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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered covering herself lightly from the wind, numerous grains of sand lifting up and rushing to her long orange hair "From what my pet rock told me, it'll be only worse from here." the rogue looked to her friend kindly "And yeah this is why I hate magic!"

The duo would continue towards the wind, keeping an eye for an exit from the blissfully cool desert.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Walking along with idol chit chat Rikke kept her eyes open for an exit. Though nothing had shown up yet the wind was getting stronger. Cresting a dune however caused Janet to tackle her to the ground. Annoyed Rikke was about to say something when a crash of steel interrupted her. Looking down the dune reveled a group of demon swords men fighting another group of demon swords men. That however wasn't the only thing that caught her attention. Near the center of the battle was Joldra her flaming whip lashing out against the fallen angel from before. Both seemed evenly matched as they battled though Rikke with her trained eyes saw that Joldra was on the losing end of this battle. Her attacks where getting slower as she exhausted her energies casting spells. The Fallen one however just seemed to laugh insanely as she danced and pirouetted away from the attacks. "Best we stay low and let this sort itself out."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet move in only after I attack. That angel is our enemy, the demoness is a ally." the offer seemed to not have even been an option. Rikke drew her blade and moved along the runes as if a mirage. Her eyes locked on the fallen angel, the moment the angel indulged playing around with Joldra would be the moment Rikke would actually kill her! A fallen one was a creature far too lost to be negotiated with...

Lightning strikes!

Janet keeps low or provides a distraction
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The look on Janet's face was priceless as Rikke got up from the ground and moved down the dune silently. However moving with such stealth takes time especially if one doesn't want to be seen. As she moved the battle went back and forth demon soldiers dying on both sides, however the battle between Joldra and the Fallen one was what really drew attention. The crack and whoosh of Joldra whip and the ringing of steel echoed around them all punctuated by a hideous insane (the first one). "Oh your so much fun to play with Joldy but alas we have intruders and I cannot stay forever." Suddenly the fallen one struck out with lighting fast strikes each one impaling Joldra in a non critical fashion. "It would be a shame to waste such fun toys. Bye bye now!" With that the fallen one vanished leaving Rikke in the middle of a pitched battle. Thankfully she had yet to be noticed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perhaps it was because Rikke wasn't used to the brittle and possibly sluggish movement the sand demanded, but unfortunately it seemed to ruin her plans. Before she closed the distance the Fallen one flew off a vile laughter echo'ing out around.

Rikke would quickly approach the demoness and look her over "Looks like someone needs a hand." she smirked, it was then that the fact Rikke had never actually seen her inner demoness hit her. She either used her body or Venises all along. Though undoubtedly Rikke knew this was her, the demon that caused her so much suffering in her life... and now she'd have to ally herself to her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra looked ever part a demon. Her eyes where a iridescent yellow, her hair fiery red and she had bronze colored skin. Small black horns poked threw the fiery hair and she had large black bat wings. The rest of her features besides the pointed ears and cock tail where the perfect form of femininity that the eyes could behold. Though currently she looked rather beat up and bleeding. Looking up at Rikke the demon scowled and a clear mental voice entered her head. "Fool get out of here before the troops see you. They have no loyalty to me and will turn you over to the master."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"They won't if they're dead." Rikke looked around the state of the battle keeping herself as subtle as possible. It was all dependant on how the battle around her raged on. Before making her next move Rikke glanced over her situation.

Whats the situation? Demon count? Their positioning? Their likely ranks?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The battle around her was utter chaos nearly twenty remaining soldiers battled it out with nearly that many on the ground. For the most part they seemed to be of the short Rikke had fought before thought the sheer number of them was intimidating. For the moment they where all to intent on fighting each other to notice Rikke. "Go before one side reaches an advantage Rikke we will speak again." With that Joldra struggled to her feet and began to stagger away her wounds preventing her flying. Looking about the battle was indeed winding up and soon Rikke would be faced with what ever victor was left.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just go with me! Besides I need to find the exit." Rikke wasn't new to the battlefield, even if she didn't hide chances are she'd remain unnoticed. Each battler too caught up in bloodlust and rush of battle.

A guide through this accursed kingdom may be invalueable. Though the longer she spent on the battlefied, the higher the chances the demons would notice, the rogue who was likely particulary high on their wanted list.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra just scowled at Rikke the mental voice in her head clearly holding some irritation. "I can't believe I lost to you. My presence would be missed and I would be found Rikke and your rescue attempt would end in a very climatic failure." With that said Joldra brought up a hand and summoned forth a gust of wind blowing sand all around Rikke obscuring her sight as well as hiding her from the soldiers. "Now go before the spell wears off you are heading the right way Rikke look for another window you can't miss it."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke narrowed her eyes at the winds, she didn't like this one bit. Then again the demoness may have a point... but if she was on the masters side of the conflict, then the cruel angel from before was on the sisters side?

With that thought fresh in her mind, Rikke would retreat for now. Dodging any glances her way and making it back to Janet, sliding along the sand and hugging the dune "She can't join us right now, but there should be a exit just ahead." the rogue turned to her friend "How about we slip by them while they're all busy and move ahed, hum?" she smirked confidently to the knight.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet nodded "Sounds like a plan besides they might just drop what they are doing for a chance at two sexy girls humm." With that the duo slipped around the dune Easily avoiding the fighting and resuming their previous direction. "So two groups of demons fighting each other. A fallen angel leading one group and that succubus leading the other? Are we in some sort of civil war Rikke?" Janet didn't have the knowledge or history that the rogue had experienced and it was up to her to fill her in as she chose. Soon however a faint outline in the distance revealed itself. Another broken wall but this one had a door with a window window above it. Nearby sat three lumps of sand. Rikke had no idea why they caught her eye.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully they had plenty of time as they bybassed the battle. Rikke would tell Janet about Joldra, the demoness that was bent on ruining her first and her reluctant alliance with her "If it means saving Jess, I didn't care... I just hope she'll stick the 'pact' ", she'd not explain who the master was, just mentioning him as an old dreadful enemy. Heck Rikke even had to continue the tale as they approached the window, briefly mentioning the sisters and then the civil war she had learned about.

"But I imagine this will only work to our benefit. Hopefully both sides will be too busy fighting each other to notice us." the rogue smiled casually "Who knows maybe the enemy of my enemy, will do most of the job on both sides for us."

Well the lumps did stand out... The rogue looked to Janet, stopping their advance. It was best to be cautious, the heroine drew one of her throwing blades and threw it directly at the middle lump.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine

Rikke's dagger flew true a glinting streak of steel in the sunless but bright desert. Its impact sounded with a wet thud followed by a screech as the lump of sand shuddered and shook. Watching from a distance Rikke saw the mound rise off the desert floor before a long wicked looking tail rose above the still sand covered mass. Black chitinous plating started to poke threw the sand as well as two nasty looking claws. Just as Rikke realized what she was seeing the other two mounds began to shake as well. "Shit giant scorpions!" The creatures screeched their tails waving their giant claws clacking. The one Rikke had hit was totally free its large eyes locked on the heroine as its numerous legs moved towards her. However the creature only made it a few steps before it fell to its belly dead her shiny dagger sticking out of its head. However the other two where up and out of the sand and would not be caught off guard by Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You've got to be... kidding me!" Rikke looked to the scorpions of all things rise from the sand, their tails dripping with venom "Kill 'em before they get a chance to act!" even as they rose Rikke was already sprining forward. thankfully scorpion attacks were fairly easy to guess even if they were quick!

The rogue would swiftly dodge the attack and slice off the tails ending, before lunging forward and piercing the oversized insects carapace!

Lightning Strikes!
Desperate Avoidance (6EP for 12dodge!)
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks with lighting strikes! All hit (three 60 + rolls will do that)
Three hits for 105 damage!
Janet attacks! Charging in with slay! 51 will hit
86 damage!

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 39/45, Status = Fine

Rikke quickly dashed across the sands her blade glinting in the light. Her first strike was indeed the tail which severed to easily. The creature screamed as it shuddered its tail spewing noxious liquid as it flailed. Still feeling inspired by the battle Rikke quickly lunched thrusting between a section of armored plate. Pulling free she the creature fell to the ground her last strike would be wasted. However Janet had crossed the sands almost as fast yelling "FOR THE GODDESS!" Her blade raised above her head came down in a crushing stroke that severed the scorpion in two. Looking about Rikke saw no more enemies to hassle them just the shifting of sand from the wind.

Before them sat a ruined wall with a door way and another window which showed the same blizzard as before raging outside. "Hope Venise has taken shelter that's once fierce looking storm." Janet stared up at the window as the wind howled. Faintly ever so faintly Rikke thought she heard laughter on the wind though it was hard to tell for sure.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the beasts slain Rikke pulled out her blade and flicked it off the goo "Eww~.." she shuddered strongly, before resheathing her blade. Her eyes locked over the very imposing creature, the massive venomous tail, the sharp claws and scittering legs "...still not as bad as spiders." the rogue turned aside and approached the window.

"She's smarter than she let's on. I'm sure she's fine." the rogue turned to the knight and smiled "Come on, let's get out of this darn desert. She carefully placed her hand on the handle and turned, silently opened the door peeking inside before entering.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The door opened to a stair well filled with demonic graffiti and crude images of succubi in very compromising positions. "Wow these demons don't hide their desires do they?" Janet looked over the writing and images before shuddering a moment. "Up or down Rikke?" It was a good question the stairs went up and down from where they where currently so it was her choice. Up seemed moist and the smell of stagnate water filtered down the stair well while the steps that descended had a waft of sweet perfume from flowers mixing in a rather gagging effect in their stair well.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was no chance the sisters kept themselves in separate floors... not at such distance! "Up." while the hints were clearly none too inviting, Rikke had little choice "Chances are Jess's at the top of this thing... and we don't want to be caught by demons from the outside coming to visit." she nodded firmly and followed the stairway up... to wherever it lead.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Choosing to head up Rikke started on the stairs to find them slick with damp making them treacherous to climb. Still it seemed only Janet was having to much difficulty but eventually they reached the next landing. Sadly the way up seemed to end forcing the duo to either enter the swampish looking floor they where on or to head back down. Suddenly her amulet sparked to life "Rikke be careful on this floor many hidden dangers lurk here. The swamp extends for for 3 floors of this cursed tower. and beyond that I have no idea what to expect."