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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna looked at Rikke the mischievous smile still on her face. "Well you have no bra for him to steal so you should be okay and I think he likes you. Hes such a strange fish and her gets lonely. Even though he has only himself to blame he keeps eating all his room mates."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at her friend "Maybe I should bring a bra as payment for entry to his lake?" Rikke hugged her friend and gave her a friendly short kiss "Come join after you're done here alright? Maybe we can play tag or something. Or~ we could have some R&R together! You know Erica, Alice, Nayomi, Cass, Jes-- *Rikke paused a moment* J-Janet." Rikke gave Luna a slightly shivering smile, Jessica was becoming more and more prevelent in the girls head, but no matter how much she would worry it woulnd't speed things along. Only make it worse. For now she should just relax.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ill see what I can do but looking at this place it might take awhile. I hate when she hold off to the end of the month to due these things its always so messy afterwards." Luna gradually walked off still muttering about the smell and mess leaving Rikke to do as she pleased. The lake sounded good even if it was inhabited by a pervert fish though swimming alone might be to boring and as for the other girls Rikke had now way of knowing if they had a busy night or not.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

" 'kay, we'll be waiting" it was a brilliant idea, perhaps her new gang would want to join in! Rikke quickly rushed to the room the girls were sleeping, it was well into the morning about time to wake up! "Girls! Girls! Wanna go for a swimming in the pond?" the rogue smiled widely at the bunch as she instantly threw her offer out upon entry.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet was still awake and apparently talking with Nayomi while the trio on the floor continued to sleep away. Nayomi brightened at the news and Janet smiled even if a little reluctantly. "Oh where are we going to swim Rikke?" Nayomi was up and out of the bed right at Rikke's side hands held together in excitement. At this moment she seemed very child like. The other three just groaned and cuddled closer together their potions untouched.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered at the three "corpses" on the floor, someone had quite the night... still she found company , so she wasn't complaining "Luna's pond ofcourse." the heroine smiled warmly Nayomi "Janet you coming? Come on, it'll be fun!" at first janet was a little reluctant, but it sure beat just sitting in the room... besides she actually really enjoyed Rikkes company. Unless omeone had some objections off they went!

"Last one there has to calm Steve down!" Rikke grinned mischieviously as she took off, not at her full speed though. She wanted to give the girls a fighting chance... a fighting chance she'll crush nearing the finish! A devilish giggle rang out through the rogue mind.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ran threw the brothel heading for the doors to the gardens keeping a head enough to keep the girls thinking they had a chance. Looking back briefly Rikke saw that Janet brought up the tail end of the pack even though her longer legs should have given her the advantage over Nayomi. Nayomi however was clearly a runner. Her form was perfect and she almost glided over the floor and she was fast not as fast as Rikke who had been travailing and running when called for but if Nayomi hadn't been sent to the brothel where her body was used for different things other than running she could probably have been a serious contender it almost made Rikke wonder what she used to do before this.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned happily at their little race "Come on Janey! We're running circles around you~" the rogue stuck her tongue out playfully at her blonde friend, making Nayomi giggle from the friendly taunt. Still the brothel wasn't exactly all that huge especially when you're running through it, so in no time at all Rikke could see the entrance to Lunas little corner of the brothel.

"Almost there~ Hope you brought a bra Janey~" Rikke giggled happily, as she continued to keep her pace with both girls behind her. Even if Nayomi almost gave her a run for her money Rikke didn't need to dash. She could just run and jump right into the pond!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke clearly out paced both girls before running off the end of the dock and jumping in with a splash quickly followed by Nayomi. The cold water did wonders for the sleepy girl as her eyes lit up from the sudden change in temperature. Surfacing Rikke could see Janet stopped at the edge of the dock hesitating. Nayomi swam like a fish started to giggle and smile brightly. thankfully their was no sign of Steve just yet.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Lookey who'll have to calm Steve down!" Rikke giggled at Janet as the girl finally reached the pond, but was rather hesitant to join in quite yet... as if the rogue would give her the opportunity. Rikke sank down deeper keeping her nose and head above water as she closed in on Janet, like some predator... POUNCE! Rikke quickly lunged out grabbing the girls hand and dragged her in, giggling happily at her mischief.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke pulls Janet into the pond: grapple auto success!
Janet freaks out she can't swim: Grapple vs Rikke
47 vs 43 success
Janet screamed as Rikke pulled her into the water and couldn't help but be satisfied at her mischife but then Janet began to struggle and gasp and panic grabbing Rikke in her desperation to to sink into the water causing both to sink. Janet was in a panic afraid of drowning and if she didn't get clam Rikke would be in danger of being taken down with her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wait, Janet couldn't swim?! Well this was a rather nasty surprise! Thankfully Rikke was rather well versed in most traits of adventure including swimming. The rogue quickly grabbed hold of Janet and kissed her tightly making sure the girl wouldn't catch any water in her lungs.

Both girls were completely submerged and well they couldn't stay like this for long. Hopefully Rikkes tight grip would be enough to stop jantes squirming and her kiss enough to relax the blonde.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grapple for submission hold.
Janet trying to reach the top of the water
51 vs 44 Rikke success

Janet struggled to get to air bug Rikke clamped the struggling girls arms to her side and kissed her. Using her own legs Rikke was able to get them from sinking in the water. When they reached the surface Rikke changed position to behind Janet and started swimming to shore. Her mouth free Janet breathed in huge gulps of air as Rikke feltl her heart pounding. Reaching the shallower part of the shore Janet finally was able to stand on her own and turned around and kissed Rikke deeply on the lips for a good while before pulling away. "Thank you" it was genuene and heartfelt but so was the next thing that happened. As Rikke stood their Janet slapped her nothing to hard but more of a how dare you slap. "DON"T DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" With that Janet hugged Rikke again and started crying her mood swing apparently over for now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled guiltily at Janet, while rubbing her lightly blushed from impact cheek, well how was she supposed to know the girl couldn't swim, still she deserved it "S-sorry... I didn't know" Janet quickly hugged the girl in apology for the slap and likely to relieve her distress "Come on Janey, no worries. I so~ deserved that" Rikke giggled at her friend, as the blonde finally let her go.

"Besides you have something far more important to worry about..." Janets face showed some concern at the statement as Rikke closed the distance "You see someone..." *SPLASH!* Rikke blinded the girl with water temporally and grabbed the knot holding Janets loincloth on her "Has your panties!" Rikke laughed merrily as she slowly ran across the shallow end waving the loincloth like a flag, hopefully Janet would atleast be playful... or want her loincloth back.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"RIKKE!" Janet tried to go after the rogue but Rikke was far to agile for the former knight and easily out maneuvered her at every turn. Nayomi however giggled loudly as she watched the antics.

Steve was having a good day well a good day for any semi intelligent fish who was a pervert and collected bra's still his latest prize was by far the best. The auburn haired woman he liberated it from was an exceptional beauty it was a shame she had changed her hair color still Steve didn't mind. Swimming lazily about his domain he was alerted by the sound and sensations of disturbed water lots of disturbed water. Swimming closer to see who dared invade his domain he spotted a familiar sight the beauty that had visited his lake she was back oh how she would pay for this insolence still she had brought others. A wicked plan formed in the perverted fish's brain maybe it was time to expand his collection.

Nayomi was feeling relaxed she needed this while not the wilds she was use to it was still closer than those horrid baths why anyone would bath in such hot water made her wonder these humans and elves where strange creatures indeed but a few of them had redeeming qualities even if they liked burning themselves with scalding water. Floating on her back Nayomi was totaly unaware that a predator stalked her. From below Nayomi felt a brief pull that dropped her below the surface which surprised her but she quickly recovered not knowing that Steve had struck and she was now pantie less.

Rikke was having good fun and could see Janet start to enjoy herself to. She was in the middle of taunting Janet again when Steve stuck jumping right out of the water and hitting Rikke square in the chest knocking her under the waves where he quickly snached both her and Janet's panties and swam away.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Maybe I'll start a collection or sell this to Steve." Rikke giggled happily at Janet "Give it here!" the blonde jumped at her missing completely and dropping right into the shallow water. Rikke laughted merrily and she knew she heard Nayomi do the same.

Still with all this excitement she completely missed Nayomis little incident and continued to play around with Janet, both girls now laughing merilly. Unfortunately this gave way for the mischievious fish to amke his move. Rikke once more dodged Janets attempts to grapple her and stuck her tongue out playfully "Guess you--" suddenly the huge Fish jumped out and right into Rikke, it wasn't a painful or hostile attack more, like a way to force the girl underwater.

"RIKKE!" just the shock was enough for Rikke to loosen her grip on Janets cloth, and with a quick tug she could feel a certain something slip off her aswell. Rikke quickly surfaced looking around "STEVE! That was not cool!" she eyed the depth angrily "Wait..." the rogue felt herself... SHE WAS NAKED. "STEVE! Nayomi look out Steve's stealing our clothes!" Rikke screamed out lightly blushing at the very idea.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi looked at Rikke puzzled who's Steve and how is he stealing our cloths. Still she looked about then only then did she notice her panties where gone. Letting out a cute little eek Nayomi swam back to the others. "Mine are gone to!" Rikke watched as little tiny air bubbles reached the surface of the water leaving a trail that dispersed midway into the pond and got the impression that Steve was laughing at her. "Uhh Rikke what do we do now?" Steve swam away exceptionally proud of himself that should teach the woman not to trespass in his lake. If fish could laugh Steve would be having the best evil chuckle any fish could ever hope to muster.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the surfacing buttles with rivalry, oh~ this will not stand "Well I'm not gonna let that fish get away with my bra AND my panties!" the rogue tapped her lips formulating a plan for a brief moment "So... who's Steve?" Rikke smiled seemed the girls weren't as acquainted with the pervert in the pond "A huge perverted fish that steals womens clothing..." Rikke chuckled lightly as both girl eyed her curiously... was she serious? "Any ideas how could we swim down without suffocating?" Rikke smiled at her friends.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke like she had grown another head. "You want to fight a fish in water? Even if we could manage that I can't swim so count me out. I almost drowned once today not interested in a repeat." "I hear Luna's a mermaid maybe she can fetch them out of the water?" It was a daunting task neither of her companions seemed to have any ideas let alone interest in chasing after the fish but man did Steve just do the wrong thing. It looked like Rikke might have to come up with a plan on her own.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed at her two companions "Are you just gonna let a fish do this to you?!" the rogue slowly started moving into the pond "Where are you going?" "I'll check just where exactly is that bloody fish." it was no lie Rikke had more than exceptional lungs, but if the prize was too deep the pressure and depth may be too much even for her.

She needed to find Seves stash! "Be right back!" with that Rikke dived into the wate, her eyes wide open. Thankfully it was an exceptionally clean lake so it barely stung or anything.
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