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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Darn it where could she be! Rikke would swim up for a better vantage point and look around. Hopefully she was being a good and careful girl... then again she was Rikkes daughter...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As soon as Rikke thought about Yuna the girl was right next to her holding her hand. Together they swam back up and onto the beach where Jess waited for them with the encrusted jewelry box. "We might have to get all the growths off it before we can open it Rikke. Its sealed very tight."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at Yunie holding her hand warmly and in no time the duo caught up to Jessica.

"Hum... well the box itself is useless to us, but we don't want to damage whats inside." Rikke looked to Jessica thoughtfully "A medium sized rock it is then!" she grinned happily "OH! We should be able to find some tools in the build site!"

The heroine turned to Yuna "Yunie could you get Jessica and mommy some hammers from foxy lady houses?" well such a trip would literally take mere moments for the girl and Rikke had quite enough running through the flora and roots barefoot for now...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna looked at Rikke questioningly. "Whats a hammer?" A soft chuckle later Rikke explained what a hammer was and Yuna was off and back in no time handing over one of the objects.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully there were no other "square rocks on a stick" to be found around the island and soon enough Rikke had the tool to unlock this treasure.

"Alright, let's crack this sucker up." aiming to knock away whatever prevented the box from opening Rikke got to work, hopefully the rusts and bbranacles would be complient. Else the box would suffer a treasure hungry heroines wrath aswell!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was careful at first slowly hammering away at the box breaking away chunks of coral and grime that had accumulated on the gold box. Sadly gold was a soft metal and the box was starting to deform from all the hammering. Still in the end She managed to get the thing open. What treasure lied within? Gold, jewels, silver the possibilities where endless. Creaking it open Rikke glanced inside and found a small green stone(jade) statue of a kitsune.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well... that'll do just fine. The rogue grinned happily looking over to Jessica and Yuna "And that's my dears is what we call a bonefide treasure, right from the deeps." a pure jade statue, chances were a collector would sell his wife and manor for a long lost relic like this. It was time to inspect it!

Rikke would pick up the statue and look it over "Now what will we do with? Sell it or keep as decoration? Whatcha think Jess?" the heroine smiled brightly "Wonder who this Kitsune is supposed to be..." and chances were if there's one loot stash down there... there's plenty more to find!!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm Rhea might be interested in it? We could see what she thinks." Yuna looked at it interest alight in her eyes. "It glows with magic!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke placed the small statue down on one of the improv beverage tables "Let's go check if we can find more. No point in canceling our underwater trip early.... besides you just know Rhea will catch the tastiest and biggest fish in these waters." the heroine giggled girlishly and winked at Jessica.

Magic?! Rikke quickly turned to Yunie "Good magic or bad magic, angel?" the heroine leaned closer to the little girl, so the statue wasn't just for looks... it was enchanted! That's a another zero added to the possible price~!... then again what if it's cursed?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna shrugged "It has magic good or bad I don't know." Seems there was more mysteries to the jade statue that had to be answered not to mention one of them would have to get Luna to reapply her blessing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well lightning didn't strike the girls down, nor did a plague envelop them... good magic it is then! "At any rate, it didn't just pop out of nowhere. While the girl are fishing, WE will be treasure hunting!" the rogue grinned happily at her company "Jess could you weave us some rope, we'll need a crowbar down there.. oh and a bag if we find anything. I'll go fetch Luna, real quick." the heroine looked down to Yuna and leaned towards her "You'll join us in our treasure hunt Yunie? To find rare, secret treasures hidden deep under the sea... surrounded by mystery and possibly danger...?" well hopefully no danger...

Whatever the answer was the girls would need Luna to reapply the blessing, who knows maybe she'll be able to tell more about the magic in statue aswell.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna nodded excitedly while Jess looked at Rikke. "One dose not simply weave rope out of nothing." Giving Rikke an amusing glare she quickly spoke again. "Ill go see if the workers left any." With that Jess headed off to the workers camp while Yuna and her self headed back to the water to try and get Luna's attention.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lead Yuna by the hand and the two soon were fairly deep into the water "Alright, let's find Luna." the heroine winked slyly at her little girl and dived down! This seemed like the about right spot.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Diving down Rikke had a hard time spotting the mermaid but after a few attempts she spotted her and did her best to get her attention. It finally took her getting a deep breath and swimming to the mermaid straining to breath. This caught her attention and before Rikke couldn't hold her breath anymore Luna kissed her letting her breath the sea once more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed with relief at the return of air "We've found something interesting among the corals, so dropped by the shore real quick. Jess and Yunie will need your blessing again, 'kay?" perhaps the heroine would ask how goes the spearfishing later on, afterall the whole troop would finish up their underwater trip by evening... best not get stuck underwater when darkness falls...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay Ill go to the shore and make sure they get one. Not to mention I want to see your treasure for myself!" Then Luna was off quickly swishing by Rikke on her way to the beach to see to Jess and Yuna leaving Rikke to explore the corals for a moment. Swimming deeper to about where Jess found the box Rikke searched her sense for treasure and experience guiding her over the discarded rocks. At first she found nothing but then a slight sparkle caught her eye. A single gold coin glinted in the watery depths. Swimming to that one Rikke picked it up. It was foreign but seemed to have the right weight. Looking more Rikke spotted another further along. Heading that way it was another coin of similar minting and size. Even further still was another coin but the water was getting colder and the sand was getting father down.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue couldn't shake the feeling as if she's being led into trouble, as if following a breadcrumb trail... Rikke looked back briefly making and then back to her trail. Then again these coins likely lied here for who knows how long, likely the waves or currents flew them here.... from a much larger treasury! The heroine looked over the coin and stashed it between her bombastic D's, a treasure hungry grin on her. She was underwater, what trouble could the girl possibly get into. With that thought the girl proceeded onwards, heck at any dangerous streams or fish she'd make her way right on back.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke swam deeper the water getting chilly and dark. She was soon upon a sudden drop off where the island descended deeply into a large deep abyss. There was no way to go forward it was to dark even with her enhanced vision the darkness was just to deep. She did however net a handful of shiny coins for her trouble.

Gain 10 gold coins
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked down the chasm. There was no way she'd swim down there, perhaps not so much due to lack of sight, but just how ridiculously cold the water would be... not to mention the depth fish.

Still if the gold trail so clearly led her down, chances were the treasury was way donw there. This needed discussion with Luna before she'd do anything. With the gold in hand it was time to return to the warm and sunny shore, she made some ways from the group already.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna found Rikke before she found the others the mermaid swimming at break neck speeds to Rikke and with out so much as a how do ya do grabbed her and swam like a mad woman away from the deep trench. "Rikke don't get that close to the canyon again! Large squid leave inside there and trust me they wouldn't bat their eye at eating you!." Breaking the surface Rikke had found the rest of the girls already ashore with Yuna using her powers to blow dry the lot. It seems the spear hunting had gone well and much as Rikke thought Rhea had caught the biggest fish of the lot.