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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well we could get her in here during FDFR and sense she would all ready belong we would only have to hide you or get you a new undercover story." Alice looked thoughtful a moment allowing Nayomi to speak up again. "Oh! if we bring her in tonight you can disguise yourself as a new girl. They come in at all hours of the day and night. We can even get some disguise stuff before we do the switch that way you would miss FDFR night due to your evaluation." Alice looked at Nayomi again. "Thats a good idea but I don't think Rikke wants to do that. I wouldn't wish that evaluation on anyone." Meanwhile Cassandra and Janet had scooted themselves up to a wall trapping Janet next to the Amazonian who was leaning against her whispering things in her ear that Rikke couldn't make out. "Well then what should we do?" Nayomi sounded upset but kept looking at the girls. "Im not sure you have input Rikke?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"This evaluation... they just look at you and interogate you?" Rikke thought about something for moment "Besides just how well are all the girls kept a eye on, what if I just get the uniform on and change my hair. No evaluation or nothing. Just another working girl number X" the rogue smiled "But between the two I'd rather keep my distance from Sarah at all cost... so I'd prefer to take my chances with the FDFR night..."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Alice thought a moment then answered "Well during my evaluation I was set into the room it was very bright almost to bright to see until my eyes adjusted. The room was separated by a black screen I couldn't see through and several voices asked me to turn and do other things some where embarrassing but mostly it was so they could get a good look at me in the nude. The evaluation was done by Sasah's daughter and she asked very intimate questions." She thought onces more going silent for a moment. "The first time I saw Sasha is when she gave me the run down of what is expected of me and the length of my sentence. But your right as long as there is no reason for them to call up your records you should be fine."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Will there be another role call? Like before the night?" Rikke turned to Alice "Incase she's looked for we better have "Erica" present... best not have the brothel look for a girl who came in but disappeared upon entry."

"At any rate, I have some other business with Luna too, so I'll grab the hair lengthening potion no problem. I'm leaving the job to get Erica back inside to you three, tell the Wargs it's a request from me, Rikke." Rikke nodded to the girls "Nayomi find me some lenses that strongly diminish blue eyes, mine are... bright."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The only time roll call is taken is for events outside the brothel or when rank evaluations are done. So that shouldn't be an issue." With all in agreement Rikke took off leaving poor Janet to the tender mercies of Cassandra. Nayomi followed Rikke out and released swift once she reached the garden before heading back inside. Rikke made her way to the garden and to Luna's pool thankfully Luna was outside gathering more herbs and waved at Rikke. "Hey Erica here for some more morning after potion? I know your really popular with the customers."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That potion saved Jess from having a baby shorn weed." Rikke giggled lightheartily and smiled widely at her friend "Luna! Oh~ I missed you!" the heroine quickly ran up to the mermaid and hugged her warmly "How you've been? Steve still the grumpy old fish he was?" Rikke tightened her hug happily "... and I hope me and Jess didn't leave too much of a mess down there."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna's eyes opened wide "Rikke? GODS girl you can't be seen here." Luna forcefully grabbed Rikke kissed her on the lips and threw her into the water before joining her a moment later guiding her to her underwater home. "Rikke Im glad your safe when Jess was brought in I was worried for you. What happened you have to tell me." Rikke was about to speak when a very loud moan echoed threw the rooms.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beamed a smile as the mermaid recognised her "The one and only." though the sudden kiss was a rather unexpected reaction... on it's own atleast, wouldn't take long to realise the mermaid used her water breath ability on the rogue. Oddly Steve didn't pop by, perhaps he was busy with something... like sorting his own "collection".

"That's the reason I'm here, after we got the b---" Rikke was about to tell a quick recollection of events, when a loud moan interupted her.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna blushed as the moan echoed threw her home. "Well the woman your brought with you is recovering but uhh she seemed to pick up a few traits. Mostly shes a lusty nympho who can't get enough cock but I think that will lessen as she gets used to normal life again. So you where saying Rikke?" Rikke tried to speak again but a sudden and earnest banging rocked one of luna's walls which only caused the girl to blush more. "Maybe I shouldn't have given her some toys to play with though to be fare I wasn't expecting company."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened as she giggled merrily "But she's recovering right?" last time the rogue saw the girl she was completely and absolutely broken, an addiction to sex could be seen as improvement if the girl actually managed think clearly in between her... activities.

"Like I was saying *thud* we managed to get the badge from the ruins *a loud moan* but *thud* on *thud* .... but on our way back we've been beaten by these slavers *another loud moan*" Rikke paused a moment... well the place is certainly more lively than it used to "You consider getting her cocks from upstairs, maybe that would calm her down... perhaps the brothel boys need to warm up or training or something?" Sure it would be indulging her addiction but hardly anyone gets better with a sudden stop from their addiction... the detox can be brutal.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ive tried Rikke but shes terrified of the real thing even though she desires it. I don't really know what to do except hope she regains some more of her self." The thudding and moaning reached a sudden crescendo quickly followed by a loud and lustful yesssss that stretched on far longer than it should have. "Ahh good she finally reached her peak that should by us some time to talk. So Rikke what brings you to my door dressed like a whore?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm getting Jessica out of here... so me Cass, Nayomi, Alice and Janet gonna do it during tommorows belly dance evening." Rikke eyed Luna explaining her plan "We can't have 2 Erica walking around so I'm gonna need to change my appearance slightly and blend in... perhaps some hair growth potions and dyes would do the trick." the rogue smiled at her friend "Can you hook me up?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ohh a daring escape humm." Luna smiled at Rikke and got a little closer. "Did I ever tell you I like dangerous woman Rikke?" Luna got close almost to close before the bed in the adjoining room started creaking interrupting Luna's approach. Blushing once again Lune excused herself and went over to her shelf. "Uh so what color did you have in mind and what length? I got brown, red, black, blue, pink and every blonde known to man?."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Um... something easy to reverse back to my normal color..." Rikke blushed lightly, who knew it was this easy to get your hair completely changed... alchemist. Yeesh. "Red might catch too many looks... and I'd rather drop the long haired black color look. Maybe lets go with brown and say a light hair growth enchancer... maybe If I can't wear a top atleast I'll cover myself slightly with my hair" the heroine giggled lightheartily, as she waited for Luna to browse through her collection.

"So~ you got any pointers for a brave girl sneaking into Sashas quaters? Look our for? Beware of?" Rikke smiled at her friend warmly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm that might be diffcult I don't have auburn in my supply so it will take time for it to grow out afterwards oh and it changes all your hair color Rikke not just the top of your head." Turning around Luna steped up to Rikke and grabbed her breasts and squeezed them lightly. "If you want enough hair to cover them your gonna need more than just a minor hair growth potion." Looking threw her supply Luna grabbed one and tossed it to Rikke "That should cause your hair to grow long enough to cover your girls." Digging through her supplies again Luna brought to potions over to Rikke. "Heres the brown you wanted but I think you might do good as a dirty blonde humm?" Luna shock the bottle trying to temp Rikke into taking it. "As for sneaking in Im not sure Ive always been on good terms with my employer so I never had to think about sneaking anywhere."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed lightly at the unwarned, but gentle caress... sure maybe the mermaid wanted to elaborate on the idea, but still... "Hm... yeah dirty blond sounds great too." Rikke smirked at her friend, the constant advances from the mermaid didn't go unnoticed as the rogue started giving the mermaid some looks. "Still you probably been in there a few times, where are the guards usually standing? For all I know there's only 2 at the entrance..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"From what Ive seen their are two out front and one or two that patrol the hall. Most of her protection comes from her collection. Most of those girls are fanatical and would do anything for their mistress." Looking over at Rikke Luna gazed at her with a questioning look on her face. "Well drink up the hair growth first unless you want two tone hair. I want to make sure you don't have any bad reactions."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"B-but I've gotta look like Erica tonight, what if someone looks for Erica in the party?" Rikke blinked a few times at Luna "If I break the illusion early and change my appearance now, Erica and I would be in big trouble. Maybe just give me the flasks and I'll drink them tommorow after Erica gets back inside."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So just get her inside tonight Im nto gonna take a risk that youll get sick or something from the potions." Luna crossed her arms and put her foot down looks like she wasn't taking no for an answer. "Anyway it would be easier to get Erica back in here during the chaos of FDFR night anyway."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Rikke did leave gettin the plans to get Erica back to the trio... exactly when they will sneak her in slipped the rogues mind. "But..." Rikke looked up at Luna... that gaze was not going to accept any complaints "... I hope noone misses her." with that Rikke quickly started ruffling her black illusionnary hair, the constant disturbances cracking and shattering the illusion like glass. "Ah~~" Rikke shook her head a few times just to get back the full feel of her true hair "Much~ better... and now." with that the rogue gulped down the growth potion, the taste was pretty much like bitter sap, but it wasn't like she was drinking it for the taste. "Ugh... what's this made of?" Rikke returned her gaze to Luna.