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Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Battletoads... I just got bitch-slapped with nostalgia again.

Naw I'd hate to see him fuck up battletoads. I loved that game. I gonna go to the flea market tomorrow and try to find a copy of it.

Isn't emulation the quicker way?
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Oh God Cheetahmen. I just recently stopped having nightmares about that game. Toonpimp please drop this one.
Excellent, step one is working perfectly. Now for step two, codenamed SKRILLEX.

He drops that shit.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Isn't emulation the quicker way?

Its not the same for me. Blowing on the cartridge and pressing the reset button 100+ times is part of the experience.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Its not the same for me. Blowing on the cartridge and pressing the reset button 100+ times is part of the experience.

Don't forget the fact that there's no save states tempting you.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Yuni's Sticky Cards is showing on Toonpimp's scrolling homescreen.

Yuni looks BUFF.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

I usually use chrome to do my browsing, and cheetamen wasn't even coming up until yesterday.

I go on the site on Firefox or Explorer and it shows up just fine. Right next to cheetamen actually.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

I usually use chrome to do my browsing, and cheetamen wasn't even coming up until yesterday.

I go on the site on Firefox or Explorer and it shows up just fine. Right next to cheetamen actually.

Then you should clear Chrome's cache.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Then you should clear Chrome's cache.

Not sure what that means but thanks.

I don't mind using multiple browsers.

Does anyone else feel that cheetamen will be super gay?

No offense.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Ironically the potential for gay content is the main reason I might actually try it when it comes out, even though I suspect it'll still be crap. I'm bi, so I enjoy some gay content in my h-games now and then. There really isn't enough of it.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Ironically the potential for gay content is the main reason I might actually try it when it comes out, even though I suspect it'll still be crap. I'm bi, so I enjoy some gay content in my h-games now and then. There really isn't enough of it.

if its a gay furry game i will not play it
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

I usually use chrome to do my browsing, and cheetamen wasn't even coming up until yesterday.

I go on the site on Firefox or Explorer and it shows up just fine. Right next to cheetamen actually.

now i see it xD
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Well, it's hard to make assumptions on the possible content of this game. The title, while reference to Action 52, is probably more of a witty jab than an outright push toward the direction of the original Cheetahmen game at the end of Action 52 where you simply fought enemies and bosses from the previous (mini)games. While one can assume that such a premise would allow for any character from any game to be used against the cheetahs Aries, Apollo, and Hercules it's just as equal to assume that the game means to follow some semblance of the actual written plot created for the second game.

If you aren't familiar with the story of the Cheetahmen then it's easy to take one part Island of Doctor Moreau, one part Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and one part Disney's The Lion King and mix them up in a blender. Doctor Morbis, a geneticist bent on world conquest, kills a cheetah mother in Africa and discovers she has three cubs. He absconds with the litter for genetic experimentation, along with other animals from the area, and creates what he calls Sub-Humans. Some notable Sub-Humans are Scavenger, a vulture; Hyena, a hyena (I know...); White Rhino, a rhinoceros (jeez...); and Man-Ape, a gorilla hybrid that is Morbis' most powerful creation. He also has a human henchman named Cygore with a robotic arm with exchangeable weapons (who wouldn't want one of those?) in his arsenal. Of note, as I've mentioned before to others, is that every single character is male.

I seriously doubt that this game, unless somebody is paying for such content, would contain nothing but M/M content. This is sad, especially for some of us out here, because there simply isn't enough M/M content for these kinds of games. I imagine that a number of the enemies, if not borrowed or originally created, will be fan-twisted into female versions of themselves for the purposes of satisfying most audiences. But who knows? While not something to hold one's breath over I've seen more unlikely things come to pass. Seeing as how there really aren't any straight-up M/M hentai games floating around (that I know of) made by artists I know I would actually offer support, if just to help make a point that there is a market for it.

Gameplay, of course, is even harder to theorize than the content itself. The characters lend themselves to a typical side-scrolling arcade beat 'em up, possibly with character selection options and different fighting styles, but the original games only allowed certain characters for certain levels. I do, in part, miss the Cheetahmen hype when everyone went crazy over remixing the theme music. I'll have to pull out some favorites. Might I recommend Dangerous Mezashi Cat's album? Or Mattias Häggström Gerdt's Livin' Large remix over on OCRemix?

And on the quick note of browsers, I personally recommend Pale Moon. A lot of people become married to their browser of preference, but if you want to look at a browser streamlined for speed, especially on smaller systems, you should take a look.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

You know whats one of the things I find funny about this? there are more constructive posts about the game here, then on toon pimps actual forum.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

You know whats one of the things I find funny about this? there are more constructive posts about the game here, then on toon pimps actual forum.

Except.... There's not. It's quite improbable for there to be constructive posts critiquing the game fairly when nobody here has even played it yet. So the posts both here, and at the thread over there, nothing has been particularly constructive.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Sorry speculative was the word I should have used. Point I was getting at is the people on this forum have shown more interest in the game then the people at Tp's forum, and that's ignoring all the hate posts.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Yeah, I find that kinda funny too, especially since toonpimp HATES this forum, yet everyone's all converging in this thread eagerly talking about his new game..

Can someone check the temperature in hell, I think the remnants of toonpimp's soul is freezing it over laughing at us. XD
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Yeah, I find that kinda funny too, especially since toonpimp HATES this forum, yet everyone's all converging in this thread eagerly talking about his new game..

Can someone check the temperature in hell, I think the remnants of toonpimp's soul is freezing it over laughing at us. XD

I'm fairly certain that most of the people here are eagerly awaiting the time when they can bash it and troll about how bad it is.