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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's interrupted masturbation: (1+3+7) /2 = 6 (round up)
Rikke's Resistance vs Drug: 17vs24 fail!
Drugged Wine: 5+3 = 8 resistance damage
Jessica's Aphrodisiac fluids wine: 6+2 = 8 resistance damage
Rikke has taken 16 resistance damage and has gained the aroused status. Resisting resistance back to 15.
Rikke dealt 6 pp damage to herself
The character takes a -10 penalty on non-damage, non-Resistance rolls as they are distracted by their lust. In addition, they can no longer attempt to resist pleasure damage.
Jess Oral foreplay on Rikke: 14 pp Damage (2+2+7+3) Rikke Orgasamed she is stunned and also gains 19 corruption

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Aroused, Stunned

Extra status
Rikke: 3/7 articles left
Jess: 3/8 articles left

Jessica nearly jumped for joy when Rikke relented to sharing a drink with her. Running off to a nearby side room she acquired the two wine glass for the next part. Having grabbed one of the cheaper wines Rikke had stolen Jessica opened it and drank almost half the contents; the weak mortal wine having little to no effect on her demonic constitution. “Oh I always love this next part good thing Rikke such a tease it shouldn't take much to fill this bottle back up with my special wine” Jess grinned as she lowered the bottle to her pussy lips . “After all Rikke you did say you liked cum”.


Rikke sat down at the table taking her offered glass of wine. Had she been in her right state of mind she would have never accepted the glass without witnessing it being poured but she was hardly in the right stat of mind. As Rikke drank the dark wine she could feel the warmth flow through her stomach. She never would have known that Jess had doubled dosed the wine with her own fluids let alone a powdered Lust potion #9. It was a pleasant feeling that quickly settled in her most sex. Rikke was suddenly aware of how painfully hard her nipples where and how much her sex ached. Her nipples engorged as they were shifted against the silken bra Jess had provided causing little jolts of pleasure. A deep noticeable flush covered all of Rikke's skin. “Are you okay Rikke?” Jess's face looked sincere but her voice that damn seductive voice seemed all to pleased. “I... I’m fine Jess I guess the wine was a little strong.” Rikke was trying valiantly to fight off her desire to play with herself but with something so sexy in front of her Rikke couldn't help herself. Slowly every so slowly one of Rikke's hands made its way under her bra and began to play with her nipple while the other snaked its way down to her sex. “No Rikke let me” so absorbed in her own lust Rikke had failed to notice when Jess had gotten up. Jess now keeled in front of Rikke holding back her hand. “Will you let me help you Rikke? I can make you feel good after all you've been such a good sport.” Rikke couldn't resist any longer and slowly spread her legs for the seductive maid. “You smell so good Rikke I think I'm going to enjoy this as much as you.” Diving in with utter abandon Rikke squealed as Jess's unnaturally long tongue slithered around her sex twisting and writhing like no normal penis could manage. Slowing herself from her starting enthusiasm Jess made sure that Rikke could feel everything she even sucked and gently nipped Rikke's button causing her to buck in passion every now and again. For Rikke's part Jess's beginning enthusiasm made sure she held tightly to the chair trying to enjoy the ride and holding on for dear life. Moans of passion escaped Rikke's lips as well as a passionate expletive every time Jess hit a sensitive spot. After what seemed like an eternity of bliss Rikke could feel her muscle tightening as her orgasm built to madding proportions. Like a dam breaking Rikke's juices gushed from her splattering Jessica's face. Occasionally jerking from the after effects of her orgasm Rikke wondered if it had always been that good.

Smiling Jess rose from her kneeling position and took a seat on Rikke's lap. “You taste wonderful Rikke just as I imagined so sweet and spicy.” Seizing the advantage Jess kissed Rikke letting her taste her own juices before pulling back. “How did the wine taste.. or rather how did I taste.” Moveing to sit on the edge of the table Jess spread her legs for Rikke. “You know if you want some more you can have some.” Moving aside her panties invitingly Jess waited for Rikke's reply. “You know I have one more game we could play and it would be very exiting for the both of us.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still shivering from her powerful orgasm, her head arched back Rikke could only muster up a single thought ‘Finally!’. Something within Rikke clicked, being caressed, tempted, played with for so long, why did she hold herself back. What was the reason? Whatever the case it hardly mattered now, right now she only wanted one thing… Jessica.

You know I have one more game we could play and it would be very exciting for the both of us.” Rikke lowered her head to the enticing sight in front of her, still breathing hotly. Jessica lied a very short distance in front of her, her hand shifting her thong aside giving a view of her nether lips, still having her eyes locked on Rikke awaiting the girls response.

A surprisingly seductive smile formed on Rikkes face, she quickly slid down her chair to the floor and approached the short tea table on all fours. Swaying her behind like a bitch in heat, she slowly got in position in front of Jessicas slit. Though instead of just diving in she continued moving up, her cute nose trailing up to Jessicas surprised face, till she reached her ample mounds. Looking up to meet Jess gaze at her, Rikke winked playfully at her red-haired friend and tugged herself forward, jumping into the maids embrace and a very deep kiss. While such an aggressive was unexpected Jessica quickly adapted answering Rikkes kiss. While the two seemingly tried to outdo each other in their embrace, Rikkes body pressed itself with animalistic strength against her friends, their busts pushing heavily against each other, even through the bra the girls could feel the others erect nipples rubbing against each others bust. As if expecting something Rikke raised her ass slightly in the air, curving her back in a sexy manner. Jess wasted no time to run her hands against the raised bussom, groping and caressing it, while Rikkes hands very busy massaging her red-haired friends breasts. The two girls surely made an enticing sight, both of their sexes gleaming with wetness, silenced moans filled the air. After a lengthy embrace Rikke finally, broke their kiss much to her playmates dismay.

Giggling in a cute manner Rikke, made her way down to Jessicas moist lips downstairs once more. Running her hands against Jess breast as a farewell, punctuated with a sly flick on her nipples. Sure Rikke wasn’t as skilled as her partner, but that didn’t stop her from diving right into the awaiting pussy in front of her. With the same vigor and enthusiasm as her friend treated her Rikke eagerly explored Jess, actively searching for the right spots. She wasn’t sure, but this was the first time she clearly heard the maid finally let out a lewd moan, encouraging Rikke to please her with even more energy.

She continued pleasing her friend for quite sometime, till finally Rikke raised her and licked her lips, lost in her lust “I’d LOVE to play some more games with you Jess.”

Phew~ I'll just let you do the rolls :D
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: 4 rounds of foreplay with Jess got her to orgasm.
Jess only did one point of resistance damage due to indirect consumption on Rikke's part.

Rikke explored Jess's most sensitive spot licking and sucking. Thrusting and twitching her tongue like a small penis. For her part Jess moaned and writhed on the table knocking its contents to the floor. Trapping Rikke between her thighs and using her lower legs to push Rikke closer and deeper into her sex. Jess began to pant and gasp between moans her mouth almost open in a constant O. Little passionate yeses and more and deeper left her lips as Rikke continued her assault. It had been a very long time sense Jess had a lover as skilled as Rikke and she was determined to make the most of it.

Rikke wasn't sure how long it took but finally with some effort she could feel Jess beginning to tighten her moans and commands getting more instant which only encouraged Rikke's efforts. Soon Rikke was rewarded with a gush of fluid right in her face teamed with Jess screaming yes which trailed into a cry of passion. Rikke's whole moth felt on fire her tongue and lips tingling with pleasant sensations. She would have to do that again. Licking her lips Rikke looked longingly into Jess's eyes and spoke. “I’d LOVE to play some more games with you Jess.

Panting from her own orgasm Jess smiled at Rikke. “This next one dear will not disappoint.” Leading Rikke threw a couple rooms and up some stairs Rikke soon found herself in the attic of the old manor where she was pleased at lest in her current state of mind with the decorations. Every sort of sexual device Rikke had ever heard off lay about the place from dildos to bdsm gear and a few things she had never seen before. One of the things was a set of two saddles with small wheels set on slats on the floor. The slats formed an long U pattern on the floor starting and ending near the same spot.. “We are going to have a little race Rikke.” Walking over to a nearby shelf Jess grabbed a large thick red dildo with irregular bumps and ridges. Caressing the sex toy lovingly she began to suddenly deep throat it getting nice and wet. Pulling it out with an audible pop she walked over to saddle nearest the wall and placed the dildo in one its recesses. “I don't get to use this often even though its one of my favorites. Its no fun if there is no one to race with and my sisters can't keep up but your Rikke my lovely Rikke after our little session down stairs I think you could do very well. This will be the final game winner takes all with the loser pleasuring the victor.” With that Jess pointed over to the wall of dildos waiting for Rikke to select her own. "Though I do have one suggestion for you Rikke. It feels so much better if you free your girls for the ride."

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Aroused, 14/15 resistance remaining
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding eagerly Rikke wandered off towards shelf, shaking her hips in a alluring manner. Her eyes widened as she saw the full contents of the shelf. “Jess, where did you get all of these?!” Jessica obviously stored her rather wide collection here, ranging from completely natural human to objects Rikke couldn’t even identify “Oh I have my sources” a lighthearted giggle escaped the red haired girl.

Shuffling through the shelf, shoeing aside all the pieces seemingly staring at her, competing to be picked her nimble hands, Rikke settled on a simple looking one, likely kept there just for looks, too dull and simple to interest the maid. Though, remembering Jess’s pick Rikke doubted this decision ‘I can’t let her just outdo me like that!’ with a light harrumph she placed the simple dildo back, when luck would have it she spotted exactly what she longer for. A light blue dildo caught her eye, identical to the one Jessica took except being a different color. “Perfect!

This one!” Rikke threw her new toy to Jessica, a sly smirk crossed the red hairs face. It was definitely on now. “So~ Whatcha have in mind Jess” heeding the maids earlier advice Rikke slowly removed her new undergarments. “Oh it’s easy, you just mount these fellas and ride away.” Jessica carefully placed Rikkes toy in place, slapping it lightly as she walked away. The real meaning behind the maids words not quite reaching Rikke yet. “So it’s a race then” Rikke giggled at her friend throwing her panties near the removed bra. “Winner takes the prize” Jessicas eyes sharpened looking at Rikkes luscious body, noticing Jess checking her body out Rikke leaned forward raising her ass and giving a seductive view of her body, punctuated by a sly wink “I’m not easily beat or satisfied for that matter.” The two simultaneously grinned at each as if sharing the same lewd fantasies. With that both girls went to mount their rides.

Rikke approached her designated device eyeing it shortly ‘So how does this thing work’ She glanced back at her friend. Jessica approached the device and without further ado mounted it, the red dildo forcefully disappearing from sight. The sudden penetration forming a satisfied look on the girls face. ‘Wait so when she said mount it she meant…’ Rikkes gaze looked to the blue dildo awaiting her lips. In retrospect she didn’t quite measure the thickness and size of the monster that was placed before her… too late to back down now, thought she hardly even wanted to.

A quick on the saddle, she didn’t waste much time positioning herself above the installed toy. Slowly lowering herself, Rikke understood why her friend liked this toy. Carved and bumped in all the right places, it had no problem entering Rikke. The excitement of something finally filling her void ran through her already greatly aroused body. ‘Oh yes~’ Rikke closed her eyes letting the extactic feeling run pass through her in full effect, making her bite her lower lip ever so slightly and slightly jerking her knees. She didn’t want to waste any more time, she wanted the dildo to ravage her as soon as possible, as quickly and roughly as it could. Thankfully for her the device was seemingly designed to support several riding positions and had a number of handy grips, straps to hold on.

Her eyes, blurred with lust, Rikke turned to Jessica eyeing her in a satisfied manner. “Whenever you’re ready Jess.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Penetrative masturbation: 2+4+10+2 = 18 (2d8 + (Bdy/3) + 2 (large dildo))

Jess grinned at Rikke and could help herself on thinking how well she was coming along and the darker part of her briefly entertained the thought of asking the mistress to make Rikke one of her sisters but thankfully the bubbly sexpot part of her brain soon washed such evil thoughts from her. “Are you ready Rikke?” Jess was only asking out of fair play after all the look on Rikke's face was all the answer she needed. Raising herself above her favorite toy's Jess slowly counted down to three. On three she let her full wait drop onto the dildo forcing it deep into her. Had she still been human that penetration might have seriously hurt her but as it was her body had long adapted to having inhuman things penetrate all her dirty holes. Still she screamed in pleasure and began to wildly ride her dildo and cart with wild abandon hopefully leaving Rikke in the dust.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Penetrative masturbation: 1 +3 +10 +2= 16
Rikkes current PP: 36-16= 20

Rikke positioned herself just like her friend, allowing the blue monster just gently rub against her petals. She couldn’t help, but gently run the awaiting blue monster against her. Tightening her grip on the straps on the saddle she heard Jess proceed to the countdown “Go!” Rikke quickly greedily inserted the blue dildo into her. Her previous orgasms allowed the dildo to enter smoothly, still stretching her slightly, but with minor pain. Waves of excitement rocked Rikkes body once more, as if riding the waves she quickly got into rhythm pumping her toy with animalistic energy and vigor. ‘So big, oh~ so big’ she couldn’t imagine how her friend forced this thing in with one push, she herself did not allow the toys full length to enter.

It cost her some speed, but with her eager energetic riding she did close the distance between the her and Jess, but still trailed slightly behind.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's cart sped ahead of Rikke's own take a small lead over the young rogue. No doubt her experience at this game gave her alight advantage. Not to be outdone Rikke made a valiant attempt to keep pace. The blue monster she chose to ride seemed almost to big for her but Jess's taunts and erotic display egged her on. Did she really want to lose?


4+6+12 = 22 Jess has take 40 pp damage total and had an orgasm she will have -4 pp damage on her next roll.

Jess looked back over her shoulder giving Rikke a lust laden leer licking her lips. "Come one Rikke you'll never catch up if you hold back!" Looking away Jess smacked her own perfect ass leaning forward to give Rikke a good look at her gyrations. "Like this Rikke rock your hips". Jess's hips rocked side to side in perfect timing with her bucking. Jess's vigor caused a her to arch her back as fluid rushed from her nethers coating the dildo and saddle. "Uh.. uh.. uh.... yeaaahhhh so gooood!" Jess's mind fogged briefly as her orgasm washed over her. It felt so good and she was glad that Rikke was there to share it with her.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Penetrative masturbation: 4+1+10+2= 17
Rikkes current PP: 20-17 = 3

'This girl... now she's giving me advice on how fuck' her slutty pride slightly hurt, but Rikke couldn't deny Jess had exceptional technique. Slightly adjusting her position, Rikke leaned down to the saddle her erect nipples brushing against the rough fabric. 'And now If I do this' her new position would force the blue monster deeper but allow faster gyrations. She wasted no time to exploit this.

Rocking her hips at an increased pace, the blue dildos size really became noticeable rubbing and ravaging Rikkes pussy. She could hardly withhold her moans anymore, her body was seemingly on fire as the pressure in her nether regions build up. Making her go faster and faster.

Though her vision blurred and hazy from the pleasure she did notice something that ignited her competitive nature in a blaze of glory. Jess was ever so slightly stunned from her orgasms on the saddle, slowing her playmate down ‘Chance!’ ,though her own orgasm was imminent too, perhaps her newfound speed would allow to catch up and maybe pass Jess! But the red hair had so much momentum!
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Trying to gain position on Jess Rikke assumed her new position which helped her gyrate faster. Still Jess maintained a good lead on Rikke and seemed to even gain a little ground. But as they entered the first turn of the U shaped course Rikke caught a glimpse of something that made her smile in more ways than one. Jess's back was arched her fluid spurting all over her mount. Her body tensing as it rode out the intense pleasurable feelings. Though Jess still had a great deal of momentum Rikke knew that this was a golden opportunity to make up some time or even take the lead.

Jess gets no rolls due to orgasm her effect score this round is 18 as she slows down every so slightly (22-4)

Jess arched her back as her orgasm rocked her. Thankfully she still had the presence of mind to grab one of the straps so she didn't fling herself off. As she rode her lovely toy little micro orgasms sparked small spurts of liquid from her by the gods she was such a slut and boy did she ever enjoy being one. Entering and leaving the turn Jess tried to refocus and view where Rikke's position was.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Penetrative masturbation: 5+3+10+2= 20
Rikke orgasms.
Race position: Jess finished first (58>53)

Pounding away at the saddle Rikkes mind slowly started blacking out. The blue dildo rubbing her in all the right places. Rikke couldn't take much more as wet slapping sounds become more and more prominent around her, the pressure and heat tearing away at her. ' Almost there... almost there! ' though she meant the race her thoughts had a far more accurate double meaning.

Withholding her powerful orgasm seemed to have a rather drastic side-effect, she was already so close to Jess, but her body couldn't take no more. 'I can't hold it anymore!' Rikke suddenly arched back screaming out in ecstasy. Such a sudden action not only forced the dildo fully inside her, but also froze her body in blissfull orgasm " KYAAAAAH~!"

Rikkes ride finally reached the end of the race, with Rikke embedding her nails deep into the machines surface, herself still stunned from the orgasm that just rocked her body. Unfortunately Jess had already awaited her, claiming the first lap "That's one for me Rikke" with a playful wink and a cheerful tone the red hair addressed the heroine.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess Dismounted her cart and sauntered her way to Rikke. Giving a Rikke passionate tongue twisting kiss that she broke only to speak. "Are you loving my toy's Rikke?" Jess's delicate fingers gently rubbed one of Rikkes's nipples. "Half my sisters would have been a slobbering mess before the first turn." Caressing Rikke's still panting face Jess tweaked the nipple she had been playing with and kissed her again smoothing any cry that may have escaped. "You are far better than any one of them. Are you ready for round two love; or should we just enjoy each other now." Rubbing Rikke's nipples and squeezing her breasts Jess waited for her to answer all the while giving Rikke her must sultry gaze as of yet hoping the young rogue would just give in.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke body seemingly cheered out upon feeling Jess's touch once more. The cold static machine under her, while still satisfying couldn't compare to the red hairs skill and warmth. Jess's sultry gaze pierced Rikke, but before Rikke could utter her answer the caressing stopped. As if in a disappointed shock Rikke quickly turned to Jess in a begging manner 'Why?'

The answer was simple, Jess was getting in a better position. The red haired woman quickly jumped on the saddles front end in front of Rikke and the two girls instantly leaned in to return to their powerful embrace. The design of the saddle slowly, but surely slid Jess closer and closer towards Rikke till their bodies completely pressed against each other. The saddles sharp V like design for the seat made sure Jess would leave no room between the two, before long their lower lips seemingly kissed each other. Locked together, the two girls let their arms wander. Rikkes arms embraced Jess pushing her closer towards her lusty body, while Jess's quickly ran across Rikkes body rolling around her firm round ass. She knew the dildo was still penetrating her playmate... why not make use of it. With that she slightly raised Rikkes ass and pulled it back down upon the blue rod. Stifled moans rang out through Jess's tongue as the two girls continued their passionate kiss. It didn't take long for Rikke to respond to such an indirect fucking, as her hips started to grind away not only the dildo inside her, but also against her playmates pressed lips.

Completely not in a right state of mind Rikke, unwillingly broke their kiss as a last defiant phrase rang out "So Jess, I take it you forfeit the rest of the game?"
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess force's Rikke to hump the dildo (7+8+12) Rikke takes 27 pp damage!

A sultry smile grossed Jess's features Rikke was still defiant even after a single lap on the course. Jess bided her time grabbing Rikke's ass firmly as she rode up and down the monster dildo waiting for the right moment. "Mmm Rikke that's a lovely thought but...." waiting for the apex of Rikke's thrusts she suddenly slammed Rikke down forcing the dildo even further in. "Why would I quit when I'm winning." Not giving the young rogue a chance to recover she pulled her up and slammed her down again and again each thrust though painful also brought great pleasure as her sex was stretched to its limit. Letting Rikke resume her normal thrusts Jess once again kissed Rikke. It was soft, tender almost apologetic. "Im sorry Rikke I didn't mean to hurt you. Let me make it up to you." Dismounting the cart Jess made her way over to her own and removed the large dildo and brought it to Rikke. Climbing back onto the cart Jess prostrated her self in front of Rikke her oh so tempting ass staring her in the face. "Punish me Rikke. Hurt me like I hurt you!" The red dildo gleamed with Jess's moisture her lovely scents rolling off the sex toy. Resisting the urge to lick it clean Rikke was left with a choice.

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 9/36 Conditions: Aroused, 14/15 resistance remaining
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't need any more encouragement than that. It was such a golden opportunity for payback. Though slightly dizzy from the treatment Jess gave her Rikke finally got the blue toy out of her and grabbed Jess's red friend.

As a thief by profession Rikke was surprisingly nimble allowing her to get in the perfect position to "punish" her friend.

"After all the teasing, groping, caressing... It's time for some payback, Jess" though her words gave a friendly vibe, the overpowering lust behind them was evident. Rikkes new red toy approached the awaiting lusty sight in front, the rouges eyes gleamed with devilish intent. "SLAP" Rikke couldn't help but give some rough treatment to her friend, though she quickly kissed the affected area.

Still she wasn't going to be gentle at all, this was her slutty revenge. Rikke quickly pushed the red into her friend, Jessicas escaped light moan sharpening her, making her hugry to just pound away. Once more! And again, and again. Though she didn't want to hurt or harm Jess in any way, she made sure this would be as rough and blunt as possible. Jessica took the red dildo exceptionally well. "My my Jess. What a slut you are, taking such a huge cock so easily!" a evil giggle escaped her, the irony of her words lost to her.

This was far from enough for Rikke, pushing the dildo as far as it went Rikke helped her playmate turn around on her back. Their eyes finally met once more, Rikke didn't notice at the time, but Jess had a darker look in her eyes. "Oh~ Why so rough, Dear" the red hair continued gazing at Rikke with questionable intent "This IS punishment, Jess" with a devilish grin Rikke lowered herself towards Jess's lips. Starting pumping away at her once more, Rikke started playing with the maids clitoris. Sucking, teasing, massaging it greedily with her tongue. Rikkes eagerness and enthusiasm seemingly pleased her playmate greatly, in more ways than one.

Before long Rikke pushed the dildo into Jess once more, still as bluntly and roughly as she could. Ravenously she raised her head and leaned in to suck, grope, play with her friends bust. Jess's moans and yes's encouraging her all the way.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke “punishing” Jessica (5+6+12) Jessica has taken 23 pp damage
Jess penetrates Rikke (1+8+12) Rikke takes 21 pp damage and 26 corruption (21 from pleasure 5 from orgasm)

Jess grinned Rikke was hers now and the real fun could begin. Lifting her legs and wrapping them around Rikke's waist Jess forced her up to her lips. The sudden shift in position made the red monster slip out of her hands as she was forced to take up a new position. “Toys are nice but the real thing is so much better.” With that Jess shifted their combined weight off the cart causing them to tumble to the ground leaving Jess on top of Rikke. From Rikke's position the glorious orbs of Jess breasts filled her vision. “Touch them Rikke please touch them.” Lifting her hands to grasped the large breasts Rikke could feel Jess rock back on forth their lower lips rubbing against each other. Things continued like this for a few moments until Jess paused her gyrations. “Get ready Rikke” lost in the feeling of Jessica's breasts she hardly even noticed that Jess had stopped until she had spoke. “Get ready for what?” Rikke soon had her answer though has something hot and stiff thrust into her woman hood. Jess moaned in pleasure as Rikke gasped in surprise as little pin pricks of light exploded in her eyes. Arching her back from the orgasm Rikke caught a glimpse of Jess's cock thrusting into her. “A cock! But how” Rikke didn't have time finish her question as Jess began thrusting again sending electric waves of pleasure pulsing threw her again before stopping. “Admit that I won Rikke and we can continue to meet your aching needs.

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Aroused, Stunned, 14/15 resistance remaining
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cock! But how- AH~~!” before Rikke could finish Jess quickly started thrusting into her again. The sudden revelation of her playmate actually possessing the object she oh so longed for, for so very long ran powerful shivers through Rikke, her body quickly heated up and her legs opened wide to fully embrace her friend into her soaked treasure ‘Jess is going to fuck me. She is actually going to fuck me!’ a lewd cheer rang out in Rikke. Usually her partners weren’t quite the lookers as Jess… for that matter she never fucked a woman like this.

Her mind hazy and drenched in lust Rikke couldn’t control her moans as they rang out throughout the room, she hardly even noticed the change in Jess. Her usual demeanor had now been replaced with the look of a huntress finally catching her pray, enjoying every moment of the power she had over her victim. At any rate Rikke couldn’t care less, all she cared now was to satisfy her lusty body in any dirty nasty manner possible. When suddenly to constant thrusts stopped, Rikke quickly opened her lidded eyes and stared at Jess in a begging fashion. The red hairs face changed in a dominating grin “Admit that I won Rikke and we can continue to meet your aching needs.

A distant scream of her girly pride rang out through Rikkes head. Barely audible, but still having a minor effect, probably more out of instinct than true intent Rikke whispered “M-maybe a draw?”; “A draw?” Jess grinned mischievously “Oh? So perhaps I should stop?” as if to make a point Jessica forcefully thrusted her rock hard cock into Rikke. “You want me to continue don’t you Rikke.” Jessica slowly grinded her member across Rikkes inside walls, her sultry tone having a far darker ring to it than before, before removing her new gift from Rikke. It was incredibly embarrassing, but Rikke with a nearly panicked look on her face quickly reacted “No! Not now, Jess. I need this!” Oh~ how the maid reveled in this, not in her wettest dreams could she imagine such a playmate, so curvy, so cute and so lustful and eager. “Well then say it.” Jess started grinding Rikkes entrance with her pulsing hot staff. “Beg me Rikke, to fuck you. Tell me how much you need it.” Jessicas red eyes seemingly began to shine as she eyed Rikke. “P-please…”; “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” the maid playfully leaned closer to clearly hear Rikkes final submission. “Please fuck me Jess! Give it to me! I beg you fuck me!” almost on instinct Jess’s cock instantly penetrated Rikke once more, thrusting her with far greater vigor and speed than earlier. “Yes! YES!” the maid cheered and broke into a victory laughter as she pounded away at the heroine.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess penetrative sex:
Rikke: 17pp damage to Jess(3+4+10) Jessica orgasms and is stunned and triggers Rikke's fetish
Jessica: 30 pp damage to Rikke (3+7+12+8) Rikke gains 30 corruption giving her a total of 75/100

Though Rikke didn't admit to defeat the fact that Rikke lay there begging for her to ravisher her pussy was good enough. Besides if she pushed Rikke further she might break and where’s the fun in that. No Jess was content to let Rikke have the best night of sex in her life. Content that even when she lays with another it will her name she screams. Yes Rikke when you dream it will be of me and how I pleasured you. No woman or man for that matter with ever be able to fully satisfy you when I'm done. Every time you touch yourself you will picture me. Jess grinned evilly as she pounded Rikke's cute pussy.

Pumping with renewed vigor Jess rocked the nude rogue causing her breasts to jiggle with each thrust. While a little smaller than Jessica's they where still fun to watch as they made small circular motions. Rikke moaned like a whore in heat and soon she was doing all she could to meet each of Jess's thrusts with her own. Jess' rod seemed to swell and shift in size with every thrust and soon wet squelching noises where emanating from Rikke's pussy. “Oh Rilke whose my little slut can you hear that? Thats you my love your so dirty Rikke. Your a dirty girl arn't you Rikke. You want to be my little slut don't you? All you have to do is ask. Don't be ashamed Rikke I love dirty girls the naughtier the better.” Alternating between grinding and thrusting Jess soon brought herself to the verge of orgasm. On instinct alone she slammed into Rikke trying to go deeper. “Uhh here it comes my little slut are you ready? I hope so there will be more where that came from.” She could feel her large chick dick swell and release her tainted seed into Rikke. Catching her breath for a moment Jess was soon ready for action again. It looks like Rikke will be in for the ride of her life.

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 6/36 Conditions: Aroused, 14/15 resistance remaining
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Uhh here it comes my little slut are you ready? I hope so there will be more where that came from.” Rikke could feel Jess’s new manhood start to twitch and heat-up uncontrollably ‘Oh~ It’s coming! I can feel it Jess!’ to stifle her upcoming bliss Rikke bit down on her fingers ‘Do it! Do it, do it!’; “Give your love Jess!” as if on queue Jess was more than happy to fill her friend up. Jess’s cock deep inside the eager heroine pumped her full of the promised payload, Jess probably wasn’t planning to release so much, but Rikke’s pussy clenched up around her hardened member, as if to milk it or squeeze it dry. Her fetish met Rikke wanted more! She had to have more!

Noticing Jess being slightly dizzy from her orgasm Rikke seized the opportunity, quickly flipping her friend to the side, separating their sexes with a wet slicking sound. Jess didn’t even notice the change when she was got turned on her back, her member still aching for the rogues slippery embrace. Though it wouldn’t have to remain in such a lonely state for long, Rikke wouldn’t have it, as she quickly forced the member right back in, also holding Jess’s hands still as to not disturb her moment. “Oh look at you Jess.” Rikke started pumping her playmates staff once more “Talking all dirty like that. You’d think you didn’t want to fuck this body all this time” still keeping the pace Rikke leaned in to her friend, dirty sounds echoing through the room “All the caressing, teasing you did. You planned to warm me up for this fucking didn’t you?” Rikke let her playmates hands go “Well then tell me is all you fantasized it would be?” the heroine quickly darted into a kiss with her playmate, arching her ass and continuing to pound away at the burning hot cock.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess Penetrative sex
Rikke deals 17 pp to Jess (2,5,+10)
Jess deals 21 pp to Rikke (1,8,+12). Rikke also gains 26 corruption sending her over 100 and gaining 1 mutation it resets to 0.

Jess lay there stunned as Rikke took the dominate position. Everything was slightly fuzzy from her orgasm but knew she could feel Rikke still pounding away at her shaft. Pulling Rikke down to her chest all Jess could manage was some tongue play as she recovered. Soon how ever Rikke's own efforts gave her release as well. Arching her back Rikke felt Jess's nails bite into her skin but she didn't care all she carried about was the fact Jess's staff was still firm and hot.

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Aroused, Stunned, 14/15 resistance remaining
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A devilish giggle escaped Rikke as Jess laid stunned under her, while her playmate took full advantage of her thick rod. The dominant position had Rikke wrapped in ecstasy, her mind and body couldn’t get over the joy of being in control and fucking the girl who played and dominated her for so long… not that she minded. The hot rod pounding away at her coupled with the thoughts of sex running through her head, it didn’t take long for Rikke to reach her second orgasm orchestrated by Jess’s firm staff. She didn’t want to break their embrace but the waves of pleasure rushing across her body jerked her back.

Arching back and letting out a lewd scream Rikke’s hands ran over her D’s. Gropping a caressing them, as her eyes and mind nigh-whited out. Woozy from her orgasm she looked at Jess with a satisfied smile “Oh dear~ Jess, did I really leave a girl like YOU speechless.” In provocative manner Rikke licked her lips and continued “Hmf… guess you’re not the fuck you think you are.” a sly smile crossed Rikke, she really didn't mean it, but couldn't help but tease her friend, even though the earlier orgasm left her body completely weakened for the moment... perhaps she wanted Jess to take this opportunity.

Rikke gains "Tight" mutation.
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