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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I suppose I could take one more." The frail woman grabbed a cane and shuffled her way to Rikke. "Now dear what can betty do for you today?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm so sorry for boothering you at this hour, but I have very limited free time nowadays" the heroine gave another warm smile to the woman "I was wondering, as a tailor... perhaps you know of material that is water or liquid resistant. Say to keep the water from leaking from it or holding it away from ever going through..." well the woman definedly had the look of a seasoned merchant if such a material was avaible she'd likely have it or know if someone has it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Resistant to water you say?" The old woman looked to be thinking or maybe sleeping it was hard to tell. Jess was about to shake her to see if she was okay when she spoke again. "Well treated leather would be best its not as porous as cloth. Do you need a weather resistant cloak dear?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Y-yeah... but this would be a special request..." Rikke coughed lightly "I'd need it to be resistant to liquids from the inside... it would also be rather nice if the leather as thin as possible and flexible at that too. I know it's a tall and odd order, but I'd pay good denarii for it."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thats a strange request indeed but not impossible. Come back tomorrow and I should be able to tell you if I have the materials and what not to do it." With that the kindly frail woman shooed Rikke and crew outside where the last of the shops started to close their doors and the less than savory folk began to make appearances.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at Jessica warmly "Told ya we'll get Sylphie something to wear in public." well now they were clear to make their exit, though the unsavory crowds did catch the rogues attention "Come on Willow in the backpack you go..." chances were a small pup was an easy target to steal around here, be it to sell or to eat...

Still, whatever the case the two would make their way to the smithy and if closed to the jewelrer. Hopefully one of them was still semi-open.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The smithy was the closest and easiest to spot its fire still glowing into the night. It had only been a day sense Gruff and Kat had their introduction. Getting closer to the shop they noticed a closed sign on display but could hear laughter and the sounds of food being passed around. It looked like dinner time.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well they weren't exactly really well known for the folk... but then again did they receive news about Janet? Sure unaanounced visitors are the worst kind, but Rikke couldn't help herself. She knocked on the door sheepishly waiting for someone to come check.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After a few moments the older boy Rikke had seen earlier answered the door. "Oh Rikke is it glad you stopped by. Please come in we are celebrating good news but father hasn't said what though hes been the happiest Ive seen him in a long while looks like things are going good." The young man led Rikke back to the families dinning area where she saw Gruff the two girls the young lad and Kat all sitting at the table enjoying a good meal.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey~" Rikke waved her hand happily upon entering the room a huge grin on her face "Room for two more?" *bark bark!* Willow peaked out from the girls backpack panting happily at the sight of the kids... and more importantly the meat "... I mean three more?" the girl giggled warmly. As Jess did her own greeting aswell.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff got to his feet and welcomed the girls in. "Always room for more at the table. Especially for those who lighten a mans heart." Gruff proceeded to sit Rikke and Jess at the table and even set a plate of scrap meat for Willow on the floor. Shiny blue eyes looked at Rikke from across the table. "Rikke I just want to thank you for freeing our Big Adopted Sister." Apparently the news had already reached them and Janet had let the family know who to thank. In fact everyone except the young man who greeted her at the door seemed to be over joyed at the news.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet really helped me out during my time in Endus. It was the least I could've done..." Rikke smiled warmly at the company "And did you see her new armor? WOW. Gruff you're a man of steel is it as sturdy as it looks? Since well, evil beware Janet is here." she giggled warmly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"One of my rules Rikke no business at the table but so you know that steel is heavily enchanted and done with great skill." The meal was good and the conversation pleasant though the young woman and man at the table kept exchanging glances that Rikke was all to familiar with.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

If given the opportunity Rikke would be a freeloader of a grand scale, a leftover of her less fortunate years of thievery. The girl quickly got to sampling and tasting whatever food she could get her mitts on, to beat down a demon knight a girl needs to eat properly... or so she says "So~ how are things around here, I see Kat ain't a stranger around here no more" Rikke smiled earnestly at the catgirl "By chance is this your cooking Kat?"

Sure the girl saw the two young love-stricken birds, but her matchmaking skills weren't on a grand league... atleast not when working with youngers one that she has no clue are. Better focus on the more mature lovebirds right in front of her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well it seems the one thing shes great at is cooking roast though shes been practicing all day with the other treats. I hope it didn't set her back at all considering she bought all the food." It was quiet the spread at that. Roast, potatoes, green beans, sweat bread, and some strange looking fruit on a platter. "She's welcome here anytime though this afternoon we had to set a little bit of boundaries." Gruff raised an eyebrow at Kat who looked away blush on her face. The two younger children giggled apparently they where present for the debacle.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The food was indeed plentiful and Rikke wasn't too modest about trying a bit of everything. So Kat bought all of this herself... that has to dent the girl budget quite a bit... "You know, Gruff. You could always chip in a little denarii for said food or offer to buy her food say~ tommorow?" well Rikke sure had quite the nerve saying such a thing while beign a freeloader herself, still no matter how hipocritical it was all for Kats benefit. No doubt the girl is overdoing it and will go broke in a few weeks at this rate.

Rikke giggled warmly at the boundaries comment "Well she is a naughty little devil afterall... but those kinds are very nice to have around." she smiled warmly, well Kat wasn't making much headway into Gruffs heart, but he should warm up to her sooner than later. Such attention from a beautiful girl like Kat can melt even the greatest icebergs.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff nodded knowingly at Rikke's comments before speaking. "Aye I plan on cooking her some of my famous beef stew tomorrow." Kats eyes lite up at the offer but kept her cool realizing that she was on dangerous but welcoming ground best not blow it. The conversation lasted a good while into the night before Gruff called it for the little ones. "Off to bed ye scamps let the adults visit a bit."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With a puppy nearby the children didn't just idly sit on the table throughout the whole adult gossips. The youngers two quickly got to playing with the pup, much to Willows joy. Still he was polite and didn't let out a single bark, nor knock over any priceless armors that Rikke would have to pay for...

"Night everyone" Rikke smiled warmly at the leaving children and waited out till they finally went into their rooms "There's actually other things I came here for too." the heroine turned to Gruff in a much more serious manner "First... I may have forgotten to pick up my enchanted throwing blades from you" she giggled warmly, but then quickly changed to a much more stern appearance for the followup "And second... You probably felt it too. The calm in the city while the fighting who rules the city goes on underneath. Whats you view on that?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff lit up a pipe and smoked while Kat sat and stared adoringly at the man. "Aye you could almost cut the tension with a knife. Who knew another heir would come forth." Gruff took a big drag from the pipe before blowing out the smoke. "It makes me glad that my charges will be safe and that my boy and his sweetheart might have a chance to live without the attention of politics." He waited a moment longer to speak again. "Oh by the way Rikke I had your knives delivered already they made it to the camp Im told."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And where do you stand in this conflict? Would you take up arms if DeGravils thugs, demons and murderers made their final stand?" The rogue smiled lightly "It is men who win wars, but it is fine armor that keeps them alive. If say the wargs could get some of your wares, the ceremony and this conflict might end better for everyone."

"Oh? Guess I'll have to ask around. Hopefully they aren't used in the kitchen..." the rogue snickered lightly and awaited the mans response to an alliance with the wargs, he was an exceptional blacksmith, likely the best in all of Endus. His wares could be an exceptional boon to the Warg vanguard.