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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But Rikke she she a mutant, but if you insist Ill say Im sorry." Janet walked close to Jess stopping a few feet from the succubus who's tail twitched in an agitated manor. "Im Im sorry Jessica I shouldn't be so mean." Jess's tail slowed some what but still swayed back and forth. "I don't believe you!" Jess tail began its agitated swaying once more while Janet just looked over at Rikke with a what do I do now face?.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oh~... it was far too early and Rikke was far too tired for this. Rikke sighed lightly and corssed her arms, meeting Janets look and the glancing up to Jess.
"Come on you two, you might've gotten off rough. But overreactions happen, just give each other another chance." Rikke eyed Jessica as if saying 'You too'
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess had her back to both girls but Rikke could tell her words had gotten to her from the slumped shoulders and the fact her tail stopped moving at all and drooped like a sad puppy. "Im willing to give you another chance Janet but only if you come back up here and show me your sorry after your shift and on your free time." Janet trembled with unease "I I guess if that is what I have to do." She looked little frightened but Rikke could also tell that she was also a little excited as well. Though Rikke herself felt a little disappointed that Jess didn't include her on this little apology demand and maybe even felt a wee bit of jealousy at the thought of Jess having sex with someone else but that was up to her to decide.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke with sighed with relief, maybe NOW things will calm down abit. "You two behave. I'm going to finish up my beauty sleep" the heroine winked slyly and once more returned to her bed leaving the girls to sort out whatever they planned.

Rikke gently lied down on the sofa once more, got herself comfy and just as she was about to return to her dreamland some thoughts crept in... 'So Jess didn't have enough of Janet eh...' the girl giggle in her thoughts 'Oh~ that naughty girl' though ofcourse that wouldn't be the end of it '...but she didn't even mention me. Maybe she just assumed it goes without saying...' Rikke turned on one side 'or maybe she's grown bored of me... What if! What if Janet felt better than me... No! That's silly talk girl! We both know that come on.'

It's going to be one of those thought trains 'But Janets got more experience than me. I bet this brothel taught her all kind of things!' Rikke wasn't even with her eyes closed anymore 'Oh please, YOU could teach this brothel a thing or two about fine fucking. You foxy girl you.'

Rikke lied there for a moment in complete silence before quickly putting the sofa pillow on her head 'Ugh! Shut-up! That's silly talk no way Jess would grow bored of you!...Right?' Thankfully the girl was far too sleepy and tired to allow her thoughts to continue run amuck and quickly fell asleep her head turned and sandwiched between the two pillows.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was tormented by her own thoughts before she finally drifted off to sleep which of course caused her to have some what distressing dreams. Though after a few hours Rikke woke of her own accord refreshed and awake. Blinking her eyes she gently rose from the sofa she had been sleeping. Walking into the main bed area Rikke was surprised to see Janet and Jess in the room. Janet was completely naked with the exception of a tray of food balanced on her head. She was resting on her knees as Jess was sitting in a nearby chair gently eating some fruit while her tail gently tickled and teased the prostitute. Janet looked to be breathing heavily sweat forming on her skin and a slight puddle of desire forming under her knees as her legs glistened with her own wetness. Jess was sitting naked enjoying the fruit from the tray when she spotted Rikke and smiled broadly. "Rikke!" Jess rushed from her spot and embraced the young rogue kissing her fiercely."

Thats my apology to you for leading on. It was petty for me to make you think I was going to have fun with Janet with out you." Jess proceeded to kiss Rikke again. "Uh Jess how did you know I.." Placing a finger on Rikke lips Jess just simply smiled. "We are connected dear Rikke" Jess hands traced the tattoo she had received from Jess after their first encounter "plus you talk in your sleep when your really really exhausted." Leading Rikke over to Janet Jess smiled broadly. "This is the challenge I set up for our dear little friend. All she had to do to earn my good graces was to withstand a little teasing until you woke up and she passed with flying colors." Taking the tray from Janet Rikke could see relief over take the prostitute. "There you go Janet your free to go and are completely forgiven." Janet rose still breathing heavily her legs still a little shaky. Though Rikke did notice the girl look at Jess's tail with longing instead of disgust. Her face was flush and nipples hard she was obviously aroused and not so subtly staring at the object of her desire. Rikke silently chuckled maybe that was Jess's plan all along let her pheromones and physical teasing give the young prostitute more of an open mind or Jess could just be a naughty girl.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the blonde out of the door with a knowing smile, seemed Jess had done quite the number on the girl. Though the heroine couldn't help, but wonder what went on during her sleep. Still, it was finally the start of a new day and perhaps the start of something much more grand.

The door gently closed behind Janet, leaving the two adventurers alone... well not exactly alone. "Jess! Is the sick girl alright?!" with all of this commotion Rikke almost forgot about their care!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Shes doing fine Rikke see." Jess pointed to the girl. "Her fever broke but withdrawal from all the drugs they had her on will be rough." Jess paused a moment a look of deep thought crossing her mind. "I don't know if I can help her mental state though. What ever those pigs did to her completely broke her mind. We can help become self sufficient again but who ever she was may be gone for good." Jess looked a little sad but smiled at Rikke. "So Rikke am I forgiven?" Jess looked at Rikke her eyes down cast and pouting. "I only teased her we didn't do anything more serous than that."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gave Jess a lukewarm smile "I was just really tired and rambled on about nothing. There's nothing to forgive" the girls coldened smiled was obviously the effect of Jessicas previous statements. Rikke slowly approached the girl eyeing her sadly "But there has to be a way to help her, Jess. There's always a way!..." why was the rogue so incredibly obsessed with helping the girl, was it mere kindness or did Rikke actually see what could've been her in the girl.
"A priest? Magic? Succubus voodoo?! Something? Maybe you don't know of..." Rikke clutched her fists in a mix of sorrow and anger "There's always a way, Jess... What those pigs broke, we can fix... right?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess hugged Rikke from behind a gentle warm hug doing her best to comfort the rogue. "I suppose a priest or wizard might know something and any succubus voodoo I use to be able to do would probably just turn her into a lust crazed succubus. There could be away Rikke I just don't know of one. Either way we should work on getting her able to take care of herself dragging along a half catatonic girl on our adventures is not a good idea nor is leaving her at the tender mercies of a brothel. No telling what they would do to recoup their expenses when the girl recovered."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lowered her gaze and relaxed abit as Jessica comforted her "Yeah I guess you're right..." the red haired girl could almost feel the heroines spite and anger at the men that did this. If she didn't keep a close on the rogue, she might actually do something reckless... best to change the topic for now "Still... before we leave I think someone wanted to meet us." Rikk blinked a few times her voice still carrying a genuinely sad tone "Oh yeah... I forgot, Anelica was it?" Jessica snickered lightly "Well let's hope she's VERY patient" the heroine sighed lightly, thigns are what they are... and she did owe the gracious host a visit. "And hopefully she doesn't get the info on the baths and Janets current conditions" Rikke turned around and smiled at Jessica, looked like the rogue will be alright... hopefully.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't sweat it Rikke Im sure it will be fine after all its only 8pm we still have a wonderful night ahead of us. Well maybe a wonderful night of resting perhaps you do look a little exhausted." All this happened in a day? Rikke felt a little disbelief at the statement it seemed so much had happened and it wasn't even a full day yet." Well have our little meeting with Angelica and then we can call it a night. I think we can all fit on the bed. Now don't give me that look the girl has been sleeping with someone in her bed for a long time now we best not disrupt her habits to much." Jess walked over to their gear which still lay where they had tossed it before. "I managed to mend my armor while you slept but I would still like our under cloths to be washed think we can drop them off before we meet with Angelica?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was going to be night soon? Rikke blinked a few times... well she was definedly off her usual times. "A-aye... I think there should be a place to wash em up somewhere in here." the heroine smiled at Jess "Speaking of which..." Rikke playfully crossed her arms and eyed her companion "Someone's not impressed by my new attire? Or should I say OUR substitute attire" the girl gave a sharp look at the other pair of clothes Janet brought earlier. "Come on get dressed and lets go. Chop chop" Rikke smiled to herself, she was finally full of energy and couldn't help but be curious who was the girl that summoned them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smiled at Rikke before heading over to the cloths donated for their evening wear. "Im always impressed by you Rikke and it doesn't matter what you wear your always stunning." Jess sensually dressed make sure Rikke got an eyeful of everything before slipping on the last bit of silken garments provided. "Lets go love and see what the madam wants of us." Making there way down the stairs Rikke could see the brothel must be having one of its prime nights. The place was packed girls and guys where ever where. Laughter and merry making drowned out any normal conversation. Pushing their way through the crowed Rikke and Jess both had their share of propositions which each of them turned down politely. "I think Janet said the Madams office is at the back of brothel." "Good I know the way follow me and don't get separated." Rikke took the lead as she expertly navigated the crowed and made it to the gardens.

Looking about Rikke could see the endless stars in the sky shiny bright with a near full moon illuminating the garden. For the most part both girls walked through the gardens in peaceful appreciative silence until they reached the rear portion of the brothel unless Rikke wanted to say something or surprise Jess in anyway. The rear building was not as ornately decorated as the rest but it was still well constructed with fine materials. This building was guarded by a single woman in fully functional plate no sexy cuts or gaudy ornaments. She simple nodded at the passing duo before resuming her watch once more.

The inside of the administration building looked more functional and utilitarian than the brothel itself with little to no decoration and any that existed more subdued and tasteful. Greeted as they entered by a completely nude woman with Black hair and blue eyes who's only clothing was a simple but sturdy looking color with the name Princess on it. She had large breasts that where pierced with rings and was completely shaved except her hair and eyebrows. "This way please the mistress is expecting you." Following Princess to a large room at the back where the young woman turned and faced them. "When you enter the Mistress room please bow slightly as a sign of respect. Let her speak first or she may find you rude and dismiss you." Commands given the young woman opened the door to reveal a marble room filled with pillows and silken curtains. A large bed that could fit 4 or 5 people depending on position sat in the back covered in silky red sheets. A small desk and a few bookshelves sat against the left wall while the right seemed to be stacked with pillows and woman. Five woman lay in various states of attire resting and watching the two girls enter they all had similar collars as princess. In the center of the room stood Sasha and Angelica apparently talking to a woman that Rikke couldn't see. Princess stepped forward and cleared her throat then announced both Rikke and Jess before getting down on her knees and bowing so her head touched the floor. Jess elbowed Rikke as she began her slight bow reminding the rogue to do the same.

"Good girl Princess now come to your mistress." Scrambling back up to her feet the young woman ran eagerly to Sasha before getting her her knees again. Sasha the ebony skinned Anurdorian that they had met earlier proceed to lock a small black leash to the woman's collar before turning to face Rikke and Jess. "Ah our brave adventures I hear that you have been enjoying your stay at my establishment maybe a little to much." Stepping aside Rikke could see Janet blushing furiously trying to avoid eye contact with Rikke or Jess. "No need to worry I won't charge you for dear Janet's time or the mess you made in your suite. Though maybe if the stories are true you could let me have the joy of your friends company for an evening or two? Think of it as sign of gratitude for sharing my hospitality." The woman's voice had something to it that Rikke didn't trust but she held her tongue for now. "Well to business! Ive called you here for a special request that you could fulfill while looking for the medallion. I have recently acquired a very wealthy customer that has a very specific taste. It seems he would like woman covered in slime and not just any slime but a slime girl none the less. I would like you to capture one for me. Now before you object Ive had princess do some research apparently slime girls well most of them are mindless so it wouldn't be slavery. It would be more like capturing an exotic animal for a wealthy merchant and Im prepared to make you a generous offer if you accept."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A slime girl? Rikke had encountered such a creatures before, but they usually either remain passive or run away at any signs of danger... though they also have a fair number of lewd stories about them. "With due respect, Mistress. But slime girls are not easily caught, nor transported. Would you have a plan on how we could go about such a task?" The whole affair kept a sour taste in Rikkes mouth, the intent of how the slime girl would be used was rather obvious, this was a brothel and the rich man wanted a new toy. But capturing a creature and forcing her into service... still Rikke couldn't decline the proposition outright, lest she brought the Mistress's ire upon the two adventurers.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well its simple really my dear. The patron in question has already provided the initial investment which I have used for this little beauty." Reaching into some hidden pocket Sasha brought forth a sapphire blue gem. " This little bauble is a once use snare. Stored with in is pretty hefty dose of water magic that should freeze any slime girl you throw it at without harming the creature permanently." Sasha took a moment to look Rikke and Jess over but Rikke noticed her eyes linger on Jess far longer than they should. "If you want to decline this side mission you may it will not hurt your standing in my eyes after all you are already on a dangerous mission. But keep in mind I will eventually capture a slime girl for my client. It is an inevitability really so you might as well get paid for it. What do you say girls."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slightly narrowed her eyes, noticing the mistress gaze at her companion. No... she did not like this woman at all, but right now she was deep in her den. Best to comply without signs of defiance. "Very well, we'll get you your slime girl IF we come across one. I do not wish to make promises we might not be able to keep, Mistress" Rikke lowered her head in a light bow... though less to show respect, but more to hide the spite gleaming in her eyes 'Stop looking at Jess like....'

The heroine leaned back form her bow and began to slowly make her way towards the mistress to take the saphire, though she made sure she'd be walking exactly to obscure the Mistress's glare at her companion. Meeting the gaze head on Rikke kept a stern face, looking directly into Sarahs eyes the heroines eyes slightly gleamed giving subtle, but aggresive signs that Jessica was off-limits...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Good Im glad we could come to an agreement." Handing over the blue gem Sasha turned away and began to speak with Angelica clearly Rikke and Jess had been dismissed. Heading back into the gardens Jess was strangely silent until they reached the large pond where Rikke had met the mermaid. "Do you think Janet ratted me out?" Rikke could hear the unease in Jessica's voice.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"M? Ratted what out?" Jessica bashfully lowered her eyes "You know... me being-" "Absolutely exceptional in bed? Judging by the looks I'd go with yes" Rikke smiled warmly at her companion, she knew what Jessica was actually refering to, but the red haired girl rarely liked having her corrupted nature pointed out. Still Rikkes warm smile alleviated some of her concers.

Rikke sighed lightly "She probably didn't have a choice..." the heroines face visibly dimmed "All girls in the brothel are forced to obey the mistress no matter what, how the one in control uses such power is up them." Rikke had a distant look on her face "And that woman is dangerous." the rogue couldn't help but wonder were the collared girls there under punishment, their own accord... or were they forced to be mere pets for the Mistress.

Perhaps this place wasn't all sunshine and rainbows like Rikke thought, though she could be reading into things too much. "Besides, who cares if she did, Jess. Noones going to lay a hand you when Im around." Rikke flashed Jessica a cocky smile and winked slyly "Promise."

"Come on we'll be getting up early tommorow. Guess we'll going on that adventurer afterall" Rikke flipped the saphire through her fingers, the girls didn't even discuss whether to go try their luck with that badge quest... though it seems the council made that decision for them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess beamed at Rikke returning the rogues playful wink. "Well you better keep your hands on me then who knows maybe one of these girls would snatch me right up." Jess giggled playfully but her words did bring a slight flutter to her chest. "What are we going to do about the girl in our room do you think she will be safe or should we go someplace else and let her rest up?" It was a good question and one Rikke would have to think long and hard about.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'The injured girl...' Rikke had gotten far more than she bargained with that ordeal and to make matter worse neither of the adventurers knew how to fix the poor girls broken psyche. Surely if they leave the girl here, she'd just get molded into a broken sextoy. The very thought making Rikke twitch slightly... then again the heroines could not take her with them.

"We still don't know whether we can help her." Rikke looked at Jess with a concerned face, they had no plan how to help the sick girl, nor knew of a place the girl could be helped. Perhaps one of the working girls could suggest something, maybe the brothel had their fair share encounters with such girls.

As Rikke comtemplated the situation the familiar pond caught her eye "Let's try asking Luna... she's probably the closest to an actual medic in this place" Jessica blinked a few times "Luna?" the heroine smiled warmly at her companion and lead her by the hand towards the spot she saw the mermaid earlier... hopefully she'll find the mermaid, otherwise they should be able to find some of the working girl in the main building and ask for information.
"Luna! Dear, you there?" Rikke slapped disturbed the water a few times and waited.