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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff looked it over "Down the street and to the left is the jeweler and don't tell her I sent you her way I don't think I could stand another one of her thank you cakes."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly "Very well I'll spare your stomach this one time. So~ how soon can you get those blades enhnaced with venom?" the heroine would receive the estimated and call out Willow to follow before leaving. Looks like the two girls would have a small fuzzy guardian joining them. Hopefully the walk to the Jewelery would be uneventful and the vendor would offer fair prices for the rogues treasures.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was a bark but no Willow looks like Rikke would have to find her poor puppy. "They should be out back Rikke. As for your blades Im not to sure come back in 2 hours I should be able to tell you more." Gruff grabbed the coins and foul smelling container and went back to his workshop mumbling to himself. Leaving Rikke and Jess to rescue poor Willow from the children.

The back as it turned out was really the side of the house but it was probably the greenest part of Endus besides the brothel and shrine at the cathedral. Four children played with Willow the little puppy obviously enjoying the challenge. Rikke saw Trishsa and Evelyn the girls looking very similar even if Evelyn was more of a woman than a girl. Aaron had a similar look to his sisters clearly identifying them as siblings. However the older boy Rikke didn't know but kept stealing glances as Evelyn glances that Rikke knew all to well.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly to herself, ah~ young love. "Come on, Willow, I'm affraid we've got to go. Say buh-bye to your friends" the heroine clapped her hands a few times and smiled warmly. She didn't want to spoil the children fun, nor the pups, but the day was short and they had a lot to do.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow looked at Rikke and bounded toward her only stopping mid way to look at the children and bark before running up to Rikke and wagging his tail barking some more. The children where obviously disappointed that Willow had to leave but waved good bye to the puppy demand that Rikke bring him back for a visit.

Making their way to the Jeweler was easy enough as a gaudy series of signs lead them right to the door of Katrina's Fine Jewels for Fine Folks. The windows had bars on them which protected the display cases of jewelry most of which where very fine specimens. Jess cracked the door a wee bit and an overpowering scent of incense and burnt food wafted to the girls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hello? Anyone here?" Rikke cautiously looked inside, Willow peeking out of the girls backpack. For the time being the little pup would go on adventures via special travel, atleast till he was big enough to keep up with the girls and not get lost... though he was rather smart, chances were he was hitching a ride. Whatever the case upon smelling the aroma the pup yelped and dived deeper into the backpack. "Katrina?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nya!" a silhouetted figure came dashing around a corner with a bucket of water and ran around another corner before a loud splash could be heard and and a new wave thick smoke wafted out of a back room. Rikke and Jess coughed as the thick smoke hit them but with the door open it soon left leaving a slightly smoky haze in the room. Moments later a disheveled looking woman with cat ears and a cat tail came walking out of the back room. "How will I ever get Gruff to like me if I can't cook." The woman seemed to have missed that Jessica and Rikke where present. She had a lithe form with black hair and green eyes gifted with large D's she was rather attractive even in her sooty dirty state.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered warmly, well wasn't this a surprise... she didn't look like a Kitsune, no her features were more feline. A cat-girl? "Cooking problems?" the rogue finally adressed the host "I think Jessica could help you with that." Rikke turned to her companion and grinned happily.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Katrina's tail shot straight up and the woman with more grace than most could muster back flipped over a counter and hid behind it. Slowly Rikke could see her cat like ears move up from the cover of the counter twitching slightly these where quickly followed by her green eyes. "Are you customers?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We're adventurers looking to sell some jewelry we ran across on our travels" Rikke smiled that friendly smile of hers and looked to the girl, for a response "Are you Katrina? The local jewelrer?" the heroine leaned forward closer to the cashier.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The cat girl relaxed a little and stood to her full height. "Why yes Im Katrina the jeweler I can provide all your accessory needs." The Su-ku-ta sneezed a little of the smoke irritating her nose. "Sorry about the smoke Ive been trying to learn how to cook."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at the Su-ku-ta "Yeah cooking has been my nemesis for a long, long time aswell" the rogue approached the counter and placed the valueables pouch on the table near the Su-ku-ta "Here's the jewels... they're.. from a very wealthy baron as reward for saving his... daughters virginity from goblins. It was a tough fight, but he was generous." well Rikke wasn't going to say she got it from ransacking corpses and abbandoned buildings, now was she "Perhaps you'd be interested in taking these off my hands? I'd rather have denarii in my pocket than these."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A wealthy baron huh?" Katrina picked up one of the rings and looked it over pulling out a mini eye glass. "Well they are good pices." Katrina picked up each one in turn. "Though I doubt the baron lives in such a dusty place." Katrina's ears twitched. "Ill give you 40 denari for the lot and maybe some cooking lessons on the side? You did say your companion was good at them yes?" Not waiting for Rikke or Jess to answer Katrina vaulted over the counter once more and ran up to Jess. "Can you please please help me learn to cook." The cat girl was bouncing up and down repeatedly causing her jugs to bounce along with her almost hypnotically. "The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach I was told and Ill need all the help I can get with that giant of a man down the road he's so handsome and beefy." Rikke could see Katrina swoon and drool at the same time. "So strong and kind I would let him take me anyway he wanted to." Realizing what she shad the girl turned red but her tail gave her away she had naughty thoughts on the brain. Jess was just flabbergasted and looked to Rikke for help.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Make it 60 and it's a deal... Jessicas cooking will make any man go mad with love. I saw her seduce 8 men with just 2 sandwiches once..." Rikke leaned to the counter and grinned evilishly at her companion, almost throwing her into the lions den. The heroine didn't even notice how the more important objectives just floated off at the promise of hijinks and mischief... and just to tease Jessica.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Swooning or not Katrina was a business woman. Looking at Rikke she smirked "50 and you have to help to!" Katrina grabbed Jess's hand and dragged her to the kitchen getting a little eeek along the way. Pushing her into the room Katrina turned around and looked at Rikke. "Get Ready I need to keep an eye on your friend she looks like she has sticky fingers."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was the armor wasn't it?! Rikke twitched at the mention, did she get a sign on her armor saying "thief"? MAYBE she was planning to "borrow" something for the blacksmiths daughter from here, but she would've payed back!... eventually. "Fine 50 it is." the rogue snickered lightly "Let's get this sorted and then go see what we'll be working with eh?" the womans cooking couldn't be THAT bad... could it...?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No it wasn't bad disaster would be better. The only time Rikke had seen a kitchen in this much disarray was at the Pesli Manor. Burt food lingered on pans and pots ingredients lay everywhere charcoal bricks the shape of bread loaves lay all over the floor. "Oh dear......." Oh dear was right what had she gotten herself into.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stood silently in shock and wanted to burst out in laughter, well this would be quite something... the heroine turned to jessica grinning evilishly "For the bonus Denarii Jess. It's your world, have at it." Rikke giggled warmly, did Jess still have her touch when it came to cleaning and cooking? She hasn't been a maid for a long time now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess clapped her hands and pulled back her hair. "Alright! lets do it! First off lets get this poor excuse of a kitchen cleaned up." Jess seemed to take on a different air as she suddenly began to order both the girls around in a commanding voice that wouldn't take no for an answer. After an hour of cleaning and organizing Jess surveyed the kitchen. Rikke and Kat where both covered in dirt and grime. "Okay you two get cleaned up first thing we are going to do is bake some bread!" Once again Jess ordered the two around into a service line mixing dough and prepping pans. During this Jess was giving pointers to Kat teaching and showing where the Kat girl had gone wrong. It was strange to see Jess in action it was almost as if she was a different person. "Okay now we wait for the dough to rise."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This wasn't how Rikke planned it at all! Why was SHE the one doing all the work! Still soon the kitchen was squeeky clean, not a single drop of grime or whatnot that Rikke tried to sneak past escaped the maids gaze. On the brightside once the cooking started Rikke really got into it, she never did learn how to really cook... grilled food and fire heated meat excluded. This was honestly rather fun! "Mhm~ whats next?"