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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Indeed Madam Sasha is the head of the guild and she has a virtual monopoly on the pleasure trade." Janet's ears burned in embarrassment talking about her service that way. "Do you need me to guide you around the city? If so I shall have to get my "walking" gear on."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slightly frowned at very notion, but was she really in place to ignore the ruling order? "Don't be silly Janet. Come on let's go, we should be able to get there and back without Jess even noticing" the heroine smiled warmly as stood up and lightly took Janet by hand leading her out.

Unless the girl insisted or flatout refused to go out as she was, Rikke would have to agree to the rulling terms, otherwise off they went to the blacksmith, once again in full armor armor armed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned "As much as I would love to do that Rikke I still have to be leashed or they may extend my punishment. But.... the rules only say I need to have a color and a leash on." Winking so the clever rogue could openly see it Janet hoped Rikke was not as twisted as Sasha.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked happily "Well then, the rules won't mind if you had proper clothing on, during these walks then?" the heroine looked around the room "Though we ain't got any around here"

"I'll meet you downstairs by the exit, don't delay." Rikke winked at the blonde as she sent her away to get ready. Finally the girl was back in her trusty armor... even though Jessica had worked over it's design to make sure her friend was as skanky as possible, without losing out the defense it provided.

The girl sneaked out of the room and ever so slowly closed the door, doing her best not to wake Jessica, she'll be right back. With that Rikke quickly descended downstairs towards the exit.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way down stair and was greeted by the sight of Janet standing by the exit. She still had only her skimpy bra and loincloth on but also wore some sexy sandals. On her neck was fastened a simple black leather color with a steel ring. The collar looked vaguely similar to the ones that Sasha had used on Princess during the rogues brief meeting the other night. In her mouth Janet had the leash bundled tightly. Her face was red with embarrassment but she waited calmly for Rikke to grab the leash from her mouth and clip in on the collar. Whispering to the rogue Janet did her best to look submissive. "Mistress Im sorry but I have no other cloths in which to walk in." Rikke's sensitive ears heard the play on the word mistress and knew Janet was keeping up appearances for the sake of those around her. It was up to Rikke to decide if she wanted to play along.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That's a good girl Janet" Rikke wanted to do a simple and quick pretend kiss, though seemingly subconciously the girl locked the blonde in a surprisingly deep and passionate kiss. The rogue could feel her hand sensually slidding down towards the loincloth the blonde wore.

Though before Rikke could go any further she noticed Janets expression confusion and shock evident in her eyes. Wasn't Rikke going a bit too far? Janet was right, what was the rogue doing! With the sudden realisation Rikke quickly broke the embrace and cough bashfully, her face as shocked and confused as Janets "O-okay let's go my pet." the girls tone was a far cry from the sultry tone she greeted the blonde, still it would have to do. Hopefully the show earlier spoke more than words for any who doubted the play.

"You'll have plenty of time to crawl for what I have in store for you. Walk one twos for now. You mistress commands it~" thankfully Rikke like with all her plays quickly recoups whenever something goes wrong. Her act was solid once more. Rikke took the leash and let Janet go first, refraining from any more perversions for the sake of playing along.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Once out of ear shot Janet looked at Rikke quizzically. "So where to boss?" It was a good question and it wholly depended on where the rogue wanted to go. Asking Janet Rikke found out that the guild of smiths would be closer than the mage's hall or temple. As Rikke walked she notice Janet pry her fingers under her collar from time to time obviously uncomfortable wearing it. But still if one of the other girls or regular customers spotted Janet with out it no telling what punishment would be handed down to the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noticed the girls discomfort and sighed lightly "You'd think if they force you to wear it, it would atleast be comfortable" Janet smiled warmly at the comment "I don't think comfort is what they were designed for" Rikke returned the girls smile, she could've let the leash go... but she didn't really want to. "Well then, off to the blackmiths. Think I'll get my blade worked on for first." Janet nodded eagerly and pointed down one of the streets "It's nearby come on."

Rikke followed the girl leash in hand, as numerous people flat-out stopped and looked over the sight. Some with interest others with disgust, the rogue couldn't help but wonder how the poor blonde felt humiliated like this. Sure if it wasn't Rikke the girl might be forced to do far worse things... '...far worse things' the thought resounded in the back of the rogues mind. Her thoughts drifting off to what could those be, the sights of Janet stripped naked and crawling near Rikke as the rogue sat comfortable. Licking and caressing the new mistress's legs as Rikke eyed her submissive pet, whatever she wanted the blonde would be forced to comply. 'What fun could be had~' a devilish smirk crossed Rikkes face, as someone distant seemingly whispered in the girls head 'You already have the power to do that... why not use it. Please?' the rogue blinked a few times her eyes alternating between gleaming and her simple looks with each blink.

Though her trail of thought had quickly stopped cold as Janet stopped and turned around, an innocent smile still on her friend. "This is the place"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im just thankful Madam Sasha didn't take an interest in me. I would have hated ending up like one of her girls. Though if she had Im not sure I would have enough of my own mind to be upset about it." Janet frowned darkly. "Well at any rate here we are the Ready Blades for Ready Hands the best weapon smith in Endus." Rikke looked at the place a small smile on her lips before she went and sat on a nearby barrel. "Im not allowed inside but when you enter don't let Guff give you trouble he's not to keen on woman as fighters."

Rikke raised an eyebrow at Janets suggestion before entering the somewhat dark and smelly shop. Immediately Rikke felt the heat wash over her as well as a strong scent of burning coal, molten metal, and stale sweat. A bear of a man sat at a counter smoking a pipe while two scrawny looking lads heaved and struggled with various items just out of Rikke's sight. Looking over at Rikke as a small brass bell announced her presence the big man stood up letting Rikke get a better look at him. He was tall maybe 6 or 6 and 1/2 feet tall. He wore a very dirty red bandana above his eyes which where black as coal. He had a massive beard black like his hair and peppered with streaks of grey. His massive arms where hairy and covered with burn marks from fires long past and her wore a dirty white shirt and a smudged brown leather apron. "HA what do we have her another little girl who thinks shes a fighter. Go home and grab ya mothers skirt girl. My weapons are for men not wee little lasses playing soldier." Rikke couldn't quite make it out but she thought he heard his voice waver on the word soldier.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Yup. That's a blacksmith alright' Rikke glanced over the burly man, if anyone could improve her weapons it was this man. Completely unmoved by the mans remarks Rikke approached the bear-of-man blacksmith with an amused smirk "I hear you're the best weaponsmith this side of Endur, mind if I put that to the test"

Rikke quickly unsheathed her sword and placed it infront of the man. Perhaps the slightly dulled blade and craftmanship of the sword will speak more than anything Rikke could tell the man.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking at the dulled blade as she set down the blacksmith looked unimpressed. "Pretty little blade for a pretty little lady but Im not buying today to many weapons already not enough purchasers." With that he took his seat again and puffed on his pipe apparently ignoring Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Pretty little blade?!" Rikke crossed her arms in an outraged fashion, this was a gift from Sarah! Infact Rikke was sure Sarah had it custom made by quite the weaponsmiths and this buffon had the nerve to just shun it aside. "Look here buddy, I ain't sellin. And this is no virgin blade I'm looking to sell, I've tested it in battle and I know it can be far more superior, though it needs some treatment. If you're just making weapons to hang on the wall, then have fun. I'm sure you're feeling dang proud of all the decals you can make..." obviously Rikke wasn't going to put up with this attitude and she had no problem to let it be known "I came looking for a weaponsmith. I need this blade ready for battle and soon. If you can't do this and do it well, our business is done I won't risk my life with a shitty smith" Of all things Rikke took pride in her duelist skills, which quite regularly rely on excellent feel and control of a single weapon. So she was rather picky at what she used.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"NOW LISTEN HERE YOU SLIP OF GIRL GRUFF DOSE NOT SELL VANITY BLADES! IVE OUTFITTED ROYAL KNIGHTS AND MASTER SWORDSMEN AND I WILL NOT BE INSULTED BE A WEE GIRL!" Slamming his meaty fist into the counter Rikke couldn't help but jump as her blade bounced of the table and hit it again with a clatter. Gruff then grabbed Rikke's sword and looked it over with a discerning eye. "What have you done to this beauty lass?" He threw Rikke a accusatory glance. "I almost didn't recognize one of my own beauties due to this damage. What did you do go stab rocks?" The massive man stood from his sitting position and yelled at his assistance in the back. "Aaron, Evelyn, Trisha fire up the forge we have some tempering to do." He looked back at Rikke his grey eyes almost seemingly reevaluating the rogue. "That is if you can afford it?"

OOC: Gruff can enhance Rikke's weapons at the price listed in the item menu but he can only do enhancements that cost denari only.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke flicked her hair a smirk prominent in her face "You just worry about gettin my beauty into tip-top shape. Money is not a problem." Well depending on how the procedure takes Rikke might go look around the area, the smithy was slightly too hot and dirty for her taste anyway.

Rikke spends 50 denarii to upgrade Short Sword:
-A weapon can be enhanced to have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke left the shop after getting an estimated time of 2 hours. As she left the door and breathed in the realtivly clean air of the city Janet spoke. "Well that went as well as my first time." Janet was smiling but her eyes looked sad. "Well how where the children? No doubt covered in grime and dirt." Janet awaited Rikke's answers while holding the lead for Rikke to take. "Where should we go now boss?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shrugged lightly "Dunno, said it would take about two hours." the heroine smiled warmly at Janet. "It's your city... any sights left to see?" whatever Janets response was Rikke would likely go along with it. "So you knew mr. stuck-up-smith from before?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not much to see anymore Rikke the brothel is probably the nicest part left." Janet looked around the ruined messy streets. "Me and Gruff go way back. Did you know his mother named him after a fey creature. Ive never met one myself but I hear they are very well gifted. If ya know what I mean." Janet gave an exaggerated measure of cetain male attributes before blushing madly at what she was doing. "S s sorry Rikke I guess my time at the brothel has rubbed off on me. I never used to be so lewd." After a few moments of silence she spoke again. "At lest Ill be free in two more years though Im not sure what Ill do.. my order can't and won't accept me back."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over to Janet with a simpathetic expression, seemed the girl suffered more from the people in the city than from the actual invaders. Still she didn't want to depress the girl, best to lighten the mood up a wee bit. Rikke copied the girls earlier estimate of the fey endowment "This big eh? Well... could you imagine one THIS big." Rikke spread her arms slightly showing an impressive gap of about 2 feet, Janet laughed bashfully at the rogue, when she noticed Rikke looking at her knowingly and slowly nodding. "No way..." Janets eyes widened "And I think that's not even fully hard." Rikke started to recall her earlier adventure in the manor "It was where I found Jess. The place had been ruled over by this great big overlord of a demon and wow did this guy come packing one helluva tool." Rikke giggled lightly "Actually I think Jess had extensive experience with it... luc--" the rogue quickly broke off her sentence, what the hell was she about to say?! Jessica had been raped repeatedly by the demons in the manor and that was the cause of her turning into what she was today, how could the girl even for a moment consider such a thing as something positive. Something was horribly off with the rogue lately, though she had no clue what.
"Rikke, please tell me more of this adventure!"

Janets eyes shinned hopefully obviously curious of what happened in the manor. Rikke snickered lightly "Well if I must. I'll try to keep this brief... it all started when I picked off a manor looking for an "easy score"...." Probably around an hour passed as Rikke cheerfully recalled all the events in the manor, exagerating where needed and subtely ignoring some accidents with Janet cheering or gasping in response to the story. "And here we are now. On another crazy adventure" Rikke smiled warmly at Janet as she finished her tale "Wow... such adventures~..." the heroine looked over to Janet curiously "And whats your story Janet?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh me not much to tell really. I was born in Endus but raised on the streets. Ran around with a bunch of pickpockets till I chose the wrong mark. Thankfully he was a kind man and took me in as punishment fed me clothed me taught me honor and right from wrong. He raised me as his own and even encouraged me to join the Sacred Heart." Noting Rikke's confusion Janet continued. "The Sacred Heart is knightly order open only to pure untouched woman. I was a member in good standing until well you already know about that." Janet looked away hiding her face from Rikke's gaze. "Oh hey look Reed's fresh Mead cart is out want some?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Maybe just one pint, it is rather early after all" the girls got off their sitting spots and slowly made their way towards the cart "That's an odd restriction for an knights order, especially during these times. So who was this kind soul that took care of you?"