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NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Oh yes Winter, my mother is really kind and everything, but I'm just worried as to how she'll react if I can't get rid of this thing before I see her again,” Clara replied, still looking a little worried.

Hmhm, sorry Winter, but yeah it was pretty obvious. You both looked like you really enjoyed yourselves though. And she seems really nice and kind Winter, so I'd say she'd let you do practically whatever you wanted to with her if it made you happy,” Sylph whispered back to Winter after telling Clara that she was beautiful and looked like a true angel.

Clara fidgeted around and blushed when Sylph, and then Winter both praised her beauty. “Winter's right Clara, I'm sure your mom wouldn't get mad at you or anything. Honestly I think you look even more beautiful with that thing myself Clara,” Sylph told Clara, moving over and patting her on the shoulder in a comforting manner, while at the same time winking and giving a suggestive smile to Winter.

D-Do you really think I'm that beautiful?” Clara asked the two, blushing very red, especially after Sylph's words about thinking she looked even more beautiful with her new acquisition.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter couldn't help but feel a heated blush on her cheeks at Slyph's suggestion before she turned to address Clara.

“Yes, I do.” Winter stated with a blush on her cheeks. “And... I love the way you look with it, too...”

Winter paused to fidget slightly over her next words and actions before she stepped forward to rub her other shoulder in a comforting way. She paused a second time, before with a burning red face the placed a gentle kiss on Clara's lips. After a moment, she withdrew but refused to look away even if she resembled a cherry.

“I'm sorry, but I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't give my first REAL lover a kiss.” It went without saying that the succubus didn't count as a 'lover' in her definition of the word. “And I never dreamed that it would be such a beautiful angel, either.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

"R-Really, I never actually thought I was that beautiful myself Win...ter, (gasp)," Clara replied to Winter's words and gasped when Winter leaned in and kissed her on the lips, her eyes losing focus a little as she touched her lips with her fingers where Winter kissed her. After a moment or two of shock, she recovered enough though to hear Winter's next words.

"I-I-It's alright W-Winter, i-it was nice. T-That was my f-first kiss... at least I was able to give it to someone that didn't try to or did actually rape me. A-And thanks Winter... you're really kind," Clara replied to Winter and her kiss, blushing so red she looked like she might catch fire in a moment, or maybe it was just her angelic glow it was hard to tell.

"Well she didn't try to rape you, but you did pretty much rape her Clara. Not that she had any problem with it apparently, hehe," Sylph said to Clara, giggling a bit as she spoke.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“I... I hope I didn't disappoint. On your first kiss.” Winter breathed a small sigh of relief when Clara confirmed that she liked it. Her blush didn't dissipate as she had something to admit, as well. “I'm glad I was able to give my first kiss to someone like you as well. I'm glad I met you... both of you. When I first set off, I fully expected to spent this entire trial alone... I'm glad I met such wonderful companions.”

Winter felt only partly annoyed at Slyph's teasing attempt to get the two of them to turn even redder. “She didn't rape me... when I saw her approach... I, er... helped her a little... and in the end, I don't regret it at all.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

N-No Winter you didn't disappoint me. And I'm really glad I met you both as well, because if I hadn't I'd have fallen by now and would be a succubus... or worse a thrall to a succubus,” Clara replied to Winter's words, still blushing from Sylph's words about her being the one doing the raping to Winter instead of the other way around.

I know the main reason you're glad you met us though Clara is because of Winter, you can't fool me, neither of you can. And yeah she pretty much did rape you Winter, but I saw no complaints from you.” Sylph said to the two of the teasingly. A moment later though she would get serious when Winter would likely have something to say in their defense and continued, saying, “I think it's great though, the two of you liking each other as much as you do and all. I feel kind of jealous actually because I haven't got to have fun with either of you yet, but that can wait until later. For now we should move onward, I'm getting a bad feeling for some reason.

I agree Sylph, your mistress may very well be in greater danger than we think. Do you remember exactly where her palace down here is?” Clara said to Sylph, glancing at Winter in the process to see what she thought.

Well yes and no Clara. You see I know it's either on the floor directly under this one, or the next one down after it. But I don't remember which exactly. What I do remember though is that I'll instinctively know the entrance when I see it. I haven't been back here in so long though is why I don't remember exactly. I mean I was in my little pool where you found me Winter for about five or six months or so before you came along, that's where I was stationed by mistress Hazel,” Sylph replied to Clara's question, then glancing over at Winter when she told about how long she'd been in the room Winter found her in.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter continued rubbing Clara's shoulder sympathetically as she remembered what nearly happened to her. Her flush refused to abate when Slyph teased them again but she refused to give her the satisfaction of another back stepping defense. Although it seemed to intensify further when Slyph mentioned that she wanted to have 'fun' with the both of them but she forced herself to the topic at hand. “Yes... there are way too many of Roses servants loitering about here. Slyph has the best idea out of all of us on how to get to Mistress Hazel's palace.”

Winter listened to Clara's question and re-listened to Slyph's explanation about her knowledge of the path to Mistress Hazel's palace. Then she stared in blank horror when she heard just how long Slyph had been stuck in her pool before she had stumbled upon her. “You were stuck down there for how long? Alone? That would've driven me nuts!”

Winter placed a comforting hand on Slyph's back and gave her a few soothing circles of her own. Any thoughts of how their huddle might look strange to anyone walking in was entirely eclipsed by the idea that she had nearly taken a completely different path and Slyph would've been stuck there still.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Clara was with Winter when Sylph told how long she'd been alone and had tears in her eyes she thought it was so sad. She pulled Sylph into a loving hug and kissed her on her slimy cheek. "That's so sad Sylph, if you need companionship that much then I would... well I'd let you do whatever you wanted with me for a while," Clara said, though she looked embarrassed and like she almost had to force herself to offer what she just did.

"Oh don't worry about it that much you two, I was asleep most of the time and dreamed nice dreams of mistress Hazel playing with me and doing stuff with me of a... sexual sort. I was only awakened when someone came into the room while I was in that pool so I didn't get all lonely or anything while I was there. And no Clara, we'll have to save that for later, we've got too much to do and not enough time to do it sadly. Maybe after we make certain mistress Hazel is okay, she may even join us," Sylph explained to the two, but smiled at their thoughtfulness anyway and hugged them both back.

"V-very well Sylph," Clara replied, looking as if she wanted to say what did I get myself into.

Sylph looked to Winter and asked if she was ready to go yet or not.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter joined in by kissing Slyph's other cheek and after Clara had declared herself she added her own comment with a slightly blushed look. “If I had known... well, I would've gone with the first thought I had when I dropped my spear back then.”

She had to admit, the feeling of being hugged by both the lovely angel and the slime girl was something she enjoyed greatly. And she was relieve, if only a little bit, by the fact that Slyph didn't suffer quite as much as she had feared. She had to giggle a little bit at Clara's face but gave an apologetic grin to show it was in good fun.

“Well, I suppose those stairs aren't going to find themselves.” Winter said, reluctantly breaking the group hug. “I suppose that there's only one way to go without back tracking...”

Winter made sure the other two were ready to go, before leading them down the only doorway forward.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Sylph giggled when they both kissed her on either cheek. "What do you mean Winter? What would you have done differently hmm?" Sylph asked Winter, smiling bashfully if that were believable to Winter and Clara, and upon a closer look at Sylph's face they could see around her cheeks her slime was a lightly darker color, which Clara immediately remarked upon.

"Sylph, are you blushing?" Clara asked, looking as if she were having a hard time to keep herself from giggling.

Sylph just turned her head away and nodded, which prompted Clara to hug her again and kiss her on the cheek again, though this time it wasn't her that was all embarrassed. Once Winter spoke though the two broke apart and followed her, as they were ready to go when she was really.

They went onwards and made their way to the next room after a two or three minute walk, they made their way through the corridor and into the next room, which had the steps leading down and another door leading eastward. It also had a pair of large spiders guarding the steps, though they weren't completely spiders, they had the lower body of a spider and the upper body (They're arachne) of a woman.

They saw the three as soon as they came in and glanced at one another and both of them reared back so they looked very menacing to the three, which scared Clara a good deal and she hopped behind Winter and Sylph.

"Oh why did it have to be spiders?" Clara mumbled in a whimper.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Well... y'know...” Winter could help but giggle embarrassed. “If you had caught me then... I wouldn't have been resisting very hard.”

“Why I do declare, I believe she IS blushing!” Winter said teasingly in a faux southern belle accent before getting down the business.

Winter stared down the spider women in front of her and readied her spear. Instinctively she stepped to close the gap between herself and Slyph keeping the opposition from having ready access to the clearly terrified Clara. “Slyph? Just to be certain, these aren't any of Mistress Hazels, right?”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

"C-Come on and let's just go already. Me blushing is nothing of any real interest here," Sylph said suddenly, trying to get back to the task at hand, though her blush remained for another minute or two.


"I... I'm not sure actually Winter, they don't look like mistress Hazel's. But then again they don't look like Rose's either. I'm... not sure who they serve actually," Sylph replied to Winter's question about the spider women.

Sylph took a few cautious steps forward and slightly bowed her head to the two arachne and then looked back up. "Might I ask whom you two serve in here?" Sylph asked them.

They looked at each other again and then set themselves back down onto all their legs, looking less menacing to the girls. "We serve lady Lily. And from the looks of you three and the way you're going I'd say you're servants of lady Hazel. It's a lost cause so you should turn back while you can, her palace is under siege," the larger of the two arachne said to the girls.

Sylph nearly jumped out of her skin at that and glanced back at Winter momentarily with wide eyes, then back to the arachne. "Will you please help us to lift the siege? Will Lily help us in this? I know she hates Rose as much as most the others," Sylph replied, her face full of worry.

"I suppose we could... for a price," the arachne answered with a mischievous grin on her face.

"W-What price?" Clara asked, obviously scared of what they might ask.

"Well it would be a simple price actually. All that would be required is one of you consent to bearing our eggs, then once they're out we take them and go to speak with lady Lily on your behalf. If two or all three of you consent to bear our eggs for us, then you can even keep half of them to give to your mistress Hazel afterwards to bolster her arachne ranks. What say you?" the larger arachne said her offer, then backed off to let them discuss it between themselves before they decided.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Under siege? This is bad...” Winter said, more to herself then anything. She met Slyphs wide eyes with her own worried ones. She listened with rapt attention as Slyph asked them for assistance and what their demands were.

After the arachne backed off, Winter joined Slyph and Clara in a small huddle. After taking a moment to consider, Winter voiced her opinion. “I'll do it... I was more or less prepared for something like this from the start. It's better me than you, Clara... I see how much you don't like spiders and I couldn't ask you to take on such a burden.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Actually you girls, while it is possible for us to impregnate a slime girl like her there, we don't normally like to, it's better for our eggs you see to be in an actual womb. And the main reason I suggested more than one of you do this is so it would be easier on the egg carriers, we would impregnate you with quite a lot actually so splitting that up over you two would be for the best, all three even better,” the arachne girl said to them again, chiming in after Winter spoke and pointing at both her and Clara.

Well that changes everything I guess. Well Winter, what's your decision now after finding that out? I can still do it though right?” Sylph asked Winter, then turned to ask the arachne.

Oh yes by all means, the more the merrier I say. Plus it would cut down on the burden even more so on each of you significantly,” the arachne replied, nodding her head to Sylph.

N-No I r-really don't like spiders Winter, but... if it got us some help I... (gulp) think I could swallow my fear of them long enough to do this,” Clara replied to Winter, voicing her own opinion about it after Sylph and the arachne spoke, though she looked really terrified about it.

Oh I know what you're worried about Clara, and I'll go ahead and say don't worry about it that much. Arachne don't corrupt like that, so you don't have anything to worry about really,” Sylph said to Clara, who looked more than a bit relieved, though she still didn't look like she wanted to do it.

Yes she's right dear, and also we don't like hurting the ones we put our eggs into, we like them to enjoy it so that they want more, and then later we can put more eggs into them since they'd be more willing,” the arachne explained, looking very sincere about what she was saying as she tried to convince Clara. Clara looked a bit conflicted, as she wanted to help out, but she wasn't sure if they should all go through with this. After a few moments, she looked to have finally come to a decision and turned to Sylph

"I think it would be best Sylph if you were the one that didn't do it, that way you could keep us safe if something happened, but I'll do it with Winter and we can get some help with which to lift the attack on Hazel's palace" Clara said to Sylph, looking very serious about this suddenly.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter listened carefully as the arachne girl explained that an actual womb would be better for the development of the eggs and the ensuing conversation. She was about to say something when Clara spoke up asking to take part despite her fear.

“Are you sure about this Clara?” Winter asked the still nervous girl. After both Slyph and the arachne girl chimed in their reassurances, she saw that Clara's resolve had stiffened and she gave her nod of assent.

“I agree that you should watch over us while this is happening. There is still the possibility of something stumbling upon us while this is still happening so please keep an eye out.” Winter asked Slyph, before turning to Clara. She approached the angel and took her hand in her own. “Are you ready? I'll be with you entire time...”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

"I... I'm sure Winter. And thanks," Clara replied to Winter with a nod as Sylph agreed and told them she'd watch and make sure nothing bad happened to them, then together they stepped forward to the two arachne.

"I assure you both that we won't go back on our deal, we have some honor after all. And we don't like hurting our... partners. So you don't have worry about any pain, save some when you give birth, but women always go through some amount of pain during birth," the arachne told them, assuring that they wouldn't hurt them at all.

When they got closer, both of the arachne took them in their arms and helped them take their clothing off, then handed them to Sylph, who folded them neatly and set them aside. Then the two arachne pulled them both into a kiss. The larger one had decided on taking Winter while the slightly smaller one took Clara, and seemed very happy about that.

"Damn, if I had known you were a futanari young angel, then I'd have taken you for myself. Oh well," the larger arachne said, then kissed Winter again.

They both fondled Winter and Clara for a couple of minutes to get them ready for more intense play, and soon enough Clara's member was very hard and ready for action, while Winter's lower lips were dribbling their juice out onto the spider woman's hand.

Once they had the two sufficiently aroused, they laid them down on the floor where they then revealed their ovipositors to the two that extended out from their abdomens. Then they positioned themselves and gently thrust inside of both girls, bringing a lewd moan from Clara's lips and likely one from Winter's as well. They made sure to caress both girls bodies to ensure they enjoyed it as much as they possible could during their fun.

Winter's partner began thrusting deeply into her at a medium pace, not too fast nor too slow. Clara's partner was very gentle and went slow so she didn't get too scared or hurt while they had their fun. Winter could feel her partner's ovipositor reaching all the way to her womb and the arachne used her human like hands and grabbed Winter's breasts to knead them around a bit and drive her wild.

The arachne stopped suddenly, but only long enough to roll Winter over onto her stomach where she raised her hips up to get a better position on her. Winter could hear both of the arachne sweet moans fill the room along with Clara's and her own, the pleasure driving all four of them wild as they continued. Clara's partner was stroking her hard shaft like crazy, bringing squeals of pleasure from the young angel's lips as she spurted her seed out all over the spider woman while her honeypot was ravaged by the arachne woman.

After a couple of more minutes or so, they all cried out in unison, with Clara again spurting her seed out onto her arachne partner as the ovipositor began pumping egg after egg into the young angel's womb, filling it full to bursting with them, then her ovipositor let loose with a torrent of cum into Clara's womb to fertilize said eggs. Once she was done, she pulled out and laid down beside Clara to reveal Clara's now large belly, which the arachne reached over and rubbed gently while they both recovered from the pleasurable experience.

"Are you okay little angel? I hope I wasn't too rough," the smaller arachne asked Clara, who shook her head back and forth a couple of times, whispering no she didn't hurt her, and that she actually kind of enjoyed it.

Winter's partner pounded into her as deep as she could with every thrust, the size of her member actually causing a slight bulge in Winter's belly every time she thrust forward. Not long after Clara and her partner got done, Winter's arachne partner slammed forward one last time, with Winter's tight folds spasming around that egg laying member inside her. While at the height of orgasm, Winter felt the ovipositor bulge half again its normal size as the eggs began pumping into her womb, filling her to the brim with many eggs until Winter's belly was even larger than Clara's, so large in fact that she'd have a hard time moving easily by herself.

"Ahhhh, that was great. You have a really nice and tight pussy young one, plus you have perfect birthing hips as well, making you a perfect child bearer. I'd really love to fill you with eggs again sometime. Also don't worry about the eggs, they'll come out soon," the larger arachne cooed to Winter, gently caressing Winter's belly as they lay there next to each other.

"Well now, you two looked like you really enjoyed that. So will you two be staying until they have the babies then?" Sylph said to Winter, then asked the arachne.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter wouldn't admit it, lest she soften Clara's resolve, but she was intimidated by the thought of having a spider woman's eggs laid in her too. She took a deep breath and approached the two arachne with courage she wasn't really feeling. When the arachne took her in her arms, she almost felt her breath hitch in her throat for a moment before she forced herself to relax as she slid her tunic over her head even as the arachne was slowly undid her trousers and slid them off her hips. She almost felt like a present being unwrapped and the thought brought a slight flush to her cheeks. As she doffed the remainder of her clothing, she felt a hand on her chin turn her head and she found that the arachne had captured her lips with her own.

Winter could feel the arachne's hand gliding over her body. One moment her chest was being massaged while a hand gently rubbed her side and the next she found the palm of a hand rubbing itself against her founds while the other teased her nipples. But Winter was determined that this time she wasn't going to be purely on the defensive. In an attempt to surprise her new lover, she returned the gestures as best she could. She kissed her way down the arachne's neck even as she massaged her chest. And when the opportunity presented itself she suckled on the arachne's nipple even as she massaged the joint where woman met spider.

Soon she found herself on the defensive again as she ground her wet flower against the skilled hands of her spider lover. She gave no protest as she found herself laid out on the floor like a butterfly caught in a web. Her eyes fell upon the shaft that would soon be penetrating her and her only reply was a low moan followed by her spreading her legs further to allow better access.

“Oh fuck...” Was the only thing she could mutter as she was pierced by the egg laying instrument. Her moan echoed through the chamber as she could feel her partner begin to set the pace of their thrusting even as her hips tried to driver her deeper upon the member. She could feel the arachne massage and knead her breasts and she could only arch her back in an attempt to give better access.

“Please!” Winter begged as she felt her lover stop her thrusting but when she realized the intent she eagerly aided in the transition. A lewd moan exited her lips as she felt the member easily twisting in her pussy and she braced herself to aid her aggressor better plumb her depths. Even as she found herself being plowed, she caught a glimpse of Clara writhing against her own partner with both egg layer implanted and a soft hand pumping her hard shaft.

Her moans grew louder and mixed with Clara's as she felt the arachne hilt herself into her hot folds. She could feel the spider woman drive deeper and deeper then anyone had ever done before and she could swear she could feel it's outline insider her belly. It drove her absolutely crazy as she felt it building up insider her until she felt her climax hit her like a tidal wave hitting a wall. She writhed and screamed her pleasure even as she felt the eggs moving into her womb and it even seemed to drive her further over the edge until at last she felt a torrent of the spider womans juices fill what gaps there were in her distended belly. She twitched and moaned as she slowly came down off her high laying on her side because her gigantic belly wouldn't permit her to lay on it.

“...add that to the list of things I wasn't expecting to enjoy...” Winter gave a small giggle, before the felt the arachne's hand caressing her pregnant belly and she felt content for a moment. She looked over at Clara and gave her a dreamy smile.

“You flatter me...” Winter smiled at the arachne's words even as she leaned into her. Then something occurred to her. “Fuck! … I even had a chance to ask this time...”

Winter leaned her head towards the arachne with a sheepish and embarrassed smile. “I know this will sound strange and more than a little late but... My name is Winter, may I ask for yours?”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

When Winter glanced over at Clara, she'd see the young angel in a pool of her own juices and semen with her partner gently rubbing her belly. Clara looked to her like she'd just had the time of her life to Winter and her member was still quite stiff it seemed, though it looked as if it wasn't as hard as it had been during their fun.

"Oh it's fine dear it doesn't sound strange in the least, and I'm not trying to flatter honestly, you really do have perfect birthing hips and all the other stuff I said. Anyway though, my name is Liasha, my companion over there with your angel friend is Vicki," the larger arachne introduced herself to Winter, still caressing her belly very gently and giving her a warm smile

The smaller arachne Vicki knelt down and lifted Clara up and carried her over to lay her next to Winter as Sylph came over to see about them. The two arachne continued caressing the girls bellies while they rested and recovered, waiting patiently for the eggs to come out, which Liasha said would be soon. This gave the girls time to talk amongst themselves and to the two arachne and ask any questions they had.

"W-Will it hurt much when we give birth to the eggs?" Clara asked with a worried look on her face.

"A bit, but not as much as a normal human birth would. So don't worry yourself too much okay dear," Liasha answered her with a gentle smile.

"So Winter, how do you feel after that? It looked like you really liked it," Sylph asked Winter while they all sat there.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Hello Liasha. Meet my friends Slyph,” Winter gestured lazily toward Slyph and then pointed over toward Clara. “And Clara, who Vicki's already acquainted with.”

Winter couldn't help but smile herself as her own hand joined Liasha's in stroking her stomach. She noticed that Vicki was gently carrying Clara over to them and when she was laid next to her she impishly stopped rubbing her own belly to join in caressing Clara’s.

When Clara voiced her concerns she perked up and listened to Liasha's reply. The answer calmed her a little and she continued to soothingly stroke the angels belly until Slyph posed her question. “I... did really like it. I mean, it's one of those things where you don't expect to like it until it actually happens...”

An odd question popped up in the back of Winter's mind as she looked at their bellies. “Just how many eggs were we impregnated with? I suspect I got the lions share...”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Sylph introduced herself to Liasha, and the two shook hands with one another before Sylph did the same with Vicki. After that Sylph joined Winter and Liasha in rubbing Winter's belly while they all rested. Sylph also giggled at Winter's answer to her question a minute before.

It's okay that you liked it Winter, I remember when I was back in mistress Hazel's palace. Her arachne and other egg layers would use her succubi to breed with, and they loved every second of it when I happened to see any of them going at it. I mean there are a few of them that have grown to love it so much that's what they do for mistress Hazel is allow themselves to be used as breeders to pretty much whatever wants them,” Sylph said to Winter, caressing Winter's large bulging belly along with Liasha.

Well dear, is it bad that you liked it as much as you did? I don't think it bad myself, though I'm not you. And yes you definitely got the larger amount Winter. If I had to guess, I'd say more than four dozen at least, probably more than five by the looks of it,” Liasha said to Winter and answered her question, still caressing her belly in the process to... keep her docile really is the best word to describe it.

Sylph started giggling and glanced over to Clara, where Vicki stopped rubbing her belly for a minute and said with a gentle smile, “I believe I got four dozen exactly in the beautiful angel here. So not as many for you cutie pie.” Vicki then cupped Clara's cheek with one hand and began caressing it while starting to caress her belly again, pretty much getting rid of any doubts or fear the young angel had as Clara all but snuggled up to Vicki in her embrace and was dozing happily there, with Vicki just stroking her hair and caressing her belly, letting her rest.

I'll go ahead and warn you that not all of our kind are as kind and gentle about this as we were. There are some that serve nobody in here and some of them can be really cruel, though some of them are as nice or nicer than we are,” Liasha said to Winter, warning her of the dangers of other arachne in this place.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“No... it's more like this is a situation I simply never thought would happen when I came here. In the end I enjoyed it.” Winter replied, leaning into Liasha's embrace. “T-that's a lot of eggs... they felt so good going in.”

Winter couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment here. Her pregnant belly being caressed, surrounded by her friends and laying next to a beautiful angel enjoying the same treatment. The only thing that could bother her was the fact that this was eventually going to end. She listened to Liasha's warning and released a sad sigh.

“I figured that would come up... for everyone I make friends with, it seems there's an opposite number who's an enemy. We'll keep it in mind...” Winter snuggled closer to Liasha, aware of this fact but evidently not willing to get worked up about it until she had to. She felt warm and safe in the embrace and she could feel herself doze off slightly.