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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi linked arms with Rikke as she walked with her leaning in to rest her head on the rogue while Janet looked lost in thought and distant. It wasn't long before the girls made their way to the kitchen where several other girls sat and stood talking and conversing. Noticing Cassandra Erika and Alice setting at a table Rikke made her way over with Janet and Nayomi.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned her head to Nayomi aswell, she was such a sweet little thing. Poor girl doesn't deserve to be stuck in a brothel of all places! Still by now all three girls felt pretty darn hungry, the brief swimming sessions doing nothing to aleaviate this.
"Room for three more?" Rikke smiled warmly at her girl gang, with Janet and Nayomi at her sides.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey!" The girls said in unison still lacking a name to call her while undercover. "Come on have a seat." Alice pulled a chair out for her to sit on. "Okay girls we have some business to discuss sense our friend here as clearly shown her skill and endurance I say we make it official and make Rikke our leader." Everyone with the exception of Erica nodded she had clearly been left out of the loop. "Yeah even I have to admit that shes a tough girl she gets my vote." Cassandra looked away pretending to be uninterested but Rikke saw a glint of respect in her eyes. Nayomi just smiled and held Rikke tighter her excitement evident in her actions. "Okay now thats out of the way on to our newest member Janet." The girls looked all at Janet who seemed to shrink back from their gaze. "You wanted to join now its time to make it official. Cassandra if you will." Cassandra then got up and went over to Janet and odd device with a very large spike in her hand. "Okay Janet this is gonna hurt but your a trooper right?" Cassandra pinched Janet on the bottom which made the girl jump a little. Meanwhile Alice was pulling out a lightly green colored vial. "Okay open up Janey" Janet complied as Cassandra took the device and placed it so its spike rested on her tongue. "On the count of three ready One, THREE!" Cassandra quickly pressed the handles of the device together and let them go just as quick. Janet quickly took a death grip on Rikke's arm and pounded her fist on the table but to her credit didn't scream out once. "There its over drink this quickly we don't want you to bleed all over." Janet did as told and down the green potion with out hesitation and Rikke could see the pain in her eyes fade as she began to relax. "Good almost as good as when I joined now champ show us." Janet stuck out her tongue quickly followed by the rest of the girls doing the same showing off identical blue tongue studs. "Don't worry Rikke you won't have to do this after all once you escape your time as leader will be done but for now you get all the benefits including Nayomi." Alice raised her eyebrow at Rikke knowingly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blushed lightly at the praise "I-if you insist..." the girl smiled warmly to her gang. Though the next event really chilled the girl.

At first Rikke eyed the procedure with absolute horror what was that needle like spike for... what was that device, what's in the green vial? Though she remained silent, if she sensed something terrible the girl would've jumped. However by the time she could've said something it seemed far too late. Hekc Rikke almost yelped out and turned away once the puncture was done. Though looking back as Janet relaxed, she sighed with relief. Eyeing the "mark" with fascination "That's one odd gang mark you have there" Alice snickered lightly "Oh you don't really feel it after a day or so... besides it works magic during fellatio" Rikke raised her eyebrows, well who knew. In all this stress and relief that she didn't have to go through the same the remark about "getting" Nayomi as the leader slipped by.

Still this was a chance for them to discuss their plan "Okay me and Janet thought things over and here's what I'll need. First, we need to make sure the guards on duty in Sarahs quarters entrance drink a lust potion, the really powerful one... then I'll need 2 of you girls to "relieve" them while I sneak in. The longer you keep them the better, I'll still need to get out... but do what you can. With Jess around we'll bust out if needed." Rikke looked around "Janet vollunteered to take care of the first guard, we need one more to help her out. And some way to make sure they drink the potions...."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I could slip into their coffee and take it to them though there's no guarantee they'll drink it. Cook usually makes a batch of the stuff for them on long nights." Nayomi smiled waiting for input from the others. "Not bad not bad Cassandra do you think you can help Janet out with the guards?" Cassandra looked at the group and sighed. "The things I do for you people. I can but you owe me one." Cassandra pointed right at Rikke. "Erika and I will be danceing lets make it one to be remembered right Erika." "Sure boss." "That just leaves your end Rikke and remember you have to get us out one way or another."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A girls promise" Rikke smiled at Alice reassuringly, she was always a girl of her word... most of the time "So then anyone see Luna? We'll need those potions ready... and by the way girls... You've got a name right? The group." How was the rogue supposed to do shoutouts "go team" when she doesn't even know whats the name of the promiscious four.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah shes here with some new girl we've never seen claims she her apprentice or some such wash. I think she just found a hookup and is just saying shes her apprentice so Sasha doesn't kick them both out." Alice rolled her eyes at her friend. "Cassy be nice Luna has done all of us a world of good don't let jealousy get the better of you." Cassandra just humphed but said nothing further. "As for our name Rikke we never really came up with one. After all its not like we ever needed one we are hardly thieves well right now were not thieves so we never picked one."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But you've got to have a name girls~ You got the initiation rites and everything. How about The Blue girls club or... Freedom girls or~ F-team..." honestly by now Nayomi had a run for her money, for the most childish member of the group. Still at the very least it was an amusing gesture from Rikke, though whether the girls got enganged was up to them. If they didn't decided quite yet Rikke would go off to search for Luna, perhaps the alchemist will have her own take on Rikkes plan. Hopefully the girls wil have decided on the name by the time she gets back. Otherwise a cheer our would be required before the girl leaves.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This seemed to start a little bit of debate around the girls as the spoke in hushed tones. Waiting a moment Rikke saw Luna and Karly sit themselves at a table now was the time to ask. Heading over Rikke noticed that the woman she had saved her first day here was up and clear eyed looking at a plate of food which looked way to fancy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly approached the girl "Hey~ Mind if I join you for a bit" the rogue as she sat down, it was rather doubtful if she'd be shoo'ed away "So~ "Apprentice" eh?" she eyed the girl happily "It means more to me that you're getting better than you could ever imagine..." Rikke either never got the girls name or flatout forgot, so it was best to just look at her when adressing Karly, still her joy that the girl was recoup'ing quite nicely shouldn't be under stated.

"Luna, mind if we go chat..." Rikke looked around "...somewhere more private, both of you can come if you want."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna looked up at Rikke and smiled. "Ahh good Rikke this is Karly. Karly this is Rikke one of the women that saved you." Karly was still under weight but her clear eyes showed that at lest at this moment she was free of the lust inducing effects and had started to heal. "Uh hi Rikke" Karly started to blush "Sorry about before." It looks like the girl was starting to remember things especially how she tried to jump poor Rikke the day before. "Any way what can I do for my favorite rogue? Humm I only say that because she hasn't stolen from me yet." Luna winked at Rikke the playfulness in her tone more than evident. Explaining her need quietly to Luna the mermaid alchemist simply nodded in understanding. "I can do that for ya Rikke but only because you need it to save Jess. I hate those potions even though I need to make them for my employer. The good news is I can make it tasteless so the guards won't suspect anything but you got to promise me Rikke you'll never ask for such things again okay?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ofcourse. Why would I even want such a potion..." Rikke slightly blushed asher gaze ran away from Luna "Me and Jess... don't need anymore helping to have our fun..." the very thought of finally being reunited with Jessica made Rikke giddy... tonight she'll finally rescue her.

"Though I was thinking... I'm no alchemist, but couldyou potentially make the potion take effect if say... they smell some incense or~ after a certain amount of time" Rikke smiled hopefully at Luna "I'd rather not have them just squeeze one out whenever and be done with it..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thats tricky business Rikke and it hardly ever works right like that. I can say however it usually takes a few minutes for the effects to kick in so you would have some time." Luna put a hand on Rikke's shoulder "Also I think Im gonna give you an antidote just in case Jess needs it. Sasha been looking rather satisfied lately." The remark hurt in more ways than one. Not only was Jess probably being drugged but the though of her being with someone else with out Rikke hurt as well.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A small flame of jealousy and anger exploded in Rikkes eyes, bus managed not to snap "Y-yeah... please. If I know Jess she---" Rikke paused "Yeah please do, Luna. Shall I come to you for the potions or will you have them delivered... it's kinda a secret order" the rogue finally broke a smile through her fury.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm Ill drop them by no need for Steve to have anymore fun plus being soaking wet makes it harder to sneak right?" Luna smiled at Rikke "Don't worry to much about Jess alright she'll be fine she hasn't been exposed long enough to have any lasting effects. Though it I wouldn't wait much longer." Though once she thought about it Jess was fairly resistant to must things that often sent Rikke for a loop but still it had been three days sense she had been taken and Gods only know what Sasha had been using on the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thanks Luna." Rikke gave the girl a light kiss on the cheek "I owe you so much.... after all of this blows over, I'll make sure to make it up to you somehow." With that the girl went off back to her girl gang. Maybe they finally decided on a name... besides she had her lunch to finish.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You just make sure you get that girl of yours out of trouble and Ill call it good." Luna went back to talking with Karly while Rikke made her way back to the table which was still heated in debate about what would be a good name. "How about Ladies of Luck?" the girls seemed to stop a moment each lost in their thought about it leaving Rikke to seat at a very suddenly silent table.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why not just Lucky Ladies or~ Venus girls..." Rikke smiled at her gang, on the brightside atleast the girl weren't think of any sexual titles, guess the rogue gave them hope to get out of here... speaking of which "...you know, I'm starting to think maybe after I finally reach Jess, just makign B-line to the exit may not be the best way to slip out... though I'll need rumble out of here before Sasha returns. Any convenient exit locations out of this place? Back entrance? Hole in the outer walls?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Venus girls isn't bad but people might get the wrong idea." Nayomi, Cassandra, and Alice all turned to Janet and just laughed. Alice smiled "Oh I think were goddess in our own right Janey." The girls all laughed but quickly turned to the matter at hand. "Well the walls are fairly high but not wide enough for anyone to patrol so if you can get over them you should be golden." The rest of the girls got quiet trying to think about how to best get Rikke out. "Maybe you can get out threw the admin offices they are right against the wall though you would have to leave us behind for that to work." All the girls got quiet again not daring to say anthing it was really killing the mood.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tapped her lip contemplating "I could just buy you out of here... but I doubt Sasha will take kindly to me after I steal Jessica away. Jumping the wall might be our best bet, we'd give each other a boost and just hoist one another up. Then... anyone send a message for the wargs to expect us? Once we're in their grasp Sasha shouldn't have any sway on your freedom. Mercs don't answer to anyone and they owe me just enough to ensure we ALL get out of this clean." the rogue smiled lightly "...but first, if you don't mind...what are you girls in here for?" If Rikkes gonna bust them out she better make sure these aren't serial murderers or cultists...