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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Trying to by time slut? HA!" Saul channels more energy as another set of glowing orbs fills the room. "Its all pointless your pathetic army is no match for ours they will be crushed! So many lives lost all because you failed at your task." Rhea and Jess began to head back to Rikke as their task finished up leaving Saul to place his traps
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Saul hurry..." Another bonus of this plan would be the disarray of forces in the front, seeing their headquarters explode. The small chink in their morale may be enough to gain an upper hand... it all relied on Saul and his magic now. "Yeah well fuck you too Regi! You gods damned coward, for all your talk you sure can't back up shit! That's why you're hiding behind you minions right now, too scared of a fight!"

"You gloat about a proper fight, but last time we fought I recall I sent you spitting blood and limping back!" Reginald was armored and a demon... the fire mines may not kill him, but should place any vanguard he has in the manor to a pathetic state.. "Rhea, move us to the other side of the manor when they barge in. Once there we all charge back at their backs. Hopefully the explosion will be enough... and group, if you can take a shot before leaving. Take it, but make sure you're touching Rhea." a goodbye attack from one of the mages or a flying dagged may be that little extra they'd need to take down whatever charges in.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul threw an annoyed look at Rikke didnt she know traps take effort and skill to work. Thats when Jess got a bright look on her face and started casting fire trap spells as well increasing the speed at which they appeared.

"Oh Rikke I knew you wouldn't submit so soon. Im gonna have fun breaking you and that bitch. If your a good little slave I may even keep that succubus lover you have alive though I might just give her over to the boys to play with... they can be a little rough heh heh remember your last encounter with the boys red? We all had a turn on that whore."

4 traps ready
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What?! She couldn't get agitated now. The girl looked over the progress... the trap was almost set. They just needed a little bit more time, the more time Regi keeps talking to her, the less time he has to whip his soldiers to crash down the door. Honestly it was surprising they still haven't even attempted to breach the room...

It was going to hurt Rikke inside... but it was the only way. The heroine looked over to Jessica in a sorry fashion before calling out back to the demon "Bullshit! I ain't buying it Regi! You had her once and lost your head soon after! You ain't layin' a finger on her! Not today, not ever!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess didn't seem up set at all in fact she smiled at Rikke while finishing her last fire trap. Finished both Saul and Jess made it back to Rhea. Who wisked them away letting Rikke get one more parting shot before appearing back in the upstairs parlor room.

"Reginald this chatter bores me end them."

"As you command mistress. You and you break down the door."

Moments later a large explosion rocked the building causing a chandelier to fall with a loud crash right between Jess and Rikke the shattered crystal sending razor sharp shards into the air and knocking them on their asses.

"Damn it be ready!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls hand plenty of armor, the glass shouldn't be more than a light annoyance. Still they had their moment of surprise back, now to inspect the damage and more importantly listen in and follow where Reginald and Succubitch went to.

Rikke would quickly dart to the door and peek outside. Best not miss this chance they created themselves! Who knows maybe if the girls were lucky the explosion would reduce the ambush forces to a mere few grunts AND cut off most of the escape routes the two demon leaders can take!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke peaked and saw the explosion had pretty much done in the building which had already been in rough shape. The side on which they had been was nothing more than smoldering rubble. The roof which had been fairly intact was now open to the air and on fire. Flaming debris fell back down to the ground causing the woman from before to run in panic trying to find a way out. In the middle like some grand mistro stood Reginald and DeGravel well what used to be DeGravel if Rikke hadn't seen him change she would have never guessed who she was. Both where alert and had a few guards around making sure no one got a drop on their masters.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Those were some pretty fancy guards... it would be a shame if something happened to them... The rogue smirked and quickly turned to her group "They're downstairs. Regi, Queen and 4 grunts." the girl looked over to Saul and Jessica "Can we have 4 grunts extra crispy real quick?" Rikke smiled widely.

"We've got only a moment for this. You two, fry the grunts with massive spells. Rhea, you and me we'll go up close and personal. Teleport us right behind them and I'll take care of the rest." the girl looked to her group for opinions.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul CC 47 success fire ball
Queen CC 38 success implosion
Status hp, pp, ep
Rikke 62, 45, 45
Jess 58, 48, 42/46
Rhea 70, 55, 38/55
Saul -37, 60, 31/55

Regi 100%, 100%, 100%
Queen 100%, 100%, 86%
Guards 1-4 dead
"Rikke I can only do minor magic." Rhea chimed in "Besides if we telport down their we would be sitting ducks the disorientation could be deadly." Saul looked over at the group. "Don't worry about the guards I can deal with them you guys just put those blades to work alright." Not hearing an argument to the contrary Saul moved out of the room and down the hall. No one dared grab him in case it lead to him being spotted or said a word unless they be heard. Getting in to position he winked at the assembled woman and stood up fire alight in his hands. "DIE DEMON SCUM FOR ENDUS AND GLORY!" A massive red fire ball shot forth at the surprised demons only Reginald and his queen taking any sort of cover. The ball burst amongst the guards incinerating them. Smirking her readied another spell only to be knocked into the wall with a sickening crunch slowly sliding to the floor eyes wide. "She.. can .. use... ma.. ma..." The Queen cackled as her hand was pointing at Saul like a mock gun she drew it to her face and blew the barrel. Jess and Rhea jumped into action Jess manifesting her wings to help glide her down from her jump while Rhea much faster than Jess bounded down the stairs tears in her eyes and rage on her face.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sauls body slowly moved down the wall, the spell that killed him more than overkill for the elderly mage. The heroine clenched her blade and rushed forward screw stealth, time to slice that bitch to bits!

She'll pay for that! The heroine didn't need wings, she was fast. Really fast. Still it was a trap that caught Saul! Even with herself watching her steps, the girl was more than agile enough to move forward at her regular speed, even while keeping an eye out for odd shimmering.

"You bitch!" Rikkes blade shinned brightly, lightning arcing out all over the rubble as her steps were seemingly empowered by her very soul essence, swiftness beyond compare!

Desperate avoidance!! 10EP for a bonus of 20 DODGE! GOOD LUCK.
Lightning strikes! on Queen
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks Queen 75, 72, 69 all hit! 99 damage after armor
Rhea attacks Regi 110, 95 both hit triggering rend 99 damage after armor
Jess has nothing to attack
Status hp, pp, ep
Rikke 62, 45, 35/45
Jess 58, 48, 42/46
Rhea 70, 55, 27/55
Saul -37, 60, 31/55

Regi -41%, 100%, 100%
Queen -6%(-102%), 100%, 48%
Guards 1-4 dead

Rikke bolted down the stairs and past Rhea who was glowing brightly and met the Queen bitch herself just as she was aiming her finger at Jess. Lighting crackled as Rikke drew her blade across the womans's chest and threw her guts. The succubus fell to her knees blood spilling out looking up at Rikke who held her blade high for the finishing strike. For a moment she saw the perverse glow leave De'Gravel's eyes the succubus had fled though she could still strike if she wanted and end De'Gravel for sure.

Meanwhile Rhea enraged slammed into Reginald with a resounding crash her blades slashing threw his armor like it was mad of butter. Reginalds eyes went wide and then dark as his two halves separated from each other his cocky smile still plastered on his face. Not even bothing to clean her blades she ran to Saul and poofed out leaving Rikke and Jess in the building alone and on fire.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was only starting her attack, but her opponent had already left DeGravils body. The girl stayed her blade, perhaps the man could do one more good deed before he passed away. Rikke lowered her blade and knelt infront of DeGravil "DeGravil! Where is the shard of Venus! Please!"

And in one flash blitz it was all over... but not without a heavy loss. As trail of blood down the wall led to Rhea hunched over a lifeless body. They had little time to mourn, it would come after. For now they needed to get Rgeinalds head to the field and throw it to the demon hordes. Declaring victory.

As for DeGravil... Rikke held the girl up, looking to her hoping for an asnwer, but after that. What would they do with this once vile man... Rikke didn't have the heart to kill him, nor could vouch for the goodness in his/her heart. For now hopefully the Shard was not lost...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess ran over to Rikke and quickly placed a hand over the most sever of DeGravel's wounds and healed it stabilizing the woman. Rhea lost in her grife had completely forgot about Rikke and Jess and had left them likely trying to get Saul to a healer though it was probably far to late for the man. Having little to do as it stood right now Jess took DeGravel from Rikke as she went about the nasty business of severing Reginald's head once more. Moments later Rhea came back tears in her eyes and took Jess and Rikke to the top of their observation post so she could do the deed as the battle raged down below.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stood up and faced Rhea when she got back, looking down in a sorry fashion "Rhea..." the commander quickly raised her palm stopping Rikke. Everything will be said later, they didn't have a moment to spare. Jessica approached with the head in one hand and DeGravil over her shoulder, the day was theirs, though it didn't feel like it.

It was a damn heavy head! Some of Reginalds helmet lodged itself deep into the foul mess of a head. Jessica placed DeGravil down and looked to the two leaders who'd thrown the head down to the battlefield "Rhea... the wargs are waiting. Announce it." Rikke looked over to the commander, it was time to end this and get to the front-lines. Time to teach the demons why they shouldn't have ever crawled out of their hell-holes.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea didn't say anything but held up her blade as the head tumbled down to the ground causing all manner of panic among the enemy. Still it would be a hard fight and Rhea was from done extracting vengeance. Looking to Rikke she poofed down into the battle slaughtering demon en mass leaving Jess DeGravel and Rikke on the roof while the battle raged below them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damnit! Rhea!" grief can be a horrible emotion, clouding common sense. Why did she leave the two heroines up here and not take them to the battle aswell "Jessica! Help me secure DeGravil and fly us down there!" no way was Rikke going to lose Rhea aswell, they may be fleeing and disorganised, but single glancing strike to the womans lower body and it would cost her far more than she could posisbly comprehend.

Jessica gently placed a hand on the heroines shoulder "Don't worry Rikke she'll be fine... but DeGravil... she may not be with us when we get back." Rikke looked to Jessica then to DeGravil, the wound was fairly major and the minor healing Jessica could do may not be enough to keep her among the living for long. The heroine silently knelt down to DeGravil and took her hand "Can you.. wake her? Heal her?" Rikke hoped the shard would be found in the HQ the group destroyed, but what if it was moved. Only one person could tell her that... DeGravil.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

I can keep her alive but my minor healing can only do so much." DeGravels wounds where indeed sever given who had done them. Thankfully Rikke had kept some control and spared DeGravel's life. Jess's healing would have to be enough and Rikke nodded for her to continue. As Rikke watch Jess focused and expended power into the woman racing against time to stave off death. Watching Rikke marveled at how the wounds sealed themselves stitching together leaving no scars but as DeGravel got stronger Jess got weaker. She could almost feel Jess's spirit energy flow into the woman could almost see Jess's aura dampen till finally she stopped exhausted. "I can do no more." Jess leaned against the low wall trying to recoup but Rikke new what she would need and no manner of resting would restore her.

DeGravel however started to stir as her eyes fluttered open. "Who are you where is my master?" A look of confusion filled De'Gravel's eyes. She was mostly naked her form having been twisted by her possession and sex with Reginald.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly leaned over Jessica gave her a kiss, allowing the girl to sap a little bit of strength. While the heroine herself was no longer quite human, her soul changed... still she could spare some of her essence for her lover. Though not too much.

Soon DeGravils body stirred as Rikke quickly moved forward towards her and placed her hand firmly on her chest holding DeGravil down "Your masters are dead and I'm the one who did them in." the girl wasn't sure how sane DeGravil was right now. The odd hope of that the possesion kept his sanity in check, but his body out of his gras lingered in her "And we need to talk." Rikke held her blade in her other hand, she wouldn't think twice if the woman showed use of aggresive magic, her sharp gaze at the woman very clear on this.

Mechanically wise. Give Jess 5-8 Ep depending how tired or hungry she was
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh then you are my new Mistress. How many this worthless flesh serve you Mistress." De'Gravel didn't move just laid their waiting for Rikke to do something.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Shit. that was the only thought that crossed Rikkes mind, looked like DeGravil was lost too. Still she just needed information on the recent events nothing more "The Shard of Venus. Your ex-mistress valued possession where is it? Where did you mistress keep her valuables, she stole something from me and I want it back."