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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would open the door and smile to the man "Got your message. Selina is inside with Rune and Rhea, they're treating a wound she caught." she'd watch him enter "And you can lose the act, everyone gets tried from time to time." the heroine smirked knowingly to him. Unless Saul objected the two should head to Selina, perhaps the girl had some information to share.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Upon hearing that Selina had been wounded Saul quickly moved towards the infimary with Rikke hot on her heels. "Do you know what happened?" Saul sounded concerned but not overly panicked. Perhapse it was the training that let him sound calm. Explaining what she could Saul would nod as they entered a very steril looking room similar to the one that Rhea had her confined in after their first encounter. Inside was Sel bare chested save for a small white papersheet that did little to hid how cold she was. Rune meanwhile was pulling out chunks of medical foam and inspecting the wound. She had a mask over her face hiding her features but the same kind eyes whe knew back in her time sparkled as she worked. Though this Rune was much older clearly a woman. Large C's sat on her chest contained by her labcoat and surgical gear. Even her pink fluffy tail had been wrapped in some sort of net to keep it from flinging hair eveyrwhere. Sel meanwhile smiled as Saul approached and giggled making a silly face as he approached. "I see they got you sedated." Sel nodded "Oh wow the room is full of sparkles!." Saul looked at Rune with an eyebrow raised. "I had to use Lillaium everhthing else is out of stock." Saul frowned "Thats gonna make her loopy for hours." Rune looked up at Saul. "Well if you hadn't been so generouse with your supplies we might of had somehting not so over kill. You know how elves react to our pain meds." Saul put a hand on the back of his head and sighed. "Im gonna get a drink." With that the man began to walk out leaving Rikke to do as she wanted.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well the rogue felt more alien here in this room, than anywhere else inside the realm. Here she was some strangers, among other complete strangers as they resolved an issue likely only loosely related to her... still this was hardly the time to look lost, she needed a reputation to uphold!

"I take it she won't be able to think straight for a few hours?" she'd look to the far more grown Rune, while the kitsune kept some of her charm, seeing her as the much smaller exciteable pink bundle of fluff was significantly cuter... the pink on a grown woman seemed a dash odd even!

Nodding at the answer Rikke would go chase after Saul before the man drank away his worries and his wits along with it "Saul, wait!" the rogue would do her best to catch up "Whats going on?" it was a simple question with a likely very difficult answer.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune nodded an affirmative to Rikke's question before she chased after Saul. Catching the man ans asking her question he sighed. "DeGravel knows Im hiding something and he wants to know. I can't say that I blame him he is after in charge of internal security." The two walked in silence a moment before heading into a lounge area that was like a bar. Oddly enough it was fairly empty save Ida in a classic if questionable barmaids outfit. Seeing that it caught Rikke's eye Saul spoke again. "There's a place up in King's Coast called Nico's all the girls wear this." He sighed "Such a wondeful vacation spot wish I could spend some time there again." Getting a drink he had one poured for Rikke to. "Thankfully he didn't find out anything but his concern seemed almost genuen. I know hes a bastard and he has to deal with the underworld far to much for me to ever trust him absolutly but I really do think he cares for the nation. Maybe its for his sisters sake. I don't know.. but I know I need his resources and information network more than ever." Saul looked at Rikke a moment his eyes evaluating her. "I want to tell him about you but I won't do so without your permission."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke crossed her hands "Saul, 8 armed goons rushed the room I was sleeping in at the hotel, looking for me." she'd lean forward "Barely 6 hours after I arrived there mind you. If your inteligences doesn't know about me, but someone else already does in such detail, mind you... DeGravil is either lieing or someone really messed up in DeGravils unit." sure it was fairly rude, but it was the truth "And before you ask, they weren't fans. Unless 'That slut' is a synonim for "Our grand heroine' in this realm."

"But speaking of DeGravil. Do you know of any recent captives? Likely tightly associated with magic." Rikke would look to the man hopeful "Someone has captured a very dear person to me in this realm, I suspect my arrival is linked to it."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul sat a moment swishing the ice around in his glass. "Not that Im aware of. The only reason DeGravel dosn't know about you is because of me. And hell the only reason we found you was the fact we where testing a new magic detector. Imagin our surprise when the thing shoots off the scale. I thought one of the demon mages had manged to get past the barrier we errected." Saul leaned back a moment. "Eight goons humm.. maybe the demons finally got an agent into the city. Though to make such a move.. you must be a high value target. The question is if we found you on accident how did someone find you on purpose...."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues eyes perked up the moment Saul mentioned a demon mage "A demon mage?" she'd suddenly lean forth, her reaction almost interupting the man as he spoke "Saul! My lover was a demon! Does she have red hair? Is her name Jessica?"

She'd look to the man "She could be why I was sent here... Saul I need to see her as soon as possible!"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "No all the ones we have encountered have been male." Going back to his drink the man thought a while longer. "If your from the past maybe the demons detected your arrival. That could be why they acted so soon. If thats the case they will probably reknew their assult on nest soon." THe man looked at Rikke. "Its all to much of a coincidence. The nest has been acting strangly for over a day now. It must be connected." Getting up Saul brought his arm up and used the communication device embedded there. "This is Saul send a Phantom to pick me up as well as several quests." A few nods and words exchanged caused Saul to frown but eventually he sighed and ended the communication. "Okay Rikke we are going on a trip tommrow. So please the place is all yours to explore. I have some buisness to attend to with Rhea and Sel. Ida can tell you about the various attractions and amenities you can use."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well at the very least the rogue certainly felt well watched over, though with her freedom limited by the four walls again most certainly didn't quite sit well with her at all "Don't overwork yourself, 'kay?" she'd smile to the drunkard, before letting him go on whatever he had planned.

A whole day to just splurge about... The heroine approached the mana sculptures summoning ring "Hey, Ida. Saul said you can inform me about what 'Various attractions and amenities' are on offer around here." indeed what WAS on offer?
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Once more Ida sparked to life and smiled at Rikke. "Hello Ms. Rikke. Julie's Rest has many fine faclities on offer. The nearby forest has much to offer in regards to bike trails and hikeing. I hear the ruins in the woods are a spectacular sight. In house faclites include a private movie theater as well as a resturant and suna. Indoor swiming faclities are top notch and include a water park for the kids. Of course with the proxcimity to the lake recreational boating and skiing are on offer as well as small beach and fresh water swim area." Ida moved one hand over with a slight crook in her arm to bring up a listed display for Rikke to see. "Sadly some faclites may be understaffed as we are currently not fully open untill the 15th."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While most of the activities sounded like grand fun, after her brush-up with the goons there was something else the rogue wanted to test out "Ida, is there a combat training room?" she'd smile confidently to the mana statue.

If the area proved to have no such grounds the heroine would sigh deeply "Well... I might as well go see the shrine, can you give me direction?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ida stood a moment thinking it seemed. "No such faclities present." Rikke sighed when she heard Rhea speak up behind her. "Ida access code Alpha Delta Omega Golf." Ida flickered "Input accepted access granted." Rhea smiled "Activate underground traning faclity combat operations." Ida flickered "Access granted." A moment later one of the strange metal doors along the wall opened up with Rhea moving right to it and stepping in. "Well you comming?" Heading over Rikke saw a single rather small room. It was perhapse big enough for 10 people to stand in if they packed in real close. "Come on hurry the door will close soon." Rhea reached out and pulled Rikke in the rogue having little choice in the matter as Rhea's grip proved to be as strong in this time as in the past. Once inside however Rikke saw a metal pannel with numbers written all over it. With this Rhea pressed a button called service twice before entering in a series of numbers and one letter 2,3,3,1,3,2,G. With that done the kitsune gently took Rikkes arm and pulled her close. Smiling Rikke wondered what she was up to when the room suddenly shook and felt like it was dropping. Rhea seemed calm about it but Rikke felt odd for sure. The feeling of falling while being stable just messed with her stomach. Still the decent was short lived as the doors opened again revealling a hallway made of some sort of brick. Stepping out Rhea lead Rikke to a room that had a sparing mat seperated by a wall with class and what looekd like a gun range.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well someone was either pushy or particulary excited, heck Rikke didn't even quite grasp where the Kitsune popped up... was she peeping in on her as well? "Rhea~ Where's the rush" the heroine giggled following the girls lead, until finally the end result appeared "Not magic huh?" she'd smirk and shake her head, for all this to be mortal-made... it was just an ungraspable idea.

The rogue leaned on her right foot, confidently resting a hand on her hips "You always this pushy with your guests? Hum?" Rikke glanced around the area, noting the gun range "I assume you people rely purely on guns." she'd glance sceptically to Rune.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I-I just want to see you in action is all. And no we don't solely rely on guns. It is the more common weapon now adays however we do have some hand to hand combat as well as weapon combat." Rhea walked over to a pedistol and pressed some unknown buttons generateing several mana sculptures devoid of features. "When your ready just shout activate training.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue snickered at the girl in a warm fashion "Well alright, let's start it up." after seeing the dancers at Sauls, Rikke was pretty much certain that this would use mana sculptures as well... and just like that the expected opponents appeared.

"It won't be like hitting air will it?" the heroine drew her blade and stepped forward with a confident sway, her hips moving in a fairly accentuated manner "Alright, let's see what your training is like... Activate training!"

For the moment Rikke barely expected a challenge using only her basic, if signature technique.

Lightning strikes!
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The glint of excitment in her eye Rikke dash forward and struck the first mana sculpture which immidiatly turned red and faded away. Thankfully Rikke felt some resistance to her strike so it didn't throw her balance off. The next strike ended in a similar manner with the the third trying to parry her attack with a mana knife only to fail as Rikke pushed threw and ended the session. The voice of Ida spoke "Round over." Rhea stood a moment smiling. "Heh lets see..." pushing a few more buttons Rikke heard Ida speak again. "Setting change near lethal setting." Looking up Rhea waited Rikke. "Ready?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was all over in 3 seeming lightning strikes, heck looking to the battle Rune could barely even catch the heroines lethal motions as the mana sculptures instantly turned red and broke apart.

To rogue it felt more like hitting ghosts, while there was some resistant to keep her balance, compared to the clash upon armor this was barely noticeable "Humph~ Well that was a bit too easy." Rikke turned back and walked closer to the starting location "Can't you make these things just a bit tougher? I need to shake off some rust." she'd grin with both cheerful and confidence as Rhea tinkered with device.

"Near-Lethal? Alright..." the heroines eyes sharpened as she took a much more serious stance "Let's give this a spin." Rikke would go much more seriously now, even slightly stressing her body with her extreme motions! But she needed to retest her limits!

Lightning strikes
+ Battle Dance (+12atk roll/dodge; -4hp self)
+ Sudden strikes! (stealth check; applies -10 dodge/atk roll/atk damage. -6 stealth)(if success deal DOUBLE damage)
[Stealth attacks ignore armor]
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just a secound Rikke Im making the final configureations. Im gonna base it off a charcter from one of my favorite books!" A few moments pass as the device Rhea is using beeps and boops. Suddenly a another mana skulpture appears a good distance away from Rikke. It was female and about her height. She wore battle robes though in a style Rikke hadn't seen before. More importantly she carried a katana. A warrior from the east Rikke had never encountered one but their skill and weapons where legendary. This one seemed armed to the teeth but her arms didn't seem to slow her down. As the skulpture came into life Rikke noticed it had dark purple hair and blood red eyes. She was small of body but so was Rikke whch meant little. Though she was rather small in the chest compaird to her. When it was all said and done the skulpture looked almost real. Looking at Rikke the mana woman put a hand on her blade.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue relaxed her stance and looked to Rhea with a smile "Favorite book? Whats it called?" be it Rhea was entranced to get the opponent just right and remained quite or not, soon enough her new opponent appeared.

"Eastern?" the rogue smirked confidently and stepped back into the ground, the girl most certainly fit the eastern warrior types, except for her oddly colored hair and eyes... purple hair? Had the woman dyed it? Or was the change in color much more related to the heroines own.

"I'd bow, but I doubt the illusion would react." the rogue already had her blade drawn and with clear confidence in every step approached the woman, making her enter a much more combat ready state. The rogue herself taking a stance as well, she'd smirk to the girl steady her breath "It's only fair I honor your heroine, Rhea."

Rikkes eyes sharpened as she spoke, before tightening the grip on her sword. Just as planned before the rogue would not go easy, this was a test whether the realm hurt her combat prowess or not.

Lightning strikes
+ Battle Dance (+12atk roll/dodge; -4hp self)
+ Sudden strikes! (stealth check; applies -10 dodge/atk roll/atk damage. -6 stealth)(if success deal DOUBLE damage)
[Stealth attacks ignore armor]

Desperate avoidance for 5 EP; +10Dodge
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke 7 vs Holo 8: Holo wins!
Holo uses Death from draw with Lighting Strikes and Battle dance (first round only)
3 attacks at +63 hit d12 + 36 dmg +12 dodge (72) -4hp per round ignoring av
64,65,70 vs 64 Parry, Hit, Hit 58 damage (-20 from near lethal setting -10 armor)
Holo perception vs stealth: cannot succeed
Rikke's sudden strikes ignore armor
81,83,71 vs 65 hit, hit, hit 178 damage ignoring armor (except natural)

Its called the Kitsune and the Samurai!” Rhea smiled as Rikke took a stance and like that she dashed forward her eyes sparking slight purple as her body began to move in a new but some how familiar way. The eastern warrior quickly met her charge her blade clearing her scabbard in a motion almost to quick for the eye thankfully Rikke had her blade out and met the first strike with a parry. Both of them moved in a blur a similar fighting techniques clashing in a test of arms. Rikke proved the faster of the two as she landed three quick blows each striking a mortal blow. Her first was to the warriors side and would have felled any lesser person. Still she didn't get away unscathed as the woman brought her blade down on her shoulder though Rikke felt it was softened quite a bit. Spinning away from the blow Rikke quickly altered her blade as she spun around the fighter her weapon sliding into the girls exposed back. Feeling a warm sensation in her middle Rikke looked down to see the katana sticking into her middle. Had it been actual combat both of them would be dead. Stepping away from the mana sculpture which had ceased to move Rikke watched as it slowly faded away into sparks.

Wow Rikke way to go! You won even though I cheated a little! I made her faster than normal and made the first blow you land not count even thought it would have ended the fight for sure.” Rhea clapped as the the last bit of light that made up the Samurai began to vanish. For a moment Rikke thought it smiled at her before it was gone completely.