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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea smiled at the pair a glint in her eyes. "As I recall you are still owed for services rendered to the community of Endus so here." Rhea lifted up a small chest and set it on the table. "The promised reward if I recall. Now off with ya girls and be sure you regret nothing."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grabbed the small chest grinning widely "Thank you! Come on Jess, we've got only one day to splu---*pause* spend it the absolutely most reasonable and econimical way possible" she giggled mischieviously and right after exiting the room counted the denarii offered. Depending how much she had, the girl had a lot of preparations to do. Perhaps even mages to visit!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It should all be there Rikke and don't forget to share. After all Jess was with you while you earned it am I right?" Rhea gave Rikke a stern look. "Remember I didn't take what you owed me in food and lodging and bandages so be sure to equip yourselves very well." With that Rikke and Jess left before heading off into their rooms to spy their treasure. Five hundred Denari like promised. It was an obscene amount though technically Rikke and Jess both got 250 each. Either way what would they spend it on?.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes jaw dropped as she opened the small chest to reveal the shocking sight! The heroine just covered her mouth and eyed all the pieces of denarii and ofcourse the city had to be in ruin when the girls hit jackpock "What are we gonna spend all of this on?" the rogue looked in disbelief to ther companion "M-m-maybe let's split this up to essentials and what money we can spend for our leisure?" Rikke was not the kind of girl that was too cautious with her purchases, but when hitting it this big hopefully Jessica will have a cool head on how to spend these riches.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Maybe we should get some good fitting armor first?" Jess didn't seemed to disturbed by the money maybe sense she was a creature of lust and not greed it had less of an effect on her. "We should defiantly put some of it away for rainy days or in this case snowy winters." Jess looked at the gold a glint in her eye. "Yeah we should make a list of what we want.. but not before we get what we need."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around and would lead the two to more private room or place to discuss their purchases "Alright here's what I'm thinking. We grab a potent healing potion incase we get hurt out there, get some custom fitted armor and... I was thinking of droping an enchantment on Beauty or maybe we can get one of those magical trinkets I heard about. Heck we can always make a custom golden trinket." Rikke paused "Also I'd like a nightgown or some comfortable underwear. Maybe even such that compliments the new armor too." the rogue smiled lightly "So a potion, new armor, a enchantment and some nice undies for us to enjoy. Think that's it for my wishlist, what about you?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess nodded about the armor and weapons and giggled when Rikke mentioned undies. "You know Rikke" Jess pulled the rogue into a sensual embrace. "Between me and you how often do we wear undies anymore?" There was that twinkle in her eye that Rikke new all to well. Jess began to lean in for a kiss when she suddenly pulled away teasing the rogue. "Anyway as much as I like leather I think something a little heavier is called for. Maybe enchanted to help with stealth. After all we are sneaky girls."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Jessica leaned out a mischievious twinkle was clear in the rogues eyes, Jess just started something she wished she hadn't... or be very glad she did. Rikke giggled girlishly "I'll leave the designs up for you." she paused eyeing her companion in a naughty fashion "Don't forget our favorite feature of my previous armor alright?" the rogue winked slyly before proceeding "Well I like to feel comfortable and that extra sexy underneath, but I'm not sure we can find a tailor that's up to snuff around... perhaps we should ask around the brothel, who made their uniforms? They seemed to be skilled with high-quality materials."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"They are indeed special maybe Luna knows? Still Im not sure if I want a breast plate or chain what do you think?" Jess waited for Rikke answer before getting back to thinking about armor and underwear. "Humm silk from the desert will be near impossible to get and highly expensive we might have to settle for Amazonian silk though I doubt you'll like where it comes from." Jess seemed lost in thought no doubt designs and sleazy underwear on her mind.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hm... I dunno chainmail seems to be the jack of all trades for you. You should be able to dodge some attacks and be well defended if something hit. Then again perhaps it's better if you are the king of something, than a jack of all. Plate should shrug off any blows you'll get, your fighting style does seem more to be block the attacks than dodging em, then again sneaking would be out of the question if you're packed like a can" Rikke paused briefly "We'll see whats on offer."

"Well I'm no expert on silks" Rikke giggled warmly "So long as it's soft and looks exceptionally pretty I'll be glad. So it's settled then, we get the healing potions, armor and sexy underwear. Then we'll see what movie we have left-over." Rikke looked to Jessica for comfirmation, so the two could head out to Lunas place for the potions and perhaps tips on good tailors.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm maybe but All those links might make to much noise and besides its harder to make a quick release for that stuff." Jess looked at the chest and paused a moment. "How much should we take?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well like I said we'll see whats on offer, maybe your heart will point out an armor set you'd like. Heck we could ask the high priestess, perhaps she'd lend you the orders armor, just like Janets. Would save us quite a bit of money too." Rikke smiled lightly "Let's not take everything... who knows what might happen. Let's take 200 with us and leave the other 300 for Rhea to keep an eye on. There's noone ballsy enough to touch her stuff so it should be safe." Rikke nodded lightly "Besides we can always make a order and come back here to get the denarii to pay for it."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess followed Rikke out and down to Luna's though she was no where to be seen but it looked like her assistant was out and about collecting items what was her name again. Still Rikke and Jess would approach and wave happily. The woman of course turned to greet them and waved back but something was different about her. As they got closer they could see her skin had changed to light blue and he eyes had a certain radiance to them and her ears had elongated to more of an elf like structure.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that wasn't natural at all... "H-hello?" Rikke kept a friendly attitude, but genuinely leaned forward with curiousity "Wait I know you... Karly? Is that you? What happened?" Was this really the woman she saved, if it was... what happened to her?
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess Rikke glad to see you!" At Rikke's question she seemed to look confused till she caught on. "Oh well me and Luna have been spending a lot of time together if you know what I mean." The woman blushed her skin turning more of a purple than red. "It started out a treatment but I think its moved beyond that.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You loook kinda changed" Rikke smiled innocently "But..." she nudged her head towards Jessica "I can definedly relate" the heroine winked slyly... but seeing the girl changed like this still seemed fairly odd "I take it Luna's treating Steve, I need to buy a few potions from her..." Rikke smiled warmly to the girl.

"But... how are you?" the girl eyed the woman curiously "Last time I've seen you... are you doing okay?" Rikke smiled warmly and would carefully appproach the changed girl. She did tear the girl from the rapist bandit headquarters... and her last full-on one on one encounter ended on a rather sour note.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah Luna is tending to Steve that big baby drawing all of Luna attention. I would be jealous if he wasn't a fish." Karly flattened out her robe and sat in the grass. "Come sit I can sell you the potions infact I have some stock on hand right now." Karly proceeded to pull a bag from around her shoulder to show the girls a slew of potions she had on hand. "Im doing much better than when we last met it seemed my body had become addicted to sex." Karly rolled her eyes. "Go figure right. Anyway after the incident where I nearly jumped you Luna came up with a new treatment for me. She exposed me to sights and smells of sex to increase my control and if it proved to much she took care of my needs personally. I think it worked really well my libido is back to normal but I really wish my skin had stayed the same color I just don't think light blue is really me."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat down nearby smiling warmly and listened to the girl "Well~ you've got to admit it does have quite the exotic alure" the heroine giggled innocently "Honestly if I didn't know better I'd be calling you a nymph." she paused lightly "That's a real compliment..." she winked slyly.

"I remember back when most of my friends swore that I was a succubus too." Rikke smiled with nostalgia "It was odd at first, to be different... but thinking back. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way." she gently placed her hand on Karlys "You'll get used to it, embrace it and enjoy it." it was best to reassure Karly with her new appearance and crush any doubt she had about her change early, without mercy. Rikke knew that changed from the supernatural or warped creatures are permament.

After her little talk, the rogue grinned happily and proceeded with her plans "Right! Potions! Whatcha got for us?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Karly smiled at the reassurance but she knew as well as Rikke that those with visible mutations like her's where often harassed it would be a long road ahead for her.

"Okay lets see I have some morning after potions and healing potions and antidotes." Karly ruffled around the bag a little longer looking for anything else. "Humm thats it I guess. If you need something else Luna will have to make it for you our supplies have been stretched thin."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hm... no I don't think we need anything special right now." Rikke eyed the potions "Perhaps we'll take 2 of your stonger healing potions and~~..." the heroine leaned closer to Karly "One morning after... just incase" she giggled warmly and winked at the girl.

Hopefully it was a fair price and the rogue would place all the bottles into her backpack "Thanks a bunch Karly, we'll try to drop by after our shopping spree is done. Would love to do some catching up" the heroine earnestly smiled at the girls slowly stood up "OH! By the way..." Rikke paused a moment "By chance... do you know who's the brothels tailor?"
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