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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled kindly "Guess when you caught her, she registered you as a guardian... or mommy." the rogue grinned wickedly, her voice all too gleeful about the tease "Besides my fan-club already consists of several kitsunes, a slime girl, several nymphs, succubi, a weed and a fish. Time you kicked yours off." obviously the rogue wasn't taking this seriously at all right now as her grin made it quite obvious.

A particulary happy sigh later Rikke would take the matter a dash more seriously "I'll go check on Yenna, we can decide what to do with Mika, when our guide wakes up."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girl in question started rubbing her head against Janet holding her tight leaving the knight flushed from embarrisment and from where the girl was rubbing. Giggling to herself Janet moved to look at Yenna who was still out for the count. This did give her some time to pick off some of the dried sap residue from her which looked strangly like the stuff from the pods.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oh there was little question in Rikkes mind this was the product of some creature captured and kept by the flowers. By the looks of the armor possibly a goblin. Still Mika actions were quite interesting to say the least "I wonder what she's doing. If she was feline I'd say she's trying to rub her scent into you." Rikke hid a giggle at the situation, before looking to Janet "But if she's part humanoid, part plant... I'm not even sure."

It couldn't have been the sap, Rikke and especially Yenna were absolutely covered in it as well, just like with whatever remained of the spores from the nectar bath. The rogue would likely just have to shrug it off as admiration "Still..."

Rikke looked around briefly and to the flower field "I suspect Mika is not the only one of her kin. Where are the others?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Refusing to stay and be fondled by... Mika Janet hugged the girl back and told her to stop gently. The girl looked up at her a moment before repeating the word stop. Smiling she started saying it nonstop much to Janets dismay. "What is that aweful racket." Yenna stirred a moment trying to get comfortable. "Oh gods what did you two find now." Kneeling down next to Yenna Rikke checked her over more explaining as she would though it was mostly just a repeat of events. Her true thoughts where on Mika. No doubt Rune would be all a buzz trying to figure this out. But with out the kitsune mage to help Rikke was left with her own thoughts on the matter. It had to serve as some sort of cocoon. Transforming its captive into a Mika like creature. The others though what of them there had to be more right? Though it was a distict possiblity that she was the only one out of this batch and their may not be others to find.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Welcome back." Rikke smiled kindly Yenna, sitting not too far ever so casually as the stops echoed from nearby "By the looks of it, we found what happens if the flowers have their way." the rogue looked to Mika casually, the rogues legs swaying back and forth "You alright? You were trapped far too long in there."

After explaining what had transpired, hopefully no longer to the 'stop' chant from nearby the trio could continue "So now we're stuck between trying to pass that field again or going through the shrooms." Rikke paused as likely Mika let loose a whole new sounds "And we have no idea what to do with Mika as well."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would not be so lucky as stops turned to no and shhhs. Yenna winced at teh increasing sound. "Just ki....." She stopped and winced a flash of blue threw her eyes. "Just leave her behind." Yenna moved to sit up her wings till broken. "We should keep moving their has to be an exit or this whole place would be a giant lake."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the wing with slight worry "Still no go on flight eh?" she'd ask with clear empathy, honestly from Yenna she expected a far worse answer. Perhaps it wasn't just her imagination afterall "Leave her?" the rogue turned back to the duo and laughted lightly at the sight "I'm not sure that's an option Mika will give us."

"Hum? Logically, the water should lead us to the swamp levels. Since this should be some sort of alternative path to it." Rikke sighed "But logic rarely holds up in these realms." the girl looked to the possible paths "Still cutting our way through the flowers could take too long and gods forbid one of them manages to nip either of us." turning to Yenna she'd continue "You good to walk?" Rikke would hear out the answer with a genuine smile and call out to Janet "Janet! Mika! We're moving onwards. Come on."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Y-yeah but my head is still foggy." Struggling to her feet Yenna leaned against the mushroom causing a new cascade of spore to rain down on the four of them. Mike looked up laughed and danced and twirled under the falling spores her nude form obvioulsy of no bother to her. Moving on Mika skipped and danced around Janet occasionly bringing her a shiny rock or glowing tiny flower bud. Janet of course still looked confused about what to do with this sudden affection. Eventually after an hour or so they found a lake. Normal sized lillies seemed to grow in its calm waters even though they glowed with the same lumincessecs around them. "Well heres the water now wheres the exit? Yenna frowned "Weve missed the meeting. Ill have to tell the troops to wait one the attack. Rikke can I barrow your Mirror."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey, we can wait a bit longer." Rikke smiled encouragingly to Yenna, but knowing the angel she'd insist they'd continue "Then we'll take it slow. No arguments." seemed the nectar did quite a number on Yenna, still this unforseen detour kept costing them more and more time, time they didn't have in spades.

"Doh~ Screw magic." Rikke harumphed at the sight of the lake. Of course it didn't lead down to the swamps, that would've been too... logical. "My mirror? Sure." Rikke would carefully remove her mirror and lend it to Yenna. What meeting?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna scoweled at Rikke. "To plan our insertion as the troops attack." Nearby Mika mimicked Yenna's expression causing Janet to giggle. Taking the Mirror Yenna gave each of them a death look before walking off to speak privately. "Humm well this water is very still so I doubt this is the place we want exactly, but it should be a great place to camp humm." Janet smiled at Rikke as Mika moved to hug her again. "CAMP!" Janet moved to shush Mika who only stared at Janet and smiled.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would cross her hands as Yenna aimed to skulk away "And where are you going?" she'd smirk confidently "If I'm going to lead us onwards, I'm on the need to know basis, Yenna. No secrets." unless Yenna had an absolutely amazing argument why Rikke shouldn't hear the conversation, Rikke would absolutely insist, not even considering the option of being left out. Death gaze or no.

"Hold on, camping. We need to find out whats our situation first." Rikke smiled to her knight and her pet, before turning to Yenna "So shall we?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna waited for Rikke her face an expression of annoyance but she waited. Once she had settle things with Mika and Janet she would return to Yenna's side. "My Mistress Jessica I need to speak with Mistress Amber." Imidiatly Jessica came to the mirror. "Let me talk with Rikke."

"But Mistres"


"Of course."

Yenna handed the mirror over to Rikke looking annoyed once more but not saying a word. Jessica was in a rather concervative dress for her usual taste but still has eye catching as ever. "Rikke.... What is this I hear about you helping my sisters? Its incredably dangerous.... Especially with you know who as the target."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would absolutely light up hearing Jessicas voice and take the mirror keeping the warm atmosphere "Hey Jess." the girl smiled kindly that cheerful smile of hers "Well they're helping me, I'm helping them. Afterall, you know who is our mutual enemy. Besides we have a deal." Rikke paused and looked to Jessica curiously "You weren't told?"

A few brief exchanges later Rikke would continue on the more on-course discussion "We're near the border swamps with the Masters realm, but er... we're kinda lost now. Could use some direction from..." the rogue looked to Yenna "Amber, right?" she'd inquire "Don't worry about a thing Jess, I'll do it. I'll beat the Master and you'll be out of that room in no time!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It turns out Jessica had been told but she didn't like the arrangement. Still Rikke had to press for the information they needed. Sighing Jessica went to call on her sister and unless Rikke had something to say to Amber she could hand the mirror over to Yenna.

"Mistress you have to delay the assult. We got seperated from the path and trapped in a cave system. We are currently trying to find a way out but for now we need the armor to hold."

"Such a bother Yenna. This delays our plans greatly. I was hoping to have a victory feast in a few days time. Very well I shall send the message contact me once your free of your cave. Ta ta!"

Meanwhile Janet and Mika sat next to each other apparently talking in hushed tones. She was a quick learner and was speaking fairly fluently with Janet though she still stumbled on larger words.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would of course blow a goodbye kiss to Jessica before allowing Yenna to transfer the message "See that wasn't so bad." the rogue snickered lightly, while keeping smile. Giving the stuck up Yenna a pinch on her ass, the rogue would turn to deliver the news to her knight "You're part of our team now remember? We're all in this together."

"Mika~ Janet." the rogue approached the two with a casual, though exceptionally alluring sway "The good news is there doesn't seem to be any complication from us being late." she'd lean forward to the two, perhaps getting to chat with Jessica and Mikas silly antics inspiring giving Rikke a clear spring in her step "The bad news is... we still have no idea where we are or how to get out."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna gasped at the action and scowled at Rikke before talking with Amber. Heading over to Janet and Mika Rikke heard Janet reciting an old child song to Mika who was mimicing the words. "Mika?" The girl pointed to herself "Mika?" Getting the affirmative nod from Janet Mika started off on a little tangent. "Mika mika Mika MMMIKA mika mika mika MIKA! "Heavens help us. That girl is gonna be crazy to deal with."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mika?" Rikke giggled and nodded with Janet "Mika." which quickly spurred a spazout from the wild girl "It's like Sylphie all over again, except Mika's a bit more... vocal." the rogue smiled to Janet nostalgically, before quickly catching herself almost imagining Janet as Jess.

Rikke would wait for Yenna to return, before they planned their next course of action "I guess it depends, is everyone still feeling energetic?" of the three Rikke lost the least amount of energy from the flowers, with Yenna weakened the most. Even if her angelic resilience helped her shrug it off, it had to have taken a toll. Janet was in a similar boat aswell. The choice whether to move on was more or less on the two companions votes and arguments.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While Mika went off on her tanget Janet sat and thought. "I say we camp for the night and get some rest. The fall and all this walking has to be wearing all of us out even grumpy guss over there."

"I heard that cow. But I agree. Its hard to admit but Im not fully up to snuff yet. So we should rest just keep that .. thing quiet for the night."

Janet pulled a face at Yenna as she handed back the mirror. Well it seemed her companions where all for a stop but in the end the final choice was Rikkes.

"Grumpy grumpy grumpy guss COW!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at Mika as silence fell throughout the trio, before the rogue bursted out laughing, much to Yennas dismay. Shaking off the moment the rogue smiled brightly and made her decision "Alright, then it's settled. Let's find some slightly dryer ground and set up camp."

All too happily Rikke approached Janet and whispered to her ear "I think Mika should learn sorry or the like, before Yenna throws her into the lake." she'd giggle leaning out from the whisper and lead the trio or well temporal quartet to set up a proper camp.

There was no sign of any wild life minus the critters, so setting up the traps was hardly needed. Not to mention likely turn the rope way too soggy for any later use.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet herelf had surpressed a giggle as Rikke whispered to her. Yenna just narrowed her eyes and turned sharply away.


"Camp camp camp campa camp pamp camp."

"She really likes that word...." Janet sighed "This is gonna be harder than I thought."

A moment later Janet got up and headed over to the excited Mika who had no idea what camp was but rather enjoyed the word. It wouldn't take to long to find a mostly level location that was dry enough to set up camp and soon three sleeping area's where present. Yenna of course was the furthest away from Rikke, Janet, and Mika. Janet's bedding had been expanded a little as Mika refused to sleep by herself almost crying when Janet tried to seperate their sleeping arragnments. Rikke herself had many choices to where to sleep but placing herself near Yenna would just make the fallen angel move away.