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NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Sylph simply giggled when Winter replied to her, watching her lay back into Liasha's embrace, while the spider girl continued caressing her belly. If they glanced over to Clara, they'd see Vicki kissing her neck and gently tickling her belly to make her squirm a little bit, just teasing her a little is what she'd say if asked what she was doing.

"Well it's good that you enjoyed it as much as I did Winter. I'm glad it didn't hurt you. Though I expect you feel quite full don't you? Also Winter, I'm quite sure that you're tired after that, and you too Clara. Would you both like to rest for a little while?" Liasha said to Winter while she lay there in her embrace, looking like she obviously wanted to make certain Winter and Clara were both comfortable.

"Actually Liasha I am pretty tired after that. Also Sylph I'm sorry, but I think we really should rest for a while, I know you want to hurry on, but I just don't think we should risk it. Also I'm not sure it'd be safe for us to take the eggs with us especially if we end up having to fight," Clara said in a tired voice, looking like she was nearly asleep in Vicki's arms.

"You could put them in Winter's pack, I think they'd all fit in there. And don't worry Clara, mistress Hazel is more than powerful enough to hold out for a while, so go ahead and get some rest okay. I know you and Winter need it after all," Sylph replied to Clara, gently patting her belly and.

Whether or not Winter agreed with Clara and took Liasha up on her offer, Liasha would let go of Winter after placing her gently onto the cool floor. Then she'd get up and spin a large web against the corner that ended up looking like a giant hammock, then she'd go back over and lift Winter up, then take her back over and set her onto the web bed she'd made, while Vicki brought Clara over onto it with her. After they set them down onto their makeshift hammock, they spun some more webbing over them like a blanket and a little more under their heads like pillows. It was up to Winter if she wanted to go to sleep or not for a little while.

"There you go sweeties, go ahead and get some rest. The three of us will keep a watch while you two get some sleep, because it'll be at least a few hours before those eggs come out. I hope you like the bed, those webs should keep you warm while you sleep," Liasha said to Winter, patting and rubbing her belly then caressing it as Winter goes to sleep, while Vicki did the same to Clara which made the young angel coo softly as she fell asleep on the web, deciding to place all of her trust in Liasha and Vicki while she slept.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Fuller then I ever thought possible...” Winter replied, although she didn't sound displeased with it. She giggled slightly at Vicki's teasing of Clara believing it was all in good fun, before considering Liasha's offer. She was already ready to accept when Clara and Slyph chimed in with their support. “Yeah, it's been a long while since I entered this place... and I doubt getting knocked out by a minotaur qualifies as sleep. After we give birth, I still have enough spare clothes in my pack to keep them cushioned when we start moving again.”

Winter had to suppress a yawn as if the thought of being able to sleep was causing all of her fatigue to come rushing back to her. She felt her partner move away temporarily and she watched as Liasha spun a large hammock in the corner of the room. It was almost funny to contrast her very human traits to her very spider like ones. She gave no protest when she found herself lifted and carried her over to the hammock to be placed next to Clara. Almost instinctively she moved closer to her hammock mate and smiled as the admittedly warm web was spun around her to make her comfortable.

“G'night...” Winter sleepily said, as she drifted off to sleep with the comforting hand still caressing her full belly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

No I doubt getting knocked out by a minotaur counts cutie. Just get you some rest okay hon, you'll need all the rest you can get for when it's time for the birthing. And don't worry as much about the eggs, I'm sure you'll take very good care of them. Before you go to sleep though, are those webs too tight sweetie? If they are then I'll loosen them a little for you both,” Liasha said to Winter after she spoke, smiling and still gently rubbing her belly until she fell asleep while Vicki did the same to Clara. If Winter replied that the webs were too tight then Liasha and Vicki would loosen them up so they could move around a little. Clara however was already asleep and simply continued to snooze away as they talked.

Night Winter, get you some rest. You deserve it after that I think, and don't worry about anything, I trust these two enough to not go back on their word,” Sylph whispered in Winter's ear before she drifted off to sleep.

Some time later, it felt like at least six hours or so to Winter. Once she felt of her belly, she'd find it was even larger than it'd been when she was impregnated earlier, so big and bulging it looked about to burst. It was so large that she literally wouldn't be able to walk without support or someone carrying her, a glance over to her right would show Clara's was almost equally as large and the young angel was staring down at her own belly with a half worried half content look on her face. Sylph noticed Winter waking up and moved over to her, while Liasha caressed Winter's belly again and giggled softly.

Hmhmhm, it's almost time I think, just look how big you are cutie. You should be ready in a few minutes by the looks of you,” Liasha said with a giggle, then she leaned down and kissed Winter on the cheek in a very loving manner.

Hey there, have a nice sleep Winter? Are you hungry any?” Sylph asked Winter, setting Winter's pack down on the makeshift hammock beside the heavily pregnant Winter.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“They're just right... feels like a hug...” Winter dreamily stated, already half asleep and very soon to join Clara. She heard Slyph's voice whispering into her ear and she smiled. She already knew that because she found herself trusting them, too.

Winter felt consciousness return to her and the first thing that occurred to her was that her belly wasn't THAT big when she went to sleep. She ran her hands over her stomach and she couldn't believe how large it had grown... large enough that she was effectively immobile. She saw Clara's partially worried look and gave her a comforting smile as she held her hand. “Don't worry... I suspect this is as large as we get.”

Winter noticed Slyph approaching even as Liasha resumed her caresses. She listened as Liasha spoke and blushed as she was kissed on the cheek. She then posed a question to her keeper. “Any advice before this all happens?”

After hearing Liasha's reply, Winter turned to Slyph and considered her answer. She didn't feel hungry but that may be because her womb could be compressing her stomach enough that the feeling just hadn't hit her yet. “That was one of the more comfortable sleeps I've ever had, to be honest... this hammock is magnificent. Anyway, I'm not hungry... but I suspect that will change by the time the birthing over with.”
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

I... I hope so, it's kind of scary honestly. I never expected that the first time I got pregnant would be... well like this. But it actually kind of feels right in a weird sort of way. Doesn't it?” Clara said in a very worried tone, though she didn't look very scared, and she also had a slightly dreamy look in her eyes too.

Yes we could give you some advice, as we've seen this many times before. First off just remain as calm as possible and don't tense up too much, cause that'll only cause more pain. Secondly, the eggs are larger than you might think considering how many you've got in your beautiful bulging belly, so it might frighten you when you first see them. Another thing, some of them will most likely hatch while inside you, but don't worry about that because it's natural when you've got so many in there, it'll be had to do so, but you must stay as still as possible during all of that so you don't accidentally crush the little ones on their way out. If it's okay with you I'd rather... well pin you both down with some webs to make sure you don't do that, cause it'll tickle a lot while they crawl out,” Liasha explained to Winter, gently caressing her cheek in a soothing manner to keep her calm and docile, while using her other hand and gently rubbing Winter's lower lips as if checking to see something, then she nodded and pecked Winter on the cheek and whispered that it wouldn't be long now and to just relax and let her and Vicki pamper her and Clara.

Vicki did the same to Clara, though she gave Clara's now flaccid member a lick or two before coming back up and kissing Clara full on the lips, which the young angel merely gave a soft moan and went limp in Vicki's embrace. Sylph watched this with a grin on her lips, unable to help giggling at how much the two seemed to be enjoying themselves considering they were impregnated earlier and about to go through a quite lengthy birthing. When Winter said that she suspected she'd probably be hungry by the time the birthing was done, Liasha and Vicki both nodded their heads and replied that they were positive they'd be hungry, but that they would recover quickly enough to eat after they got done. After that Liasha and Vicki would pamper Winter and Clara for a while, catering to their every need, Liasha giving Winter's feet a massage, while Vicki did the same for Clara, who looked as if she were in heaven.

I'm going to do the birthing on the next update, so as to give Winter time to say anything she wants to before it begins. All Winter has to do is ask Liasha and Vicki to do anything and they'll do it. So if Winter wants a back rub then Liasha will help her roll over on the web and rub her back, things like that.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Yeah... it really does.” Winter agreed with Clara, pausing to rub her bulging belly.

Winter listened to Liasha's explanation patiently and released a low moan as she felt the spider woman's hand rub her nether realm. She gave her a flirtatious smile as she pressed her mound against her hand as best she could. After Liasha gave her a peck of the cheek, she softly waved her closer before she turned her head to kiss Liasha on the lips and continued before a moment before breaking it. She looked at Liasha with a slightly perverted grin. “You want to tie me up? Kinky... I'd ask you to finish what we just started, but I'm not sure how that would affect the birthing. So... would you mind rubbing my back, please? I suspect that I'm about to lie on it for quite a while.”
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Yes dear you will be on your back for quite some time when the birthing begins, so sure I'll rub it for you. But sadly I can't finish rubbing you down here, I was only checking to see if you'd dilated any in the first place. Which you have started to some, so a few more minutes and it should be time,” Liasha replied to Winter, then helped her roll over onto her belly on the webs, pulling the web blanket she'd made loose so she could maneuver Winter's large body around.

Once Winter was on her stomach, Liasha began rubbing her back very gently at first, rubbing harder where she thought she could without hurting her any. A glance to her left would show Vicki was doing the same for Clara, who was sighing pleasantly at the relief her back was getting. Both of the arachne glanced over at one another and together they pressed down on on the girls lower backs just right and they all heard a loud crack as their backs popped. When it happened to Clara, she gasped and let out a soft whimper as she thought her back had just been broken, but when the shock of it happening passed, she sighed pleasantly as her back felt great relief from the pressure the eggs were bearing down on it

There you go dears, that should help you out a bunch,” Liasha said to them both, as Clara sighed pleasantly.

Winter would only have a couple of minutes to say whatever she wanted to before she felt a slight yet harsh pain fill her lower body, which would elicit a cry of pain from Winter and Clara both. When Liasha and Vicki heard their cries of pain, they would help them roll back over and get into a good birthing position, then they would do as Liasha said and spread their legs and web them down, then web their arms down by the wrists above their heads, then they would web their bodies down between their breasts and the bulges of their bellies. Once they were secure the two arachne would move down and wait for the two to begin pushing the eggs out.

It was a bit painful to the two of them, but bearable enough for Clara, but Winter had a slightly harder time with it as she had more eggs inside of her womb. One by one the eggs popped out of them both, with Liasha and Vicki catching them before they fell off of the webbing and setting them in a couple of little piles beside both girls. Once Winter was able to muster the strength to do anything save push, she would see the eggs were about the size of a chickens eggs, which compared to how big the two arachne were was quite small considering.

After some time, nearly a couple of hours or so, Clara was drenched in sweat and tears of pain, though Vicki was talking her through the whole birthing with kind soothing words, “Come on now Clara dear, there should only one more in there, so come on and give me one last push, okay,” Vicki said to the young angel, and though Clara was wracked with pain from all of the pushing she did as Vicki told her and pushed one last time.

After that Clara was finally done and had just pushed out her last egg, though after pushing out the last egg she began giggling uncontrollably for some reason. They would finally see why as six small baby arachne that looked like miniaturized versions of Liasha and Vicki crawled out of her stretched and slightly bloody hole and took their first breaths of air. The little ones stretched their bodies out to as full as they could get, which wasn't all that much as they could still fit in their hands. Then they crawled up to Clara's breasts and took turns suckling her milk for nourishment. At this point Winter still had more eggs inside her and continued pushing them on out.

Shh shh, it's okay Winter, just bear with it okay. I know you're hurting and tired but just try and bear with it and push a few more times okay, and then we'll be all done,” Liasha said to Winter, and after another five quite painful pushes, five more eggs popped out. Then after a half a minute or so, Winter felt something tickling her belly from inside, which made her start giggling uncontrollably like Clara did a few minutes before. After a minute or so of giggling from Winter, the last one of the baby arachne crawled out of her weary body. Liasha would smile down at them and give them a little nudge towards Winter's breasts, which were now swelled with milk so they could drink, and they crawled a little wobbly towards Winters breasts, as their legs were still quite weak from just being born and all. Once there they took turns drinking Winter's milk while she lay there resting, with Liasha rubbing her belly again very gently to soothe the pain while Vicki did the same to Clara.

That took quite a while. Are they going to be okay you two?” Winter would hear Sylph say to the two adult arachne, worry obvious in her voice.

Yes they'll be fine, they should probably eat something as well after they've rested for a few minutes, I'm certain they're hungry now,” Liasha replied, which eased any worry Sylph seemed to have had as the slime girl got a couple of food rations out for the two to eat once they were able.

I do hope that was a good scene.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“I thought that was what you were checking... not that I would've minded otherwise.” Winter said, with a cheeky grin. She tried to help Liasha turn her over but there was little she could do except comply with her movements. Once she was on her belly she could only sigh as she felt the spider woman's skilled hands work on her back and slowly moving down to the pressure located near the base of her spine.

Winter had a pretty good idea of what was coming, but that didn't stop her from releasing a gasp when she felt the cracking of her back. As soon as the shock passed, she could only moan as she felt the pressure almost disappear. “I always wondered what that felt like...”

Winter felt like she could almost melt onto the webbing before the pain lanced through her belly. “Fuck! I think it's time!”

Winter found herself gently, yet quickly rolled back over and found herself webbed into a position she probably would've found hot had it not been for the imminent arrival of the eggs. She found herself focusing on pushing one egg out at the time without attempting to count them lest she realize just how many eggs she had birthed and how many were to come. Slowly her belly was reducing in size with the steady, focused rhythm of her pushing.

Winter could hear Liasha's coaching as she focused herself for the final stretch and soon found herself void of eggs. Then she felt the odd sensation of several small spider children moving about her insides and she couldn't help but begin laughing uncontrollably. This continued until the last of the baby arachne exited it's birth place and made it's way up to her full breasts. She could feel Liasha gently rub her aching belly as she finally permitted herself to gaze upon her labors. She felt astonishment at the considerable pile of eggs before her eyes fell upon the babies suckling from her nipples and she found a smile on her lips.

“I'm... alright...” Winter said to Slyph, visibly exhausted from her ordeal. She saw Slyph prepare a meal for her, but for the moment she just felt like staying in the web and letting the children drink her milk.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

I'm honestly a little amazed Winter, I didn't think I'd put that many eggs in you. After counting them all up, as well as these twelve little ones, I counted that I put a total of sixty five eggs inside you earlier, I do hope you'll forgive me when I say I'm a little sorry for putting so many in you, but it's been quite a while since I last got to do that and I must have had a lot of eggs stored up just waiting for the perfect womb to get inside. Clara herself had forty eight after Vicki counted them all out,” Liasha said to Winter, where all could hear.

When she overheard how many she'd had in herself, Clara had a look of shock on her face. It appeared she hadn't thought there were that many herself it seemed. “I... I didn't think Vicki put quite that many in me earlier. It's kind of... a shock to say the least,” Clara said after a few moments of shock.

Yes I understand that it must be a bit of a shock to you both, but I assure you that the magic in this place allows girls like yourselves to carry many more than what you had in you, so there was no danger to your bodies. Of that I promise you,” Liasha replied to Clara, while Vicki went back to caressing her cheeks and belly, which made Clara just go limp in the webs again as she recovered her strength while the little arachne drank their fill.

Here you go you two, I know you're probably exhausted, so take this and swallow. It'll help you recover your strength a little, and help numb the pain a bit so you can eat something,” Sylph said to Winter and Clara, then the two would see a small slim tendril of her slime hanging at both of their mouths as she offered her slime again like she did to Winter after the fight with the minotaur earlier. Clara looked sceptically at it at first, but another assurance from Sylph got her to take a small bite of it and she swallowed it as quickly as she could.

When or rather if Winter took Sylph up on her offer, she'd find the taste was a little different this time around, and tasted somewhat like that of a strawberry, and after a few seconds she'd feel the pain in her body lessen to the point she could move enough to raise up and eat if she wished, with Clara able to do the same. After a minute or two, Sylph grabbed the food rations for them and brought them to them so they could eat while the little arachne suckled more of their milk.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“That's... quite a lot of eggs. It's alright... Although I'm kinda glad I didn't dawdle on the way down here now.” Winter weakly chuckled at her little joke. She paused to listen to Clara's reaction and Liara's reassurances. “So there's a magic in this place that this reasonably safer then it normally would've been?”

“Thank you for this, again.” Winter smiled as Slyph offered a tendril of her slime for her to consume. As she took it into her mouth, the new flavor caused her to raise an eyebrow at her friend. She let the tendril sit in her mouth for a moment as she savored the flavor before it broke off and she swallowed it. After but a moment she could feel the lingering ache of the birthing fade and while Slyph retrieved the food rations, she found herself cooing over the cute little arachne drinking from her teat. It felt kind of nice, she realized. Soon after she found her stomach informing her that she needed to eat as well.

“Thanks, Slyph. My suspicions about my hunger were correct.” Winter smiled as Slyph approached bearing rations.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

After Liasha and Vicki cut the two new mothers loose from their bonds, Sylph handed a food ration to both Winter and Clara and as soon as Clara had it she tore into the food almost like a ravenous beast, it seemed that she was quite hungry indeed. Apparently Clara liked the food quite a bit considering it was merely a simple food ration as she looked to be savoring every bite, or maybe it was simply that she was just so hungry and didn't care that it was just bread and a couple of other things. While they ate, Liasha and Vicki were busy gathering up half of each of the girls respective eggs and placing them in four different sacks made from their webbing so they were evenly divided up for Winter and Clara to take some with them. They then bound up the web sacks so none of the eggs would fall out and placed them to the side while they sat and waited for Winter and Clara to finish eating.

Wow Clara, hungry are you?” Sylph said, watching Clara ferociously devour her food, with the baby arachne on her teats looking up at her curiously as she ate, their own feeding now done and their little bellies full and slightly bulging from the amount of milk they'd all drunk down.

Liasha and Vicki both giggled at Clara while she ate, then Vicki reached down to the baby arachne and they all began crawling onto her outstretched hand, then up her arm and onto her shoulders. There was one of the six of them though that curled up on Clara just under her breasts, angled so her head was laying on Clara's breast, then she pulled a small bit of Clara's long golden blonde hair that was hanging down over herself and went to sleep, snoring softly.

It seems she likes her mommy and has gotten a little attached to her, hmhm,” Vicki said, giggling softly as the baby arachne seemed to have taken quite a liking to Clara. At Vicki's words Clara blushed red with embarrassment, but after only a couple of moments she looked down at the baby arachne with an affectionate smile on her face and fixed her hair around her like a little blanket.

Winter's own babies meanwhile were chattering and playing around, scurrying around over Winter's body and chasing each other after they got done drinking her milk. Out of the dozen baby arachne that Winter had crawl out of her, three of them weren't joining in on the playing and two were laying there resting on her breasts, while the other crawled hesitantly up to Winter's neck then up onto her head, likely tickling her along the way up. Winter would see this particular baby arachne crawl to the front of her face and hug her so her little head was pressed against Winter's nose, where she then placed a little kiss on Winter's nose. Then she crawled back down to rest with the other two while the rest of them played about.

I think they like you too Winter. Especially these three,” Liasha said to Winter, reaching down and gently patting the three little ones resting on Winter's chest with a single finger. The little ones giggled at her touches and then curled down and went to sleep on Winter's chest like the little one did on Clara a minute or so before.

They are kind of cute if you ask me,” Sylph said aloud, looking closely at the ones playing on Winter's body, laughing softly as she formed a very thin tendril of slime and tickled one of them on the human belly, which caused the little one to fall down giggling like crazy.

Liasha leaned down and placed a kiss on Winter's cheek and Vicki did the same to Clara, then they both told the two thanks and gently hugged them, then let them go to let them rest for a few more minutes.

More than anything this was to give Winter time to say anything if she wanted to.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter took a moment to rub her wrists after she was cut loose, had she really been pulling against the bindings so hard? Any thoughts concerning the matter disappeared when the scent of the ration his her nose and she found herself tearing into it with fervor equal to Clara’s. She giggled a little hypocritically when Slyph teased Clara about her hunger despite her own empty ration.

Winter's giggling continued as she felt her babies running all over her body and playing. As she felt one of the climb up her neck, she looked down to meet her eyes as she felt the kiss upon her nose. She rewarded her daughter with a gentle rub on her back before she returned to Winter's breast.

“They're beautiful...” Winter responded to Liasha as they watched over their children. She laughed as Slyph tickled one of the babies, finding it to be one of the most tooth achingly adorable things she'd ever seen. She smiled as Liasha kissed her on the cheek and returned a kiss when they gently embraced.

“I've got to say, this was quite the experience Liasha...” Winter said, pausing before she continued. “It isn't something I'd want to do full time but... maybe when Rose is dealt with...”

Winter blushed a little once she realized where her thoughts were going. Had she really thought about going through this again?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

You'd what? You'd like to do this again sometime? Lady Lily is lady Hazel's sister after all, and they sometimes work together to keep the other ones in line. Lady Lilia and lady Hazel rarely fight each other too, so it'd be easy for us to do this again Winter. Plus we'll go and speak to lady Lily on your behalf and we'll be there when you start fighting to lift the siege against Lady Hazel. Honestly though I'd be honored if you'd bear my eggs again sometime Winter,” Liasha said to Winter when she saw stopped and blushed.

After that Sylph told them to give her the eggs that Winter and Clara were supposed to take with them and after Liasha and Vicki fixed the webbing holding the two bundles together a little so that the baby arachne could get out once born, Sylph then gently placed them in Winter's pack on top of some of her extra rags and clothing so they wouldn't move around too much and maybe crack or break. She placed them so she'd remember which was which so they didn't get mixed up, though they would probably all be able to remember that Clara's bundle had less than Winter's.

When Sylph was done putting the eggs into Winter's pack, Liasha and Vicki gave a little nudge to the baby arachne that were asleep on Winter and Clara to wake them up. The one asleep on Clara woke up and stretched with a yawn, while the three on Winter did the same. Liasha started gathering up all the ones running around on Winter after waking the others up and they started running up her outstretched arm and onto her spidery back. The three little ones that had been sleeping on Winter crawled up to Winter's shoulders and clung to her hair, apparently not wanting to go with Liasha and leave Winter.

Now little ones, your mother here is going into danger, I don't know if it would be good for you to go with her,” Liasha said to the three, while Vicki was doing the same to the little one of Clara's that was clinging to her in the same manner.

The three little ones seemed to be very obstinate about staying with Winter and Clara though and wouldn't budge, shaking their little heads when the two adult arachne tried to coax them into leaving with them when they left. No matter how much the two of them tried though the little ones wanted to stay with their respective mothers and wouldn't let them go.

Don't worry, I believe we can protect them you two, because it seems we'll have to now that they've gotten attached to us. Right Winter? I think we can keep them safe enough,” Clara said, turning to ask Winter if she thought it'd be okay.

Plus you'd both have me to help as well,” Sylph added, reassuring the two arachne.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“I... I think I'd like that, too.” Winter said, her blush not withdrawing. She watched as Slyph began gathering up the webbing hold their children and placing them into her pack. She smiled, a little bit sadly, as Liasha began gathering up the baby arachne that had been having fun on her body and blinked at the three that refused to leave. She could feel the smile grow on her lips as they grabbed onto her hair and refused to let go. She listened to Liasha try to coax them to her to no success.

“Little ones, if you come you have to promise me that you'll stay out of danger.” Winter stared at her children, before turning to Liasha. “Most likely, more of the eggs will be hatching on our way to Lady Hazel's palace, right? We'll wind up looking after some of the babies regardless of whether or not these ones go with you. Don't worry, we'll look after them and keep them safe, right Slyph? Clara?”
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Yes of course we'll take care of them, I mean some of them are my babies after all, so yes, you can trust us to take care of them,” Clara replied to Winter, pulling her own little one down to pat her on her little head, which coaxed a giggle from her as she grabbed hold of Clara's finger and clung to it while Clara let her swing back and forth from it.

That's right, of course we'll look after them, they can stay in your pack with the other eggs and keep an eye on them in case they start hatching, then they can warn us,” Sylph said, agreeing with Winter that they'd take care of them.

Yes you're right about that, some likely will hatch along the way,” Liasha replied to Winter's question So you little ones can go with them as long as you promise to listen to Winter and Clara okay. Liasha then leaned down to all four of the ones clinging to Winter and Clara, saying very seriously to them, “Okay then you four we're going to trust you to stay with your mothers, so you can stay with them, but you must do whatever they say okay. And keep an eye on your little sisters while you're gone too okay, they'll need all of the guidance a big sister can give them, and we'll bring your other sisters to see you when it's safe enough. Now give us some hugs and kisses before we go okay, because we've got to hurry on ourselves.

The little ones all nodded their little heads as if they understood her even though they were only an hour or so old, then when Liasha and Vicki held out a hand the little arachne crawled up their arms and hugged them and kissed them on the cheeks, which the two adult arachne returned back to them, then they gently set them back down where they crawled back on to Winter and Clara.

After that Liasha and Vicki both kissed Winter and Clara again and hugged them, then after making sure the two were okay and everything, the two arachne told them that they'd meet them outside of Hazel's palace with as much help as they could bring, then they departed down the steps at a fairly quick pace, waving at the girls as they left. The little arachne all waved bye at them when they left, as did Clara and Sylph, then the four baby arachne set themselves back down on Winter's and Clara's chests where they waited for them to get ready to set out again.

Sorry for the abrupt ending on their fun and everything, but I figure they can continue this later on and stuff, this way we can get on with the story.
Last edited:


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter smiled as hugs and kisses were spread from the baby arachne to their layers. As they finished their displays of affection, Winter offered her hand to them to allow them to better regain their place upon her body. She welcomed Liasha's embrace and placed a small kiss on her before they parted.

“Be safe, Liasha! Vicki!” Winter waved at their departing backs. She then turned back to Slyph and Clara. “I suppose we should be moving on as well. Lady Hazel's Palace awaits.”

“Alright, little ones. I know you'd like to ride on us all the way to the palace, but there's too much a risk of running into a fight. So you'll be riding with the eggs, so please look after your sisters.” Winter said to the babies who were comfortably riding on her chest, before opening the pack to place them in hopefully without too much trouble. Then she would ready herself to move down to the next floor in search of the palace.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

When Winter offered her hand up so for the little ones to climb back down onto her Liasha placed her hand in Winter's so they could, while Vicki did the same with Clara. After the two adult arachne left and waves were exchanged and everything, Clara and Sylph both nodded when Winter said they should be moving on soon as well. Clara was doing much the same as Winter was with the little one that insisted on staying with her and telling her she must stay with the eggs. When told they'd be riding in the pack with the other eggs, they all hung their heads a little sadly. It seemed that they wanted to ride up top with Winter and Clara, or rather on them.

Two of Winter's and Clara's only one allowed themselves to be placed in the pack without too much trouble, though one of Winter's proved more adamant than the others and used not only her human hands to hold onto Winter's left breast, but her spidery legs as well, clinging for dear life to Winter's breast. She wouldn't resist too much though when Winter likely pulled her loose and placed her into her pack with the others, and though she would look a little down about it, she wouldn't fight to try and ride up top and would go quietly for now.

Once they set out and on down the steps, hey found themselves in a fairly large room with three paths, one leading west, one south, one east. The western path was very long she could see, while the eastern path seemed very dark though it looked rather short as she could make out the torches lighting the area around the door at the far end of the corridor, the southern path was lit normally and seemed fairly safe considering.

Well Winter which way do we go? I say we check east myself, but then again I don't really know much about this place honestly,” Clara said when they saw the paths laid out before them.

I say south myself, but it's up to you Winter,” Sylph said, staring down the relatively normal looking corridor.

It seemed the final decision was left to Winter as to which way to go.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“I'm sorry... I promise that when we stop to rest you can come out.” Winter smiled apologetically at the most stubborn of her children. She rubbed her head gently before carefully extracting her from her breast and transporting her to the pack.

“Let's try the southern path first.” Winter decided, as she began to lead them down that path. “Worse comes to worse we just have to back track a little bit.”
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

At Winter's words the little arachne seemed to understand, though she still looked more than a little upset about not getting to ride up top. She just hung her head a little as Winter placed her down in her pack.

That's true I guess. No real reason we can't just come back if it's the wrong way,” Clara said when Winter said they could merely come back if they chose wrong. Clara and Sylph followed Winter down the southern path. They walked down the fairly well lit corridor and followed it to the door at the far end. When they arrived there they heard what sounded like muffled moans coming through the door.

When Winter cautiously opened the door and they looked inside, they saw across on the other side of the room another succubus though this one looked a bit stronger than the last few they'd encountered. She had an elf woman and a human woman with her, the elf woman was kneeling next to a futanari wolf girl that was tied in bondage ropes while the elf woman was pleasuring her manhood with her mouth. Meanwhile the succubus was holding a whip in her hands and was having the human woman switch between holding down three other wolf girls, none of which were futanari and all of which were also tied with bondage ropes. They could see the futanari wolf girl had red hair and she looked to be pretty much as well endowed as Clara was, while the other three wolf girls all had different hair colors, one of which was blonde, one was black, and the third had brown hair, it was hard to make out any other real features about any of them.

A moment after seeing them all, Winter would see the human woman lift the blonde wolf girl's tail that she had tucked between her legs as the succubus cracked her whip across the blonde wolf girl's butt, bringing a cry of pain from her lips. The futanari wolf girl looked like she was struggling to get free, a very angry look on her face.

Stop that you bitch, don't touch my mates again or I'll...” the futanari wolf girl began saying in a furious tone when she was cut off by the succubus, who cracked her whip in front of the futanari wolf girl's face.

You'll what? There's nothing you can do. Now will you and your pack of bitches submit and serve lady Rose? Or will I need to kill one of them before you see how serious I am?” the succubus said quite evilly after cutting the futanari wolf girl off.

Winter and the others would see the futanari wolf girl hang her head at the succubus' words, looking terrified about what the succubus had just said. “N-No... please don't... anything but that,” the futanari wolf girl begged, tears starting to trickle down her cheeks.

Winter... we have to help them. We can't just leave them like this,” Clara whispered to Winter, a look of determination in her eyes as she drew her large sword from the sheath on her back and readied herself for battle.

I agree, they're mistress Hazel's servants so they'll be able to help us if we help them,” Sylph then whispered, forming her slime weaponry once again and choosing what seemed to be a spear this time around.

I do hope this introduction to this upcoming battle is alright, I just felt like I did a bad job on it.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter paused at the door, staring at the pitiful sight of the pack leader being ground into the dirt by Rose's servants. Even as the succubus cracked the whip in front of the alpha wolf, she was shrugging off her pack and hiding it in the corner of the corridor just out of sight of the occupants of the room. She whispered to the babies in the pack, “Stay here, please... Your mommies has some bad people to take care of...”

She stood back up and readied her spear before whispering back to Slyph and Clara. “I would've helped them even if they weren't Lady Hazel's. The succubus seems like the ring leader... shall we hit her first to see if the others will run?”

If there were no complaints, she would try to creep up on the succubus and try to stab her with a spear strike.