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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

EDIT: I change my vote to C.

Serifyn is right, we are not after those two girls -- being merciless and killing them would not teach them anything. We are after their overlords.
However, we don't want Zoey's help because it may be yet another trap.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Also it would be wise to avoid Zoey's company if she is still carrying the Green Overlord's egg.

She isnt, Zoey's intermissions have all been past events.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Can't we kill and torture Zoey too ?

I don't know, she's an enemy after all.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 15: April

The climate of the desert was something she never quite had gotten used to, she had been living in the desert for hundreds of years now, helping her overlord maintain these lands and secure them from predators.

"This Goddamn heat" April said to herself, wiping her brow of the sweat which had accumulated there.

She started out as the lone princess for her overlord, a being which had in its youth, made terrible management choices, and it caused suffering for both her and the women under its region.

April had been taken from her overlord at one point, but later was fortunate enough to escape. she wondered whether it would have been more smart to simply live her life, and forever about her overlord, but she felt guilty and eventually came back, from that point on, the Orange tentacles flourished, April organized raids in the lands of the nearby dark forest and brought several fresh girls to her overlord, allowed it to replenish its power.

April soon became the queen of the fledgeling overlord, and the one in charge of securing the borders of the desert from the other tentacles who may try to steal their resources.

Organizing a group of princesses within the lair, April created a militia of sorts, trained to scout and track anyone who entered their lands.

April stood high on a dune, watching as her underling princesses brought their latest catch, descending slowly as the group of orange-skinned women with various warpaint on their bodies drew closer.

"My Queen" one of the princesses said as she knelt down before April.

"You dont have to bow to me you know, im not actually royalty" April said, with a smile

The girls chuckled in response, April took her job seriously but didn't like to think she was above anyone else in the brood.

"Who do you have here?" April asked as she walked past one of her princesses and towards the woman who was bound from the back with rope.

"We found her a couple of minutes after she wandered into the desert, she had this with her" the princess behind April produced a small hammer, which had probably been used to pound nails in another life.

April took the hammer from her princess and inspected it carefully.

"There arent many fences to fix out here in the desert" April said to the girl

"What is a fence?" the girl asked

April smiled and laughed, a couple of the other girls did as well.

"a fence is something you build to keep rabbits out of your garden, or dogs....or small children"

"I still dont understand"

"its not that important" April said as she handed the hammer back to the princess behind her

"Who are you people?"

"We're in the desert......were kind of like the fence here"

"what does that have to do with my hammer?"

"Maybe you should stop confusing her with your fences, April" one of the princesses quipped

April turned towards the princess and shot a fake glare at her.

"Anyway, what brings you to our fine and temperate desert?"


"Good excuse, i suppose, which color?" April asked

"Purple" the woman said, her head down, trying to avoid eye-contact with April

"I cant say that i blame you, those purple sonsofbitches are a real sadistic bunch" April said as she moved a bit closer to the woman.

"Are you hungry?" April asked

"Im starving"

"I hope you dont mind tentacle semen" April said as she reached down and took her canteen and handed it to the girl

"I dont know what else could be food anymore" the girl said as she took the canteen from April and opened it up

"Heres the deal, you'll be taken to our lair and be forced to have sex with tentacles again, however, we wont torture you and cause you pain, it isnt our way"

the girl wiped her mouth and handed the canteen back to April "Will there be anal sex?"

"That depends on whether you want anal sex, we can be flexible"


"Great" April smiled and signaled her princesses to take their captive away.

One of the princesses stayed behind to chat with her for a bit.

"Well that was easier than i thought" April said to the Princess closeby.

"All of the purple slaves are easy, i bet she wont try to run away from us..... talk about an upgrade" the princess said

"Did you ever think about escaping?"


"Dont lie to your Queen peon!" April joked

the princess laughed "No way.....the world is in ruins, living out there would be terrible, and Sunny keeps us warm and safe"


"ummm......our Overlord?"

"Since when is it named 'Sunny'" April asked with a perplexed look on her face

"Since forever April, geez, get a clue" The girl said as she walked towards her comrades and the lair.

"Sunny.....?" April said to herself, shaking her head as she started to walk towards the next dune.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I expect the fallout from killing the princesses and going after the overlord to be far worst then letting them live, I'd rather deal with the princess then an angry overlord, plus we are still carrying that blue egg. Yes, the hammer could vanish soon has we leave the church. If it does it would be far better then when I expect it to poof.

While yes it may be true that blue did trick her into taking the new egg, but she did agree to it and leave her far better off. If she was still carrying the black egg she would likely still be laying in pain in the forest or submitted to black surely Ella understands that and holds far more hatred for black then blue, even if she does hold some anger for blue tricking her.

I fully expect Zoey to lead us around til we give birth or lead us to her own baby and demand that we stop and not harm it trying to make her understand, or a combination of both. But leaving Zoey behind she could help the princesses recover faster or in the case of killing the princesses be the next one hunting you down for vengance.

so I have to keep a pretty solid A vote still
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

o_O I can't even make sense of that, you want to leave two powerful enemies that hate you, even more since you've basically threatened to kill them, sparing them will likely just piss them off even more and next time I doubt they will be as "merciful" as they have been so far.

Your entire argument seems based off the fact that the overlord would be "pissed" if you kill his princess, and that being a bad thing (I'm sure they're entirely calm about you killing, what? hundreds? thousands of his children?)

I can accept A being the choice due to other circumstances, maybe the egg is affecting her rationale, or her compassion/gratitude for zoey essentially "saving" her by throwing her the candlestick in the first place is clouding her judgement (though honestly, it's a given that zoey isn't the first addled slave she's encountered during her adventures and shouldn't be so easily fooled)

Heck, you yourself raise the point of the blue egg, why would we want to be escorted to a tentacle lair in what is obviously a trap with that thing still inside? I can understand you want the character to be royally screwed in a most terrible fashion, but at least just be up front about it instead of acting like there is a perfectly good reason to be making an utterly stupid decision ;P
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. I was tempted by B but I think it will make hard to negotiate with other colours princesses and queens if they learn we might kill them.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

censuur if you have valid points for why you voted your way bring them up or point them out, you really need to stop looking for an argument since all I have seen you doing so far is attacking others reasons who differ from yours or taking jabs at the story cause you don't agree with the way Serifyn took things

I'm a little surprised on April there, I thought orange got wiped out. Is Kara going to make a reappearance by any chance?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Yeah, but we could break them instead of just let them go ? We break their legs and, or their arms and they won't be a threat anymore.

If we free them, 'cause "we're so nice and so kind", we'll be (seem) "weak" and they shall try to kill us again.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Like I said before, I like this story and I'd like to make sense of things, I never once claimed my vote was superior or that you're wrong for voting what you do, I simply asked for some sort of reasoning behind the choice, people vote whatever they want and Serifyn can write whatever, and at the end of that, I can ask questions about what's going on or what the process is behind making a certain decision at a given point.

This is a personal thing, I try to understand everything I interact with, and as such I'm trying to understand this story and the decisions pertaining to it, you have no obligation to answer me and if you really want me to stop I will certainly consider it (I'm not looking to start a conflict here)

My main reason for posting here though, is that I see a story I really enjoy be turned into something suffering from Indigo Prophecy syndrome (great start, loses all coherence and cause-effect toward the end, clear indications of the writer being tired of his own creation and ultimately forfeiting it)

Maybe due to how I play RPG's (such as D&D) I try to get in character a bit and actually choose based on how my character is established to be, a loner that hates tentacles as the main character is established would never even consider negotiating with tentacle princesses (hell when the black princess had her hopelessly pinned down people still voted for her to give attitude instead of submission) yet just a few posts above we have someone supporting his vote with "we'd have trouble negotiating if..." as if that was naturally an option in the first place o_O

So yea, that shit confuses me, so I seek answers, if that's somehow not possible for you to handle that's fine, one word from Serifyn and I'll cease all commentary on the story and just vote but remember, no one is forcing you to read what I'm writing here, you can just use your brain's magical ability to ignore my presence if it bothers you.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

... when the black princess had her hopelessly pinned down people still voted for her to give attitude instead of submission

Yes, even though I said it is better to submit at that point to avoid unnecessary punishment everyone was against it because "she hates Sarah", "she will fight and never give up", etc.

...yet just a few posts above we have someone supporting his vote with "we'd have trouble negotiating..."

Exactly... they have no respect for the character and make irrational choices. I tried to reason a few times but I gave up because it is useless -- they don't even bother to try to understand why their logic might be flawed. They just dismiss your argument as your opinion even though it may contain facts from the actual story.

My advice is to give up. Some people here are not giving any thought to their choice or (much more likely) they simply don't have the mental capacity for that --they are just in it for the sex scenes.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Didn't you know? Fapping not only makes you blind, but it also kills your brain cells - it's not our fault we have nearly none left
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. Even though it irks me to let them live, alienating Zoey could deprive us of valuable information. Not just about the lair's location, but in freeing other women from the Tentacle's thrall. we will eventually need an army to take these bastards down and there just aren't enough men around for that. Also if we can show humanity that it is capable of redeeming itself and give them hope, that will cause more trouble for the tentacles than one person ever could.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Didn't you know? Fapping not only makes you blind, but it also kills your brain cells - it's not our fault we have nearly none left

I call nonsense, I fap all the time and was recently admitted into Mensa ^_^

Another mote of folly... "we could be deprived of valuable information", and the guy also clearly (once again) missed the loner trait, what other women, what army? We're in this alone damnit! Try to have at least some understanding of the character you're deciding for ;p

Valuable how? We have no means to assault a lair and no reason to trust someone who is clearly affiliated with the enemy, we didn't need help before and we certainly don't need "help" we can't even trust. Shouldn't we be focussing on the issues at hand? (No reliable weapon, no armor, egg in womb, addiction, no provisions) nothing Zoey can give us will help when there's the threat of the princesses still around.

Again, if you just want the character to be thoroughly raped in some horrible way, just be up front about it rather than pose justifications that make sense only when assuming the character is utterly retarded ;)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

For real mensa?
gratz on passing the test tried once and failed sadly I only got the IQ score of 130 :p oh woe is me
btw still keeping my vote
The hammer is a holy artifact from heaven to kill the corruption of demons the two bitch-queens arent demonic or evil
just ass-holes if we killed them we might lose divine favor.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. Kill those witches and Zoey too for betrayl, there's a point where somone is corrupted beyond redemption.

Ella's a loner who's sole reason for existence is killing tentacles, giving quarter to those who side with the very demons she quests to rid the world of seem completely out of character.

"The Overlord tried to communicate with her, making motions of surrender, but Ella was determined and she was bloodthirsty, she slice the creature's tentacles with lightning speed, and the creature's limbs fell off as slime poured out of them, spilling onto the ground as the creature started to weaken and die.

She's also not one for mercy
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Yeah but if we kill them instantly how could we find the way ? I don't think that the character can trust either in fate, fortune or gods so ... The only options are a hard dangerous path try to kill tentacles without weapon or to torture these "girls".

P.-S. : Mensa ? Pfff ... Such a fuckin' pain, that basterds (I know some of them). Prideful, arrogant and when I read that it comes from Oxford, I understand that it's only a couple of stupid guys who wants to believe that they're intelligent :D ! Don't argue that you've got a brain with that kind of argument : you've got a brain, surely, you don't need to be in "Mensa".
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Minerve, it's rather common for people to insult and slander those out of their reach, while I won't claim to know everything about the organization I only recently joined you must realize two main things: Mensa is a world-wide organization, and it's main purpose is for people of a certain degree of intelligence to meet and interact with peers.

It is dubious at best to think Mensa is mostly about intelligence, as the intelligence is rather poorly defined and hard to judge, different skillsets and all that, and add to that the fact that intelligence is coupled inherently with depression and inability to properly interact with "normal" people, people don't admire intelligence, rather they shun it and dismiss it as "arrogance"

To that point, it's rather foolish, actual intelligence contradicts arrogance, anyone who will arrogantly claim to be intelligent is putting on an act, if there is one thing we can be sure of, it's uncertainty (what with only having one perspective to perceive, thus having a one-dimensional and inaccurate view)

But enough rambling about Mensa, it only really proves I'm above average in (at least) one aspect of cognitive processing :p

Back on topic, why do people think Zoey's help is something we need, or will in fact receive if we side with her. We're in no position to raid a tentacle lair and certainly wouldn't be keeping Zoey around while we prepare, and we've had no trouble finding overlords up to this point, why would we have trouble now?

*edit, couldn't help myself*

The hammer is a holy artifact from heaven to kill the corruption of demons the two bitch-queens arent demonic or evil

Not demonic or evil? they're corrupted to the core by our enemies, and need I remind you of miss black princess's treatment earlier? Torture and all that? And while you might not remember Rachel from the first story, she was no saint herself, maybe calling them demonic is a stretch but they are certainly evil to the core at this point (how many years have they been corrupted for now?)

And besides, if the hammer really is what you say, wouldn't it simply remove their corruption rather than kill them? *nudge, nudge*
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