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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke flew down the stairs taking two at a time till she reached the harem level looking for something anything that could be used to clean the arcane marks of the girls. Getting rather frustrated as the seconds ticked by she finally spotted a rack of scented oils. While not water they should do the trick grabbing as many bottles as humanly possible Rikke pelted upstairs to the waiting girls. Reaching the first one she applied the oil to her nude form gently washing away all the marks she could find. The marks themselves seemed to follow the lifelines of the body with strange geometric patterns focusing on the breasts and groin. Looking to at the girls face Rikke could almost see the haze slowly lifting as the arcane magic became weaker as she washed the marks away. Still the sounds of the cruel whip and Jess cries gave the rogue a sense of urgency she wasn't accustomed to.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She had a limited supply of oils and 3 girls to care off. Rikke was not looking to waste time for another trip downstairs, nor time to compeletely wipe each girl spotless clean. Hopefully breaking the life lines of the marks would wake the girls up, the minor remains of the marks not having a strong effect on them. The rogue was usually alot more careful and took her time to do things right, though this time it was not a luxury she could afford.

Each blow against Jess seemingly rang out part of the pain across Rikke. 'Stop it already!' the girls anger started to slowly boil up, was she angry at the torturer or at herself for being so helpless to stop her. Leaving the first girl to recoup Rikke quickly proceeded to pick the lock on the second girls chains. Almost dropping her dagger in her rush, Rikkes stress was getting too much "H-hello? Who--" almost in a whisper the second girl adressed Rikke, though quickly faded back to her daze.

This actually helped calm the rogue down and get presence of mind together, the more she rushes the more mistakes she'll make 'Keep it together girl'
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke soon pop the binds of the second girl the locks having been better cared for. As the second girl dropped into her arms a small thank you left her lips. Grabbing the other girl who at lest now seemed to be trying to move around on her own. "Wash the marks break them here and here." Rikke pointed out the lines to break and let the girl get at while she moved to Emma. Gasping audibly Rikke gazed at the blonde haired woman. Her mark while similar to the other girls glowed with faint magical light of a blue color but in places the glowing blue had been replaced with an angry red color. It almost reminded Rikke of certain rashes she had seen on poor folks slowly spreading along their body. Gazing into the eyes of Emma Rikke was shocked to see red lines like cracks had slowly began to take over her deep emerald colored eyes. At this close proximity Rikke could even make out the small horns that had started to grow on Emma's head. Horrified Rikke just stood a moment. The arcane marks must be interacting with Emma's innate magical powers feeding and corrupting them. If she already this far along then..... "Help... me" the plea almost a whisper came from Emma "Help mee or or.... or kill me"

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Horrified Rikke looked over to the girl. What is she supposed to do now?! The girl was changing right infront of her eyes as she begged the rogue to end her suffering one way or another. Rikke had no knowledge on magic or it's properties, how does one stop corruptive magic from spreading?! Was it really too late for the girl.

Almost panicked Rikke blindly looked around as if looking for help, when her eye caught the glimpse of her tiara. Obviously the tiara had some interactions with the demonic magic. Maybe it would somehow interact with the corruptive magic... but what if the effect corrupting the girl actually spreads to the tiara?
Who cares! She had to do something and this was her only idea, Rikke quickly lunged to the tiara grabbing it with a quick slide and quickly placing it on the girl. 'Here goes nothing!'
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly grabbed the tiara from the floor and forced it onto the other girls head which only caused the young woman to start bucking and frothing at the mouth. The blue and red energies seemed to grow and fade almost flickering with intensity. "Oh no no no" placing the tiara did have an effect but from the violent reaction it was hardly a good one.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sorry!" Rikke quickly smacked off the tiara as it caused the girl to shriek out in even more pain. Obviously that wasn't the best idea... but it was the only idea she had. Wait! Did she clean off all the major marks? There was no time to double check in detail, Rikke grabbed one of the unused at the moment oil cannisters and emptied on the transforming girl.

With a quick dive towards the girl in question Rikke furiously started scrubbing the blondes whole body, nimbling making sure to take care of every plot of skin on the girl she could spot. Getting both of the girls slicked up as they wrestled on the ground, creating all kinds of comprosing poses. The sight would've been exceptionally arousing if not for the current predicament 'Please please please' If she didn't hurry the girls transfomation would complete sooner than later.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A few compromising situations later Rikke heard a sigh as Emma seemed to calm down. A few moments later strong feminine hands slowly picked her up off the floor. Turning to see the first girl she helped staring her in the was her hazel eyes filled with exhaustion but also a pleasant thankful gleam. "Rikke you made it she said you would come but I almost didn't believe her come on we need to get away before the Big Bitch gets back." Scooping up Emma and with her twin following the made their way towards the descending stairs leaving grogies soulless but living body behind to what ever fate the succbi had in mind for him.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes shinned in joy, she actually managed to save the three girls! Now they coul-- where were they going... The trio were well in their minds to flee the dreaded tower as soon as possible, but that wasn't what Rikke had in mind at all!

"Wait!" The two dominant girls turned to face her "We can't leave!" Rikke eyed the three girls with begging eyes... "What are you talking about Rikke lets go while the bitch is busy!" The young rogue bit on her lip could she just ask the three girls to help her free her friend and perhaps face down the mistress, but they were awfully keen to abandon the place and she didn't know just how honorable the girls infront of her were. What if they just refused her and left... she needed the help! Perhaps she could trick them...

Rikke began to cook up her lie "Because the mistress casted a--" Jessicas torment rang through Rikkes ears once more, making the girls lips shiver "B-b-..." It was no use the girl couldn't lie, her eyes rapidly filled with tears as she cried out "Please help me save my friend!!" tears rushing down her beautiful face "Sh-she's suffering because she wanted to protect, please I beg you help me save her." the girl sobbed loudly on all fours. "The-they killed Groggy and now they're going to kill her... and summon some demon!" Rikke speech was barely understandable as the girl couldn't hide her emotions.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Shes.... shes right we we w we can't leave... remember our oath?" The two twins looked at Emma a little shame on their features. "But Emma Sarah is to far gone and" "We don't any weapons." The twins apparently where used to finishing each others sentences. "She's not gone who kept us filled with hope while we languished in chains. I will not give up on her just yet." "But Emma look what" "She did to you." "I don't care! I will sooner die than let this continue. If we leave now then she will really be gone and their will be nothing we can do to save her." It seemed like some strength was starting to return to Emma. "Now Rikke you said they are going to summon a demon? If thats true well need our equipment all of it including that." Emma's shaky hands pointed to the purple tiara left on the ground. "I have a feeling I know what our corrupt friend is up to."

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up to Emma her face absolutely gleaming, as remnant of her cry rushed down her cheeks I know where we could get some weapons and your equipment!" Emma shakily approached Rikke and crouched down to her, extending her arm to help the girl out. "Take me to them" Rikke slowly placed her hand on the blondes weakened palm, Emma was far too weak to actually help the girl up, but that wouldn't be a problem as soon two more hands grabbed Rikke as all three girls helped the heroine up "You won't have to face" "This challenge alone"

Gaining new allies in her fight Rikke was reinvigorated and thankfully the torture in the other room seemed to have paused, to change the tool or method most likely. 'Don't Jess. I'll be back for you soon!'

"Wait" lets take him with us, Emma pointed to Brody. "But" "Why?" the blonde turned to the twins and nodded "Trust me". Rikke threw her short sword to one of the girls, who effortless cut the man down from his bind still limp and as empty as before. Rikke grabbed her Tiara and ran infront of the trio "Come on! Hurry!" As they descended down Rikke inquired about the girls "So what do each of you use?"
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Descending the stairs with the girls and Brody in tow Rikke was stopped by a quick command of Emma pointing at the bricked up entrance of harem level. "Push the green mossy brick" Complying with the order Rikke pressed the brick in question and silently the wall opened before her. All four girl smiled as they made their way through the secrete door to the second floor of the library. "We should be safe to rest and regather our strength here. I never knew the games of hide and seek would pay off this well." "So this is how" "you always got away from us." Emma smiled a little light in the darkness. Her eyes seemed to be returning to their normal color as the corruptive source she was being exposed to had begun to fade. "Yes Sarah's personal maid Jessica showed it to me one rainy day. I hope she made it out okay." Emma took a moment to gather her thoughts while Rikke contemplated whether or not to tell Emma what had happened to Jessica. Her thoughts where interrupted however as Gloria and Loria spoke to her. "You said you know" where our weapons are?"

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Your gear's in the map room, there'll be two big chests." Rikke pointed vaguely in the direction where she thought the room lied, the twins quickly scurried away leaving Rikke and Emma to catch up. "Jess showed you this? The manors house maid?" Rikke turned to Emma as both girls entered the library, Emma slightly raised an eyebrow at Rikke 'Jess?' why did the rogue speak of her like she knew the maid. "Mhm~ not house, "personal" maid. She was always so much fun and considered by many to be Sarahs favorite of all her servants. Playful, happy, always smiling. I really hope she's okay" Rikke turned her gaze downward in a guilty fashion and now the maid was tortured for defending her, she can't waste a moment sooner here.

"Also..." Emma continued as Loria and Gloria started their pillagin spree in the planning room. "Seems you happened to come across an interesting tiara, were there others like it?" Rikke nodded eagerly "Aye, but I lost them downstairs along with a few pouches and a sword I found." Emma sighed slightly "We'll have to go get them...". Waiting for the twins to get their gear in order and then all four of them going downstairs could take a insane amount of time... an idea crossed Rikkes mind. "Emma, how about we go right now. Loria and Loria will get themselves up and ready, and we'll go downstairs and right back up." The blonde turned to the impatient rogue "No. We stick together who knows what lurks over there." Rikke gave the, actually rather smart, blonde her best sad puppy eyes "Come on~ I cleared all the guards as I entered it's just a cemetary down there. There's not much to carry we'd be right back."; "Oh no no no. NO. Besides unlike you, I can't go walking around like thi--" as if to interupt Emma, Loria quickly threw Emmas battledress right at her, making it wrap around the girls face "We found your dress!" "Catch Emma!... oh" one of the girl from inside the room sheepishly lowered her head as she saw how Emma "caught" her belonging.

'Unlike me? What exactly does she have in mind?' Was Emma actually implying something over here? "Okay, fine. Then I'll go alone." Rikke crossed her hands in protest and slowly proceeded out, in full honesty the girl was asured it would be a safe trip, so she didn't think much of it. But having someone watch your back just incase always was useful. Before she left Rikke stopped near the entrance to the map room where the twins actively burrowed through the cache of weapons and armor. "Girls could you try to find me some light armor in there?" The two twins looked at each other in slight confusion "But we thought that" "Succubi don't wear armor" Rikke blinked a few times 'Succubi? Me?' Meanwhile Emma looked around the library, it seemed one of the grandmaster clocks still miraculously worked, it was nearing midnight the girls had little time left. Perhaps the rogue had a point, they needed to save as much time as possible, for today was the day the demons waited for so long.

"What do you mean suc--" Rikke felt a quick tug on her shoulder "Alright lets go, but we stay quiet and move quick" the rogue gave the mage a playful wink and a thumbs up, as suddenly Emma started dragging her right out of the conversation and out the library. "Okay Rikke we'll check for it" "Be careful you two!"
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emma still looked a little sick but moved with surprising determination. "Okay Rikke where do you think you dropped the Tiara's? We are going to need them if my plan works." Following what ever directions Rikke gave the moved as quickly as the weakened mage could. "So.... Rikke.... why are you rescuing us from your kin?" Rikke was taken aback by the question and for a few moments couldn't answer. The question was direct and to the point and spoken with a no nonsense tone. Maybe Rikke's impressions of dottering old or pervy wizards had been incorrect? Not that she had any real experience with mages in general let alone a female one.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stopped dead in her tracks as the question just shot out of nowhere... no less actually refering to the demons as "her kin".

"My kin? You girls spent WAY too much time in this place" the girl was rather confounded by this incredibly odd, to her atleast, misunderstanding. Rikke took the lead, taking all the possible shortcuts towards the original point of entrance to the tower. They were already at the first set of stairs leading down to the abbandoned furniture and her fight scene with the demon swordmaster.

"I mean you keep refering to me as a succubus" Rikke lightly snickered "Do I look like a succubus to you?" the rogue turned to face the mage following. Emma inspected the girl standing infront of her, her dazzling appearance seeping into the girl. Rikkes eyes slightly glowed with a light blue luminescence, her face perfectly shapped gave of both a strong illusion of utter innocence and naughty perversion as her full lips seemingly demanded Emma to just come that little bit closer. The girls attire and overall body hardly helped her case of being human. As the red lingerie, accentuating her perfect curves almost turned Emma to perverse thoughts with the girl. "Rikke! What are you doing? Stop that!" Emma quickly turned away bashfully, blushing visibly.

Rikke was completely stumped by such a reaction, the girls eyes widened. Did she really seem THAT beautiful to the girl, perhaps it was her attire. It was best to leave this discussion for later though "I.. uhm... it's right down these stairs the bottom of the tower. Come on."

The mage continued to follow Rikke though slightly more cautiously... perhaps the girl had an ulterior motive to separate her... No that can't be, Sarah would not lie. She came as promised to save them, for now she trusted the girl.

Rikke continued down the stairs an unconcious smirk on her face 'Emma was so cute back there... and she had quite the wonderful body.' The mages shy face still lingered in Rikke mind 'I wonder what ither faces I could make her do... there's plenty of room here---' Rikke quickly noted her trail of thoughts 'Wait what am I thinking!' was she honestly considering to... 'No, no. Focus! Dang it girl! The hell?'
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke troubled by her own thoughts as the manor had clearly had some effect on her or maybe it was Jessica that had the effect on her she wasn't sure. Just as Rikke reached the bottom of the stairs a full length mirror covered in dust confronted the rogue. Though most of the mirror was to dirty to see much more than a blur one clear part reflect Rikke's luminescent eyes and face. Surprised at the buxom beauty that confronted her Rikke almost cursed till she realized it wasn't one of Jess's sisters staring at her but her own reflection..."What the hell happened to me?" "Rikke are you okay? We should keep moving."

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slowly approached the mirror still in disbelief, it was still her... but she was different. Never in all her days would she believe she could look this beautiful. The rogue gently placed her hand on the mirror, was this it... the gift she held inside her for so long... was she really a natural succubus all this time. The girl accepted the whole ordeal rather easily, it was all just so natural to her. She now recalled the moments when she broke the chains restraining her. Oh~ the things she'll be able to do with this body... a perverted giddy feeling rocked the young rogues body.

"RIKKE! Come on this is no time oogle yourself." Emma called out to the girl mesmerized by her own reflection, her voice carrying a slightly grumpy attitude. The heroine looked to the girl calling out to her and cheefully nodded at her. Rikke didn't quite finish letting the new revelation sink in and looked like Emma wouldn't quite allow it. "Aye!" Rikke cheerfully ran up to Emma her spirits surprisingly raised "First door down this collidor." the rogue quickly grabbed the mages hand and gently dragged her along gleefully. What was the succubus leading her so happy about all of a sudden?

Though, such a lead didn't take long as Rikke quickly turned around, her face seemingly petrified by something. What was it?! "Emma, you're going to have to let me borrow some of your dress" The mages eyed widened, why would she do such a thing?! Though quickly the stench of decaying bodies hit her too.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emma reluctant to give up any clothing especially around a succubus friendly or not reached into one of her pocked and pulled out a lacy frilly kirchef and handed it to Rikke before producing her own. "Ugh what died down here?" Making her way down the corridor of the basement section of the tower Rikke soon lead Emma back up the stairs to Seves lair on ground level of the tower. "In here they have to be somewhere in here." Emma paused at the entrance and looked around the room that had been completely an utterly ruined. "This use to be where my mother worked and mixed her potions......." The briefest of tears went down the young womans face before she became all business again. "There under that old tapestry!" Indeed the object of their search had been found the other three tiara's lay with a collection of other shiny objects some very valuable while other where mostly junk.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"There indeed!" The room that used to be so incredibly dark was clear as day to Rikke now. And there she could see it! Her coin pouch ever so slightly open, obviously the creature was lured to the shiny denarii inside and took it along with the tiaras. Rikke almost squeeled in joy, but there was no way she was going to remove the precious cloth from her mouth or breathe in more of the foul air than needed, a joyous jump will have to suffice. "Emma catch!" tightening the noose on the pouch Rikke threw her precious coins to to the mage "Keep em safe for abit okay? Kinda short on pockets" the girls eyes obviously hinted at her smiling and Emma could hardly say no to the beauty infront of her.

"Right, lets go. Loria and Loria are probably already waiting" Emma wanted to correct Rikke on the names... but the girl didn't seem the kind who was particulary good with them to begin with. Though her partners oddly cheerful attitude did little to alleviate the mages solemn mood. The manor used to be an almost a second home to her, she used to visit her mother right in this room. The loving figure always greeted her warmly, even though the girl would be either dared or goosed into causing all kinds of troubles down here. Why even near the entry way they both just so recently entered, she could recall spilling some incredibly smelly igredients in her to escape with her stolent booty. 'Boy mr. Presly was so mad~' she didn't quite recall the details, but whatever she spilled, it was very rare and expensive. And every time she got into trouble she always had one person who always stood for her. Little Sarah, her dearest friend. Just how many times did she confess Emma's stirred trouble to be her own, just how many times did she tag-team pillow fight the twin girls. Always smilling, always on her side, always such a good friend. Tears sweeled up in the girls eyes as she desperately tried to keep her tough act in check 'Sarah... what has become of you. My Sarah. My radiant sun...' the mage clenched her fists and looked down trying to hide her tears.

Meanwhile Rikke carefully placed the tiaras around herself one on each arm and hanging the thrid orange one on her bra she was ready to go, the rogue remembered what happens if the tiaras get too close to each other so this was the best she could do. Still who was she going to blind anyway... Rikke turned around to find the slight hunched mage whimpering slightly lost in her thoughts. She knew that feeling all too well and now she had no more doubt "So you really are that Emma." the girl slowly approached the sobbing magician carefully wrapping her arms around the girl, making sure she didn't get the wrong ideas about her intent "This place used to be your whole childhood, the servants your friends and Sarah..." Emma couldn't hold her tears no more, gaining a shoulder to cry on the girl finally broke her only-business persona as sorrowful cries filled the bloodied and ruined room.

Seemed whatever energies still remained in the manor surrounded the two girls, protecting them from the stench and foul atmosphere surrounding them. For now they remained in a safe haven, the two tiaras on Rikkes arms igniting in light due to their closer proximity to each other. As Emma cried she could almost feel she wasn't alone here, as if several warming presences lovingly watched over her and just for a moment she could almost feel someone wipe her tears of. Finally the mage calmed down and Rikke loosened her hold on her. "The manor still loves her children, Emma. But it's in pain... please break this taint once and for all." For that brief one sentence Rikke wasn't sure was it really her talking or was she just relaying someone else words.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Emma wiped the tears off her eyes with the back of her hand.. "Yeah we need to hurry if my plan is to work its gotta look like you never freed us." Grabbing the clear stone tiara and placing it over her own head Emma grabbed Rikke's arm pulling her out of the room and back to where Gloria and Loria where getting ready. "Gloria likes to use greatswords while Loria prefers the shield and short-spear. I was lucky to find them in a village where the survivors of the manor had made a new life for themselves. Sadly my parents had passed on before I had a chance to see them." Sniffing back oncoming tears Emma paused briefly to get her bearings. "I guess I should have left well enough alone but I had to know.... what happened." Emma once again was silent till they came to the main entry hall with the charred Skeleton. Looking at the blackened bones Emma did a slight bow to the corpse. "Don't worry my Lord we will do our best to save your daughter or die trying." With that Emma left Rikke alone as she hastily entered the library to meet up with Gloria and Loria.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Lord?' Were the charred remains of the actual Lord Presli. Rikke turned to the black corpse, such a cruel fate. To be killed and left at display right at the entrance of your own manner... still whatever mage done this was still in the manor. Unluckily, it was probably the Mistress herself, Corrupt Sarah forced to burn her own father. Just how strong was the demons hold on the poor girl, could they really save her.

Rikke noticed Emma quickly scurrying towards the library "W-wait! Whats the plan exactly?" the mage slightly turned her head motioned the rogue to follow her "Inside!"

Well they had all they needed, now it was time to check up on the twin and hear the mages plan. The final conflict was at hand. Rikke tightened the grip on her short sword 'You've suffered for this long Jess... but we're coming, please wait for us' she didn't want to think everything her friend went through while she was down here. All that mattered that now she was coming and she'll bring the cavalry along.

Rikke rushed into the library after Emma.