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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked down thoughtfully, it was risky deal... a deal with an enemy she fought all her life. "Agreed." the heroines eyes sharpened "I will free you and in turn you will do everything you can to assist me... I'll also wear this necklace more often." she may be a reluctant ally, but there's no reason to give her free eavesdropping or sightseeing on the girls life.

- Interupted Action -
"We just had an encounter with a fallen angel. She took my dagger and will likely try to break Jessica. Please, tell Jess that I'm okay." the girl paused to see if the demoness understood "We'll be heading out from 'camp' tommorow. The fallen church is near." with her short report done the girl would listen to whatever the demoness had to say.

"And Joldra. Don't get caught."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As soon as Rikke said the word Agreed she felt the amulet fly out of her hand and float in mid air the purple hue of the topaz getting darker and darker. "As agreed our soul pact is made." The dark purple energies suddenly shot forth hitting Rikke directly in the chest right where her heart would be. A burning sensation soon envolped her chest causing the rogue to drop to her knees a moment as the amulet dropped to floor. Dark energy coursed threw her sending minor spasms threw her body more disconcerting was the sudden dampness in her loins. After a moment however the burning stopped and Rikke could stand. Once she got to her feet she felt different something in her had changed but at the moment she couldn't tell what. Looking at the amulet Rikke couldn't help but glower at it as a slightly weakened voice escaped from it. "Damn... it always takes so much out of me to do that.... Sorry for the pain but its an side effect of the process."

Note: Rikke gains 1 mutation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly grabbed the amulet almost enraged "PROCESS?!" she grit her teeth "What was that exactly?! What.Process?!" she held the amulet with both hands fairly outraged at whatever just happened!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Calm yourself Rikke. The process of forming our agreement. Its painful for a pure soul such as yourself." Joldra's voice was calm and clear. "Now I will see to getting a message to your lover." With that the amulet goes silent.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue leaned out away from the amulet, her eyes still looking to it untrusting. Perhaps this was just how a deal with a demon is formed... a way to make sure both parties cooperate and see through their promises, just hopefully whatever changed would dissipate from her after she sees this through.

At the very least Rikke could be at ease, the fallen angels play would not work and she could actually... trust Joldra now. Atleast in matters regarding the defeat of The Master. The girl would put on the amulet and go see around the farm if anyone needs some help.

Tommorow they move onwards, the poor farmers have their hands full with orcs. Demons and fallen angels would destroy their lives here.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For the most part it was patching windows and checking the livestock so while time consuming it was hardly dangerous. Soon after the windows where sealed Rikke and crew retired for the evening only waking to a call down to breakfast. Gathering her gear and such and making her way down Rikke was greeted with a small feast. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage, and fresh milk where the most prominent of the foods offered. Three spots a the families extended table sat ready for Rikke and crew while the rest of the folk greeted them with warm smiles and friendly looks. A few of the woman where even talking to Ven a slight blush on their faces.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could do little else, but smile ever so widely at the feast. Even after a fairly harsh attack the farm family remained unshaken and as spiritied as ever! The heroine joined right in with the feast, looking for spots offered, Mary or her company. Even if she usually avoided sausages, she had to atleast grab a taste!

The girl would not sour the morning with her intents to leave as soon as possible and made sure to make the meal as fun and relaxing as possible. Approaching the head of family on after the festivities were done.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The meal was fantastic with every thing cooked to perfection. Still the pleasant meal and pleasant company aside Rikke waited to speak with the elder of the house. The man slightly heavy set and with greying hair seemed to understand Rikke's intent and waited while the rest of the family drifted off to various choirs leaving her and him alone.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You have such a beautiful life here." Rikke smiled at the elder, looking to the last as of them leave incidentally taking her companions in the wave... aswell as the kids tackling Willow to carry him out, the malamute panting happily. The rogue sighed sadly "We'll check our gear and head out as soon as possible. I fear the fallen angel may have been after us." she looked to the man a little down "I'm sorry we brought this trouble to you, especially after the hospitality you've shown us."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The older-man looked grim a moment before sighing to himself and shaking his head. "Your always welcome back here Rikke after all you saved Mary's life so your always welcome here." The old man smiled before getting up out of his chair. "Now if you excuse me I have to round up the boys and burn some bodies. I would rather not have the orcs drawing wolves here."

Gathering up her gear was easier said and done as apparently Willow had gotten ahold of her pack and dragged the contents around the farm. Following one trail led Rikke to the back of a barn where she found Mary leaning against a wall twirling Jessica's red and black bra in her hands. "Humm never pictured you as a red and black lace girl not to mention they seem a bit large for you."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered playfully and with a smirk approached "Oh? Then what kind of girl am I then?" just to accentuate her point the rogue moved her hips alluringly as she approached, her delicate touch sliding up her sides.

Whatever the answer was "I forgot I had packed these... they're the girls I set out to save. My Jessicas." she smiled warmly to Mary.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I don't know you but I wouldn't mind finding out?" The mention of Jess seemed to end Mary mirth as her face assumed a sad expression. "Im sorry I didn't know." Gently Mary handed the garment back. "Here let me help you pick them up." With that Mary bent over to fetch some of the other cloths in the snow."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though the farmgirls position almost incited the rogue to something questionable her fair side was dominant. Rikke smiled tenderly to girl "Thank you." how odd, why were the clothes all out on the snow. The thought of the angek mocking her like this narrowed the girls eyes briefly, but she eased up fairly quickly seeing Mary "Did you see her? The Fallen angel?" the rogue continued picking out the clothing shaking it off any snow.

"I fear it came for us, we'll be leaving as soon as we can. Likely in a less than a few hours." the heroine looked up to the farmgirl with a hint of sadness. She loved pervy girls just as much as she loved to explore their desires... but some things came first.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mary paused a moment. "Yeah I saw it.... how such a creature of light could fall so far makes my blood curdle." Mary shuttered as the thought passed over her and resumed picking up the cloths. "I wonder why Willow go them all over he seems like such a good dog."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly leaned out "WILLOW did this?!" of all things Willow was a inteligent, well-trained and friendly malamute. This just seemed way out of his character "Are you sure it was him?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mary blushed "He might have had a little encouragement." Looking away Mary gathered up the rest of the cloths and began to pack them away. "I just wanted to see you guys again before you left ya know. My sisters inlaws are good people but they have no spark for adventure...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the girls confession curiously and snickered warmly, Mary meant well... even if it was Jess's clothes the rogue couldn't be mad "Well the life of an adventurer isn't all treasure and happy times." Rikke smiled brightly as she leaned out and tapped her lip thinking "Just this year I was... let's see. Almost killed more times than I could possibly count, captured by a flesheating lizard creature, almost turned into a demon, drugged by plants, cursed by a ancient trickster, captured by a powerful demon and made his bed-warmer... and~ participated in atleast 2 major conflicts or wars." the girl nodded happily and looked to Marys expression.

"But... I'd not trade such a life for anything else. If you get past all those dark moments, it's a wonderful life." the rogue picked up Jessica bra from the snow her eyes sparkling with nostalgia "You meet the most amazing people, bright hope to even the darkest times and save so many people."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh!" Mary was both shocked at what Rikke was sharing but while her mood seemed dampened the spark in her eyes showed clearly. She may end up waiting longer but in the end she would hit the road on her own. Getting the last of Jess's cloths the last bit being a very scandalous set of black leather panties the two girls made their way around to the front of the house to see Janet and Venus getting the horse rounded up and Willow giving goodbye kisses to the assembled children.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke recognised that spark in her eye the moment she saw it... but as veteran she had to bitter the fantasy a bit "Though I've met my love, saved countless families, ended a violent uprising in a peaceful city, stopped demons from enslaving dear friends and other innocents aswell. It's a whirlwind of emotion, excitement and quite the bit of sexual bliss." the rogue giggled warmly "If say someone was planning to leave a peaceful life, I'd give her one very important peace of advice... well two: Be cautious and never travel alone." Rikke winked to Mary and with that the duo moved on to the rogues cart.

"HEY~!" the heroine grinned widely as she approached her companions, to meet their smiles and particulary happy bark. As they approached the girl continued "Janet, a ex-royal knight I found framed by corrupt officials and forced to work a service girl in a brothel. I got her out of the debt, the brothel and even helped her along to become a elite knight of Venus." she moved her finger to Willow "A very young pup I found in long forgotten houses in desolate ruins. I saved his family and in turn my friends helped to bring the family to peak health and now he's my loyal guardian." and then ofcourse the finger moved over Ven... "Venise... well maybe that's a tale for another time... it's a long one." she snickered as the duo finally approached the cart.

"We all set?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet waved as Rikke approached but quickly went back to tending to the horse and cart. "Really? Mary sounded shocked and giggled about willow. "So you met your love out there?" She did seem kinda disappointed that Rikke wasn't going to share more about Venise but halted any further questions as Janet spoke up again. "Yeah where just about ready just need the rest of your gear and to get Willow away from the kids. Oh the family gave us some extra supplies as well as a pot of soup we just have to warm up when we stop next." Janet smiled and pointed to the heap of food in the back seat. Mary on the other hand went over to speak with her father a bit who sigh and nodded at the woman who quickly ran off. A few moments later she came riding out to stand next the group. "Pa said I could see ya to the end of our property. I hope I get to hear more stories."