliva and her slime from her tentacle. Nessa could feel him shudder underneath her as he seemed unable to get the taste of her tentacle out of his mouth. Then, when her tentacles released his limbs, his hands went to her hips instinctively as she felt a weak push, a small fraction of resistance before her body pressed down on him, and he quickly realized how weak he'd become. Strangely, it seemed a result of her pleasuring him. His resistance would truly falter as Nessa's pussy drifted over his length. She felt a strange sensation when teasing his length, making her skin shudder with goosebumps, a feeling that she would feel again, only with much more force, at a later time. "I can't think..." he whispered pitifully. And if Nessa paid attention, she'd find that he had the same expression as before when he was getting attacked by Gale. It seemed that at the very least, human men change when having sex with mamono. As proof of that, the man below her, who was so defiant before, began to suck and lick Nessa's pussy when she pressed her pink lips to his mouth. Muffled moans came from below, stimulating her pussy as a tentacle wrapped around his length.

When Nessa turned and pressed her breasts together around his cock, he suddenly found the energy to lift his arms. The palms of his hands went straight for her ass, and were in a perfect position to lift Nessa up, even if for a moment to get fresh air instead of the constant smell of her sex... But all his hands did was grip her ass cheeks, and embrace her lower half, sucking, kissing, and licking in earnest. His legs relaxed and she felt his head go limp in her tentacles. He had completely surrendered, his hips occasionally twitching, thrusting upwards lightly between her breasts. Her tentacle around his neck made him give his largest thrust yet, but it was mostly a startled thrust upon suddenly finding a tentacle squeezing his neck. Following her every command, his tongue licked and his lips sucked her pussy until she came. And when ordered to clean her, Nessa would find a certain desperation in his cleaning as his legs shifted uncomfortably, and notice something important:

Being teased and denied climax so much was leaving him desperate.

"I want to cum, please! I can't take it anymore!" Bosh cried out, but her tentacles prevented him from moving even when her pussy was just over his length, erect and longing to be swallowed into her depths. His chest heaved with heavy breaths, and upon every little order she gave, he followed while begging to be satisfied. Not only her physical form, but Nessa felt her spirit somehow attacking him as well, and like her tentacles, it had him completely ensnared as if choking the life out of it with the only promise of oxygen being the last thing that would free him, a long awaited orgasm. Like that, his hands took her offered breasts, bringing the nipples to his mouth before he began to suck on her tits. The motions of his tongue and suction of his mouth made as if to suck all of the milk from Nessa's breasts, even though nothing came out. When she finally lifted up, and seemed to position herself, Bosh's eyes were wide, while his eyes were moistened from his suffering. Her dropping her hips down seemed to be the greatest moment he was ever waiting for, though when her tentacles attacked other areas first, she didn't have time to demand him to speak a second time.

"I'll do anything!" he shouted, not quite what she wanted, but along the same lines. "I want you to let me cum! Please! More than anything! I can't...!" he groaned with frustration, his energy to squirm coming back as her tentacle slipped into his ass and gripped his balls, which were in desperate agony to release their contents. "I give up... Please..." he begged her with the most pathetic expression he could have managed. And with that expression burned into her memory, for the next half minute, all she heard was his sex crazed begging for her to drop down and fuck him. When she finally did, his back arched, and he let out a silent scream as the sensations of her tight pussy trapped him. He was quick to reach orgasm, but couldn't actually find it when Nessa blocked him, denying him yet again. "YES! Stop denying me! I'll BITE my own tongue off if I have to endure this any longer!" he screamed in absolute madness. "I swear I'm yours forever!" he whimpered, though at the very last bit of teasing, she nearly saw him extend his tongue to make good on his promise... Before her tentacle let go, and his second scream wasn't silent, his body thrashing with the most violent orgasm, fueled by the magics that seeped from Nessa's body into his, as well as all the sexual tension she built up within him. Cumming, his cock released his seed inside like a jet, squirting into her with force.

Finished, and giggling down at Bosh, Nessa may be surprised at his following words, after her comment on how much she must like him. "I love you," he announced, his eyes dull and soft, before he slowly pushed himself up to dive in and steal a kiss from her while she fucked herself with one of her own tentacles. "My Queen..." he mumbled, taking her offer to stuff her pussy the moment she said 'take me,' letting his head be taken into her bosom as he positioned his hips, found her pussy with his tip, and began thrusting deep, and passionately. "I love you..." he repeated. "I love your smell... I love your breasts... I love your eyes... A-and... I love your pussy..." he announced to her, as if worshiping her, and everything about her as if she were a perfect god that he was so blessed to be able to have carnal relations with. Moaning, with his arms wrapped around her waist, he thrusted into her with mad passion. Even when he slowed down, cumming and moaning as he suckled her breast, he continued pounding his meat into her cunny once he was finished letting her milk his manhood of what it was worth.

After coming this far, he knew it was just as she said. He couldn't go back. Even if she let him go, he was giving her children. A father of monsters is all he will be. And he embraced his fate without care, losing himself in the pleasure only a mamono like Nessa could offer, letting himself fall below the standard of what is a good, and normal human being. It didn't matter anymore.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa found many of Bosh's reactions to be on the surprising side, and though she wasn't quite overjoyed nor displeased, she was at least taken off-guard by his words, if nothing else. When he even went so far as to threaten to kill himself in such a messy fashion, she quickly shushed him with one of her free tentacles, whispering, "Mmm, don't do that. I need you for later. Do you think I'd let the man who took my virginity off so easily? We've only just begun," she commented, before uncoiling the 'clamp' on his cock and letting the proverbial floodgates open, cooing softly as he filled her up with his potent seed.

During the aftermath of their first coupling, with her shamelessly pleasuring herself in front of him, she couldn't help but blush at his bold declaration, especially when combined with his fervent attempt to kiss her. Perhaps in another situation, the young man would have wound up with a handprint across his face and a tendril around his throat, but here, for one reason or another, she had kept herself from doing so. While her eyes widened initially and her face took on a look of protest, it was only a matter of seconds before they closed halfway and she moaned softly, allowing him to kiss her. More than that, Nessa found herself welcoming his embrace, feeling a deep tingle creep up and down her spine as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, and spreading her tentacles so as to help guide him towards her pussy. The multitude of limbs served a function similar to guide rails to let the man simply slide forward into her, his rigid member sinking in between her labia and into her warm depths once more. Bosh would then find himself encouraged with a sultry moan from his blonde mistress, and given free reign for the most part to demonstrate every ounce of his newfound love and devotion for her. It was actually somewhat difficult for Nessa not to speak with a condescending tone towards him or any human for that matter, but she managed to keep it in check... for the most part.

"Oh! Ah... uhnn, y-yes! Faster, you fool--ooh! Ah, ah, ahnn, don't hold back!" Each thrust he took inside of her triggered a most sexy sound from the horny scylla, inviting him to bury himself to the hilt, as deeply as he could, and drop his load sooner rather than later. She did all of this without needing to give explicit instructions, her cries providing all of the fuel that the sailor needed by which to fuck her as much as he could, to the point where he apparently continued to go through the motions long after he squeezed his last drop into her womb. This pleased Nessa greatly, and she felt herself reaching yet another orgasm from his consistent strokes, hugging him as she shuddered and quivered around his hard-working cock. Bosh could tell that he was doing more than a sufficient job of pleasing her, which was at least part of the purpose for which he was called upon. "Ufufufu... you sure like my breasts, don't you? If we keep doing it like this each day, eventually they'll provide milk for you--I'm sure you'd like that, hmm~?" She rested a hand behind his head as he suckled on her hardened nipple, petting him like the good little human he was. Her plump, soft breasts were there for him to lick and suck on as he liked, proving that there was more than just one perk to taking a scylla as a lover, especially one such as herself.

Even if he grew tired and ran out of energy at some point, her tentacles would wrap around his limbs and waist, practically forcing him to mate with her until Nessa herself was satisfied, which typically required far more action than the average male was ready for. But Bosh was more than that, at least to her, and so she fucked herself with the use of his body, treating him like nothing more than her personal plaything. The scylla caressed him, kissing his lips and neck as she went on, sating the deep-seated hunger within. Such was the fate of the one whom Nessa would choose to take as her mate; it certainly was not for one with a low sex drive. And even if they had given up, it wouldn't stop her from 'making use' of them in the way she used her beloved seaman after he was already empty. Exactly how long she continued to toy with him like this was difficult for the exhausted deckhand to tell, but he knew when she was done, at least. Though Bosh was still wrapped in the embrace of Nessa's tentacles, his member would finally be pulled from the warmth of her pussy, prompting a small flood of his seed to dribble out from the pink crevice. It was a bit messy, overall, but he still got to feel snug and safe in her powerful tendrils. With her lower body functioning like some kind of blanket, she snuggled up with her man, nuzzling against his cheek. "Mmm, you were absolutely wonderful. I guess I'll let you relax for now, and you can build up more of that delicious semen for me, hmm...?" With that, she kissed him and fell into something of a nap.


Bosh woke up to a defined slurping noise, and upon opening his eyes he would see Nessa smirking at him while dragging her tongue up and down his cock, doing her part to get him erect once again. Occasionally she'd mix it up with a few bobs and strokes from her entire mouth, alternating between full-on head and teasing licks. If he was to try to move, the young man would find that his limbs were already grappled by Nessa's own, perhaps in preparation for something else once he came to. "Rrrmf... oh, you're awake now? Good," she commented, hoisting him up into the air completely and suspending the sailor above her, with him splayed out and face-down, leaving his cock dangling for her to examine freely. She looked up at him with a sly grin, caressing his cheek at first and granting him a kiss, before moving to where his lower bits were, keeping him in that same position. Folding her arms underneath her chest to push those lovely assets up, almost as if to accentuate them, Nessa let two of her unoccupied tentacles do the work for her, with one slithering around the base of his shaft, and the other kneading away at his sack. "Part of being a good, faithful husband, at least to me, is the ability to serve me breakfast on demand. Don't be lazy now, as I can still nag just like human wives do, from what I hear! Only for something different..." Brushing a few stray locks from her face, she looked up at him expectantly as her hard-working tentacles molested his manhood and scrotum, letting him build up to that feeling of orgasm once again. "I like my meals hot and fresh, so don't keep me waiting now..." Angling him so that he could see her face while she jerked him off, she winked and opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out far so that he could see her preparing to catch his load on it. His mistress was expecting to be served, and it was his duty as her servant and new partner to provide her with her every need. If he didn't deliver right away, Nessa would only look more and more annoyed while waiting with her mouth agape.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

After Bosh fell unconscious, Nessa got some visits from Pearl and Alora respectively. Despite what she said before, Alora looked a little satisfied when she came in and saw Nessa, telling her that the men ashore were fairly unconscious. And all Alora wanted to know was how Bosh was doing. Nessa's underwater cave was roomy enough to have separate sections one might say qualified for privacy. And in three of those little pockets within the rock structure, each of the men were placed as per Alora's suggestion to keep the men separated in order to prevent them from working together. Alora's reasoning for seeming to have satisfied herself was apparently that she took a liking to the man Coral drained. "He's a bit of an intellectual... I saw him as a similar mind to my own, can you blame me?" she asked Nessa. Regardless of the squid's response, she'd return to the man in a separate room. The third man, meanwhile... Was tied and gagged, and left alone in his own space. No one seemed to want anything to do with him unless it was to cause him misery.

Then, after his fair nap, when Nessa began her motions, there had been various vine prisons constructed by Pearl when Alora asked for a way to keep the men prisoner. Liking her idea, they worked together to make them so that they could easily let a friend like Nessa in and out, while keeping the sailors in. Though when Bosh awoke, he did so with a start. Looking down at Nessa, and then to the vines, he seemed to understand immediately. Relaxing, he let her do as she pleased once more. Or so he tried, as he flinched when she gave him a good lick. "Sore... I'm still sore..." he complained, and she found a bit of struggle in him yet. But he still could not do much but tighten up in her grip, trying to endure the strain. "I can't possibly cum any more...!" he tried to tell her, groaning as he was toyed with some more. Lifted into the air, he stared at her with a dull expression of submission as she milked him as if he were a cow. It took a moment, enough for her patience to wane a bit, before his hips began to twitch. Not a moment later did he begin to cum, squirting his seed out as if he were a cow, giving Nessa his essence for her waiting open mouth.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa was quick to acknowledge her visitors with a nod, lounging casually next to her unconscious beau and stroking the cooling sweat from his forehead, her tentacles cradling him in a soft makeshift bed of sorts. "As you can see, he's a little worn out, already... but it's fine. I'll just have to train him a little more, later on. If I had it my way, he'd have enough energy to satisfy me, you, Coral, and even Gale consecutively," she said to Pearl. "Provided the poor sahaugin returns." Her thoughts naturally went to the stoic rebel of the crew, who was likely sulking somewhere in the nearby waters. She had to find a better way to maintain cohesion--if she couldn't do it amongst the mamono, how would she manage to do such a thing with the humans they kept in captivity? It was a troubling matter, for sure, but hardly one that would keep her from the conversation at hand. "I understand that you two have differing approaches, but we must find a way to reconcile them if we are to succeed. When we acquire more men, there should be less cause for conflict, I would imagine."

When told of Alora's new relations with the second man of the group, the leader smirked with a suggestively raised brow. "Oh? Well, isn't that nice, fufu... I'm sure a mamono as beautiful as yourself could easily convince him to stay with us. I'd like to have our pet humans as devoted as possible, after all, if we are to hope to catch additional ships. With a large enough representation of the shipping fleet, perhaps even Atlantis will not be able to deny our cause, and we can push the mamono agenda. It saddens me to think that there are others, just like us, who have been forced into complacency from years of abuse by the humans."

If the other monstergirls had nothing more to say, the scylla would return to doting over her new captive, caressing his body with her numerous tentacles. When he complained, helplessly suspended as he was, she could only giggle.

"Oh? Sore, are you? You poor thing. Normally, you'd get no pity from me as a mistress, mind you... but as a future wife, perhaps I can help you with that, hmm~?" Momentarily releasing one of her tendrils' grips on his balls, Nessa reached up with her hand, embracing the young man's sack with the cool, smooth skin of her palm and fingertips. She then proceeded to treat him to a soothing massage, or at least one as delightful as she could manage for him, hopefully adding a degree of comfort to the odd, slightly uncomfortable sensation of being suspended in such a manner. As she did so, the other arm still remained under her bust, treating him to the sight of her breasts pushed upwards for him to see.

"Don't tell me you're tired of me already, after mating with me the first time? That would be a shame, because I'm far from finished with you. You've many restless nights to look forward to." Eventually, after several minutes of gentle rubbing and stroking, she lowered him just enough, gradually picking up the pace. Whether or not he was ready at this point, Bosh would cum--as far as Nessa was concerned--and when he did, the tentacled beauty was all too eager to catch the flying wads of his seed in her open mouth. Sticking out her tongue to receive as much as she could, she batted an eye at the few stray shots that made it onto her face, but didn't seem to mind. Instead, this only caused Nessa to seek out more of his tasty essence, and she was quick to wrap her lips around his pulsing shaft hungrily even as its remaining spurts began to wane. Bosh would then feel the remainder of his cum being sucked out by his new queen, as he was made into nothing more than a source of sustenance for her. Or so that was his role, until she specified otherwise.

With a loud pop, she finally released Bosh's manhood from the warmth of her mouth, exposing it to the cave's cool air and leaving him a tad more relieved, that is, unless his libido were to have him feeling otherwise. Lowering him back to the ground, Nessa employed and tentacle to wipe the stray spatters of semen from her face, then brought the collected substance to her mouth, lapping up every last bead of it. "Tasty..."

However, her smug look turned a bit more stern as she addressed the youth with a more serious tone. "Listen. You belong to me, now. Not only your heart and mind, but especially your body. You are not to masturbate. Ever," she instructed. "You will only expel when I tell you to, on who I tell you to, and for no other reason." Nessa looked dead-set on this resolution, and would not be denied.

"Come now," she commanded. "You must be hungry, or thirsty, at the very least... we'll make sure to feed the lot of you. After we figure out the condition of your shipmate." With some concern lingering as to the situation with the last man of the group, Nessa slithered in the direction of his holding 'cell', with Bosh in tow.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa's visitors did stay even during the beginnings of Nessa's continued session with Bosh. Mainly, Alora remained to continue their conversation. Giggling at Nessa's initial thoughts to him pleasuring them all, "Marriage may be your only option, as I truly doubt a human could perform such a feat," Alora suggested with amusement. "And you seem already so involved with young Bosh that I would imagine you quite fine with the thought~ Becoming your incubus would turn him into the perfect mate for you, after all." Alora winked at Nessa, before looking at her with a more serious expression. "On a more serious note... While the happiness of everyone here is important... More males means more maintenance, and we are not of such wealth that we can so easily keep prisoner and care for a greater amount of men. Right now, I think we have reached the most men we can have without worry that they might try to escape or rebel. Moreover, if we are to oppose the rule of Atlantis and the Goddess Poseidon, such a small group as us... Will eventually be crushed."

"At some point, Nessa, we must recruit. Either that, or return to our life of being oppressed by the humans. For the sake of all of us here, I will consider fighting a losing battle against our aquatic sisters not an option." Nessa announced, before making her way back out to sea.

Bosh, in the meanwhile, groaned after having been milked in such a humiliating way. "Marriage..." he hung his head. "I will never be let go...?" he asked, his heart clearly racing as Nessa so casually announced who he'd be spending the rest of his life with. In her tentacles, weakened, and barely able to even be taken along, he shuddered in her tentacles, giving a nice little sensation for Nessa to feel. "I... don't have a choice... I must... I will... I will do as you ask..." he replied meekly, before almost forgetting to add. "M... Mistress..."

Reaching the shipmate's cell, he was there alone. Gagged and tied up, Nessa found him to immediately begin giving her muffled curses of hatred, saliva and slobber wetting the sea rocks beneath him and making him appear as a wild animal.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Alora's words regarding Bosh's potential transformation weighed heavily on the scylla's mind. An incubus, turned just for her? Perhaps then he would finally be able to provide the degree of satisfaction she was craving, not to mention, he'd also make a most charming mamono. Not that he didn't satisfy her as he was right now, but the muted fire within her still told Nessa that if she had it her way, the two of them would still be engaged in a wild session of frenzied mating, with her rhythmic cries echoing throughout the cavern so that all may hear. But the young sailor only had so much to give, and while the foxy leader of this small group was usually assertive enough to ignore such matters, she did care enough for Bosh's health not to push him too hard, for now. When she was in her 'zone', however, that concern could easily fall by the wayside.

She also gave serious thought to her advisor's second topic of discussion. Indeed, it was apparently challenging enough to keep this trio of men, let alone their own ranks, under total control, and thus expansion may have to be postponed. "This is true. Finding other colonies such as ourselves, ones that have been wronged by the humans, would be a good place to start. My dear Bosh, are you familiar with the fishing routes that your fleet takes?"

If he wasn't, then perhaps the cadet's more experienced shipmates would know, such as the intelligent one coupled with Alora--provided he was still conscious. Regardless, she would, of course, start with the captive one, as dealing with him was on the agenda anyway.

Despite the many matters at hand, she was not one to overlook the proper obedience of a subordinate, and appeared all too pleased when Bosh finished his sentence with her proper title of 'Mistress'. "Yes, that's a good husband. Now hold still," she commanded. Provided he followed orders, she rewarded him with a kiss, allowing the youth to feel his queen's body close to his, that is, without the distracting sensation of her pussy or other bodily orifices hungrily milking at his cock. Her impressive breasts squished up against his chest as she embraced him, reminding Bosh of the scylla's natural endowment, with which she had pleased him earlier. As their lips parted, she managed a sly smile and patted his cheek. "Now let's go check on your friend, shall we?"

When they reached the other man, apparently the least popular of the three, Nessa sighed and shook her head before addressing him. "What an unfortunate, and might I add, rather pathetic, sight we have here..." she mused aloud in a lamenting tone.

"I wonder why it is that they torment you so? Gagged as you are, you didn't call one of our beautiful girls a bad name, did you?" After gauging his reaction, she'd wrap a tentacle around Bosh and pull him forward beside her, caressing him idly, presenting to him her newfound toy. "Bosh here, on the other hand, not only understood his situation, but embraced his new role. If we are treated well, we would of course return the favor. A shame, too... you seemed so obedient earlier, at one point. Perhaps you were only hoping that I would allow you to mate with me?" She had, after all, utterly denied him the use of her upper body, reserving that for Bosh instead, even if he was the first to be violated by her in some way.

Pulling him up to his knees with a single tendril, she kept his face at hip level with her, looking down with disdain. He could still catch the scent of the strong pheromones radiating from her, and was inches away from being able to lick her if he really tried, had his mouth not been gagged and such. But he couldn't. If there was one thing Nessa loved more than anything, it was being a tease, especially to a pathetic creature such as this one. While Bosh was an exception, this other man, whatever his name was, seemed like the type that proved her right about humans--that they would agree, smile, nod, say what you wanted them to say, and otherwise do whatever you wished, if it but served to keep them alive or merely bring them pleasure. Additionally, his defiance made him more of someone that the scylla could use to vent her more sadistic urges upon.

But while the concept of a torture doll seemed very tempting to the mistress, she would at least grant him a chance to have his say. Unfastening his gag, with her tentacles, of course, and not her more 'human' aspects, she allowed him to speak. "Permission to talk... for now. So then, do you have a name? What is it that you truly want here?"
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Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

(Power outage stole my post, sorry for how brief this one is, but it's better than not posting at all cuz rage.)

Bosh at first hesitated for a moment, but did respond to Nessa's question. "Where you found our ship... That's the general area which we fish... The center." he answered her, before he would obey her order to remain still, and give a slight moan as she suddenly kissed him. At first he was mostly frozen, unresponsive. But after a moment, his lips began to respond to her's, returning the kiss just as his eyes seemed almost captivated by her own. Before the kiss would end, his hands, bound by her tentacles, expressed slight interest in holding her waist if she'd allow it.

Taken to the cell of the other sailor, the man immediately began trying to scream at Nessa as saliva began to gather in large volume around his mouth, coming down as drool down his cheek. He began to thrash as her tentacles grabbed him and lifted him to his knees. He only sneered at Bosh as she displayed him as the model man, what he should be. His opinion became voiced when Nessa undid the gag. "What I want is to get out of this shitty fish hole!" he shouted. "The order will come! The order will kill you!" he shouted to Nessa, before spitting at Bosh. "And fuck you, Bosh! The order will burn you with her!"
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa's lips curled upward upon hearing the tidbit of information her future husband provided. "Oooh. Why, thank you, dear. Silly of me not to have considered it before; we could start from the neighboring territories of our reef and spread outwards, as I'm sure the repeated overfishing has had no small effect on these waters in general. I'll consider a meeting with the other mamono quite soon." Slowly loosening her grip upon his wrists, she did allow him to return her embrace, which kept her smile from fading until later. While confident, Nessa wasn't immune to flattery, and this simple gesture of devotion from Bosh did not go unappreciated; or rather, it wouldn't, when the appropriate time for such things came.

When subjected to the defiant and rather dramatic display made by the least popular shipmate, Nessa stared at him with a clear lack of sympathy. He made it all too easy for her to feel that way, after all. "The Order, hmm~? Now you've told me a bit of interesting information. I can't be surprised that there are many powers at work against mamono such as us, but... why don't you share a little more?" Sliding a tentacle around his ankles, whether they were bound or otherwise, she hoisted him up, holding the foul-mouthed man upside down. Her grip would, ever so threateningly, tighten upon his extremities until the sailor could feel the slight crack of bone and the compression of sinew. His legs wouldn't be broken, not yet anyway, but the threat was made clear.

"Ufufu... what do you take me for, some sex-starved hussy who would never truly harm a human? Please. I was but being generous, giving you a chance to show yourself as a proper man," she explained scornfully, stroking Bosh gently to help add emphasis to her last point. "As you can tell, I can easily break your legs and leave you but a cripple and a piece of furniture to be used around here forever, since you are so keen on demonizing us."

Nessa sighed. "Like I have told you before, we desire nothing more than to coexist with you in some degree. But after what your kind has done, you cannot blame me in thinking that it may be better to simply dominate the lot of your stupid, pathetic species. A little force applied, a dose of pain, is but a small price to pay for clearer understanding, is it not?" She squeezed on his limbs a bit tighter, threatening permanent damage if the man failed to speak. A sadistic glint showed itself in her eyes. "Now, explain to me everything you know of this Order, and I will make your captivity considerably less painful. Most mamono are not particularly fond of pain, and I'm told neither are humans. We have girls here that want nothing more than to bring you pleasure, but since you appear to be so keen on rejecting them and making them out to be nothing more than monsters, I can easily make it so that you have no choice. With your arms and legs broken, you'll be nothing more than breeding stock, and will become what you wished not to be regardless--a father to countless mamono. Surely, with you being such a benefit to our race, the Order would have to burn you as well, wouldn't they? Or do you expect them to be so understanding?"
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Held upside down, and having his ankles squeezed, threatening to be broken, the man screamed aloud in pain, squirming like a shrimp caught in her tentacles. "T-they're led by angels!" he immediately began spilling information upon the initial threats as he cried out some more in agony. "They're... GYAAAAH! They're guided and protected by the Heavans! Angels descend from God's Kingdom and bless mankind with holy weaponry, and divine strength to destroy monsters! They're called-GYAAAAH!" he screams as her tentacles crush his ankles. "-They're called Heroes! They're powerful enough to slay a monster like you!"
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"Heroes, led by angels, hmm?" echoed the scylla, her head tilting curiously. "Now there's something interesting. Did you think that up all by yourself? How creative of you," said Nessa in a most condescending tone. Inwardly, this revelation did cause quite a bit of concern for the leader of this tiny, insignificant band of mamono. However, the shrewd mamono made sure that her defiant captive was completely unaware of the questions that arose within, ones that she was hesitant to ask, and instead maintained her usual air of cool disdain.

"...So what you mean to say is that we're doomed, yes? Unfortunately my dear, I don't believe your words have frightened us as much as you'd have liked. For we'd have died a terrible, slow death from starvation--or worse--upon a barren reef, a home destroyed by the likes of your kind. And who knows, we still may, if I choose to back down in fear of other dangers. If there is such a God, one that would support the crimes you committed against us, then I've personally no need for him. So I am to be considered a scourge for keeping myself alive? What makes you so different, then?"

A smirk returned to Nessa's face as she went on. "And still you've no answer for your own predicament. Let me guess, you're to convince me that after slaying me, Bosh, your other shipmate and all of us terrible monsters, these... 'heroes' and their angels will lift you up into the heavens where you belong? Hahaha... now that would be something, wouldn't it."

"However, allow me to remind you of the reality of your situation, away from your little fantasies, hmm?" She kept a firm grip on his legs, not crushing them quite yet, but made it a point to slap him across the face with two tentacles before employing those same appendages to undo his pants, if he even wore any at this point in his captivity. Nessa's lips curled upwards as she casually yet smoothly continued on, coiling one of her tendrils around his shaft while the other cradled his balls. "I can do just about whatever I want with you for the time being. Who knows what you'll be like by the time help arrives? Perhaps you'll be reduced to a mindless, mamono-loving servant. What would the angels do with you then?"

With that, she began to jerk him back and forth slowly, using a rather gentle accent to her firm touch. Though for her, it meant absolutely nothing, other than to bring him as much pleasure as humanly possible. The sailor would feel her squirming tentacles sliding up and down his full length, tiny suckers kissing and even kneading at his sensitive flesh. One would curl around the base of his dick, pushing further towards his hips, as if to simulate him hilting deep into her pussy. But Nessa had no intention of letting him get that far--the caress of her tentacles would be as far as she would ever allow him to get.

While she continued to tease this one, she made it a point to embrace her favorite captive, Bosh, stroking his chest and shoulders with her human hands, as if to show the difference of privilege level between the two seamen. "Those should be more than enough for you."

As she went on, the very tip of the first slick, purple appendage toyed with the head, as if coaxing him to spew his thick seed, though it would withdraw quickly, should he begin to show signs of orgasm. To help facilitate the process, she set him down onto his upper back, positioned so that he would likely wind up ejaculating onto his own face when the time came, her pace quickening. She wrapped an arm around Bosh, the more handsome of the two, as he stood next to her faithfully, and smiled devilishly as this continued, speeding up faster and faster.

Just as the less obedient crewman felt the bliss of climax approaching, she would release him in an instant, instead leaving him with a deep, nagging sensation. One of hopes unfulfilled, of wishes not granted. The chance at pure bliss, slipping through his fingers, leaving only utter denial from the cruel mistress.

"Oh, that's too bad, isn't it...? Mm, if only you had complied. Now, I'm going to have each one of us deny you in such a fashion, every single day. With your limbs properly bound, and in a position of my choosing, it won't be a pleasant experience, I promise you." Narrowing her eyes, she showed him a wide grin and re-fastened the bindings upon him, in such a manner that he wouldn't be able to please himself and finish the job if he tried.

If he had nothing more to say, then she would take her leave, with Bosh in tow, seeking Coral and the others to provide further instructions and elaborate on plans for the next 'operation' that the group would undertake; in this case, it was a meeting with the denizens of the neighboring reefs.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

"I ain't lyin or makin it up!" the hateful sailor announced to Nessa, though his expression of anger suddenly turned to fear when Nessa revealed the truth of his situation. Should the Order and angels come, he was likely to die at their hands for being a prisoner of Mamono and possibly breeding with them. He choked on his own words as he realized that without Nessa and the others, he was most likely a dead man. His teeth grit and he let out a growl as she tightened her tentacles around his legs, and sent her tentacles out to toy with his manhood. When she did that, Bosh turned his head away in displeasure, though said nothing, nor did he seem to pity the man. "S-stop! Aaaagh!" he growled as she began her torture. His legs twitched from the pain and from the stimulation. His body squirmed in protest, as if to free himself from the tentacles, but he was even weaker than before, and his struggles were pathetic. "You bitch...! You sadistic freak...!" he growled before he was set on his upper back, so that Nessa would get to watch him cum on his own face.

As well as blocking vision, Bosh seemed to want to stop listening as well. The sailor's face, her tentacles squirming and torturing him so, went red. His squirms became simple twitching as he ran out of energy to try and struggle, and suffered the absolute frustration of being completely powerless under a woman's strength, even if a monster woman. "Mmmmgh!" the sailor grunted as his orgasm began to rise, and the last of his strength came so desperately as he tried to avoid cumming on himself, to avoid the mixture of disgust and shame that would follow. But when her tentacles retracted, and her promise told, the man, in his situation, suddenly began sobbing. "Don't do this to me! I don't want my life to be like this! I'm sorry, I regret everything I ever did! I don't want this to happen! I'll do anythin' if you'll show me mercy!"

Suddenly, Nessa felt Bosh move next to her, his eyes opening slightly to glance at the man, and then Nessa. It was clear in his expression that Bosh held absolutely nothing for the man. A history of hate seemed to hint itself just from his expression, and would become even more evident following his words that soon followed. "He's lying," Bosh said so simply. There was no insistence or warning. It was just a statement. "This man... Mistress... He has raped a young girl once, and because of his connections with the order, merely apologized just like he is now. He brutally hurt that girl, and managed to get away with it. And because girls who don't have their virginity can almost never marry, he forced her family to make her marry him. Whatever you make him, it can't be worse than what he already is." Bosh said as if he were ready to damn the man to hell, the hatred in Bosh's eyes now evident like a roaring flame.

"Fuck you bosh! FUCK YOU!" the man screamed. "I HOPE THE ANGELS MAKE YOU BURN, BOSH! I HOPE YOU DIE!" he screamed so loudly that Nessa could hear his voice breaking and losing it's tone. As if Bosh removed any chance of him slipping away from his punishment, the man looked upon Bosh as if he would truly kill him if he were set free. This man, this evil man, looked true to Bosh's claim. A man beyond redemption.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Nessa placed the back of her hand to her mouth with a low giggle upon being called such names by the angry seaman. At this point, his reactions were practically expected by the dominant mamono, who at this point was simply tickled by any kind of strong response to her teasing. When he began to cry, it did nothing to spark her sympathetic tendencies, but instead added fuel to the fire of her more sadistic ones. If only he could show such emotion, just like this, day in, and day out... then she'd seldom know boredom, ever again.

"Fufufu... look at you, shedding tears over such a thing. And you call yourself a man? Your limbs are intact... well, mostly--heh... and you still breathe, yet you would weep over the mere suggestion of denial? Truly, your kind baffles me sometimes. Or at least the ones like you. Your very existence may as well be a joke to me, and oh, how I do love to laugh every once in a while. It's just a shame that when so many others like you group together, it becomes a very bad joke, very quickly. One that I just happen to be tired of at this point."

As Bosh stepped forward to explain the captive's history, Nessa listened intently, certainly more trusting of the younger sailor than the one bound before her. After all, their track records spoke for themselves; the bandana-wearing youth had only shown honesty and dignity, qualities that that scylla didn't even know humans could possess, while the more crude sailor only put up fronts for his own benefit. So it came as no huge surprise when Nessa learned of the man's history with despicable acts, particularly against women of his own race, but at the same time, it did much to boost her existing level of disdain towards him. He was everything that proved her right about humans; self-serving, malicious, greedy bastards by nature. At the same time, beside her stood a young man that would, to Nessa at least, provide a shining example of what was to be the exception to the rule in her mind. "Thank you, dear," she cooed sincerely while running a soft finger along Bosh's jawline, then looked back over to the captive brute before her with a decidedly changed look.

"Threatening my future husband like that, for speaking the truth? You simply haven't learned, have you..." she said in a near whisper, before the overwhelming pressure of her tentacles could be felt crushing the man's limbs, rendering multiple fractures in seconds. Although, being the sadist she was, Nessa would not pass up the opportunity to intentionally prolong this torture, savoring the feel of cracking bone and squashed muscle. She wouldn't stop there, however, following suit with his fingers as well. "Oooooh... that feels wonderful." Her grin bore a cruel edge to it as she looked down on him. "I ought to make it so that you can never force yourself upon another woman again. But I think I'd rather make you cry, each and every day, for the atrocities you've committed in the past, the ones you are committing now by looking at Bosh with those eyes, and the ones that you would no doubt attempt if left in the state you are in. So..."

Collecting some of the surrounding seaweed, or whatever suitable bindings she could find, Nessa proceeded to wrap them, tightly, around the sailor's arms and legs while they were broken and gnarled in this state. She bound them completely until they appeared to be green casts of sorts, leaving the man utterly immobile. "There. Now you can't walk--not like a human, anyway. Perhaps someday, you can attempt to scuttle along like a sad little crab, but it won't be comfortable in the slightest."

Her teasing smile flattened at some point. "...But don't think I won't kill you. Death is just too merciful for a man like you, though I may grant it sometime, that is, when you learn to behave. But until then, if you so much as utter another word that my dear Bosh dislikes... well." She gave him a most foreboding glare as a departing warning, before moving into the next room over with her beloved.

Naturally, the scylla would not miss Bosh's expression of distaste exhibited during the arguably more intimate portions of the interrogation session with his shipmate, and she stroked his cheek comfortingly once the two of them were alone. "Bosh... I know. You can't stand to watch me touch another man, can you?" Despite the subject matter, Nessa spoke clearly and without a hint of hesitation.
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