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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I do...?" Rikke looked to the angel quizingly, before looking a tad more sad "Maybe it's cuz I'm lonely here... you're the only one thats not keen to abuse or use me..." the girls tail coiled around her leg, her wings pressing down against her back until...

The moment their hands linked the rogue would look to the gentle touch and oddly enough suddenly remove her hand from the link and re-place it again to restore communication "Sorry, I have someone else, Janet." It was then the idea hit me "Would you like to meet her? Jessica? Maybe I can find her for you!" a whole new enthusiasm ignited in the rogues eyes as she quickly looked around.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling away from Janet Rikke found no resistance though a surprise look did cross the angels face. Though it quickly faded as Rikke placed her hand back to communicate once more. "Oh Im sorry thats not what I was trying to do, besides everyone should have someone. I would love to meet her. Where is she?" Losing connection again as she looked Rikke spotted a set of giggling laughter off in the distance. She would have to get closer and leave her friend behind to see however. Taking a few tenative steps away from Janet Rikke looked threw the dark to find the sisters laughing and giggling fawning over someone or something that was hidden from her view.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't get dragged up by anyone and wait here 'kay." Rikke smiled widely and got up looking around "Jess!" the girls voice cried out into the dark, unfortunately for no answer "Jessica!" Rikke once more called out, but seemed to grow much sadder at the silence "Jes--" it was then Rikke noted the apparitions. Though they were barely seen, somehow she knew those would be the sister. But just what exactly were they so gleeful about...

The succubus frowned to herself and glanced back to the angel motioning for her to wait, before dashing to the shadows. Rikke was in control here so subtelty was hardly needed. Still not being overly loud, the rogue flapped her wings and flew over to investigate.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Taking to the air to investigate Rikke soon saw that it was indeed the sisters. Looking closer she could see a shinning silver bubble at the center of the group. Vaguly she could make out a red haired red winged woman huddleing inside it. No wonder Jess didn't answer her she was protecting herself from the sisters. Seeing her lover Rikke was nearly overjoyed and saddened at the same time. With the sisters here Jess couldn't hear her and their where far to many to fight. Not to mention something seemed off. The sisters while here where seemingly not a the same time almost transparent.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Too many, too few it didn't matter! Rikkes eyes widened the moment she saw Jess in peril, the succubus quickly turned her palm only for a hilt of a blade to appear in her hand. Its form and features mimicking beauty identically "Get! Away! From my Jessica!" her vocie would seemingly reach the area the same time her attack did! In this place Rikke had little to no reason to hold back and it would show, her movement only accentuated by her wings and overall form. Rikkes already deadly signature attack, would grow all the more dangerous here.

Stealth flight into stealth Lightning strikes. Strike at the nearest 3, 1 attack each.
Desperate avoidance at er... 5? Or does she have unlimted EP in here? Then ya. Unlimited EP to desperate avoidance for immortality ;D
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Boiling with anger Rikke failed to notice the subtil changes to her apperance. Her wings grew larger taking on a more meancing apperance. Even her tail looked far more wicked. Greeting her teeth which developed some pronouced canines she flew with anger lashing out at the sisters who simply disperced with each blow. Striking fast and swift Rikke soon disperaced all of the sisters leaving her to view Jess. Inspecting the still intact magical barrier Rikke could see her lover huddled eys closed, only then did she see her altered reflection.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the oppressors gone Rikke would instantly calm down and with a few gentle steps approach her lover "Jess...?" honestly so focused on Jessica, Rikke didn't even notice the changes at all.

She'd try to gently place a hand on the barrier and smile to her lover "Jess... I'm here." if the touch didn't work she'd try to knock on the surface.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Calming down now that the percived threat was gone Rikke felt and saw the changes to her body revert back to her normal playful self. Speaking or even touching the bubble did little to stir Jessica it was almost as if she had sealed herself away. "HA silly whore do you really think she can hear you? My Jessica was always a clever girl. Its a shame she didn't turn out right. She would have been one of my more powerful minions." Feeling a cold chill as well as a spike of arousal Rikke turned to see the Master in his full glory. "Now come here little whore and please your master!" This wasn't like the sisters at all it was almost if he was here right now. A spark of defaiance rose in Rikke only for it to die fast as she found herself stepping forward her body not responding to her will. Closer and closer she was getting her body starting flush with arousal and the masters cock hardening before her eyes. Suddenly a flash of light errupted infront of Rikke like a brillent wall of light as her friend from below had reached her. Janet held both hands up projecting energy threw the barrier.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That voice! Rikkes eyes narrowed as she turned back only for a massive stomp to announce HIS arrival "You..." the girls voice while silent rang with undeniable disdain towards the demon. The chill would a goose bump across Rikkes back, before seemingly dispersing across her body, her heart skipping a beat, her whole body feeling a clear spike of arousal almost making her weak at the knees. The Master once more made his presence known!

"Guests aren't the ones to make demands." the succubus licked her lips looking to the fairly well known cock slowly take form "But I'll make an exception this time." each step was placed in front of the other, her hips swaying with clear lewd interest, slowly but surely the succubus approached the greater demon "This time, let's make it last MUCH~ longer." she'd giggled darkly as she neared him only for a sudden beam of light to cross her path!

Turning away briefly the light seemed to push some of the darkness from Rikkes eyes as she looked onwards. It was Janet... well at least the Janet she had imagined? Be it driven by mischief or by sheer need to escape right at this moment. Seizing the moment of clarity Rikke would jump to the angel and hug her "Let's go!" she smiled widely, hopefully the breach just made was enough to slip to the other side!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Step after sensual step Rikke drew closer her visage changing again her features morphing into even a more lewed form. The suddenly a flash of blinding light forced the girl to look away from the master. Head clear Rikke made a choice. Diving into the pool of aluminated water Rikke heard the master yell in defiance before the burning sensation over took her once more.

What had she done this... this was killing her. Panic seized Rikke as she tried to struggle back up only to have a firm hand grab hers and pull her closer. Janet her friend someone who would mean her no harm. The angel version of Janet beat her wings pulling Rikke forward and with her till she broke the surface once more. Her eyes where greated with a dazzleing starscape with lights brighter than she had ever seen. Slowly her head cleared the water as a strand of auburn hair drapped in front of her eyes. A few more pulls from Janet and Rikke's torso cleared the water allowing her bright feathered wings to streach once more. "Come one silly help!" Looking down Rikke found herself dressed in a loose white robe modest in it accents but elegent in design. Half of her was still stuck in the murky dark water though.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well this was new. Rikke looked curiously over herself, the burn seemed to fade away leaving her in this? Well she was no longer nude, but the pure white cloth due to it's silky and excessively thin nature did little to actually hide her bountiful features "Come on silly help!" still dazed by what was going on Rikke blinked curiously and looked back, noting the barrier seemed to change her from demonic to angelic... wait.

The girl suddenly tensed up, her lower half was still on the other side... with the horny and likely pissed Master! "Eeep! Help! Quick!" the burn suddenly didn't seem nearly as bad compared to fucking or worse the Master could possibly do! Herself pushing back against the barrier and Janet pulling under her shoulders hopefully soon enough Rikke broke through.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With a heave and a great flap of her wings Rikke pulled herself out of the water landing on her friend. Free from the murky water the first thing Rikke noticed was she had no tail quickly followed by the fact she was untop of Janet who was blushing but not doing much to push her way. Freeing her self from their tangle she was able to get her first proper look about this realm. As before it was starlite with each star far brighter than the normal ones. Still other than that it was rather flat much like the other place. However in the distance Rikke saw somthing break the surface of the water, a familar shaped bubble.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With her pull-through successful Rikke quickly looked up to where she came from. Whether anything or if anything had changed...or well quite frankly how did it look from this side of the globe.

"Jess?" Rikke would look to Janet and grab her hand "You wanted to see her, so come on!" thankfully she was used to flight by now and with the change, she felt significantly less mischievious on her possible plans with Janets... representation? Either way, unless Janet resisted the two would quickly close the distance and near the mysterious orb.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Leading Janet to Jess Rikke found her in much the same state as before. Eyes closed huddled together in a protective position. "She must be trying to sheild herself from the bad ones." Janet reached a hand out and touched the sphere. "I don't think she can hear us." This brought a frown to her face but it quickly turned to a smile. "Im so glad your here! You looked so lonely down in that dark water."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum? Well it's fine up there. Just the public can be a tad lacking in social skills." Rikke snickered and winked slyly to Janet before returning her gaze to Jessica "Why can't I reach her?" the angel placed her hand on the globe sadly. Was there truly no way even she could reach her? There had to be a way, why would she be here in the first place then.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet furrowed her brow. "Maybe if the area seemed safe she would relax her guard?" Janet looked about fluttering around. "Though Im not sure how to do that."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Safe?" Rikke looked to Janet and then Jessica. When have those two felt safe? Thinking briefly Rikke would only smile gently and close her eyes, only to reopen them in a small camp. Her angelic appearance was gone, replaced with her old armor Jessica had made. Her long hair had returned to its previous shoulder-length cut.

This was the very first camp the duo had set up together, not too long ago after they've left the Pesli manor on their first adventure "Jess do you remember this?" thinking back Rikke could only smile. It was the time she tested out Jessicas traps.

If Janet was there as well, the girl would also loose her angelic appearance and be put in simple, but beautiful armor. Rikke would get up and go near the campfire. Making sure it still burned brightly "I'll go fetch some wood 'kay?" the rogue smiled mischieviously and went off to the nearby woods.

The whole scene was a memory, Rikke would look both ways as she eagerly searched out for the previously mentioned materials. Only to spring one of Jessicas set up traps and end up one leg in the air and she herself hanging helplessly... then again who'd make the same mistake twice, especially when she knew.

Rikke springs the trap. It was their first camp together and Jessica came to help her down. It was also one of the warmest and brightest nights the two spent together.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As if plucked from her memory the area around Rikke changed to the camp they had set up their first night out together. Though it was slightly diffrent everything was sharper and brighter. Janet seemed to have vanished though. Speaking to the shielded Jessica Rikke waited for a responce but didn't get one. Forcing the issue Rikke moved to a well known trap she had triggered before. Still the surprise was very real as her leg was swept up and her body hung upside down. For a moment Rikke feared Jessica wouldn't react and she would be stuck here. But then a familar shap came out of the darkness. Jessica looked at the sight and grinned. "I must be dreaming again....." Heading over her lover apearing much as she did the first time they had met came over and helped Rikke down. It was hardly the same as before as Jessica had teased Rikke for falling into such an easy trap. This time however her succubus lover pulled her close and hugged her once the trap was gone. "If only all my dreams where as sweet."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eep!" a moment later Rikke was hanging upside down a branch... that was one tricky to spot trap! Still some time passed, but no one seemed to come. Rikke looked on to whatever direction she could clearly hoping for any sign. Thankfully in here little had negative effect, though just as Rikke was about to give up hope a familiar voice reached her ears "Jess?"

Indeed seemed her lover came, not as illusion as her somber and nostalgic eyes clearly hinted. It was her! Though unlike as previously Jessica teased her about it... including making good use of a feature the succubus herself installed on the rogue this time, Jess wanted nothing more to just hug Rikke.

"Jess..." Rikke kept the hug, though as she leaned out her appearance was back to what she looked like now. Her hair far longer, though keeping its auburn undyed tone "I finally reached you." Rikke grinned widely, though not changing the enviroment they were in.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess seemingly held her tight hugging what she thought was a dream. "Is this all I have to hope for now passing dreams of my Rikke." Jess's voice was loaded with sadness as the succubus held her close. "I know your still out their Rikke our bond is connected but it seems so far away." There was a dull ache in her lower back where the ring of roses that her lover had tattooed on her lay. For a few more moments Jess lay in Rikke's arm taking in her scent. Soon my sisters will be back to pester me.... how long can I resist them...... It would be so easy just to give up not to be lonely anymore." The area around Rikke darkened a little almost responding to Jess's changing mood. Off in the distance a sudden flash errupted and the clang of steel reached her ears.