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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That was of no help indeed... Rikke sighed lightly before hearing the commotion behind her "Hey! You're awake!" the rogue ran up with a huge smile and knelt down nearby "Don't scare me like that, if it wasn't for these mushrooms who knows what would've happened." Rikke would assist with whatever was needed, making sure Yenna was treated the best the duo could manage.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna would blink a moment in shock before turning her head away. "Ill be fine as long as this cow dosn't make it worse." Janet frowned and pulled a bandage tight causing Yenna to yelp. "Oh to tight sorry..." This only caused Yenna to scowel more. Of course Rikke had good reason to smile. In the moment of confusion she was sure she saw a hint of blue behind those red eyes. "There you should be good to walk. The next question however is where to?" Meanwhile a small gathering of rodents came to inspect them. Each glowed like the spores but seemed to chitter at the intruders. To Rikke they seemed simialr to squrils or chipmunks.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue could only snicker at the duo, before standing up and looking around "Well with a broken wing we're not going back up there." she'd turn to her company "Only other way is going further down this place and hope for an exit." in other words, forward from the fall.

Ofcourse Rikke did note the cute little spectators inspecting the intruders in their itsy bitsy lands "Hum~ looks like we gathered some interest." she'd snicker playfully, while they were adorable this was a demonic realm. The fuzzballs were just as likely to be cute innocent critters, just as much as they were scavengers, looking to feast on anything that didn't survive the rocky slide down.

The rogue winced at the thought, but here anything was possible "Hey lil' guys. Mind leading us out of this place?" the rogue would ask jokingly and unless in a sudden shocking turn of events they spoke, the trio would continue onwards.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The little critters parted as Rikke and crew moved on not speaking just staring. "Disgusting creatures." Yenna struggled to her feet and began to walk following Rikke. Janet meanwhile followed soon after in their wake. Looking back it seemed the rodents stayed in the shadow of the big mushrooms. "Well this should be intresting. I wonder if these leads to another cave or back out into the swamp." As they moved forward they soon game to slightly boggy ground which tried to suck their shoes in. "We must be near a large body of water."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Walking through the grove Rikke all too eagerly looked all around. Honestly she hand't seen anything like it. The huge mushrooms towered all above them, slowly snowing the glowy spores giving the whole area a misty look. It was actually pretty beautiful, until... "Ew... Yenna, you've been to the swamps right? Does this look like it?" Rikke looked to the rapidly changing terrain with clear dismay, looked like they just found out where all the water had been going "Alright, everyone hold hands. If it grows to er... sinky. We backpedal." thankfully Rikkes shoes were more than safe due to their semi-thigh-high nature. Janets and Yennas shoes though were up in question.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet would be fine her boots where made to travel and had sufficent height to avoid all but the deepest unpleasent muck. Yenna however wore only sandels. "No Rikke this is not the swamp though if all the water is gathring here it might lead to it." Janet looked at the muck. "Perhapse if we circle this area we can find a dryer location to explore after all the water seems to be running right threw this area."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well sinking into bog water was something Rikke certainly would've loved to avoid "Hum~..." before going deeper the rogue looked around, perhaps there were some sort of visual cues that could point to more solid ground. Afterall when they arrived the terrain was fairly solid if mossy, perhaps the boggy area had little to no mushrooms growing in it where the more solid grounds had the huge mushrooms? Whatever the case Rikke would look for any such cues before choosing what to do next.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed there was plenty of much smaller mushrooms but no large ones. Perhapse the soil couldn't support the weight. However their was plenty of biolumincesnt moss growning all all around. "I agree with Janet we should flank this area and look for dryer ground." Picking a direction Rikke soon found herself on much firmy if slightly inclining ground. Here the mushrooms seemed to space out more and while there where fewer of them they we just as big. Well this was an improvment for sure though as of yet they hadn't found any indication of an exit. "Rikke look....." Moving her eyes over Rikke saw a rather large skull with vines growing threw it. It was easily double the size of her own and was huminoid in shape. Two horns jutted out of the now empty skull indicating the creature to have once been a demon.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The big mushrooms!" Rikke smiled widely as the idea hit her "Let's try over there." with that idea the rogue turned right and just as suspected found her group on firmer ground once more "Still have your slippers Yenna?" the rogue grinned teasingly at her, likely much to the angels disapproval, but she couldn't resist.

The rogue turned forward a giggle of pure mischief still escaping her, when Janet made a certain discovery. Rikke blinked at the sight and approached it, looking over the humanoid skull "Looks like we weren't the only visitors to this place..." this was no simple demon grunt, the skull was far too large for the shmucks Rikke brushed aside so many times already... thankfully whatever it was, it was dead now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hummm hes been here awhile." Yenna sounded unworried about the discovery. If any of them looked closer they would notice little claw marks and even teeth marks. The vines threw the skull where dried and dead haveing been ripped away from another location it seemed. "So what about the big mushrooms?" Janet looked at the skull a moment longer before catching up to Rikke and Yenna near one of the fungi in question. "Ohhh look a those...." Turning her head to see what Janet was talking about Rikke saw a small vally full of human sized flowers. They where pink instead of blue and seemed to pulse with lgiht in their petals.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Only upon closer inspection did Rikke note the dead wines, though for the time being this just seemed like an oddity "Hum..." still whatever the case having steady ground beneath their feet the trio could continue onwards.

"Ha~" Rikke smiled widely upon seeing the humongous flowers and grinned widely to her company taking the lead as she went through them "Flowers can't grow without sunlight right? I bet this leads to the exit, come on!" hopefully the scent of the wonderous field was up to par to the sight!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Normally yes Rikke but this is a magic realm. I doubt....." Rikke walked a bit father. "Funny where did Yenna go Rikke?" Janet was walking alittle way behind her looking confused. "Did she leave in a huff over something... I was busy looking at the flowers so I didn't see."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What?" Rikke blinked before looking back "Yenna!" the rogue called out with some concern and quickly backed up towards the exit out of the field "Yenna!" the girl looked to Janet "She wouldn't and couldn't just disappear, we have to find her. Maybe something happened!" still Yenna was a angel with all the power that came with it, not to mention there was no sounds of struggle or the like. Something was up...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception 39 vs 40 fail.
Janet is confused

"What do you mean she up and dissapeared? Theres no one around to take her." Rikke scanned the area only seeing flowers and tall mushrooms. The flowers still glowed with their bio lights though some had closed up slighlty. Maybe disturbed by their passing. The mushrooms continued to rain down spores. Still Yenna wasn't at the edge of the flower field. "Maybe she tripped in there. Im gonna check." Janet walked in her sword drawn just in case.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

If she wasn't on the horizon that meant... Rikke quickly looked up to the flower blooms "Yenna, are you up there?!" likely there was no answer... "Janet, wait help me up. 'kay?" by now the rogue was really worried, in fact it even sounded like Yennas sentence just went silent.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Flower attempts to grapple Rikke. auto sucess as she climbe right into it
58 vs 0 silly Rikke
Rikke is grappled
Ristance check vs aprodisiac and posion
30, 44 vs 28 and 43 success

Janet eyed Rikke's intentions and gave her a boost. Upon Reaching full height with the flower it suddenly sprang to life snatching Rikke. Sadly she had little room to manuver given her position and she was soon encased but the petals. A muffled cry echoed outside of the now pink lumincens prision she found her self in. Pollon filled her nose and sweet necter carresed her skin.

Janet gasped as the flower ate Rikke. "What the hell.. Goddess help us." Suddenly she found herself surroned by numourus potental threats. Taking her blade she tried to force open the flower. Rikke... Rikke please be alright!"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Desperance! 3 EP for 6 resistance!

"Eeeep!!" before she knew it Rikke was encased inside the flower, moments before the flower closed the rogue only managed a yelp and a half-cut "Jan---".

Trapped in the flower, the plant began it's work the sweet nectar quickly filling up and basking the girl in the weakening nectar. Knowing better once inside Rikke would not open her mouth at all cost. While the restraints were hard to escape hopefully Janet would cut the darn thing down!

As she felt her body grow warm and weaker from the nectar, Rikke almost felt herself slip before reinvigorating herself with even more fervor to resist and escape the prison! Reaching for her blade was going to give this thing the worst case of indigestion it ever had!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 34/45, Status = Fine

Grapple to attack! 53 vs 66 fail
Resitance check vs Aphrodisac and posion
39, 37 vs 29,40 pass and pass.

Janet attacks auto hit
59 damage plant is dead.

The sweet smelling goo began to pour forth making Rikke sticky wiht its sweetness. Still she would not submit, not when she was so close to getting Jessica back. Unfortnatly the confines of her prison wouldn't let her draw her weapon. She had to get out she had to. Feeling the flower vibrate she realized what Janet was doing. One two three strickes and Rikke's world began to turn. With a sudden crash and flood of nectar she was able to move freely. Sadly on the death of the flower it stopped glowing.leaving her in a world of darkness of her own.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly got out of the prison, absolutely soaked in the nectar and gasped for air. While she was slightly stickier than before, at the very least she gave off an exceptionally delight scent... the rogue gave herself a mental stare down for that thought and quickly gathered her wits.

"Jan-, t-thanks... We have to get Yenna out of one of those pods asap!" Rikke shook the lingering effects off and properly stood up "Cut down the ones that are closed... I'll be there in a sec." she'd pause briefly to catch her breath from the escape and shock of the little mishap.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Plant attacks Janet 53 vs 50 hit. Janet is grappled and put in a pod

Climbing out of the flower Rikke gasped for breath. Looking about for Janet all she saw was the knights sword on the ground. "No......" All around her where flowers up in pod formation. They had gotten Janet too now Rikke was alone. Well not exactly some of the rodents from before bounded up to her in a hopping manner and licked at the necter on the ground.