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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Darn it! What were these rocks made off?! Keeping her sense sharp, the failed attempt at the very least slowed her descent down a fair degree, leaving only one more stop like the two before! After that if need be she could potentially stop herself via other means.

"Careful Yenna!" though as she descended down, Rikke could see both of her companions up ahead... and the rocks near Yennas wings started to grow worrying. Still with the two of them and Janets... 'own way of slowing down' her companions should be in the clear soon enough. It was only up to the rogue not to fall behind! "Here goes nothing!" with she once more looked to a chance to use the rope, this time with a bigger noose.

Keep Desperate Avoidance at 4 EP
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke trys to slow herself 55 vs 60 fail
Janet trys to slow herself 69 vs 60 sucess

Rocks attack.
Janet is safe and stopped sliding
Rikke auto dodges due to her dodge score
Yenna 52 vs 58 miss

Janet has halted her slide 4 success
Rikke 3 sucesses attacks vs her are now use 45 body
Yenna keeps diving after Rikke attacks vs her are now use 55 body

Janet contuned to slide her armor sparking in the darkness catching Rikke's eyes as it suddenly dissapeared. Worried about Janet Rikke missed her next rope toss sending her speeding up and narrowly missing a nother nasty looking rock. Sliding past Janet she heard her friend call out. "Rikkeeeee! Quick Yenna get her!" Not halting her dive Yenna changed course luckly missing a couple extremely low hanging rocks.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately Rikkes worry for her companions may have made her underestimate her own situation! The larger noose coupled with the momentum from the slide made the rogue flatout miss her toss "Oh crap!" noting Janet already stopped and the rogue coming in fast, she could only cry out "Gang way!" as she slipped right past her!

Swinging the rope back to Janet without any weight would prove useless now! Rikke instead the reduced the size of the noose and looked to how much of the slope was left, if there was still decent way. She'd try to latch onto the rock or perhaps throw Yenna the noose, though if there was little distance left. She'd brace for impact and halt in a much more painful manner.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke 63 vs 60 success

Rikke has stopped sliding
Yenna 58 vs 67 fail she takes 19 damage

Speeding down the slope Rikke looked down only to note that the slope ended abruptly. It was now or never. Flinging her rope once more Rikke snagged a strong rock imidiatly stoping her slide. Yenna however was not so lucky. Dodgeing one rock only lead her to hit another which echoed with a sicking crack and a yelp of pain. Like a sack of rocks Yenna fell to the ground her wing limp as she slid off the edge in the darkness.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hearing the impact Rikke wasted little time to kick off the rocks and lunge after her companion. Making sure to keep her slide as speedy as she could, Rikke would continue down as far as the ropes coil allowed. Thankfully her night eyes allowed her to keep track of the angel. Hopefully the impact and the angels position behind her gave the rogue a big enough chance to reach her in time!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly Yenna's course had her all over the place leaving little chance for Rikke to intercept the angel. Still she managed to at lest see where she fell. Below her the cave opened up into a large depression. Bio lumicent plants and fungus seemed to glow in its depths and Rikke could hear the echo of water down there as well. Seperated however from Janet and now Yenna it would be tricky to link up with each other again. Janet above and Yenna below. What issue would she apporach first.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke reached out with all her might, but not only was she too slow to catch up with the speedy angels body, the rope was far too short for her to reach "YENNA!" looking to the angel descend Rikke winced with clear frustration at her inability and gripped the rope with both hands, before looking up "Janet! Are you okay?" with the angel down for the count Rikke could at least make sure her knight was alright.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im good if in a tight place.... are you okay? Did you get Yenna get you?" Rikke could see Janet from where she was and indeed her perch was rather percarious though with effort the night could make her way down to her level.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I am, but Yennas hurt, I could get to her in time! I'm going down there asap! I'll leave the rope so you can follow down aswell! Be careful!" Rikke would take out the second coil of rope and while sitting on the stone she latched on to would bind the two coils together and keep a strong grip slowly descend down near the borbed... gods if there was no water or it was a rocky fall, Yenna may have...

Shaking the dark thoughts aside Rikke approached the ending of the slope and looked down. The rope in hand keeping her from falling or slipping off the edge.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Tieing her ropes together Rikke heard a few stray rocks scatter down around her. "Y-yeah careful.. I got it..." Janet sounded less than confident. Still she couldn't waste any more time. Sliding to the edge Rikke looked down only to see giant mushrooms scattered around the rim. Yenna could have easily hit one of them on her way down. Looking around some more Rikke saw one raining its glowing spores to the ground as if it had been struct by something. Still with the mushrooms in the way their was no telling where the ground was. Deciding what to do Rikke heard a not so encouraging noise from up behind her. *CRACK!* "No no nono no SHIT!" The sound of scapping metal greeted her ears and was soon followed by Janet sliding off to her right and falling hitting a large mushroom only to have it bend over with the weight sliding her into a nother mushrom and so on till she dissapeared from sight. "OWW!"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet! You okay?" honestly it seemed almost comical, but only if her friend didn't get severely hurt by the fall "How hard is the fall?" before attempting to do anything else Rikke would find out if the fall wasn't extremely risky to take.

If Janet gave her a clear on possible descend via mushroom bounces Rikke would look over the mushrooms and spot one that she could directly aim for. With the path in mind she'd climb up and redo her coils of rope properly if needed cutting off the little amounts of rope the knots demanded.

"Here I come!" trying to keep her slide as slow and controlled as possible Rikke too would begin her slide down and off the edge! Falling right to the large mushroom she picked!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahhhchooo! Ugh.. Im okay Rikke.. just so much dust." Well she knew it was surviable. Fetching her rope Rikke had it coiled around her agin and let herself slide. Picking up a little speed she soon sailed of the edge right onto a large mushroom. Glowing spore errupted on impact but the soft squishy fungus stopped most of her momentum. Still it started to bend slidling Rikke to another mushrom and so and so till she hit bottom. Glowing blue spores rained around her like snow as she sat on rather soft if damp dirt. Getting up she looked about as the spores settled in her hair and on her skin and cloths. Looking at her self it seemed the spores continued to glow highlighting her form. While they didn't cast light they would still be noticible in the dark.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was a surprisingly fun little landing. The rogue smiled contently and tried to brush off some of the spores that settled about her body, but with the continious rain of them from above it was hardly of much use "Janet!" Rikke quickly recalled where the knight landed and went to inspect her.

Spores had indeed accentuated the girls body, the dim glow from the spores would quickly create intricate light lines across the smooth leather. Hopefully these stupid things weren't some sort irritant that's going to kick off later.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im okay Im okay." Soon enough Janet was making her away around a large trunk. She seemed to have just as healthy of a spore coating as Rikke. Though with her metalic armor they cast tiny reflections off the shiny bits. "Okay my bums a little sore but we should look for Yenna. I think tha way right?" Pointing behind Rikke Janet started to move out the spores making her form stand out in the twilight of the cave.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah I saw a disturbed mushroom right where she slipped off. You catch your breath, alright?" Rikkes looked to Janet firmly and smiled, before heading out to find Yenna "Don't wander off!" Janet had to have trouble to breathed after the ruff and tumble trip down here, not to mention the landing aswell... however Yenna was badly hurt when she slipped off. The impact may have worsened her condition even more!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Y-yeah Ill do that. Tell grumpy that I hope shes okay." With that Janet sat down undoing the straps of her breastplate which had been dented sevearly from the fall. Heading off in the twilight Rikke saw little rodents which glowed the same as the spores running to and fro as she moved. It didn't take long for Rikke to find Yenna as the girl seemed to be unconscious. Inspecting her Rikke could tell she was breathing. Getting closer she could see her right wing had been broken and would need to be set to heal properly. The rest of her seemed to be fine if coated in a blanket of glowing spores.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't help but wince at the sight of the broken wing, seemed Yennas speed truly worked against her this time. Still, while no expert Rikke did manage to inspect the fallen angel for injuries, after she brushed aside some of the spores covering her. Thankfully just like Janet and herself, the mushrooms had all but nullified the otherwise harsh fall down.

"She's over here!" choosing not to move the angel Rikke called out to Janet to join up here. Only now the rogue sighed with relief and stood up to actually properly look around where the heck they ended up at.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Inspecting the area waiting for Janet Rikke took note that the giant mushrooms seemed clusterd to the ridge and she recalled from her previous height that the middle looked empty. Kneeling down she saw small streams heading to the center of the strange forest. Perhapse a lake or pond. But if there was this much water the whole area should be a giant lake... unless there was an outlet. A moment later Janet showed up her undershirt haveing collected a fair amount of spore as she moved threw the area. On her back was her breastplate battered and dented. "Ohhh that looks bad Rikke.... We are going to have to set it."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Y-yeah." thankfully the trio had plenty of medical supplies and since there were no branches about Rikke would lend one of her daggers as a temporal mean if need be. Making sure Yenna was fixed up, the rogue sat down on the mossy ground and looked up to the slowly falling spokes. They appeared as if dimly alight snowflakes or a fireflies, continiously falling down to cover the area.

"Hum..." the problem was that all three of them were slowly, but surely exposed to more and more of the unknown matter. In this realm, this could be far worse than Rikke could even consider. The rogue took her necklace in hand and attempted to contact her other dark ally 'Yoldra, on our way to the swamps we've encountered a small grove of giant glowy mushrooms... do you know anything about them?'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mushrooms you say.... Humm not sure never encountered them before." That wasn't much help. Meanwhile Janet was next to Yenna inspecting the wound closley. "Yenna... Yennna. wake up... Yenna wake up." Slowly the fallen angel's eyes opened up qhich was quickly followed by a wince. "Your wing is broken we'll have to set it okay?" Gritting her teeth Yenna nodded as Janet moved to set the wing. Grunting in pain Janet set the bones her battifled first aid the only healing expertse they had. Getting to work Yenna sat in silence wincing as Janet worked. "Next time Im just going to let you all fall to you doom."